Is it possible or not to buy things for a newborn in advance, when is it better to buy a stroller and crib?

Arguments for purchasing things in advance

Purchasing things in advance has many advantages:

  1. When independently choosing children's clothing, furniture and other necessary accessories, the pregnant woman's mood rises, her internal connection with the child becomes stronger, and the maternal instinct awakens.
  2. Things will suit the tastes and preferences of the pregnant woman. This is especially important when it comes to strollers and cribs. It is very likely that she will have to manage them more often than other family members, which means the opinion of the expectant mother comes first here.
  3. The young father and other relatives will not have to choose everything they need in a hurry in order to be in time for the mother and baby to return from the maternity hospital. In such a situation, it is difficult to avoid mistakes, and conflicts due to the acquisition of inappropriate things are very likely. Agree, this is completely useless during such a joyful period.
  4. The pregnant woman will have the opportunity to wash, iron and fold the baby's first things so that they are convenient to use.

Necessary things

Do you still believe in omens? Have you decided not to collect a dowry for the child in advance? Then you need to stock up on some basic items. These are the things that must be prepared in advance.

  1. Crib with bed linen. When mommy returns from the maternity hospital, there is no time to choose a crib. The baby must be placed in it immediately. At the same time, choosing a crib is a responsible matter that should not be entrusted to someone else. It is advisable to find a reliable, durable, transformable crib, in which you can raise the fence, lower the front wall for convenient changing (how to choose a crib - types of cribs).
  2. Stroller. It should also be chosen extremely carefully, in advance. You can then immediately take your baby home in it. It is better to purchase a high-quality branded stroller with the ability to transform. There are folding models, strollers with a reversible handle, and a removable top. It is necessary to ensure comfort and safety for the baby (how to choose a stroller for a newborn - types of strollers).
  3. Diapers with diapers, a blanket or an envelope. The minimum set for the first time should be on hand. After all, you will be swaddling and dressing the baby already in the maternity hospital. Now there are excellent envelopes for newborns and diaper sets.
  4. Medicines, hygiene products. Get a list from your doctor or midwife. It is necessary to have a good set of medications with you for your baby.

Complete list of things for a newborn baby - Top 5 useless and Top 5 necessary things for a newborn baby – Complete composition of a children's first aid kit –

Arguments against

But there are also arguments against buying in advance. Here are some of them:

  1. When choosing clothes, there is a high risk of making a mistake with the size. Sometimes a child is born much larger or, conversely, smaller than expected. Preliminary determination of fetal weight by ultrasound provides very approximate information. Therefore, you don’t need to buy a lot of things of the same size; it’s better to have fewer of them, but for different weights and heights.
  2. There is a chance that the baby will be of a different gender. All non-invasive diagnostic methods sometimes make mistakes. This can create inconvenience if you plan to buy a lot of blue or pink things that highlight your baby's gender.
  3. Large purchases (stroller, crib, changing table, etc.) will take up a lot of free space. Of course, this is not a problem if the nursery is already ready, but when renovations are just about to be done, there is no need to rush into such acquisitions.

In addition, relatives and friends will probably want to give you gifts for the birth of your baby. Having bought everything in advance, there is a risk of ending up with several cribs and strollers. To avoid spending too much, you need to discuss your plans with loved ones before shopping.

It's all about your beliefs

It happens that the mother has a clear conviction on this matter. She is either absolutely sure that you can’t buy anything in advance, or she is skeptical about this superstition and calmly fills the children’s room before childbirth. What to do if you don’t have your own opinion on this matter?

Grandmothers, friends and relatives, who usually live far from big cities, forbid you to make a “preliminary” trip. Modern girlfriends, acquaintances and work colleagues laugh at ancient superstitions and drive them to the store while the baby is still screaming in the crib. What should a confused expectant mother do?

Preparing a “dowry” for a baby is still associated with stress and fatigue of the mother

First of all, calm down. It is unreasonable to worry and make a scandal about this. You must be healthy mentally and physically for pregnancy and childbirth to end successfully; this is much more important for the baby than the location of his future clothes and stroller. The comfort and peace of mind of a pregnant woman should come first, and not the question of whether baby vests and booties should be kept in your closet or on a store shelf (we recommend reading: how to knit booties for newborns: step-by-step photos). While in the womb, a small developing person feels and understands everything; it is much more important for him to feel that he is expected with joy and positivity.

Avoid psychological pressure. Sift the opinions of grandmothers, girlfriends and experienced friends through a fine sieve in your head. Guided by your own intuition, you should make a decision yourself. You need to consult only with the future father of the child. If you are both burdened by the social program prohibiting advance purchases and the fear of making a mistake, do not take risks and purchase everything only after giving birth. If you don’t care, go shopping and enjoy choosing both essential goods and touching little things!

What items need to be purchased in advance?

Opinions on the list of things needed in the first days may differ, but there are still undeniable points on this list. Read more about the things a child needs for the first time→

Immediately after returning from the maternity hospital you will need:

  1. Crib. It is better to purchase it in advance in order to have time to assemble and prepare everything you need without haste (children's bedding, canopy, mobile and other accessories if desired).
  2. Clothing for the baby for the first time, including for discharge from the hospital. Surely many things will be presented to loved ones, but you still need to have several practical, pre-washed and ironed clothes. The same applies to diapers if you want to use them.
  3. Chest of drawers for children's things. This point is very important for mom’s convenience. After all, children's things should be stored somewhere, and so that they are always at hand.
  4. Car seat. It is necessary for every family that has a car and is preparing for the birth of a child. Some parents believe that the baby can be transported in their arms, but in this case the risk of injury in an accident increases. In addition, transporting a child in a car without a car seat is illegal and punishable by a fine.

It’s good if you have purchased or at least chosen a stroller in advance. It is advisable to “break in” it in the store to make sure that it is easy to control and not too heavy. If for some reason you don’t want to purchase a stroller before the baby is born, many sellers accommodate customers halfway by reserving purchases upon making an advance payment.

Some expectant mothers prefer to buy other things for the newborn in advance, for example, baby skin care products, diapers, a bath, etc. This makes sense if the woman has certain preferences regarding these items and it is not easy to find what she needs in nearby stores. Read more about caring for a newborn in the first days of life→

Useful tips

After giving birth, a woman will not be able to go shopping often, as she will have to devote maximum time to caring for the baby. That is why it is wise to buy some necessary things in advance. When is it appropriate to shop? What does a newborn need first?

What things are advisable to buy in advance?

Certain pieces of furniture and wardrobe need to be purchased in advance. When a woman has free time, she can slowly choose:

  • A crib, you can immediately buy a mattress and bed linen. Many beds for babies can be disassembled, so you can assemble the furniture before the birth.
  • Stroller - you can walk outside from the moment the baby is one week old.
  • Baby bathtub.
  • Diapers that you should definitely buy for the first time.
  • A discharge envelope or kit needed to help your baby feel comfortable on his first walk. At home, clothes and diapers should be prepared for the first 2-3 months of the baby’s life.
  • Hygienic products for child care. You should also have some medications at home, the list of which should be checked with your obstetrician.

Optimal shopping time

Many women, upon learning about pregnancy, immediately begin planning a trip to shopping centers in search of the perfect furniture and necessary things for the baby. In the 1st trimester, the vital organs and systems of the fetus are formed, so the pregnant woman does not need unnecessary worry during this period. When can you start shopping? It is better for a woman to wait 12-13 weeks.

The second trimester is a good time for shopping - a woman feels well, can walk for a long time, comparing models and prices. In addition, parents already know the sex of the child.

If a woman is superstitious and does not want to buy everything she needs in advance before the baby is born, she can only purchase those things that will be needed in the maternity hospital. It is recommended to pack the bag 2 weeks before giving birth. Relatives will have time to prepare furniture and some clothes - if the delivery is favorable, the woman and baby will stay in the hospital for 3-5 days.

Common superstitions

Superstitions regarding the acquisition of a dowry for a newborn arose at a time when qualified medical care was unavailable and the outcome of childbirth was unpredictable. Infant and maternal mortality were unfortunately very high, so preparing things in advance was considered unwise. It was also believed that this would be a bad sign.

Our ancestors believed that if children's things are prepared, but not yet used, evil spirits can move into them, which will prevent the child from being born safely or affect his health and fate in the future.

There is also a more rational explanation for why preparing children's things in advance was considered a bad omen, complicating the course of pregnancy. Since the expectant mother most often sewed the baby’s clothes herself, she had to sit for a long time in an uncomfortable position. The blood circulation of the pelvic organs was disrupted, which could lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

In addition, families usually had many children. Buying or sewing new clothes for everyone was wasteful. Things were simply handed down from older brothers and sisters to younger ones.

Believe in good omens!

If you are a superstitious person, then among folk beliefs you can find those that will allow you not to complicate life for yourself and your loved ones. When buying things for a newborn in advance, follow a few rules that will protect you from bad consequences:

  • The purchased crib or stroller should not stand empty. Plant or put there a large baby doll dressed in a vest, or a cute soft toy. They will “warm the place” for the baby and protect him from any bad influences.
  • Having purchased diapers, sheets and things that you want to see your son or daughter in, iron the purchases and put them in the locker. Keep cabinet doors open at all times until you return from the hospital with your newborn. Open doors symbolize easy relief from a burden.

And if you do not believe in omens or doubt them, but are nervous from unsolicited advice, never argue with those who warn you about possible misfortunes and do not get angry with the advisers. Mentally wish them well - they want what’s best! And quietly make a security sign in advance: cross the middle and index fingers on your right hand. Whether it will help or not will not matter, but you will be able to calm down, and this is the most important thing for an expectant mother.

Surely every pregnant woman has heard from relatives or friends that it is impossible to purchase baby clothes before giving birth. What is behind this opinion and should you listen to it? When to buy things for a newborn?

Pregnancy and childbirth have always been surrounded by superstitions, signs and rituals. It was they who gave rise to such a widespread opinion about the inadmissibility of preparing for the birth of a baby. However, there are modern, rational arguments for and against pre-purchasing things and it is worth considering them before making a decision.

While expecting a baby, women become sentimental. They tend to be touched by tiny children's things and, of course, it is very difficult to resist buying them.

Paying tribute to superstitions, expectant mothers are forced to give up the joys of shopping, which certainly affects their mood, and not in the best way. Does this make sense? Let's look at the arguments in favor of shopping and the arguments against it.

Should I believe it?

So is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance or is it better to be guided by the experience of your ancestors? In this matter, the opinion of the expectant mother should be decisive. In other words, you need to listen to yourself and do as your intuition tells you.

In modern reality, there are no compelling arguments in favor of not purchasing children's things in advance. These are just superstitions. If you want to do your own shopping for your baby, don't deprive yourself of the fun.

Of course, it is better to hold off on shopping at least until the middle of the term. In the first trimester of pregnancy, increased physical activity is contraindicated for a woman, and excessive shopping can have a negative impact on her health.

For those who are inclined to trust omens, there is a way to ward off bad omens. To prevent the crib and stroller from standing empty, place baby dolls or soft toys in them. They will “guard” a place for their little master or mistress.

If you are still overcome by anxiety, trust the opinion of your relatives, giving them the opportunity to purchase what they need after the birth of the baby. In the end, the color of the rompers and other little things are not as important as the peace of mind of the pregnant woman.

Some people still pay tribute to traditions and listen to superstitions, hoping in this way to ensure an easy birth for the child, a happy fate, and good health. Whether to continue to believe omens or prepare for the baby’s arrival in advance is up to the future parents. Any decision that makes the pregnant woman feel calm and confident will be correct.

Author: Yana Semich, especially for


Yana Semich



Valuable recommendations

A leisurely, independent selection of things for the baby makes a woman happy, lifts her mood, strengthens the connection with the little one on an emotional level, and activates the maternal instinct.

Let's look at how a woman should behave so that no signs or other people's opinions ruin her life or affect her psychological state.

  1. Decide on your point of view. If you come to the conclusion that it’s worth preparing in advance, you don’t need to think about the bad. It will be your own choice, and there is no place for prejudice. We must not forget that many women purchase clothes for their future toddler in advance, without later having any negative consequences. And how convenient it is for them later when everything was prepared in advance. If you are overwhelmed by a feeling of fear, then it is better not to take risks. Things can be purchased later, especially if you have the opportunity to entrust the shopping trip to someone close to you when you are in the maternity hospital.
  2. You don't need to listen to other people's opinions. If someone puts pressure on you, constantly talks about a well-known sign, ignore him. Remember how important it is now to surround yourself with exclusively positive emotions. Eliminate negativity from your life. Remember that your condition, in particular your psycho-emotional background, affects the health of the little one under your heart.
  3. Keep calm. Complete calm, tranquility, and balance are extremely necessary for a woman who is carrying a child. You should not take to heart the sign that they tell you about. Listen to your intuition, do as your heart tells you.

You don't need to rely on someone else's opinion. You need to determine for yourself what is more convenient and important. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of preparing in advance and make up your mind.

Now you know why you can’t buy things before the baby is born. Knowing where the sign came from, you can make a choice for yourself. Consider your capabilities and circumstances when thinking about this question. If you can’t wait for help from anyone, it’s better to prepare everything you need for your newborn now. If you are overly superstitious, it is better to hold off on shopping and go shopping for things after the baby is born.

The origins of the belief

The belief about why you can’t purchase clothes for newborns in advance dates back to the distant past. There are different versions of its origin:

  1. Mystical. In ancient times, it was considered bad luck to buy new clothes for a baby. Such clothes were identified with an abandoned house, where evil spirits could move in and could harm the baby’s health. According to our ancestors, dark forces could interfere with mother and child during childbirth.
  2. Medical. In the old days, expectant mothers prepared especially carefully for the birth of a baby and devoted a large amount of time to this. Previously, women did not have the opportunity to buy things for their children in the store, so they had to make them themselves. Sewing new clothes took a lot of physical strength, which is why the pregnant woman felt overworked. Constantly being in one position and lack of walks in the fresh air had a negative impact on the health of the woman and the unborn baby.
  3. Practical. In Rus', many families had many children. It took a lot of effort to dress each child. To save money and provide children with new clothes, old clothes were passed on from elders to younger ones, so peasant families paid very little attention to preparing a dowry. Over time, this tradition has grown into a sign according to which it is not necessary to buy things for a newborn before his birth.

Church opinion

According to Orthodox clergy, you need to carefully prepare for the birth of a child, including purchasing the necessary things. The Church considers such signs to be empty superstitions that should not be paid attention to. On the contrary, it is worth preparing for the long-awaited event by collecting at least a minimal wardrobe for your baby. It is also recommended that a few days before the birth, you pray in church for the baby’s health, confess and receive communion, and also bless your apartment.

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Psychological components

Expectant mothers often become too superstitious in anticipation of the birth of a baby, but you should not get hung up on signs and beliefs, the roots of which lie in ancient times and have long lost relevance. They only cause unnecessary fears and worries about the child’s health, and this can negatively affect the woman’s well-being and affect her psychological state.

To avoid such situations, you need to listen to your heart. Taking care of the child in advance will be beneficial and will bring only positive emotions to the woman. This approach has many more advantages than following long-standing traditions.

If a woman is sure that the omen will definitely work, then she should not go shopping. Thus, it shapes further events, creates fertile ground for experiences and unexpected consequences. In this case, it is better to entrust the choice of a wardrobe for the baby to relatives or buy the necessary items online. Another option that will allow you to ignore superstition is to store a dowry for a child outside your own home, for example, with your parents or close friends.

Before going to the maternity hospital, a woman will need the minimum kit required for a newborn. There is also no point in rushing to buy a huge amount of things, ignoring tradition. This is due to the fact that often the sex of the child is determined only at birth, so the purchased items may not be suitable.

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