Temperature after Mantoux in a child: 37-38-39 degrees

An increase in body temperature in babies after mantoux occurs often. There can be many reasons for this. Read more about this issue below.

To determine tuberculosis infection in children, the Mantoux test is used. It is given to children and adolescents up to the age of seventeen. The active ingredient of this drug is tuberculoprotein (allergen). It is this that helps detect patients who have an infection in their body or are vaccinated. Mantu is done intradermally. Thanks to the reaction to the injected allergen, local, initial forms of a serious disease - tuberculosis - are detected in the early stages.

Is it possible for a child or an adult to have a fever after Mantoux? Is it dangerous?

If the Mantoux injection is done properly in compliance with all the required standards, then adverse reactions of the patient’s body to its effects are extremely rarely observed. As a rule, there are no symptoms in the form of increased body temperature. Only in rare cases can such phenomena occur. This is due to individual intolerance to the components that make up Mantoux. And there are other reasons for complications.

Mantoux - temperature rises

Causes of fever in children:

  • The baby's immune system is impaired. Unfortunately, nowadays children are often exposed to harmful factors on the body, which results in allergies.
  • Frequently ignoring the daily routine, sleep, and poor nutrition leads to a decline in the vitality of the body.
  • Diseases that do not go away for a long time due to the above factors also lead to an increase in temperature and other complications after the Mantoux test.
  • Little physical activity and teeth growth in children negatively affect the health of children and worsen the effect of the vaccine in a negative way.
  • The quality of the drug is low and when the Mantoux expiration date is on the verge of expiration, it causes an increase in temperature and other undesirable symptoms.

IMPORTANT : The Mantoux reaction causes allergies due to exposure to one component - phenol. Because he is the irritant.

Why may the temperature rise after the Mantoux test?

An individual characteristic of the body is intolerance to tuberculin.

Here, an increase in temperature will be only a secondary symptom.

The first thing that will be noticed is the excessively swollen injection site, severe redness around it and the appearance of pain.

  • Sometimes it suppurates. If the version of individual intolerance to the drug is confirmed, then all of the above symptoms will occur after each Mantoux test.

Only a doctor can reliably determine the cause of these symptoms. He will also have to indicate other ways to check the risk of tuberculosis.

Violation of storage conditions for the injection solution. The reason is not common, but still occurs.

If the tuberculin turned out to be of poor quality, did not pass the appropriate test, deteriorated or was damaged during transportation, there is a high probability that the injection given by it will do nothing but harm the child’s health.

Along with an increased temperature, weakness, dizziness, nausea and a number of other unpleasant symptoms will immediately occur.

Can you get sick from the Mantoux vaccine?

Children most often fall ill from the drug with colds and allergies. When medical staff administer vaccinations, parents should always be attentive to their babies. Mantoux should not be given to children with recent illnesses. You risk getting sick again. And recovery will take a long time due to complications.

If you are allergic to the drug, it is better not to do Mantoux at all, but to use another vaccine - the Diaskintest test . It has a slightly different composition. Therefore, the drug has fewer irritants, and it acts more accurately.

Temperature after Mantoux

How long does the temperature usually last after Mantoux in children and what to do about it?

Injections are mainly given at school age, and the reaction to the test most often occurs in young children. An increase in temperature appears within an hour or two after Mantoux. If the temperature is up to 38 degrees without other symptoms, then it will normalize within three days and without outside intervention.

In addition to the fact that the temperature may rise after Mantoux, children also experience many unpleasant sensations , among them may be:

  • dizziness, nausea
  • sudden increases in temperature
  • causeless vomiting, extensive rashes on the skin
  • decreased blood pressure, resulting in drowsiness and weakness.

If the child’s immune system is impaired, parents have the right to write a waiver of Mantoux. After all, the microorganisms of the drug can further harm the baby’s already weak health.

Why is Mantoux vaccination dangerous?

Also, due to the development of some other infection in the child’s body, there may be complications after the Mantoux test. Then the increase in temperature is not an allergy, not the effect of phenol on the student’s body.

In this case, you should go to the pediatrician so that he can assess the patient’s condition and prescribe the correct treatment. And such consequences often occur the very next day after the injection.

IMPORTANT : After you have done the Mantoux test, try to make sure that your child does not wet the area where the injection was given. The test result may be incorrect.

What to do if a child or adult has a high fever after Mantoux?

Healthcare workers conducting routine vaccinations must take a number of measures before administering them. Parents, in turn, are wary of such events. Indeed, there are many cases where a child fell ill with colds after the Mantoux reaction. And some mothers and fathers completely refuse them and other methods, despite the fact that tuberculosis is common in our time. And monitoring the health of children is simply necessary.

Mantoux test

IMPORTANT : If you do not want to do Mantoux, then you need to do a blood test or x-ray once a year. These methods have their drawbacks, but they can detect tuberculosis when it responds well to treatment.

Mantoux test - what can be replaced?
If after the Mantoux test the following conditions of the child are detected, then in any case, call an ambulance.

  1. If a child’s temperature has risen sharply (more than 38.5 degrees) and no methods can bring it down.
  2. In cases where the papule has become indecently large, redness and suppuration are observed. And any hand movements cause pain.
  3. Call a doctor if your child has a gag reflex, weakness, nausea, convulsions, muscle pain, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, and especially delirium.
  4. If there is irritation on the skin, swelling, heavy breathing, then you need a doctor and it wouldn’t hurt to take antihistamines.

Causes of temperature after Mantoux

  1. Weakened body. Under no circumstances should a child who is sick or starting to get sick be subjected to this procedure. Even though the Mantoux test is one of the safest injections. The fact is that the immune system of any organism, in fact, does not care what to protect itself from. For her, any foreign substance or component that poses a potential danger is an “enemy.” The fight against “enemies” is often aggressive, and the reaction is not always predictable.
  2. Allergy. As mentioned above, the immune system, roughly speaking, does not care what the so-called “enemy” turns out to be; the main thing is to get rid of it as soon as possible. Whether it is a real virus, an infection or a simple allergen, there is not much difference. Tuberculin, already known to us, often turns out to be the allergen. In this case, a high temperature (more than 38 degrees) is accompanied by severe redness of the injection site, inflammation and, in the worst case, a decrease in blood clotting. Also, you should not send a child to Mantoux if an allergic reaction has already begun in his body. For example, if the baby is already sneezing from pollen, or suffers from redness of the skin due to the abuse of sweets or citrus fruits, you should refrain from this procedure. Often, the reason for the increase in temperature lies in the fact that the child contracted a common cold on the eve of the tuberculin test. In this case, the sample results will be considered invalid.
  3. The child has skin lesions (wounds, cuts), as well as other inflammations (erupting teeth). Many parents do not pay due attention to this factor, but in vain. After all, what is the inflammatory process? That's right, this is still the same reaction of the immune system to an invading infection. A wound or cut is nothing more than local inflammation, accompanied by a local increase in temperature, redness and acute pain. Under such conditions, introducing tuberculin into the body may not be advisable. Of course, this warning practically does not apply to minor injuries, but if a child has a large open wound, inflamed gums or other inflammatory processes are detected, perhaps not so obvious, it is best to refrain from performing the Mantoux test for a while.
  4. Infection. Everyone knows the rule for certain from childhood: you can’t scratch the manta ray! The fact is that rarely does anyone carefully monitor their hand hygiene in childhood. And all children love to touch, regardless of whether it is dirty or clean. In this case, it is very easy to introduce an infection to the injection site (in other words, to the site of damage to the protective tissues). This threatens infection of internal tissues and blood. And the first symptom of incipient sepsis is high temperature.

Is it necessary to take the temperature before Mantoux vaccination?

Before performing tests, the pediatrician must examine the child. And you need to measure the temperature, since Mantoux is not made at elevated temperatures. In addition, the doctor is obliged to examine the throat and listen to the lungs. Only after establishing that the patient is completely healthy can you go to the treatment room and do the Mantoux test. The doctor is also obliged to make an entry in the hospital card about the examination of the baby.

Medical examination before the Mantoux test

Parents should prepare their child for this test in advance. Especially if the child suffers from allergies.

  1. Limit your consumption of foods that can cause allergenic reactions (chocolate, honey, strawberries, nuts, citrus fruits).
  2. Do not give your children new foods that the baby has never tried (cakes, soda, ice cream, chewing gum, fast food).
  3. Before vaccination, go to see a doctor; if your child is prone to allergies, you will have to take antihistamines.
  4. On the day of the injection, take a control measurement of the baby’s body temperature at home.
  5. Avoid the Mantoux test if your children have recently had an infectious disease. And after a month after illness, give an injection. Otherwise, there may be complications after the test and the result will not correspond to reality.
  6. Antihistamines (suprastin, fenistil, Zyrtec) are taken three days before Mantoux injections.

Is an increase in temperature after the Mantoux reaction always dangerous?

No not always. Some doctors are of the opinion that such a reaction in the first hours after the injection is natural.

  • You don’t even have to worry if your body temperature rises to 37.5 degrees.

It is also common and safe to increase it slightly towards the end of the day.

There is no need to immediately resort to the help of antipyretics and antimicrobials - it is better to let the child lie down and sleep.

If nothing has changed the next morning (the temperature remains around 37 degrees, but there is no severe weakness, no dizziness, no fever), you should also not traumatize the immune system with external influences.

A child’s body is stronger than it sometimes seems; it is quite capable of coping on its own.

You should consult a doctor if the situation does not change after three days.

In what cases should you worry:

  • when, after three days, the child’s body temperature has not returned to normal, but remains at a level exceeding 37 degrees;
  • when, immediately after the Mantoux injection, the temperature jumped sharply to 38 and above and is accompanied by a general severe malaise (severe weakness, loss of appetite, fever, drowsiness, chills, nausea, loss of consciousness);
  • when the injection site becomes very hot, turns red (even to a crimson hue) or begins to fester.

We should not forget that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. That is why it is better to pay attention to preventive measures.

For example, before performing a Mantoux test, you should pay attention to:

  • general health of the child. Even a common runny nose is a signal of an incipient disease.
  • time after the child suffered the last illness. After recovery, at least another week is required for complete and one hundred percent restoration of strength.
  • baby's teething process.
  • child's body temperature. Its normal value is 36.6 – 36.8 degrees.

If at least one of the listed signs can be identified, for the sake of preserving the child’s normal well-being, you should refrain from carrying out this procedure.

And immediately after the Mantoux injection, in order to prevent diseases, it is necessary to monitor:

  1. The actions of the child. You should not let him scratch the injection site, touch it again, or rub it.
  2. The location of the child. There is no need to leave the child even in a barely noticeable draft, let him sit on cold surfaces (stone, earth, concrete steps) or let him go swimming.

It is worth remembering the main thing: the Mantoux test itself is a completely harmless procedure.

The reaction to it can be different, it all depends on individual characteristics, so you should not sound the alarm over trifles (for example, with a slight increase in temperature or slight itching around the injection site).

What happens if you make Mantoux at a temperature?

Doing the Mantoux Test when the patient has a fever is prohibited. Because the result of the injection will be false and there may be various unpleasant consequences.

To prevent this from happening, parents should pay more attention to their children. Do not let your child with ARVI or influenza go to school. If your baby is sick, visit a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. There is no need to leave everything behind because you are busy. After all, the health of the child should always come first.

Is it possible to make Mantu at a temperature?

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