Honey is an amazing product that has been used by humanity for thousands of years. The nutritional and beneficial qualities have long been studied,
Sometimes it happens that the baby does not latch on to the breast after birth. This is one of the most
Views: 224 Persimmons contain vitamins, microelements, dietary fiber, but this fruit has a number of
Tasty and healthy persimmon (or heart apple) appears on the shelves at the end of October. She
Home / Child / Child nutrition / How to change formula: rules for safe transition from
Normal sleep in infants and children Sleep is the body's way of conserving energy,
Introduction to the diet: at what age can vegetables be introduced into the baby's diet?
Modern ideas about the treatment of regurgitation syndrome in children of the first year of life Correct and rational
One of the first problems a woman who has recently given birth thinks about is what can she do now?
Beneficial properties and effectiveness of cabbage leaves Cabbage is a commonly available cruciferous vegetable with