The injection site turned red after DTP vaccination - what to do?

Is it normal to have redness?

The body's response to vaccination is most often insignificant. In this case, the injection site becomes red and thickens.

Fever, cough and gastrointestinal disorders are also possible. Thus, the immune system reacts to the administered drug and begins the synthesis of antibodies.

The body's response in the form of redness is considered normal. Such changes are caused by the fact that the tissue at the puncture site begins to swell.

The size of the discolored area of ​​skin can reach up to eight centimeters in size.

After a maximum of a week, the skin acquires a natural shade.

Doctors say that it is much better if there is a reaction to the serum than a complete absence of an immune response.

What to do if a tumor occurs

The swelling that appears means that the vaccine is working and has achieved its goal! Doctors, on the contrary, consider it strange if no consequences are observed - although, it happens, this indicates the baby’s strong immunity.

Not a single injection introduced into the body passes without leaving a trace. The introduction of microdoses of a bacteriological drug requires a response from the body, otherwise, concerns arise about the overly apathetic functioning of the immune system. The child will cry and scream, a high temperature will rise, the phenomena should disappear after a few hours.

It is painful for a loving mother to watch her child suffer. But it is possible to take action to alleviate the suffering.

We offer a number of options for action if DPT vaccination causes undesirable consequences in a child:

  • Massage (immediately after the injection) will help the fluid begin to circulate throughout the body without stagnating in one place;

    Massage after vaccination

  • Make compresses on the tumor site; do not use alcohol. For example, you can take a cabbage leaf and apply it to a sore spot. The leaf must be fresh and warm - in a boiled leaf, the main medicinal substances that help relieve swelling have evaporated; in a cold leaf, the substances will not pass to the stem;
  • Smear the area with special ointments (for example, Traumeel, Levomekol, “Rescuer”) and gels - the duty “Zvezdochka” will do. It is possible to make compresses from ointments, leaving the child on the leg overnight. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of ointment; those with an excessive warming effect can leave a burn on the baby’s skin.
  • You can give your child an antipyretic - Suprastin, Nurofen, Zyrtec, Zodak, Fenistil. Any antihistamine medication will help;
  • Do not forget to apply an iodine grid on the affected area - another good remedy on duty.

Some doctors advise giving medications until the consequences appear. The above applies to painkillers and massage performed immediately before vaccination. Usually, after preventative measures, symptoms do not develop. It is important to take an anti-allergenic drug - a negative reaction can occur due to allergies.

Antiallergenic agent

There is no need to take drastic action before consulting your doctor. Any action depends on the degree of development of the complication. Any measure carried out by the inexperienced hands of an amateur in matters of children's health can lead to bad consequences - in particular, to more serious deterioration. Just think about the child who will clearly be helped by a licensed doctor.

After the first vaccination, DTP is performed 6 times: until the age of 14 years. Often parents decide that after complications arise, it is better to go to a nearby clinic. Some mothers are even willing to pay money, but this makes no sense. The procedure is carried out similarly to the manipulation in the district clinic, the only difference is in taking Suprastin or Fenistil before the injection. Any parent can give these tablets to their own child.

For example, selected mothers practice a similar intake of Fenistil tablets: three days before vaccination, three days after. As a rule, the regimen reduces the risk of complications and significantly facilitates the process of spreading the substance throughout the baby’s body.

Remember, it’s not about the procedure, but about the reaction of the child’s body.

It happens that after the first vaccination there are no consequences. But this does not guarantee a similar reaction in subsequent vaccinations. And vice versa: a once swollen leg will not necessarily swell again. Do not be afraid of vaccinations - infection with fatal diseases is much more dangerous.

Is there anything I need to do?

If the redness around the injection does not exceed eight centimeters in size and does not cause discomfort, then no measures need to be taken. After time, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear on their own.

You need to be wary if there is a large red spot that provokes pain and a number of other unpleasant moments.

General recommendations

If the baby's injection site turns red after vaccination, but the red zone does not exceed 8 cm, there is no need to seek medical help. In addition, you should not use any ointments or lotions.

You need to do the following:

  1. Choose loose-fitting cotton clothing for your baby.
  2. Make sure that the child does not scratch the affected area.
  3. When your baby tries to scratch the injection site, simply stroke the red spot through the clothing.
  4. Do not give your baby a lot of food. Let him eat more often, but in small portions.
  5. During the first 24 hours after immunization, avoid walking outside.
  6. On the first day, do not bathe the baby or wet the injection site.

What can you anoint?

Troxevasin ointment will help eliminate redness on the leg. It should be applied to the affected area twice a day with gentle movements, which are performed until the product is completely absorbed. As a rule, such actions are performed in the morning and evening.

You should not use the ointment if you are allergic to its components, or if a rash or dermatitis appears. The very next day after using the local drug, a significant improvement in the condition of the skin is noted.

What you should know about vaccination

It does not give a 100% guarantee that the child will be protected from diseases, but if the above ailments occur, the likelihood of complications will decrease. For example, whooping cough can lead to pneumonia, a very dangerous disease. If vaccination is carried out, the body is rebuilt within a few days, and the baby may have an unpredictable reaction to the administration of the drug. To avoid complications and side effects, you need to follow the immunization schedule. Each vaccination is carried out within a strictly defined period. Before giving an injection, you should make sure there are no contraindications.

Preparation for the procedure

DTP is indicated for healthy children. Before vaccination, the baby is seen by a doctor and, if necessary, tests are taken. Before vaccination, it is not recommended to visit public places; the child should be protected from third-party contacts, thus reducing the likelihood of contracting the disease. The baby is not given vitamins or medications to maintain immunity. Depending on the state of health, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines, such as Tavegil injections, which are taken 2 days before the procedure. Learn more about preparing for DTP.

Nutrition should be monitored throughout the week and new foods should not be introduced. The last meal should be one hour before the procedure. As for drinking, there are no restrictions. If your baby is sweating before going to the hospital, you need to calm him down and change him. If there is an assumption that DPT will cause an allergy, tests should be done.

Cautions and contraindications

Despite its high effectiveness, vaccination has contraindications, each must be taken into account!

  • If a child has an immunodeficiency, vaccination is prohibited.
  • It is not done if the disease is in the acute stage.
  • Contraindication is individual intolerance to the vaccine.

Some children have neurological symptoms, in which case the doctor recommends ADS serum. If the baby is breastfed, the mother must control her own diet. You should not eat foods that can cause allergies in your child. There are cases when a new product is introduced into the baby’s diet before vaccination, after which an allergy occurs, and parents perceive it as a side effect. After the procedure, you need to stay with the child in the clinic for an hour. In rare cases, vaccination leads to anaphylactic shock. To avoid side effects, you must follow your doctor's instructions.

You should not go outside for 24 hours after the injection; at this time the body is still fragile, which means there is an increased likelihood of catching the virus. If your temperature rises after the procedure, you should consult a doctor. On the day of vaccination, it is forbidden to bathe the baby. If the temperature rises, you need to monitor how he behaves. Side effects may occur if the vaccination was administered for the fourth time. In this case, pain appears at the site of the compaction, and the temperature rises. Some children experience nausea and diarrhea. A characteristic symptom of an allergy is refusal to eat.

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Vaccination can have many side effects, but in most cases the compaction goes away quickly. If your temperature rises after vaccination, this indicates that your body is fighting germs. If the thermometer reaches 38 degrees, you should give your baby Paracetamol. Aspirin is prohibited! There are times when the high temperature does not go down, then you need to call a doctor. If the DPT vaccination site turns red, nausea and vomiting may occur—symptoms occur against a background of elevated temperature. For diarrhea and vomiting, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. The body loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration.

Possible side effects from the vaccine are drowsiness, nervousness. In some cases, the functions of the immune system are impaired. If your child is crying but cannot explain why, you should consult a doctor. What to do if the DTP vaccination site turns red? If no alarming symptoms are observed, you should wait 2 days. If other side effects occur, consult a doctor. Redness without swelling is a completely normal reaction. Some children develop a spot 6-7 cm in size. In some cases, no treatment is required and the skin recovers after 2 days.

The injection site is red and swollen

If the baby not only has a red spot, but also a swollen thigh or arm after vaccination, this is most likely an adverse reaction to the serum. If the swelling is small, then it can be considered as an immune response of the body.

You can also anoint the vaccination site, which is swollen and hot, with Troxevasin ointment..

In addition, the following methods will be effective:

  1. Lotions using novocaine. The gauze needs to be moistened in the solution and fixed on the leg. Thanks to this, the baby’s condition will improve and pain will be relieved.
  2. Cabbage leaf. It needs to be scalded with boiling water, kneaded well and after it releases the juice, applied to the affected area. This way it will be possible to eliminate inflammation.
  3. Iodine. Using a cotton swab, you need to draw a mesh at the vaccination site to help reduce swelling.

Adverse reactions

Any vaccination, including DPT, causes adverse reactions in the child’s body. Each parent decides independently whether their child needs to be vaccinated. Yes, the baby will not feel very well for some time, but will receive reliable protection from very dangerous ailments. To ensure that a side effect does not come as a surprise to you, find out in advance about possible options for the development of the situation.

So, the normal reaction of a child’s body to the DPT vaccine:

  • General weakness, drowsiness;
  • Temperature increase from 37.5 to 40 C;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Strong crying, hysterics.
  • Swelling at the injection site.

Adverse reactions, as a rule, occur immediately after vaccination or on the first day. If alarming symptoms were detected after 4-5 days, they are in no way related to the vaccine. To find out the cause of your discomfort, consult your doctor.


DPT vaccination is very difficult and painful. For children under 1.5 years old, the injection is given in the leg, since there is less fatty tissue in this part of the body than in the buttocks, and the vaccine is absorbed more quickly by the body. The injection site may become swollen, red, and painful when touched.

Such a reaction of the body is considered acceptable if the child’s body temperature is not higher than 38 C. The thing is that aluminum hydroxide is introduced into the muscle tissue, which contributes to the development of immunity to the disease, but causes a painful reaction. The suspension is stored locally, at the injection site, and immune cells are sent to the site of irritation and inflammation. The diameter of the redness at the vaccination site should not exceed 5 cm. If the tumor increases and the baby constantly cries, it means that a complication is developing. In this case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Swollen leg

Swelling after DPT vaccination appears in most cases. Doctors consider this reaction of the body to be quite normal. This means that the vaccine works and the child’s immunity is strengthened. Young mothers should be prepared for the fact that after vaccination, not only the baby’s leg may swell, but also the temperature will rise, general weakness and drowsiness will appear.

Unpleasant symptoms do not last long at all - 1-2 hours. However, the child endures this period of time quite hard - he is constantly capricious and cries. You can ease your baby’s suffering without much effort at home. To do this, use one of the methods below.

  • To ensure that the vaccine quickly dissolves in the child’s body, immediately after the injection, give him a light massage.
  • You can put an alcohol-free compress on a swollen leg. An ordinary leaf of fresh cabbage applied to the sore spot will quickly relieve fever and reduce swelling. Before using the compress, it is better to warm it up a little, so the active substances contained in the cabbage will penetrate the skin faster.
  • Before going to bed, lubricate your child's foot with a special ointment. An ordinary Asterisk or Rescuer will do, you can also use Levomikol.
  • If your baby has a fever, give him an antipyretic tablet. Be careful, use only medications approved for children, follow the recommended dosage.
  • Draw an iodine grid on the affected area of ​​skin.

To save your child from unnecessary stress, you can give him a painkiller tablet in advance, even before vaccination. Such insurance is not prohibited, and is even recommended by most doctors. Discuss any methods of treating your child in advance with the pediatrician and proceed with procedures only after his approval.

The appearance of a lump or compaction

In cases where the injection site is not just swollen, but a lump has formed on it, we can say that the changes are due to an allergic reaction, improper administration of the drug and an excessive reaction of the body to the vaccine.

The following tools will help you cope with the situation:

  1. Troxevasin ointment . Promotes resorption of the tubercle and suppression of pain.

  2. Aescusan . The drug is prescribed in cases where there is a side effect from serum entering fatty tissue. With its help, the blood circulation process is stimulated and the compaction becomes smaller in size.

  3. Fenistil . The medication relieves inflammation, reduces the size of the lump, eliminates itching and other unpleasant sensations.
  4. Traumeel-S . A remedy from the homeopathic group of drugs that can eliminate tubercles resulting from immunization.
  5. Heparin ointment and Vitaon . These medications can reduce the size of the lump and relieve pain. They act on a principle similar to analgesics.
  6. Tavegil or Zodak . Antihistamines are used in the presence of an allergic reaction. It can also cause lumps to appear. As a rule, rashes are also observed on the skin.

Redness and thickening: what to do

After DPT vaccination, thickening and redness are common. The lump can cause serious discomfort, causing the child to limp. If swelling and redness do not go away within 5 days, you should consult a doctor again. You cannot use ointments or folk remedies yourself, otherwise the redness will turn into an ulcer. If the lump is large, the doctor prescribes ichthyol ointment or Levomekol. If vaccination does not cause complications, the skin recovers after 2 days.

Sometimes the lump is pronounced and the baby feels pain on palpation. In this case, the temperature rises and other symptoms occur. A lump after vaccination indicates that infiltration is occurring. You need to wait a few days for the vaccine to dissolve. Swelling may be due to the characteristics of the body. A tubercle under the skin is formed due to the fact that the active ingredients enter the adipose tissue, but the DTP vaccination is done into the muscle.

The active substances of the drug can penetrate the subcutaneous tissue. If this happens, they resolve slowly and the swelling lasts for several days. The skin at the injection site turns red and swells. If the vaccination is combined with polio vaccination, complications arise. Allergies are observed, the temperature rises, weakness, diarrhea, malaise appear, and the child loses appetite. A painful lump at the injection site appears if the polio vaccination was carried out in parallel with the DTP vaccination.

A serious consequence of vaccination is an abscess. The complication is rare and occurs when an infection gets into the wound. A red lump with pus appears at the injection site. If a lump appears after vaccination and lasts more than two days, you should consult a doctor. If there is an abscess, antibiotics are prescribed.

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The swelling varies in size and the lump is usually located at the injection site. If it is large, the doctor prescribes medications that remove pus. In most cases, the skin recovers. It happens that vaccination leads to rashes and anaphylactic shock. It is necessary to carefully monitor the child for 12 hours. Rarely does the lump last up to 15 days. You should properly care for the injection site. Parents must ensure that the procedure was carried out in accordance with sanitary standards.

Redness appears after a day

As a rule, the reaction to the vaccine appears on the first day, but sometimes such changes can be observed only the next day. Their appearance is due to the immune response and the production of antigens.

Also, similar symptoms are observed when the doctor’s recommendations regarding the post-vaccination period are not followed.

Walking immediately after the vaccine is administered can cause problems.

Redness also appears if the child was bathed on the day of immunization.

To avoid unwanted consequences, it is extremely important to properly prepare for vaccination and follow all the rules that must be followed after vaccination.

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Following the doctor's recommendations and general vaccination rules helps to avoid most complications after vaccination. So, after DPT, doctors recommend not leaving the hospital for 45 minutes. The rapid development of allergic symptoms during this period is prevented by doctors as effectively as possible.

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There are other rules:

  • You cannot actively walk outside on the day of vaccination;
  • It is prohibited to consume foods that cause allergies (chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits);
  • if you are prone to allergies, give Zyrtec or Fenistil to your baby a day before vaccination (after consultation with a doctor);
  • After vaccination, the injection site is not wetted for 24 hours.

If you accidentally wet it, the child’s vaccination site may become swollen and red. In this situation, it is better to consult a doctor, since such a symptom when moisture gets in indicates the presence of an infection.

Doctors also recommend using simple recipes if the vaccine is swollen in a child:

  1. Iodine mesh. If the child has no contraindications, and the leg or arm is swollen after vaccination, apply a thin iodine mesh to the bump before going to bed.
  2. Fenistil or Troxevosin. The drugs relieve itching and irritation well and prevent the baby from scratching the vaccination site. Heparin ointment can be used.
  3. Alcohol-free compress. Use a fresh cabbage leaf as a compress. Apply it overnight and wrap it with cotton cloth.
  4. Rescuer or Levomikol. Suitable for eliminating itching and irritation.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that swelling and redness after vaccination are normal reactions that do not require intervention.

To prevent itching and irritation, it is recommended to wear loose, natural clothing on the baby, and at home to completely prevent the fabric from touching the affected area.

Redness around the injection site

The appearance of redness around the vaccination site is observed for a number of reasons:

  1. The serum contains aluminum hydroxide, which provokes such changes. In order for immunity to develop, the absorption of the drug into the bloodstream slows down. Due to this, similar symptoms begin to appear.
  2. The vaccine component, intended to develop a protective barrier to the development of whooping cough, is based on immobilized bacteria that cause this disease. They can provoke the appearance of similar symptoms.
  3. Penetration of serum into the subcutaneous fat layer. This is possible if the injection is given in the buttock or if vaccination rules are not followed due to the inexperience of the medical worker.

When you need a doctor's help

You should consult a doctor if the following changes appear in your child:

  • the appearance of a red spot exceeding eight centimeters in diameter;
  • pronounced pain syndrome, manifested by palpation of redness;
  • the baby cries continuously for three or more hours;
  • temperature exceeds 39 degrees Celsius;
  • the development of an allergic reaction is observed;
  • convulsions appear.

The occurrence of such manifestations is a reason to immediately contact a medical institution.

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