The best ideas for what to give a 6 month old boy baby

Half a year is the second serious holiday

The very first and most important holiday in the life of a baby and his parents is the day of his birth. After the mother returns with the child from the maternity hospital and comes to her senses a little, guests usually gather to sit for a while in a cozy atmosphere and celebrate the arrival of a new family member.

The next “serious” date is six months, after which the next important date will come in 1 year.

By this time, children are already growing up a little, a little more consciousness appears in their eyes and they are no longer afraid, but are interested in exploring the world. Therefore, first, let's think about what to give to children so that they are curious to play with your gift.

Features of the age of 6 months

The age of six months is already a significant stage in a baby’s life, and, of course, it can be considered the first anniversary. In its own way, this is a turning point for the child, since his baby teeth are already appearing, and the first complementary foods are being introduced. The growth and development of the baby, which is so characteristic, in general, of the first year, continues intensively.

As a rule, at this age the child already knows how to roll over from his tummy to his back and back, sits independently and even has his own high chair. Gradually, the skill of crawling comes, the baby’s mobility increases, which gives him the opportunity to more actively explore the world. At this time, parents need to especially carefully monitor all the actions of their son or daughter - children are very persistent in their research, so often the result of cognitive activity is bruises, bruises and even a broken nose.

The time of rattles has already passed, and although children still love various objects with squeaks and an abundance of interesting sounds, now they can buy balls, pyramids, and prefabricated toys in the form of nesting dolls. At six months they can play on the floor, but if active pastime takes place on an elevated surface, for example, on a sofa, it is better to play it safe by covering the likely places of falling with pillows, because children still have insufficient coordination and weak muscles.

When choosing a gift for a 6-month-old child, you should focus on his skills, and he has already made significant progress in his skills:

  • he can use both hands, transfer objects from one to another, clap his hands;
  • begins to sit up independently;
  • lying on his tummy, he can lean on his hand, grabbing toys with the other hand;
  • knows how to find hidden objects, moving on all fours or on the belly;
  • knows how to open and close jars, boxes, fold small parts;
  • tries to get up holding onto furniture.

Perhaps the most important thing is that six-month-old children can already enthusiastically devote themselves to the game process for 5-10 minutes, without being distracted by extraneous things. In addition, children already pronounce individual syllables and up to forty different sounds.

All this makes it possible to give them sets of cubes, sorters and business boards, which are especially preferable at this age. For physical activity, balls of various sizes, pushers, carts, and stable children's transport are suitable, which help develop the muscles of the legs, arms and back.

Children's interests, starting from six months, become more diverse. And this is not surprising, because from this age they can already distinguish colors well, understand which one is dark and light, hand coordination becomes more developed, and their emotionality increases. In this regard, the child is increasingly attracted to objective activities.

This is a unique stage for him in understanding the world around him, which is necessary in order to:

  • study living and inanimate objects and their properties;
  • develop attention, memory, thinking and imagination;
  • learn independence.

It is by six months that the baby’s perception becomes capable of perceiving the maximum amount of information, so the toys presented should be interesting to him. Psychologists advise choosing multifunctional things as a gift for 6 months that will comprehensively develop the child’s various abilities - play centers, book cubes, educational mats that train, in fact, all types of senses, motor skills and thinking abilities. At the same time, the baby is ready to engage in various types of creativity, so it would be timely, as a present, to give him the first sets for modeling and drawing.

Criterias of choice

The choice of toys for a six-month-old baby has its own specifics, so it is necessary to highlight clear criteria:

  1. Recommended material is wood. Toys for 6 month olds should be hard and easy to clean. Teddy bears, pigs, cats and dogs are put aside for later.
  2. It is very desirable that the child can take some actions with the toy: combine elements, put one object into another, make sounds when pressed. This is how his intellect will develop.
  3. Toys for a 6-month-old baby should be easy to grasp.
  4. It is important to choose strong toys that can withstand flying, clenching fists, and child bites.
  5. To quickly teach a baby to crawl in the sixth month, you can choose a moving or rolling toy.
  6. Safety. The toy must be made of high-quality materials and have an appropriate safety certificate.

It is advisable to choose such an assortment of toys so that the child can get acquainted with the world through all senses.

A toy needed by a six month old baby

The same construction sets are usually considered a toy for boys, although they can develop the cognitive abilities of children of both sexes. If you are not guided by gender stereotypes, you can get the maximum benefit for your child.

How to wean off the pacifier

Currently, there are effective methods that can help wean a baby off the pacifier. At the age of 6 months, these methods can be recommended; they are the ones that are best suited for this age category.

Gradual failure

To make weaning off the pacifier more painless and simpler for your baby, you should spend about 2 months (7-8 weeks) on this.

It is worth following a few recommendations:

  1. Avoid pacifiers from morning to evening. In order for the child not to remember about her, it is worth distracting the child with games, a walk, or watching cartoons together.
  2. “Forget” your pacifier when going outside. If the child begins to demand a pacifier, you need to try to distract him with surrounding objects.
  3. Gradually get rid of the habit of sleeping with a pacifier in your mouth. Fairy tales and toys will come to the rescue.

You should not use force to remove the pacifier from the baby’s mouth if he categorically does not want to be separated from it. Such an action can cause hysterics in the baby.

Cancellation within 7 days

If there is a need to give up the pacifier in a short period of time without harming the baby, this method is suitable.

Young and experienced mothers actively share it with each other.

This method is good for babies who are breastfed.

Reason: you will need to constantly put the baby to the breast instead of a pacifier.

The method includes:

  • For 5 days, halve the silicone accessory (reduce the sucking time from 40 minutes, for example, to 20).
  • For the remaining 2 days, the baby should be offered a pacifier only when falling asleep.
  • If the baby still asks for a pacifier, you need to give it to him for a short period of time, then replace it with a breast.
  • Sometimes they still give a pacifier, but these are exceptional cases when the child cannot calm down, no matter what.

What to bring a boy as a gift?

Boys and girls at this age are not much different, because they do not yet have preferences and tastes.

  1. As an option, I can offer the boy an educational musical mat or a children's phone.
  2. Another boy of 6 months (and, say, 9 months too) may be interested in a rattle machine with bouncy toys inside - a big, bright and musical one - this is just a godsend for children.
  3. A good gift would be soft balls and cubes with fillings inside. Such toys perfectly develop a child’s fine motor skills. These can be soft colorful cubes from which the son can build houses, turrets and even castles. This will help him develop hand motor skills, he will better navigate space, and develop vision.
  4. There is not just one ball, there can be several of them, of different sizes, light, soft, bright. It’s good if there is a squeaker or rattle built inside, or if you press the toy a pleasant melody is heard.
  5. It is quite possible for a boy to buy a construction set with large colored parts and, learning to connect them, he will gradually develop logical thinking.
  6. A six-month-old child will love such a gift as a logic ball - this is an educational toy, inside the outline of which, as a rule, there is a caterpillar, frog or other rattle animal. Some parts of this design rotate, bounce, spin, and squeak.
  7. Mothers of boys also often order themselves a special liberation chair as a gift, in which they can sit their son and calmly go about their business.

By the way, asking parents what they need is good advice. Maybe the boy already has everything he needs, but doesn’t have basic everyday things, such as baby laundry detergents, humidifiers, etc.

If the child’s parents and the child themselves have everything, then just give them a beautiful handmade photo frame. A great option that will always be in sight.

Already by 6 months, the child shows the first interest, still rather vague, in studying the specific properties of objects. At first, the baby simply plays with objects, influencing them and discovering their new properties, he attracts and examines objects, grabs and throws them, and to a certain place, for example, on the floor, to hear a sound.

The baby waves a rattle to make a sound, swings an object while rolling another in it, finds a hole in an object, pulls one object from another.

When thinking about what to give for a child’s birthday, many parents quite logically opt for cars, and this is really what their son needs, because every day he becomes more and more active, and active play with this toy helps him feel more comfortable. confident.

Toys at 6 months

For a six-month-old child, any object can become a toy. By the age of six months, many children actively take objects with their hands and can perform various actions with them: pushing them, placing them on top of each other. By this age, the baby can crawl, actively exploring the world around him.

It is important to note ! If this strictly does not happen within six months, you should not always worry. Children grow differently. Some sources write different numbers, for example, 7 months. Therefore, the tips described may also be suitable for children under 9 months - everything is very conditional.

Toy for a 6 month old baby

It is recommended to place toys in different corners of the room so that the child learns to look for them. These actions are necessary for the development of the child's intelligence. In addition, crawling trains your back muscles. It is important not only to select the right toys, but also to correctly organize the baby’s interaction with them.

At this age, a child can knead clay and plasticine. Six-month-old babies may also enjoy wooden toys. They may attempt to grasp small things as if using tweezers - with the thumb and forefinger. This is good for developing fine motor skills, so parents should encourage these attempts in every possible way.

Attention! You can only let your child play with small objects under the close supervision of an adult, and remove toys from the child’s access area if the parent cannot control him.

It is not recommended to prohibit a child from satisfying his cognitive interest with phrases like: “don’t touch”, “don’t meddle”, provided that this action does not pose a threat to the life and health of the baby. In fact, there are few such objects: sockets and a stove. The child will not physically reach all other items if they are placed on the top shelf or in any other inaccessible place.

Here is a list of good toys that may be interesting for a 6 month old baby:

  1. Musical instruments. At this age, a child's hearing is developing, so introducing him to different sounds is very useful. By the way, music lessons contribute to the development of intelligence. It is important to choose only well-tuned tools.
  2. Cars or something related to it (trains, carts). It is important to choose a sturdy toy for a 6-month-old baby that can withstand the weight of a crawling baby who will lean on it.
  3. Toys that can be moved with a string. If they make sounds at the same time, it's absolutely amazing.
  4. A set of objects that stack on top of each other. You can buy a regular set of disposable cups that your child will absolutely love putting in and taking out.
  5. Cubes for towers. A six-month-old child will destroy what his parents built; an older baby will try to build something himself. This is a toy for the future. She is also capable of developing intelligence. You can buy pyramids and simple construction sets.
  6. Children's hammers that make sounds when struck.
  7. You can leave the rattles. If previously the parent used them to calm the child, now the latter will be able to indulge in them. The scope for imagination is huge.
  8. Swimming animals.
  9. Books with pictures. Why not start introducing your baby to books from the sixth month?
  10. Children's educational tables. This is a surface that is supported by several supports. There are various buttons and knobs on it, by pressing or pulling which you can hear exciting music. To use the toy, the child needs to stand up and hold on to the table. When choosing such a toy, you need to make sure that it is stable.

You can also buy a car in which you can drive with your feet. The main thing is to make sure that the child is comfortable in it. There are many more cool toys to choose from for a six month old baby.

Gifts for a 6 month old baby

Gifts intended for children from one to six months are rather gifts for infants, so up to six months they are identical in content. The main purpose of the donated items is to promote the development of the baby’s basic senses - hearing, vision, smell and touch. In their first months, babies can only look at objects, perceive a soft melodic sound, tactilely feel the texture of a toy, thus exploring objects in the real world.

Therefore, from birth to six months , they give mainly:

  • rattles of different shapes, colors and textures;
  • rotating carousels suspended from the playpen and crib and equipped with sound and light effects;
  • air balloons;
  • developmental mats with a horizontal bar and pendants, so that a lying baby can reach out with his hands to rustling and shiny parts, rattles and rattles.

Closer to 5 months, you can choose rubber toys and balls, soft cubes and pyramids, wind-up and musical toys in the form of animals, plastic or rubber books with colorful pictures as gifts.

Of course, the development of six-month-old children differs from the development of younger infants; first of all, they already know how to sit, hold toys, and imitate the actions of their parents. Therefore, they also need special toys aimed at further improving various skills.

At 6 months old, different types of gifts are suitable for a child:

  1. Intellectual, educational toys for children from six months of age consist of various games that make them think and perform different tasks:
  • educational mats and play centers;
  • pyramids and sets of cubes for building various structures;
  • a set of children's cards with bright images;
  • sorter panels that develop memory, fine motor skills, and spatial orientation;
  • Busyboards are special boards with many diverse details in the form of balls, rings, geometric shapes, small volumetric and flat objects of different shapes and textures.
  1. To develop an ear for music and a sense of rhythm, you can give your baby:
  • musical instruments - maracas, xylophone, trumpet, drum, children's piano;
  • music table with removable panel;
  • Mothercare musical ball with animal buttons;
  • musical rug;
  • a singing and talking toy book in 3D format;
  • double-sided development center with light and music accompaniment;
  • children's music phone that speaks in the voice of dad or mom.

In fact, there are quite a lot of such options for children's toys - these are musical pyramids, turntables, interactive animals, figures on wheels.

  1. A gift for a six-month-old child can also have a sporting purpose:
  • children's grinding machines;
  • wheelchairs are a kind of simulators that force the baby to move and develop his legs, leaning on the handles of the device;
  • durable walking machines - interactive toys with a convenient design;
  • rocking chairs in the form of donkeys, tigers and elephants;
  • horses on wheels;
  • strollers with handles in the shape of a zebra, a cat, a hippopotamus, a boat, a baby stroller for baby dolls to push in front of you;
  • transformable chairs, which, if desired, can be turned into a rocking chair;
  • rubber and massage balls, fitball.

If at such an early age the baby already shows a desire for painting and other types of creativity, then at six months you can give him:

  • large sheets of whatman paper and special finger paints;
  • a set of plasticine that does not get dirty or modeling dough;
  • To develop creative abilities, sets of large puzzles, books with stickers, and water coloring books are also suitable.

In addition, cardboard or plastic books with a small number of pages, large pictures and large font, CDs with cartoons and music suitable for this age, bathing sets, a special sandbox for your area with scoops, molds, plastic buckets.

For growth

Maybe someone will say that it is not worth giving gifts for children to grow up, because they do not know how to enjoy the “advance payment”. This is really true - in order to please the baby, you need to surprise him here and now. However, at 6 months a boy is only able to appreciate something bright, large enough and preferably making sounds, i.e. toy But it’s unlikely that in a week or even a day his emotions towards the gift will be the same. Therefore, it is worth thinking about a gift “for growth”, but present it in addition to a rattle or ball.

Little children grow by leaps and bounds, literally. Therefore, clothes become small very quickly. Almost every day we need new pants and blouses. So why not help parents in this sense and give a pair of universal clothing sets that are suitable for any season, 2-3 sizes larger than what is currently required? Putting these things on their child in a month or two, mom and dad will probably remember the donor with gratitude.

The baby is about to begin to sit (or maybe is already sitting), and a little later - to walk. And then he will need a suction chair for the bath, a walker, a tolokar (a boy should choose one in blue-green tones without unnecessary decoration), a rocking chair in the shape of some animal (for example, a classic horse), etc.

Some educational toys are unlikely to be useful in the coming weeks. But if you periodically show the boy how to use them, then there is a chance that the child will be ahead of his peers in terms of intelligence. For example, puzzle rugs, construction sets with large parts, and toy musical instruments intended for children 10-12 months old can be mastered as early as 7-8 months.

You shouldn’t give shoes as a gift for growing up, because this is a seasonal thing, and it is possible that when the baby’s feet grow up to the donated boots, it will be time to wear sandals. In addition, it is risky to purchase such things without trying them on. For the same reason, refrain from buying outerwear.

In general, there is only one sure way to avoid getting into trouble with a gift for a six-month-old boy - ask his parents what is best to present. It is possible that they will name some specific useful thing. Or, on the contrary, they will surprise you with their answer, offering to come visit with a disk of classical music to develop your son’s hearing or a set of toy instruments to instill a desire to build and repair something from a young age.

What toys to choose for children from 6 months to a year

From the second half of the year until the child is one year old, you can give similar gifts with a slight adjustment to the development of his skills, and having a large assortment of similar children's products, this is unlikely to present any difficulty:

  1. For 7 months , it is advisable to give babies sorters, cubes, pyramids of 4-5 rings, balls, boats, rubber toys, educational mats, tactile books, musical instruments, boxes, mobiles, books, construction sets.
  2. For 8 months you can choose from this list - a swing for the house, a book with sound design and buttons, a musical pyramid, colorful cars, trains, pushcars, a set of beautiful children's dishes, a play table, a musical hammer, a night light-projector, a set of ducks, octopuses for swimming, educational mats.
  3. For 9-month-old babies, you can give sorters, large construction sets, moving musical toys, rides and instruments, a children's synthesizer or piano as gifts. At this age, children love fairy tales, so you can give them a large book of fairy tales. For a boy, the best gift would be a car; a girl will love a children's kitchenette.
  4. For 10 months , a gift could be a wheelchair that you can ride in, musical toys on wheels with light signals, a children's camera and a phone with many buttons and different effects, a walker, a small table and chair, a home planetarium, educational games for age.
  5. For 11 months, gifts include cars with pedals and a handle, finger paints, a tolokar, a jumping donkey, wind-up toys, a rocking horse, soft dolls, books, walkers, a dry pool, a swing, a musical alphabet, a piano with the voices of birds and animals, bicycle with handlebars, toy house.
  6. For one year, children of both sexes can be given talking dolls and animals, cars, walkers, rocking chairs with musical accompaniment, for creativity - an easel and a set of paints, as well as educational panels and rugs, musical instruments, swings, a tent house, a toy a stroller with a baby doll, a teaching table.

Since almost every toy is now labeled for a certain age, this makes it easier to find the right thing. True, adults who can get carried away by the process of choosing a gift and fall into childhood should not forget that they need to take into account the hobbies of the little hero of the occasion - after all, the gift is bought specifically for him.

Practical gifts

Essentially, these are gifts for parents that will ultimately be useful for a very young child. The following things are most relevant and will always be useful:

  1. Good quality clothes, such a gift for a 1 month old baby is quite relevant. However, it should be borne in mind that these should be things for growth, since children grow very quickly. It is best to choose high rompers, jumpsuits with buttons, and blouses. Regular rompers and vests are not very comfortable, so they are not worth giving as a gift.
  2. A large towel with a corner can be a good gift, since bathing is a daily procedure and such things wear out quickly.
  3. A blanket for the stroller or on the bed. You can choose light cotton or warm wool or fleece bedspreads, which will always come in handy.
  4. Multifunctional developmental mat. It doesn’t matter that the baby is still too small and at first will just lie on it and look at the toys. However, having matured a little, he will be able to take objects found on him, and later play.
  5. A set for making impressions of children’s feet and hands can be a good surprise for parents, and although it is expensive, mom and dad will have memories of the child’s first months for a lifetime.
  6. It makes sense to purchase a set of baby dishes - you will need it at 4-5 months, since at this time complementary foods are already introduced into the baby's diet. You should immediately make sure that cutlery can be placed in a microwave oven and, if necessary, sterilized.

You can also give diapers, which are always needed, books for the child made of high-quality paper with bright pictures and large font. A silver rattle with a gentle melody or such an original thing as a personalized number for a stroller can be a good gift for a bridesmaid or christening. And, of course, the universal gift is money, which young parents will definitely not need.

True, there is another category of things that can be useful for the baby and mom and dad, but first you will have to find out whether they are needed, because someone could have given them as a gift or they have already been purchased:

  • an air humidifier is a really useful thing for a child, although a high-quality ultrasonic model can be expensive;
  • bedding for the baby, in this case you need to inquire about the size of the mattress;
  • scales for weighing a baby;
  • high chair with position for newborn baby;
  • car seat in the car;
  • sterilizer, baby food warmer;
  • chaise lounge for newborns;
  • safe infrared thermometer for infants;
  • baby care products;
  • special powder for washing children's clothes and bed linen;
  • rocking chair “Mom’s Hugs”;
  • a high-quality sippy cup (necessary at 6 months);
  • when introducing complementary foods, the mother will need a blender - this is a very good gift, necessary for a six-month-old baby;
  • a playpen for a baby, if the space of the room allows, you should definitely consult with your parents before purchasing; you need to choose stable models with protection against folding and an additional leg in the center.

An excellent gift could be a bathing slide, a bathtub, rubber toys for the bath (ducks, boats, turtles, etc.), a swimming ring for the neck, a bathing chair, of course, for later use, since it is for a recently born baby not needed.

Approximate daily routine and sleep

  • 5:30-6:30 - first feeding (breast milk);
  • 7:00 - exercises, hygiene procedures;
  • 7:30 -8:00 - joint games (educational);
  • 9:00 - walk in the fresh air, possibly combined with sleep;
  • 11:00 - feeding (complementary feeding, supplementary feeding with breast milk if necessary);
  • 13:00 -15:00 - sleep;
  • 15:30 - feeding (complementary feeding, supplementary feeding with breast milk if necessary);
  • 16:00 - educational games and activities, massage;
  • 17:00 - 19:00 - walk combined with sleep;
  • 19:30 - feeding (milk);
  • 20:00 educational games, bathing and swimming, hygiene procedures;
  • 21:00 - 5:00 night sleep.

Useful gifts for a boy

6 months is a very important date for both the little person and his parents. Many people invite friends and distant relatives for the first time at this time, organizing a kind of “browse” for their child. Therefore, invitees, as a rule, are very responsible when choosing the first gift from them.

A six-month-old baby begins to eat differently. Complementary foods are introduced into the diet, which means that you will need personal cutlery, comfortable bibs and a special chair. Choose things made from environmentally friendly materials without sharp corners and small parts: silicone bibs, plastic dishes with suction cups and a wooden high chair. Since all this will be presented to the boy, pay attention to the design of these items. The baby, of course, doesn’t care whether a princess or a car is depicted there, but parents will be pleased that the guests also thought about such a detail as decor.

Healthy sleep is perhaps the most important thing that a child of the first year of life needs. And if he probably already has a crib for this, then an extra set of bed linen definitely won’t hurt. A soft bumper for the crib and a good mattress with natural filling (for example, a layer of coconut fibers) will also come in handy. The mattress will probably be plain white, and the bedding will be blue, light blue, purple, etc.

They will make life much easier for a parent, but all sorts of useful gadgets are unlikely to be appreciated by the baby. For example, a pacifier thermometer, a baby monitor, a self-heating bottle (heats the mixture to the optimal temperature in a matter of minutes), a steamer-blender, etc.

If all these gifts seem too expensive, then choose something simpler, but no less useful: a sippy cup, a humidifier, creams and powders, diapers, bath foam (best of all soothing, since it is believed that boys are more emotional at the same age than girls) etc.




Features of care and hygiene

Daily procedures for caring for a six-month-old baby continue to be:

  • washing,
  • washing in the morning,
  • hand (nail) hygiene,
  • hair care,
  • cleaning ears and nose.

The list of baby hygiene includes hardening, bathing, massage and gymnastic exercises (here is more about hardening young children at home).

Attention! You should always remember the safety of the child. The baby has the ability to roll over at any moment, so it is impossible to leave him on the changing table, for example, without an adult. The child has the opportunity to crawl to chemicals, sockets and other dangerous things.


It is worth washing the boys with running clean warm water, without carrying out unnecessary manipulations. Some experts argue that such actions can lead to significant injuries.

What do we have to do:

  • use wet wipes during the day to maintain cleanliness;
  • When bathing, simply rinse the genital organ with water and use soap.


Optimal washing regimen for girls:

  • after defecation;
  • During evening bathing, wash with warm water and soap.

Nothing more is required. It is important not to overdo it with washing. There is no need to wash the baby almost completely every time you change a diaper.

On our website there are also articles about the next months of the baby’s life, such as , , , , months.

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