How tall should a child be at 1 year old and how much should he weigh?

In their development, children at this age have some features, although in general the stage is characterized by many common features. So, girls and boys begin to physically actively grow and develop, their height and weight are actively increasing. Often, the development of a 10-year-old girl exceeds the same development of 10-year-old boys.

Girls are ahead of their male peers in terms of height and physical development, which can be observed in the example of a child’s class. Compared to the large and fairly tall girls, the boys seem like children. But these differences will gradually be eliminated as children grow and develop further.

The development of a child at 10 years old has certain characteristics - the body begins to accumulate nutrients for the upcoming growth spurt. Because of this, children can begin to actively gain weight. If you do not take control of your diet during this period, you may gain excess weight, which will later be difficult to get rid of.

Based on changes in physical condition, psychological features may arise - children may be embarrassed about their body, worry about the changes that happen to them.

What should a 10 year old child be able to do?

At this age, the leading activity in a child’s life is educational activity, which takes a lot of physical and emotional strength. Through active learning, children's horizons broaden, theoretical thinking and consciousness are formed. The ability to analyze and plan both your daily affairs and future prospects also arises. In order for a clear need for learning to be formed and a certain motivation to be formed, at this age children must have the skills of independent learning, storing large amounts of information in their memory, its full and adequate reproduction, and the full use of their knowledge.

Children at this age should be able to efficiently and completely complete the tasks assigned to them. So, what should a girl or boy be able to do at the age of 10? At this age, they are able to actively help their parents with housework - cleaning, dishes, partially cooking, maintaining order, caring for pets, going to the store.

The child must fully cope with all everyday issues, while remaining at home alone, he must demonstrate competence in many household and social surveys. Children of this age should easily communicate in a group, but prefer children of the same sex in communication. The need for maternal care and protection is reduced, but the characteristics of the child’s behavior at this age still strongly depend on the mother’s upbringing of the parents.

How much does a 10 year old child weigh?

At this age, children begin to actively grow and gain weight. Body weight gain at 10 years of age can be up to 4-5 kg ​​or more, depending on body composition, height and heredity, and nutritional characteristics.

On average, the normal weight of a 10-year-old girl is from 23 to 42 kg, depending on height and developmental characteristics according to WHO tables. With this, a girl’s height by the age of 10 can range from 130 to 150 cm. At the same time, the main indicators of a boy’s development also have limits of fluctuation. Thus, the normal weight of a 10-year-old boy is from 25 to 44 kg, while his height can range from 132 to 147 cm.

At the same time, the boundaries of these indicators include both low height and weight, as well as average and above average. Significant deviations from these indicators require a doctor’s examination and additional examinations.

How much should girls weigh at 11 years old? Caring parents who are concerned about the health of their child should know the answer to this question. For each age category, there are certain standards that exclude thinness or obesity.

At what boundaries should the scale arrows stop? A detailed answer to this question can be found in this article.

Interesting Facts

This selection of fascinating facts will help you learn more about your baby:

  1. Approximately 100 genes in the human body are responsible for the maximum limit and growth rate.
  2. Children grow unevenly, in leaps and bounds. Therefore, it’s not scary if it seems that the little one has stopped growing or has suddenly doubled in size.
  3. It has been proven that there is some seasonality in the processes of growth and weight. Children grow sharply in the warm season (summer and spring), and rapidly gain weight in the cold season (winter and autumn).
  4. The further apart the individual parts of the body are located, the faster their growth occurs. For example, the hand grows faster than the forearm, and the foot grows faster than the lower leg.
  5. Sometimes children experience a phenomenon called canalization of growth. It occurs when a pre-existing factor that held back growth and/or weight is eliminated. Then these indicators “catch up”. This is why many toddlers who are premature or weak at birth end up even being ahead of their peers in physical and mental development.

Main settings

There is a standard height-to-weight chart for children. It contains important information.

  • Any weight up to 25 kilograms indicates underweight. Doctors consider this indicator a critical point when you immediately need to seek help from a specialist.
  • From 25 to 30 kilograms weight below average. There is no threat to health, but it is still recommended to adjust your diet and add strength training.
  • From 30 to 39 kilograms is absolutely normal weight. With such boundaries, the child feels absolutely comfortable and can live a full life. You should continue to monitor them.
  • From 39 to 45 kilograms – above average weight. The parent can independently eliminate harmful foods from the girl’s diet and walk with her more.
  • If a teenager weighs more than 45 kilograms, then we are talking about obesity. There is a direct threat to his health. You should seek help from a nutritionist and undergo appropriate examinations.

It is important to take into account not only the age, but also the height of the girl at 11 years old. The average ranges from 136 to 153 cm. If it is higher or lower than this limit, then the weight norm may change.

When to sound the alarm

Height and weight are important indicators of how a child is developing. If there is a large deviation from the norm, it is worth checking the baby, because this indicates body processes that are not functioning correctly. To correct them, you need to introduce a special daily routine or choose a special diet.

In children with slow growth, the development of skeletal muscles, myocardium, and brain may slow down. This has a serious impact on both the baby’s appearance and mental development.

Obesity or anorexia in children are also terrible deviations that affect health no less than growth deviations. When a child weighs more than 15 kg or less than 7 kg per year, it is necessary to consult with a number of doctors. If the baby weighs more than 20 kg or less than 5 kg, immediately sound the alarm.

Monitor your baby every month. He must gain 300-600 grams and 1-3 cm monthly. Is this not happening or are the numbers significantly higher? Don't panic, but take your baby to a specialist.

What to do if a growth disorder is detected?

The young mother looked at the table of height and weight ratios for children and found that the indicators were noticeably different from those indicated. What to do in such a situation? Unfortunately, there is no way to independently influence this process. First of all, this indicator depends on the hereditary factor, which is decisive in this situation. If a significant growth delay is detected, by more than 30 percent, then you need to contact a pediatrician and undergo a diagnostic examination. Perhaps the reason is related to a disruption in the functioning of the body.

Normal height and weight

The answer to the question “How much should a one-year-old baby weigh and how tall should it be?” can be found in the table created according to WHO data:

1 yearBottom lineUpper limit
Boys' weight, kg7,712,0
Girls' weight, kg7,011,5
Boys' height, cm71,080,5
Girls' height, cm68,979,2
Boys' head circumference, cm43,548,6
Head circumference of girls, cm42,247,6

However, pediatricians claim that in fact, the minimum height and weight of children is higher, and only a few grow to the maximum values. WHO simply “gives room for creativity” to children’s bodies and reduces the possibility of anxiety among parents.

In the first year of life, the child’s normal height increases by 20-27 cm. The baby gains his 15 cm in the first 6 months, and already in the second half of the year he gains the remaining centimeters.

In medicine, a child who has not reached 71 cm in one year is called short, while a baby who has grown to 91 cm is called tall.

If a child is on the threshold of a minimum or maximum in indicators, there is no need to do anything. This is the normal course of its development.

The dangers of being overweight

The ratio of height, weight and age is a very important parameter on which the health of a teenager depends. If he has been diagnosed with obesity of the first, second or third degree, then he should immediately consult a doctor.

Otherwise, the following negative consequences may occur:

  • The development of chronic diabetes mellitus, which will be almost impossible to cure in the future.
  • The appearance of pathologies in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • General hormonal imbalance. The girl may notice that she has acne, hair begins to fall out and her skin color changes.
  • Heavy weight is a very intense load on the heart. The risk of stroke or heart attack increases. If a person experiences shortness of breath after light physical activity (walking, climbing stairs, short jogging), then it’s time to see a doctor.
  • The emergence of women's problems. If they are not identified in time, problems with the menstrual cycle will subsequently arise.

In addition, the excess weight of a teenage girl is also a psychological problem. Sooner or later she will develop complexes due to her obesity, and she will be subjected to ridicule from her peers.

How to fix this problem?

It is best to periodically monitor the ratio of height, weight and age and prevent the child from reaching the stage of obesity. Especially if there is a genetic predisposition, that is, more than three people along the hereditary line suffer from a similar problem.

Many parents feel sorry for their children, continue to buy them unhealthy products and calmly watch as the child’s appearance noticeably deteriorates. If, nevertheless, he has reached the stage of obesity, then it is recommended to consult a nutritionist to formulate a proper diet. It should consist of natural protein, light carbohydrates and vegetable fats. All sweets should be replaced with fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also worth calculating the optimal volume of water: approximately 30 ml per kilogram of weight. It is recommended to include light physical activity, but do not overdo it.

Changing lifestyle is a big stress for a girl. It is important to explain to her about the possible dangers of obesity. You can motivate her with beautiful things and photographs of famous personalities. This is a very delicate process, so sometimes you need to additionally seek help from a psychologist.

How do children grow?

The most intensive period of growth occurs during the process of puberty. Boys and girls grow differently. It is considered normal if a child grows sharply at age 13 and then stops growing rapidly for a couple of years. As a rule, another growth spurt occurs later.

These changes depend on the health, genetics and lifestyle of the teenager. Some at 12 years old are already taller than all their peers, others only at 15 begin to catch up with the former. There are factors that directly affect the physical health, height and weight of a 14-year-old teenager:

  • proper varied diet;
  • long healthy sleep without light, at least 8 hours in a row;
  • physical exercise.

Sometimes during the period of active growth, bones stretch, and muscle mass does not keep up with them. Or vice versa, weight is added first and only then, after a couple of years, the teenager begins to grow, compensating for his dense physique.

IMPORTANT: Losing weight and starving are strictly prohibited for teenagers. Not only the body needs nutrition, but also, most importantly, the brain. If the diet becomes poor, an underdeveloped brain will cause much more trouble in the future than an overweight body.

The dangers of being too thin

Every caring mother should know how much a girl should weigh at 11 years old. If the instrument needle does not exceed 25 kilograms, then immediate measures should be taken. First of all, you should find out the reason why a teenager is not gaining weight. Perhaps he deliberately does not eat in order to be like some idol, is in a state of prolonged stress or exposes himself to intense stress. It is necessary to take urgent measures, otherwise dangerous consequences may arise: disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, curvature of the spine, decreased immunity, insomnia and general weakness.


First of all, if you are underweight, you should change your diet by adding a large amount of protein. It is found in meat, fish, seafood, dairy products and eggs. Many mothers, having learned how much a girl should weigh at age 11, begin to introduce high-calorie foods into her diet. Excessive stress on the body is also unnecessary. You can also add moderate physical activity to increase muscle mass. It is recommended to weigh your teenager at the same time. Preferably in the morning and on an empty stomach. It is optimal to do this once a week.

How to calculate the rate

To know whether a child is developing correctly, you can use special formulas.

For example, a formula that determines the average height of a child in the future. To calculate it, you need to add up the height of the parents, divide the resulting number by 2 and add 5 cm (for boys) or 2 cm (for girls).


Mom is short - 160 cm, and dad is tall - 187 cm. How tall will their son be when he becomes an adult?

(160 + 187) : 2 + 5 ≈ 178 cm

These are approximate but possible data for the child.

To determine his current height, there is another formula. It is necessary to multiply his age by 5 cm (the average increase every year) and add 75 cm (the average height of a one-year-old baby). This formula will be useful for parents who, in addition to the baby, have older children.

If you want to know how much a baby should weigh at a certain age, find out how much the child’s father and mother weighed at the same age. Add and divide their indicators by two - you get an extremely approximate figure that indicates the normal weight of the baby.

What does weight depend on?

It depends on many factors, for example:

  • Heredity. If your baby has thin parents, his body type will most likely be the same;
  • Nutritional features. A baby whose nutrition is properly organized grows well and gains weight, and does not suffer from excess weight;
  • Work of the endocrine system. Children suffering from endocrine diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or thyroid diseases, often have a weight higher or, conversely, lower than normal;
  • Level of physical activity. A child who attends sports clubs and plays active games in the fresh air every day rarely has problems with obesity.

Normal height and weight gains at 1 year

After birth, the baby grows and gains weight very rapidly. By the age of one year, his body weight approximately triples, and his height increases by about 23-25 ​​cm. At the age of 12 months, the pace slows down, and this is normal.

In the period from 11 months to a year, weight gain for a healthy child averages from 170-180 to 300 grams. The approximate weekly weight gain is 45-75 g. Over the previous month, the baby gains the same amount or a little more - 190-330 g. Over the next few months, the child will gain about the same weight.

Growth from 11 months to one year of age can increase by 1.5 cm. The growth over the previous month should be the same. And in the following months the baby grows by an average of 1 cm.

What to do if a 9-10 year old girl weighs too little?

Quite often, parents believe that their child weighs too little. The same goes for boys. If he looks too thin for his age, maybe. It's all about heredity. However, a child of 9–10 years old may weigh little for other reasons. If he weighs little and also has a poor appetite, under no circumstances should you force feed him. If an examination by a pediatrician shows that the baby is underweight, parents should not panic. The following steps can be taken:

  • Analyze your daily diet and include filling, high-calorie and nutritious meals;
  • If the baby has a poor appetite, parents should decorate familiar dishes beautifully, then the girl will eat them with pleasure;
  • Adjust your diet. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner should take place at the same time every day;
  • Avoid between-meal snacks consisting of fruits and sweets.

Often girls, groundlessly believing themselves to be “fat,” refuse to eat, and this leads to anorexia and sudden weight loss. If parents notice signs of anorexia, they should immediately show it to a doctor.

Typically, girls who were underweight at primary school age begin to grow better and gain weight . Most often, underweight at this age is caused not by illness, but by a difficult period of adaptation of the child to school loads, to loads in clubs and additional education sections.

What to do if a 9-10 year old girl is overweight?

It happens that a 9-10 year old child looks not only well-fed, but also plump. Recently, due to acceleration, the number of girls who weigh quite a lot for their age has increased. The same applies to boys 9–10 years old. If a child at 9–10 years old weighs more than normal, it may make sense to show the girl or boy to an endocrinologist. You should also provide your child with proper nutrition. Parents of a 9-10 year old girl who is overweight can do the following:

  • Exclude from the child’s diet foods that help “whet up” the appetite: salty and spicy snacks, any dishes with spices and herbs, pickled vegetables;
  • Limit the consumption of industrially produced baked goods and sweets;
  • Completely eliminate fast food from your diet;
  • Arrange daily walks for him with outdoor games. Or you can give a girl a dog, provided that she walks with it every day. Daily walks and feasible physical activity at any age contribute to weight loss.

Doctors note that children who were fed artificial milk formulas in the first year of life are often overweight at an older age. Children who were breastfed in the first year of life, on the contrary, are not prone to weight gain. In this regard, the best way to prevent childhood obesity is to breastfeed your child for as long as possible . This is the opinion that most modern pediatricians adhere to.

Statistics also show that children who attend an afterschool group and eat at school all day gain less weight than children who eat at home after school. Most likely, this is due to the fact that not all parents have the opportunity to control what their child eats after school ends.

A child’s weight and height are important, but not the only, indicators of the proper development of a boy or girl. If the baby is developing well, but his weight and height do not meet generally accepted standards, there is no need to panic. But, of course, it doesn’t hurt to consult a doctor.

How much should a girl weigh at 9, 10, 12, 14 years old? Parents who want to see their schoolgirl daughter healthy should definitely know the answer to this question. For a growing organism, such factors as thinness and obesity of a child pose the same danger. It is imperative to check whether the indicator on the scale corresponds to the norm calculated for a specific age, even if the child does not seem overweight or thin.

The content of the article:

Girls' weight by year - table

Development occurs differently in each child, and this is especially evident during adolescence. Therefore, you cannot focus only on the standard weight parameter; you should definitely correlate this factor with the height of the schoolgirl.

TABLE. See Attachment

How much should a girl weigh: at 12 years old, 10-14

When evaluating results, you should first of all focus on the average value, which indicates that the girl’s weight meets the requirements set for her age group. A deviation from the average parameter not exceeding 8% should not cause much concern for moms and dads. It is enough to weigh your daughter regularly, making sure that the situation is not getting worse.

When to worry

We can talk about the emergence of a threat to health if the weight begins to significantly exceed the average or lag behind it.

If the scale arrow indicates a deviation from the average value of approximately 10-15%, the teenager has a predisposition to being thin/full. At this stage, you don’t have to contact a specialist, limiting yourself to a radical revision of your diet. It is definitely worth tracking the girl’s weight month by month, recording the improvement/worsening of the situation.

If the measurement result indicates a deviation in the range of 15-25%, the danger increases. You should definitely show your daughter to a nutritionist and coordinate the necessary measures with him.

If the norm is violated by more than 30%, the situation seriously threatens the health (in advanced cases, life) of the child. Treatment is carried out under medical supervision.

If completeness is detected

How much should a 12 year old girl weigh? Even for tall schoolgirls, this figure should not exceed 50 kg, otherwise we can safely speak of a violation. The reasons behind it vary.

Calorie foods. Modern children consume excessive amounts of junk food, oversaturated with fats. The figure deteriorates due to the child's passion for sandwiches, chips, and french fries. These dishes need to be removed from the menu at least temporarily, and the same should be done with unhealthy carbonated drinks.

Lack of physical activity. If the daughter is indifferent to sports and spends a lot of time on the computer and TV, problems are inevitable. A way out of the situation may be to enroll in a school section, go to a fitness club, or exercise at home.

Genetic predisposition. You can suspect the influence of heredity on a child’s weight if the parents are familiar with this problem. This does not mean that being overweight should be accepted. Even if you are prone to obesity, proper nutrition in tandem with exercise will have an effect.

Some diseases. If the weighing results show a significant deviation from the average data, it is worth getting examined.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, disruptions in the functioning of the pancreas, liver, diabetes mellitus and other problems atypical for a young age are possible consequences of obesity. Therefore, we cannot postpone the fight against it.

If thinness is detected

How much should a girl weigh at 11 years old? The scale needle should not fall below 28 kg. The schoolgirl’s excessive thinness, which threatens her health, can be explained by the following factors.

Diets. Many young ladies 11-14 years old are trying to bring their figure closer to the ideal by purposefully limiting the amount of food they consume. Such measures are extremely harmful. Parents can offer their daughter an alternative such as a balanced diet made up of healthy foods or a gym membership.

Mobility. If thinness is associated with increased activity, there is no serious problem. It is only important to review the menu, make it more high-calorie and nutritious. Meals rich in proteins and carbohydrates help you gain weight. They can be extracted from meat, seafood, vegetables, and fruits.

Height. Intensive growth is a typical phenomenon for a teenager. If your daughter has grown a lot in a short time, going to the doctor and taking home measures can be postponed. There is a high probability that the weight will soon return to normal on its own.

Stress. Losing weight sometimes becomes the result of overexertion, fatigue, and emotional turmoil. We need to find out the source of the problem and help the child cope with it.

Diseases. If you have other alarming symptoms, you should not refuse a medical examination.

How much should a girl weigh 10 years or older? The closer the data is to the average, the better.

Responsible mothers, especially if they have their first child, are always interested in whether his body weight complies with existing standards. And it is right. Indeed, in pediatrics, it is not for nothing that the approximate parameters for the height and weight of children of different age categories are adopted. How much should a ten month old baby weigh? What are the most important skills he has at this age? What does mom need to know about his proper nutrition?

What affects a baby’s performance?

3 month old baby's daily routine

The weight and height of a one-year-old child should not significantly exceed or lag behind the values ​​​​presented in the table. It is worth noting that the following categories of children most often lag behind in weight and height:

  • Premature;
  • Have had ARVI several times a year;
  • Suffering from a lack of fluid in the body;
  • Having suffered various intestinal infections;
  • Having problems with digestion;
  • With signs of rickets or anemia;
  • Having CNS disorders.

Also, external factors influence increased or decreased weight and height:

  • Poor sleep;
  • Climatic conditions;
  • Improper care;
  • Non-compliance with diet;
  • Mental stress.

Genetics also influences a child's physical performance. As a rule, children correspond to the parameters of their parents. If they were “skinny” in infancy, then the baby will not weigh very much. Accordingly, if the parents were plump, then the child will be slightly plump.

A one-year-old girl sits on the grass and plays with a dog

Weight and height standards

This period in the life of children is characterized by the development of walking. Many of them have already taken their first steps, others begin to confidently stomp with the help of their mother, and still others make such attempts while holding onto the wall. Children may differ in their pace of physical development. Boys at the age of ten months are confidently ahead of girls.

The standards for growing up, established by Russian pediatricians and specialists from the World Health Organization, also differ. Data from our pediatricians for boys of ten months: body weight - from 8.3 to 10.9 kilograms. As for girls, their weight varies from 7.9 to 10.1 kilograms. The height indicators for boys range from 69.1 to 76.9 centimeters, for girls - from 69 to 75.3 cm.

According to WHO, at ten months of age, the weight of boys varies from 7.4 to 11.4 kilograms, and for girls it is 6.7-10.9 kilograms. As for height, for boys these parameters are 68.7-77.9 cm, for girls - 66.5-76.4 centimeters. And the head circumference of boys is larger than that of representatives of the opposite sex. For the former, the figures range from 42.9 to 47.9 centimeters, for the latter - 41.5-46.9 centimeters.

About overweight and underweight

So, the above standards are indicative. And many children at 10 months exceed the weight indicated above. If this is 6-7% above the norm, then this is quite acceptable. But when too much or too little is 12-14%, then these are the first alarm signals. When the deviation from the norm reaches 25% or more, the child needs diet correction.

Practice shows that in most cases, children who grew up on artificial feeding are prone to overdosing. A significant risk factor is a genetic tendency to gain weight. This tendency can appear from a very early age, and it is noticeable visually. In this case, the mother should not let the situation take its course. It is necessary to cut down the baby’s daily diet and force him to move more. Exercises with a baby who is prone to obesity should be done twice a day, and you should give him plenty of water to drink. There is no need for such a baby to add butter or vegetable oil to its complementary foods. Offer porridge once a day, and only in the morning. At this age, you can already switch to four meals a day.

By and large, it is always better to underfeed a child rather than vice versa. Popular pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky thinks so. He is confident that underweight is not as dangerous as overweight. And when children, while falling behind age norms, are active, playful, curious, sleep well, and their hemoglobin is normal, then parents have nothing to worry about. Sometimes the same genetics plays a role. If the baby’s mom or dad is miniature and short, then who will the child be like? You can make his diet more filling, replace vegetables with porridge, and take more walks before meals. Perhaps the shortage is due to the fact that the child is just too active and energetic? Then parents also have no reason to worry.

Nutrition at 10 months

There are also standards for the daily amount of food consumed for children of different ages. At ten months, a boy or girl should eat a volume of food equal to 1/8 or 1/9 of his body weight.

Maybe mommy continued breastfeeding until this age. This is good even if there is only one feeding left per day.

At ten months, children can sit at a common dining table with mom and dad, master a spoon and eat their own dishes. Up to 10 months, children should be familiar with vegetables, cereals, yolk, fish, fruit puree and cottage cheese. As for liquids, in addition to water and juices, the child should be introduced to compotes, rosehip decoction, and fruit drinks. They are needed for variety and normal digestion.

Mothers of children of this age already know their taste preferences. They notice that children love some vegetables more, while others even try to spit them out. Over time, preferences may change, but for now they need to be taken into account and not force the child to finish eating something he doesn’t like.

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