Omelet for a child: can it be given and from how many months, benefits, possible harm, how to prepare it correctly


To correctly assess the beneficial qualities of a dish, you need to look at its nutritional value. The presence of a large list of vitamins, micro- and macroelements makes the dish very nutritious for the child’s body:

Table No. 1

ASupports healthy skin and improves vision
Groups BProvides good metabolism and nervous system function
DStrengthens bones, promotes proper formation of the musculoskeletal system

The dish is rich in potassium, iron, copper and phosphorus, which are needed to maintain strong immunity. The dish contains lutein.

The latter is known for its antioxidant qualities. It is able to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. Thanks to the presence of amino acids in protein, which make digestion easy and fast, an omelet is a gentle dish. It is introduced into the menu for children suffering from dysfunctions of the digestive system.

Possible harm and contraindications

The danger of eating an omelet is associated with certain properties of eggs. The latter often provoke rashes and other allergic reactions.

Since children's bodies are not strong enough, they are more susceptible to them. Excessive consumption of protein foods has a negative impact on kidney function.

Chicken eggs are often contaminated with salmonella. With insufficient heat treatment, the risk of infection of the child with them increases, which subsequently leads to serious digestive problems.

In addition, if you fry an omelette in a frying pan, the dish ceases to be healthy due to the release of carcinogenic compounds when the oil is heated.

Why is the dish not recommended for children under one year of age?

Chicken eggs are a strong allergen. It is for this reason that you should not give your baby an omelette in large quantities for the first time. However, it doesn’t matter at what age you can give an omelet, if an allergic reaction occurs, you shouldn’t worry and get upset, much less refuse this dish completely.

So, you don’t have to use chicken eggs to prepare this dish. An excellent product is quail eggs, which are rich in a huge amount of useful microelements. The main advantage is that they do not cause allergies in children.

To prepare an airy dish, the eggs must be washed, then broken into a container and mixed using a mixer. After which it is advisable to add 70 ml of milk and beat again. It is advisable to grease the container with 1 tablespoon of butter. A plant-based option is also suitable. The mold should be placed in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes.

Thus, we can draw a conclusion as to at what age omelet is beneficial and does not cause allergies in children. It makes no sense to use eggs in the diet of a child under one year old, since his diet does not yet include the inclusion of all basic products in the menu.

At what age can you include omelet in your diet?

Hard-boiled yolk (chicken or quail egg) can be introduced into the baby’s menu from 7-9 months. The timing differs slightly depending on the type of feeding.

Children on artificial food are introduced to regular food earlier. It is permissible to include omelettes in the diet only after a year. This is due to the fact that both milk and protein, according to the medical recommendations of pediatricians, are administered when the baby is 12 months old.

Complementary foods are introduced gradually at 1 year of age. First, they give a new dish in small quantities. When preparing the omelet, only fresh products and milk suitable for baby food are used.

Country milk should be boiled beforehand and should not be added raw. A suitable way to prepare the dish is baking or steaming. A child is not introduced to the fried version before three years of age.

How often is it allowed to be given?

Omelette is not an egg dish for a one-month-old baby. The frequency depends on the egg consumption standards established for a one-year-old child.

Children 12 months old are recommended to consume up to half a copy per day. If the menu does not include boiled eggs or other dishes based on them, it is permissible to prepare an omelet from one copy three times a week.

Steamed omelette for a child in a double boiler: recipe

The ratio of ingredients for the “correct” omelet is presented above. If you want to diversify the taste of your dish, add herbs, cottage cheese/cheese, vegetables, meat, etc. to the omelette mixture before heat treatment. All additional components, except for greens and cottage cheese/cheese, must be ready to eat. This means that vegetables and meat should be boiled or stewed.

If the prospect of baking does not please you at all, prepare a steam omelet. This is quite easy to do, and the result will please both you and the baby. In addition, this dish is suitable for dietary tables. 1. Prepare the baking tins: grease them with butter. 2. Pour the omelette mixture into the molds. For the basic omelet recipe, see the beginning of the article. 3. Place the molds on the steamer grid. Place the mesh in a steamer with boiling water. Cover the steamer with a lid.

4. Cooking time: 10 minutes (from the moment the water boils).

Another great option for preparing a baby omelet is in a mug or jar.

1. Pour milk and egg into a clean, dry jar, such as baby puree, and add salt. For the basic omelet recipe, see the beginning of the article.

2. Cover the contents of the jar with a lid and shake thoroughly. 3. Place a silicone mat or cloth napkin of a suitable size on the bottom of the pan. Place a jar with the omelette mixture and fill it with water (up to the shoulders of the jar). Cooking time: 10 minutes from the moment the water boils.

Using a slow cooker, you can either bake the omelette mixture or steam it.

Option 1. Baking

2. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil. 3. Pour the mixture into the multicooker bowl. 4. Set the “Baking” mode. Cooking time depends on the volume of the mixture. For an omelet from 1 egg, 10 minutes is enough.

Important. The height of the omelette in this case depends on the volume of the omelette mixture: the more eggs and milk, the higher the omelette.

5. Do not open the multicooker lid immediately after the sound signal. Let the dish rest a little (5-10 minutes). But it’s better to turn off automatic heating.

Option #2. Steaming

1. Prepare the omelette mixture. 2. Pour water into the multicooker bowl (to the minimum level marked on the inside of the bowl). 3. Pour the mixture into refractory molds, pre-greased with oil. Place the molds on a steaming grid. Place the mesh in the multicooker bowl. 4. Set the “Steam” mode. Cooking time: 10 minutes. 5. Do not open the multicooker lid immediately after the sound signal. Let the dish rest a little (5-10 minutes). But it’s better to turn off automatic heating.

1. Prepare the omelette mixture (see recipe above). 2. Grease a convenient microwave-safe container with butter. These can be baking molds (ceramic or silicone), cups or glasses of suitable volume 3. Pour the mixture into a pre-prepared form, place on the oven stand, cover with a dome lid (used for heating dishes). 4. Cooking time from 3 minutes. It all depends on the power of your oven and the amount of omelette mixture.

1. Prepare the omelette mixture (see recipe above). 2. Pour the omelette mixture into a plastic bag or baking bag. If you choose to use a sleeve, tie it tightly at one end before pouring the omelette mixture into it. Tie the bag/sleeve with the mixture carefully. 3. Place the omelette bag in an additional bag. The additional bag should also be tied well. 4. Place the bag in boiling water. Cooking time: from 10 to 30 minutes (it all depends on the amount of omelette mixture).

5. Place the prepared omelette on a plate.

Quail or chicken eggs: which is better for complementary feeding?

Chicken eggs are more likely to provoke the development of allergic reactions. If your child has a tendency towards the latter, it is better to purchase quail ones to prepare the dish.

Moreover, due to the high temperature of quails, the eggs of this bird are not infected with salmonella - they are much safer. A quail egg contains more microelements and vitamins. Although the nutritional energy value of different types of products is similar, quail products are better absorbed.

Since quail eggs are much smaller, when calculating, chicken eggs are replaced with twice as many of the first.

Recipes for the right dish

A selection of interesting and most successful variations will help you prepare a healthy dish. Recipes will definitely replenish your culinary treasure chest, because among them you can always find the right one - with meat, fruits, vegetables, or only from yolks (if you are intolerant to protein foods).


To perform this you will need a double boiler. If you don’t have an appliance, you can use a saucepan in which you will need to place a colander after pouring boiling water. Cook over low heat with a lid. Delicious, simple, satisfying.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • salt and butter - as needed.

Sequence of steps:

  1. In a separate bowl, beat the whites and combine with the yolks.
  2. Pour in milk, add salt, stir.
  3. Silicone molds are greased with oil, the egg mass is poured, and placed in a double boiler.
  4. Cook for 10-15 minutes.

In a slow cooker

A healthy and nutritious meal for the whole family is quickly prepared in the kitchen assistant. The food set is designed for a dietary breakfast for the whole family.


  • eggs - 7 pcs.;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - a piece.

Sequence of steps:

  1. Grease the multicooker bowl with a small amount of butter.
  2. Prepare the egg-milk mixture with a whisk and add some salt.
  3. Pour the mixture into the bowl of the device and bake in the “Baking” mode for 15 minutes.

From the yolk

If your baby is sensitive to protein, do not exclude the dish from the diet. It can be prepared only on the basis of yolks, which also contain many useful substances.


  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • milk - ½ glass;
  • semolina - 15 g;
  • salt - as much as needed.

Sequence of steps:

  1. Beat the yolk.
  2. Pour in milk at room temperature, add semolina.
  3. Beat everything well again to get a homogeneous mass and no lumps.
  4. Pour the mixture into the baking dish.
  5. Place in the oven.

With apples

When properly prepared, an omelet can turn into a delicious dessert with a delicate texture. Sweet notes will definitely appeal to kids.


  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • apples - 100 g;
  • butter - as much as needed.

Sequence of steps:

  1. The apples are peeled, cut into thin slices, and stewed in a frying pan with butter added.
  2. Beat the egg with milk.
  3. The mixture is coated with stewed fruits and brought to readiness over low heat.
  4. Serve the dish sprinkled with a little fructose.

With zucchini

Vegetable variation. Saturates the growing body with a rich vitamin and mineral complex. Zucchini will give the omelette tenderness and airiness.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • zucchini - 60 g;
  • salt and butter - as needed.

Sequence of steps:

  1. Vegetables are thinly sliced ​​and placed in a small saucepan.
  2. Add half the oil to the container, cover with a lid, and simmer over low heat.
  3. Grease the frying pan with the remaining oil, lay out the stewed zucchini, and pour a mixture of eggs and milk on top.
  4. Cook covered until fully cooked.

For the omelet, you need to choose young zucchini with a delicate structure, without coarse fibers and seeds.

With chicken or turkey

A more satisfying version of the dish, which uses dietary meats. They will not overload the body.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • boiled breast - a few pieces;
  • salt and butter - as needed.

Sequence of steps:

  1. Grind the eggs with a fork so that the whites combine with the yolk.
  2. The mixture is salted, combined with milk, and then beaten well.
  3. Grease a mold of suitable size with oil, place chopped chicken breast on the bottom, and cover with egg mixture on top.
  4. The omelette pan is placed in a container with water so that the liquid reaches approximately halfway.
  5. Bring water to a boil over high heat.
  6. Then reduce the heat, cover with a lid, and simmer the omelette until fully cooked.

Quail egg omelet for a child: recipe, ingredients, photo

Ingredients needed to prepare a 100 g omelette:

  • quail egg - 45 g (or 4-5 pcs.)
  • milk of any fat content - 60 ml. You can replace the milk with the formula your baby is used to.
  • hard cheese (Russian, Poshekhonsky, Dutch) - 16-20 g
  • butter for greasing the pan.

How to cook:

1. Thoroughly grease a heat-resistant dish with a thick bottom with butter. Preheat the oven to 180⁰-200⁰C. 2. Pour the egg and milk into a convenient container, add finely grated cheese. 3. Mix the milk-egg mixture thoroughly.

Important: the mixture must be stirred, not whipped! The omelette mixture, oversaturated with air during cooking, will swell and then collapse. The finished dish will have the wrong consistency.

4.Pour the omelette mixture into the prepared pan. Layer height 2.5-3 cm.

Important: the height of the omelet depends solely on the size of the shape. The larger the shape, the thinner the finished omelette.

5. Bake the omelette in the oven. Baking time: 8-10 minutes. The finished dish has a light yellow crust. The consistency of the finished dish is elastic, homogeneous, soft. Before serving, let the omelet rest briefly in the oven (about 10-15 minutes). 6. The finished omelette can be additionally topped with melted butter.

Important: the dish is not suitable for diet 5!

Tip: If you don't use hard cheese, be sure to salt the omelette mixture before baking.

Cooking tips

To ensure that the omelette retains maximum beneficial properties and turns out tasty and satisfying, they resort to some tricks:

  1. When including frozen vegetables, they are stewed separately over low heat, covering the pan with a lid, or in a slow cooker using the “Pilaf” program. This will help make the filling soft.
  2. After the dish is ready, simmer for 2-3 minutes with the multicooker or stove turned off and covered.
  3. To make the omelette especially fluffy, bake it in the oven, filling the pan only halfway with the egg mixture. The equipment is not opened for the first 20 minutes - the dish will not sit properly.
  4. To obtain a more delicate creamy taste, the milk in the composition is replaced with sour cream.
  5. The airy texture of an omelette is given like this: beat half of the whites separately, then mix with the rest of the egg mixture and add a piece of softened butter.
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