Whiteheads (milia): treatment at the ROSH clinic

How to get rid of nasal polyps without surgery?

At the 1st stage of the disease, they block the upper part of the nasal cavity, and at the third stage the entire space is already blocked.
Polyps make breathing difficult and impair the sense of smell, absorbing all infections like sponges. That is why experts recommend starting treatment as early as possible. There are drug and surgical therapy, as well as homeopathy, physiotherapy, and breathing exercises. The regimen and method of therapy largely depend on the cause and severity of the disease.

Conservative treatment

Drug treatment is designed to eliminate factors affecting the rate of proliferation of pathogenic cells. This can be a whole range of procedures. Sometimes, in addition to the otolaryngologist, you need to visit an allergist and immunologist.

These specialists first prescribe tests, after which they prescribe antihistamine tablets and advise avoiding contact with a certain irritant, as well as infectious and fungal agents.

As a rule, second-generation antigens that do not have cardiotoxic and sedative effects are used:

  • Loratadine
  • Cetirizine
  • Levocetirizine
  • Erius

If the cause is intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid, products containing salicins are excluded from the diet, and it is forbidden to use medications whose active ingredient is aspirin.

Use of oral corticosteroids

No matter how sad it may sound, today hormones remain the drugs of choice. Prednisolone is most often prescribed. Its dosage in adults: 30-60 mg for a week, then gradually, over 21 days, reduce the number of tablets taken until complete failure.

The pediatric dose is calculated individually using the formula: 1 mg of medication per kilogram of body weight per day.

Patients with asthma or rhinitis respond best to this therapy. At the same time, for those patients whose pathology is not associated with an allergic reaction, prednisolone may not help at all.

The method also has significant drawbacks: in order for the tumor to resolve, the patient is prescribed to take large portions of the drug daily for a long time.

This will get rid of the disease in question, but can lead to other problems:

The patient is given two injections at an interval of two weeks. Next, the polyp will gradually shrink (dead cells are removed when you blow your nose).

If everything is done correctly and the drug is chosen correctly, the polyp will completely disappear in 1-2 months. But this does not guarantee that the problem will not return after some time.

In light of this, it is important to establish the causes of the disease and regularly carry out preventive procedures: gymnastics, rinsing, diet, etc.

Topical corticosteroids

This group includes hormonal sprays. With their help, you can stop the reproduction of small tumors. But they are not so effective for massive growths. The most popular drugs in this group are:

  • Nazarel and Flixonase, Fluticasone, Avamis, etc. with the active ingredient Fluticasone.
  • Nasonex (Mometasone). It is approved for use in children aged 2 years and older and has high anti-inflammatory activity.
  • Budesonide, as well as Aldecin, Beconase and Nasobek.

To reduce swelling and make breathing easier, decongestants may be prescribed (for no more than a week at a time).


Treatment is aimed primarily at identifying and eliminating the causes of tumors. But identifying the exact reasons is extremely difficult. Therefore, conservative treatment and surgical removal of polyps are used. Well, of course, folk recipes will help get rid of the problem and alleviate the patient’s condition.

Surgical intervention is indicated for those patients who have severe growth of polyps and nasal breathing is impaired. Asthma attacks become more frequent, ozena and constantly recurring sinusitis may appear. In order to prevent postoperative relapse, patients should use inhaled corticosteroids for at least three months. But more often conservative methods are still used

By medication

For polyposis, a course of anti-inflammatory therapy is indicated:

Corticosteroids. Used orally and topically. Prednisolone is used orally. The course of treatment is up to 7 days, then take a break for a week or three;

  • For small growths, topical corticosteroids are used. They are also used to indicate relapse after surgery. Among the popular ones are Nazonex, Nazorel, Budesonide;
  • If polyps have formed due to allergies, then antihistamines Eratadine, Erius, Levocetirizine are used;
  • For chronic inflammation of the sinuses, the use of antibiotics (Macropen, Ceftriaxone) is effective;
  • If polyps are a consequence of intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid, then exclude from the diet all fruits that contain it. As well as anti-inflammatory drugs, which contain aspirin.
  • Steroids reduce the size of tumors and relieve swelling (Beclomethasone, Mometasone, Fluticasone);

Folk remedies

But it is still very risky to do this on your own to avoid complications of the disease. It is better to consult your doctor about the use of this or that folk recipe. And after his approval, you can try some folk recipes. Moreover, they are quite easy to prepare.

Some sources offer pure celandine juice as a panacea for polyps. This cannot be done. The juice from squeezed stems and leaves must be diluted at least twice with warm boiled water. And only then drip no more than two drops into each nostril.

Place a teaspoon of propolis in a container, add a tablespoon of natural butter and place in a water bath until completely dissolved. Store the ointment in a cool place. Before use, warm to room temperature (even in your hands). Place cotton swabs with this product into your nose. The procedure is long and lasts at least a month.

Combine a teaspoon of aloe and the same amount of celandine juice with a spoon of natural and high-quality honey. Place two drops into each nostril.

The grass string will also help improve the condition. To do this, you need to pour a tablespoon into a container, add a glass of water and let it simmer for no more than one minute. When it cools down to room temperature, you can drop 3-4 drops into your nose.

It is advisable to rinse your nose with sea water or saline. If you don’t have them on hand, you can make your own from table salt. Add a level tablespoon of salt to warm boiled water, which will take one liter.

Squeeze the juice from string, horsetail, celandine and mix in equal quantities. Place two drops into each nostril.

Using folk recipes

If any growths appear in the nasal cavity, it is important to immediately go to see a doctor. Treatment of cones using traditional methods is allowed only after examination by a doctor and under his strict supervision. Such activities can also serve as a complement to comprehensive treatment.

The most effective ways are:

  • washing;
  • compresses;
  • inhalation.

If an unpleasant growth occurs inside the nose, the patient can get advice from a doctor and prescribe effective treatment in any medical institution where specialists work in their field, who will help you quickly get rid of the problem and avoid possible complications and troubles.


To prevent the development of polyps in a child, you need to accustom him to measures to prevent pathology:

  • wash your hands as often as possible, rinse your nose in the morning,
  • exercise,
  • blow your nose, do not allow mucus to accumulate in the nose,
  • don't get too cold,
  • do not inhale exhaust fumes and tobacco smoke.

The task of parents is to monitor the health of children, especially infants, to identify bacterial and viral infections in time, to increase immunity through hardening and proper nutrition, to protect babies from the harmful effects of household chemicals, nicotine, and dust.

If a child is diagnosed with nasal polyposis, there is no need to rush into surgery; perhaps the stage of the pathology will allow for a conservative treatment method

In order to prevent the development of the last stages of the disease, it is worth paying attention to the baby’s complaints and the first symptoms of polyps, then they will be able to be detected and cured in time

Marina Ermakova,

What is important to do

If the patient determines that a lump has formed in the nose, then he needs to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist as soon as possible. A qualified specialist will accurately determine the cause of the formation and formulate an effective treatment. Self-medication in this case will not bring the desired effect, and can also lead to dangerous complications.

The most common way to get rid of bumps inside the nose is surgical excision. If there are infectious inflammations, it is important not to try to squeeze out the ulcers, so as not to worsen the condition and develop complications. At the initial stage of the lesion, the symptom of which is a lump inside the nose, the specialist prescribes conservative treatment with topical medications.

It must be remembered that when a polyp forms, all symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction. But if after ten days recovery does not occur, then it is important not to delay visiting a doctor.

Establishing diagnosis

When visiting a clinic, the doctor is faced with the task of distinguishing the disease from a number of others related to the respiratory system. Foreign formations resulting from mechanical damage or developmental abnormalities look like polyposis. An experienced specialist diagnoses the phase and localization of edema. He will see all the features in the structure of the polyp and identify the reasons why it arose in order to begin effective treatment measures.

Medical professionals will prescribe a series of tests that will allow you to see the full clinical picture. These include a general urine test. In some cases, a biochemical test is performed. Blood is examined. They will issue a referral for a general analysis

During the study, clinicians will also turn to a detailed biochemical study and pay attention to indicators of the functions of internal organs - kidneys and liver

The next step is to examine the nasal cavity. The study is called rhinoscopic. Doctors take allergy tests. This makes it clearer whether there are causative agents of chronic rhinitis. It would not be superfluous to test for cystic fibrosis. An X-ray examination is carried out.

If the study was complete, there is no doubt about the correctness of the diagnosis. When the situation requires, CT and magnetic resonance imaging are performed

It is important to take into account the age of the patient, physiological parameters, such as weight, etc. The diagnostic stages for a small child and a teenager are no different from each other.


There are two treatment methods: conservative and surgical. The doctor decides which therapy is best.

It is believed that the first method can provoke the development of allergies, which will affect the accelerated spread of polyps, and the second is not always effective, since after removing the tumors, they will appear again after a while. Methods for treating polyps are questionable; today many types of operations have appeared, but they are distinguished by their painful course.

Only a doctor can properly treat nasal polyps. As a rule, if a patient experiences an allergic reaction, then the first method of treatment is more suitable for him; the operation is performed at an advanced stage of the development of the pathology. It is worth noting that conservative treatment is used in any case, for example, as a preparatory stage before surgery or continued treatment after surgery. Today there is a wide range of treatments for polyps. Let's consider all the methods in order.


This method is the most frequently used. Before the operation, anesthesia (general or local) is applied. Using special surgical instruments (forceps or a “loop”), the doctor removes the polyps; this process causes severe bleeding. This procedure is carried out without extraneous incisions, everything is done endonasally (through the nose).

There is a special device - an endoscope, the work of which is to crush the tumors and absorb them. The advantage of this equipment is that polyps are removed from the roots, which ensures that the patient will not encounter a repeat problem for a long time. Also, the endoscope does not cause excessive bleeding. The patient remains in the hospital for up to a week, and is required to be prescribed a course of antibiotics to prevent the development of negative consequences.

Don't forget that after surgery it is important to visit your doctor regularly for check-ups.

It is quite difficult to determine the cause of the appearance of polyps, but if such a possibility exists, it is necessary to understand what factor influenced the development of the disease. Eliminating the source of pathology is the guarantee that it will not appear again

It is important to remember that surgery cannot be performed if a person has chronic diseases

Laser removal involves drying out all the fluid in the polyp. The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes. If neoplasms completely block the passage, then this method is ineffective. The advantage of this operation is to minimize trauma.

Traditional methods

If the surgical method does not suit you, then seek help from a proven folk recipe, having first consulted with your doctor beforehand. For your reference, here are examples of the most popular recipes:

Three times a day for a month, lubricate your baby’s nasal passages with honey (note that the product must be natural); Buy natural propolis. Heat the product in a container

Let your baby inhale the fumes that will emanate from the propolis into each nostril alternately. Be careful so that the child does not get a burn to the mucous membrane. The procedure must be repeated twice a day. Rinse your child's sinuses with celandine infusion three times a day. To prepare a decoction, use 300 ml of boiling water and a spoon of medicinal herbs.

The list shows common folk remedies for treating polyps. After consultation, the doctor will prescribe an individual method of therapy for you.

Symptoms of the lesion

In some cases, determining the presence of a formation in the nose is quite difficult due to the fact that many patients confuse the appearance of a lump in the nose (in the nostril) with a simple cold. The grown polyp will make itself felt with the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • change in sense of smell;
  • regular sneezing;
  • nasal discharge that has not previously been observed.

Over time, in addition to the described symptoms, the patient may experience pain in the head, a feeling of fullness in the ears, pain and burning in the nose, and hearing loss. When the first signs of pathology appear, it is important to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment of polyps

First, they try to treat nasal polyps conservatively by using antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs of general and local action.

Treatment of polyps is divided into conservative and surgical.

It is very important to identify the root cause and eliminate it, but this is not always easy, so it is recommended to eliminate all factors that can trigger the occurrence of nasal polyps. These include eliminating exposure to infectious and food agents and allergens on the body; rehabilitation of foci of chronic infection and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx with antibiotics; antiallergic therapy, including the use of antihistamines (Loratadine, Aleron, Erius), corticosteroids in the form of nasal sprays (Budesonide, Fluticasone, Mometasone and Triamcinolone)

Method of thermal influence on

polyps are also considered conservative. As a result of heating to a temperature of 60–70 C, after a few days the polyps fall off from the nasal mucosa, after which the patient blows his nose out on his own.

If conservative treatment does not produce positive results for several months, they resort to a surgical solution to the problem.

Indications for surgical treatment are: too large polyps, purulent-inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, impaired sense of smell, deviated nasal septum, frequent attacks of bronchial asthma.

Removing polyps using surgical instruments is called a polypectomy. The procedure is also carried out using a laser or endoscope. The most effective is endoscopic removal of polyps due to higher accuracy, lower likelihood of relapses and complications. In children it is performed under general anesthesia, in older adults – possibly under local anesthesia.

Since nasal polyps tend to recur, postoperative and anti-relapse therapy is mandatory. After the operation, you need to rinse your nose with saline solution Aquamaris, Humer, etc. for 7-10 days.

For anti-relapse purposes, after polypectomy, three months of local treatment with nasal corticosteroids in the form of a spray is prescribed.

To identify recurrent nasal polyps, observation by an otolaryngologist is recommended for at least 1 year, consultation once a quarter.


Another type of formation in the nose that makes breathing difficult is a cyst. As a rule, cysts form in the nasal cavity, less often in the sinuses. The reason is hypoventilation. The body requires oxygen, and for the nasal cavity it is absolutely necessary. With cysts, unlike polyps, it is somewhat simpler, because they do not have a tendency to become malignant. Finding them is not so easy. For example, they can be determined by chance in flight. When the plane accelerates, the pressure increases, including in the nose, and some kind of amber sticky liquid begins to flow from the nose by itself. This means that there was a cyst in the sinus, its cavity burst.

Cysts can also be a diagnostic finding. They are detected, for example, during an X-ray. A cyst differs from a polyp in that it has a spherical shape. The polyp often has a lumpy or elongated shape.

What are the consequences?

Despite the fact that cysts are more harmless than polyps, there is still no need to grow them in the sinuses. When the cyst presses on the mucous membrane, severe pain develops, and the head begins to ache where the cyst grows. If such a tumor has already appeared, doctors recommend surgery. And if it occupies half of the sinus, then the indication for surgical removal is already 100%.

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How to treat rectal polyps with folk remedies?

To begin with, let’s outline the pros and cons of traditional treatment.

Among the advantages of grandmother's methods:

  1. No side effects;
  2. Possibility of restoring mucous membranes without medications.

There are several more disadvantages, including:

  1. The need for long-term and regular use of the product;
  2. Constant extraction of necessary ingredients (rare herbs, plants, pomace);
  3. Low effectiveness of treatment.

Traditional medicine is usually used as an auxiliary method of treatment against the background of other official methods.

Treatment with celandine

Celandine is the main plant against any skin diseases. The plant acquired its name among the people precisely because of its high therapeutic results in relation to diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Despite the good results, the clinic knows cases of a slight decrease in size of the polyposis lesion. There are no data on self-amputation of a polyp due to herbal treatment.

The following recipes are prepared from celandine:

  • Enemas from celandine juice. To prepare, juice from several leaves is diluted with water and douched using a small medicinal bulb. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.
  • Alcohol tincture. The collected leaves and stems are crushed using a blender or meat grinder, after which the resulting cake is squeezed out and the juice is expressed. 600 ml of juice is mixed with 250 ml of vodka or alcohol and placed in a dark place for 7 days. The mixture should be shaken daily. The resulting tincture is drunk on an empty stomach, 50 ml for 14 days. Afterwards you need to take a break and prepare a new composition.
  • Herbal decoction. Dry leaves and stems are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 30 minutes. Next, the composition is cooled naturally, filtered and consumed 100 ml on an empty stomach in the morning and at night. The total duration of treatment is 7 days, after which a break is taken for 10 days.
  • Laying and compress. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable (preferably linseed) oil and 10 drops of propolis tincture in water to the celandine juice and mix. A small bandage tampon is generously moistened with the resulting composition and placed in the anal canal overnight. The remedy is effective if there is an anal polyp, that is, if the polyps are located close to the anus.

Celandine is a poisonous plant, and therefore internal use is only possible with good knowledge of:

  • clinical situation,
  • rules for preparing the composition,
  • methods of its application.

Viburnum as a remedy for rectal polyps

Based on viburnum, decoctions of berries or leaves are made. The first case is preferable due to the richness of the composition and the particular benefits for oral administration.

  • Recipe 1. The berries are washed, placed in a large saucepan and filled with cold water. They do not need to be separated from a single inflorescence. Next, the berries are boiled over low heat for an hour, cooled and carefully filtered several times through cheesecloth. Ready-made fruit juice can be taken orally, 100 ml 4 times a day. You can add honey or sugar for taste.
  • Recipe 2. Viburnum berries are washed, combined with honey and infused for 1-2 hours. Then eat on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening at night.

A decoction of viburnum leaves is ideal for microenemas using a medicinal bulb.

Recipes with sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn can be used in the treatment of polyps in two main variations: oil and juice.

The following effective recipes against polyposis lesions in the rectum are distinguished:

  • Sea buckthorn oil. The product can be purchased at any pharmacy chain or made independently after harvesting. The first case is the most convenient. 1 tbsp. Heat a spoonful of oil, moisten the tampon and place it in the rectal canal overnight. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. You can add a few drops of celandine juice to the oil.
  • Sea buckthorn berries. Consumption of sea buckthorn berries helps strengthen the body, and the juice from them tones and refreshes. The juice contains substances that inhibit the development and growth of pathogenic cancer cells. Regular use in food stops the growth of polyps and prevents the malignancy of cancer cells.

Treatment with camphor oil

Camphor oil is used in cosmetology and medicine due to its wide range of effects on pathological lesions. Camphor relieves swelling, eliminates pain and unpleasant symptoms of polyps. In case of bleeding, it heals wounds and prevents infection.

To prepare a compress, moisten a tampon in oil and place it in the rectal canal for 30-40 minutes. The procedure is performed 2 times a day.

Any treatment method has advantages and disadvantages. The first results in eliminating the symptoms of rectal polyps should be expected no earlier than after 2-3 weeks of daily treatment.

Definition of disease

At the first stage, it is quite difficult to detect polyps in a child’s nose. Most often, the disease is detected when some kind of growth or lump appears almost outside the wings of the nose. The following symptoms should cause concern and suspicion in parents:

  • frequent headache;
  • snore;
  • deterioration of sense of smell;
  • nasal voice;
  • hearing impairment;
  • pain in the paranasal sinuses;
  • discharge of blood when blowing nose;
  • Constantly stuffy nose and mouth breathing.

After identifying polyposis in a child, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately, since polyps grow very quickly. If the formations are insignificant, then conservative therapy is applicable, which consists of taking medications. In the second and third stages of the disease, surgical intervention is necessary.

The medication treatment regimen involves solving the following problems:

  • eliminate the factor that provokes polyposis (infections, allergies, concomitant diseases);
  • cleanse the mucous membranes and sinuses;
  • relieve swelling and restore breathing;
  • stop the growth of polyps;
  • strengthen the immune system.

To eliminate the infection, antibiotics (for bacterial infections), antiviral and antifungal agents (for other types of pathogens) are prescribed. For allergies, antihistamine therapy is necessary. For polyposis, second-generation antihistamines that are safe for the child’s body are used (Fenistil, Zodak, Zyrtec).

To cleanse the mucous membrane, irrigation of the nasal cavity with saline solutions (Aquamaris, Humer) is used. You can learn to do this procedure yourself, or you can sanitize the nose and sinuses and remove purulent deposits in a clinic

It is important that saline rinsing is carried out continuously and after completion of treatment.

To combat polyps with the aim of their destruction, keratolites are used: solcoseryl ointment, Collomak, lapis pencil. These drugs soften the growths, as if “dissolving” them. To strengthen the immune system, immunomodulators, vitamin complexes, and a special diet are prescribed.

If conservative treatment for 3 months is unsuccessful or the disease is at a deep stage, then surgery is performed. Modern clinics do it using an endoscope or laser. Endoscopy is preferable because it is more accurate. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Postoperative therapy consists of rinsing with saline solution for 7-10 days.

After discharge from the clinic, the attending physician prescribes the child three months of anti-relapse treatment, since in most cases, after surgical removal, the polyps grow again. To prevent this phenomenon, a course of treatment with hormonal nasal medications is carried out. Throughout the year, the operated patient should be regularly examined by an otolaryngologist.

First, let's look at what polyps are. These are benign neoplasms that most often form in children under the age of 10 years. They can appear both on the nasal mucosa and on the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. Such neoplasms can be either teardrop-shaped (if they have a stalk) or round (if they are tightly attached to the mucosa).

Reasons for the appearance of education

Due to impaired control of cell division and differentiation in the nasal cavity, foci of pathological tissue growth form on the mucous membranes and upper part of the nose.

When considering the histological, pathomorphological and clinical factors for the appearance of a bump in the nose in a child and an adult, doctors identified the following types of formations:

  1. Benign. They are described by long-term development, as well as preservation of the functions of the tissue structure. All neoplasms differ in the type of cells of which they are composed. They can be presented in the form of atheroma, fibroma, osteoma, chondroma, epitheloma, adenoma.
  2. Malignant. Such formations are prone to metastasis. They negatively affect the entire human body and lead to cancer intoxication. In an x-ray photo of a lump in the nose, the tumor appears as a white-gray mass. More common types include sarcoma, neurogenic cone, and lymphoma.

The appearance of a round polyp harms the patient’s normal breathing. Such formations may not provoke pain symptoms, but they look very unpleasant and even affect self-esteem.

Nasal polyps: types and stages

Nasal polyps, the photo of which is located just below, can be of several varieties:

Basically, their division into groups is carried out according to the place of formation.

From these positions, “bunches of grapes” can be antrochoanal or ethmoidal.

The first arise predominantly from the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus and are characterized by unilateral lesions. Such formations are detected mainly in children.

The latter usually affect adults, developing from the mucous membrane covering the ethmoid labyrinth. In this case, the process occurs on both sides relative to the nasal septum.

You can see what nasal polyps look like in the photo below:

Depending on the size that polyps reach in the nasal cavity, as well as on the changes caused by them, their three stages are distinguished.

At the first stage, the formations fill only a small area of ​​space inside the nose. This is the easiest stage of development.

The second stage is more difficult. The proliferation of connective tissue is so great that it covers most of the lumen of the cavity of the olfactory organ.

And finally, the most difficult stage is the third stage, in which the polyps completely close the respiratory tract.

Polypous growths

When the nose does not breathe well, for example, due to a chronic runny nose or the presence of a deviated septum, nasal polyps begin to form. Initially, these are benign formations, but it is worth understanding that they have a tendency to become malignant. This means that if a person finds out that he has a nasal polyp, he should not relax, he must consult a doctor and keep this formation under constant control. Yes, there is a decrease in the size of polyps, but in percentage terms the number of such cases is not particularly large.

Initially, polyps grow in the paranasal sinus from any cell of the temporal labyrinth: in the maxillary sinus, sphenoid sinus, frontal sinus, etc. And after some time, it falls through the anastomosis and enters the nasal cavity.

Polyps grow very actively in the heat, so those who have already been diagnosed with such formations should not lie in the open sun, especially scorching ones, such as in the south.

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What are the consequences?

Polyps deteriorate the quality of life simply incredibly. Firstly, the nose does not breathe, secondly, due to the fact that the polyps constantly keep the mucous membrane in tension, inflammation develops, and thirdly, a lot of mucus constantly flows from the nose. In addition, against the background of the appearance of nasal polyps, a person develops the following side symptoms: headaches, the inability to work fully, and to think normally.

Treatment is usually surgical. But at the same time, the operations are palliative in nature, i.e., after removing the polyp, one cannot count on the fact that it will not appear again. It happens even the other way around: after removing the formation, there is a risk of even greater growth and the appearance of growths. Of course, they are removed anyway, because they have a risky oncological profile, but it is important to understand that you will need to pay a lot of attention to yourself.

A separate danger is the so-called bleeding polyp of the nasal septum. It is literally saturated with vessels. And it must be removed extremely carefully, because... You can get severe nosebleeds, which are extremely difficult to stop. Plus, it is located on the partition, so a person feels it and can pick it off with a simple cotton swab. But you can’t do this, because bleeding can begin, even leading to death. Here the person loses so much blood that the ambulance does not even have time to take him to the hospital.

Question answer

Why is it dangerous to sneeze with your mouth and nose closed?

Folk remedies for treating nasal polyps

Celandine shows amazing results as a non-drug remedy for the treatment of polyposis. Here are some good recipes.


  • Celandine flowers are twisted in a meat grinder.
  • Squeeze out the juice and pour it into a glass jar, seal it and place in a dark place for 6–8 days. Every day you need to open the lid to let out the air.
  • The resulting liquid is diluted in equal proportions with cooled boiled water. You need to put 2 drops in your nose every morning.

The frequency of the procedures is 7 days, then a break for 10 days, and repeat this 4 times. Then a pause for a month and repeat the course.

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