At what age are infants considered in the clinic?

Baby Day - what kind of day is it?

The day when babies under the age of 12 months are received is called infant day. Every clinic has such a day. They did this on purpose to limit the babies’ contact with other children, who are usually not healthy, because they don’t just come to the clinic. On such a day, a routine examination of children who live in the microdistrict where the clinic is located is carried out. In the first weeks after discharge from the maternity hospital, the newborn baby is visited by a local doctor or visiting nurse, who monitors the development of the baby and how the mother cares for him. They give valuable advice regarding feeding, bathing, and communication. After the baby turns 1 month old, the mother can independently visit the clinic with him that is closest to their place of stay.

What to take with you to the clinic?

In order for the medical examination to pass without problems and inconveniences, you need to know what to take with you. First of all you need:

  • All children's documents issued at birth, especially at the first visit.
  • Diapers, if possible 2 pcs. if it’s cold outside - warm ones, at summer temperatures, simple ones.
  • A set of spare clothes.
  • A diaper or several just in case there is a line and you have to spend more than the planned time.
  • The most favorite toy for a child.
  • A pacifier, or better yet several.
  • For artificial laborers, a supply of food and water. The mixture must be freshly prepared.

Some pediatricians recommend taking drops with you to rinse your nose. After all, different children visit the clinic, and in order to avoid infection, you need to rinse your nose from time to time while standing in line.

Centimeter test for a child

In addition to measuring the head circumference of a small child, you also need to understand how tall he is. If a baby who can walk is easy to measure, then a newborn is measured in a special way. On the pediatrician's table, which resembles a pelinal one, there is either a ready-made scale or a long ruler, possibly a measuring tape, is attached. It doesn't matter what exactly. The child is placed in such a way that the highest point touches the horizontal crossbar, then one leg is aligned as much as possible and the length indicator is recorded.

When is it better to cancel a trip to the doctor?

You should not visit the clinic if your baby has a high temperature. You also need to cancel the trip if little time has passed since your child caught a cold. The immune system is weakened, relapse is possible. The same applies if the baby feels unwell for one reason or another. In this case, it is better to call a doctor at home. Baby Day at the clinic was created for the convenience of mothers. It is better to visit with your baby on this day and leave the house early.

Currently, a baby is considered a child from 1 to 12 months - according to medical parameters (from birth to 1 month - a newborn). I specifically recently clarified this information at a children’s clinic (being the grandmother of a 12-month-old girl), since in my time it was a little different. Why this is so, I don’t know :-) PS If they talk about mother’s milk and the child’s independent refusal to breastfeed, don’t believe it :-) Nowadays this is not an indicator: unfortunately, many babies are bottle-fed almost from birth !

Traditionally, in the CIS, an infant is considered to be up to one year old.

And according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, it is advisable to breastfeed a child until the age of two.

Breastfed means breastfed. It would seem that everything is simple and logical, but... Is it possible to call a child who is already three years old and still breastfeeding “breastfed”? I think no. And in general, everyone is fed differently - some for up to six months, others for several years.

A child up to a month is usually called a newborn, but from a month to a year is called a baby. It’s even written on our therapist’s office: “Infants (children under one year old) are accepted out of turn.”

Apparently, it is generally accepted that up to a year, a baby’s nutrition is mainly based on breast milk, and after a year, various complementary foods become dominant, although they do not exclude breastfeeding.

Moms, at what age should children be taken to the clinic to see a pediatrician ONLY on baby day?

Early neonatal period

In the early neonatal period, which lasts one week from the moment of birth, not only the baby’s introduction to the world occurs, but also the first contacts with the mother. The baby's actual appearance may differ from the image she imagined. This is due to the physiological borderline states of his body.

To read: Taking Asparkam during pregnancy: why is it prescribed to pregnant women in the early stages and in the third trimester and how to take it?

Skin tone

A child’s uneven and uncharacteristic skin tone may be due to:

  • erythema,
  • vascular response to external conditions,
  • jaundice.

Erythema is redness of the skin with a bluish tint. It usually appears on the feet and hands. The cause of erythema is a sharp change in ambient temperature: from 37° in the womb to 20-24° in a hospital room. In addition, the water environment familiar to the child is replaced by an air environment. Erythema is not a pathological condition and does not require treatment. The baby's body temperature, general health and appetite are within normal limits. After a few days, peeling of the epidermis may begin in places of redness.

The physiological reaction of blood vessels more often occurs in premature infants during the neonatal period. It is a consequence of the immaturity of the vascular system. Its manifestations:

READ ALSO: manifestations of erythema in children

  • marbling of the integument, bluish spots,
  • uneven body color, on one part the skin is red, and on the other it is pale with blue, this happens after sleeping on one side.

This condition can occur within 2-3 days after birth. The child does not need treatment, but doctors are monitoring him.

During the newborn period, jaundice occurs due to functional liver failure due to its immaturity. The organ cannot neutralize the increased amount of bile pigment entering the blood. Normally, physiological jaundice, in which the baby’s skin acquires a characteristic shade, lasts about a week. In babies born prematurely, it can last up to 6 weeks. Yellowness of the skin that persists longer than expected is a reason to consult a doctor.

Milia and acne

The functioning of the sebaceous and hormonal glands in a newborn is not established. After birth, you can notice miles and acne on his face.

  • Milia are white spots that usually appear on the nose, forehead and cheeks. They occur due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. It is strictly forbidden to touch them. Milia goes away on its own within a few weeks.
  • Newborn acne is red pimples with a purulent white tip, similar to juvenile acne (more details in the article: acne on the face of newborns). They usually appear on the face, but can appear on the back and neck. The cause of acne in babies is an excess of maternal hormones in the blood and imperfect functioning of the sebaceous glands. They go away within 2-3 months. Pimples do not need to be treated. Careful hygiene must be observed. In addition, you can apply Bepanten cream in a thin layer once every 3 days.

During the neonatal period, not only the described physiological phenomena related to the normal development of the child are discovered. Structural anomalies, hereditary pathologies, fetopathies, and so on can be identified. The mother is required to pay increased attention to the child, which will help to notice deviations in physical and mental development in time.


— We were told up to a year. But as correctly noted above, the baby’s day is rarely observed in many places, it’s a shame, because sometimes you can’t get through to the doctors

- I don’t know until when, but these days everyone comes to us if you feel like it.

- Up to three years for sure!

- Probably since a year

- We have already been told to come to the next appointment any day!

- If not due to illness, then on baby day (healthy child day)

- This is not an infant day, there is no such thing, this is a day for a healthy child, for example, the eldest is very behind in vaccinations, the vaccination office is only open on Tuesday and Thursday, for us these are the very “infant” days, how one could get vaccinated , if he is older than a year, to put it mildly, and only after examination by a pediatrician? The “child under one year old” system can only work with tests

- Up to 3 years! After three years you will not be able to sign up for a baby day) but before you can, then go)

“In one clinic, different pediatricians say different things: they sent us away, but another said only to come on baby’s day. The girls wrote it correctly - Healthy Children's Day. I can’t understand it myself, it’s better to ask the local pediatrician (we just don’t have

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