Pregnancy Calendar. 27th obstetric week

Baby at 27 weeks of pregnancy

The development of the child at the 27th week of pregnancy occurs quite rapidly. By this time, all organ systems have been formed in the baby. Now they are being improved, preparing the baby’s body to meet a completely different environment. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to actively produce hormones that affect the functioning of all organs. A connection has been established between the hormone-producing glands and the pituitary gland, which regulates their amount in the blood. Before this, the baby’s body received all the hormones it needed from the mother, whose well-being was affected by this. But now the woman is starting to feel much better.

Convolutions in the brain continue to form, and reflexes are formed that will be observed in the baby after birth. Thanks to the work of the vestibular apparatus, the baby easily turns over and at the same time feels comfortable. With the help of various receptors, it can perceive and respond to sounds, temperature changes and light. By this period, he perfectly distinguishes taste, hears everything that happens outside his mother’s tummy, and can also blink.

The respiratory and immune systems are still evolving. The amount of surfactant gradually increases, which will prevent the alveoli from sticking together after the baby is born. In the organs of the immune system, cells responsible for the immune status of the little person are formed and differentiated.

A baby at 27 weeks of gestation resembles a newborn - the ears, eyes, nose and mouth occupy their usual location, nails grow on the fingers, and hairs grow on the head. But there are still small differences: the skin is still reddish, and the baby himself seems thin, since subcutaneous fat is formed gradually, and its amount will increase until birth.

The weight of the fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy may already be 900 g, and its height is 36 cm.

Week 27

Your baby is the size of a cauliflower

Breech presentation of the fetus at 27 weeks of pregnancy

How the baby lies in the womb can be determined by ultrasound, and this is also revealed by a gynecologist when examining a pregnant woman. And when a woman finds out that her baby is breech, she begins to worry very much. What are the differences between breech presentation and cephalic presentation?

  • First of all, it depends on how the baby is positioned in the mother’s womb. From the name it is clear that in a cephalic presentation the baby is positioned with his head towards the entrance to the small pelvis, and in a breech position - vice versa.
  • During the birth process, the baby passes through the birth canal. And how it will move is inherent in it from the very beginning. With a cephalic presentation, the risk of birth injuries and postpartum complications is lower than in the case of a feet-first birth.
  • Gynecologists still consider breech presentation immediately before childbirth to be pathological, since the risk of complications is higher. Yes, and this happens due to the fact that initially there were predisposing factors on the part of the mother, or the fetus and placenta had some deviations in their development.

However, the expectant mother should not worry now if the gynecologist talks about the breech presentation of the fetus at this time. The baby's size still allows him to roll over, and it is quite possible that he will take the desired position before giving birth. There are various ways in which you can turn the fruit. This can be discussed with the doctor if closer to birth the baby does not roll over on its own. And it should be noted that, according to statistics, the number of births with breech presentation has decreased significantly over the last decade, so there is definitely no need to worry ahead of time.

Fetus. Development at 27 weeks

Fetus at 27 weeks of gestation

By the last week of the second trimester, the fetus achieves great success in its development: all its systems and organs are formed, all that remains is to wait until they are fully ripe.

Weight and height are rapidly gaining, the baby’s body length is about 37 cm, weight is about 1 kg. It should be understood that these indicators are individual for each specific baby and largely depend on genetic predisposition and external factors (nutrition of the expectant mother, her health). It is considered normal if a newborn is born with a weight of 2700 to 5000 g and a height of 45-55 cm.

At the 27th week, the developmental processes occurring in the fetus’s body begin to prepare it for life outside the mother. He is not yet ready for this, and if he is born early, he will need specialized medical care. Of the 10 children born at this stage, 8 continue to live, but are forced to stay in specialized incubators for a long time.

The most important processes in the 25th embryonic week occur in the respiratory system. The lungs have already acquired the correct shape of an elongated triangle, and alveoli (tiny bubbles that carry out gas exchange) and alveolar ducts are actively developing in them. By birth, about 24 million alveoli should form in each lung.

While the lungs look unusual, they resemble porous pancakes. At the moment of birth, with the first breath, they will straighten and expand, acquiring their usual appearance. To prevent the walls of the alveoli from sticking together after the first breath, surfactant begins to be produced in the fetus’s body from the 24th week of pregnancy. At this time, little of this substance has been obtained, so if you are born early, you will need to use a ventilator (artificial lung ventilation) and administer the required amount of surfactant.

This week, the muscles that move the chest have become stronger, but continue to train. On an ultrasound, you can clearly see how the sternum rises. These movements are performed with the glottis closed. Oxygen enters the body of the unborn baby through the umbilical cord from the mother's body. Carbon dioxide is removed in the same way.

Improvement of the nervous system continues. At this stage, the brain already weighs just over 100 g. The cortex is entering the home stretch of intrauterine development. The first clear convolutions are already clearly visible on it, ensuring the strengthening of connections between different parts of the brain.

Myelination (coating neurons with myelin) is in full swing. Already covered neurons are actively studying their functions: receiving, sending and remembering information. During this period, the active formation of thinking and consciousness occurs, and the areas of the brain responsible for the sensory sphere are improved.

The baby can already distinguish between light and dark well. A long path to improving vision begins with this seemingly simple skill. After birth, the brain will gradually begin to learn to distinguish colors (initially the main colors of the spectrum), shapes, and images.

Various tastes are being memorized. When the mother eats, the taste of the amniotic fluid changes, and the baby can already distinguish between sweet and salty, sour and bitter. Like any child, the fetus already really likes sweets, so it greedily swallows amniotic fluid if the mother eats cake or chocolate.

Olfactory receptors develop in close connection with taste. Surprisingly, being in an aquatic environment, the baby can already distinguish odors. After birth, this skill will be well developed. Using it, the newborn will feel his mother and the smell of her milk.

Tactile reflexes improve. When the fetus is awake, it explores its surroundings with interest, trying to grab everything that comes to hand. At the 27th obstetric week, the baby can already feel pain and respond to it. These changes are possible due to the strengthening of connections between the central and peripheral nervous systems.

The most important innate reflexes are being developed. This week, the fetus trains its swallowing and sucking reflexes most intensively. Thanks to them, after birth he will be able to quickly learn to feed from his mother's breast.

The functioning of the endocrine system is improved. The pituitary gland and adrenal glands produce hormones that promote growth and weight gain in the unborn baby. In addition, the pituitary gland began to accumulate substances necessary for life outside the mother’s womb.

Other glands are not far behind. The pancreas produces insulin, which is necessary to break down sugar. The thyroid gland produces thyroxine (providing intense oxidative reactions), triiodothionine and calcitonin (regulating calcium metabolism). Thanks to these changes, the fetus acquires its own hormonal background and begins to independently regulate metabolic processes.

The appearance of own hormones responsible for calcium metabolism improves the processes of ossification of the fetal skeleton. Most bones have already reached the required strength, but have not yet accumulated sufficient calcium reserves necessary for further development after birth.

Growth hormones produced by the pituitary gland and adrenal glands stimulate muscle growth. By this week, they are already formed and are actively training, thanks to the movements made by the fetus.

The cells of the immune system continue to actively learn. At week 27, they can already react to allergens. The expectant mother is recommended to make adjustments to her diet, avoiding the consumption of highly allergenic foods (citrus fruits, strawberries, cherries, etc.).

Changes also occur in the appearance of the unborn child. Previously wrinkled skin begins to deteriorate due to the formation of subcutaneous fat. The baby no longer seems very thin. His cheeks appear and seals form on his back, arms and legs. The skin is no longer transparent and becomes lighter every day.

The process of formation of hair follicles and fluff pigmentation (lanugo) begins over the entire surface of the skin. Previously colorless hairs begin to darken, and the roots of future hair form in the dermis. After birth, during the first year of life, there will be a gradual replacement of the fuzz with permanent, stronger hair.

By the 27th week, the fetal genitals are fully formed. Girls already have a full supply of eggs, which will awaken only during puberty. In boys, the process of descent of the testicles into the scrotum continues.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

Since the beginning of pregnancy, a woman's body has changed a lot, both outside and inside. The uterus grows, the pressure on the organs surrounding it increases, which affects their activity. A woman’s body is preparing for the birth of a child, so the position of the pelvic bones changes in order to ensure favorable passage of the child through the birth canal. The mammary glands, which are already producing colostrum, also enlarge. It will serve as food for the newborn in the first days of his life.

Belly at 27 weeks pregnant

As the baby grows, the uterus increases in size, and accordingly, the volume of the tummy also increases. Many men note that the belly greatly adorns a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, these wonderful changes may be accompanied by the appearance of stretch marks. They are connective tissue that appears at the site of skin tears that do not have time to stretch quickly. Connective tissue cells are different in structure from skin cells, which is why stretch marks are so noticeable. To prevent their appearance, a pregnant woman should regularly rub specially developed creams into the skin of her abdomen (as well as her chest and thighs). If stretch marks do appear, these products will not help remove them, but after childbirth, when the skin tightens, they will be less noticeable.

Don’t forget to take a photo of your belly at 27 weeks of pregnancy - the photo will help you remember the dynamic changes that occur with the expectant mother.

Photo of the belly at the twenty-seventh week:

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The uterus rises approximately 1 cm every week. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the height of the uterine fundus is 7 cm from the navel. Its growth could not but affect the activities of nearby organs. Let's see what changes have occurred:

  • The uterus is supported by ligaments, which on one side are attached to the peritoneum. With each subsequent week they stretch, which a woman can feel, noting the occurrence of painful sensations in the right or left side. Therefore, if the lower abdomen feels tight at 27 weeks of pregnancy, there is no need to panic. It's worth watching yourself for a while. And if this feeling is short-lived and is not accompanied by other alarming symptoms, then there is nothing to worry about.
  • The vessels may be slightly compressed, which is why women experience swelling. And also, when a pregnant woman lies on her back, she may begin to feel as if she is about to lose consciousness: she begins to feel dizzy, her vision becomes dark, and her ears begin to ring. This occurs due to the fact that in this position the uterus compresses the veins. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to lie on their side.
  • Due to the pressure of the uterus, intestinal peristalsis is somewhat difficult, which is accompanied by bloating and constipation. In order not to experience intestinal problems, pregnant women should adjust their diet.
  • The stomach also experiences pressure. Because of this, heaviness may occur after eating. In addition, there is a high probability of gastric contents reflux through the esophagus into the oral cavity. This is why the heartburn that pregnant women experience occurs.
  • The uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm, which in turn puts pressure on the lungs. Because of this, women in this position often experience shortness of breath, and sometimes there is a feeling of lack of air when inhaling.

The sensations that arise may be uncomfortable, but after the birth of the baby they will disappear, since the uterus will contract and all organs will begin to work in their usual mode.

Movements at 27 weeks of pregnancy

The baby's movements are not only a joy for future parents, but also a way to determine how the baby is feeling. Normally, he spends about 18-20 hours sleeping, and the rest of the time he plays, rolls over and “communicates” with his mother. If a pregnant woman notices that the baby has not pushed for a long time or, on the contrary, his activity has increased greatly, she needs to consult a doctor as soon as possible. In this way, the baby gives signals that he is feeling unwell.

At week 27, many parents begin to distinguish the baby’s arms and legs, with which he rests against the wall of the abdomen. A wonderful way to interact with him is to pet him at this moment. Now that the baby has become more tangible, future parents feel even more tenderness towards him, which he undoubtedly feels.

Discharge at 27 weeks of pregnancy

From the moment a mucus plug forms in the cervix, the amount of discharge that a woman has already become accustomed to during pregnancy may increase. This shouldn't scare her. But qualitative changes in discharge must be treated carefully. Normally they are homogeneous, colorless and odorless. In some cases, they may have a whitish tint and a sour smell, which is also completely normal. When the discharge changes its consistency, color and smell, the pregnant woman needs to consult a doctor to find out the cause of such changes.

For example, white cheesy discharge indicates developed thrush, green discharge with an unpleasant odor indicates an inflammatory process, and bloody discharge may be a sign of placental abruption. It happens that a woman leaks amniotic fluid. This can be noticed by copious watery discharge. Therefore, pay attention to the nature of the discharge in order to promptly contact the doctor managing your pregnancy.

Necessary studies and analyzes

Before each visit to the gynecologist, pregnant women undergo a general urine test, based on the results of which the doctor makes a conclusion about the woman’s condition. Three times during pregnancy, expectant mothers undergo a general blood test. But if a woman has signs of a decrease in hemoglobin levels, the doctor prescribes an additional blood test in order to prescribe iron supplements in a timely manner and avoid the occurrence of anemia. If a woman experiences excessive weight gain, she may be prescribed a blood sugar test.

When examining a pregnant woman, the gynecologist assesses her condition, takes measurements, determining the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus, listens to the fetal heartbeat and measures the woman’s blood pressure. In addition, the doctor may perform a vaginal examination.

Possible dangers and problems

  • Due to the fact that the uterus puts pressure on the organs, the bones are rebuilt and the load increases significantly, a woman may experience a variety of uncomfortable or painful sensations. Some of them you just need to endure, because they are inevitable. And in some cases, the condition can be alleviated, which you can read about in the recommendations.
  • Not all pregnant women are able to control weight changes . Sometimes it increases too quickly, not only due to errors in nutrition, but also due to the occurrence of edema.
  • With each subsequent week, the woman feels that she is getting tired faster and faster. This is a completely natural phenomenon, since carrying a baby is quite an energy-consuming task. And pregnant women have no choice but to reconsider their regime and spend more time on rest and sleep.
  • Some pregnant women manage to become familiar with such a condition as gestosis before the onset of the third trimester. Preeclampsia is characterized by the development of edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of seizures. In this case, loss of protein in the urine may occur, which will affect test results. This phenomenon is considered a pregnancy complication, so if the above symptoms occur, a woman should consult a doctor.
  • Constipation is another problem during pregnancy. If you don’t change your diet and don’t help your intestines cope with constipation, cracks in the mucous membrane may appear, which will be more difficult to cope with. Hemorrhoids are also not uncommon during pregnancy. Due to changes in the veins, hemorrhoids can form when a woman pushes hard. Treatment of this disease should be discussed with the doctor managing the pregnancy.
  • Varicose veins Not all women face this problem, which arises due to increased stress on the legs. To avoid it, you need to rest your legs, and if necessary, wear compression stockings.

Cold at 27 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnant women are not always immune from contracting viral diseases. Especially when there is another wave of some kind of infection in the city. This is usually accompanied by fever and malaise, and may also include a cough and runny nose. It is not recommended for pregnant women to be treated with conventional means so that the medications do not have a negative effect on the fetus. The main thing is to provide the body with enough fluid, and also to be at home during this period. If the temperature reaches 38 degrees, paracetamol will help reduce it.

Childbirth at 27 weeks of pregnancy

There are cases when women give birth ahead of schedule. Childbirth at 27 weeks of pregnancy is considered premature. Not all organs and systems function fully, so the baby needs the help of doctors after birth. However, now he has a much better chance of surviving and fully developing than if he had been born earlier. In our country, babies are cared for with a birth weight of 500 g or more, and at 27 weeks the child weighs much more, and his body is already stronger. Using modern equipment and the necessary medications, doctors care for babies born at the wrong time.

Principles of proper nutrition

The basic principles of nutrition at 27 weeks of pregnancy remain the same:

  • You need to eat food in small portions.
  • Salt consumption should be kept to a minimum.
  • Products must be of high quality and fresh.
  • It is necessary to abandon the abundant inclusion of confectionery, baked goods, and sweets in the menu.
  • The menu should be balanced in composition.
  • For breakfast, it is best to eat cereal porridge, during lunch the emphasis should be on protein dishes, and dinner should be light and must contain foods rich in calcium (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, etc.).
  • Every day you need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • For drinks, preference should be given to plain water. You are also allowed to drink compotes, fruit drinks, and fresh juices.


  • Nutrition at 27 weeks of pregnancy should be balanced and as healthy as possible. There is an expression: “An expectant mother needs to eat for two.” But doctors say that you need to eat not for two, but for two. That is, a pregnant woman’s diet should consist of high-quality products. And at the same time, a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be maintained. You should not indulge in sweet, salty, smoked and fried foods. And, of course, a woman needs to drink enough. To reduce the likelihood of edema, doctors recommend reducing the amount of salt. And to prevent constipation, increase the amount of fiber consumed.
  • In order to reduce pain, it is necessary to understand the cause of the pain. In some cases, its appearance is inevitable, so you just need to endure the pain. However, there are ways to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman. If your back hurts, you can wear a bandage with the permission of your gynecologist to reduce the level of stress on the muscle corset. When heaviness in the legs occurs, it is recommended to lie down and put your feet on a pillow so that they are located above the level of your head. This is also a prevention of edema and varicose veins. But if a woman feels bad when she lies on her back, then this method will not suit her. You can give your legs a rest by simply lying on your side for a while. Abdominal pain may also go away after some time if the woman lies down. It is not recommended to endure a headache for a long time. To get rid of it, take spazgan or paracetamol and try to fall asleep. It is advisable to keep the room cool, dark and quiet.
  • Sex at 27 weeks of pregnancy is a great way to cheer up a woman. In addition, it helps strengthen family relationships. But in the case when the expectant mother is at risk of miscarriage, she should refrain from intimacy so that premature birth does not occur.
  • Doctors do not recommend giving up physical activity. On the contrary, it is useful for the expectant mother and her baby, since the blood is actively saturated with oxygen. In addition, when a woman moves, she is less likely to become overweight. But excessive stress can cause an increase in uterine tone, so be careful.
  • Sufficient rest is one of the main factors for a favorable pregnancy, since the likelihood of overwork is reduced, and the woman is less exposed to stressful situations.
  • Another equally important factor is a calm environment . Because of loud sounds, bright lights and the bad mood of the mother, the baby feels just as bad. A calm atmosphere at home will contribute to its better development. A woman should spend part of her time talking with her baby, as well as reading and singing.
  • To increase the level of knowledge about correct behavior during childbirth, about preparing for it and about what to do after the baby is born, pregnant women can enroll in special courses, the variety of which is amazing.

Recommendations for the expectant mother

  • If you have not yet signed up for courses for expectant mothers, now is the time. These classes are useful because they address issues that are increasingly worrying a woman. These are issues of the health of the child and mother, preparation for childbirth, and breastfeeding. In addition, in such courses, the expectant mother can take a break from her worries and communicate with doctors and other pregnant women. Fathers are also invited to some classes.
  • If your job involves sitting in one position for a long time, then you need to get up and stretch your body as often as possible. In this way, it will be possible to avoid swelling and varicose veins.
  • Walk in places saturated with oxygen. Of course, it is not easy to find such sites within the city, but try to get out to nearby forest plantations, parks and public gardens as often as possible. Saturating the body with oxygen is good for you and for the baby.

  • Talk to your child, tell him how your day went, take an interest in his affairs. The baby can already respond with pushes. Constant communication with the baby will definitely bear fruit, establishing a relationship with the mother not only now, but also after childbirth.
  • Despite the fact that she no longer feels sick, the woman needs to monitor her weight gain. Review your diet, eliminating foods that are too high in calories.

Dietary recommendations

It is important to continue to adhere to healthy eating principles. The volume of the mother's stomach has decreased due to the growing uterus, so she needs to eat in small portions. The diet of a pregnant woman at this stage should be based on foods rich in proteins and calcium: milk and fermented milk, fish and lean beef, nuts. Daily consumption of vegetables and fruits, soups, and cereal porridges will be beneficial. Nutritionists recommend consuming buckwheat, which, together with liver and spinach, replenishes iron reserves in a woman’s body.

And now about the sad thing - about the list of products whose consumption should be reduced or eliminated altogether. The expectant mother should not drink alcohol, coffee, or carbonated drinks. Fast food, instant food products, as well as dishes that are spicy and fatty will be harmful. Food cooked in oil will be too heavy for a pregnant woman's stomach and may worsen digestive problems. Too salty dishes provoke the appearance of edema.

The consumption of buns, pies, pies and other flour products should be reduced to a minimum. They do not bring any benefit to the body, but cause candidiasis or lead to rapid weight gain. It is considered normal if a woman has gained no more than 7-8 kg from the moment of conception until the 27th week.

Vitamins at 27 weeks of pregnancy

Considering the unfavorable environmental situation and the intense rhythm of life in which we live, it is impossible for any person to drink vitamins. What can we say about the body of a pregnant woman, which is sorely lacking nutrients to ensure the normal functioning of both mother and child. This is where multivitamin preparations designed specifically for pregnant women come to the rescue.

According to research, an expectant mother needs 1.5 times more beneficial microelements than before pregnancy. You need to take vitamin complexes strictly according to your doctor’s instructions, observing the dosage and regimen.

Physical activity

By week 27, some pregnant women find it quite difficult to maintain their previous physical activity. Nevertheless, it is necessary to force yourself to move as much as possible through “I don’t want” and “I can’t.” The easiest and most affordable way is to walk in the park or just down the street. You can do this alone or in a pleasant company. It is important to wear comfortable clothes and shoes that will reduce the load on your feet while walking.

Some mothers sign up for courses for pregnant women, which, in addition to the lecture part, include physical exercises and breathing exercises. These classes are very effective, because they are designed specifically for pregnant women and will be useful during childbirth.

Physical activity during pregnancy helps you cope with:

  • with swelling and cramps;
  • with urinary incontinence, possible in the last months of pregnancy;
  • with digestive problems;
  • with postpartum problems.

For especially advanced mothers who prefer an active lifestyle, pregnancy does not become an obstacle to playing their favorite sports. They go to water aerobics and yoga, and visit the gym.

Sex at 27 weeks pregnant

At 27 weeks of pregnancy, sexual activity is not contraindicated unless there are serious reasons for it. The reason for imposing a ban on intimate life can be various problems that have arisen during this period: the threat of premature birth, pathology of the cervix, disturbances in the functioning of the placenta, gestosis, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios. Also, the doctor may advise abstaining from sexual relations if the pregnant woman has a history of miscarriages or multiple births.

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