At what age can you give your baby pumpkin: how to cook it, when to introduce it into baby food

Rice porridge with pumpkin

We will need the following ingredients:

  • two hundred milliliters of water
  • two hundred milliliters of milk;
  • half a glass of rice (preferably round);
  • about seventy grams of pumpkin;
  • ten grams sl. oils;
  • Art. l. Sahara;
  • salt.
  1. We sort the rice and rinse thoroughly under running water. Place the cleaned grains into the prepared pan. Fill with the specified volume of water, add salt. Cook for 10 minutes at a low boil.

  2. While the rice is cooking, we prepare the pumpkin. We peel it, select the seeds, and cut off the fibrous edge. Grate on a coarse grater.

  3. After the rice has been boiled for 10 minutes and is almost ready, pour milk into the container with it, add sugar, and transfer the grated vegetable.

  4. Bring the porridge to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes.
  5. Rice porridge with pumpkin is ready for your baby. All that remains is to add butter and you can serve.

How to make soup?

Take the following ingredients for pumpkin soup:

  • 150 g pumpkin
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 1 potato
  • 500 ml water

Washed vegetables need to be peeled. Next, potatoes and pumpkin are cut into cubes, and carrots are finely grated. After cooking the vegetables for 30 minutes in boiling water, the dish is smoothed using a blender. Finally, add salt and a little vegetable oil to the soup.

Another simple way to prepare pumpkin puree soup is to use a slow cooker:

  • Peel 300 g of ripe pumpkin, remembering to remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into medium cubes.
  • Also peel two onions, four potatoes and one carrot. Cut the onion into half rings, carrots into strips, and potatoes into small cubes.
  • Turn on the multicooker to the “baking” mode. Heat a little vegetable oil in a bowl, then add the vegetables and fry for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Next, switch to the “stew” mode and leave the dish to cook for one hour.
  • Remove the vegetables from the appliance, add salt and chop with a blender.
  • Add 400 g of cream with 20% fat, mix well and pour the puree back into the multicooker.
  • Selecting the “soup” mode, bring to a boil. In bowls, the soup can be decorated with herbs, croutons, and butter.

Wheat porridge

To prepare we will need:

  • pumpkin - two hundred and fifty grams;
  • two hundred and fifty milliliters of milk;
  • a third of a glass of wheat cereal;
  • sugar - ¼ cup.
  1. Peel the vegetable, remove the internal seeds, and cut into small pieces.

  2. Transfer the chopped vegetable to the pan in which you are waiting to cook the porridge. An important condition: the container must be deep enough. You must take into account that when boiling, foam will form, and the dish can escape onto the stove. Therefore, it is important to monitor the cooking process, and it is also recommended to fill the pan so that there are seven centimeters left to the top.

  3. We wash the wheat grains with running water and remove any debris from them. Place the washed cereal in a saucepan with pumpkin.
  4. Pour out sugar, add salt. Fill the ingredients with milk. It is important that the liquid completely covers all components of the dish.
  5. We send the pan to the fire. When bubbles appear, turn the heat down to minimum src=»» class=»aligncenter» width=»600″ height=»362″[/ img]
  6. The cooking process takes about an hour. It is important to stir periodically to prevent burning and sticking to the bottom. The longer you cook, the more delicate the taste of the dish will be.

  7. When serving porridge to your child, add butter to it. You can also flavor the porridge with sour cream.

Benefits of pumpkin for children

Pumpkin is a safe and healthy product for children. Pediatricians agree that this is one of the best products for first complementary foods. In the autumn-winter season, when due to a shortage of seasonal products in the diet the amount of vitamins is reduced, pumpkin comes to the rescue. What is included in this valuable culture:

  • vitamin A;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin E;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin PP;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • cellulose;
  • fatty acids (in seeds);
  • amino acids;
  • flavonoids.

Regular consumption of pumpkin improves appetite. This product stimulates the production of gastric juice and other enzymes. Pumpkin in the diet has a good effect on the digestion process, eliminates constipation and flatulence. Timely and correct introduction of pumpkin puree into the diet eliminates colic. The main property of any pumpkin dish for children and adults is strengthening the immune system and preventing colds.

Oatmeal with pumpkin

We will need:

  • oatmeal - one glass;
  • one hundred grams of pumpkin pulp;
  • milk - three hundred milliliters;
  • a little sugar;
  • small piece of sl. oils

To speed up the process of preparing oatmeal, you must first soak it in milk.

  1. Peel the vegetable and cut it into small pieces. Cook for 15 minutes with a little water added.

  2. Grind the pumpkin until pureed. Add the oatmeal and milk to it and let it cook for ten minutes with constant stirring.

  3. Before serving, add butter and sprinkle the porridge with sugar.

Pumpkin juice recipe

pumpkin juice

Quick to prepare, thick and healthy juice is suitable even for infants as complementary food. For older children, the juice can be sweetened with honey.


  • Pumpkin – 200 g
  • Fruit (banana, apple or pear) – 200 g


For juice, you can use either raw pumpkin or cooked in a double boiler. We pass the pulp through a juicer, pour the resulting juice into a glass and add pre-prepared fruit pulp there. This juice should be given to the child immediately after preparation.

Instead of fruits, you can use vegetables; carrots are considered an excellent addition to pumpkin. In this case, the vegetables must first be stewed until soft, and then pureed, diluting with a small amount of boiled water if necessary. Do not store longer than 12 hours (in the refrigerator). wishes bon appetit to all the kids! And asks our dear mothers to share their family pumpkin recipes.

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We will need:

  • two hundred grams of millet;
  • three hundred grams of pumpkin;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • twenty grams sl. oils
  1. Peel and cut the pumpkin. Place it in a non-stick pan.

  2. Pour in milk, salt, turn on low heat and cook until tender. It is important to ensure that the milk does not burn or run off onto the stove.
  3. Wash the millet thoroughly. Leave for a few minutes to dry. Add the cereal to the pan with the other components of the future porridge, and bring to a boil while constantly stirring over medium heat.

  4. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. Transfer the porridge to a baking container. Add sugar and mix everything well with a spoon. Send to bake for 30 minutes under the lid. After this time, it is recommended to infuse the porridge (10 minutes).

  5. Add oil to the finished dish. Millet porridge with pumpkin for a child will be even tastier if you add raisins or dried apricots to it.

Pumpkin strengthens or weakens

The orange vegetable itself normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Depending on what products it is combined with, it has different effects. Adding carrots and apples weakens the dish. Potatoes added to the composition strengthens it.

Can pumpkin cause constipation?

Pumpkin does not cause constipation. Such changes are the body’s reaction to a new product. He doesn’t yet know how to digest such food.

Problems can arise when introducing any unfamiliar dish . You should just temporarily stop giving your baby complementary foods. When the stool returns to normal, the product is reintroduced, but gradually.

Features of choosing a pumpkin

The success of a delicious porridge largely depends on the sweetness of the pumpkin

  1. When choosing a vegetable, it is important to pay attention to the condition of the peel. There must be no scratches, stains, dents on the surface of the pumpkin, or traces of mold. It is important to have an elastic and dense peel.
  2. It must be taken into account that a large pumpkin loses its sweetness. It is better to give preference to vegetables weighing no more than 5 kg. An important feature: it should weigh more than it appears to be.
  3. It is recommended to buy pumpkin in the fall, during the harvesting season of this vegetable. It is better if you freeze the pumpkin and use it in the winter, taking it out of your freezer, than buying it in a supermarket, where it can be processed to extend its shelf life.

How to make preparations and methods for storing pumpkin

The whole product is stored in a dark place for a long period of time, but the cut product quickly deteriorates. Therefore, it is recommended to either use it immediately or place it in the freezer for storage. Freezing weaning pumpkin is a great storage option. The product can remain in this form for several months without losing its original properties and qualities.

The vegetable is thoroughly washed and peeled, cut into pieces. For better freezing, it is recommended to place the cubes on a cutting board and freeze. After complete freezing, pour the pieces into a plastic bag. This makes it convenient to take them out in the right quantity and cook frozen pumpkin.

In addition to freezing, you can prepare it for the winter by rolling it into jars along with cranberry juice.

To choose the optimal fruit to give to your child, it is worth understanding the criteria. The ideal option would be your own product, which is grown on your own plot. But in most cases, conditions for growing are not provided; you have to purchase the fruit in a store or market. Therefore, when choosing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Coloring – the color of the peel should be a natural tone;
  2. Weight – do not exceed 5 kg;
  3. Integrity - the peel should not have cracks, dents, signs of mold or rot;
  4. The tail is best when it is dry. this indicates full ripening of the fetus.

In addition, when you press on the skin, it should not be soft. The normal state for a vegetable is a dense structure. You can feel the specific wax, which is a natural film.

Thus, pumpkin is an excellent option for first feeding. It is subjected to various cooking methods to obtain an excellent dish for the baby. Usually the vegetable cannot be purchased in small quantities, so it is recommended to know how to freeze pumpkin for the winter without loss. The main thing is to follow the recipe technology during cooking and maintain the required time.

Grated pumpkin for the winter

  1. Wash the vegetable, peel, dry, remove the core.
  2. Grate.
  3. Place in special plastic bags, seal tightly and place in the freezer.

It’s not difficult to make your own complementary foods for your baby. You need to choose the right products so that they do not harm the baby, but bring maximum benefit. Pumpkin is exactly the vegetable that is allowed as the first complementary food for infants. The main thing is to follow the rules for introducing a new product into the baby’s diet.

Cooking tips

  1. If you cook porridge with milk, use a container with a non-stick coating and thick walls.
  2. During the cooking process, porridge requires constant supervision. Otherwise, she may run onto the stove. A slow cooker and an oven have an advantage in this regard, however, the porridge will cook faster on the stove.
  3. To speed up the cooking process, you need to chop the pumpkin into as small pieces as possible or grate it on a coarse grater.
  4. You can add natural spices to the dish, such as cinnamon, vanilla (if the child is already familiar with them).
  5. For older kids, pumpkin porridge can be diluted by adding cream.
  6. Cereals and pumpkin can be varied with dried apricots, raisins, prunes or apples.

Now you know that pumpkin porridge for a child can have a new taste every time, you just need to change the cereal or add dried fruits. When introducing your baby to a new dish, take into account the characteristics of his body, a history of allergies or cases of individual intolerance. In such a situation, acquaintance should be gradual and under supervision. It is important that at the time you get acquainted with pumpkin porridge, your little one is already adapted to the components included in the dish you have chosen.

When should you introduce pumpkin into your child’s diet?

  1. The first portion is half a teaspoon, in the form of a homogeneous puree or a soft, boiled piece, the size of a grain of rice;
  2. Then the portion is gradually increased, bringing it to 40 grams per day.

How much pumpkin can a child have?

  • At 7 months he can be given 30 grams of puree 1-2 times a week;
  • Pumpkin for children closer to one year is allowed 30 grams three times a week;
  • After a year, the portion will be 50 grams three times a week.

If a child over one year old eats selectively, the portions eaten are very small and this makes you worry and worry about the baby’s nutrition, watch the online course “Eating with pleasure: restoring a healthy appetite to the child”

The fruit has a pronounced sweetish taste and is very popular with children.

It is imperative to follow the rules of complementary feeding:

  1. pumpkin is given in the morning;
  2. while your baby is introducing pumpkin, do not mix it with other products;
  3. Complementary feeding should be introduced gradually and the child’s condition should be monitored
  4. do not give complementary foods to the child during illness and vaccination;

You can add breast milk to pumpkin puree for the first feeding.

Pumpkin can be boiled, baked or steamed.

It is advisable to give the child only freshly prepared puree or boiled vegetables.

From what age

Giving an artificial pumpkin to a baby is allowed from 5-6 months. For breastfed babies, it is advisable to wait a while with complementary feeding and start introducing it after six months.

It is recommended to introduce your baby to pumpkin after introducing zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower. When a child tries a red vegetable, he is unlikely to want to be content with tasteless dishes.

How often

After a test has been carried out for the presence of contraindications, you can alternate the available vegetables. If you often give your baby pumpkin, you can provoke negative consequences: yellow palms will appear not from an allergic reaction, but from oversaturation of the body.

Pumpkin for babies is recommended 2 times in 7 days. The vegetable is given as an independent dish, and 1 tsp is added. in the form of a dessert.

Basic recommendations

When offering a new product, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The product that the child tries should not be administered at night; it is recommended to be given in the morning, before the second feeding. The time is chosen so that the child is hungry and eats the offered portion. A morning test will make it clear whether there is an allergy.
  2. First input – 0.5 tsp. If the baby likes it, the norm is gradually increased.
  3. At the first signs of an allergic reaction, stop feeding. It is recommended to try again in a month.
  4. Give food using a spoon.
  5. Pumpkin puree for babies is not served chilled. It is heated in a water bath to a temperature not higher than +37..+400C.
  6. There is no need to rush with new ingredients. It is necessary to maintain a gap of 14 days between new dishes.

Feed when the baby is healthy. It is not recommended to give vegetables or fruits before vaccination and after vaccination. It will be difficult to determine what caused the allergy.

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