10 weeks of pregnancy - what happens to the baby and mother, what should you be wary of?

What's happening

At the stage of 9–10 weeks of pregnancy, the process of formation of the baby’s organs (organogenesis) is completed, and now they will actively progress almost until birth.

Now the length of the fetus from crown to tailbone is from 3.1 to 4.2 cm, and its weight is on average 5 g. There is approximately 20 ml of amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac. The child already knows how to swallow and spit it out, which contributes to the development of his chewing muscles and digestive system. The brain, liver, kidneys and intestines have taken shape and are beginning to start working, but they are still imperfect and will continue to develop for the rest of the period.

By the 9th – 10th week of pregnancy, marigolds have appeared on your baby’s fingers and toes, and thin transparent skin is covered with fluff. The upper lip and ears are already formed, the high forehead stands out against the background of the face. An important event of this period is brain impulses, which can now be recorded by a special device. Your child also has an individual blood type and Rh factor. The external genitalia are not yet clearly defined, but the male hormone testosterone has begun to be produced in the boys’ testicles.

At the 10th week of pregnancy, differentiation of the brain and spinal cord continues, the peripheral and central parts of the nervous system are separated, so the baby’s movements become more orderly. He can suck his thumb, make grimaces, bend and straighten his fists, cover his face with his hands and push away from the walls of the uterus. But so far you don’t feel his movements.

Tenth week of pregnancy: signs and sensations

The state of health in the tenth week of pregnancy in women does not change too much. Hormone levels rise, and toxicosis continues to worry.

What are other problems of women's unrest?

  • Exhaustion, inattention, lethargy - these days this feeling is natural.
  • Rapid mood swings should not be frightened or worried. Everything will be fine soon.
  • Weight gain is mainly due to the development of the uterus and blood volume, as well as swelling of the mammary glands. The waist begins to round.
  • Increased sense of smell.
  • Increased sensitivity of the nipples.
  • Any weakening of the immune system can cause the development of thrush.
  • The woman continues to worry about frequent urination.

What physiological changes occur in the body in the tenth week of pregnancy?

For a woman:

The skin may look very smooth and well-groomed. However, pimples or age spots may appear on it. The skin of the nipple halos may become very dark. Small bumps called Montgomery nodes are also likely to appear. Due to increased melanin production, a woman may notice a dark stripe on her stomach that runs from her navel down.

Body weight is a significant sign of a pregnant woman’s well-being. If the scale indicates up to 300 grams per week, great. However, if your weight increases by 1 kilogram, there is cause for concern. Extra kilograms are a heavy burden on the body. This situation requires observation by specialists.

If you don't pay attention to yourself, swelling affects the legs.

In the fetus:

Now the long-awaited child is no longer considered an embryo. According to doctors and parameters, this is a fetus. The length is approximately 31-42 millimeters, and the weight is approximately 5 grams.

  • The fruit so far has only cartilaginous tissue.
  • The heart works intensively and makes up to 170 beats per minute.
  • The baby moves energetically: he bends and straightens his arms and legs, and sometimes begins to suck his thumb.
  • The process of dividing the nervous system into peripheral and central begins.
  • The diaphragm begins to form
  • The bases of the teeth are maturing.

Sleep disturbances in the 10th week of pregnancy

Sleep disturbances in the 10th week of pregnancy are common. During the day, the expectant mother is overcome by drowsiness, and at night she suffers from insomnia. Hormonal changes are to blame for everything. Insufficient or restless sleep can lead to weakness, fatigue, irritability and headaches. The best way out of this situation is emotional release and additional rest during the day. And in the evenings, try to free yourself from anxious thoughts that keep you awake. If your head hurts too often, consult a doctor at the antenatal clinic.

How does a pregnant woman feel at 10 weeks

The 10th week of pregnancy has arrived.
The expectant mother's belly continues to grow, her breasts continue to swell and ache. Active hormonal changes in a woman’s body provoke early toxicosis. Nausea and periodic vomiting are accompanied by other sensations - drowsiness, fatigue, confusion, headaches. Also, the expectant mother may experience mood swings, increased excitability and emotional instability. Pigment spots during pregnancy are another little “surprise” that awaits a woman in the early stages. However, experts say there is no reason to worry: skin hyperpigmentation disappears soon after childbirth. Expectant mothers are advised to be very careful when exposed to the sun and use special sunscreens. A woman’s 10th week of pregnancy is the time to update her wardrobe and switch to more comfortable clothes. It is not recommended to wear regular jeans or tight skirts, as they can put pressure on the stomach, which is extremely undesirable. Comfortable and beautiful clothes for pregnant women are what you need. If you have large breasts, you may now need to wear special underwear that will support your bust without putting pressure or interfering with blood circulation. Even if you have small breasts, buy a nursing bra - you will appreciate its convenience.

Risk factors

At 10 weeks of pregnancy, there is a high risk of developing genital infections. Most often, expectant mothers are diagnosed with candidiasis (thrush), but infection with chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas and other pathogenic microorganisms is possible. Regardless of the nature of the disease, it must be treated, otherwise intrauterine infection of the fetus may occur, and this can lead to disruption of its development or even death. Observe vaginal discharge. Normally, they should be transparent or light milky, of uniform consistency, with only a slight sour odor or no odor at all. If the discharge turns green-gray or yellow, if bubbles or flakes appear in it, if it resembles curdled mass and acquires a strong unpleasant odor, go to the doctor immediately.

You should also be wary of brown or bloody discharge at 10 weeks of pregnancy. A small amount of blood may appear after an examination by a gynecologist or after sexual intercourse. Most often this is explained by erosion of the cervix, the loose tissue of which is damaged by external intervention. But when the discharge is accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen, this may be a sign of spontaneous abortion. Therefore, if you discover such symptoms, immediately seek qualified help: a timely response is a chance to save the child.

Nutrition in the tenth week of pregnancy

It is of great importance that the menu is balanced. It is required that the expectant mother and baby receive all the vitamins in the required quantities. You should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, do not forget about the benefits of lean meat and fatty fish, as well as dairy products.

The main rule is to eat small portions and often. The best way to cook food is in a double boiler, or boil or bake.

You should also drink correctly during an interesting situation. Even if you are thirsty, you should not pour a glass of any liquid into yourself in one fell swoop. You should drink in small portions, but repeatedly.

Medical observation

Usually, a routine ultrasound examination is not done at the 10th week of pregnancy. At this time, the doctor will only determine the date of the new ultrasound session and refer you for blood and urine tests.

Also, starting from the 10th week, it is very important to control your blood sugar levels. This is especially true for overweight expectant mothers and those who have a hereditary predisposition to diabetes. Increased blood sugar levels may be associated with emotional distress or overeating. The norm varies from 4 – 5.2 mmol/l (on an empty stomach) to 6.7 mmol/l (a couple of hours after eating). If the values ​​are too high, you should consult an endocrinologist.

Tenth week of pregnancy: tests

If the lady has not yet been registered, then it’s time to go to the antenatal clinic to do this. And get all the necessary directions for tests.

When considering the results of pregnancy tests, experts pay special attention to blood sugar levels. This will most affect women who are over 25 years old, who are overweight or whose relatives have diabetes.

Often, the doctor will order a test to measure the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. In most cases, it is carried out if there is a suspicion of a threat of miscarriage.

The following is also required:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • tests for group, Rh factor, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, antibodies to herpes, cytomegalovirus;
  • tests for HIV, hepatitis;
  • coagulogram;
  • examination of smears of the vagina, urethra, cervical canal


During the 10th week of pregnancy, your baby's baby teeth begin to form. This means that in the diet you need to focus on foods containing calcium (legumes, almonds, sesame and poppy seeds, wholemeal bread, leaf and watercress, rose hips, broccoli, asparagus, carrots, radishes, sardines, salmon, milk and dairy products). Enrich your diet with them, because your teeth can also suffer from a lack of calcium. The body also needs iodine - now it begins to accumulate in the baby’s thyroid gland.

Continue to monitor your health as you enter the 10th week of pregnancy.

  • Take care of proper nutrition. Reduce the amount of fatty and fried foods and smoked foods in your diet. It is better if you stew, bake or steam dishes. Limit your salt and sugar intake;
  • Be physically active. Overload should not be allowed, but as long as the tummy does not interfere, you can do swimming, yoga, gymnastics for pregnant women, and take daily walks in the fresh air. This will improve metabolism and enrich the blood with oxygen;
  • To prevent dehydration, consume enough fluids during the 10th week of pregnancy. Drink water, freshly squeezed juices, do not neglect first courses, eat more seasonal berries and fruits, which contain a lot of vitamins and water (watermelons, melons, pears, oranges, grapes, etc.). Additional fluid will help maintain skin elasticity, increase blood volume, maintain normal amniotic fluid volume, reduce the risk of genital infections and relieve constipation;
  • Learn to relax, recharge yourself with positive emotions: meet with friends, think about your hobby or discover some new interesting hobby.

It is possible and it is not possible

Do's and don'ts during the 10th week of pregnancy

At the 10th week of pregnancy (according to obstetric calculations), it is necessary to follow a number of rules to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, organize suitable conditions for the development of the fetus, and maintain the health of the expectant mother.

Among the mandatory conditions that every pregnant woman must fulfill, special attention is required:

  • absence of harmful substances in a woman’s life: smoking (active and passive);
  • alcohol;
  • narcotic substances;
  • fast food;
  • smoked and pickled foods;
  • soda;
  • contact with chemical compounds (detergents, building materials, hair dye and cosmetics based on complex chemical compounds).
  • moderate physical activity. A pregnant woman should not lift weights, work hard, or engage in active sports. Preference should be given to yoga, Pilates, walking, swimming;
  • lack of stress and contact with sick people. A woman must protect her body from producing excess hormones and create conditions to minimize the possibility of getting sick. Treatment of the common cold in the first trimester of pregnancy should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a gynecologist;
  • proper nutrition and daily routine. A pregnant woman should sleep at least 10 hours a day and eat right. The diet should be filled with a full range of vitamins and minerals;
  • compliance with hygiene rules. The room where the expectant mother lives must be clean and ventilated. It is advisable to carry out wet cleaning daily, change bed linen 2 times a week;
  • Listen carefully to your body, visit a gynecologist in a timely manner. Even if a woman feels well and does not experience any discomfort, she must visit the doctor on time and take all prescribed tests. Some undesirable manifestations do not always appear immediately and can only be noticed by analysis;
  • walk a lot in the fresh air. A pregnant woman should take a walk for at least 30 minutes - outside, ideally in a park or forest.
  • In addition to these basic rules, a pregnant woman should follow the following recommendations:

    • Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight in the summer. Be sure to use sun cream;
    • purchase and constantly wear clothes designed for pregnant women. This is especially true for bras;
    • do not wear high-heeled shoes, give preference to ballet flats or slippers;
    • while sitting, do not cross your legs or cross your legs. It’s great if the woman puts them straight and even throughout her pregnancy;
    • do not take a hot bath, do not steam your feet, and in the first trimester avoid visiting baths and saunas.

    The rules for a pregnant woman are very easy to follow if you take them seriously. They contain the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle. Once you get used to them during pregnancy, it is easy to continue doing them later.

    It will be simply wonderful if a mother, by her own example, begins to teach her child to maintain and improve health from an early age.


    Sex in the 10th week of pregnancy is not prohibited, unless there are symptoms indicating a threat of miscarriage. The only “but” is a decrease in libido in a woman during the current period. This is normal.

    The processes occurring in the body of the expectant mother reduce the production of certain hormones responsible for arousal, as a result of which the woman does not feel the need for intimate life.

    Sexual contact in the 10th week of pregnancy should be a mutual desire, not an obligation.

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