Activities with a child (3 months) Practical advice (child development at 3 months)

The baby is 3 months old. By this time he had noticeably rounded out and become touchingly plump. Now he is developing a daily routine - a time for sleep and wakefulness is set. Knowledge of the world is entering the “test by mouth” stage. How to properly develop your child at 3 months to help him grow strong, smart, strong, healthy?

Skills of the month

At the age of 3 months, the baby can already demonstrate a little more skills than a month earlier, and those that were already there are now being improved.

What can a baby do at this age?

  • He already confidently holds his head upright and turns it from side to side. And lying on his tummy, he can lift and hold it for up to a minute, while leaning on his forearms.
  • The baby's muscles are already strong enough to roll over onto his tummy from a position on his back. Many children at this age even learn to move by rolling.
  • If the baby is supported under the arms, he will rest his legs against the horizontal support.
  • The hypertonicity of newborns gradually fades away, so the baby learns to consciously control his hands: he can hit the toys hanging in front of him and push them. He can grab a toy and pull it into his mouth to examine it properly, because the mucous membrane of his mouth is now much more sensitive than his fingers.
  • He studies with interest his fists, which can already open, and even his heels - he examines them, licks them, sucks them.
  • The revitalization complex is going through an active stage of development. The baby recognizes mom and dad, quickly reacting to their appearance with an inviting hum, a smile, and movements of the arms and legs.
  • Vision is improving. Now the baby not only follows the objects in front of his eyes, even if they are moved quickly enough, but also peers into them, focuses his gaze, examines them - objective perception appears.
  • Unmistakably finds the source of sound by turning the head in its direction.
  • The emotions of a 3-month-old baby are becoming brighter. When communicating with adults, he can smile and even laugh wildly; he already knows how to express protest, be capricious, whine, demand, rejoice, be scared.
  • As for speech skills, the humming stage enters the active phase. The child tries different intonations, tries to add facial expressions to his “sayings,” imitating his parents, and more and more sound combinations appear in his “lexicon.”

If your baby has learned to roll over or roll over, don't leave him unattended on the bed or sofa - he could easily roll to the edge and then fall. Better arrange a place for him on the floor. A development mat is perfect for this. Lying on such a developmental device, the baby will have something to look at and touch, but at the same time the possibility of falling is excluded.

Third month - educational games for baby

Our favorite Friday has arrived again, which for many working mothers serves as a kind of anticipation of a sweet weekend, and for those on maternity leave - the most complete communication with their husband and father as part of the whole family.

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