Massage for the removal of sputum in a child: how it is done to improve expectoration, features of the procedure in infants

Why does massage promote mucus removal and is effective for coughing?

To understand how massage affects the activation of secretion, it is necessary to imagine the mechanism of cough spasm formation.
Coughing is a protective technique of the body, which is formed when any disruption of the respiratory system occurs. Its purpose is to push out mucus or foreign objects that interfere with normal inhalation and exhalation. The mucous membranes that line the respiratory tract are irritated from the very first day of the disease. The bronchi and trachea react to this by intensifying the production of secretions. This secretion does not have time to be removed by the bronchi and alveoli due to a decrease in local immunity and settles in the respiratory tract.

The settling of mucus in the upper part of the chest is a characteristic feature of bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and tracheitis. If the secretion goes down, pneumonia begins and pneumonia develops.

Massage helps promote and liquefy secretions and prevents them from descending into the lower respiratory tract. Removal of mucus from the upper section occurs much faster, does not cause complications and does not take a protracted nature.

Massage for the removal of sputum in a child is necessary at the initial stage of a disease of the bronchi or lungs, as well as when it is necessary to get rid of the consequences of a previous disease. Massage techniques are effective if a child develops a wet cough.

The effectiveness of using massage techniques for wet coughs has been recognized by leading pediatricians.

Physiotherapy using massage techniques has several simultaneous effects:

  • processes for secretion are activated;
  • the viscosity of mucus decreases;
  • blood flow increases;
  • Pulmonary ventilation is enhanced.

Baby cough

Phlegm can be very uncomfortable for your baby if it is present in excess. It can cause severe coughing and can even cause suffocation. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of it urgently, in all possible ways, but, of course, in such a way that will not harm the baby.

The first thing that is very important is not to self-medicate, be sure to go to the hospital. The baby's immune system is so weak that incorrectly selected therapy can only worsen the situation.

So, how to remove phlegm from a baby?

Let's start with the fact that coughing is a natural reaction of the body that occurs when it is necessary to clear the airways. It can be wet and dry - in the article we will talk about its second variety.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

One option for treating wet cough is the use of nebulizer inhalation, especially in infants. This treatment option is the safest and most effective treatment. Almost all medications for the device are available in pharmacy kiosks, in special capsules for this device - nebulas.

Children do better with inhalations based on saline solution or mineral water. Inhalations soften the throat and help remove phlegm. The advantages of the device also include ease of use, because it can be used in a lying position. So, the mother can hold the baby in her arms and give him inhalations.

How to massage babies?

Cover the table with a mattress and a diaper (you can put an oilcloth under it), and also prepare a towel or blanket in which to wrap the baby immediately after the procedure. Lay the baby on her tummy, and place a small pillow under the baby's chest so that the baby's head hangs slightly below the body.

Gently stroke the baby's back with your fingertips until a pink color appears. Next, lightly rub the skin, moving from the lower back to the shoulder area. After this, lift the baby, wrap him up and put him in the crib, remembering to change his body position from time to time (this will prevent sputum stagnation).


How to do drainage massage for bronchitis in infants

Any massage for a small child should be very soft and gentle: babies’ skin is very sensitive. No sudden movements, everything as carefully and slowly as possible.

To begin, rub your baby's back with strokes. She should blush a little. Next, start lightly tapping your back with your palm – the back of it. If the baby coughs, interrupt the procedure and let him clear his throat. If he doesn’t succeed, try pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon.

Using both hands, pinch from the baby's lower back to his shoulders. About 20 tingles each. The child should not be in pain. After a short half-minute break, pinching should be repeated.

Next, you should perform light tapping on the sides of the baby - again from the lower back to the shoulders. We do 20 tappings with open palms. After which - the same thing, only with fists.

When the child coughs, proceed to chest massage, which is performed by circular rubbing clockwise from the center to the collarbones.

After the back, rub the baby's sides - this should be done for 3 minutes. Then do a chest massage. Here you should perform circular rubbing movements in a clockwise direction. We make them from the center of the baby's chest to the collarbones. You can't tap your chest!

This completes the massage. Wrap up your baby and put him in his crib. He may want to sleep (even if the massage is done in the morning): let him sleep. However, make sure that he turns over to the other side every 20 minutes - mucus should not accumulate in one of the lungs.

Massage to remove phlegm

You can massage your baby to remove mucus from the nasopharynx at home or in a clinic; in the second case, all manipulations are performed by a professional nurse. After several sessions, the newborn’s sputum begins to clear well. The massage consists of patting, stroking and chopping movements of the hands along the perimeter of the child's chest. First, the baby lies on his back, then on his stomach.

During the procedure, the child may cough and spit out mucus. This is normal - such a reaction indicates that the massage is being performed correctly and is effective. Massage is a very quick way to remove mucus from the bronchi of an infant at home.

Parents should know how babies produce sputum. This usually occurs with a cough, and the child spits out clear mucus. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a sputum test to identify the bacteria it contains - the yellowish color of the mucus indicates purulent inflammation.

Dissatisfied baby

Baby care

If sputum appears in a newborn, you should think about how to remove it as soon as unfavorable symptoms appear. The main thing is not to be late and start treatment in a timely manner. When caring for a sick baby, you must:

  • if there is no temperature, take regular walks with your baby;
  • ventilate the children's room several times a day;
  • humidify the air if it is very dry;
  • If necessary, give the child inhalations.

Doctors say that in case of excessive sputum, inhalation with regular saline solution helps a lot. The principle of operation of this procedure is based on the fact that saline solution moisturizes the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, promotes the thinning of mucus and its better removal. Inhalations should be done using a nebulizer - a compressor inhaler that sprays small particles of liquids into the child’s respiratory tract. This is a good way to get rid of excess mucus.

Attention! In no case should you take expectorants and antitussives at the same time, because they have the opposite effect. Antitussives taken at night to help you sleep

Expectorants - on the contrary, no later than 19 hours.


A special feature of drainage massage is the position of the patient. The child's shoulder girdle and head should be below the body. To ensure this, the child should be placed on a pillow (place it under the pelvis). You can stretch your arms forward to relax your back as much as possible.

The drainage technique for cough massage at home is as follows:

  • Stroking. The entire plane of the palm strokes the back from the supra-lumbar area to the shoulders. The movements are light, sliding. From the center you need to move to the periphery.
  • Trituration. Use your fingertips with moderate pressure and in a circular motion to warm up the entire treated area. Direction - diagonally from bottom to top, from the spine to the sides.
  • Kneading. Quick pinching movements need to go over the entire back. First near the spine (stepping back 1 cm), then gradually move towards the periphery. Next, the skin is gently rubbed diagonally with the edge of the palm, and then with the fist.
  • Pat. Gather your fingertips into a bun. Quickly tap along the entire back.

The procedure is completed with stroking. The skin should turn slightly red. To expel mucus at the end of the massage, the child should be asked to cough. If the patient is too small, he should be put to bed and covered with a blanket. The reflex will appear on its own.

Important A child’s temperature without symptoms: reasons, if there are no signs of a cold, what does a fever indicate, what to do, how to bring it down


Drainage massage is one of the best methods of physiotherapeutic action, which facilitates the discharge of sputum. The procedure not only improves the child’s general condition, but also simply relaxes and calms him down.

Let us examine in more detail the principle of massage and the technique of its implementation.

What it is?

Drainage massage is an external influence on the respiratory system. It warms up the bronchi, due to which the muscle layers of their walls begin to work better and help remove phlegm. In turn, the secretion accumulated in the respiratory tract becomes more liquid and passes away more easily.

Drainage massage also helps strengthen the respiratory muscles, improve blood circulation in the bronchi and lungs and improve the mobility of the ribs.


Drainage massage is recommended for the following diseases:

Bronchitis. Bronchial asthma (only in the interictal period)

This is especially important, since with this disease the sputum becomes very viscous, “glassy”, and it is quite difficult to cough up. Recovery period after pneumonia. Emphysema. Pneumosclerosis. Stage of recovery after pleurisy.

For obstructive bronchitis

Obstructive bronchitis is a serious disease, which, with frequent relapses and lack of proper treatment, can lead to the development of bronchial asthma

It is important to know that during an exacerbation, i.e.

obstruction, massage cannot be done. You must first restore the airway with medication and only as prescribed by a doctor. And only then, in the remission stage, it is recommended to massage for better sputum discharge.

How to do?

The main principle of drainage massage is the position of the child. The baby should lie in such a way that his head is lower than his body. To do this, you can place a cushion or pillow under your stomach.

Next, the massage scheme is as follows:

  1. First you need to start stroking your back, moving from the shoulders to the lower back, and then in the opposite direction.
  2. On the sides of the spine, stepping back a few centimeters, they begin to pinch the skin from bottom to top (from the lower back to the shoulders). You need to perform at least 20 such movements.
  3. Next, repeat the same pinching, moving to the sides (towards the armpits).
  4. It is necessary to place your palms with edges and tap from bottom to top on the back (in the expected direction of movement of sputum).
  5. Then the hands are clenched into fists and tapping begins along a similar trajectory.
  6. The child should try to clear his throat and roll over onto his back.
  7. Rub the chest clockwise, moving from the sternum to the collarbones.

After the procedure is completed, the baby should cough again and rest for a while.

Massage should be done 2 times a day. In the morning it is carried out 2 hours after breakfast, and in the evening – an hour before bedtime.

Is it possible for babies?

Infants can have a drainage massage, but there are some peculiarities in its implementation. The procedure cannot be performed on babies under 3 months, because their skin is still too delicate for such manipulations. For children who have already reached the specified age, massage is allowed.

Before carrying out the procedure, you must consult with your pediatrician.

Massage should be started no earlier than on the 4th day of illness. The room temperature should be at least 25 degrees. The person performing the massage should have clean, warm hands, without sharp rings or long nails. The baby's back should be lubricated with moisturizing cream or oil so that it does not hurt. Movements during the massage should be as careful as possible. A little more attention should be paid to the chest area.

After finishing the massage, you need to press the baby with a teaspoon on the root of the tongue. This will trigger the cough reflex and the baby will start coughing up phlegm.

Drainage massage: indications, features and effectiveness

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Article written according to scientific standards and reviewed by a medical professional
This text is consistent with medical literature, medical guidelines, and current research and has been reviewed by medical professionals. Sources and author.

When a child is sick, parents always try to find the optimal solution for his treatment. To have as few medications as possible and as much benefit as possible. Drainage massage for coughs is one of the most effective ways to help cope with the disease. It just needs to be done by a specialist and strictly on the doctor’s recommendation.

What is drainage massage?

Drainage massage is a procedure that is needed to strengthen the muscles of the respiratory tract. It is not exclusively for children; such manipulations are also prescribed for adults. But most often, children become patients of massage therapists. They get sick more, and physiologically the child’s bronchi and trachea are narrower, which makes it more difficult to expel sputum when coughing.

It is only important to understand and remember that a doctor must prescribe such a procedure. You should not decide on the need for drainage massage on your own. There are specific indications and even contraindications for this.

Drainage massage: indications and contraindications

Drainage massage is not classic rubbing and kneading to relieve fatigue or relax. This is a medical procedure that is performed technologically precisely and only when it is permissible and necessary.

Indications for such manipulations are:

  • Bronchitis;
  • Chronic cough;
  • Chronic pneumonia;
  • Emphysema;
  • Pleurisy;
  • Bronchial asthma (in the intervals between its attacks);
  • Pneumosclerosis.

Also, this type of massage has a number of contraindications in which no manipulations should be performed:

  • Exacerbation of the disease (acute form of pleurisy, asthma attacks, acute pneumonia);
  • Heat;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Heart failure stage III;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Inflammation of the larynx, swelling of the airways;
  • Underweight;
  • Intoxication;
  • Weakness and poor general condition;
  • Dry cough.

In children, age under 6 months is also a contraindication.

Another important point is hunger. You cannot do the procedure if your stomach is full. Ideally, such manipulations are recommended to be carried out 2 hours after meals (at least an hour) and at least 30 minutes before the next meal.

The effectiveness of drainage massage

It is impossible to exaggerate the effectiveness of drainage massage. If there are diseases in which massage actions have questionable or unproven benefits, then in this case it’s just the opposite. Drainage massage for bronchitis and other respiratory diseases really helps to cope with a cough and achieve phlegm discharge. What is his role?

  1. Improves the functions of the respiratory system.
  2. Has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.
  3. Improves blood circulation in the lungs.
  4. Strengthens the effect of medications.
  5. “Triggers” the immune system.
  6. Increases the discharge of sputum from the bronchial mucosa.

This effect is explained simply - during a drainage massage, the bronchi warm up, which helps stabilize breathing and creates favorable conditions for the passage of secretions.

Drainage massage for a child: features of the procedure

Drainage massage for infants and older children can be performed after examination by a pediatrician and the exclusion of any contraindications. Ideally, such manipulations are recommended to be carried out twice a day - for better sputum discharge. The procedure lasts up to 15 minutes.

You cannot do drainage massage from the first day of illness. You need to wait out the acute form of the disease, and begin manipulations only from 4-5 days. Also, you should not expect that after the first massage your condition will improve dramatically - the results will be visible after the end of the entire course.

When giving a drainage massage to a child, it is important not only to perform all the manipulations correctly, but also to establish contact with him. So that the baby is not afraid of touch and trusts the person who is trying to help him. After completing the procedure, it is recommended to wrap the little patient in a blanket or blanket.

Drainage massage is not a panacea for all types of cough. But this is an effective way to alleviate the course of the disease and improve the patient’s condition. The main thing is to trust the doctor and massage therapist, and not self-medicate.

All information presented in the blog is for informational purposes only and does not replace an in-person consultation with a doctor!

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What types of massages are there for children?

There are several types of therapeutic massage that are given to children. They differ in the purpose for which they are used and in the method of implementation.


This type of treatment procedure helps relieve bronchospasm, stimulates mucus production, removes it from the respiratory tract, and prevents the development of complications. Before this is carried out, the child must be given sputum thinners. Thick and viscous sputum will hardly come out of the bronchi even with the best massage. You need to do drainage massage no more than 2 times a day; you should not eat before or after the procedures.

This species has this name because it effectively helps to drain sputum.

It is important to position the baby correctly. The baby sits on the adult’s lap, with his head below chest level. The following movements must be made:

The following movements must be made:

  • Grab a little bit of skin in the middle of the back with both hands on both sides of the spine, move the skin with your fingers towards the upper part of the body, and do the same further, gradually retreating more and more distance from the spine.
  • Apply at least 20 firm strokes across the back with the entire area of ​​your palm. Movements from bottom to top.
  • The same number of times is necessary to make movements with the edges of the palms, starting from the shoulder blades.


It is also an effective method for improving the condition of children. Vibration massage stimulates the movement of the cilia of the epithelium lining the bronchi, which promotes the rapid removal of mucus.

An adult should fold his palms towards each other in a “boat” manner and lightly pat the child on the back, starting from bottom to top. Vibration massage for bronchitis in babies up to one year old can be done with your fingers. To do this, an adult taps the spaces between the ribs with his fingertips.


A sick child should be placed on his stomach, his back should be uncovered and lubricated with cream or oil. Then the cans are placed on the back. They must be performed by a specialist, and the procedure must be safe for the health and life of the patient. Banks form a blood flow, which stimulates the removal of phlegm and the restoration of the small body. The whole manipulation takes a few minutes; this will be enough for a child’s body.

Important: Lungs hurt when coughing, why, what is it?

Massaging the chest area

The child lies on his back and bends his legs towards himself. An adult strokes the chest and presses it a little when the little patient takes a breath. Then this area is rubbed to improve the removal of pathological mucus.

Massage with honey

This type requires extreme care, since honey is a strong allergen. Honey needs to be warmed up a little and applied to the baby’s back. Then you need to give a gentle pat on the back with honey. This way it will be absorbed and produce a therapeutic effect along with mechanical stimulation of the bronchial mucosa.

How to do drainage massage correctly

This manipulation reduces the intensity of clinical manifestations and improves metabolic and trophic processes in the body. Before the massage, the child or adult is given expectorant herbs or tablets to drink to expel mucus, which will stimulate the thinning of the mucus. It will be better for her to move away. Then general warming rubbing is carried out, enhancing the drainage effect.

Important! When coughing, there are special features in massage for infants, adolescent children and adults. The duration is determined by the individual condition and severity of the disease.

Although the use of the procedure at any age has a positive result, cough massage in a child under one year of age is carried out after consultation with a doctor. The pulmonary system in children is imperfect. It is necessary to do this massage correctly; mechanical methods of influence are used with caution.

On this topic:

How to help your child with a wet cough


Drainage massage for coughs is done in three versions. The position of the patient during the session is of great importance for stimulating the removal of mucus. You need to choose a position based on the localization of the pathological focus.

In children and adults, percussion massage is recommended for coughing. It consists of making tapping movements on the palm. The hand should be on the upper half of the chest, lower back.


  • The patient is placed on a hard surface and the head end is lowered. He takes the “searching for slippers under the bed” pose.
  • Place a cushion or towel under your feet.
  • Lying on his stomach. Massage using flat or superficial and deep stroking of the chest. Gently rub the muscles between the ribs and the intercostal space with your fingers.
  • The specialist kneads the body with his palms, longitudinally, spirally or circularly moving the skin parallel to the ribs from the spine.
  • When inhaling, the massage therapist's hands move parallel to the 11th - 12th ribs. As you exhale, squeeze your chest tightly. Compression of the diaphragm stabilizes ventilation in the lower parts of the lungs. Carry out on both sides for 3 - 5 minutes.

The cough massage lasts 15 minutes. After it is completed, you should stand up and cough well. When the procedures are carried out correctly, a large amount of sputum is released.

The drainage method is also effective for weight loss. The movement of blood through the vessels and lymph improves, and metabolism is activated.

Execution technique

The preliminary session improves blood circulation and prepares the body for better mucus removal. After this, the next stage is recommended. There are several techniques and types of drainage massage for wet coughs.

  1. Before starting the massage, the patient lies down on a hard surface.
  2. Rotates alternately around its axis 360 degrees. Takes a deep breath, clears his throat. Movements and poses should be repeated 5 - 6 times.
  3. The patient is asked to sit on his knees in the “praying man” position. Lean forward, touching your head to the floor. Perform all cycles 4 - 5 times.
  4. Lying on his back, the patient turns on his side, hanging his head and arm down. It lies there for a couple of minutes. Then he does this exercise on the other side.
  5. Raise the foot end of the bed and place a folded blanket under your feet. The lower limbs should be located 30 cm above the head.

On this topic:

What expectorants will quickly help treat dry cough?

The drainage massage takes 20 - 30 minutes.

Manipulations during exacerbation of bronchitis, coughing with pneumonia, asthma are performed daily 3-5 times a day. For visible discharge of sputum, 8-10 sessions are sufficient. If they are poorly tolerated, they are reduced or cancelled.

A lymphatic drainage procedure is used to reduce fluid, swelling in the body, and remove toxins from tissues and organs. This method is a good way to lose weight and improves skin condition.

With such a hardware massage, just one procedure is enough to normalize the cough. However, manual drainage massage is more effective for manipulation.

Features of massage for infants

It is not recommended to give this massage to children under 3 months old.

Because infants' skin is more delicate, it is important to be gentle and gentle.

Before performing a drainage massage, small children’s hands should be warmed and washed. They should not wear bracelets or rings, or long nails. To make your hands glide better, you can use a non-greasy cream or special baby oil.

During the procedure, the baby must be completely undressed and laid on a table on which there is a blanket, oilcloth and diaper. Place a small roller under the baby's tummy or back and begin the massage with light pressure until slight redness appears. First, the baby should lie on his stomach - you need to stroke his back, then rub his sides and tap his back with the back of your hand.

Next, pay attention to the area between the ribs and chest. They must first be stroked and rubbed, and then tapped. To help your baby cough better, you can take a clean teaspoon and press it on the root of the tongue.

After the drainage massage, the baby will be warmed up, so he should be wrapped in a blanket and placed in a crib for 1-1.5 hours, changing the side every fifteen minutes (this will prevent mucus from stagnating)

To help your baby cough better, you can take a clean teaspoon and press it on the root of the tongue. After the drainage massage, the baby will be warmed up, so he should be wrapped in a blanket and placed in a crib for 1-1.5 hours, changing the side every fifteen minutes (this will prevent mucus from stagnating).

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky will show how to do massage when treating bronchitis.

Drainage massage for bronchitis in infants: a fun treatment

In order for a child to recover from a cough, his lungs must be freed of mucus. This is difficult for a small child to do, because the bronchi are still poorly developed. Drainage massage helps get rid of mucus.

Keep in mind that drainage massage should be performed on an infant no earlier than on the fourth day of illness.

Place your baby on his back. The surface on which it lies must be flat and moderately hard. The baby's head should be slightly lower than the body; a soft roller will help you with this.

Your hands should be free of jewelry. When performing a drainage massage, use special baby oil. Your nails should be cut short. Before starting the massage, rub your hands.

After the massage is completed, the child needs to be wrapped up. There is no need to go outside immediately after the massage.

Drainage massage for bronchitis in infants should be done in the morning or before bed, at least 30 minutes after eating. Duration of massage is 10 minutes. The standard course lasts 5 days. Drainage massage should be done strictly after consultation with a pediatrician.

Types of massage for children

Massage for children against bronchitis is performed using various techniques, which are selected depending on the form of the disease, accompanying symptoms and the skills of the parents or massage therapist.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Acupressure for bronchitis is given to children under one year old. It can be combined with light stroking of the back and chest in the direction of lymph flow - from bottom to top and along the ribs, starting from the spine.

The technique involves the specialist influencing certain points to improve blood and lymph circulation. In this case, areas on the neck, behind the ears, on the hands and on the shoulder blades are massaged.

It is noteworthy that pressing with your fingers must be precise. It follows that only a specialist can perform the procedure. Parents should learn the technique from a doctor and not try to do it themselves.


Drainage massage for bronchitis is recommended for infants who cannot yet clear their throat on their own. Before the procedure, the baby is given a special product to liquefy and remove mucus.

Next, perform the following steps:

  1. Place the baby on your lap, laying him on his stomach. It turns out that the baby's head is slightly lower than the chest.
  2. Grasp the skin in the middle of the back on both sides with both hands. Gently move the skin with your fingers and move towards the shoulders.
  3. Gradually move from the spine to the sides - diagonal movements are obtained.
  4. Perform at least 20 finger movements.
  5. The procedure is completed with 20 strokes with the palm of the hand on the back from bottom to top. Similar movements are performed with the edge of the palm from the shoulder blades upward.

It is not recommended to feed the patient an hour before the procedure and for an hour after. It is only allowed to give the baby a drink after the massage.

Before the procedure, the sick child's stomach should not be filled with food or liquid. Otherwise, vomiting is possible.


Vibration massage for bronchitis in children is performed in the same position as drainage. The technique of the procedure is that the massage therapist lightly taps the child’s back with the edge of his palm.

Direction of movement - from bottom to top

It is important to hit the entire back of the baby

The presented type is also called percussion, although there are slight differences in the technique, which will be discussed in more detail below. If the procedure is performed on an infant - a child under 1 year old - you need to apply it not with your palm, but only with your fingers.


The well-known cupping massage for bronchitis is often used to treat adults. It is noteworthy that it will also be useful for children.

It is not recommended to use cupping to treat infants or even older children if they are unable to remain still for a certain period of time.

Cupping massage for children with bronchitis is no different from the procedure for adults. It is enough to put the patient on his stomach on the bed and expose his back.

Next, lubricate the skin with cream and place the jars in the standard way, then, without tearing them off, move them along the back.

The principle of this procedure is to improve blood flow to the inflamed bronchi. As a result, sputum is diluted and removed from the body naturally faster.

Massaging the chest area

Chest massage for bronchitis in a child can be done in the form of a fun game with parents. In this case, it is necessary to lay the patient on his back and ask him to tuck his legs.

Next, the parent begins stroking the chest, pressing slightly on it. Pressure is applied while inhaling. As you exhale, rubbing is intensified so that the mucus is separated from the walls of the bronchi.

Massage with honey

An effective type of baby massage for bronchitis is a procedure with honey. To do this, honey is warmed up a little and applied in a thin layer to the patient’s back.

Then make gentle and gentle patting movements on the back. As a result, honey is better absorbed into the skin, stimulating the removal of mucus from the bronchi.


The features of percussion massage for children with bronchitis were presented above. This is a subtype of vibration effect that promotes the outflow of phlegm, as well as improving the movement of lymph.

The only difference is the fact that the palm is folded into a boat shape.

Is it possible to massage a cough?

Reviews from many patients report that chest massage when coughing helps to quickly cope with the disease and restore good health.
However, it should be borne in mind that this method is not suitable for everyone. Before performing any type of massage, consultation with a doctor is necessary. The purposes of massage in the treatment of cough:

  • Easy sputum discharge;
  • Reducing inflammation and relieving spasms;
  • Stimulation of blood circulation in the chest, back, normalization of blood and lymphatic vessels;
  • Strengthening the respiratory muscles;
  • Activation of metabolism and improvement of overall well-being.

Breast massage sessions are effective for productive (wet) and unproductive coughs. Chest massage when coughing enhances the effect of mucolytic drugs (for example, bromhexine). However, like any physiotherapeutic procedure, there are limitations and contraindications: for example, injuries and acute stages of infections.

How to massage a cough at home

In order for cough drainage massage for infants to be performed effectively, to alleviate the condition and not lead to aggravation of the disease, you should not forget about the rules:

It can be carried out only after the acute phase of the disease, that is, on day 4-5

Usually the temperature has already subsided, the condition has improved, and the cough becomes moist. You should not feed the baby immediately before the procedure; wait half an hour after eating. It is important that the baby is comfortable. The temperature in the room should be about 23-25 ​​degrees. You should turn on the humidifier or create high humidity in the room - this will help remove phlegm better.

The massage is performed 2 times a day, the session lasts 10-15 minutes.

Note! The baby should be comfortable. If he complains that it is uncomfortable for him to lie on his tummy, is capricious and cries, the procedure ends

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The benefits of expectorant massage for infants are undeniable; babies over 3 months old simply need it.

However, for this manipulation to be useful, you should:

  • There are no contraindications to consult a doctor;
  • Stroking and kneading movements should be soft and light - the skin of babies is very delicate and sensitive, it is easy to damage;
  • Tapping is performed with the pads of the fingers, and not with the edges of the palms;
  • When crying and screaming, the session ends immediately.

Additional Information. It is possible to carry out the procedure on a fitball - this way the desired drainage position will be achieved, and the manipulation itself will turn into a kind of game.


When performing a massage, it is necessary to take precautions and prepare

It is important to create comfortable conditions:

  • Humidity 70%. If you don’t have a humidifier, you can put wet laundry on the radiators and place containers with water.
  • Temperature 22-25 degrees. The baby should not be cold in the room.
  • A small patient should also be prepared - the procedure is carried out 20-30 minutes after inhalation with mucus-thinning components.
  • Experts recommend carrying out therapy on an empty stomach.
  • Be sure to check if your baby has a fever.

Massage technique

How to properly massage a baby when coughing? It is advisable to familiarize yourself with human anatomy so as not to accidentally touch the kidney area. It is recommended to carry out the first procedure with a specialist - a massage therapist, who can always be called to your home.

Before palpation begins, hands are warmed up. The baby is placed on a flat, hard surface, on his tummy, and a pillow is placed under the pelvis.

The technique is very simple:

  1. Start with stroking, gently and lightly.
  2. Then gradually begin tapping the back area from the lower back to the neck, gradually increasing the intensity of the pressure. The tapping should be frequent and intense, but the baby should not experience pain. The fingers come into contact with the skin at an angle directed towards the head, the position of which changes every 30 seconds during the procedure.
  3. You should go over the shoulder blades sparingly.
  4. Every minute you should ask the baby to clear his throat. Often the baby begins to try to cough up the contents of the respiratory tract himself. There should be 4-5 such coughs in total per session.
  5. At the end, spread the baby’s hands and tap the armpit area.

Performing a massage

Additional Information. Drainage massage is also performed in the chest area. To do this, the baby is placed on his back, his head should be lower than his pelvis. Using warming movements, rub the sternum from the center to the collarbones. The pressure should be such that the skin turns red, but no bruises should subsequently remain.

After the procedure, the baby should be put to bed to restore his strength and speed up the healing process. If necessary, manipulations can be repeated up to 6 times a day.

Other types of massage for coughs in children

In addition to the drainage method of treatment, you can use honey, vibration and acupressure. Each method has its own characteristics and contraindications. The first two methods are available at home; the procedure does not require anyone's help.


Chinese technique. It is based on the doctrine of points on the human body associated with organs and systems. In China they still believe that influencing certain points normalizes the functioning of the body.

This method will only work if the work is performed by a specialist who understands physiology, manual therapy, and the Chinese method.

In children, the procedure does not cause discomfort that may occur during chest drainage massage.


The technique used to perform a vibration massage for cough differs from a drainage massage. The back in the chest area is not massaged, but tapped. The vibrations from these taps improve the discharge of sputum. You cannot knock on your bare back - you must place one hand on top of the body and lightly hit it with the other.

This way, vibration is transmitted to the baby’s body, but the risk of accidental injury is eliminated. The spine area should not be tapped even through the hand.


To perform this massage, the back is covered with liquid honey. Then, pressing your palm against the baby’s sticky back, they sharply tear it away from the skin. Gradually, the separation will become more difficult.

The effect warms up the skin and muscles in the chest area, cleansing the subcutaneous tissues of toxins and accumulated decay products.

Contraindications to honey massage are age under one year, allergy to honey, diabetes mellitus.


Children are very often exposed to colds, viral and bacterial infections of the body. When the respiratory tract is affected, bronchitis often develops, one of the main symptoms of which is cough.

The correct massage technique is very important so that this therapeutic procedure has the best effect, without harm to the baby’s health. When massage is performed correctly, blood circulation in the respiratory organs improves, making it easier to remove stagnant mucus.

Drainage massage can be done at absolutely any age, it is especially useful for infants under one year old. After all, such babies don’t want to be given medications at all, most of which have a number of contraindications and side effects.

Typically, at the very beginning, bronchitis manifests itself in the form of a dry, unproductive cough or coughing without sputum production. Gradually, around the third day of illness, the cough becomes wet.

The procedure in question is indicated for bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, and pneumosclerosis.

How to massage a child with bronchitis?

To conduct effective baby massage at home, it is recommended to choose a technology that does not require special medical knowledge.

Particular attention must be paid to preparation

Massage technique for sputum removal in children

It is important to make sure that the baby’s health condition allows the planned manipulations to be carried out. If the parent is confident in his own abilities, he should carefully study the chosen technique and ensure that the child takes the correct position

In this case, you should not ignore the doctor’s recommendations.

During the massage, it is important to monitor the movement of your hands. Impact should be moderate

Otherwise, the baby may be harmed.

In order for the child to clear sputum, the following steps must be taken:

  • lay the child on his stomach (you can face down on your own lap), his hands should be in front;
  • make several stroking movements with your palms along the spine from bottom to top;
  • tap on the intercostal spaces of the chest with your fingertips.

You need to continue the movements for 2-3 minutes. After this, the child should sit up and clear his throat. It is better to spit out the mucus that comes out. After this, you need to perform 2-3 more similar approaches.

Drainage massage – what is it?

Drainage massage is a procedure with an unusual name designed to help remove pathological fluid from the body. Due to mechanical action, phlegm in the bronchi and lungs is liquefied and expelled when coughing, making breathing easier. A special feature of the method is the special position of the child - lying on the chest, head lower than the body (the “searching for slippers under the bed” pose). A course of drainage massage has the following advantages:

  • painlessness - even small children can easily tolerate it;
  • increasing the effectiveness of treatment - cough goes away in a short time;
  • liquefaction of sputum and rapid removal from the lungs;
  • relief occurs after the first session;
  • Can be done at home (on your own).

The massage is suitable for children over three months of age, while the procedure for infants should be carried out with extreme caution, without causing pain or causing stress (with crying, hysteria, screaming).

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