Using a syringe to relieve gases in a child: algorithm of actions

The text is presented for informational purposes only. We strongly urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor. We recommend reading: “Why you can’t self-medicate?”

A syringe is usually used for enemas in infants or aspiration of mucus from the nasopharynx in older children. Using it or a gas outlet tube to eliminate bloating or colic in a child is a last resort if there is no effect from gymnastics, massage or medications.

What is a gas outlet pipe for?

In children under three months of age, the microflora in the intestines is not yet fully formed, which is why various intestinal problems arise. In addition, air can get into the stomach during feeding and then the child begins to worry and be capricious. You can try a tummy massage, but if there is no effect, then try using a gas outlet tube. It will help you comfortably remove gases from the intestines and relieve your baby’s anxiety right away. It is also permissible to use the tube for constipation in infants, which is often also a cause of their anxiety.

How often can the gas removal procedure be performed?

The use of mechanical methods for the removal of excess gases in children (using a gas outlet tube or syringe) is allowed no more than 3 times a day with an interval of 4 hours between procedures.

Be sure to read:

Glycerin suppositories for children: how to use correctly + FAQ

More frequent procedures can lead to a decrease in reflexes and tone of the anal sphincter, that is, the intestines “get used to” not emptying themselves. This is fraught with the appearance of persistent constipation and clotting.

Vapor tube for infants, how to use?

When using the gas outlet tube for the first time, you need to study the instructions that are included when purchasing at the pharmacy. It is better, however, if the procedure for use is demonstrated by someone more experienced - a visiting nurse, another mother, and finally, you can look it up on the Internet. The main thing you need to remember is that you need to act very carefully, because everything about a child is very fragile and small and harm can be caused by inept use of the tube. You also need to know that the sizes of the gas outlet tube vary and depend on the age of the child.

How to install a gas outlet tube for a baby?

Before use, be sure to sterilize the tube by simply boiling it for 10 minutes or using commercially available sterile ones. Then do the following:

  1. Place the child on a table covered with oilcloth and a paper diaper, because feces may come out along with gases.
  2. For the mother, wash her hands, lubricate the tip of the tube and the baby’s anus with Vaseline or vegetable oil, previously boiled.
  3. A child up to six months old should be placed on his back with his legs pressed to his stomach; if he is older, he should be placed on his left side.
  4. Carefully rotating the tube, insert it into the anus, the smallest - to a depth of 1-2 cm, older than 6 months - up to 4 cm.
  5. If you cannot understand whether gases have come out or not, then you can lower the other end of the tube into a container of water, then you will see.
  6. After gases and feces begin to pass, carefully remove the tip of the tube and wait until the process is completed, without changing the child’s position.
  7. After everything, carry out hygiene procedures.

How often can I use the gas tube?

The gas outlet tube has no contraindications for use and can be used quite often, but you need to keep in mind that the baby’s body can get used to its use and become “lazy.” Therefore, it is still better to use it not very often, let the digestive system get used to working independently.

How to use a pipette instead of a gas outlet tube?

Some parents try to use a pipette instead of a gas tube, but this is still dangerous. Firstly, it is glass, and secondly, it does not have a limiter and you can insert it very far and cause damage. If you don’t have a gas outlet tube at hand, then it’s better to take a plastic enema, cut its bulb in half and use it in the same way as the tube.

Auxiliary options for getting rid of gases

Effective prevention of colic and bloating in young children is to regularly lay the baby on the stomach before feeding and 15-20 minutes after it, as well as massage the abdomen.

Bending the baby's legs at the knee and hip joints, as well as applying a warm diaper to the stomach can speed up the passage of gases. This helps to relax the smooth muscles of the intestine during spasms and enhances peristalsis.

Gas outlet pipe

Purchased at a pharmacy.
There are disposable rectal probes and reusable tubes, Apexmed and Alphaplastik. Indications and placement rules, such as when using a syringe. The only difference is the need to lower the free end into a container with liquid, which makes it easier to control the release of gases.

Read more: Using a gas tube for newborns


The following medications can be used to relieve bloating in infants:

  • “Espumizan”, “Bobotik”, “Sab Simplex” - based on simethicone, are allowed from the neonatal period. Contraindications: intestinal obstruction, individual intolerance to the active ingredients of the drug.
  • Duphalac is a lactulose-based laxative, more suitable for relieving constipation. Not prescribed for children with galactosemia, lactase deficiency, or intestinal bleeding.
  • Plantex is a herbal preparation that contains fennel oil and fruits. The drug is contraindicated for lactase deficiency or allergies to the composition. Despite the frequent prescription of Plantex by pediatricians, the drug has no proven clinical effectiveness.

Medications should not be given to a child on their own, but only after consultation with a pediatrician.

In continuation of the topic, be sure to read:

  1. Causes of bloating and increased gas formation, treatment methods
  2. What to do if your child is constipated?
  3. Rectal fissure: causes, symptoms and treatment of pathology
  4. What medications should I use for increased gas formation?
  5. Carminative drugs for adults and children: list of medicines
  6. Details about the coprogram: preparation, conduct and interpretation of the analysis
  7. Worms in children: how do they manifest themselves and what drugs to treat them with?
  8. Using dill water for colic in newborns
  9. Mucus in a child’s stool: causes and what to do?
  10. Herbs for the treatment of stomach diseases: selection and use of medicinal plants

Be sure to read:
Drugs based on simethicone: list of medications, indications and contraindications

Instructions for using the gas outlet tube

The instructions for use are necessarily printed either on the box or located inside it; you must read it. After all, the correct use of the tube determines whether you will harm or benefit the child by using it. The tube must be inspected and smelled before use. It should be soft and elastic and free of foreign odors. When purchasing sterile disposable tubes, check the integrity of the packaging. If you are using a reusable tube, be sure to boil it again before use.

Other questions about the gas tube for infants

When using a gas tube for infants, parents sometimes ask the questions below.

Can a gas tube damage a baby's intestines?

If you follow the instructions and are careful when inserting the tube, it is unlikely to damage the baby’s intestines. It happens that a child gets restless, does not lie still, spins, and then sudden movement can cause damage. Therefore, first calm the child down, and then proceed with the procedure.

The baby is accustomed to the gas tube, how to wean it off?

Frequent use of a gas outlet tube can accustom the baby to the fact that his digestive system forgets how to remove waste products on its own. Therefore, it should be used no more than once a week and only in case of increased gas formation and absence of stool for one to two days. To avoid such problems, the mother first needs to establish nutrition in case of breastfeeding. In addition, it would be good to stroke and massage the baby’s tummy clockwise for 3-5 minutes every day, sometimes warm the tummy with a heating pad or a heated diaper, bend and unbend the legs, pressing them to the stomach, follow the feeding regime, try giving dill water. All these measures will help normalize the functioning of the intestines in infants.

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Good day! I want to share this valuable acquisition with you. Those who have small children who suffer from colic or suffered in infancy will understand me.

Our colic started at 2 months.

The daughter was screaming terribly, her tummy was very swollen and large. Against the backdrop of thin arms and legs it looked creepy. The child screamed after feedings, as the gases did not pass and stretched the intestines. The doctor prescribed us carminatives. Such as Bobotik and dill water. Both remedies had no effect on the result. My daughter was not getting better.

After scouring the Internet, I found another remedy for combating colic in newborns. This is an ordinary gas outlet tube.

This tube is sold at the pharmacy. We took it for 72 rubles. It looks simple: a white plastic tip and a rubber tube. I like that the product is well made: it is absolutely smooth, which means it should not cause injury.

And now about the application. We did not use the tube itself for the child, but only the tip from it. The intestines of newborns are already small and thin, so it was scary to insert the tube itself. First, we thoroughly boiled the tip, and lubricated the already cooled tip with Vaseline.

The tip itself was shallowly inserted rectally into the daughter and the tip was moved back and forth with smooth movements. And they did this until the gases began to pass.

Tip 1: How to make a gas outlet pipe

This procedure took about 5-10 minutes, depending on how the gases came out. After this procedure, it is important to thoroughly boil and dry the tube with the tip, and keep it in a clean bag.

The gas flow from this tube was just great! It was only with this tube that they were saved. This tube with a tip saved us not only from childhood colic. When my daughter started getting constipated, we also used it. The straw, unlike various suppositories for babies and potions for constipation, forces the lower intestine to work independently. And the drugs inhibit the intestinal muscles!

I definitely recommend it to moms! And thank you for your attention!


Cost: 72 rub.

Usage time: 3 months

Year of manufacture/purchase: 2015

An excellent remedy for baby colic and more!

Littleone 2009-2012 > All about children > About babies up to one year old > gas outlet tube

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please tell me what a gas outlet pipe is? what does it look like and how to use it? we live in Europe. For the birth of the child, I ordered a gas outlet tube from Russia for my mother, because... I read that it should be in a newborn’s first aid kit. Mom brought a certain pear, similar to the squeaker on children's bicycles. it is packaged in a bag complete with potassium permanganate and the inscription “syringe” is emblazoned on it all. I don’t know what to do with this wealth, and yet the child has terrible pain from the gas. writhes, turns red like a tomato and then farts so loudly that the neighbors can probably hear. and so on 20 times a day

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