24 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy Calendar

Interesting Facts

Time from conception22 weeks
Period by month24 weeks
What month6
Dimensions and weight of the fetus300 mm, 600 g
Uterus dimensions1-2 cm above the navel or at its level
Pregnant weightGain from the beginning of pregnancy +4-7 kg; over the last week no more than 400-500 g

Your baby is the size of


300mm Size

600 g Weight

At 24 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is about the size of an ear of corn. The internal organs are still visible through his skin, but it is from this week that pigment will begin to form, which will subsequently provide the color and opacity of the skin. This will also contribute to the growth of subcutaneous adipose tissue. The pregnant woman continues to experience lower back pain, false contractions and swelling. We will find out what else happens in the development of the fetus, and how the feelings of the expectant mother change during this period. But first, let's define the calculations:

Woman's well-being

Weight gain at 24 weeks is normally 8-9 kg, but it all depends on the woman’s physique, hereditary and hormonal factors. The abdomen is rapidly expanding, which can cause the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • itching of the skin in the abdomen and thighs - occurs due to the natural stretching of tissues;
  • pain in the lower and sides of the abdomen, in the lower back - associated with an increasing load on the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus;
  • fatigue, pain in the legs and back - due to a shift in the center of gravity;
  • swelling of the legs and arms - appears due to the accumulation of sodium in the blood and soft tissues under the influence of hormonal changes.

There is no need to reduce water consumption during swelling, but salty foods should be limited. Try not to stay on your feet for a long time, in a static position. If the swelling is severe and does not go away by the morning, you should consult a specialist.

Recommendations for the expectant mother

  1. During flu and acute respiratory infections epidemics, stay away from crowded places. Eat germ-killing foods like onions and garlic. Ventilate the room more often and postpone visiting.
  2. If the mild swelling, which is often observed during this period, intensifies, consult a specialist. If not treated in time, preeclampsia may develop - a serious disease that affects the heart, nervous system, kidneys, liver, placenta and fetus.
  3. Be careful to avoid falls and injuries. Of course, the child is reliably protected from negative external influences, but an abdominal injury does not bring anything good.
  4. Communicate with your child, talk to him more often. He already distinguishes his mother's voice from everyone else and reacts to touch. Calm conversations with your baby and gentle stroking will bring you closer even before birth.

It is necessary to do vaginal exercises to prepare the genital tract for the upcoming birth. It is especially beneficial to do Kegel exercises regularly.

Dietary recommendations

At 24 weeks of pregnancy, you must adhere to the same diet as before. The daily menu should include fruits and vegetables, berries, cereals, bread, pasta, olive oil, beans, nuts, and herbs. At least once a week you should eat fish and seafood, white meat, eggs, cheese, yogurt and sour cream.

It is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol and minimize the consumption of unhealthy foods: flour and sweet, spicy, peppery and salty. High-calorie foods do not bring any benefit, but they cause very strong weight gain. At the same time, salty foods cause swelling.

The diet must include foods high in iron (to prevent anemia - beef, buckwheat, persimmon, pomegranate juice), ascorbic acid (cherries, bell peppers, seaweed), fiber (fruits and vegetables). You should drink at least 1-2 liters of still water. It is advisable to drink and eat little and often.

Vitamins at 24 weeks of pregnancy

It is not always possible to get all the necessary vitamins from food, so gynecologists recommend that expectant mothers take multivitamin preparations. They are especially often prescribed when pregnancy occurs during the cold season. Another indication is age over 30 years or food allergies, due to which the woman is limited in her diet.

Before going to the pharmacy and purchasing a vitamin complex, you need to consult your doctor. Only a gynecologist who monitors the course of pregnancy knows which drug is suitable for the mother and will not harm the child. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage.

Physical activity

Physical activity plays an important role in maintaining the health of mother and baby. Constantly sitting at the computer or in front of the TV, interspersed with lying down, will not bring anything good. The result will be excess weight, complicating pregnancy, pain in different parts of the body and a lethargic state of the mother.

To keep your body in good shape, it is enough to take long walks in the fresh air. But you need to remember that five minutes of walking along the streets is not enough. It is best to go outside the city; in extreme cases, parks and squares are suitable for walking. If you have the opportunity and desire, you can sign up for special classes for pregnant women. Fitness clubs offer them in abundance. This includes water aerobics, yoga, and gym classes. The main thing in this matter is regularity and measure.

Intimate life

Intimate life at 24 weeks of pregnancy should be calm - without sudden movements or experiments. Mother and father should not forget about the comfort of their baby, avoiding pressure on the stomach. There are no other restrictions.

A doctor may recommend stopping sexual relations if the mother’s health leaves much to be desired and there is a risk of miscarriage. Possible causes include gestosis, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, and cervical injury. Intimacy should be exercised with caution during multiple pregnancies.

Fetal development

Born at this stage of pregnancy, the baby is considered viable. Survival rate is 50%. The weight of the child at 24 weeks of pregnancy is 600 grams, the height of the fetus is about 30 cm.

He sleeps 16-19 hours a day, the woman may notice alternating regular intervals of his sleep and rest. The size of the uterus still allows him to actively move: he pushes with his legs, grabs the umbilical cord, and tumbles. Various movements give the woman the opportunity to communicate with the child and understand whether everything is okay with him now. So, if movements become noticeably less or they become abrupt, we may be talking about oxygen starvation. Additional diagnostics and specialist assistance are required.

Progress in development

  • The eyes react to light: if you bring a lamp to the stomach, the child will begin to turn away and squint.
  • The face is fully formed, eyebrows and eyelashes are clearly visible.
  • The lungs produce a substance that will help them open after birth.
  • The convolutions are formed, the development of the cerebellum and midbrain is completed.

Tests and ultrasound

There are no special tests scheduled this week. To assess the health of the woman and fetus, the doctor needs data from a general blood and urine test. For timely diagnosis of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and other pregnancy complications, you will also need indicators such as abdominal circumference, uterine fundus height and blood pressure.

Ultrasound is not scheduled during this period. As part of prenatal pregnancy screening, it should have been carried out from 18 to 22 weeks. And only if the results were questionable, the gynecologist can prescribe a repeat examination.


Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 24 weeks

Proper nutrition is the basis for a favorable pregnancy. An expectant mother should take care to ensure that her diet is rich in essential nutrients. Among the most important this week are:

  • iron: organ meats, red meat, pumpkin seeds, egg yolks, apples;
  • calcium: cottage cheese, cheeses, almonds, bananas, broccoli;
  • magnesium: brown rice, buckwheat, chicken eggs;
  • fiber: fruits and vegetables;
  • vitamin C: broccoli, rose hips, black currants, strawberries, mango, cauliflower;
  • vitamin A: carrots, pumpkin, liver, dried apricots, apples;
  • vitamin D: chicken eggs, beef liver, sea fish.

A pregnant woman should be attentive to the adequacy of her diet in order to provide her unborn baby with everything necessary and maintain her own health. But it is advisable to eat in portions, often, about 5-6 times a day. You should not mix different dishes at one time to avoid worsening dyspepsia.

It’s great if you can reduce the amount of salt you consume to a minimum. This is especially important for women who have started to experience swelling.

At week 24, you should not eat fried, smoked, or salty foods. It is advisable to avoid sausages and sausages. Ideal if the dishes are boiled, stewed or steamed.


Taking additional multivitamins at the 24th week of pregnancy should be prescribed by a gynecologist. A woman should not make this decision on her own. Most often, those who are in the 24th week of winter and spring need additional fortification with the help of synthetic vitamins. If an expectant mother feels the need to take additional vitamin complexes, she should first talk with a gynecologist, discuss possible options and the required dosage.

When taking medications, it is worth remembering that an excess of vitamins of chemical origin can cause no less undesirable consequences than their deficiency.

What to discuss with your doctor

  • If you have lower back strain, consult your gynecologist about what kind of prenatal bandage you can wear, for how long and how to put it on correctly. A simple device helps to significantly reduce the strain on your back, especially if you have to be on your feet a lot of time.
  • Minor spotting at 24 weeks of pregnancy is not always associated with pathology. They often occur against the background of weakness of the vaginal vessels, with cervical polyps and ectopia, as well as blood clotting disorders. Consult your gynecologist if you have these conditions. But if the discharge is profuse, accompanied by pain and dizziness, contact the hospital immediately.
  • When you often have a headache, the cause is most likely overwork. But if it does not go away for a long time, even after resting, discuss the problem with your doctor. Perhaps we are talking about anemia. She is also accompanied by constant fatigue and pale skin.

Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist

At the 24th week of pregnancy, another appointment with a gynecologist is possible. At the last meeting, the woman was given directions for urine and blood tests; these procedures must be completed the day before. It is worth remembering that if you need to donate blood for sugar, you need to come for the test on an empty stomach. To avoid prolonged discomfort, bring food with you to refresh yourself immediately after the test.

During the appointment, the doctor conducts a survey about changes in the pregnant woman’s well-being. It is advisable to tell the gynecologist about all the exciting sensations and ask any questions you have. Don't worry that some of them may seem stupid or naive. This is not true, because even a seemingly insignificant event can help the doctor better assess the course of pregnancy and timely note the appearance of undesirable signs.

The following measurements are required for admission at week 24:

  • blood pressure;
  • body temperature;
  • heart rate (pulse);
  • weight;
  • abdominal volume;
  • height of the uterus (usually at this stage it is 24 cm from the symphysis pubis).

To complete the measurements, the doctor will listen to the fetal heartbeat using a stethoscope. At the end of the meeting, the pregnant woman will be given directions for urine and blood tests (if necessary).


During a normal pregnancy, a routine ultrasound is not performed at the 24th week. It is prescribed if there are complications or doubts on the part of the gynecologist.

If desired, a woman can undergo an ultrasound scan for a fee.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

The 24th week of pregnancy can be overshadowed by pain of varying localization and intensity. It is advisable for a woman to understand the causes of such manifestations in order to promptly seek medical help, advice, or make changes to her diet and lifestyle.

Stomach ache

Painful sensations in the abdomen this week are a signal to immediately seek medical help. It is necessary to determine the origin of pain and its cause as soon as possible in order to exclude premature birth or pregnancy pathology.

Back pain

Nagging, aching pain in the lumbar spine is a frequent companion in the second half of pregnancy. Weight gain creates difficult conditions for the spinal muscles, and they respond to this with pain. Most often, this syndrome in the back appears in the late afternoon or after physical activity. To reduce its strength, it is recommended to wear a prenatal bandage and comfortable, low-slung shoes that fit properly.

If you experience cutting pain on the right or left side of the back, you should consult a gynecologist for advice. It is ideal if you can take a urine test the day before the meeting.

Leg pain

Painful sensations in the legs most often appear in pregnant women in the late afternoon. They can be caused by various reasons: swelling, varicose veins, lack of vitamins and minerals, incorrect shoes. Determining the cause and suggesting a method to reduce the intensity of unpleasant sensations is the prerogative of the gynecologist. Be sure to talk about leg pain at your next appointment. Before this, try to rest more often with your legs raised high, place a pillow under your feet while sleeping, control the amount of salt you consume (if possible, keep it to an absolute minimum)

Pain in the rectum

Hemorrhoids are a common pregnancy companion. Pinching of the blood vessels supplying the lower part of the body often causes the onset or exacerbation of the disease. It is not recommended to treat this disease using the usual pre-pregnancy methods. It is advisable to consult a gynecologist for advice and prescribe suitable treatment.


Most often, headaches at week 24 are caused by pressure surges. Along with pain in the head, a woman may experience weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, and mild nausea. If this symptom appears, you should consult a gynecologist for advice. It is better to reduce pain before taking it with rest and foods that help reduce or increase blood pressure.


The amount and appearance of discharge at the 24th week of pregnancy should not differ from previous weeks. Normally, their color should be light, milky, the smell should be absent or barely noticeable.

It is necessary to consult a gynecologist if any parameter of the discharge changes: color, smell, consistency.

Bleeding and menstruation

There should be no bleeding or menstruation at week 24. If blood is detected in the perineum in any volume, you must immediately seek medical help.

Possible complications

Typically, the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy normally proceeds calmly, but in some cases difficulties arise during pregnancy.

Pathologies of the placenta

Symptoms of improper location in the uterus or partial attachment of the baby's place are cramping pain in the lower third of the abdomen and bleeding. Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting; maintenance therapy and bed rest are required.

Amniotic fluid leakage

It is observed during multiple pregnancies, after injury or physical strain, inflammation or infections. At 24 weeks of pregnancy, the condition can easily be confused with natural vaginal discharge due to its abundance. Only a gynecologist can make a diagnosis. If you are at risk, purchase a home test in advance to detect leakage of amniotic fluid.

It is possible and it is not possible

Depending on the health of the pregnant woman and her well-being, at the 24th week some instructions from the gynecologist may appear. Sometimes they concern tightening the diet, sometimes reducing physical activity. There are a lot of options for prohibitions and recommendations. We advise you to listen to the instructions of the supervising specialist. You can supplement the rules prescribed by the gynecologist with general recommendations for all pregnant women:

  • refusal of harmful substances: alcohol, nicotine, narcotic substances;
  • following a daily routine: adequate sleep at night, eating at regular intervals;
  • carefully observing hygiene rules;
  • rest every hour. When doing housework or walking outside, you should sit down or rest every 60 minutes. It’s good to raise your legs higher;
  • Avoid accumulation of dust in the room where the pregnant woman is located. It is ideal to carry out wet cleaning daily;
  • daily walks of 40 - 60 minutes;
  • exercise stress. It is advisable not to refuse the opportunity to visit the pool, aerobics or Pilates section;
  • try not to get sick. Avoid crowded places, especially during epidemics. Organize protective measures in the presence of a sick person at home;
  • no self-medication and folk remedies without consultation with a specialist;
  • remain calm and cheerful, avoid stress.


Intimate life at the 24th week of pregnancy is not prohibited if there is no direct threat of miscarriage or other alarming symptoms. If a pregnant woman is worried about something and doesn’t know whether she can have sex, then she should directly ask the gynecologist about it.

During sex, you need to choose positions that do not involve direct pressure on the stomach or excessive tension on the pregnant woman. You should not experiment and try previously unknown poses.

Nutrition tips

For the active growth of a baby, protein is necessary - the main building element of cells. It can be animal or plant, focus on your preferences. But if you do not eat meat, consult your gynecologist about additional intake of iron and vitamin B12.

The uterus puts pressure on the stomach, causing its volume to decrease. Therefore, eat often, but in small portions. Do not overuse salt, which causes fluid retention and affects swelling. And of all types of salt, choose iodized one: the element is very important for the proper development of the child’s endocrine system.

Avoid fast carbohydrates: confectionery, baked goods, sweet yoghurts and soda. These foods promote rapid weight gain and indirectly affect the development of gestational diabetes.

Checklist for 24 weeks of pregnancy

  • Strengthen your back muscles with swimming and special exercises for pregnant women: this will reduce the load on your lower back.
  • Swimming is also useful because it creates additional conditions for the baby’s vestibular training. Many mothers note that while swimming they feel active movements of the fetus, flips and somersaults.
  • Don't forget about Kegel exercises: by doing them regularly, you will strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and reduce the risk of postpartum complications.

Ask all your questions about the 24th week of gestation to the specialists of the Women's Medical Center. Pregnancy management at the MLC is an individual approach and care for each patient.

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