Unexpected remedies for colic in a child: rooibos tea, hair dryer and simple massage

With the birth of a child, happiness and joy reign in every family, but all young parents will soon have to face the first and one of the most common problems that appear in newborns - intestinal colic. Intestinal colic in itself is not a disease; it is a completely normal phenomenon associated with the process of formation of the digestive system. What medications for colic in the tummy for newborns will help the baby and his parents survive this difficult period?

Types of products and composition

All remedies for infant colic should be divided into four types:

  1. Natural herbal carminatives - most often they are suitable to prevent the occurrence of colic, since they contain natural herbs and essential oils, and therefore are used even before they begin.
  2. Enzyme preparations - they contain enzymes lipase, amylase, protease that break down food substances.
  3. Preparations with a probiotic that help cope with a disorder in the intestinal microflora of a newborn, which is also a common cause of colic, because their intestines are extremely vulnerable in the first months of life.
  4. Products based on simethicone are used to relieve an attack of colic that has already begun, thanks to the elimination and removal of gases in the intestines.

The intestine is located in the abdominal cavity and is the longest part of the gastrointestinal tract. It starts immediately from the stomach and ends at the anus. Read more in the article: “Where is the colon located and how does it hurt.”

Preventive measures - what to do

"Plantex" - an old proven remedy

Intestinal problems begin in all newborns on the first day of their life. One of the best medications will help you cope with colic - Plantex for newborns, the instructions for use of which state that the medicine can be given from the first days of the baby's life.

Instructions on how to take the drug are included in each package to learn how to give the drug to an infant. Small children from 2 weeks of life are given 1 sachet per day. How to dilute medicine for an infant? Dividing the contents of the product into 3 equal parts, the tea should be given to the baby immediately after preparation. Many parents make a big mistake by giving the drug to their child incorrectly. So, when should you give the product to your baby, before or after meals? It is better to take the drug after meals or in between feedings. Take 1 part of granules, dilute with water or add to feeding bottle

When the drug begins to act depends on the severity of colic and the duration of use of the drug. If parents constantly give Plantex to their child (as required 3 times a day), then it will act faster. Colic does not have time to manifest itself strongly, so the drug acts faster. If parents give the drug only at a time when the child begins to cry, draw in his legs, arch his back from pain in the tummy, then the drug will act within half an hour.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract account for 40 to 60% of the total number of diseases of the human body. This alarming figure is growing every year. Read more in the article: “1st degree cardia insufficiency: what is it?”

You should also remember about possible allergies to fennel extract or fruits and any excipients contained in the drug. The list of contraindications includes impaired glucose absorption mechanisms and lactase deficiency.

"Baby Calm" - natural and safe

Like the above colic remedies, Israeli-made drops are made from natural ingredients. Essentially, it is a mixture of oils designed to eliminate bloating and normalize the passage of gas. "Baby Calm" contains anise, dill, mint, the effect of which enhances and complements each other:

  1. Anise relieves spasms by stimulating intestinal activity.
  2. Dill also has a carminative effect, relieves abdominal pain, and relieves inflammation.
  3. Mint calms and relaxes the baby's nervous system.

For ease of use, the oily liquid is available in a glass bottle with a special dispenser. Sensitivity to the components depends on the individual child, so the speed of action of the drug against colic may differ. Purified water is used to dilute oils and prepare emulsions. Her temperature should not be high. Water is poured to the mark and act according to the instructions - give the child 10 drops of the medicinal solution before feeding, adding it to milk, artificial formula, or directly dripping it into the mouth.

An overdose of the medicine is impossible. We can only talk about allergic reactions to plant components. Baby Calm contains a certain amount of alcohol, so long-term use is undesirable, despite the manufacturer’s assurances about the absence of side effects and the low ratio of the substance to the oil mixture.


This drug contains fennel, coriander and chamomile. This is a combined remedy, the indications for which are colic, stomach disorders, and digestive problems. Available in the form of drops.

Chamomile extract is indispensable for inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of pathogenic intestinal flora, relieves spasms, fights allergies, stimulates the production of digestive juices necessary for the correct functioning of all organs.

Fennel, as mentioned above, eliminates bloating, activates the digestion process, normalizing the condition of the intestines.

Coriander, in addition to carminative, also has a choleretic effect.

If the baby is too sensitive to the components of the drops, including sorbitol and alcohol, Bebinos should be used with caution and consult a pediatrician. Chamomile in the composition prevents allergies, so side effects are extremely rare.

For children under one year old, 3-6 drops should be dissolved in 30 mg. water - this dose should be repeated three times a day. First you need to shake the bottle with drops to get rid of possible sediment.

The product is convenient to store and use - the bottle has a convenient dispenser.

Like any natural remedy, Bebinos does not have an expected effect time; it is characterized by an individual reaction and the speed of onset of the therapeutic effect.

The best enterosorbents for colic for newborns

Enterosorbents are a group of medications whose distinctive feature is the ability to bind and retain allergens and toxins. By absorbing pathogenic microflora and the products of its vital activity, the products contribute to their removal naturally. In cases where colic in newborns is associated with allergic reactions, taking enterosorbents is necessary. In addition to the main function of relieving intoxication, they help increase immune resistance. Enterosorbents quickly cleanse the body of toxins, improving the baby’s well-being and restoring peace of mind to parents.

3 Polysorb


Due to silicon dioxide, which is the basis of the drug, the intestines and stomach are cleansed of harmful substances that can adversely affect the functioning of the baby's tummy. Polysorb is well tolerated by children under one year old; you just need to choose the right dosage. Since the medicine is hypoallergenic, even allergic infants can be treated with it. It is advised to prepare a fresh suspension from the powder by mixing it with water. To treat colic, the drug should be used three times a day.

Since the indications for use include the prevention of dysbiosis, the product has a beneficial effect on the child’s intestines. Its long-term use will have an excellent effect on stool, and will also cleanse the child’s body of possible intoxications. Mothers speak well of the drug. It is loved for its breadth of application and effectiveness.

2 Smecta


Smecta is a safe antidiarrheal powder. Indications for use are allergic and infectious diarrhea, as well as treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, including increased gas formation. Sold individually and in packs of several bags.

For children under one year of age, the suspension is prepared with the doctor's approval as follows: the contents of the sachet are dissolved in 50 ml of breast milk, infant formula, puree, compote or porridge. The volume is distributed over several meals. Daily dosage for newborns – 1 sachet. Powder for oral suspension is sold with orange or vanilla flavor. However, judging by the reviews, the sweetish taste is not liked by everyone. It is also worth noting the likelihood of constipation after taking this sorbent.


  • low price;
  • harmless;
  • sold individually;
  • effectiveness.


  • sickly sweet taste.

1 Enterosgel


Enterosgel is a paste for oral administration. Used to quickly relieve allergy symptoms of various etiologies. Contraindication is individual intolerance. In reviews, users complain about rapid consumption. Some note a short-term effect, but mainly opinions about the high effectiveness of the enterosorbent. But few people spoke about the side effects mentioned in the instructions. Many have noticed that the price of Enterosgel changes frequently.

The dosage for infants is 0.5 teaspoon of the drug, which is mixed in a 1:3 ratio with water, breast milk or infant formula. The frequency of administration is 6 times a day, that is, with almost every daily feeding. Before use, consultation with a pediatrician is required.


  • safety;
  • speed of impact and effectiveness;
  • release form.


  • fast consumption;
  • high price.

Synthetic components will help with colic

Using the common component Simethicone, drug manufacturers offer a group of proprietary formulations to choose from.

Simethicone acts as an antifoam, eliminating gases in the intestinal environment surrounded by mucus. Due to this, the gas is released and then either absorbed or leaves the body naturally. What is characteristic of this component is that it does not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted unchanged in the feces, is not addictive, does not affect the microflora and begins to act in 10-15 minutes.

According to parents, medications based on Simethicone begin to have a positive effect on colic much earlier. On average, improvement occurs within 5-10 minutes.


Opaque, white-cream drops are available in glass bottles with a dispenser stopper. The emulsion has a pleasant fruity aroma and taste. The composition may form a sediment, so before use you should shake the bottle until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. Does not contain sugar.

The medicine is not suitable for newborns. It is used from about one month of age.

If a child has obstruction or obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug should not be used. The list of contraindications also includes individual hypersensitivity to the components, typical for such drugs. You should not exceed the dosage, despite the fact that the main component cannot harm and the manufacturer does not announce such cases in the annotation.

"Sub simplex"

Simethicone in Sub Simplex acts in a completely similar way. Before giving the drops to the baby, shake the bottle and turn it down with a pipette. When measuring the required number of drops, you need to remember the dosage. Up to a year, give 15 drops per dose. The number of uses per day is from 2 (in the morning or afternoon during feeding and before bedtime) to 8. When artificial feeding, the medicine is added to the bottle; the dose can be diluted in breast milk, water, dosing with a spoon or syringe before application.

For infants, portions can be stretched over several feedings - provided they are fed not according to a schedule, but on demand, with frequent feedings.

Contraindications are similar (see Bobotik).


The German medicine is quite an effective remedy for colic for newborns. Moreover, its effect is completely different from the above-mentioned preparations based on fennel fruits. The main substance in Espumisan is simethicone, which is a high molecular weight polymer compound of dimethylsiloxane with the addition of 4 to 7% silicon dioxide.

This composition makes it possible to provoke the rupture of the film of gas bubbles in the intestine, after which the contents of these bubbles are successfully excreted with feces or simply absorbed into the intestinal wall. Important! Espumisan can be used for a long time - it does not enter the bloodstream and is absolutely harmless to the child.

The effect of using the medicine occurs on the first day of administration. If within 7 days of taking there are no positive changes in the baby’s health, you should contact your pediatrician - most likely, the child suffers from some more serious disease, and colic is only a symptom. The manufacturers of the drug have recently released a new form for the little ones - a banana-flavored emulsion in a convenient package with a dispenser.

The Best Probiotics for Colic in Newborns

Probiotics are a class of microorganisms and substances of various etiologies that are used for therapeutic purposes. In addition, probiotics mean food products and dietary supplements that contain living microcultures. Probiotics contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora in newborns. With their help, the intestines are populated with beneficial bacteria, the vital activity of which has a beneficial effect on the child’s digestive system. Probiotics are necessarily recommended as a preventive measure during antibiotic treatment.

3 Atsipol baby

Acipol baby

The domestic probiotic does not contain GMOs, preservatives or dyes. The formula of the product promises to eliminate colic, normalize digestion and regularity of stool. In addition, bifidobacteria will eliminate sleep problems and strengthen the baby's immunity. Considering that colic can become an early symptom of dysbiosis, then the restoration of microflora, which the medicine promises, is simply necessary.

According to the instructions, the medicine should be taken 5 drops once a day. Therapy for complete relief from colic should last 2 weeks. Since the composition does not contain lactose, this drug may be suitable for children with lactose intolerance. Mothers note the high effectiveness of the product, many call it the best. Reviews praise it for its versatility and complex impact. The convenient dispenser was also noted by many users. The only downside may be the volume of the medicine. One bottle is not enough for everyone for a two-week treatment period.

2 Bifidumbacterin


Bifidumbacterin is a probiotic for the treatment and prevention of intestinal dysbiosis in adults and children. Release form: powder, capsules and tablets. The product is also available in the form of rectal suppositories, but they are prohibited for children under 3 years of age. Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The probiotic is practically tasteless.

The bottles received negative reviews. The difficulty, according to users, lies in opening the ampoule and the nuances of diluting the composition. However, the high efficiency overcomes the difficulties of opening the lid and the need to delve into the intricacies of storage - the composition must be kept exclusively in the refrigerator, otherwise living bacteria will cease to exist. For infants, the drug is given shortly before feeding. The lyophilisate is prepared in accordance with the instructions. Consultation with a pediatrician is recommended.


  • low price;
  • weak taste;
  • effectiveness;
  • variety of release forms.


  • inconvenience when opening ampoules;
  • cold storage.

1 Linux


Linex is a probiotic drug whose purpose is to regulate microflora. Release form: capsules and powder. It is used for the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis, which is accompanied by flatulence, abdominal pain, and allergic reactions. Users agree that this is a highly effective remedy. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to components and intolerance to dairy products. Storage outside the refrigerator is acceptable.

Especially for children, manufacturers have acquired a children's variation of the drug - Linex Baby, which is a powder for preparing an oral suspension, but capsules can also be given. The dosage from birth to 2 years is 1 capsule three times a day or 1 sachet a day. A preliminary consultation with a pediatrician is mandatory. Place the contents of the opened capsule or sachet in a spoon and add a small amount of water, baby food or breast milk. The liquid should be warm, but not hot.


  • high efficiency;
  • Possibility of storage without refrigeration;
  • variety of release forms.


  • contraindication for milk intolerance.

How to make a choice?

Each organism is individual. Breasts are no exception. It is impossible to say in advance which medicine will suit the child and help get rid of colic. The best colic remedies for newborns are selected through selection. If there is no effect from using one drug, another is prescribed. This is how they find the optimal one for the baby. It is used until the end of the acute period. Even drugs whose active ingredients are simethicone or dimethicone have different effects, depending on the dosage form chosen.

When choosing a drug, it is worth remembering that only a doctor should prescribe and select the dose. Parents are obliged to strictly monitor the baby’s condition and stop using the drug when the first allergic reactions appear. Frequently changing the baby's position, stroking and massaging the tummy have a positive effect on intestinal motility. Such exercises also help get rid of colic.

Colic in newly born babies is a fairly common occurrence. The baby cries, clenches his legs, screams. More than half of parents face this problem. Medicines for colic for newborns are varied, sometimes confusing parents. In this article we will look at the main groups of medications for colic in the tummy, their mechanism of action and effectiveness.

Dysbacteriosis in infants

Until the moment of birth, the baby is in a completely sterile environment; its gastrointestinal tract does not contain any bacteria or microorganisms. At the moment of birth, moving along the birth canal, the child first “gets acquainted” with the mother’s natural microflora, which normally contains lacto- and bifidobacteria and E. coli. Signs and main symptoms indicating that an infant may have an imbalance of intestinal flora:

  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • frequent abdominal pain;
  • bad breath;
  • increased salivation;
  • dry skin;
  • manifestations of allergic dermatitis;
  • thrush, stomatitis on mucous membranes;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea for more than 2-3 days

If the doctor has diagnosed “intestinal dysbiosis”, then a comprehensive, fairly long-term treatment will be required. At the first stage, bacteriophages are prescribed - the so-called “tamed” viruses. Their action is aimed at destroying pathogenic and opportunistic flora (while they do not affect beneficial bacteria). In parallel with intestinal antiseptics, sorbents (to quickly remove toxins from the body) and enzymes (to help the digestive system) are prescribed.


The dietary supplement is suitable for newborns in any form except tablets. Lactose, sugar and gelatin are included in the drug, which is due to the mechanism of its effect on the intestinal environment. You need to remember about the components of the probiotic and not prescribe it to babies who are not capable of adequately absorbing them. Mostly “Bifidumbacterin” is given in the form of a powder solution. It is convenient to do this using a pipette, dissolving it in breast milk or an adapted formula.

There are a number of requirements that you need to remember when taking the course:

  1. The probiotic is consumed only fresh.
  2. By introducing the powder into water warmer than 40 degrees, you deprive it of all its beneficial properties.
  3. The product should be stored in the refrigerator, but not frozen.
  4. Give the medicine before feeding or half an hour before meals.
  5. The dosage recommendation is to use the solution 2-3 times (take 1 sachet per dose). If we are talking not about treatment, but about the prevention of colic, the dose is halved.
  6. Typically, the probiotic should be taken for 3 weeks.

The main component of this drug is bifidobacteria. They inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and help eliminate bloating. The components of the probiotic do not have a harmful effect on the newborn’s body.


This drug is known for a large number of positive reviews and is designed to quickly improve the baby’s condition, starting from the first days of life. It must be remembered that the composition is not indicated for infants with lactase deficiency, as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The contents of the capsule or sachet are diluted in water or breast milk. The dosage regimen is 3 times a day after a certain period of time before feeding. The powder does not have a distinct taste or smell, however, there are certain difficulties in using the prepared solution, so it is preferable to give the drug to the child at the moment when he experiences the greatest feeling of hunger.

The composition will not only improve the condition of the microflora, but can also provide additional nutrition and prevent spasms in artificially-trained children. For newborns with colic and milk intolerance, Narine lactobacteria successfully cope with the breakdown of lactose and protein.

It has been proven that about 5% of children are born with a lack of necessary enzymes.

In addition to traditional probiotic treatment, foods fermented with this culture are used in the diet of a colicky child. They can be given from 3 days of age if breastfeeding is not available. ½ packet dissolves in 30-40 ml. water (the course requires 14 daily doses in the amount of 1 sachet, which is divided into two doses). You can use juice or fruit drink for these purposes.

The general opinion of pediatricians is not to prescribe or select probiotics on your own, without tests, examination, etc. Self-medication is a risk to the baby’s health.

All probiotics are dietary supplements, and therefore do not have as developed an evidence base as patented medications for colic. They can overstimulate the immune system, not always leading to positive results. The probiotic dose should be taken for 1-3 weeks, 20-60 minutes before feeding or an hour after. If the condition improves, it can be halved. Some drugs have a long course of up to several months - this should also be selected by a specialist based on test results.

In particular, Hilak Forte, prescribed incorrectly, has a negative effect on the esophagus. Exceeding the dosage is fraught with manifestations on the skin, including urticaria, which causes obvious discomfort. In general, a sign that the probiotic has been selected incorrectly may be a high temperature or increased abdominal pain.

Rating of the best pharmaceutical remedies for colic in newborns

If you have already tried all the traditional methods of dealing with colic, but they turned out to be ineffective, you cannot do without pharmaceutical drugs. Special carminatives based on simethicone destroy the molecules of intestinal gases and turn them into water, herbal preparations soothe the intestines and improve their motility, and probiotics populate the immature gastrointestinal tract of the child with living microorganisms that improve digestion and help fight bloating, colic and various disorders chair.

Herbal preparations

Preparations based on medicinal plants are safe (provided that your child is not allergic to the components included), have a pleasant taste, and are a source of flavonoids and other substances that soothe the baby’s intestines and help improve digestion. If you are faced with a problem such as colic, you should start with this group of medications, having first consulted a pediatrician.


This is a fairly well-known herbal preparation, which consists of granules for preparing a solution (in fact, it is just herbal tea). One package can contain 10 or 30 bags of granules, and the product itself belongs to the category of herbal remedies that stimulate digestive function and improve the release of gases. The main active ingredient is fennel in the form of powder and essential oil. Fennel fruits enhance gastrointestinal motility, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and help relieve painful cramps by accelerating the removal of gases from the intestines.

Basic information:

  • name - "Plantex";
  • release form – plant granules for preparing an aqueous solution;
  • active ingredients – fennel fruit powder and essential oil;
  • availability of a prescription – no;
  • age restrictions – from the first days of life;
  • The average cost in pharmacies is 330 rubles for 10 sachets.


  • good composition with natural herbal ingredients;
  • if the instructions are followed, it helps fight colic and digestive disorders;
  • can be used from the first days of life.


  • the finished solution does not have a very pleasant taste, so it is difficult to give it to small children (you cannot add sugar or other sweeteners);
  • the composition contains lactose, so in children with lactase deficiency the product can provoke increased intestinal colic and spasms;
  • there are cases of an allergic reaction (possibly to the auxiliary components of the drug - acacia gum or anhydrous dextrose).

Although Plantex is quite expensive for herbal antispasmodics, it is not a highly effective drug for combating infant colic. When using this product, parents should remember that it is prohibited to add any sweeteners to it, and also store the prepared solution for longer than 20-30 minutes.

"Baby Calm"

“Baby Calm” is probably the most famous herbal preparation intended for the treatment and prevention of intestinal spasms and colic in infants of the first year of life. It has a classic composition for this category of products (mint, anise and dill oils) and effectively and quickly eliminates spasms of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, relieving pain and relieving irritation in the intestines. Symptomatic therapy with the drug gives the same results in infants who are breastfed or bottle-fed, that is, the components of the solution act in a complex manner regardless of the etiopathogenesis, clinical and morphological features of the gastrointestinal pathology. If necessary, it can be used by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Basic information:

  • name - "Baby Calm";
  • release form – concentrate for preparing plant emulsion;
  • active ingredients – a complex of natural essential oils of anise, dill (fennel) and mint;
  • availability of a prescription – no;
  • age restrictions – from the first days of life;
  • The average cost in pharmacies is 330 rubles per 15 ml.


  • begins to act within 5-7 minutes after application;
  • copes well with colic and facilitates the passage of intestinal gases;
  • natural composition;
  • has a pleasant taste;
  • convenient pipette dispenser.


  • with continuous long-term use (more than 30 days) it can cause allergies in the form of a pinpoint rash on the stomach and buttocks;
  • high price.

The herbal remedy for flatulence and bloating “Baby Calm” is a widely used drug in pediatrics, but parents who are faced with the problem of infant colic should know that pharmaceutical equivalents can be found on sale, which are 1.5-2 times cheaper, and at the same time have such same efficiency and composition. One of these drugs will be discussed below.

"Cook la Cook"

“Kuk la Kuk” is a brand under which biologically active and nutritional supplements are produced, one of which is dill water for babies. All products are produced in Armenia and do not contain harmful artificial additives that could negatively affect children's health or cause an allergic reaction. Dill water "Kuk la Kuk" is indicated for gastrointestinal disorders in children of the first year of life, accompanied by increased gas formation, flatulence, intestinal spasms and impaired motility of the small and large intestines. It contains a mixture of natural essential oils of fennel, mint and anise, as well as glycerin, which is necessary to give the preparation the necessary consistency.

Basic information:

  • name - “Cook la Cook”;
  • release form – concentrate for preparing plant emulsion;
  • active ingredients – a complex of natural essential oils of anise, dill (fennel) and mint;
  • availability of a prescription – no;
  • age restrictions – from the first days of life;
  • The average cost in pharmacies is 170 rubles per 15 ml.


  • copes well with colic and increased gas formation;
  • helps to adjust the stool;
  • has a pleasant taste;
  • convenient dropper dispenser;
  • cheaper than similar drugs, on average, 1.5-2 times;
  • Contains no dyes or flavors.


  • not identified.

The herbal concentrate for preparing the “Cook la Cook” emulsion is an excellent inexpensive remedy for combating colic and preventing its occurrence, which can be given to a newborn from the first days of life (a complete analogue of the more expensive and advertised “Baby Kalma”). It fully deserves to take the top line of our rating, but the leader today is a drug with a more complex composition and the presence of an additional component that helps fight not only colic, but also infant insomnia.

"Koli crocodile"

The herbal remedy "Koli krokodil" is a specialized food product for children's preventive nutrition. It contains glycerin and oils of medicinal plants that help fight gastrointestinal disorders: anise, dill, mint and lemon balm. The concentration of oils is selected in such a way as to have a pronounced therapeutic effect in infant colic caused by gastrointestinal spasms, gastroesophageal acid reflux and mild to moderate intestinal atony. The drug facilitates the elimination of excess gases, reduces pain, normalizes peristalsis of the small and large intestines, helps improve sleep and eliminate the causes of increased anxiety in the child in the first weeks of life.

The bottle comes with a special dispenser syringe, which must be thoroughly rinsed with boiled water after each use.

Basic information:

  • name - “Koli crocodile”;
  • release form - plant drops;
  • active ingredients – a complex of lemon balm, anise, dill and mint oils;
  • availability of a prescription – no;
  • age restrictions – from the first days of life;
  • The average cost in pharmacies is 480 rubles per 20 ml.


  • the most important advantage of the drug is its high efficiency (colic subsides, and the child becomes calmer from the first days of use);
  • natural composition without dyes and flavors;
  • mint and lemon balm in the composition help improve sleep and cope with insomnia;
  • pleasant taste;
  • do not cause allergies;
  • convenient syringe for dosing.


  • The relative disadvantages of the drug include the small volume of the bottle (20 ml) and the relatively high cost, although these drops are still much cheaper than many similar drugs.

Herbal drops "Koli Krokodil" to combat intestinal colic in infants are produced in Israel and meet all quality standards established in this country for these products.

According to reviews from mothers and pediatricians, they very quickly help to cope with the problem and extremely rarely cause allergies, which is why among herbal remedies they occupy a leading position in our rating.


Carminatives, which directly destroy intestinal gas bubbles and turn them into water, contain simethicone. Simethicone is an organosilicon compound and is used to treat increased gas formation and accumulation of intestinal gases in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract (gas bubbles, acting on the walls of the stomach and intestines, put pressure on them and cause painful spasms that accompany colic in infants).

Antifoam drugs are prescribed by a pediatrician when other measures to combat colic are ineffective (massage, gymnastics, laying on the tummy, a heating pad, etc.) as the most effective and fast-acting means for relieving pain syndromes and establishing digestive, as well as motor-evacuation functions of the intestine.


“Bobotik” is a Polish-made carminative drug, produced in the form of a thick cream-colored emulsion with raspberry flavor. 1 ml of the drug contains more than 60 mg of activated dimethicone, which destroys intestinal gas molecules, accelerates their release from gastrointestinal mucus and intestinal contents and prevents the formation of voluminous conglomerates of gas and mucus, which cause painful bloating and spasms in children of the first year of life . Dimethicone in the emulsion does not affect the enzymatic activity of the intestine and its microflora, does not change the reaction and composition of gastric juice and is completely excreted from the body unchanged along with feces.

Basic information:

  • name - "Bobotik";
  • release form – thick heterogeneous emulsion with raspberry flavor;
  • active ingredients – activated dimethicone;
  • availability of a prescription – no;
  • age restrictions - for children over four weeks of age;
  • The average cost in pharmacies is 250 rubles per 30 ml.


  • relieves an attack of intestinal colic 7-10 minutes after use;
  • has a pleasant taste, so it is easy to give to children of any age;
  • does not affect the enzymatic activity of the intestine and its microflora;
  • is not absorbed into the blood and does not form metabolites;
  • does not contain sugar;
  • costs less than analogues.


  • raspberry flavoring may cause allergies;
  • not suitable for children under 28 days of age;
  • less effective compared to Espumisan.

"Bobotik" is a good, inexpensive drug for relieving attacks of intestinal colic in infants aged 1 to 4 months.

Parents of children prone to allergies must take into account the presence of flavoring in the composition.

"Espumizan Baby"

"Espumizan Baby" is definitely the best drug today for relieving attacks of intestinal colic in newborns and infants of the first year of life. Unlike “Bobotik”, it contains 100 mg of simethicone in 1 ml (in “Bobotik” it is only 66.6 mg), therefore it acts much faster and more effectively compared to all known analogues. Within a few minutes after administration, the drug reduces the amount of gases in the intestinal mucous contents, neutralizes intestinal foam and stimulates the natural excretion of gas under the influence of intestinal peristalsis.

Basic information:

  • name - "Espumizan Baby";
  • release form – thick heterogeneous emulsion with banana flavor;
  • active ingredients – simethicone;
  • availability of a prescription – no;
  • age restrictions - for infants of the first year of life;
  • The average cost in pharmacies is 390 rubles per 30 ml.


  • today it is the most effective defoamer and carminative drug for combating infant colic;
  • if necessary, can be given to children during the neonatal period (after consultation with a doctor);
  • has a pleasant banana taste, so it is easy to give to children;
  • does not affect the intestinal microflora, its digestive and enzymatic activity;
  • does not form metabolites and is excreted from the body along with fecal matter.


  • banana flavoring most often causes allergic reactions (although cases of allergies while taking Espumisan Baby are extremely rare - no more than 1.8%);
  • Contains sorbitol.

"Espumizan Baby" is the most effective carminative drug, tested by more than one generation of parents. It quickly stops an attack of painful colic, helps improve the passage of gases and eliminate the cause of anxiety, allowing both the baby and his parents to sleep peacefully throughout the night. The only drawbacks - the presence of a strong flavor and sorbitol in the composition - slightly limit the possibilities of its use, but, in general, the product has no significant contraindications and can be used as first aid for colic in infants of any age.


If carminatives, defoamers and herbal preparations based on fennel oil and seeds are used only as symptomatic therapy, then digestive enzymes and probiotics form the basis of a comprehensive treatment of digestive dysfunction and inorganic gastrointestinal pathology. Preparations from the group of enzymes help compensate for the enzymatic immaturity of the stomach and intestines, and probiotics help populate it with beneficial microorganisms that support its functioning and help normalize digestion. Such drugs can only be taken with the permission of the pediatrician observing the child, since in some cases they may be contraindicated.

"Bifiform Baby"

“Bifiform Baby” is a product that is an oil solution (stabilizer) and powder that contains live bifidobacteria and thermophilic streptococci. To prepare the suspension, you need to open the lid and pour its contents into a bottle with an oil solution (about 10 servings of the drug in total). "Bifiform Baby" is considered one of the most effective means for normalizing the intestinal microflora in infants and solving a number of problems that parents face during the newborn period and the early postnatal period.

Live beneficial bacteria populate the baby's intestines, increase its maturity, normalize stool, reduce colic and regurgitation (by stimulating digestive function). Thermophilic streptococci reduce the risk of developing acute diarrhea syndrome in healthy children and acute necrotizing enterocolitis in weakened and premature infants.

Basic information:

  • name – “Bifiform Baby”;
  • release form – oil solution and powder with live bifidobacteria for preparing a suspension;
  • active ingredients – live bifidobacteria, thermophilic streptococci;
  • availability of a prescription – no;
  • age restrictions - for infants of the first year of life;
  • the average cost in pharmacies is 510 rubles per 7 ml of ready-made suspension.


  • reduces the intensity and frequency of infant colic;
  • prevents the development of diarrhea syndrome and necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns;
  • increases the physiological maturity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a convenient dispenser nozzle;
  • neutral taste;
  • does not cause side effects (in individual cases, intolerance may occur).


  • not the most affordable price;
  • can rarely cause urticaria (this is not a side effect, but poor tolerability of the auxiliary components of the drug).

"Bifiform Baby" is an excellent source of probiotic microorganisms, safe to use even in very premature infants. Of course, it will not rid the baby of colic in a couple of days, but as you use it, the attacks will be less frequent, shorter-lasting and less painful, since the remedy acts specifically on the cause of infant colic.

"Primadophilus for children"

Unlike “Bifiform Baby”, “Primadofilus for children” contains not only bifidobacteria, but also lactobacilli, which are part of the natural intestinal microflora of humans. It is very important that the concentration and forms of microorganisms are selected taking into account the age group for which the drug is intended (the product is used from the neonatal period to the age of five). The product contains various strains of bacteria with enhanced adhesive properties, thanks to which they quickly cling to the intestinal walls and become part of the intestinal flora responsible for the digestive processes.

“Primadophilus for children” increases the number of living bacteria in the intestines, suppresses the growth and activity of harmful microorganisms (including yeast), increases the body’s resistance to stress and stress, participates in the formation of the child’s immunity and stimulates the synthesis of certain vitamins, in particular B vitamins.

Basic information:

  • name – “Primadophilus for children”;
  • release form – powder for preparing a solution;
  • active ingredients – lacto- and bifidobacteria (probiotics);
  • availability of a prescription – no;
  • age restrictions - for infants of the first year of life;
  • The average cost in pharmacies is 520 rubles per 50 g.


  • contains not only bifido, but also lactobacilli, which improve digestive function and help fight colic, bloating, and stool disorders;
  • does not cause allergies or side effects;
  • does not contain lactose, whey, corn starch, soy and other components that can disrupt digestion;
  • strengthens the immune system and increases the body's ability to resist stress factors;
  • has a neutral taste;
  • It is enough to take 1 time per day.


  • no deficiencies were identified.

"Primadofilus for children" copes well with various gastrointestinal disorders caused by the physiological immaturity of the digestive tract in newborns. In addition, the drug is a hypoallergenic drug, therefore it is suitable for almost all children for the complex treatment of colic, regurgitation and other intestinal disorders during infancy.

Lactase preparations

Drugs in this group are prescribed to children as compensatory and replacement therapy in cases where the cause of colic and bloating is a lack of lactase. This is an enzyme involved in the breakdown, processing and digestion of milk sugar, which is found both in breast milk and in artificial substitutes (formulas). If a child with lactase deficiency is bottle-fed, the problem of infant colic is solved by selecting special adapted lactose-free formulas. The rest require therapy with drugs containing lactase, which we will discuss below.

"Baby-Doc lactase"

"Baby-Doc lactase" is a drug to eliminate the cause of intestinal colic in infants with lactase deficiency. It can be used from the first days of a child’s life without interrupting breastfeeding. 1 ml of drops contains about 600 units. lactase enzyme, which helps break down and digest lactose and eliminate flatulence, colic, increased gas formation and other problems that arise during the fermentation of milk sugar with a lack of necessary digestive enzymes.

The drops are completely safe for babies, do not contain sugars, alcohol, preservatives or dyes, have a neutral taste and odor and do not cause allergies. The dosage form (drops) allows the active substance to be absorbed by the body faster and more actively, and they are much more convenient to use than similar products in capsule form.

Basic information:

  • name – “Baby-Doc lactase”;
  • release form - drops for internal use;
  • active ingredients – lactase;
  • availability of a prescription – no;
  • age restrictions - for infants of the first year of life;
  • The average cost in pharmacies is 610 rubles per 10 ml.


  • eliminate the cause of colic, regurgitation, flatulence and other gastrointestinal disorders in infants with various forms of lactase deficiency;
  • do not contain sugar, flavorings, dyes or preservatives;
  • have a neutral taste and smell, do not affect the taste of the child’s usual diet;
  • can be used without interrupting breastfeeding;
  • acts faster than similar drugs in capsule form;
  • affordable cost (compared to similar drugs in the form of drops).


  • contains a small amount of acetic acid;
  • may cause loose stools.

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated, so it can definitely be included in the rating of the best remedies for colic in newborns and infants of the first year of life.


This is a very expensive, but at the same time, a very high-quality and effective drug that allows you to solve the problem of colic in infants with various forms of lactase deficiency in just a few days. The product contains lactase isolated from yeast and passed international clinical trials. The drops have neither taste nor smell, so they can be added to a bottle of baby food at the beginning of feeding - the drug does not in any way affect the consistency or taste of milk or formula. If you are breastfeeding, you should express a little milk before feeding, add the entire single dosage of the drug to it and give it to the baby, after which you can immediately begin breastfeeding (no need to wait for the drug to take effect).

Basic information:

  • name - "Kolif";
  • release form - drops for internal use;
  • active ingredients – lactase;
  • availability of a prescription – no;
  • age restrictions - for infants of the first year of life;
  • The average cost in pharmacies is 1,400 rubles per 15 ml.


  • helps to cope with colic caused by lactase deficiency within a few days;
  • simple and good composition without soy, gluten, dyes, flavors, GMOs and other harmful additives;
  • has no taste or smell and does not affect the consistency and taste of the child’s usual food;
  • You can feed your baby immediately after taking the drug; there is no need to wait for the drops to take effect;
  • the drug has passed international clinical trials and meets all quality standards adopted in Europe for this group of food additives.


  • high cost and small volume.

Since lactase tends to be destroyed under the influence of high temperatures, it is necessary to add drops to formula or breast milk immediately before feeding.

Functional disorders as a cause of colic

With colic, inflammatory processes often occur in the intestines and toxins are released. Enterosorbents bind and remove harmful substances, but do not have a harmful effect on the body. Safe enterosobrents for babies - Smecta, activated carbon. These medications should always be in your home medicine cabinet in case of poisoning or intestinal infections. These problems very often occur in children of different ages.

Enzyme preparations compensate for lactase deficiency. This problem often occurs in children in the first months of life due to the development of the digestive system. When there is a shortage of it, unprocessed lactose enters the large intestine and provokes the formation of gas. Medicines are also prescribed to improve intestinal motility.

A safe enzyme preparation for babies - Lactasaurus. The contents of the capsule can be mixed with breast milk or formula and given before feeding. Enzyme preparations and sorbents do not help with colic attacks. They eliminate their consequences or causes.

"Mezim" can be taken once as an "ambulance" and in a course as prescribed by a doctor. The tablet should be crushed and diluted in water, tea, compote. If your baby can only drink water or breast milk, be careful not to spit out the solution. To take a medicinal dose, use a syringe without a needle.

The timing and intensity of enzyme therapy with special drugs are usually low. This is due to the fact that the body must independently get used to such work. Side effects also do not contribute to the duration of the course - the baby may begin to experience constipation, diarrhea, and in some cases vomiting and an allergic reaction. Enzyme preparations are prescribed strictly by the treating pediatrician. It is also necessary to take into account the use of other medications, if any were prescribed for the treatment of the newborn.

The best herbal remedies for colic for newborns

Herbal remedies for colic are designed to reduce gas formation in the intestines. A distinctive feature is the production of medicines from plant materials. These products for newborns contain fennel fruit extracts, essential oils and excipients. In addition to the main focus, herbal medicines strengthen the child’s immunity and calm the nervous system.

Fennel (dill) has been used since ancient times to relieve infant colic. Steamed seeds are used as teas, decoctions and tinctures. You can prepare the drinks yourself, or purchase a specialized herbal medicine.

3 Dill water

Dill water

The best folk remedy for treating colic in infants has been on pharmacy shelves for a long time. The effectiveness of dill in relieving discomfort in the stomach has been proven more than once. However, the first place in the composition of the medicine is not dill, but fennel. This plant is similar in action to the herb, but is more effective. It can also be used in the form of tea to treat bloating in adults. The syrup is suitable for the treatment of newborns.

For convenience, you can refuse to prepare traditional medicine and not worry about the expiration date. It is enough to buy a product with the same name at the pharmacy. Hidden in a dark bottle is a formula enriched with vitamin B1. The kit includes a convenient dispenser that will help you accurately follow the doctor's prescription. Usually the medicine is prescribed to babies who are rarely bothered by colic. Since it is just a dietary supplement, it cannot completely cure. However, according to reviews, parents still use this old drug.

2 Babynos


The drug perfectly relieves the still unformed digestive system of the baby from unpleasant sensations. Doctors usually prescribe 3 drops therapy. This dose is enough to effectively soothe the intestinal pain of a newborn. The majority of the medicine contains herbal ingredients. Chamomile extract has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Thanks to it, digestion is normalized in the baby’s body. Fennel fights colic and bloating, and coriander helps relieve inflammation.

According to reviews, the product has earned the love of many parents and has become the best for some. Some people notice that the drug formula contains alcohol, but pediatricians assure that such a small dose is safe. When it comes to the health of your baby, you need to pay attention to all factors. Therefore, the drug should not be taken if the child has an allergy to any medications. Herbal extracts can negatively affect an unformed body.

1 Plantex


Plantex is a representative of phytotherapeutic drugs that are safe for newborns. The product is intended to stimulate the digestive system and reduce the formation of gases in the intestines in children from birth to 4 years of age. Release form: granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration. Eliminates pain. Contraindicated in case of lactase deficiency, hypersensitivity to the components of the composition, glucose malabsorption syndrome.

According to network users, the product demonstrates the best effectiveness in children who are bottle-fed rather than breastfed. For newborns, the optimal daily dosage is 1.5 sachets, divided into three doses. The drug is taken between meals or at the end of a meal. To prepare, the contents of the sachet are filled with liquid in a volume of 100 milliliters. Stir until the granules are completely dissolved.


  • safety;
  • effectiveness;
  • ease of dilution of the composition.


  • contraindications;
  • high price.

Why is prevention better?

Despite the whole range and variety of medications against colic, the most effective way to get rid of them is prevention, carried out from the first days of life. What should I do for this? General recommendations for preventing colic in a newborn are:

  • Maintain natural breastfeeding for as long as possible.
  • When transferring to artificial feeding, as well as supplementary feeding with formulas and introducing complementary foods, use special medications to prevent colic, for example, Expumizan.
  • Regularly massage your baby's tummy in a clockwise direction. This improves intestinal motility.
  • Undergo preventive examinations with a doctor on time, follow the recommendations of the pediatrician and specialists.
  • The baby's mother and relatives should maintain personal hygiene, including when preparing food.

Each case of colic in a small child is individual. Therefore, a doctor’s consultation is always required to establish the true cause and determine the tactics of examination, possible treatment and preventive measures. Every attentive and responsible mother should carefully evaluate each attack of colic. When the symptoms of such a condition seem dubious and especially severe to her, seek medical help.

When does colic in newborns go away?

There is no clear answer to this question. When colic in newborns goes away, in most cases it goes away by three months, but, in extreme cases, it can last up to six months. This is primarily due to the baby’s health condition. Each baby is individual and the duration of development of the gastrointestinal tract is different for everyone.

Also, any medicine has its own effect on the body; when something suits one person, it may not suit another. But there has never been a child in the world whose tummy colic medication for newborns did not help with colic, so don’t despair in finding “your” drug. Health to you and your baby!

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