At what age and how to stop wearing diapers?

April 16, 2019

Averyanova Sveta

Using diapers makes life much easier for parents: washing and ironing clothes takes less time, walks, and going to the clinic have become more comfortable. But young mothers often hear the opinion that diapers have many more disadvantages than advantages. Where the truth is is not easy to figure out. Expert help required. What are diapers made of, why boys cannot wear them after 3 years, how to use waterproof diapers without harm to health, and whether they cause addiction, we will tell you in our article.

Up to what age can you wear it?

When to start putting diapers on newborns is clear to everyone, but from when to wean them and put them on the potty is unclear. Some people have been practicing walking without diapers since they were one year old, others take it up to 3 years.

Let's try to figure it out.

There are no age restrictions on the use of diapers. Pediatricians recommend that mothers take the first steps towards the potty after 18 months, while simultaneously reducing the number of blotter pads they wear during the day. Remove overnight diapers when your baby wakes up dry. There is no need to do this abruptly; use a gentle method of developing toilet skills. You should definitely stop using them when your child goes to kindergarten and is over 3 years old.

Important! We strongly recommend not to compete with relatives or friends in the speed of giving up diapers. Don’t listen to your neighbors’ stories that their daughter has been peeing in the potty on her own since she was 6 months old. There is no standard on this matter.

Reusable models: features

  • An important advantage of reusable diapers is the use of natural materials for the panties and fillings themselves. Thanks to this feature, they can be used by allergic children who react poorly to synthetic fillers
  • Using reusable diapers is no more difficult than disposable ones: just change and wash the inserts (this is much easier to do than constantly washing gauze)
  • Such products do not pollute the environment, since nothing has to be thrown away when using them.
  • Which reusable diapers are suitable depends only on the mother and child, but the modern range can offer many options even for demanding parents

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The benefits of diapers

Using diapers for children from 0 to 2-3 years old brings a huge number of benefits to parents and the child.

No family today can do without these miracle panties for the following reasons:

  1. Diapers make life easier for parents. This is the main plus. There is no need to waste time washing clothes or panties. The used diaper goes into the trash bin, and mom can relax in her free time.
  2. Children in diapers sleep calmer and longer. There is no need to change panties at night, the child sleeps without feeling discomfort from wet panties. Mom can also get enough sleep, so there is no need to prove the benefits of using night blotters.
  3. The skin remains healthier under diapers. Wet diapers and onesies irritate the delicate dermis, causing rashes, diaper rash, and diaper dermatitis. Disposable and reusable diapers minimize skin contact with urine and liquid feces; diaper rash occurs much less frequently.
  4. Comfort while walking. While in summer it is easy to replace wet pants, in winter it is much more convenient to walk in waterproof panties: the child is protected from freezing, and the walk can last several hours.

On a note! According to statistics, each child from 0 to 2 years old uses about 4,000 disposable diapers. A family with newborns spends 50–80 thousand rubles a year on waterproof underwear.


The benefits of diapers are obvious; they are described in detail by manufacturers, advertisers, and parents of infants. But it is customary to remain silent about the harmfulness. It’s good if they don’t affect your family and you don’t find any disadvantages at all, but you need to know the dangerous aspects of using diapers for newborn boys and girls:

Allergic reactions

90% of infants react positively to diapers, but 10% experience unwanted skin reactions.

This is a rash, itching, irritation under the diaper.

The manifestation of an allergy to diapers depends on the sensitivity of newborns to the composition of the diapers. Most often, children react negatively to synthetic materials, flavors, and impregnations included in the composition.

This deficiency can be eliminated in several ways: change “dangerous” diapers to another brand, stop using them completely, or sew gauze or fabric panties with inserts yourself.

Greenhouse effect

The butt inside the blotting cloths overheats, especially if the room is hot. As a result, the skin becomes dry and a rash appears. To avoid this, wear diapers only outside and take air baths more often.

It takes a long time for a child to be potty trained

In diapers, babies cannot control urination. If you wear them all the time, delaying potty training, it will be difficult to avoid enuresis. If babies rarely wear diapers, mothers completely abandon waterproof diapers by the age of 1.5 years, after 7–8 months they regularly put the baby on the potty, and there are no difficulties with toilet self-control.

Mental disorders

Children who are constantly in diapers from birth to 2-3 years do not feel their body, the urge to go to the toilet, discomfort when peeing and pooping in their pants, have little contact with their mother, and their sensory integration is impaired. As a result, the psyche suffers and development is inhibited.

Inflammatory processes on the genitals in girls

They occur if changing panties is delayed, mothers do not wash out feces well from girls’ butts and vaginas.

Gait disturbance, shift in timing of independent walking

Children constantly wearing thick, reusable diapers are more likely to experience changes in their gait, trips, and falls. Those. a child in diapers, of course, will walk well in the future, but the process of mastering the skill is delayed by 1–2 months.

On a note! It is better to identify the positive and negative aspects of using different diapers using someone else's example. Before purchasing waterproof fabrics for the first time, explore the forums and read reviews about the brands.

Truth or Myth

Myth No. 1.

There is a popular misconception that diapers are harmful for boys because they overheat the testicles, thereby affecting future reproductive function. Modern research shows that there is no connection between wearing diapers in childhood and the likelihood of developing infertility in adulthood. Even in adult men, overheating only leads to a temporary decrease in sperm function, and in a child sperm is not yet produced at all. In addition, according to the already mentioned Dr. Komarovsky, wearing a diaper can heat the testicles to a maximum of 36 degrees, while temperatures above 45 degrees cause harm.

Myth No. 2.

Some still believe that wearing a diaper makes the child less likely to potty train. Studies have not revealed any connection between the age of training and the use of a diaper - it all depends only on the individual characteristics of the baby and the diligence of the parents.

Myth No. 3.

The opinion that the quality of diapers on the Russian market leaves much to be desired was not confirmed by the results of the Roskachestvo study. According to their findings, “diapers are absolutely safe, regardless of price or country of origin. They are non-toxic, free of heavy metals (zinc bleaching is a myth; we haven’t found it in diapers) and carcinogens.”

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Pediatrician Komarovsky actively promotes the use of disposable diapers for newborns. The doctor believes that diapers cannot be harmful or dangerous for children if used correctly. That is, change diapers on time, often “ventilate” the baby’s bottom, and observe the temperature regime in the apartment.

Komarovsky considers the harm of diapers for boys and girls to be unproven and far-fetched by opponents of disposable panties. The source of concern is often grandmothers who raised their children without waterproof helpers and consider washing 20–30 diapers and onesies a mandatory ritual of caring for newborns. The pediatrician advises them to pay attention to the mood of the children, who sleep for 3-4 hours without waking up, and the blooming appearance of a rested mother.

What Komarovsky says about diapers and what recommendations he gives to parents of infants, look here:

Doctors' opinion

Most doctors are not of the opinion that children's disposable panties can harm boys (and girls too). For example, Dr. Komarovsky, expressing his point of view regarding diapers for boys, insists that all the stories about the dangers of diapers were invented by grandmothers out of idleness. Modern people should not pay any attention to such an opinion.

Millions of children around the world wear diapers

The biggest problem that you can encounter while wearing diapers is individual intolerance to the material from which the product is made. Therefore, the first time after starting to use diapers, it is strongly recommended to carefully monitor the baby’s condition. If irritation occurs on the skin, you should change the brand of the product and choose an option made from a different material. With a high degree of probability, such a move will solve the problem.

Diapers are one of the most significant inventions of our time; you shouldn’t give them up because of myths that have nothing to do with reality.

Myths and truth

Discussions about the dangers and benefits of diapers have been going on between parents and doctors around the world for about 30 years. Neither side can come to a compromise or agree with the enemy’s point of view. Arguments against diapers for children are heard loudly, but there is no scientific or research evidence for the words.

As a result, several myths about diapers have become popular among people, which need to be debunked so as not to mislead young parents. Let's figure out where the truth and lies are.

Baby overheats in diapers

It's true: a baby can actually overheat in diapers if the room is hot. Observe the temperature regime of the apartment, do not wear a diaper during illness or fever.

This is a lie: proper use of diapers cannot increase the baby's body temperature. Inside waterproof panties, the temperature rises by 0.5–1°C. This fact cannot lead to serious heat transfer disturbances.

Diapers cause dermatitis and allergies

It's true: newborn babies have very delicate skin. The dermis reacts negatively to prolonged contact with urine, feces, and the use of low-quality lotions and creams. Dermatitis in children who sleep in diapers all night can actually occur if the diaper does not suit the baby in composition, it contains pesticides, allergenic fragrances, the baby craps himself and has not been washed for several hours.

This is a lie: dermatitis does not occur due to the use of diapers, but due to individual intolerance to the caring lotions included in their composition, or the rare change of panties. Therefore, the used diaper must be changed to a new one on time.

Diapers make your legs crooked

It's true: It has been proven that babies who are constantly in thick, reusable diapers with inserts walk unsteadily for 1-2 months longer. But the shape of the legs does not change, and the situation quickly normalizes.

This is a lie: the shape of the legs is formed in the womb. It is also impossible to straighten crooked legs with tight swaddling. The harmful effects of diapers on the beauty of the limbs and their bending have not been scientifically proven.

Diapers cause developmental delays

It's true: diapers cover about 30% of a child's body. It is difficult for a child to touch the genitals and butt in them. It is also important to feel the urge to urinate, the result of pooping and peeing, and inhale the unpleasant smell of feces. Children constantly wrapped in waterproof cloths are deprived of this opportunity; the development of intelligence, emotions, and tactile sensations is slowed down.

This is a lie: even babies who are constantly in diapers are naked, that is, they can touch themselves in all places, describe the crib, their mother. Remove diapers more often, taking air baths, and developmental delays will not affect your baby.

Diapers are harmful to nature

This is definitely true when it comes to synthetic diapers made from polymer materials. They take too long to decompose, filling the planet every year. Minimize the environmental impact of waterproof diapers by purchasing biodegradable diapers made from natural materials.

I have an opinion! To develop a harmonious personality, it is important to periodically experience discomfort. This is how a person learns to distinguish bad from good and find ways to achieve good.

Diapers deprive the child of this need, he already feels good. Contact with reality through the discomfort of wet pants is pushed back several years. The child grows up spoiled. This leads to behavior problems after 2–3 years.

Harm to boys

The effect of disposable diapers on the health of little men raises the greatest number of disputes and questions among parents. There is an opinion that it is impossible to constantly keep a boy in a diaper due to the risk of infertility during childbearing age. Allegedly, the greenhouse effect inside the waterproof clothes increases the temperature in the testicles and scrotum, and this affects the quality of sperm and potency. It is not true. Here's the evidence:

  1. Leydig hormones are responsible for sperm quality. They are found in the testicles, but become more active during puberty.
  2. Until 10–12 years, Leydig cells sleep and do not react to the temperature of the environment.
  3. Sperm is not produced in boys until puberty, that is, until they are 10–12 years old, and by this time diapers have not been used for a long time.
  4. To kill and weaken sperm, a very high temperature is needed, about 45°C. Inside the diaper, according to the results of laboratory tests, the air warms up no higher than 37°C.
  5. Potency is a man's ability to have sexual intercourse. This process has nothing to do with sperm quality. The following factors can affect male function: the amount of testosterone in the blood, nutrition, lifestyle, bad habits, chronic diseases.

Thus, the danger of using blotter cloths for male children has no scientifically proven basis.

But then, can boys wear diapers all the time? It is possible, but it is necessary to follow the rules of use: wash the baby, monitor the condition of the skin, arrange for “airing” of the butt, and fully potty train it by the age of 3.

On a note! Mothers mistakenly believe that diapers cause hydrocele in boys under one year of age. Surgeons clearly state that this opinion is wrong. The use of diapers for this disease is not prohibited, since dropsy in infants is physiological, that is, congenital in nature.

Are diapers harmful for boys?

First, it’s worth turning to the arguments of opponents of using diapers. So, why, according to categorical home-grown experts, do diapers lead to infertility?

  1. Diapers lead to a “greenhouse” effect in the pelvic organs.
  2. Overheating the scrotal area in young boys impairs blood circulation and interferes with the normal development of the testicles.
  3. Rubbing in the testicle area can cause inflammation.

Now let's talk more about the appropriateness of such beliefs.

We can agree about the so-called “greenhouse” effect in diapers. Indeed, even the highest quality modern diapers, one way or another, increase body temperature in the pelvic area, and, accordingly, the temperature in the testicles and scrotum. But is there a danger in this for the sexual development of boys?

The answer to this question can be both affirmative and negative. NO, because in a healthy boy, an increase in temperature in the pelvic area has absolutely no effect on testicular function. And YES, since boys who have not had a natural descent of the testicles into the scrotum before the age of three may actually experience complications in the form of tissue changes. But there are two aspects that are very important for understanding the problem.

  1. Few parents use diapers for children over three years of age, when an undescended testicle can change under the influence of high temperature.
  2. Spermatozoa in boys begin to be produced in the testicles at different ages, but not earlier than 7 years of age normally. This means that if parents do not send a seven-year-old child to school in diapers, there is no danger to the “fertility” of the future man.

Based on this, we can confidently say that there is a certain risk of using diapers for boys, but only after seven years and obviously not in the context of infertility.

As for the second belief - about circulatory disorders, most people know from a school physics course that when heated, molecules begin to move faster. The blood in the vessels is no exception to physical laws. Blood cells also move faster, which means blood circulation increases.

But in this case, a spasm will not occur until a painful sensation occurs in the area of ​​the pelvic organs or a sharp change in temperature. Pampers do not give one or the other effect. This means there is no danger. Additionally, pelvic heating in healthy boys will in no way lead to infertility.

To kill or weaken sperm, temperatures above 60 degrees are needed. Not a single diaper, even the cheapest one, will cause such overheating. In older boys and men, heating leads to increased production of sperm by the testicles. This is true even from the point of view of fertilization, when, due to heating, sperm are released.

Now about inflammation. Rubbing in the area of ​​the folds can actually lead to inflammation. This unpleasant side effect of parental comfort is possible if cheap diapers made from low-quality materials that do not allow air to pass through were used. And, of course, if a child experiences diaper rash at all, then it is worth thinking about reducing parental attention, since with regular checking and timely changing of the diaper, such a phenomenon becomes almost impossible. Therefore, in search of an answer to the question of whether boys can wear diapers, the first thing to include is logic and common sense.

Now that the myths that diapers are harmful for boys have been dispelled, you need to know how to properly use diapers for the health of future men in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

A lot has been written about the benefits of diapers in various sources. There is quite a limited amount of information regarding why boys should not wear diapers. Moreover, some statements on the topic “Diapers and boys” raise more questions than they answer. As a result, it is not possible to find a clear answer as to whether boys can still wear diapers.

The dangers of baby diapers have been greatly exaggerated

Harm to girls

Constantly wearing diapers causes more harm to girls than to boys. Rarely changing dirty blotting cloths and poor quality washing of the genitals after defecation lead to inflammation of the bladder, reproductive system, and cystitis. If the rules for the “exploitation” of absorbent panties are followed, there will be no harm to girls.

On a note! Pampers have been used in Russia since the late 90s. Imported and domestically produced goods are checked by Rostest for compliance with GOST. There was no evidence of a serious adverse effect of diapers on children's health. The exception is individual allergic reactions to blotters; when changing brands, the problem disappears in 90% of cases.

Do you think diapers are harmful or beneficial?

  • There is nothing wrong with them 36%, 65 votes
    65 votes 36%

    65 votes - 36% of all votes

  • Harmful 32%, 58 votes

    58 votes 32%

    58 votes - 32% of all votes

  • Harmful, but not very much 25%, 44 votes

    44 votes 25%

    44 votes - 25% of all votes

  • Not sure about the answer 7%, 12 votes

    12 votes 7%

    12 votes - 7% of all votes

Total votes: 179



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What are the models?

Previously, diapers were called ordinary gauze diapers, which were used when swaddling children and required regular washing. Disposable models, which are actively used now, appeared in Russia in the 90s and gained popularity among young mothers due to their convenience. Today there are many options on the market in different shapes and sizes, designed for different ages and uses.

By time of use

  • Daytime diapers. They are designed for daylight hours, when the baby is not sleeping, and are designed in such a way as not to restrict the baby’s movements too much, but at the same time reliably hold the discharge
  • Night diapers. They have a denser absorbent layer and are used for sleeping. Their peculiarity is the ability to retain moisture longer than daytime ones: this way the child does not have to be woken up in the middle of the night. Such models are usually larger in size, they may have a higher fit and a wider distance between the legs: for these diapers it is more important not to maintain natural movement, but to retain moisture all night

To size

Diaper sizes are designed for different age categories: usually the manufacturer indicates what age the panties are intended for on the packaging. On sale you can easily find models for newborns and children under 2 years old, weighing up to 15 kilograms.

By method of use

In addition to disposable ones, there are also reusable diapers on sale, which are still unusual for most mothers. They can be called a modern replacement for the gauze diapers that were used before. Such models are panties, into which a special liner that absorbs moisture is inserted using buttons or pockets.

By appearance

Depending on their own preferences, young parents can find on sale models with patterns or aromatic fragrances, or simple white panties without unnecessary decorations; the cost partly depends on this.

Composition of diapers

The labels on the packaging of disposable diapers frighten parents. The chemical composition of multilayer panties includes: cellulose, sorbents for absorbing liquid, polyacrylate and other substances. Let's figure out which of them are dangerous and which are completely harmless.

Polyethylene film

This is a secondary product of oil refining. Used for the top outer layer of diapers. The polyolefin film prevents liquid from leaking out. The substance is absolutely safe if you do not heat it to 140°C. When burned, it releases volatile products and gases that pose a risk of suffocation and toxic effects.

Absorbent layer: cellulose, sorbents

Cellulose is a natural paper material without poisons or carcinogens. A natural polymer cloth covers the absorbent material. This is a powder or gel, polyacrylic polymer. It swells when it absorbs liquid and does not release it.

Sodium polyacrylate is used to produce absorbent in baby diapers. It is non-toxic, but may cause allergic reactions. It was banned from producing female tampons due to several cases of toxic shock.

Inner layer

This part comes into contact with the baby's skin. Made from safe materials: fabric, polypropylene fibers.

Side elastic bands, Velcro, fasteners

Made from polypropylene coated material. It does not allow liquid to pass through and is in close contact with the child’s hips, belly, and navel. Allergies and rashes are extremely rare.

Breathable layer

This is a common marketing ploy. It is impossible to make disposable panties made of polymaterial breathable. Synthetic materials, by definition, cannot “breathe” unless special holes are drilled into them to allow air to pass through. But in this case, it will not be possible to avoid urine and feces leaking out.

Only reusable biopants with liners made from cotton, bamboo and other organic substances have beneficial breathable properties.

Lotions, fragrances

Gives diapers a specific smell. They smell like chamomile, flowers, aloe. After use, some mothers smell a strong acetone smell from their panties. This is how the flavor interacts with the baby’s urine. In 5–10% of babies, caring impregnations cause allergies, itching and redness on the skin.

Other substances in diapers

These are tributylene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, styrene, isopropylbenzene. They appear in the process of processing other materials to make waterproof pants. If it enters the respiratory tract or bloodstream, it causes disruptions in the functioning of the immune system and attacks of suffocation. This is a poison for a child that can provoke mortal danger.

So, disposable diapers cannot be called unambiguously dangerous and fatal to children’s health. Poisons and carcinogens are released into the air and onto the skin only when used incorrectly or heated to high temperatures.

Rating of the most dangerous diapers

A large-scale audit of manufacturers of branded diapers for infants was carried out in France. The results were shocking. Researchers have discovered a herbicide, glyphosate, and pesticides in blotter bags.

Representatives of trusted companies could not answer how the poison ended up in the panties. Production of goods was suspended for 15 days until the problem was resolved. WHO has added glyphosate to the list of hazardous substances that cause cancer. The consequences of using poisonous panties appear only in adulthood; it is impossible to determine what became the source of the disease. It was not reported which diapers carcinogens were found in.

Watch the report about the shocking fact here:

Roskontrol immediately responded to the news received and conducted its own investigation. For analysis, samples of the most popular brands of blotting cloths were taken from store shelves. Based on the results of the inspection, a list of the best diapers, safe in terms of toxicity and environmental friendliness, was compiled. All brands have a quality certificate. This:

  • Moony;
  • Bella Baby Happy;
  • Pampers Active Baby;
  • n;
  • Helen Harper.

On a note! After the accident at the Fukushima plant, parents all over the world are afraid to buy Japanese diapers Merries, Goo.n, Moony due to the risk of increased radiation in the goods. This indicator was verified by Russian researchers. Dosimeters showed a normal level of radiation, not dangerous for children.

The dangers of expired diapers

Most baby diapers have a shelf life of 3 years from the date of manufacture. Waterproof cloths from Japan are stored for no more than 2 years. If diapers are not used on time, they will simply deteriorate and become dangerous to the health of babies. Expired diapers cause the following negative reactions:

  • Discomfort when using. Cellulose, the absorbent inside the absorbent layer, dries out and crumples. When urine comes into contact with an old gel, it cannot be fully absorbed. As a result, the boy/girl's bottom will be wet and diaper rash will form.
  • Inhalation of a pungent odor. When stored for a long time without packaging, diapers absorb all odors that were nearby. It is difficult to predict how an expired diaper will smell after contact with urine or feces.
  • Allergic reactions on the skin, toxic shock. It is especially dangerous for diapers containing impregnation, lotions, and skin creams to expire. They cannot be stored open for long. Care products deteriorate, become toxic, and can cause rashes, redness, and poisoning after the expiration date. When the time for use is over, throw away the blotters without regret.

Choosing diapers for a boy

Some brands (such as Pampers and Merries) make diapers specifically designed for boys. The absorbent layer of such models is thicker in the front, but there is still free space there. Most often, diapers for boys have cars or animals drawn on them.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which diapers for boys are better and which are worse. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular child, for example, on his reaction to different materials.

It is necessary to select diapers according to the weight and, preferably, the gender of the baby. If parents do not know what size diapers to choose, they need to buy those that are larger.

Children may have individual intolerance to certain materials. Therefore, once you start using diapers, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the baby’s skin. If irritation occurs, you should start using a different brand of diapers as soon as possible.

You need to purchase diapers at a pharmacy or specialty store so as not to run into a fake.

Babies under one year old need to buy the most “breathable” diapers.

It is best to buy products without strong fragrances. The new packaging must be intact so that the diapers remain sterile. Some diapers contain antibacterial ingredients.

Do not use expired diapers. It is usually indicated on the packaging.

To swim in the pool, you need to buy your child diapers specifically designed for this purpose.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How long can a child be kept in a diaper?

Babies of any age need to change their diapers after every poop. If there is no feces inside the panties, watch the fullness indicator or change the underwear every 2-3 hours for infants up to 4-6 months, every 4 hours for older children.

At night, a diaper with good “technical characteristics” can not be changed for up to 8–10 hours. If a child wears a diaper for a long time, for example 5-6 hours during the day, and the indicator does not show fullness, change the underwear - the absorbent layer, even with a small amount of urine, becomes a source of pathological bacteria.

Is it possible to wear a diaper after circumcision?

After the circumcision procedure, you need to wear loose clothing and wash the boy's foreskin 5-10 times a day. The organ should not bleed during a normally performed operation, but a protective bandage must be applied. It is not recommended to wear a diaper for 3-4 days.

You can use larger blotting pads and change them every 2-3 hours to avoid infection of the wound. After three days, the wound will heal, if the baby does not experience discomfort when peeing, return to your normal lifestyle, clothes, diapers.

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