The child does not sit at 7 months: reasons and recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky


In the eighth month of a child’s life, it is necessary to continue to expand the amount of food introduced.
Complementary feeding becomes necessary at this age. Mother's milk can no longer fully supply the baby with all the necessary vitamins and minerals; the gastrointestinal tract is completely ready for digestion. By this time, many children are already familiar with fruit or vegetable purees and have tried cereal porridges. Formula-fed children were given rabbit or turkey meat. Up to 7.5 months, nutrition should remain single-ingredient. By 8 months it is permissible to introduce more complex types of food: porridge from a mixture of cereals, several types of vegetables.

One of the most interesting foods introduced to a baby in the 8th month of life is egg yolk. Very useful, but often causing an allergic reaction, the yolk is introduced in very small portions. The first dose should not exceed ¼ teaspoon. You can give the baby the yolk a second time after 2-3 days, in the absence of an allergic reaction. If the baby absorbs this product well, then it should be offered no more than 2 times a week, gradually increasing the portion to 1/2 yolk.

At the beginning of the 7th month, you can introduce your little one to instant cookies and bread. They must be made from premium quality wheat flour and not contain additives or dyes.

You can make some changes to your diet. Gradually, the third daily breastfeeding is replaced with complementary foods. By 7.5 months, the feeding regimen looks like this:

  • In the morning the baby eats breast or formula.
  • After 3.5 hours, he gets acquainted with a new product or increases the volume of a recently introduced one.
  • The third feeding consists of familiar foods.
  • In the evening and at night, the baby receives breastfeeding or formula.

During the period of active teething, it is good to suggest scratching the gums with a wheat cracker in the evening.

Children who receive complementary foods from 4-5 months are introduced to more complex dishes: puree soup, a mixture of vegetable porridge with meat.

Complementary feeding table

ViewBabies on breastfeedingFormula-fed babies
Fruit juice5-6 months3-4 months
Fruit puree5-6 months3-4 months
Cottage cheese6.5 months5 months
Vegetables6 months4 months
Milk porridge5 months5 months
Dairy-free porridge7 months7 months
Meat7 months6 months
Fish8 months8 months
Kefir7 months6-7 months
Bread7 months6-7 months
Rusks, children's cookies6 months6 months
Vegetable oil6 months5 months
Butter6 months6 months
Egg yolk6 months6 months

Allowed products for consumption

ProductDuration of administration (artificial feeding/breastfeeding)Benefit
Zucchini3/ 5-6Dietary, hypoallergenic vegetable, promoting the supply of vitamins and minerals, source of energy
Cauliflower and broccoli3/5-6Hypoallergenic vegetables that help strengthen the immune system
Pumpkin4/6Aids digestion, may cause an allergic reaction
Carrot4/6Positively affects vision, improves the condition of skin and hair, strengthens the bone skeleton
Apple3/5Source of vitamins and minerals
Pear5/6Normalizes digestion, strengthens blood vessels.
Bananas4/5The only exotic fruit allowed for up to a year. Helps strengthen the body
Peach, apricot6High vitamin content
Potato6Helps cleanse the body, removes table salt, improves metabolism
Vegetable oil5/6Rich in amino acids

Separately, it is worth mentioning sugar and salt. The introduction of these flavor enhancers is not recommended until one year of age. Even if it seems to you that the complementary food you receive is tasteless and the baby will not like it, you should not add salt or sugar. What seems tasteless to you is a new experience and vivid impressions for your baby. The child is not yet familiar with the taste of the dishes offered and will be interested. Early accustoming to salt and sugar can lead to undesirable consequences on the part of the baby’s body and cause reluctance to eat unsalted and unsweetened foods.

How to teach?

The ability to crawl is inherent in nature; parents should only help the baby a little to “remember” this. Typically, the process of moving in space using crawling begins at the age of 5-6 to 8-9 months. If an older child does not sit or crawl, it is worth consulting with a doctor to find out what the reason is - muscle weakness of the back and limbs or the individual characteristics of the baby. Stimulating crawling is a necessary set of measures.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory stage consists of stimulation and creation of motivation. If a child is not interested in crawling, he will not crawl. This means that we need to create a need for him to crawl. Place in front of him a beautiful bright toy or a very interesting object that the baby cannot reach without trying to move his body at least a little forward from the position lying on his stomach. If the child is already sitting, this will make the task easier; if not yet, you should not force him to sit down, it is better to stimulate crawling.

The main stage of training includes a healing massage to strengthen the muscles of the back, neck and abdomen, as well as the classes themselves. Ideas about what position is best to crawl in are just parental ideas. Babies themselves choose a comfortable body position for themselves. Even if from the outside it seems that the child is crawling incorrectly, pushing off with only one leg (or crawling on his stomach, spreading his arms and legs and waving them), there is no reason to intervene and try to change anything.

Slow crawl

Quite often, children who are helped to get on all fours “freeze” in this position for a long time. They can sway, as if checking whether they maintain balance, but they are in no hurry to move forward. Komarovsky recommends not to rush such “slow” toddlers anywhere. They go through an important stage, studying the vestibular capabilities of their own body.

The specialist recommends that parents do not search the Internet for a video about how to teach a child to crawl at 5 months using the Komarovsky system (this is a very popular request). Such a video does not exist, since the age at which a child begins to crawl varies. The toddler needs active help from parents when he himself is ready for a new way of moving, and this often happens much later than 5 months.

However, Evgeniy Komarovsky still suggests a few techniques that will help teach a baby to crawl.

  • Personal example. From the outside it looks funny and sometimes even absurd, but a better way to teach a child something than a personal example has not yet been invented. If the baby is lying on his stomach, crawl next to him on his belly. If he is already on all fours, stand next to him and show him how to move. Children who are afraid to move forward can be helped by supporting them with the palm of their hand under their tummy. If the whole family, including brothers and sisters, gets down on all fours for a couple of days, it will be absolutely ideal.
  • The mission must be achievable. If you place a toy too far from your baby in an attempt to get him interested in crawling, your baby will quickly realize that getting to it is difficult, difficult, or even impossible. Then he will stop trying and come to terms with the inaccessibility of the desired object. Alternatively, he may start screaming heart-rendingly, demanding this toy. But if you place it nearby, and move it a little further every day, then the crawling process will occur naturally, with mutual interest of the parties.
  • Movement training. It is worth adding new exercises to your daily gymnastics or massage procedures that will imitate crawling and train muscle memory. You can put your child on his back and alternately bend and straighten his legs at the knees. This is not only a useful procedure, but also a fun game. You can put a soft roller under your child’s tummy, take him by the legs and “roll” his stomach a little on the roller, while the baby should rest his hands on the hard surface of the floor.

Another effective exercise is reminiscent of the movements of a frog - place the baby on his stomach on a hard surface, alternately bend both legs at the knees and slightly spread them apart (this will be similar to the way baby frogs swim). After some time in this position, you can place your palm so that the baby’s feet rest against it, then the baby will learn to push off and make the first inertial movement forward.

Walking on your hands will help strengthen your arms and shoulder girdle. If the baby leans well on his hands while lying on his stomach, gently grab his legs and lift them slightly, lightly push the baby forward so that he begins to “step over” with his hands. Do not do this too quickly, otherwise the baby may hit his head hard.

How to teach a child to sit: exercises from Komarovsky

We draw the attention of parents: various exercises that encourage the baby to stand up independently should be performed by warming up the muscles. Dr. Komarovsky recommends starting gymnastics at 6-7 months, and before this age you can perform light massages and practice bathing the baby with a circle in an adult bath.

  1. After warming up the baby's soft tissues, you can begin physical exercises. First of all, give your baby a daytime bath, dress him and calm him down if he is naughty. It is not recommended to perform exercises if the child is overexcited, as this will not give the desired result.
  2. We lay the baby on his back and carefully lift the straightened legs towards his nose. We do this very slowly, do not forget to talk to the baby and explain what you are doing.
  3. In the same way, we stretch the muscles on the legs, without touching the baby’s nose. Try to alternate between the second and third exercises. Such exercises can be performed six times in one approach.
  4. Performing the following gymnastics, we move to the floor, having previously spread a warm blanket. Take the baby by the fingers and wait until he grabs them tightly. Then smoothly lift the handles from a lying position to a sitting position, while touching each other’s noses. Such pull-ups should be performed no more than 10 times.

  5. The next exercise is performed while sitting on the floor. Mom sits down comfortably and spreads her legs to the sides. We place the child between our legs with his back facing us, and place a large toy in front of the baby. We give the baby the opportunity to reach it, and then move it in different directions. The child must bend down for the toy in each position. This is how the back muscle corset is strengthened.
  6. We play the game on a fitness ball. For kids, it is better to choose an option with a warm coating and smooth seams. No structure should be observed. We place a thin diaper on the ball, then place the baby tummy down. We hold the baby by the torso or hips, while we swing the ball, wait until the baby puts out his arms and rests them on the floor. We perform such swings 3-5 times. You can place your little one on the fitball any way you want, the main thing is that he likes it.

Thanks to the listed exercises, the child’s spine will strengthen quickly enough and after 1-2 weeks the baby will be able to sit up on his own. At the same time, parents have a controversial question: should they teach them to sit or will they learn to sit on their own. E. Komarovsky believes that the decision remains with adults, but such gymnastics, if performed correctly, will be useful and will not harm.

We advise you to look at how to teach a child to sit independently. Video from Komarovsky.

Important! Do all the exercises with your baby in the form of playing with nursery rhymes, so your baby will be interested in returning to this procedure again.

Why does the excess occur?

Excessive weight gain is most often due to the fact that the baby’s parents overfeed. Excess weight is formed when the degree of energy expenditure does not correspond to the amount of food received. An infant who sleeps most of the day gains weight better and faster than an active and moving two-year-old.

Fluctuations in weight up (or down) are also possible during intense hormonal changes, for example, this is how a teenager loses weight or gains weight during puberty. Some pathologies of the thyroid gland and other endocrine disorders can cause childhood obesity, but this happens much less frequently than the banal and widespread overfeeding of a beloved child.

A child over 2 years old may be overweight due to a sedentary lifestyle and little activity; the risk of acquiring extra pounds is higher in children who are allowed to eat and drink unhealthy but very tasty fast food, lemonade, and chips.

What to do? Show your child to a doctor, if necessary, examine him, do blood tests, check the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and receive recommendations for smooth and careful weight loss.

An adequate increase in physical activity while stopping the practice of force-feeding usually helps. Evgeny Komarovsky advises giving food to a child only when he himself asks for it.

Parents should also pay attention to their own eating habits; poor nutrition usually runs in the family. Fatty foods, smoked foods, spicy foods, fast food, and an abundance of sweets should disappear from the child’s diet.

Instead, vegetables and fruits, stewed, boiled and baked meat and fish should come. It is worth giving up lemonade and various store-bought sweets.

Why is it important to monitor your child's weight? Excess weight is dangerous at the stage of starting to walk, because it creates increased stress on bones, joints, cartilage, ligaments and the spine. In overweight children, it is more often registered at a later age.

Obesity is fertile ground for the development of various diseases, as well as a factor in reducing immunity.

For more information about weight standards, see the next program by Dr. Komarovsky.

When a child begins to walk: norms

Already at 9–10 months, children begin to take their first steps. For some, this process occurs a little later. At first, babies begin to move with the help of support, and then they try to walk on their own. In order for the baby to learn this faster, he needs help. Parents must teach their child and properly prepare for this process. They are obliged to create all conditions for convenient movement.

Most children begin to walk at 12-13 months. If the child begins to walk earlier, then this fact becomes a source of pride for the parents, but if the baby is late, then the parents begin to panic, trying to understand what is wrong with the baby. But, if you talk about this topic with your friends, you will be relieved to realize that every baby begins to walk depending on the readiness of the muscles, and not according to calendar development.

Many parents strive to teach their child to walk as early as possible. In fact, this is not entirely correct. There is no need to rush the baby in this matter. The musculoskeletal system must prepare for heavy loads, which is what upright posture is. If the baby is crawling and doesn't want to stomp, don't force him. When crawling, children strengthen their muscles well and their musculoskeletal system develops properly. If the baby crawls poorly and only tries to move on all fours, then he is even less ready to walk. It’s better to wait a little, because everything has its time. Of course, not all children crawl. Some people immediately prefer to walk, but in this case they themselves will make it clear that it’s time for them to go. They will show interest and move around using objects such as playpens, walkers, toys, etc.

9-10 months

If the baby is 9-10 months old, he tries to get up on his own, holding on to the furniture. If you place it by the sofa, it will hold and stand.

The child learns to walk from now on. First he takes his first steps with the help of furniture, then he takes his own steps. Then he tries to lift his toys from a standing position.

Over time, the baby will understand how to bend his knees and how to sit up after walking. It's a lot harder than you think!

11 months – 1 year

At eleven months, the baby can stand on his own, bend down and sit down. Perhaps the baby has already learned to walk when you hold his hand. But it will take another couple of weeks before the child begins to walk on his own - absolutely without help.

Many children attempt to walk on their toes with their feet turned outward.

Basic Skills

What should a 7 month old baby be able to do? The list of main skills is long.

Sits and begins to crawl, stands confidently at the support and moves, holding on with his hands. However, it happens that a child at 7 months does not crawl, which causes fear and bewilderment among parents. There is no need to worry if there are no other reasons. Some babies, having skipped the crawling period, begin to walk immediately

But it is necessary to stimulate crawling, as it is important for the proper development of the muscular system. It also happens that the baby is 7 months old, but he does not sit

Such a signal is already alarming and may indicate disturbances in the development of the nervous system. Be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe you massage and physiological procedures. Their effectiveness at this age is very high. Understands the meaning of words. Children with whom their parents actively communicate know the names of surrounding objects. When you ask “where is the watch” or “where is the sofa”, you will receive an answer: the baby will point to the object. Attached to mom. The emotional development of a 7-8 month old baby demonstrates high attachment to his mother or caregiver. When parting, the baby experiences fear, worries, is capricious and cries. He drinks from a cup and eats from a spoon, which becomes the basis of complementary feeding. If you don’t want to stop breastfeeding, never feed your baby porridge from a bottle. Form a food culture from the first days, tell your baby about neatness. Soon he himself will express dissatisfaction if he finds himself in soiled clothes.

Child development in the eighth month

An eight-month-old baby will delight you not only with his activity, but also with his sociability. After all, it is at this age that most children can establish emotional contacts with other children. When in the company of other children, the child first watches them, and then begins to babble or laugh in a friendly manner, and may even reach out to touch his new friend.

Psychology of an eight-month-old baby

The baby's attachment to you becomes even stronger. He takes forced separations very hard. In the presence of strangers, the baby feels calm only if you are nearby. However, if strangers show friendliness, then the baby quickly makes contact.

The child may already be trying to manipulate you. It is important not to follow his lead, and make it clear what is possible and what is not. The baby is already well aware of when something is forbidden to him. Keep in mind that he may be offended if you speak to him in a stern tone.

Praise your child as often as possible and support his endeavors. Now it is very important for him to learn new things and enjoy his achievements. The baby is able to admire successes and be upset if something did not work out.

Ask your child to show you some familiar object, and he will happily point his finger at it. He will also use gestures to ask you to bring him to an interesting object, reach for cabinets, windows, and try to open them.

The baby's independence is becoming more and more evident. Now he can do anything alone for more than 10 minutes. Try to distract him from his activity, and soon he will remember his game to continue. This indicates the development of long-term memory.

The child is clearly aware of the characteristics of objects: their color, shape, texture. This helps him play with them, taking into account their properties. He rolls the ball, tears the paper, pulls the string. Now the baby can not only touch, grab and feel new objects, but also stroke them with his palm or finger. The little one has also mastered a new way of grasping objects, grabbing them with “tweezers” using his thumb and forefinger.

Another pleasant innovation: the baby gives smiles not only to you, but also to himself, smiling at his reflection in the mirror.

Physical activity

An eight-month-old child should be able to not only roll over in different directions, but also sit up independently, lie down on the crib from a sitting position, and crawl. The first attempts to walk are possible while standing in the crib and holding on to the sides.

Stimulate your baby's development with various tricks. Encourage him to jump up and down while keeping him in a standing position. Help your child stand using a stable, durable object for support.

Baby food

The baby can drink from a cup, and also tries to treat his mother with pieces of his food. It is best when he eats next to other family members and follows their example. After all, this way he can learn the rules of behavior at the table and the culture of attitude towards food.

Speech development

Congratulations! The child can pronounce almost all the sounds of his native language. He already has his favorite combinations.

It is important to constantly increase your baby’s vocabulary. To do this, you need to not only read books, poems, sing songs to him, but also always describe out loud in as much detail as possible everything that you do.

Daily regime

If you haven’t already, now is the time to create a clear and thoughtful bedtime ritual. Perform the same actions every day in a certain order so that your baby gets used to them. For example, read a book to him, rock him to sleep, sing a lullaby, or do some quiet activity together. These 20-30 minutes will help your child fall asleep at the same time.

The material was prepared on the basis of the textbook “Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases”, edited by Vorontsov I.M., Mazurin A.V. 3rd ed., additional. and processed - St. Petersburg: Foliant Publishing House LLC, 2009. - 1008 p.

When should a child sit? The mental and motor development of a child is an important indicator of health!

At 5 months, in boys and girls, all physiological reflexes of the newborn disappear, except for sucking. Children stand upright with support and can easily roll over from back to stomach. At 6 months of age, the child has an optical response to support his hands. At 6 months the child learns to sit. At 7 months, the child can already sit independently and also stand on all fours. He examines toys, rearranges them in his hands, knocks toys on the bed and floor, and can throw toys with both hands. At 8 months, the child sits confidently on his own, kneels on his own without the help of his mother or father, and crawls on all fours. He stands up on his own, holds on to support, and steps with his legs. At 9 months, the child walks well with any support, steps with both hands with support, takes small objects with two fingers, and is already beginning to form pyramids. At the request of the parents to bring something, fulfills the requests, looks for familiar objects. At 10 months, the child stands and walks very well with support, holds onto the support with one hand, and goes down and up from a low ladder with support. Boys and girls repeat new syllables after adults, pronounce the first words: dad, grandfather, mom, woman. At 11 months, the child confidently stands independently, walks, while slightly holding onto support, and takes 3–6 steps without support. At one year old, children take their first independent steps without support and, of course, can sit quietly. Thus, a child should normally sit independently by 7 months. A 7-month-old child should be able to sit independently without support and should be able to sit up by himself.

How to assess a child's development

One month old baby doesn't sleep all day

To make sure that, despite the fact that the child does not sit up on his own at 8 months, he does not have any deviations, you can monitor whether he copes with other basic tasks of age.

Physical activity

From a position lying on his stomach, he crawls on all fours, on his belly, or simply actively moves, trying to move forward. He leans on his hand, the second one plays. He can easily spin wherever he wants and can stand on all fours for a few seconds.

While lying on his back, he can take a cube in each hand and hold it for a short time. If you place your fingers in the baby’s palms, he will pull himself up and sit upright. At the same time, he holds his head confidently.

Can sit for 5 seconds, leaning on his hands, easily rolls over. If you sit him on your knees and get interested in an object, he will try to bend over and reach.

Baby sits leaning on his hands

If you stand on your legs, supporting it with your armpits, you stand on both feet.

Fine motor skills and communication

The child is able to grasp with the fingers of both hands an object the size and shape of a five-ruble coin. Recognizes family and friends, laughs with them, is afraid of strangers.

Child's speech

A child’s speech is built on two interrelated skills. On the one hand, this is directly the pronunciation of individual sounds and syllables, and on the other, the understanding of speech. Both of these skills are very important for the emergence of independent “speaking”. Between 7 and 8 months of life there is active development in both directions.

The baby is improving syllable chains. More and more often you can hear how the little one repeats the same syllable for a long time, playing with it, trying to achieve it in different ways. By training articulation, using lips, teeth, and tongue to produce new sounds, the child remembers the necessary combinations to repeat what he heard from mom or dad. It is recommended to talk to the baby face to face as often as possible, pronouncing sounds clearly.

The baby’s “passive vocabulary” increases. If you point to an object and name it, the little one will remember the meaning and in the future will surprise you with his knowledge. It is good at this age to offer not only to study surrounding objects, but also to show images in books and on cards.

The child already understands well the meaning of simple question words. Hearing the question “where”, he begins to look for the named object or image; when asked “who”, he points his finger at a familiar person. Now the baby is already well versed in his toys and can point out what he needs without making a mistake.

Speech therapists recommend for speech development:

  • eliminate baby talk;
  • when playing with your baby, not only name objects, but also talk about their purpose and describe their appearance;
  • train the baby's articulatory abilities. Offer to repeat simple syllables and sounds after you;
  • When talking to your toddler, use intonation, facial expressions, and gestures. The brighter and richer your speech is, the easier it will be for your baby to understand it.

A child’s speech is a complex skill that emerges gradually. You should work with your baby from a very early age to ensure the timely emergence of full-fledged speech, rich in different words.

Advice from Dr. Komarovsky

Teaching a child to sit down is not a mother’s best idea. It is better to teach your child to walk a lot, exercise and swim.

If a child is not sitting for 9 months, as well as 10 and 11 months old, then there is no crime in this either, says Komarovsky. Until one year old, you should not touch the baby at all and encourage him to do something that he himself does not want yet, but which his caring and worried parents really want.

If your baby is just starting to sit, pay attention to the posture in which he does this. If a child sits with his legs folded in an inverted w, this position does not promise anything useful, since the hip joint turns inward

It’s better to gently correct his posture by teaching him to sit correctly

If a child sits with his legs folded in an inverted w, this position does not promise anything useful, since the hip joint turns inward. It is better to gently adjust his posture by teaching him to sit correctly.

Why a child has no teeth: the most common reasons

  • Sometimes the reason lies in nutrition. Breastfed babies' teeth come out a little later than bottle-fed babies' teeth.
  • Sometimes the delay is associated with a previous illness, intestinal dysfunction, improper metabolism or vitamin D deficiency.
  • In some cases, late eruption is the result of pathologies during the mother's pregnancy. In this case, the sequence may be disrupted, and sometimes the rudiments of teeth are completely absent.
  • If the tooth is initially located in the gum not vertically, but horizontally, which also occurs, it will erupt after 10-11 months.
  • It is extremely rare that there are no teeth due to congenital adentia (genetic predisposition).

Precautionary measures

However, you should not try to seat a child when he is not ready for this. But you shouldn’t interfere if the girl decided to do it earlier. So, at how many months should you start training and how can you determine when this time has come, and also what not to do?

When the child begins to sit, this means that his back muscles have become stronger. Their training begins with the ability to lie on their tummy and roll over back and forth. From about 5 months of age, you can notice the baby's attempts to pull his head to his chest. Inexperienced parents think that he wants to sit down and try to help him with this. You can't do that. There are also a number of prohibitions, often practiced not only by young parents, but also by aunts and grandmothers.

  1. We need to do household chores, but the baby seems to be trying to sit down. At this stage, the older generation advises covering the baby with pillows and bolsters. But due to your busyness and accumulated cases, you can miss the permissible time.

Of course, it’s more convenient for both mother and her child. The mother is free, and new visual boundaries open up for the child. At this moment, the baby receives a colossal load on the spinal column and on fragile muscles.

It is undesirable to carry children in special devices such as “kangaroos” for children under 6 months of age. For such cases, there are special designs. Again, before the age of six months, it is not recommended to sit children on your lap. You cannot use the stroller for walking if it is impossible to lower the backrest to an angle of 45 degrees. For many, the process of planting is associated with exercise.

Yes, they have a direct impact, but any careless movements and non-compliance with the time and pace of exercise can cause irreparable harm to health.

The negative consequences of early planting are expressed in the curvature of the spine, which can become noticeable only in elementary school or adolescence.

When the situation should not cause concern

Parents should not be frightened by the situation

that the child does not sit on his own at 8 months, but at the same time:

  1. active;
  2. gains weight well;
  3. holds head;
  4. holds toys in hands;
  5. turns over;
  6. crawls;
  7. observes the surroundings;
  8. reacts to loved ones.

In this case, the situation should not cause concern. The baby has his own individual development schedule; he will learn to sit after the muscles, spine, and brain are ready for this new skill.

Exercises to train the skill at 6, 7 and 8 months

With the help of simple exercises, a child can be taught to sit. But before you start, you need to know the following:

  • Exercises are done on a full stomach, some time after eating.
  • The room should not be stuffy or too hot.
  • A maximum of 10 minutes is allotted for training. If the baby is unhappy and refuses to comply, then this time is reduced.
  • As you practice, talk to your baby.


When did your baby learn to sit?

At 5-6 months. At 7-8 or later

Place your baby on his back and place your index fingers in his hands so that he can grab onto them.

Using both handles, begin to slowly pull it up until the back is at a right angle.

Hold it in this position for several seconds. At first, the baby will quickly get tired and lose interest in the exercise, so repeat it no more than 3-5 times.

Push ups

This exercise is best done on the floor. The child is placed on his tummy. At this time, he tries to lift his body off the floor with his hands. These mini push-ups help strengthen your back muscles.

Strengthening your back and neck

To do this, you need to place colored toys and objects on the floor at different distances so that the child can reach them with effort.
When trying to reach objects, the baby uses the same muscle groups that are also involved when sitting.

If you do this exercise 2-3 times a day for 2-4 minutes, these muscles will strengthen and the body will be ready for the next stage of development.

Remember the position

Place your baby on your lap. Starting from 5 months, the duration of this exercise should be 2-3 minutes per day. From 6 months of age this time increases to 20 minutes.

Later, you can hold the baby on your lap longer. At first he sits with the support of an adult; over time, control can be weakened.

Training perseverance

It is recommended to do this exercise on a hard surface. You need to sit the baby down, secure his legs with one hand, and grab his hands with the other so that he can firmly grab your finger. Then you need to slowly rock the baby in different directions.

Expert opinion Polyakova Lyudmila Igorevna – medical worker Assistant obstetrician-gynecologist, mother of two children

Important! 2-3 minutes will be enough for the exercise. It performs important functions: it trains not only the muscles of the back, neck and abdomen, but also the vestibular apparatus.


To strengthen the lateral muscles of the back and core, you need to do bends with your child. To do this, turn your baby's back to you. With one hand, secure your body by grasping the top of your legs, and with the other, support it under your chest.

Gradually tilt it forward until your back is horizontal to the floor. Return the baby to the starting position and repeat the process again. And so on up to 8 times.

Maintaining a sitting position

This exercise is best started at 6 months. The baby sits on the sofa and secures himself with a pillow that will serve as support for him.

Then extend your hand to the child. First, rock him slightly so that he can stay in a sitting position.

Next, invite your child to reach for the toy, holding it with his other hand. He should let go of your hand and switch to the process of getting the toy.

Over time, the baby’s coordination of movements will become better, and this exercise will no longer be so difficult for him.

Using a fitball

You can use a large rubber ball to strengthen your child's muscles. The activity should please the little one. He is placed on his tummy and the fitball is swung from side to side.

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