35th week of pregnancy: what happens this week?

Interesting Facts

Time from conception33 weeks
Period by month35 weeks
What month8
Dimensions and weight of the fetus460 mm, 2400 g
Uterus dimensionsVDM - 33-35 cm
Pregnant weightGain from the beginning of pregnancy is 10-14 kg; over the last week 400-500 g

Your baby is the size of

Melon Torpedo

460mm Size

2400 g Weight

The closer the date of birth, the more often a pregnant woman thinks about when she can finally return to her usual lifestyle. This is not surprising and quite understandable. A large belly makes it difficult to move, you get tired faster, and sleep sometimes does not bring long-awaited restoration of strength. But don't be discouraged! Very soon you will become a mother!

We will find out how pregnancy proceeds at 35 weeks, how the fetus develops and how a woman’s feelings change during this period. But first, a few words about calculating gestational ages.


Nutrition of a pregnant woman in the 35th week of gestation
At the 35th week, some pregnant women will notice the beginning of the process of drooping of the abdomen, as a result of the body preparing for childbirth. For others, this change will begin a little later. As a result, women feel relief from digestion, but this is not a reason to break the nutritional rules. The uterus still puts pressure on the intestines, and a violation of the diet can cause constipation. It is worth adhering to moderation and some dietary features during pregnancy:

  • split meals: eat 5-6 times a day, every 2.5-3 hours;
  • finish your meal before you feel full;
  • do not mix different dishes at one meal;
  • limit food intake 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • drink about 1.5 liters of fluid per day, unless otherwise prescribed by the gynecologist;
  • exclude all harmful products: smoked meats, pickles, semi-finished products, fast food, etc.;
  • consume a minimum amount of salt;
  • Do not drink strong tea or coffee unless otherwise prescribed by your gynecologist.


At the 35th week, most gynecologists suggest that pregnant women stop taking all multivitamins and dietary supplements, especially those containing calcium. It is recommended to strengthen control over the intake of essential nutrients from food, and to refuse those created chemically.

This is done so that in the last weeks, when the main development processes are completed, the fetus does not direct all unused resources into weight, thereby growing greatly. A large fetus is more difficult to deliver. If a gynecologist advises you to stop taking dietary supplements, it is better to listen to him.

Feelings of the expectant mother

At 35 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach may already drop, so breathing will become easier, shortness of breath and heartburn will disappear. But the urge to urinate will become more frequent: the uterus will put more pressure on the bladder.

The production of colostrum is activated in the mammary glands. If you might not have noticed it before, now you may notice stains on your laundry, especially after sleep. This is fine. Use special bra pads.

35th week of pregnancy: lower back pain or abdominal pain

These sensations are associated with a growing belly and significant stress on the back. The baby's head is now pressing directly on the pelvic bones. In addition, he is quite cramped in the womb, and sharp jolts can be very painful. Wearing a bandage will help cope with discomfort. If the pain is unbearable and is of a regular nature, be sure to inform your gynecologist about this: perhaps we are talking about increased tone or the onset of labor.

It is possible and it is not possible

How to behave as a pregnant woman at 35 weeks.
What is possible, what is not. By the 35th week of pregnancy, many rules of behavior are followed by a woman not so much out of necessity, but because there is no other option. Increased weight, increased fatigue, and difficulties in moving force the expectant mother to move smoothly, not make sudden movements, and think about her actions.

Pregnancy is approaching the end, but this is not a reason to relax. The goal of every expectant mother is to allow the baby to achieve maximum intrauterine development in order to be born fully prepared. To do this, you should continue to adhere to the basic principles of correct behavior:

  • listen carefully and follow the gynecologist’s instructions;
  • take tests and undergo prescribed studies in a timely manner;
  • complete abstinence from alcohol, nicotine, and drugs;
  • minimize contact with household and construction chemicals;
  • proper nutrition and drinking regime;
  • daily routine: sufficient sleep, daily walks, periodic warm-ups;
  • careful body hygiene;
  • order in the house;
  • daily ventilation of the room in which the pregnant woman is located;
  • minimal contact with possible carriers of viruses and bacteria;
  • psychological calm.


Most gynecologists agree that at the 35th week it is worth limiting your intimate life. This is primarily due to the risk of premature birth. Unexpected movement, stress, or emotional upsurge can trigger the onset of labor, which cannot always be stopped within a medical facility.

What happens to the fetus

At week 35, the baby’s body acquires the cute roundness and folds characteristic of newborns due to the growth of adipose tissue. The average weight of a child is 2.4 kg, height - 46 cm. He perfectly distinguishes sounds and reacts to light, stroking the belly and other external stimuli.

The baby sleeps most of the day, but within 12 hours you should normally count about 10 movements. Sometimes, after swallowing too much amniotic fluid, he hiccups and you feel your stomach flutter. This is absolutely normal, there is no need to be alarmed. You can help your child by changing your body position or breathing deeply.

Weight, height, fetal development at 35 weeks

Now the baby weighs about 2.3-2.5 kilograms, the baby has grown to 45-46 centimeters in length. Your baby is the size of a butternut squash.

At 35 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s organs are already formed, the whole body works smoothly and harmoniously. This week the baby continues to rapidly gain weight. Starting from the 35th week, the baby gains 200-220 grams weekly. However, at 35 weeks of pregnancy, he has not yet reached the sufficient height and weight that are characteristic of an already born child. The expectant mother feels that the baby is becoming cramped in the uterus: he begins to spin less often, kick from the inside, actively move and turn. A pregnant woman can independently understand by the baby’s movements how he is placed in her stomach.

The baby already has its own immune system, so it is able to independently resist some viral diseases. The adrenal glands began to monitor the water-salt and mineral balance in the body.

The baby's skin is completely smooth, pale pink, and the hair on his body has completely disappeared. The body continues to become rounder due to the build-up of subcutaneous fat; this week the shoulders have become well rounded.

In order for the baby to fully mature and be ready for life outside the womb, he needs to gain the required weight and accumulate subcutaneous fat to regulate body temperature, although even now, in the event of birth, he will be able to warm himself up on his own.

Also, the baby should already be breathing independently and not need additional oxygen support. During this week, the baby’s nervous and urinary system continues to form.

A certain amount of meconium, which consists of epithelial cells and bile, has already accumulated in the child’s intestines. He should come out 8 hours after birth. But if the baby experiences oxygen starvation, then meconium may pass into the amniotic fluid, which is an undesirable process, since it can enter the baby’s lungs.

Tests and ultrasound

In the third trimester, each of your visits to the gynecologist will be accompanied by a study of the fetal heartbeat - cardiotocography. By assessing the number of beats per minute at rest and during movements, the gynecologist can judge the child’s condition, promptly identify complications and give a referral to the hospital.

An ultrasound examination is performed at week 35 if it was previously detected or the doctor suspects:

  • umbilical cord entanglement;
  • disturbances in placental blood flow or premature aging of the placenta;
  • insufficient or excessive volume of amniotic fluid.

Conclusion Ultrasound largely determines the tactics of childbirth. For example, in difficult cases of entanglement, a caesarean section is prescribed.

Possible problems and threats:

Placenta previa

The condition in which the placenta is located in the lower segment of the uterus and covers the internal os is called placenta previa. If the placenta completely covers the exit from the uterus, they speak of complete presentation. With partial presentation, the placenta covers more than 50% of the space of the internal os.

In most cases, pathology is detected during II or III ultrasound screening. Sometimes the placenta migrates, moving towards the wall or fundus of the uterus, opening the area of ​​the internal os. With partial placenta previa, spontaneous childbirth is dangerous for the woman and her baby. During childbirth, bleeding develops, which can lead to the death of the mother and child. Complete placenta previa is an absolute indication for cesarean section.

The pathology often makes itself felt by periodic bleeding that occurs at any stage of pregnancy. At 35 weeks, when training contractions appear, bleeding can become quite heavy. This situation often ends in emergency surgery and the birth of a child ahead of schedule.

How to prevent bleeding during placenta previa? For this pathology, sexual and physical rest is recommended, as well as regular observation by a gynecologist. All examinations are carried out very carefully so as not to damage the vessels of the low-lying placenta. The appearance of bloody discharge of any intensity is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Fetoplacental insufficiency

This pathology can be accurately diagnosed using Dopplerography. The reasons to refer a woman for this study are: decreased motor activity of the baby; slowing down the enlargement of the uterus (an indirect sign that the fetus is not growing); severe chronic diseases in the expectant mother.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

Rupture of the amniotic sac and the release of amniotic fluid at week 35 provokes the onset of labor and the birth of a premature baby. It is quite difficult not to notice the outpouring of a large amount of water. The water recedes suddenly, quickly, but completely painlessly for the woman. The secretion of water increases with a change in body position. If the amniotic sac ruptures slightly, water will leak in small portions.

The easiest way to determine whether your water is leaking is to buy a special test at the pharmacy, which works on the same principle as any pregnancy test.

To determine water leakage at home, you can use litmus test strips, which are sold in almost every pharmacy and have an affordable price. Litmus paper helps determine the pH level of suspicious secretions.

In case of premature rupture of water, a woman needs to urgently call an ambulance and prepare for hospitalization in a maternity hospital. The breaking of a large amount of water at this stage most often leads to the start of regular labor and the birth of a child.

Prolongation of pregnancy is possible with slight leakage of amniotic fluid. In this case, the woman and her baby are monitored around the clock. The condition of the fetus is regularly assessed using ultrasound and CTG.

A long period without water can be dangerous for a baby in the womb. After the water breaks, the child loses the necessary protection from infections and other aggressive environmental factors. Childbirth against the background of premature rupture of water does not always proceed well and often ends in a caesarean section.

Development of gestosis

This complication is manifested by the following symptoms: high blood pressure (can be suspected by a constant headache); swelling that does not disappear after rest and occurs even when following a low-salt diet; protein in the urine (it can be detected using a routine general urine test, which every expectant mother takes before going to the gynecologist).


At week 35, pregnant women experience edema due to an increase in fluid in the tissues, as there is less protein and salts in the blood. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the veins and lymphatic vessels are strongly compressed by the uterus, so swelling increases in the evening.

Women find it more difficult to put on their usual shoes; they feel as if the ring is growing into their finger. Such swelling at 35 weeks is normal. But if tests and examination show protein in the urine and an increase in blood pressure, this is the development of preeclampsia.

Sometimes edema appears due to heart or kidney disease; the gynecologist does not treat such edema, but refers the pregnant woman to specialists. Observation by a doctor will help to promptly identify hidden edema that is harmful to a woman’s health.

Vomiting, heartburn and nausea

The reasons why nausea occurs are associated with functional changes in the nervous system in the part that should be responsible for the functioning of the internal organs. When nausea begins, it is not always accompanied by vomiting. Nausea often returns between 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. Over the past few months, severe nausea appears in the morning and goes away after breakfast. Sometimes nausea can last all day, often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea or constipation, and persistent heartburn.

If your stomach hurts incessantly, there is spotting, nausea and vomiting do not stop - this is a clear sign that premature labor is beginning.

Heartburn cannot be avoided during this period. Sour belching and heartburn begin due to decreased muscle tone in the digestive tract and contractions of the gallbladder. Digestion at 35–36 weeks is slow and difficult, which is why after eating you feel heaviness, heartburn, sour belching, and sometimes vomiting. If a pregnant woman suffers from severe heartburn, she should exclude too high-calorie and acidic foods from her diet, as they can cause not only vomiting, but also diarrhea.

Other signs of impending labor include:

Weight loss

You may suddenly feel like you've lost some weight. This is due to the removal of excess fluid from the body, swelling is reduced. Changes in the nature of bowel movements are also associated with this. You may need to go to the toilet more often, the consistency of your stool becomes thinner, and many women complain of diarrhea.

Prolapse of the uterine fundus

The baby presses its head against the lower part of the uterus and pulls it down to the entrance to the pelvis. He himself occupies the most convenient position for birth. As a result of these preparations, you will feel how it has become easier to breathe and heartburn has disappeared.

Note that even the most experienced gynecologist will not be able to tell you how soon labor will begin after the appearance of these symptoms.

Frequently asked questions on the forums


Q: Is it possible to have sex at 35 weeks of pregnancy?

A: In the later stages of pregnancy, it is better to abstain from intimacy. Muscle contractions during sex can lead to the onset of contractions and subsequent labor. Of course, the baby is already fully formed, but it’s still better not to rush him. If you have a strong desire to have sex, then you should discuss this with your gynecologist. He is aware of the entire pregnancy history and knows the results of the latest tests, on the basis of which he can allow or prohibit intimate life.


Q: 35 weeks pregnant why hasn't the baby turned over yet? What is the reason?

A: The reasons that the baby is in a breech position have not been precisely established by experts. Everything is purely individual. Maybe it will turn over next week. According to statistics, the main percentage of breech babies are those whose mothers are diagnosed with polyhydramnios. They have more room to maneuver, so they often don't tip over head first.


V.: Pain as during menstruation at 35 weeks. What is this?

A.: A woman may experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation, during this period for a number of reasons. Firstly, contractions can begin this way, so if such pain occurs, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. Secondly, aching pain in the pelvis may be associated with the child moving down, in which case the pain is completely normal. No-spa will help you remove it. Since giving birth at 35 weeks is not normal, it is better to play it safe and tell your doctor.

Checklist for 35 weeks of pregnancy

  • Even if you do not feel the former lightness in your body, do not forget about physical activity. It will help keep your body in shape. A simple walk in the fresh air promotes blood circulation, improves sleep and overall well-being.
  • Make a list of things you will need in the maternity hospital. Attend an open day: such events are regularly held in maternity hospitals. You can clarify all the questions of your stay: how the rooms are equipped, is it possible for a partner to be present, who can visit you and when, what can and cannot be taken with you.
  • Pay special attention to foods high in iron in your diet. In recent weeks, the baby has been stocking up on this microelement. Its sufficient consumption will prevent the development of anemia in the first year of life.

The thirty-fifth week of pregnancy is the time when you can still have time to attend courses for expectant mothers at the Women's Medical Center. Prepare for childbirth correctly with our specialists - experienced gynecologists and pediatricians.

Mother. Changes in the psychological and physical state of the body at 35 weeks

The condition of the mother at the 35th week of pregnancy
The closer the expected date of birth (EDD), the more often the expectant mother thinks about this event. There are 3 to 7 weeks left before an urgent (full term) birth (from 38 to 42 obstetric weeks), but now many pregnant women are increasingly thinking about how this will happen, how painful it will be, and how they would like to organize the meeting.

A woman’s psychological readiness for childbirth is one of the components of successful childbirth. The expectant mother is recommended to master:

  • breathing techniques to promote the birth of a baby and reduce pain;
  • the ability to control your emotions, listen carefully to obstetricians. To do this, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the process of childbirth, understanding what will happen in each period;
  • prepare for childbirth: collect all the necessary documents and things in advance.

Please note that in each maternity hospital the list of permitted things may differ, so as not to overpack your bags in the emergency room, you should find out everything in advance. It is most convenient to put the documents in a separate folder, which should be carried with you at all times during the current term.

List of required documents:

  • maternity passport (+copy);
  • compulsory medical insurance/voluntary medical insurance policy (+ copy);
  • exchange card issued in hand at the antenatal clinic;
  • insurance certificate of the state pension fund;
  • birth certificate (if already received in consultation);
  • referral to the maternity hospital (if any);
  • agreement with the maternity hospital or doctor (if any).

When giving birth together with your husband, the list of necessary documents and certificates must be clarified at the maternity hospital.

It would be good to collect things in advance for your stay in the maternity hospital and for discharge. They should be placed in separate bags and signed. In one you need to put approved items for postpartum care, in the second - clothes for discharge. If you are planning a caesarean section, be sure to bring a bandage and elastic stockings.

Please note that the list of permitted items in different maternity hospitals may differ; it is advisable to ask in advance what you can and cannot take with you.

The discharge package must contain clothes for mother and baby. If you decide not to buy things before birth, then discuss with your loved ones what exactly they need to buy. Also think about your own outfit. Remember that immediately after giving birth, it is unlikely that you will be able to put on the clothes that you wore before pregnancy; your belly will disappear gradually, and in the first days it will resemble a deflated balloon.

By preparing things for the upcoming birth in advance, a woman will reduce her fear of the possible need to urgently go to the maternity hospital away from home. If necessary, she will simply go to the birth, and her loved ones will bring exactly what she needs.

The next change in hormonal levels that occurs in a woman’s body at the end of the period of bearing a baby can greatly affect the peace of mind of the expectant mother. In order not to be afraid of pain and the process of childbirth itself, it is recommended to attend special courses for young mothers, which discuss in detail the issues of childbirth and help cope with psychological difficulties.

Physical sensations at 35 weeks

In most cases, at the 35th week, the woman continues to experience familiar discomfort caused by the growth of the uterus and the enlargement of the fetus:

  • frequent urination, sometimes slight urinary incontinence during sneezing or coughing;
  • difficulty breathing: shortness of breath, feeling of constriction in the lungs;
  • heartburn, flatulence, heaviness in the stomach, especially if the principles of a healthy diet are violated;
  • back pain after walking or physical work;
  • fatigue, drowsiness, some lethargy;
  • itching of the skin of the abdomen;
  • problems with sleep (difficulty finding a comfortable position, the baby is active, etc.).

Swollen breasts can also cause discomfort. Most women at this stage of pregnancy actively secrete colostrum from their nipples. Squeezing it or massaging the breasts is not recommended. This can trigger the production of oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates labor.

In some cases, as early as the 35th week, the process of lowering the abdomen may begin. This is how a woman’s body prepares for birth. If before this the stomach looked a little up, then gradually it begins to move the top to the bottom. This does not necessarily indicate an imminent birth, but if the belly is noticeably drooping, you should control your behavior, nutrition, well-being as much as possible, and get more rest. Nature provides at least 38 weeks for the baby to fully mature, so you should try to reach at least this period.

Along with the already familiar sensations, the expectant mother may notice the appearance of symptoms, which must be reported to the gynecologist as soon as possible. Before your appointment, it is advisable to take general blood and urine tests for a more accurate diagnosis. A pregnant woman should be alert to:

  • burning or pain in the perineum during urination. Change in the color or clarity of urine;
  • unpleasant sensations on the sides of the lower back, aggravated by tapping in the kidney area;
  • the appearance of signs of varicose veins in the legs. Vessels are visible in the soft parts, star-like dots have appeared, etc. At the same time, the woman feels discomfort in her legs, especially in the evenings;
  • discomfort in the back of the head, headache;
  • exacerbation or appearance of hemorrhoids (pain in the anus);
  • a sharp deterioration in appearance: hair loss, brittle teeth and nails, flaccid skin.

How many months does this turn out to be?

Many people know that when counting pregnancy, several counting methods are used. This is an obstetric and fetal calendar. The 35th obstetric week is the eighth month or third trimester. Here, the counting begins from the first day of the last menstruation.

The embryonic period begins directly from the conception of the child. It can be quite difficult to accurately determine this date, even if the mother remembers the date of her last unprotected sexual intercourse. That is why the obstetric counting method is used in medical practice. If we talk about what month it is from conception, then we are talking about 8 months and 14 days.

You can find the entire pregnancy calendar by week in this article.

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