36-37 weeks of pregnancy. What happens to the baby and mother, the child’s weight and height, ultrasound photo, if it turns to stone, the stomach pulls

Baby development at 37 weeks of pregnancy

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is ready for birth, but his body continues to change and prepare for childbirth. The baby's body gradually becomes plump due to the accumulating subcutaneous fat, the skin smoothes out, becomes elastic and acquires a pink tint. The fetus at the 37th week of pregnancy is fully developed: all systems of its body are ready to start working, the hormone cortisol is produced, which promotes the maturation of the lungs. Meconium has accumulated in the baby's intestines - original feces, which will be released on the first day, from 3 to 20 hours after birth. By the way, the removal of meconium from the newborn’s intestines will be facilitated by colostrum secreted from the mother’s breast in the first time after childbirth.

Possible problems

36-37 weeks of pregnancy is a period when a feeling of heaviness constantly accompanies a woman. Walking becomes more difficult due to softened pelvic floor ligaments, and therefore the risk of injury increases. The most common complication in late pregnancy is gestosis, which is based on a disorder of general circulation.

This is not an independent disease, but the mother’s inability to provide for the needs of the developing fetus. Preeclampsia is characterized by the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure, leg cramps, and large loss of protein in the urine. The incidence of the disease in pregnant women ranges from 7 to 20%. Preeclampsia is the third leading cause of mortality, accounting for 11% of the total number of women giving birth.

There are several reasons:

  1. Neuropsychic stress.
  2. Disturbances in the endocrine system.
  3. Genetic predisposition.
  4. Vitamin deficiency of folic acid and B vitamins.
  5. Disruption of uteroplacental blood flow, leading to intrauterine fetal hypoxia.

Other complications include:

  • presence of a narrow pelvis;
  • hip injuries;
  • transverse presentation of the fetus;
  • low-quality pelvic tumors;
  • complete placenta previa;
  • Premature placental abruption.

A serious complication in the second half of pregnancy is bleeding. It occurs due to improper placenta previa or its premature detachment. Both diagnoses are confirmed by ultrasound. At the first signs of bleeding during this period, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnant women often experience dry corneas and increased eye pressure. Women diagnosed with myopia should especially monitor their vision. A visit to an ophthalmologist during this period will not be superfluous.

How a woman’s body changes by the 37th week of pregnancy

By the 37th week of pregnancy, the uterus has reached its maximum size: it weighs about a kilogram, its volume is 4-5 liters. The pressure on the bladder increases, the pregnant woman has back pain, and shooting pain in the legs and perineum is also possible. At the 37th week of pregnancy, the abdomen hardens several times a day - training contractions occur. At this stage, the aging of the placenta is noted, and harbingers of imminent birth

: release of the mucus plug (yellowish discharge with streaks), lowering of the abdomen (the child takes the position of the presenting area in the pelvis), slight dilution of the stool.


At week 37, it is very important to be prepared for childbirth: collect the items on the list, the necessary documents, and give recommendations to loved ones and your spouse in two large bags.

During the courses for pregnant women, you were probably shown useful breathing techniques that can be useful both during training contractions and during real ones. Listen carefully to your body - perhaps your baby will decide that it is time to be born ahead of schedule.

The process of childbirth at this stage can no longer be called premature: many changes occur in the body, including with the placenta - it “gets old”, by the end of pregnancy it can no longer cope with its purpose. The baby may not receive enough nutrients, so labor occurs.

Don’t panic, prepare yourself for the fact that this is hard work, during which your baby also works hard. Go through these difficult few hours to finally see your little happiness!

Active preparation for childbirth

At this time, it is important to attend courses for expectant mothers. Here you can learn a lot of useful information about the correct breathing technique, the technique of “humming” or singing during contractions, how to do a massage yourself and much more. Perhaps the instructor will explain how to push correctly.

Eating right is important, and not only for pregnant women

Do not study and practice this issue on your own! Often, such “training” at home can provoke real contractions, and as a result, the birth of a child ahead of schedule.

What types of physical activity are women allowed to do in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy:

  • swimming, aerobics in water. This helps improve breathing, stretching, and the functioning of a woman’s cardiovascular system. Great for unloading the spine;
  • general physical training strengthens the muscles that will be involved in labor. In addition, the body's endurance significantly improves;
  • Yoga is the most popular method for modern girls to keep their body in good shape. This is an excellent, specially designed course of exercises for pregnant women, which is aimed at concentrating and training the pelvic floor muscles, improving breathing, flexibility;
  • You can use alternative techniques, for example, art therapy and music therapy. You can get rid of the fears that overwhelm your consciousness, and it becomes possible to get rid of stress.

Basic skills for an expectant mother: to be able to control the breathing process and relax the muscles of the perineum.

37th week of pregnancy - the main precursors of labor

What can be considered harbingers of the onset of labor at 37 weeks:

  • the stomach drops. Physiologically, it looks like this: the baby’s head moves down to the mother’s pelvic area. Pregnancy is coming to an end if you can visually notice a drooping tummy, and the woman herself feels light in her breathing;
  • shortness of breath, heartburn and intestinal problems (constipation) fade into the background or disappear altogether. Now in first place is the bladder, which is increasingly suffering from the growing uterus and the weight of the abdomen - this is why a woman so often wants to go to the toilet;
  • the appearance of hemorrhoids. This is a very unpleasant symptom that also occurs. It can be regarded as a sign of imminent birth. The thing is that the baby presses his weight on the veins of the lower part of the rectum, expanding them. If you have this disease, consult a doctor and adjust your diet - include prunes, beets, drink more water;
  • training contractions may intensify and become more painful. Their task is to prepare the woman for the upcoming process of childbirth;
  • if uterine contractions increase, pain becomes more noticeable, it radiates to the perineum, stomach, spine - do not hesitate, consult a doctor.

Childbirth at 37 weeks - time to go to the hospital?

In order not to be frightened by what is happening during childbirth (and the period is getting shorter), every woman needs to know at least basic information regarding her condition and the course of the process itself. So, in what case is it simply necessary to urgently go to the maternity hospital:

  • amniotic fluid began to leak;
  • a mucus plug has come out - it looks like a small lump of mucus, possibly streaked with blood;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • real contractions appeared - the interval between them was reduced to 10 minutes.

In case of severe pain localized in the lower back or back:

  • The main rule is to lie down. In a quiet lying position, it is easier to observe the interval between contractions and their frequency. This is especially important if there is a feeling that the stomach is petrified and at the same time the lower back hurts;
  • How to distinguish real contractions from training ones? Everything is very simple: training sessions are characterized by pain and tension only for the first time - no more than 20 seconds. The interval between them remains the same and does not increase. If the sensations disappeared completely after some time, they were definitely false;
  • if the interval between contractions is reduced to 15 minutes, and the lower abdomen lasts up to 1 minute, take your things and go to the maternity hospital.

Every pregnant woman should have things prepared in advance for the delivery room and further stay in the ward. Be sure to check the availability of an exchange card, insurance policy, certificate and passport.

Listen carefully to your feelings

Fetal activity at 37 weeks

At 37 weeks, the baby’s movements often bring painful sensations to the expectant mother; now his stomach is very crowded: there is even less amniotic fluid, the baby’s size and weight are increasing. It turns out that the uterus at 37 weeks of pregnancy now puts pressure not only on the mother’s internal organs, but also pinches the baby. Fetal movements must also be monitored at 37 weeks of pregnancy: there should be at least 10 movements per day. In the last days of pregnancy, the baby's activity decreases, he calms down a little and prepares for his birth.

Weight gain at 37 weeks of pregnancy ranges from 8.2 kg (with a BMI of more than 26) to 14 kg (with a BMI of less than 19.8). To calculate your individual weight gain at 37 weeks, use the pregnancy weight gain calculator.

What happens to the fetus

His body is so strong that even if he is born this week, the baby will be safe. All organs and systems have matured, except the digestive and respiratory systems, and are working at full capacity. The child trains breathing movements in the womb by swallowing amniotic fluid. That's why sometimes he hiccups, and mom feels twitches in her stomach.

His weight is 2.8 kg, adding 15 grams every day. The fetus moves less and sleeps more due to the tightness around it. However, despite this, within 12 hours you should count an average of 10 movements. If the number is noticeably higher or lower, seek help immediately: the fetus may be experiencing oxygen starvation.

From 37 weeks the process of aging of the placenta begins. This is inevitable and absolutely normal; it is only important that the degree of maturity of the child’s place corresponds to the stage of pregnancy. This is checked during an ultrasound.

What does a baby look like at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

At 37 weeks, the baby is about the size of a melon.
At week 37, the Baby’s height is about 46-47 cm, and his weight ranges from 2700 to 2800 g. What happens to him:

  • Baby's skin becomes lighter than before;
  • the fluff that covered the body disappears;
  • the central nervous, endocrine and immune systems grow and improve;
  • the heart has formed well and is working, the blood now circulates differently than in an adult, since the Baby does not breathe on his own, but receives oxygen from the umbilical cord, and not from the lungs;
  • your Baby is preparing for his first breath: he is increasingly trying to make breathing movements;
  • Some Babies have hair actively growing on their heads, reaching 5 centimeters by the time of birth;
  • The marigolds continue to grow, and it’s time to prepare special scissors to cut the nails after birth.

Changes in the body

The uterus supports the internal organs, which can negatively affect well-being.
In the later stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother's belly reaches its maximum size, and the load on the spine and abdominal muscles reaches its limit. Weight gain over the entire gestation period can be 10–13 kg or more. Often this has a negative impact on a woman’s well-being - she feels pain in the back, in the abdominal ligaments, in the perineum (the pelvic bones move apart). Most mothers during this period also note:

  • manifestations of varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
  • the presence of age spots on the face and body;
  • stretch marks caused by dry skin, weight gain and growing belly;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • sleep problems, anxiety, fear of childbirth;
  • urinary incontinence, stool disorders.

Vaginal discharge normally does not change its character, perhaps only a decrease in its volume, a thicker consistency than before.

Harbingers of childbirth

If you notice signs of labor, tell your doctor.
Typically, these pregnancy symptoms appear much earlier, but can get worse later in pregnancy. This week's news includes the first signs of an approaching birth, the so-called harbingers. It is known that during a second pregnancy they appear more clearly than during the first. The period between their appearance and birth is much shorter than the first time (1–2 weeks for the first and only a few hours for subsequent ones). Precursors of childbirth include the following conditions:

  1. Removal of the mucus plug. It is a mucous clot that comes out of the vagina completely or in small fragments, immediately before childbirth or a few days before. In the second case, parts of the plug look like small mucous discharge of yellow or gray color, possibly with blood clots.
  2. Increased bowel movements. Constipation is usually a common problem during pregnancy. However, shortly before giving birth, the stool changes - it becomes frequent and liquid, nausea occurs, as with diarrhea. In this way, the body cleanses itself before childbirth.
  3. Abdominal prolapse. This is noticeable externally - the stomach drops relative to the chest. The woman’s sensations also change - previously the uterus supported the diaphragm of the lungs and made breathing difficult, but now you can breathe deeply. Prolapse is caused by the baby's head (with cephalic presentation) descending into the birth canal.
  4. Discharge of water. The amniotic fluid may leak slightly, causing the vaginal discharge to become too thin, and a rapid leakage of amniotic fluid may occur. If your waters have broken completely, labor is about to begin.
  5. Pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back. Pulling sensations are caused by prolapse of the abdomen, pressure of the uterus on the perineum, ligaments and bones of the pelvis. A sharp pain radiating to the back occurs during contractions. The feeling of “petrification” of the uterus is characteristic of hypertonicity, which can also lead to labor at this stage.
  6. Frequent contractions. Training contractions, which did not cause much discomfort and occurred infrequently, are now becoming more painful and prolonged, occurring more and more often. This is how the uterus trains before giving birth. To distinguish true contractions from training contractions, record the time of their occurrence. If you count more than 5 contractions per hour with approximately the same interval, there is not much time left until delivery.
  7. Decreased fetal activity. The baby's head descends into the birth canal, and to some extent his movements are limited - he cannot turn, he only moves his legs and arms.
  8. Weight loss. On the eve of childbirth or 1–2 days before the hour “x”, swelling is eliminated, the body gets rid of excess fluid, which leads to a weight loss of 1–2 kg.

If rupture of amniotic fluid occurs, under no circumstances should you:

  • hesitate to go to the maternity hospital, labor is already beginning;
  • carry out hygiene procedures - wash, shave, do an enema (possible infection in the birth canal);
  • eat food (you may need surgery or anesthesia, which is usually performed on an empty stomach).

If you are pregnant with twins at 37 weeks, the babies will be born soon. As a rule, with a multiple pregnancy, birth occurs much earlier than with a normal pregnancy. Often babies are born at 32–33 weeks. It is rarely possible to extend a multiple pregnancy until the 37th week.

The shape of the mother’s abdomen depends on many factors: the location of the placenta, the position of the baby in the womb, the size of the fetus, the physique of the mother herself, and others. It is common practice among people to “determine” the sex of the unborn child by the shape of the abdomen, but doctors are confident that this method is ineffective.

Fetal movements

Fetal movements can be felt from the outside by placing your hand on the stomach.
By the frequency of fetal movements in late pregnancy, you can understand how the baby feels. Too infrequent movements can be a sign of hypoxia, developmental delays and other pathologies. To analyze the frequency of movements, you can use D. Pearson's test. The reporting period is 12 hours from the moment the mother wakes up in the morning. When the baby starts to move, keep a count of his movements. After counting 10 movements, write down the time of the extreme push. Start counting to 10 again and repeat this action again and again. Normally, the intervals between movements should be 10–20 minutes. If the baby has not shown itself for an hour, eat and start counting again. If long breaks are detected again, or activity is even more infrequent, you should inform your doctor about this.

Useful advice for future parents

For the healthy development of a child, from the very moment of conception, love and sincere relationships between the expectant mother and father are very important.
At first glance, it seems that only when the Baby is born, your attitude towards each other, towards life, towards the people around you, your worldview, deeds, words and actions will begin to have a direct impact on the development of character, attitude, spiritual and moral qualities of the child. But it's not that simple. It turns out that all of the above affects the Baby even before birth! What to do, because nine months from conception to the birth of a child is a period of trials and problems for both the mother and the future father. How will the transformations taking place in a woman, frequent mood changes, irritation or even despondency, affect the Baby? Do the father's experiences affect a very tiny person? In general, are the feelings and moods of his parents transmitted to him, so tiny? And if so, how do they affect the pace of its development and overall well-being?

So, the child who is expected:

  • more viable, since positive emotions of parents are one of the conditions for the successful bearing of a child and the development of all its organs and systems, as well as motor and intellectual activity;
  • has a much greater chance of being born healthy, since his parents take care of his “nutrition”;
  • develops better before birth, since its cells receive sufficient oxygen;
  • smiles often (as Babies “repeat” their mother’s emotions);
  • can respond with active movements to touches through the walls of the abdomen, as well as to affectionate words addressed to it.

Consequences of childbirth for mother and child

Labor, which begins at the 37th week of pregnancy, most often proceeds calmly and, with competent obstetric care, does not carry any serious consequences for the young mother and her baby. A conditionally premature baby will be under the close attention of a pediatrician during the 1st year of his life.

The baby’s condition will be carefully assessed by specialists, and if unpleasant symptoms appear, a full examination will be carried out.

Most often, childbirth that takes place at this time does not carry any serious consequences, and a baby born 3-4 weeks prematurely by the end of the 1st year of life completely catches up with its peers in terms of mental and physical development.

A young mother who has gone through premature birth needs constant gynecological monitoring for 2-3 months after birth and mandatory ultrasound diagnostics, which can detect the beginning of inflammatory processes.

A woman who has an unstable psychological state also needs special support from loved ones, and in severe cases, high-quality help from a psychologist.

In the case of repeated births, there is a high probability of re-birth of a child at 37 weeks, which will require the leading gynecologist to carefully monitor the woman’s condition and timely placement of the pregnant woman in a pathology hospital.

If the birth of a child occurs in the 37th week of pregnancy, it is conditionally considered premature and in most cases, with qualified medical care, does not cause complications for the young mother and newborn.

Differing from a full-term baby only in excessive thinness and a small amount of lung tissue that appeared during this period, the child has all the necessary skills and fully formed vital organs and systems, which allows him to lead a full life, and by the end of the first year of life fully correspond to his “full-term” » peers.

Tests and studies during pregnancy

Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) - 35-36 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation.
The condition of the placenta, the height and weight of the child, its position in the uterus, and the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid are assessed. Blood test for AIDS (HIV), syphilis (RW) - 35-36 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation. These diseases can complicate pregnancy and childbirth.

Biochemical blood test - 35-36 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation. Gives an idea of ​​the general health of the pregnant woman.

Vaginal smear - 35-36 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. Assessment of microbial flora before the baby passes through the birth canal.

Visiting a doctor monitoring pregnancy: once a week. Weighing, measuring blood pressure, measuring the height of the uterine fundus, listening to the fetal heartbeat.

General urine test - before each visit to the doctor. Indicates the quality of kidney function.

Dopplerography (a study that allows you to evaluate blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and main vessels of the child) - 33-34 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation, according to indications . The study allows you to find out whether the child is getting enough oxygen and nutrients.

Cardiotocography (CTG, synchronous recording of fetal heartbeats and uterine contractions) - 33-34 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation, according to indications. The child’s condition is assessed and intrauterine hypoxia is excluded.

Receive an exchange card with the results of tests and examinations - 30 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation. It is recommended that you always carry this document with you, which is required for admission to the maternity hospital.

Registration of maternity leave for workers - 30 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation.

We take tests, undergo examinations

If there are no abnormalities during pregnancy, then the woman will need to submit urine for a general analysis. The doctor will also measure her blood pressure, measure the height of the fundus of the uterus and the volume of the abdomen.

The height of the uterine fundus is 37 cm. If this figure is exceeded, the doctor may suspect polyhydramnios. This often becomes a reason for sending a woman to a maternity hospital. This will allow doctors to constantly monitor the situation. If the height of the uterine fundus has decreased, it means that the baby will soon be born, as this indicates its prolapse.

As for protein in the urine, normally it should be absent there. If protein appears in the urine shortly before childbirth, this is an alarming signal. It is possible that a woman is developing preeclampsia. This is one of the severe forms of toxicosis that develops in late pregnancy. Other signs of preeclampsia are: surges in blood pressure, swelling, and weight gain. At this time, the child will suffer from lack of nutrition and oxygen starvation. At the same time, the load on all organ systems of a woman increases.

Good to know

How to give birth without tearing: preparing the perineum for childbirth

How to sleep during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester?

“Pregnant” and maternal fears: how to stop being afraid

What to name the girl? Women's names and their meanings

Types of “pregnant” husbands

What to name the child? Choosing names according to the church calendar

All texts for pages about mother and baby were kindly provided by RAMA Publishing - these are chapters from the book by Svetlana Klaas “Your Favorite Little Man from Conception to Birth”, reviewer Irina Nikolaevna Kononova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg).

birth 36-37 weeks

the period was 36 weeks and 4 days. My husband and I didn’t sleep for a long time, contractions started at 3 am. At first I thought it was the sweatpants that had finally started.. but they intensified. The break was 15-10-8 minutes. The bags were not packed. We in shock, they began to quietly get ready. They looked for snils for about 40 minutes. They found it in the cover of my passport)) I had diarrhea. While sitting on the toilet, the water began to drain. How scary it became.. it was already really noticeably painful.

At 5 we left the house. We didn’t have to put a note in the car with the inscription “do not block - my wife is in her 9th month.” The water had already begun to soak into my jeans and in the reception it was very awkward to squish on a chair while the documents were being drawn up. Upon inspection, it turned out that that the cervix itself, the pessary (they put it on me to prevent premature birth, well, well) - on its own... and it’s unknown how long I walked like this... most likely this was the reason for such an unexpected early birth. The doctor tried to pull it out for about 5 minutes pessary..here, I think, is a prelude..enough.Then I changed into a set of parachutes, crumpled up my current pants and jacket, gave it to my husband. We said goodbye. I exhaled and went to meet the unknown.

enduring an enema with contractions for 2-3 minutes was torture. After walking, it was hard for me. Sitting too... lying down too... then they took me to the maternity ward. Every member of the medical staff, as well as the cleaners, the elevator operator and the security guard apparently considered it their duty to ask who was waiting another girl admitted for childbirth. Maybe they’re trying to distract me.. Are they really interested? I still didn’t know the gender. But here’s how to answer the question “why???” They brought me to the ward where 3 girls were lying with CTG. I I lay down on the couch. The doctor began to look at me. “Oooh, dear, get up, you’re further along the corridor - the opening is 5 cm” (at 6 am). He brought me to the delivery room. I walked in like in a fairy tale - a couch, scales, a changing table, a fitball and creepy maternity chair... somewhere behind a glass wall a girl is screaming like crazy. I ask the doctor: “Will I be like this too?” He: “I don’t think so.” They filled out my card, forced a CTG on me (for the second time in my life) and I I was left alone. No one told me how to behave during contractions ((I figured out how to breathe on my own. During the breaks I was shaking wildly and passed out. I even had some dreams. During the contractions I was drenched in sweat. Suddenly on CTG I noticed, in addition to the heartbeat, some other... then the numbers. between contractions is 8-9%, during a contraction up to 23%. I’m lying there thinking. What if 23% are very weak contractions and now someone will come and inject something to strengthen them? but no one came)) at 8 am the shift change began, a woman came to me and looked at the full dilation, how she screamed at the whole maternity hospital “at 14, full dilation!!!” I already woke up.. several times they offered me pain relief. I proudly refused. I spent all the time before pushing in one position on the side, distantly remembering that I was thinking about vertical childbirth... yeah... I couldn’t lift my leg, let alone stand up and walk... when I started to push, I thought that I should somehow attract attention to myself. But with the exhalations during the contraction, instead of a scream, it turned out to be some kind of whistling pump until the next one in 1.5 minutes. The nurse came and began laying out the diapers, instruments, and chair. It was already light outside the window (about 9-9.30 in the morning). The doctor came. She made me lift my leg during the contraction and carry it like that. With one hand I held the leg that was It’s about to bring me together (I don’t have enough contractions..). Another one behind the back of the bed. I felt like the baby was spinning in my stomach. After about 15 minutes they turned me over on my back. They raised the back of the couch and tried to strain my head. This was the hardest thing. To make myself even more painful, to step over through myself. but there was no choice. I was already pushing with groans. After another 15 minutes they dragged me onto a chair. My head was between my legs, but inside I felt good. I was very afraid of crushing it. What a stupid chair this is!!! the stops are there, really not persistent - they are horizontal!!! and only for half of the heel!!! how to rest against them?? the handle was only on one side and not secured, honestly, at least hold on to yourself!!!! the attempt began. I was sure that I was pushing incorrectly. I couldn’t concentrate. I didn’t open my eyes, I didn’t see anyone... on the second push I felt a tingling sensation. Apparently I made a very offended face, so in response to my silent question they said: “And we are all those who give birth prematurely we’re cutting..” I think, here are the creatures.. the third attempt kept me waiting.. I even opened my eyes, asking: “well, where?” and I thought to myself, everything. Kick. Labor activity stopped.. and then it came and VERY unexpectedly for me the head came out.. I quickly inhaled again and pushed the body out.. everything.. it was all over.. I didn’t even have time to understand it. at 10.20 in the morning.. the child was blue and groaned quietly. He had a loose one-time entanglement. I ask- who? they show it - a boy. I thought they would put him on my stomach - never mind, he spent 20 minutes a meter away from me on the changing table. and at the open day there was a very heated discussion about how important instant contact between mother and child is.. hmmm.. weighed. measured -3080gr, 52 cm. They said if I was full term, it would be 4500! 7/8 according to Apgar.

I thought I was going to cry.. no. I somehow forgot about it. I just looked at him and couldn’t tear myself away. They didn’t even wash him. They wrapped him in a bunch of rags. They gave him a kiss and took him away. I threw my head back, suddenly the midwife called out to me. .stands, holds me by the umbilical cord with both hands and says: “Give me the afterbirth!” yeah! I pushed and it flopped into the basin.. so disgusting.. then the beater came back again, they came to stitch me up and I felt really bad. Well, now they’re stitching me up.. with such a trembling.. they gave me a phone. It didn’t really distract me from supposedly painkilling injections. They gave about 7 of them.. only to any avail.. how they started sewing.. well, it’s like space, stars.. I wrote 3 text messages to my husband. There was silence in response. ??I’m calling my mom. She’s all on edge because the birth is premature, she told me everything. She asked me to call Yurka. He turns up at that time, when I mean I was writhing in the chair, giving birth to his son.. SLEEPING!!! I then called I was so shocked))) then I was transferred to a ward to leave childbirth with a refrigerator on my stomach. I was wildly hungry. An hour later they took me to the gynecology department. And my baby was in the intensive care unit. To be honest, I’m in shock.. just one children's sister was normal there, the rest - well, it's just strange how they were allowed to see the children at all... by the 7th day in the maternity hospital I thought I would turn gray because of constant pumping (no one said anything about lactation. If you want to find out, go around the whole maternity hospital , look for someone to tell you) there was too much milk, and the child was accustomed to a bottle and did not latch well, in the end my seam came apart a little... I doubt I’ll go back there again. The main thing is that I had a child and we are finally home, with dad safe and surrounded by care and love.

I expected more pain from childbirth. I gave birth very easily and quite quickly - in 7.5 hours. one of my husband’s jokes, which is usually written in jokes: 2 hours after giving birth, instead of postpartum pads and disposable panties (he was instructed about everything in advance), he brought me thongs and nighttime sleepwear)))

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