Daily routine and nutrition of children after one and a half (1.5) years

Regimen for a child aged one to one and a half years

The daily routine of a child aged from 1 year to 1 year 6 months should provide sufficient sleep during the day, intervals between meals and periods of wakefulness that correspond in duration to the needs of the body of a child of this age. In addition to its enormous importance for the baby’s health, a correct, strictly followed regime is also important because it fosters discipline and eliminates the basis for a number of clashes between adults and the child.

When establishing a child’s daily routine, it is necessary to take into account his or her existing habits and needs. For example, it is more advisable to feed a baby under the age of one and a half years after sleep, then he will eat better. A well-rested and fed child is cheerful, cheerful and plays well. Having played enough, he will quickly and soundly fall asleep. Thus, the sequence: sleep, feeding, play and sleep again before feeding is the most rational, and should be maintained until the child switches to a one-time daytime nap.

It is possible to maintain such a correct sequence and not violate the regime if the child quickly falls asleep and sleeps for the entire set time, i.e., right up to feeding. If the child does not fall asleep for a long time and falls asleep only when it is time to feed, then, awakened by hunger and not getting enough sleep, he will become capricious while eating and the whole regime will be disrupted.

In order for the child to quickly fall asleep and sleep soundly, you should take him out into the fresh air during sleep and return from a walk to the time of feeding.

A one-year-old child can stay awake for 3 to 3.5 hours at a time. The period of wakefulness lengthens with age, and by the age of one and a half years the child may no longer sleep for 5 hours in a row.

From a year to a year and a half, the child’s routine is approximately the same as at 10 months, i.e.: at 8 o’clock. - breakfast, at 12 - lunch, at 16 o'clock. 30 min. - afternoon tea, 7 p.m. 30 min. - dinner; from 10 o'clock morning until 12 o'clock. day - first daytime nap, from 15 o'clock. until 16 o'clock 30 min. - second. Thus, at this age, children sleep 2 times during the day and eat 4-5 times. Night sleep should begin at 20 o'clock.

Weakened after illness or premature babies should sleep twice during the day until 1 year 8 months.

After a year, the child is usually no longer breastfed. If he turns one year old in the spring or summer, then he should not be weaned until the fall.

Some parents transfer their child to a one-time nap at the age of one, and not from one and a half years. At the same time, the child, although he sleeps once, sleeps for a long time - 3 hours in a row. This mode, of course, is convenient for adults, as it leaves more free time for homework. However, this is harmful for the child, because in this case he usually sleeps during the day from 10-11 o'clock. until 13-14 hours, and night sleep begins at 20-21 hours. Thus, between daytime and night sleep, the child is awake for 6-7 hours, which is tiring for him. In addition, in the evening, all the adults return from work, they talk and play with the baby, he becomes overexcited, and this has a very adverse effect on his nervous system.

When transferring a child to a one-time nap, parents often explain this by saying that the second time he falls asleep poorly and, obviously, a second nap is unnecessary for him. In reality, this is far from the case: it is nervous, excitable children, overloaded with impressions, who especially need a second sleep, who fall asleep poorly. Therefore, in order for them to quickly fall asleep, the necessary conditions should be created.

Doctors note that more often those parents who switched their children to a one-time nap schedule too early come to the consultation with complaints about “whims”, unbalanced behavior, and inexplicable crying of children.


Daily routine for a child from 1 to 1.5 years old

A child up to one and a half years old will be less sick and tired if you choose the right daily routine for him and follow it. This regime is the basis for healthy child rearing. During this age period, the child’s nervous system is very unstable, so he needs to be given as much attention as possible. It is important for parents to know that a one-and-a-half-year-old and three-year-old child should live according to different sleep and activity patterns. During this period, you need to practice three different daily routines. We present the daily routine for a one- to one-and-a-half-year-old child.

The best daily routine

It will be considered optimal if the child’s daily schedule is designed in such a way that it coincides with his natural needs. If the child sleeps during the day at 13.00, then it is best to plan naps during the day at this time. If you suddenly change a child’s habits, his nervous system will suffer, and this daily routine will not bring any benefit. Therefore, the daily routine for a child aged 1-1.5 years should be as gentle as possible. Parents can judge the success of their regime by the child's good mood and good health.

The best daily routine is the one that accustoms the child to order and organizes his leisure time. Then it will be much easier for the child to get used to kindergarten and school.

If you don't follow a daily routine

If parents are illogical in observing the children’s daily routine, then they force the child to follow it, then they let everything take its course, this negatively affects the baby’s nervous system. He may have the following health problems.

  • Moodiness, irritability, nervousness
  • Fast fatiguability
  • Changes in activity and rest
  • Mood swings
  • Lack of sleep, poor sleep
  • Poor appetite
  • Insufficient assimilation of information
  • Reluctance to clean up after yourself or help your mother

Age characteristics of a child 1-1.5 years old

When a child turns one year old, he begins to develop more rapidly than before. And at the same time, a child at this age still has many inconsistencies. Physically, the child is not yet able to withstand the whole day without sleep; he gets tired quickly. At the same time, the child loves to run and jump a lot and actively, however, he gets tired very soon and needs rest. The child’s coordination of movements is still insufficient, despite the fact that he wants to play for a long time and a lot.

A child at this age can fulfill an adult’s request to bring or serve something, and his active vocabulary begins to quickly expand. A child at this age throws away the pacifier and begins to eat with a spoon. True, it sheds a lot at the same time.


A child wakes up, for example, at 10 o’clock, so you shouldn’t wake him up exactly at 9. If he gets up earlier, then he still needs to have breakfast at about 9:30. This way the child will get used to eating at the same time, which will not only help to maintain a daily routine, but will also be beneficial for the body.

After waking up, a child of 1 year and 4 months should go to the potty, then wash and brush his teeth. Most likely, he still does not know how to do this on his own, so you need to help him. It is necessary to brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening; it is very important to teach your child to do this as early as possible so that problems do not arise in the future.

Sleep of a child 1-1.5 years old

Daytime naps should be scheduled twice in the schedule of a child of this age. The first time the child should sleep from two to 2.5 hours, and the second time - up to two hours.

In order for the child to fall asleep normally, you need to stop active games half an hour before. It is ideal if the child takes a walk with his mother in the fresh air an hour before bedtime. This way his nervous system will calm down, blood flow will be activated, and the blood will be more saturated with oxygen. It is very important that every day the sleep schedule, as well as other activities of the child, is planned at the same time. This way the child will develop habits and conditioned reflexes that will allow him to follow the schedule in the future and not disrupt his sleep and activity patterns.

When you teach your child to go to bed at the same time, you need to wake him up at the same time. True, it is permissible to “overstay” the baby for 15 minutes or wake him up a quarter of an hour earlier, if this is convenient for the child. After sleep, you need to start teaching your child to dress himself, helping him and showing him how to do it. At the same time, you need to show the baby the clothes and name them.

Sleeping in the fresh air is good in summer. In the cold season, before putting a 1-1.5 year old child to bed, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room. But the baby should not sleep in a draft - he will get sick.

Baby's personal mode

Each child is born with his own individual character and temperament. One, from birth, loves to lie in bed until noon, even if he went to bed at nine o’clock in the evening, and already at three months he can sleep all night without waking up for feedings, while the other is in a hurry to live, to experience the world - and sleeps literally for half an hour.

The child sets his own personal regime, and parents are faced with a dilemma - to adapt to it themselves or to normalize the baby’s regime and adapt it to their needs.

Experts clearly agree that children need a routine: it allows them to streamline their lives, and changing activities, sleep and wakefulness, feeding by the hour (here we are not talking about breastfeeding, which must be done on demand) - all this makes the child’s life understandable and simple. He learns to navigate time and follow routine. The routine is also very important for the baby’s health, because if day after day one action replaces another, the baby’s body is already able to predict what will happen next and adapt, avoiding unnecessary stress.

The task of parents is to carefully observe and listen to their baby, to look for a compromise in the child’s daily routine that would suit both parties.

What can't you do?

  • Force feed if baby is not hungry. Even if it’s time for lunch, and the baby turns away from both the spoon and the breast, it means he’s just not hungry yet.
  • If you see that the baby is cheerful, cheerful and is not going to sleep at all, although it’s on time, don’t try to convince him. You will spend two to three hours just putting it to bed, and as a result, the baby will naturally fall asleep. But you could use this time better.
  • If your baby flatly refuses to sleep during a walk during the day, but falls asleep as soon as you return from it, this is a reason to reconsider: 1.
    the time of going for a walk, if it is important for you that he sleeps outside;
    try to put the baby to sleep at home - perhaps he is simply not very comfortable in the fresh air.

Parents can be sure that the baby’s routine is optimal if feeding and bedtime coincide with the child’s needs.
In other words, if the baby is cheerful, cheerful, healthy and not capricious, you are doing everything right. If not, you need to find the reason for the toddler’s dissatisfaction and consult with a specialist. It is important for parents to understand that any information regarding the baby’s daily routine is purely advisory in nature, and the pediatrician will give clearer recommendations.

Another thing is that the daily routine, as mentioned above, teaches the baby to be organized and makes life easier for him and his parents. And, what is really important, it will be much easier for a child who follows the regime to adapt to the conditions of kindergarten in the future if you send him there.

What can lead to non-compliance with the regime?

  • Tearfulness, moodiness, irritability.
  • Frequent deterioration in mood associated with overwork and lack of sleep.

How to establish a baby’s daily routine?

It all depends only on you and your self-discipline. Experts offer, for example, the following methods:

  • Always get up at the same time. Even if your baby takes a long time to fall asleep at night, wake him up and wash him.
  • Follow the newborn's daily routine strictly by the hour. You will be surprised how quickly the baby will accept these rules.
  • Introduce your baby to the routine gently.
  • Create “prompt rituals.”

It's up to you to decide whether your baby will live according to the schedule, or you will change the schedule depending on his and your needs, or you will do without a schedule at all. The main thing is that both you and the child feel comfortable in your general rhythm of life.

How many times should I feed a child aged 1-1.5 years?

Feeding should not be less than four times a day. Approximately 3-4 hours should pass between feedings. After feeding, the baby should take a walk. And then you can get some sleep, and after sleep the baby is fed again. With this daily routine, the child grows and develops well. After sleeping and eating, the child is calm, plays well, is not capricious, his nervous system is calmer than those of those children who do not get enough sleep and are malnourished.

When you spoon feed your baby and teach him to use this device on his own, you can use a little trick. If a child cannot eat from a spoon, you need to put thick food into it first, and then, when everything starts to work out, you can scoop out liquids with a spoon: soup, jelly. There is no need to overexert the child: let him learn just a little, 3-4 spoons are enough, and then dad or mom will feed the baby. At the end of feeding, you can use a bonus for the baby - allow him to finish himself with a spoon when there is very little food left.


Children have five meals a day, but more often they have four meals a day.

The intervals between the baby sitting down to eat are approximately 4 hours.

Since most babies already have a few teeth by the age of one and two months, it would be logical to introduce solid foods. Don't worry that your baby won't be able to handle it.

Try to refrain from eating sweets.

An approximate menu for a baby at this age:

  1. First meal. It is possible to give porridge, but do not grind it until smooth. Vegetables or half an egg are served as a snack. You can drink, for example, tea.
  2. For the second meal, it is advisable to give your baby soup (vegetable or meat). For the second, vegetable salad. The baby can record everything with compote.
  3. For the third meal, you can give your child cottage cheese with added fruit. Give a few cookies for a snack. Wash everything down with juice.
  4. The fourth feeding should be light so that it does not interfere with the baby's normal and full sleep. You can offer your baby fruit puree or just pieces of chopped fruit.

Activity of a child 1-1.5 years old throughout the day

As we have already figured out, the baby sleeps for about 4-4.5 hours during the day. The same amount of time is spent on the period of activity. Changing the daily routine, that is, reducing the period of sleep or period of activity, should not be done, because this may have an undesirable effect on the child’s health. The child may suffer from increased fatigue or, conversely, lethargy.

To make the child’s activity more varied throughout the day, it is necessary to include bathing and educational games in the daily routine. Books, bright toys, pyramids, cubes are a very good way to diversify the waking period of a child aged 1-1.5 years.

Baby's daily routine at 14 months


The baby still needs long sleep, which takes at least half of the day. Most children by this age have already firmly switched to a single daily quiet hour, which takes from 1.5 to 3 hours.


The baby's motor skills are improving at a high speed, so he simply needs activity on the street. Leisurely walks hand in hand with mom and exploration of the playground are suitable. You shouldn’t limit your baby’s independent activities on the street. Most likely, he will want to climb the steps without the help of an adult and swing on a rocking chair. You just need to insure your child in completing these steps. It is not recommended to keep your baby in the stroller while walking. Most of your time outdoors should be spent actively moving and exploring the world around you.


After one year, many mothers try to continue breastfeeding. At this time, milk no longer carries significant nutritional value, but provides the child with other essential components, such as nucleotides, oligosaccharides, living immune cells - all these ingredients help the development of the immune system, brain and protection against infectious diseases. If the mother is unable to continue breastfeeding, the baby should be given an age-appropriate formula. Of course, it cannot completely replace breast milk, but it will partially compensate for the missing components.

Usually, by the age of 14 months, the baby is already transferred to a full diet, equivalent to an adult diet. The number of meals becomes 4 times a day. The required daily volume is 1200-1300 ml. This amount is divided between breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. The calorie content of the afternoon snack should be lower than that of other meals. Traditionally, after lunch, babies go for a quiet hour and during the sleep period they do not have time to waste energy and get hungry. Therefore, the nutritional value of the afternoon snack can be reduced. Fermented milk products, fruits and purees are suitable as a light snack. In this case, by dinner the child will have time to work up an appetite and eat well.

A good option for an afternoon snack is Cabrita brand fruit purees. They are made from organically pure fruits with the addition of goat milk cream. This product does not contain unnecessary ingredients: sugar, starch, preservatives and other additives. Thanks to the soft packaging, the puree is convenient to take with you on a visit or for a walk. The baby can eat it on his own. It is rich in vitamins, microelements and has a natural sweet taste.

Bathing and hardening

Before afternoon tea you need to give your child a bath. If not bathing, then rubbing, it is also very useful for hardening. First they wipe the child's arms, then the chest, then the legs, then the back. The water temperature should be no higher than 35 degrees Celsius. To harden a baby under the age of one and a half years, you can gradually reduce the water temperature. Once a week or five days, when bathing and drying, reduce the water temperature by 5 degrees, resulting in a water temperature of 24 degrees. You should not give up hardening - it greatly strengthens the child’s nervous, immune and respiratory systems.

Children of different ages and daily routines

A regime brought to a single denominator for all children in the family can work wonders: parents suddenly have time not only for proper brushing of their teeth twice a day or work meetings, but also for pleasures forgotten with the birth of their second child - for example, calmly watching movies from one credits to others.

As usually happens: all pregnant young ladies look slightly condescendingly at those who have not yet been in an interesting position. Like, you don’t know life yet, you haven’t had toxicosis and you can tie your own shoelaces. But once you give birth to your first child, pregnancy ceases to seem like a school of life. For the first six months, I was constantly tormented by the question: why, in fact, did no one warn about all this? Well, then, as usual, you get used to it and look at those around you with a feeling of slight superiority - they don’t know life, they didn’t jump on a fitball with a baby at night!

Years pass (for example, ten years, as in our case), it becomes easier to breathe, properly organized time is enough for the child, and for work, and for hobbies. It is at this moment that a seditious thought arises - should I have a second one?

At the time of realization of this idea, my eldest daughter had just entered third grade. The school is a 20-minute walk across the railway and a couple of busy highways. The music school 3-4 times a week is also not within walking distance. And a little more sports activities for tone and prevention of scoliosis. And also, of course, not in the neighboring yard. After going on my second maternity leave, I couldn’t afford a nanny, who previously had to carry all this meticulously organized logistics. Therefore, after being discharged from the maternity hospital, the baby and I found ourselves face to face with numerous routes to accompany the older child - dad selflessly disappeared at work.

After about a month of chaotic running around the city with a stroller and a car seat, I realized that my eye was twitching and I needed to somehow structure what was happening into clear and precise plans for the week.

Some of our life hacks are quite controversial and poorly applicable in families with a small age difference between children. But these simple rules have made life much easier for our family.

1. The need for a regime in our case was considered as an initial axiom. In the first months, we tried to adjust the regime as much as possible in the interests of the older child. We connected this not with the need to not miss the next training session at all costs, but with the psychological comfort of the eldest: we did not want our daughter to decide that from the moment the baby appeared in the family, her interests and her usual and established schedule for parents were no longer important.

2. At the same time, we began to gradually accustom the older child to independence. First, walk only a short, safe part of the way to school, or do homework in splendid isolation while mom walks with the youngest. Now my daughter is in fifth grade. She gets up on her own in the morning, cooks breakfast for herself and goes to school while the rest of the family is sleeping. She also goes to the stadium herself. Our only headache was the music school, which is located too far away. True, if necessary, my daughter can already get there alone by bus.

3. To ensure that the family remains a family, and not several separate planets, each rotating in its own orbit, we decided to highlight common reference points of the regime for everyone. Joint lunches on weekends and daily dinners with the whole family became mandatory.

What should you teach a 1-1.5 year old child?

At this age, it is imperative to teach your child to wash his hands, brush his teeth, and use a spoon, napkin, and potty.

Daily routine for a child from 1 to 1.5 years old

Kind of activityTime
Feeding7.30, 12.00, 16.30, 20.00
Wakefulness7.00 – 10.00, 12.00 – 15.30, 16.30 – 20.30
DreamFirst sleep – 10.00 – 12.00, second – 15.30 – 16.30, night sleep – 20.30 – 07.00
Walkafter lunch and afternoon tea
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