Placing a newborn on his stomach: 5 answers to the question why

Why is this important for our baby?

For your baby, tummy time is important for proper development. And although it would seem that nothing is simpler, in fact this is a position that requires a lot of effort for the child.

It is very important to start this procedure from 1-2 months. First of all, it stimulates the development of infant motor skills, coordination, supports intestinal motility, and strengthens the muscles of the back and neck. Thanks to this, the newborn learns to rise from the ground with his hands, raise his head and, over time, roll, crawl and roll over.

During the first two to three months of life, the baby learns to support its belly and raise its head to observe its surroundings.

Also, when a baby is three months old, colic problems often begin to arise due to the accumulation of gas in the tummy. It lies on the stomach, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, facilitates the flow of gas and reduces tension in a sore tummy.

In the fourth month, the baby lies on his stomach and plays with toys, attracting them to him. At 5-6. month straightens his arms and tries to raise them higher and higher.

If a mother does not place her baby on her tummy until the 4th month of life, it may happen that he will not practice these “push-up” skills. This leads to later (at 7-8 months and beyond) problems with getting up on all fours. Sitting may also be a problem because you have to use your arms to sit on the floor. The strength of these muscles is important for the child's subsequent independent sitting. This is why it is important to place your baby on your tummy frequently and try to spend a lot of time this way.

The more your baby lies on his tummy, the more he will exercise. The problem comes when he doesn't like it at all.

How to entertain your baby while he's lying on his tummy: 6 exercises your baby will love

Toys and conversations

When your baby is awake and spends time lying on his stomach, place bright toys in front of him. Everything bright, ringing and plush will help the child to reach forward. Is it okay for you to step away and let your child explore the world around him on his own? No! If you start to move away, tears and a desire to be held in your arms will begin.

Parents should get down on the floor with the child and help him reach and take the toys lying in front. In addition, you need to talk to your baby to encourage and reassure, and gradually develop speech skills along with expressive and receptive communication skills.

Exercise Superman

To do this, the parent needs to lie on his back and lift the child above his head. We put the baby on the chest and then push it up like Superman. It's similar to push-ups, but lying down. Repeat as much as your child likes. Talk to him while he's flying and kiss him when he lands.

Children usually laugh, giggle and mumble during this exercise, which helps develop speech. It also strengthens the neck muscles and improves baby's depth perception, which is essential for visual tracking (reading) and other visual-motor skills. And for a parent this is good training.

Exercise Airplane

If your arms are tired, slightly modify the “Superman” exercise. Remain on your back and lift your bent legs up to form a 90-degree angle. Place the child on his feet (between the knees and ankles), and use your hands to hold his arms or body, rolling him on his feet.

Gymnastic ball

You need to start exercising on the ball as early as possible (read Fitball for the little ones). This ball is great for helping toddlers and older children strengthen the muscles of the neck, head, shoulders, core and legs. In addition, the exercise helps to tune the child’s vestibular apparatus for future concentration in the classroom.

We place the child on the ball on his stomach. Here you may need the help of a partner. Hold your child and roll him back and forth on the ball. You can do without help, but if there is a brother/sister or husband/wife nearby, ask them to sit in front of the child so that the baby can see a familiar face in front of him and flirt with him instead of crying.

Children's educational mat

As the baby grows, such children's educational mats become more and more important. There should be several places in the house with toys and various objects that promote tummy time.

When the child gets a little older, these rugs serve not only for variety, but also for the child to crawl. He knows where to crawl to find toys, reach them, grab them and quickly crawl to another station. Of course, there are children who missed the crawling stage and this did not affect them in any way. But there are other cases where, without crawling, a child experiences developmental delays or learning disabilities.


If the child is still very small and cannot yet lift his neck, head or body, roll up a towel and place it under his chest and arms for support. This way, the child sees everything that is happening around him, which reduces the risk of tears and tantrums.

Alternatively, you can use rubber rings or tires. You may have to hold your baby by the waist, but he will have fun with something to grab, squeeze (fine motor skills) and chew (oral sensory development). Additionally, you can also use a pillow or blanket to provide support for your baby, but do not leave him unattended on it.

How to teach a baby to lie on his stomach

You should not hold your child in a lying position if he is crying or screaming. Already the first signs of dissatisfaction should give us a sign that the objects should be changed so that the child does not experience negative sensations during training while lying on his stomach. It is better to place the baby on the tummy several times a day for a very short time so that we can effectively extend this time by an amount that suits both us and the baby. When a child assumes a lying position, it is a better position for him to observe the world from and learn new skills. Therefore, when you place your baby on his stomach, you should show him the new possibilities that this position brings. The right place is a mattress from the bed, which can be removed and laid somewhere, or a mat on which you should spread a slippery blanket or mat, ideally two sewn together so that the child has enough space for subsequent evolutions.

You can encourage your baby to lie on his stomach by showing him new toys or playing music, cuddling, or lying opposite your baby so he can recognize his mother or father's face.

It is very important to accompany the child when taming the prone position. You need to play with him, talk to him, sing to him, so that the time spent on the tummy is as attractive as possible for the baby.

Equally important is the clothing in which we place the baby on his stomach. It should not have protruding buttons, decorative lace or other protruding objects.

If the child does not want to lie on a mattress or blanket, you can try to put him on your stomach. Such an experience leaves a positive impression, because the warmth of the loved one’s body, the rhythm of the beat and its proximity calm the baby.

If, despite various attempts, the child still does not accept the prone position, then it is worth contacting a physiotherapist to assess the cause of this situation.

How to post correctly

Preparing the room:

  1. Ventilate the room 10-20 minutes before exercise.
  2. Make sure that the room is at a normal temperature; the baby should not be cold or hot.
  3. Set aside all large soft objects, such as pillows, blankets or toys, a meter or more away. The baby may get caught in their face and get scared.

Where to do it

The most important rule is to turn this process into a game for both of you. While lying on your tummy trains your baby's muscles, you can develop other skills at the same time.

  • It is certainly more interesting for a baby to lie on a sofa or changing table than on the floor: this gives a wider view. But it is worth considering that on a hard surface it is easier for children to learn to raise their heads, so the load on the muscles is reduced. Never leave your baby unattended, especially if he is lying high!
  • It is very useful to change the surface on which the baby lies: hard, soft, warm and slightly cool, fluffy and rough. Use different fabrics: silk, velor, velvet, chintz, burlap, try to choose different colors, try to diversify its tactile sensations!
  • Children really like fabrics with small patterns and variegated colors; you can create your own system of alternating patterns and see what your baby likes best.

Distract your baby, sit opposite him, talk to him, make him laugh. You can pour beads, ribbons, winter “rain”, tinsel into a plastic bottle and shake it in front of the baby, showing how the parts are mixed. And kids often like to look in a mirror, so during the exercise, move the mirror in front of him, or place it nearby.

At what age should a baby be placed on his stomach?

Look, by two months you should do three 5-minute workouts a day. By this age, it is better to start placing the baby on the floor, on a mat or yoga mat, in general, on something on which he will be comfortable. By three to four months, you will notice that the baby can already lift himself up in his arms and lift his chest off the surface. Many people learn to roll over at this point.

Until about six months, you need to arrange sessions of lying on your stomach, which will take you a total of 15 minutes a day. By six months, the child will already be so strong that he will independently roll over from his back to his stomach and try to crawl to explore the world. After this, there will be no need to specially allocate time to give the baby the opportunity to lie on his stomach - he will figure it out without you.

How often should you put your baby on his stomach?

Every day, the duration of lying on your tummy should be increased, bringing it to at least 10 minutes. If the child feels comfortable in this position, allow him to lie there for 30 minutes. It is important to observe frequency; it is advisable to repeat the laying out 8-10 times every day. Also ensure the correct position: the forearms should serve as support for the child, and let the hips remain apart.

Not all children will immediately like the new body position; some of them, immediately after turning over, begin to be loudly indignant and attract attention in every possible way. It is not difficult to explain: a child constantly lying on his back feels, to put it mildly, uncomfortable on his stomach. After all, you have to try to hold the head and turn it. But crying and children's whims should not stop you - every minute spent in this position will be extremely useful for the newborn.

Why is it good for a baby to spend time on his stomach?

Firstly, it is the prevention of the appearance of a flat head and other deformations of the skull. Secondly, lying on your stomach helps strengthen the muscles of your neck, arms, back and even legs. All this is important for the development of subsequent skills - rolling over, sitting, crawling. In short, tummy time helps your baby grow strong and healthy. It is also useful for torticollis, when the development of the muscles of the upper half of the body is especially important.

Moreover, laying on the stomach also affects the development of motor skills. Ann Zachry, chair of the department of occupational therapy at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, conducted a mini-study and found that children who were not placed on their stomachs in infancy not only missed the important and beneficial stage of crawling, but also had weak trunk muscles. and poor handwriting compared to those who were regularly laid out on their stomachs.

Our children may no longer need handwriting, but strong arms and a shoulder girdle will never hurt, especially if a zombie apocalypse happens.

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At what age should I start?

Moms regularly ask when to start placing their baby tummy down? Do not rush to do this immediately after discharge from the maternity ward. The umbilical wound has not yet healed. Wait 5-7 days, by then the navel should have healed. The first time the baby is placed on his stomach should be short - no more than two minutes. Gradually the frequency and duration need to be increased.

Pediatricians (for example, Dr. Komarovsky) recommend making it a rule to leave the baby on his stomach for a short time after changing the diaper. It is not difficult to implement this recommendation, and it will be interesting for the baby to observe the world around him from the height of the changing table. Just remember about the safety of the child - parents should always be nearby.

It is not recommended to turn the baby on his tummy after feeding. It is known that for a couple of months after birth, babies constantly burp, and an unusual body position provokes this process. It's even worse if the child chokes. A newborn should be turned onto his stomach when he is not hungry and during periods of physical activity. Adopting this position can become a permanent ritual before swaddling or be accompanied by massage treatments.

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We didn’t lie down at all, she immediately started screaming until you turned her over. So they gave up on it. And now she is already 8 months old. And she is already crawling and rolling over on her stomach to stand up or crawl. So I think it's okay.

with my daughter the same parsley

we are almost 6 YEARS OLD and sleeps only on his back, very rarely turns on his side, well, the child doesn’t like lying on his stomach, what can we do. It was so funny when I laid her on her tummy (1-2 months) at first she cried, and then so cleverly I learned to roll over backwards.

My daughter didn’t lie on her stomach either, she screamed, then a birth injury appeared, a displacement of a vertebra, they treated it and the child began to lie on his stomach with pleasure. He probably feels discomfort, the child just won’t cry.

We are 1.5 months old. It seems that we are obliged to lay it on our tummy, but he doesn’t like it specifically, he yells. I’m so afraid that we will never learn to hold our head up ;-(

You will still learn to hold your head up :)

mine has learned, though more often humpty talk, but still :)

poor child, thank God they found it out earlier:) now I’ll know, thank you! Let’s go to the orthopedist.

Some studies by scientists studying the causes of sudden infant deaths have shocked parents. It turns out that the baby’s incorrect posture during sleep is to blame - lying on his stomach, with his nose buried in the pillow. Many children like to fall asleep this way. But instinctively, the mothers tried to turn the baby onto its side - and they did the right thing.

In childhood, vomiting may suddenly develop, and due to physiological helplessness, the baby is simply forced to die. And for the spinal column, sleeping with your head turned to the side is very harmful. Frightened by these stories, mothers began to forbid their children to lie on their stomachs not only at night, but also completely stopped practicing this position of the body, which, of course, is wrong.

Starting from the first week of life, it is necessary to gradually begin to lay the newborn on his stomach. How, when and why to do this? Your pediatrician will tell you when to place your baby on his tummy in your specific situation. Additional consultation on this issue is required if your baby has had congenital injuries, spinal injuries, hemorrhages and other pathologies.

A healthy, strong baby can be placed on his stomach almost immediately after birth. This allows you to strengthen the shoulder girdle, neck, back, and abdominal muscles. In addition, such regular exercises help fight constipation and intestinal colic, which affect almost all infants.

What to do if the child does not want to lie on his stomach?

In the first few weeks of life, babies are reluctant to lie on their stomachs, as it is quite difficult for them to keep their head in this position. Do not torment your child by staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time - a few minutes will be enough. Over time, the muscles will strengthen and the duration of training will double.

Before placing the newborn on his tummy, it is worth ventilating the room and preparing a flat, reliable and stable surface. The child should not want to sleep or eat. It is ideal to do this an hour after feeding, so as not to cause regurgitation and hiccups in the baby. Before placing the baby directly on his stomach, you need to check the patency of the baby’s nasal passages. If the nose is clogged, then lying in such a position will be unpleasant for him. Under no circumstances leave him alone. Stay nearby, talk to him, show him toys to keep him interested. Regularly placing the baby on his stomach will promote the development of the musculoskeletal system, which will certainly have a positive impact on his further development.

Some parents are surprised to note that their children behave very restlessly when lying on their stomachs. The experts are confused. Because they believe that the time a child spends lying on his tummy will prevent various diseases. You should not indulge your baby’s whims and begin to gradually introduce such time into your routine. What should you do to ensure that your child can comfortably tolerate the position of lying on his tummy?

What to do if your baby doesn’t like lying on his tummy

It is quite natural if the baby does not really like lying on his tummy at first. After all, this is a new position for him that he needs to get used to.

Here's what you can try:

  1. Place a bright toy next to the baby: he will be interested in looking at it or reaching for it.
  2. Sit on the floor next to your baby, sing to him or show him a toy.
  3. If this doesn't work, call someone at home for help.
  4. Try the option when the baby lies on his side with his knees bent. Some children prefer this position. You can put a rolled up towel under his back.

Gradually, the baby will get used to the new activity and love it. If your baby expresses his dissatisfaction too clearly and this worries you, discuss this with your pediatrician.


  • You can start placing your newborn on his tummy while still in the maternity hospital or as soon as you are home after discharge. The sooner you start, the better.
    1. When your baby is awake, place him on his tummy on your chest or on your lap.
  • To make your baby more comfortable, look into his eyes, smile broadly, and talk to him in a cheerful voice.
  • At this age, 3-5 minutes on the tummy will be enough. You can gradually increase the duration of the “sessions” if you see that your baby likes them. Place your baby on his tummy two to three times a day, for example after changing a diaper or after a nap.
  • The main thing is to closely monitor the baby and do not leave him alone. You can sit or lie next to him on the floor, chat, smile, play with toys.

Tummy time can be fun for both baby and parents. This is also an opportunity to develop the muscles a baby needs to learn to sit, crawl and eventually walk. Placing your newborn on his tummy every day is very important for his development. And so that you, parents, are not distracted from your wonderful baby by little things, stock up on diapers at a special price.

Why place your baby on his tummy?

The main task of placing a baby on his stomach is obvious - it is important to learn how to hold his head. And for a baby this is an extremely difficult task.

When a newborn lies tummy down, the neck muscles receive the necessary load and are strengthened. In just a short time, the child will learn to use his arms, which will help him in mastering the skill of crawling. And then he will be able to roll over without outside help.

It is known that after birth a baby’s skull is not yet completely hard, the bone tissue remains soft and flexible. This feature is determined genetically - during childbirth, the skull contracts slightly, making the exit from the mother’s womb easier and less painful for the mother. If the baby constantly lies on his back in the first weeks after birth, this affects the bones of the skull. In this case, the shape of the head may forever remain flattened in the back of the head.

Lying stomach down helps develop the baby's motor skills much faster - after all, the arms and legs are constantly loaded. The sooner the muscles of the limbs are strengthened, the sooner the child will begin to crawl. And there it’s already not far from sitting and walking. Being only on the back slows down the development of new motor skills of the baby. Finally, the “lying on the stomach” position is a good preventive measure for the appearance of intestinal gases (“colic”), which bother the baby and parents. This situation will also be useful for children who cry a lot, as over time they may develop an umbilical hernia.

When should you teach your baby to roll over onto his stomach?

From about the second month of life, the baby becomes much stronger; from this age, you can diversify activities aimed at improving his motor activity. During this period, you can begin to encourage him to turn over by performing the necessary exercises.

For this purpose, it is worth laying the child on his tummy, and putting him on his side, and, offering him a variety of toys, encouraging him to move independently. The next stage will be teaching the baby to throw his leg in the direction of the intended turn. When the baby learns to hold his head better, the mother can turn him onto his stomach directly from his back. To do this, she needs to hold the baby’s leg in a level position with one hand, and with the other lift the second leg behind the first. The baby will reflexively begin to roll over. To achieve the maximum effect from the exercise, it should be done 2-3 times in each direction. Let us remind you that the child must be more than one month old.

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