Can a mother have corn porridge while breastfeeding?

During breastfeeding, mother and baby eat together. Any food eaten by a woman, to one degree or another, enters the child’s body with milk. Therefore, the issue of regulating your own diet comes to the fore. Porridge is the safest food product for a nursing woman, and each is characterized by individual beneficial properties and a special effect on the body (be it buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, wheat, barley). Let's consider how useful corn porridge is for breastfeeding, how to prepare it correctly, and whether there are any contraindications.

Useful properties of corn porridge

To begin with, we note that horror stories from Soviet clinics about a mandatory strict diet for mothers are gradually being replaced by the results of new studies that imposed diets are being cancelled.
The food of a woman who has given birth should be of high quality and varied, but without foods with chemical additives. She should not be hungry and exhausted by diets. This is the main thing. What reserves does corn grits contain? Why should it be given a special place in the diet of a nursing woman? The first and most important quality of corn porridge for your baby is the absence of gluten. Let us remember that the number of young children suffering from food allergies since infancy has increased many times over the last decade. Therefore, even healthy food products lose their importance if the baby develops an allergy to them. Eating corn grits eliminates this risk.

The following qualities are attractive to nursing mothers:

  • rich in vitamins and microelements. Corn porridge contains 15 vitamins and 10 minerals;
  • its low-calorie content helps you get in shape after childbirth;
  • helps eliminate toxins and radionuclides;
  • selenium contained in cereals can slow down the aging process;
  • has a beneficial effect on the growth of hair and nails weakened by pregnancy, and gives the skin a healthy appearance;
  • helps improve immunity;
  • prevents fermentation in the intestines, which will relieve bloating and colic.

What is not enough in the composition is calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, it is advisable to eat porridge with fish, beef liver, boiled meat, and low-fat cheeses.

Useful properties of porridge

Healthy corn porridge and more. Many other cereals are also rich in vitamins and microelements. But not all cereals can be easily eaten without fear while breastfeeding. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the digestive characteristics of a woman and child, as well as a predisposition to allergic reactions.

It is worth highlighting which porridges are suitable for breastfeeding:

  • Buckwheat. Vitamin B1, B2 is presented, it contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur. Eliminates anemia, increases the amount of milk, the structure of hair, teeth, skin, and is quickly absorbed. It is not recommended to use it with milk, as the products are not very compatible and are difficult to digest.

  • Oatmeal. Contains vitamins A, C, group B, sodium, phosphorus, ferum, magnesium, potassium, calcium. Helps cleanse the body, helps relieve intoxication, improves the functioning of the immune system, and helps in stressful situations. Contains gluten, so the main contraindication is its intolerance. Also, oatmeal is not suitable for those who have serious problems with the heart and kidneys.

  • Millet. It has sufficient benefits, contains vitamins B, E, PP. Among microelements, millet porridge boasts a high content of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and ferum. It promotes more efficient functioning of the heart, the establishment of hematopoietic processes, memory, and the functioning of the immune system. It is normally absorbed and rarely provokes negative reactions. Do not overuse if there are problems with bowel movements or the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Rice. Rich in vitamins B, H, contains sulfur, ferum, phosphorus, magnesium. Improves bowel movements, helps relieve fatigue, cleanse the body and get rid of stress. Known for its strengthening properties for the nervous system. Contraindicated for high blood pressure, heart disease, and constipation.

  • Corn. The beneficial properties of corn porridge include the following: preventing constipation; removing toxins from the body; normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; restoration of skin and hair.

  • Manna. Contains B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron. Has slightly less benefits than other groups. The answer to the question is it possible to use semolina while breastfeeding is not always positive. It helps with intestinal diseases, removes mucus and fat from the body. Contains a lot of gluten, which damages the intestinal walls and causes digestive problems. Gluten is also known for its allergic properties. Milk porridge with semolina is very high in calories, you should not consume it before 5-6 months of breastfeeding and exceed the dose once a week. You can rarely eat manna while breastfeeding.

  • Barley. Rich in potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, magnesium, B vitamins, PP. Helps to lose weight, cope with allergic reactions, is well absorbed, gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, relieves stress and improves immune function. It practically does not give a negative reaction and does not cause harm to a fragile body. It is allowed to be used already in the first months of life up to three times a week. Contraindications: severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, organs of the food digestion system.

  • Pearl barley. Barley for breastfeeding is administered a month after the birth of the child. It contains potassium, phosphorus, bromine, vitamins A, E, B. It improves the attractiveness of a woman, promotes a healthy body, and weight loss. Barley has contraindications when breastfeeding: it can provoke an unpredictable reaction in some patients; it should be eaten with caution.

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Compatibility with lactation

From the above, you can already get a general idea of ​​whether corn porridge can be consumed while breastfeeding. Yes, you can, but in moderation. Doctors recommend consuming it no more than twice a week, supplementing it with foods containing phosphorus and calcium. In this way, the necessary vitamins and microelements will be obtained, the body will quickly be satiated, and energy will appear for the whole day. Interestingly, due to its hypoallergenic nature, corn grits have gained popularity among people of different ages. Women can safely eat it in the first month of breastfeeding.

Important! Porridge contains a lot of starch. Women whose gastrointestinal tract is healthy need not worry. But those who suffer from constipation need to be more careful.

Effect on the child through mother's milk

Breast milk in its pure form is quite nutritious and can fully provide the newborn’s body with the necessary elements for up to 6 months. Breastfeeding and eating corn grits support the mother's body; with proper nutrition, they do not cause problems. If the measures are not followed, the baby may:

  • constipation for the reason stated above (high starch content). If the dish is consumed frequently, the baby may have problems with stool;
  • abuse causes colic in a baby.

Children, like mothers, have limitations when detecting gastrointestinal diseases. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a dietitian about your diet.

Possible harm, and are there any contraindications?

Even to a safe product, some people can have an allergic reaction. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In this case, corn porridge will not cause harm, but it will add trouble. As an individual reaction, a rash may occur (this is extremely rare).

Stomach diseases, as noted above, are a contraindication. Do not forget that canned corn is strictly contraindicated while breastfeeding.

Rules for eating corn porridge during breastfeeding

The most important rule when breastfeeding a baby is to choose a quality product and strictly control satiety (do not overeat). Then the baby will not face any unpleasant consequences from your meal.

You can introduce corn porridge into your diet a week after birth, since it is one of the few gluten-free cereals. In addition, it contains many substances necessary to maintain the body of a nursing woman.

Note that doctors previously insisted on following a strict diet for two months after childbirth. And only in the third month was it recommended to introduce corn grits into your diet. Now there are no grounds for such prohibitions (other than the presence of special medical indications), so the choice is yours.

Important! It is recommended to introduce only one new food into your diet per day when keeping a food diary. If the baby still has a negative reaction to the new ingredient, you need to remove the porridge from the menu and try introducing it again no sooner than in a month or two.

How often can you eat?

Despite its many beneficial qualities, do not allow yourself to eat corn porridge more than three times a week. Yes, this is useful and the figure thanks you, but moderation is also necessary. Try to cook it for breakfast, it will be easier to monitor your body’s reaction and the newborn’s response.

Possible harm from eating corn porridge during breastfeeding

Although pediatricians are quite loyal to corn porridge, they still do not recommend eating it immediately after birth. This is due to a number of side effects that may occur due to individual characteristics.

  • The main disadvantage of foods rich in fiber is that it often causes digestive problems in babies and causes colic. It is difficult for a small organism to digest such complex substances and a negative reaction occurs. This may be flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, bloating. If any such manifestations occur, you should limit your consumption of corn porridge and consult your pediatrician.
  • In rare cases, corn porridge can cause an allergic reaction in a baby. Skin spots, rashes, difficulty breathing and watery eyes are all symptoms of allergies. It is especially often caused not by ordinary porridge, but by milk porridge.
  • The abundance of fiber in corn makes it not the best product for those mothers who suffer from problems with the digestive system and peptic ulcers.

Such porridge poses the greatest danger if a woman has intestinal colitis - the fiber injures the walls and can cause complications of the disease.

  • It should be remembered that corn porridge is a rather heavy dish. If you eat it in large quantities, you can feel heaviness in the stomach, as well as quite strong cramps.

Corn grits are quite high in calories. Even one serving cooked without milk contains about 300 kilocalories. For this reason, pediatricians do not advise exceeding the recommended daily intake, especially if a nursing woman has problems with excess weight.

How to cook corn porridge correctly?

Like any safe food product, corn grits must undergo the necessary heat treatment before consumption. Don’t worry that it will lose its beneficial properties during cooking, since they are completely preserved in the porridge. Try to choose a product from trusted manufacturers to avoid unwanted impurities. Otherwise, you will have to sort it out and only then wash it.

When can you cook corn porridge with milk?

Dishes made with milk are very nutritious and satisfying. However, when breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use them for one to two months after birth. Cooking with goat's milk starting from the second month of feeding will be ideal. You should prepare dishes using cow's milk no earlier than the second or third month. Precautions are due to the fact that it is a strong allergen and can also cause lactase deficiency in the baby.

Recipe in the oven

The dish can be prepared in different ways. Let's see how to do this in the oven. First you need to prepare the cereal. If necessary, you can sort it out. We immediately wash the porridge without impurities. Fill 1 cup of cereal with cold water and then drain.

  1. Prepare a heat-resistant dish, pour the washed cereal into it and fill it with three glasses of clean water. Sugar or salt as desired.
  2. Place the dish with the cereal in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. You can cover the top with a lid; if you don’t have one, don’t worry. After 40 minutes, the healthy dietary porridge is ready.

Recipe in a slow cooker

Preparatory stage, as in the previous recipe. Pour the washed cereal into the multicooker bowl, fill it with water (the proportions are the same), add salt or sugar, and do not forget to close the lid. Select the “Porridge” or “Grains” mode, depending on the multicooker model. After 1 hour and 20 minutes, the corn porridge is ready.

Steamed recipe

Place the washed cereal in a steamer container and fill it with water, as in the first two cases. Place on the grill and set the cooking time to 45 minutes. Add salt or sugar and return to the steamer for 10 minutes. That's it, the porridge is ready.

On a note! You can also cook it on the stove in a saucepan with a thick bottom, stirring the porridge constantly so that it does not stick to the bottom and does not burn. The main condition is to maintain the correct proportion of water and cereal so that the porridge does not turn out too thick. No matter how you prepare the porridge, properly prepared corn grits should be viscous and slightly runny.

What can you add?

Depending on your taste preferences and paying attention to contraindications for your baby (if any), you can season the porridge with butter, pasteurized liquid cream, or boil it in water. As additives, choose salt or sugar, dried fruits or fresh fruits (berries).

Corn porridge during breastfeeding is beneficial for both mother and baby. If there are no contraindications, it can be eaten every week. Of course, alternating with other equally tasty and healthy porridges. Remember, the diet during lactation should be varied. Try new recipes, maybe at this time you will be able to completely switch to a healthy diet, on the other hand, look at your established taste habits. Eat right, feed your children tasty food and be healthy!

How to eat corn porridge correctly

Cereals during breastfeeding should be introduced in stages. First try eating a few spoons and observe the reaction for 2-3 days. If the latter is missing, you can continue.

For the first 3-4 months, consume water-based corn porridge; cow's milk is an allergen; in subsequent months, increase the proportion of milk. You can add soy or goat.

Not every child is able to accept this particular type of cereal. This depends on the characteristics of metabolism and heredity. If an allergy occurs, the stool changes (it becomes too thin or thick, the color changes), colic appears, you must not eat corn porridge for a month, and then try again.

If you have constipation, you should limit the use of this product due to the high starch content. You need to monitor your child's stool.

There are certain cooking rules. Consumption of fried soups is not allowed. You should also not overuse the quantity, as this can cause a feeling of bloating and heaviness in the abdomen.

You should avoid eating fresh corn, but you can always treat yourself to corn sticks or flakes. Fresh corn can cause bloating and colic in your baby. You can start using it from the age of at least 3 months, and increase the amount gradually.

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It is strictly forbidden to eat canned food; it contains preservatives. It's not common to eat popcorn.

The main thing is not to overdo it. It is optimal to alternate the different types of dishes that are allowed during this period.

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