Child development at 4 months: what a baby can do at this age

What weeks are included in the 4th month of pregnancy?

Select a week and find out how the body of mother and baby changes

  • Week 14
  • Week 15
  • Week 16
  • Week 17

The fourth month of pregnancy is the beginning of the second trimester of gestation, the calmest and most comfortable time for the expectant mother. Hormonal levels stabilize, toxicosis passes, and you are most likely already accustomed to your new role. The baby has turned from an embryo into a fetus, which means that all organs and systems in the body are formed, and in the following months they will grow and develop.

Feelings of the expectant mother

Due to the growing uterus and stretching of the muscle ligaments that hold it, you may experience pain in the lower abdomen. It is possible to reduce discomfort with the help of antispasmodics and magnesium. Consult a specialist before taking medications. If the lower abdomen feels strong and unbearable, immediately seek help from a hospital. This is one of the signs of a threatened miscarriage.

At the 4th month, you may notice increased sweating and an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge. This is due to the increased volume of circulating blood and fluid in the body.

Some pregnant women complain of increased bleeding gums and nosebleeds during this period. Blood vessels cannot withstand the excess load, and small capillaries burst. Report these symptoms to your gynecologist. He will recommend therapy aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

At the end of the 4th month of pregnancy, you may first feel fetal movements. Especially if you are expecting your first child and have a thin build. Remember what week this happened: this information is entered into the exchange card.

Psycho-emotional development at four months

  • The child becomes more active and reacts more emotionally to his mother’s voice: he animatedly twitches his legs and arms, smiles joyfully or even laughs, and chats with her in his own way. Such manifestations can also be observed as a reaction to new toys or people.
  • The baby begins to understand his name, so you should address him in the third person more often. In response to conversations with him, the child should respond with the first sounds: predominantly long vowels, but elements of hard consonants can also occur.
  • The baby begins to remember the sequence of daily actions and understand what will happen after this or that event. For example, wait patiently for a massage after bathing; when dressing, understand that you are planning to go outside; when you see the breast, calm down in anticipation of feeding.
  • He begins to have his first feelings: he feels hurt, scared, happy, sad, and even interested or bored.
  • The baby begins to feel curious about his own body. So, he carefully examines his hands, touches his face, ears or head, even recognizes himself in the mirror and watches with interest.
  • He already easily recognizes his loved ones and demands their attention, especially his mother. The baby still has a strong connection with her, so he needs constant contact: both in terms of touching and stroking, and in the emotional aspect. The mother must understand that the child instantly feels both joy and sadness - his mood depends on this.
  • When seeing previously unfamiliar people, the child behaves quite cautiously, carefully studying new faces. The same reaction can be observed if one of the family members is wearing a hat, hood or sunglasses, because the child will not recognize them in this form. And having removed such a “disguise”, you can observe vivid emotions of surprise in the form of sounds, facial expressions and active body movements.
  • At four months, the baby’s perception of the world around him through vision and hearing is actively improving. Now he not only closely observes moving toys in his field of vision, but also remembers them. And if you show your child how a rattle rumbles, and then make noise with it in the other direction, he will turn his head listening in search of a familiar sound.


In addition to increased attentiveness, the child begins to be interested in flowers. The first things he will notice are colorful and rich colors, such as sunny yellow or rich red. Less saturated shades (green, blue and blue tones) also attract his gaze, but to a lesser extent. Therefore, you should choose new toys based on these preferences: bright colors, but not mixed with each other. The baby will better accept the entertainment if the toy contains no more than 4 shades, otherwise he will quickly get tired and lose interest.


The period has come when the child diligently listens to the sounds around him, distinguishing between the voices of his father and mother, and begins to turn his head in search of them. Listening to a melody or song, he already shows his sympathy or, conversely, dissatisfaction with what he heard. A baby at this age finds rhythmic tempos more pleasant than high-pitched sounds, since his hearing perceives only a couple of tones from the entire possible spectrum. A clearly audible rhythm will have a calming effect and make it possible to add an element of play in the form of movements of arms and legs to the beat of the music.

At 4 months, the baby reaches a stage when he needs constant communication. It depends on this when the beginning of his future first words and sentences occurs. Therefore, parents need to become more sociable: explain any action in words, talk about joint plans for today, describe the situations happening around them. It will be effective to read the first books with large pictures or use cards with words and illustrations for them.

In turn, the baby will respond to the speeches he hears with his own tongue. In order for him to start trying to repeat after his mother, he needs to be shown how this is done: you need to wait until he finishes “his sentence” and then reproduce his sounds. In this way, the child develops the skill of imitating speech, which will help him learn to speak more easily.

Lack of skills: what should alert you

Each child is prone to his own individual development. Therefore, in some children the listed abilities appear earlier, in others they appear later. This isn't always a cause for concern, but it's worth knowing what skills you're lacking should attract attention. Warning signs include the absence of:

  • Grasping and holding even the lightest objects in the handle.
  • Attempts to roll over onto your stomach or unsuccessful attempts.
  • Initial hand raises while lying on your stomach.
  • Holding the head confidently when the baby is lifted by the arms.
  • Elementary emotions and reactions to attention, conversations and games: surprise, enthusiasm, sadness, smiles, laughter.
  • A confident stand on your toes if you hold the baby to stand.

Fetal development

At this stage of pregnancy, all functions of feeding the fetus are performed by the placenta. Nutrients and oxygen are supplied through it and the umbilical cord. By the end of 4 months, the fetal body will become more proportional: if previously the head was ahead of the body in growth, now it will occupy a third of the total body length.

The genital organs develop: in boys, the prostate and penis are formed, in girls - the ovaries and clitoris. The sex of the unborn child can already be determined using an ultrasound.

Other development successes

  • The fetal heart pumps up to 23 liters of blood per day.
  • The thyroid and pancreas begin to produce their own hormones.
  • The baby can turn his head, move his arms, and push with his legs.
  • A unique pattern is formed on the fingertips, and the first hairs grow on the head.

What is the belly like at 4 months pregnant?

At this stage, your belly begins to noticeably become rounder. The uterus quickly increases: if at the beginning of the month its bottom is still above the pubic symphysis, then by the end it almost reaches the level of the navel. With the disappearance of toxicosis symptoms, appetite improves, and during the 4th month of pregnancy a woman can gain from 2 to 4 kg.

Most likely, you can still fit into your usual clothes, but we advise you to avoid tight or constricting clothes. Choose a loose fit that will help you hide your pregnancy from others if you want.

Tests and ultrasound

When planning a routine visit to the gynecologist, do not forget to take a general urine test in advance. Based on its results, the doctor can judge inflammatory processes in the body and promptly diagnose gestosis during pregnancy if the protein content increases.

What does a gynecologist do during a routine examination?

  • measures blood pressure, weight and abdominal circumference;
  • determines the location of the uterus relative to the navel by palpating the anterior abdominal wall;
  • listens to the fetal heartbeat.

From week 16 you will be referred for 2nd pregnancy screening. It includes an ultrasound examination, during which the specialist evaluates blood flow, the location of the placenta and umbilical cord, and the volume of amniotic fluid. If the results of the first screening were questionable, then in addition to an ultrasound, you will need to take a blood test for the hormones estriol, hCG, and alphafetoprotein. This is the so-called triple test. It can be used to diagnose disorders in the structure of internal organs and genetic pathologies.

How do babies hear and speak?

By four months, babies begin to listen to sounds, find their source more easily with their eyes and distinguish familiar sounds from unfamiliar ones. This is how they recognize their mother’s voice and the sounds of their favorite toys. The range of perceived sounds expands. Calm, quiet, pleasant melodies will contribute not only to the development of hearing, but also to calm the baby.

But remember that sounds for infants are new discoveries; do not overtire them with them, especially in the evening.

The baby’s speech develops by leaps and bounds: ever greater combinations of sounds can be heard, vowels can be of different lengths and intensity of pronunciation. The sounds “b”, “p”, “m” appear, but their appearance directly depends on how often you play with your child, pronouncing the same sounds, and how much you talk to him during the day. When analyzing speech, it is important to understand that the parameter of its normal development is not the presence of all the necessary sounds, but the development of your child’s speech in comparison with his speech a month ago.

Children under one year old have a unique structure of the inner ear: the auditory tube is much shorter than in adults and larger in diameter. It is located in a horizontal position, so liquid from the nasopharynx and even milk easily enters it during feeding. This is the cause of frequent otitis media in infants. The following symptoms will help detect this disease:

  • restless, plaintive, hysterical crying, especially at night and during feeding, accompanied by touching the ears;
  • crying with light pressure on the outer cartilage of the ear;
  • redness and swelling of the ear, purulent pimples next to it;
  • capricious behavior, reluctance to play, lethargy.

If you suspect otitis media, consult a doctor immediately!

Do's and don'ts

It is possible and necessaryForbidden
Sleep at least 8 hours, take an afternoon rest.Sleep on your stomach or back.
Be in the fresh air for at least 1 hour a day, do your usual sports or gymnastics for pregnant women.Lift weights of more than 3-5 kg, perform strength exercises, if you did not do this before conception.
Eat 5-6 times a day, monitor your drinking regime.Consume alcohol, thermally unprocessed meat, fish and eggs.
Choose a special maternity bra that is supportive but not wired.Wear high-heeled shoes, tight trousers and skirts, and shapewear.

All day by the hour

From this stage, stability plays a huge role in smooth development. It should manifest itself in a clear daily routine, the usual course of events. By the fourth month, mothers have established lactation and now milk does not arrive according to the clock, namely during the baby’s latching, a few minutes after stimulating the breast with sucking movements. The main diet for infants, as before, remains breast milk or an adapted milk formula.

The volume of food eaten by 4 months is 900-1000 ml per day and, as a rule, is divided into 6 feedings (150-160 ml each). Of course, when breastfeeding, there is no need to measure the amount of milk consumed. This indicator is important for children who are bottle-fed. Exceeding these standards can result in overeating and obesity, which means slower physical development.

Depending on the time of year and weather, include two walks of at least an hour each in your daily routine. They not only strengthen the immune system, but also calm the baby and promote his harmonious development.

Monitor your baby's sleep: too long periods of wakefulness lead to overwork and, as a result, disruption of routine and emotional calm. In total, children should sleep at least 14 hours a day, with 3-4 short naps during the day and a long nap at night. In general, it is considered normal that a 4-month-old baby can sleep 10 hours without a break. If the baby was born on time and is gaining weight well, then there is no need to wake him up at night for feeding. Premature babies require special supervision from pediatricians and are therefore often supplemented at night.

Daily bathing, hygiene procedures in the morning and after each diaper change are an integral part of your child’s daily schedule. But, if the baby is too tired in the evening and, being capricious, cannot fall asleep after a bath, reschedule the water procedures to another time of the day.

Distribute exercises, massages, and exercises evenly throughout the day, leaving the evening more calm. The baby's lethargy, apathy, and slow reaction may indicate overwork. In this case, you should not wait for a hysteria to appear, but rather put the child to bed.

Checklist 4 months pregnant

  • Avoid anything that can cause fatigue and irritation. Have light snacks and be outdoors more often. This will help prevent headaches.
  • Visit your dentist. It is optimal to treat your teeth in the second trimester, when toxicosis has gone and you generally feel good. Painkillers used in dentistry are safe during pregnancy.
  • Get used to sleeping on your left side: in this position the uterus is best supplied with oxygen, there is no risk of compressing the inferior vena cava.
  • If all tests are normal and your health is excellent, use this time to plan vacations and trips. You can fly now: with a stabilized hormonal background, you are not afraid of overload, and a small belly will allow you to sit comfortably in a chair.

The 4th month of pregnancy is the best time to start attending specialized courses for expectant mothers. We invite you to classes at the School of Motherhood at the Women's Medical Center. Our obstetricians-gynecologists will tell you how to properly prepare for childbirth, what you need to be prepared for, and what techniques will help reduce pain. You will also learn how to establish breastfeeding and care for your baby.

Changes that occur in a woman's body

Already in the fourth month of pregnancy, the female body undergoes enormous transformations. They relate to both external factors, such as changes in the shape, color and size of the abdomen, and changes in the functional activity of almost all organs.

External changes

From 13 to 16 weeks, those around you and the pregnant woman herself may notice the following changes:

  • Breast enlargement by 1–2 sizes. This process is caused by hyperplasia of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland under the influence of estrogens and the intensive growth of the vessels that feed it.
  • Enlargement of nipple areolas 3 times.
  • Gaining body weight. Until the end of 4 months, weight gain is insignificant. It is only 1 – 3 kg. This trend is explained by the fact that active growth of the fetus and the organs that feed it begins from the 5th month.
  • Increased skin pigmentation. Areas of hyperpigmentation appear on the face, neck, and perineum. The formation of a “pregnancy line” on the abdomen is typical. The appearance of brown spots on the skin is caused by increased production and accumulation of melanin.
  • Presence of signs of varicose veins. Typically, such symptoms go away after childbirth, and if the disease is present before pregnancy, it becomes more severe. Small spider veins appear on the skin of the legs, usually the legs, and bluish veins appear through the skin.
  • The belly looks more voluminous than in photos taken before pregnancy. You can forget about the “bad” times. The uterus is located at a height of 11–12 centimeters above the womb, so it can be clearly visualized.
  • Beginning of fetal movements.
  • Possibility of listening to the fetal heartbeat. By the end of 4 months of pregnancy, it is already possible to monitor the baby’s cardiac activity.

A woman's inner feelings

Many new processes take place in the body of the expectant mother, so the sensations also change. The following symptoms may occur:

  • A slight increase in temperature in the early stages, worsening the general condition. By the beginning of the 2nd trimester, the temperature curve returns to normal.
  • Problems with gums and teeth begin. Thinning of the enamel is observed due to a deficiency of microelements and the likelihood of caries formation increases. The gums begin to actively bleed (due to a lack of iron and vitamin C), and therefore preventive rinsing of the mouth with anti-inflammatory solutions is recommended.
  • Dizziness and fainting. Any violation of the daily routine can lead to such conditions. You need to get enough sleep, eat more fruits and vegetables, and walk outdoors more often.
  • Against the background of changes in the intensity of blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract, dyspeptic disorders often occur. For example, heartburn.

Is there toxicosis?

As a rule, by the end of the 1st trimester of pregnancy (week 13), signs of early toxicosis have already disappeared. However, in some cases, vomiting and nausea do not stop and linger for longer periods. Toxicosis causes a lot of problems. Not only does a woman’s subjective attitude toward pregnancy change, but also the state of the body as a whole changes against the backdrop of a constant lack of all necessary substances.

Discharge at 4 months

Normally, the 4th month of pregnancy should be accompanied by clear or whitish discharge. Brown discharge from the genital tract may indicate the presence of bleeding (abruption and placenta previa). The appearance of discharge with a yellowish or greenish color indicates the development of an inflammatory process.

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