5th week of pregnancy (1st trimester)

What's happening

Now the body of the embryo is C-shaped, but you can already visually determine where the head, arms, legs, tummy, back and butt will be.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the upper respiratory tract and heart of the little person begin to form. And already from the middle of this week, the tiny heart is slowly starting to work. At first the contractions will be irregular, but after three days the heartbeat will become rhythmic.

At this stage, the first blood cells are formed, blood vessels gradually form, and the liver and pancreas begin to form.

Also, at the 5th week of pregnancy, the middle section of the neural tube partially closes. This will later develop into your baby's central nervous system, so it is important to continue taking folic acid daily.

During this week, the skeleton, urinary system and intestines begin to form.


The ideal option is when the doctor leading the pregnancy advises the woman what to take during the 5th week of pregnancy and in what quantity (an individual approach is still important in this matter!). We will note the importance of only some vitamins in week 5. Thus, it is known that every second pregnant woman experiences a deficiency of folic acid, an essential element for the formation of the baby’s organs and systems (primarily, we are talking about the nervous system). Folic acid is essential during pregnancy! In addition to special tablets, it is found in spinach, asparagus, carrots, peaches, avocados, beans, hazelnuts, dark rye flour, eggs, liver and cheese.

For the correct formation of the embryo, an uninterrupted “supply” of B vitamins to the body is required (these are cereals, legumes, apricots, carrots, beets), vitamin C (black currants, sea buckthorn, cabbage, strawberries), as well as iodine and magnesium (seaweed, bananas).


It usually appears in the morning, and may intensify during the day. In some women, nausea becomes so severe that it progresses to the stage of uncontrollable vomiting. To date, there are no 100% effective remedies for this unpleasant condition. And to ensure that toxicosis ruins your life as little as possible, try following a few recommendations:

  • Eat more often, but in small portions;
  • Avoid foods with unpleasant odors;
  • Eat foods high in protein;
  • To avoid dehydration, drink enough fluids;
  • Rest often;
  • Avoid stressful situations.

Nutritional features of the expectant mother

The child receives all the required substances from the mother’s body. The formation of organs requires a considerable amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, so the mother should pay special attention to nutrition.

The table shows the most important vitamins that should be present in food:

No.NameRole in embryogenesisProducts
1Folic acid, B9Formation of the neural tube and immune system of the fetus, hematopoiesis. Lack of folic acid leads to congenital malformations. Leafy vegetables, beans, cereals, nuts, milk, cheese, eggs.
2Thiamine, B1Development of the central nervous system.Cereals, beans, beets, carrots.
3Tocopherol, ESynthesis of progesterone, which is needed to maintain pregnancy in the early stages.Yolk, lettuce, vegetable oils.
4Ascorbic acid, CMaintaining immunity, developing the fetal hematopoietic system.Vegetables and fruits, especially rose hips, currants, kiwi.

Nutrition principles:

  • the daily amount of food should be divided into several meals - five to six times, the portion size should be small;
  • you need to drink enough water - about 1.5 liters per day;
  • some foods (citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate, honey) are allergens, their consumption should be limited;
  • Do not drink more than 1 cup of strong coffee or tea per day;
  • the missing amount of vitamins and microelements can be obtained from multivitamin complexes prescribed by the doctor.

Nutrition is complicated by toxicosis of pregnant women. A woman cannot consume some foods because they make her feel sick. To avoid a deficiency of nutrients, it is important to find an adequate replacement for dishes that are not yet available.

Risk factors

If you are bothered by constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen, similar to what you felt on the eve of your period, this may indicate increased tone of the uterus. However, sometimes these symptoms are associated with intestinal dysfunction - in this case, they appear after squeezing the abdomen or prolonged sitting. Discuss the problem with your doctor: if it is truly related to digestion, the specialist will prescribe a safe antispasmodic and help you create the right diet.

But when a brownish-bloody “smear”, heavy bleeding or discharge with clots is added to the pulling abdomen, there is a possibility that a spontaneous abortion has occurred. The reasons for a miscarriage can be very different: from a common cold (a temperature of 38 degrees and above is very dangerous) to some abnormalities in the development of the embryo.

In addition, at the 5th week, a frozen pregnancy is possible, when the embryo stops developing and dies in the womb. In this case, weak bloody discharge appears, and pain is felt in the abdomen. To establish the fact of a frozen pregnancy, it is necessary to do an ultrasound.

Also at this time, some women develop herpetic rashes on the mucous membranes of the lips. If this is not the first time you have had such rashes, at the moment herpes is not dangerous for the fetus: your unborn child will be protected by your immune system.

Intimate life at 5 weeks

Is it possible to have sex in the early stages or not (for more details, see the article: is it possible to have sex with your husband in the early stages of pregnancy?)? Gynecologists believe that intimate life will not harm pregnancy if it proceeds without complications. To protect yourself and your child from unpleasant consequences, you should remember the rules of safe sex:

  • Sexual intercourse should not be rough. Intense friction, physical discomfort, pain in the genitals - all this leads to injuries that can cause miscarriage.
  • You should always use barrier contraception, even with a regular partner. Some women believe that since they are pregnant, they no longer need to use protection. However, the risk of contracting STIs and HIV still remains. Immunity decreases, the likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted infections increases. Condoms should be used even if a woman has one permanent partner, because the ingress of foreign microflora with low immunity can cause inflammation. Inflammatory processes and infectious diseases negatively affect the development of the embryo.
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage, then you cannot have sex. Do not neglect the instructions of doctors. In case of severe pregnancy or complications, gynecologists recommend stopping intimate contact until the condition stabilizes or before childbirth.

Some married couples note that in the first trimester, intimate life fades away. The reason for this is toxicosis, the woman’s poor health, and getting used to new sensations in her body. Do not despair, many unpleasant symptoms that interfere with intimate life disappear by the end of the third to fifth month.

As soon as a woman finds out about her interesting situation, she needs to immediately register with the housing complex. Most often, pregnancy becomes known precisely in the fifth obstetric week. You should not delay visiting a consultation, because only a doctor, based on the results of tests and ultrasound, will be able to determine whether everything is in order with the health of the expectant mother and her child.


The main rule for the 5th week of pregnancy is to eat whatever you want, but without overeating. The best option is frequent and small meals. Even if there is no appetite, you still need to eat, because your baby needs nutrients. Try to eat what is least disgusting right now. The feeling of nausea may disappear from a product that you like, and real hunger will wake up instead. And don’t forget that the diet should be balanced and not just consist of new food cravings.

During this period it is recommended to avoid:

  • Raw shellfish;
  • Pates;
  • Raw eggs;
  • Unpasteurized milk;
  • Meat that has not undergone heat treatment;
  • Soft cheeses (Camembert, Brie, Roquefort, Feta, etc.).

Symptoms of the fifth week of pregnancy

This week the symptoms of pregnancy become more and more obvious. The woman begins to go to the toilet frequently. This is due to the fact that the level of hCG in the body increases significantly, under the influence of which the blood supply to the pelvis and kidneys increases, making them more susceptible.

Symptoms of the fifth week of pregnancy also include:

  • Drowsiness, fatigue, fatigue. All these symptoms arise due to the very intense work that is carried out in the body. At this time, a pregnant woman is recommended to change her daily routine. She should work less and rest more.
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands, increasing their sensitivity. This process is associated with preparation for breastfeeding. Under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, there is a rush of blood to the mammary glands, the amount of fat increases, and the glands themselves expand.
  • The appearance of nausea and vomiting. A feeling of heaviness in the stomach and subsequent vomiting are a consequence of hormonal changes in the body. At this moment, a woman is recommended to eat fractional meals (she needs to eat often, but in small portions). It is necessary to drink more fluid and not eat if you don’t want to. If vomiting occurs too often (more than four times a day), you should consult a doctor.
  • Change in taste preferences. It occurs due to hormonal changes in the body.

Medical observation

The 5th week is the very period when there are reasons to suspect that you are pregnant. This means you will need medical supervision.

If you become pregnant while taking oral contraceptives, be sure to tell your doctor. Are you still not sure about your “interesting position”? Stop taking the pills anyway and go to the gynecologist.

Pregnancy that occurs with an intrauterine device often ends in miscarriage. Visit your doctor as soon as possible to have the IUD removed immediately.

Ultrasound is usually not done at 5 weeks. However, if it is necessary to confirm the “diagnosis” or exclude the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, an unscheduled ultrasound is performed. An ultrasound examination will show how many fetuses are developing in the mother’s womb and where exactly they are implanted. The specialist will also assess the condition of the uterus. So far, neither the weight nor the expected gender of the unborn child can be determined: your baby is still too small. But by the end of the 5th week of pregnancy, you will be able to hear your baby’s heart and even see it beating on the screen.

What else is important

The main recommendations for every expectant mother concern three aspects: nutrition, health care and lifestyle.


  1. A pregnant woman's food should have enough protein. It will be provided by lean meat and fatty fish. Why should fish be fatty? It contains important food acids.

  2. Fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dried fruits, should make up about a third of the total diet.
  3. Those with a sweet tooth should give preference to marshmallows, marmalade and marshmallows.
  4. Porridge and fermented milk products are a must.
  5. Various sodas and chewing gums are prohibited.
  6. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated for an expectant mother. Since it is during the fifth week that women often find out that they are pregnant, now is the time to forget about alcoholic drinks.


  1. It's time to quit smoking. Sometimes this is difficult to do right away. Still, quitting cigarettes should happen as quickly as possible. Passive smoking is also dangerous.
  2. If you have a cat or dog at home, you need to entrust the care of them to someone in the household. The most beloved “beast” may be a carrier of toxoplasmosis. This disease is very dangerous for the unborn baby.
  3. You can't lift weights.
  4. After confirming pregnancy with a test, you need to visit a doctor and take directions for blood and urine tests. Now you need to take special care of your condition. In addition, the doctor will prescribe special medications: vitamins and folic acid.


  • There is no need to start renovating your apartment or actively participate in dacha agricultural work. Excessive exercise can lead to pregnancy complications.
  • If the expectant mother works in difficult working conditions, the doctor must provide a certificate of pregnancy. The employer is obliged to provide a pregnant employee with a workplace free from harmful factors.
  • Good sleep and, if possible, rest during the day are especially important now.
  • If there is no threat of miscarriage or any unpleasant sensations, intimate life can remain at the same level. However, rough sex should be avoided. If fear or discomfort occurs during sexual intercourse, you must warn your partner. Rarely do couples manage to completely avoid changes in their intimate sphere throughout pregnancy. Frankness between future parents will avoid complications: misunderstandings, quarrels and mutual insults.

The expectant mother needs to know and manage a lot. Then the fifth week of pregnancy will go “excellently.”

← Week 4 Week 6 →

Do's and Don'ts

A pregnant woman is surrounded by various prohibitions almost from the first weeks. Do not lift anything heavy, do not dye or cut your hair, do not go to the movies or concerts where it is loud and crowded. Let us note that most of these prohibitions are prejudices and myths. It is important for the expectant mother to take care of herself and not overwork herself. You really shouldn't lift more than 3-5 kg. But there is no need to prohibit yourself from having fun or going to the hairdresser.

Same dietary recommendations. You should not suddenly switch to sprouted grains, a raw food diet and buy only products labeled BIO. Eliminate fast food, sausages and other processed foods, alcohol and caffeine. However, if you really want something, treat yourself in moderation. Food is not only “fuel” for the body, but also a source of positive emotions, and there should be as many of them as possible during pregnancy.

Development of the fertilized egg at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy

In the fourth week, the fertilized egg takes on an elongated shape and increases in volume. The embryo takes on a curved shape, tiny processes are already visible, which will later turn into legs and arms. At 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, the fertilized egg occupies the entire uterine cavity and doubles in size with each subsequent week.

In the interval of 4-5 weeks, the size of the ovum on average can reach 18 mm, and the embryo itself has a size of 0.4-1 mm (coccygeal-parietal size). The embryo is connected to the fertilized egg by a germinal cord, from which the umbilical cord will develop in the future. On an ultrasound, you can already see the heartbeat and the rudiments of organs that will develop in the future.

A 4-5 week fertilized egg, or rather the embryo itself, consists of two layers: ectoderm and mesoderm. The ectoderm will in the future form the brain and spinal cord, peripheral nerves, tooth enamel and epidermis. The cartilaginous and bone skeleton, excretory and reproductive systems, blood vessels, and skin are formed from the mesoderm.

Upon reaching a full 5 weeks, the size of the fertilized egg reaches an average of 40 mm, and the length of the embryo averages 1.5 mm-3 mm. This week, the embryo forms another layer - endoderm. The endoderm in the future will become the intestinal mucosa and associated glands (pancreas, liver, etc.)

It should be remembered that when receiving the results of an ultrasound examination, first of all you need to pay attention to the diagnosis, and not to the indicators that the ovum has at 4-5 weeks (CTE of the embryo and SVD of the gestational sac). These indicators vary depending on many factors; if a specialist does not indicate the presence of anomalies or pathologies, then you should not look for them there.

Toxicosis of pregnant women

Toxicosis can occur even in early pregnancy. Its appearance causes the body to transition to a new state. Signs of toxicosis are nausea and vomiting. There are periods of time when it becomes easier. But nausea can overtake a woman unexpectedly: when she is at work or in a public place. During toxicosis, it is better to have breakfast immediately after waking up, right in bed. After this, you need to spend some time lying down and only then get up. To prevent trips on public transport from ending in embarrassment, you should always have something on hand to help with nausea. You can drink some decoction or chew a piece of fruit. If all else fails, you will have to resort to using a bag and napkins.

The tastes of a pregnant woman in the 5th week can change dramatically: if she used to love sweet cakes, now she may only want salted fish. At any moment you may have a strong desire to eat something like that. A woman might want shrimp or strawberries and cream. These desires are so acute that even in the middle of the night the poor husband is forced to go in search of the treasured product. But it’s still not always possible to please all women’s whims, so you need to distract yourself from strange thoughts about food. Come up with something to do or try to replace the product you really want at the moment with something else.

Another problem is the increased sense of smell. Any smell can cause nausea in a pregnant woman. Therefore, it is better to avoid departments of stores with household chemicals, perfumes and finished products for now. You can't predict which smell will trigger nausea, so you have to be very careful.

There are some recommendations for alleviating toxicosis:

  • remember that this condition will pass quickly. You only need to wait a few weeks;
  • try to explain to your husband how you feel. This way he can help you with something;
  • Do little things for yourself to take your mind off things. Buy something nice: a new thing, earrings or shoes. This will distract you from your condition.

It is possible and it is not possible

Activity in the fifth week of pregnancy

The 5th obstetric week of pregnancy is a period of important changes and processes affecting the development of the embryo. It is recommended to follow the rules to create optimal conditions for the future baby:

  • Walk a lot in the fresh air. It is ideal if a woman finds time for a daily walk in the park, near a pond, or to go out into nature. If you have the opportunity to choose, it is better to give preference to leisurely walks on foot;
  • Eat healthy. If the expectant mother works, then instead of a bun or other high-calorie and unhealthy dish, it is recommended to take nuts and fruit with you, and try to eat soup every day for lunch;
  • Sleep well. Sleep during this period is very important; the body needs a lot of strength. It is necessary to rest at least 8 hours at night, if possible, rest during the day;
  • Avoid stress and strenuous physical activity. It’s good if you can relate more simply to what’s happening around you and look at the obstacles that arise philosophically;
  • Do not smoke and avoid smoky places. Active and passive smoking have a negative impact on the development of the unborn baby. Carbon dioxide and carcinogens in tobacco smoke are absorbed by the body faster than oxygen. Therefore, harmful substances replace it, which negatively affects the health of the baby;
  • Try not to visit crowded places and avoid contact with sick people. It’s good if you can replace a trip on public transport with a walk, explain to your sick friend why you won’t be able to visit her. If contact with a sick person is inevitable, it is recommended to try to minimize it, not to use shared cutlery, and to ventilate the room well;
  • You can start training your thigh muscles using the Kegel technique. Alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles of the pelvis and hips will prepare the body for future childbirth, reduce discomfort during pregnancy, improve the production of pregnancy hormones, and improve mood.

Prohibited for a pregnant woman in the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy:

  • Alcohol;
  • Fast food, smoked meats, fried, highly salted and seasoned, sushi and rolls with raw fish;
  • Taking any medications not approved by a doctor;
  • Strong tea and coffee;
  • A large amount of chocolate, sweets, white baked goods;
  • Difficult physical activity.

Approved medications

In the fifth week, continue to take folic acid in the doses prescribed by the gynecologist. If you need to take medications to maintain your health on a temporary or permanent basis, you should consult your doctor. Taking medications during pregnancy is prescribed only when the benefits of taking them are absolutely necessary and the possible consequences for the baby are minimized.


Intimate life in most cases is not prohibited in the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy. The main condition is the mutual desire of the partners. If discomfort or pain occurs during contact, you should consult a gynecologist.

If there are signs of a possible pregnancy failure, bleeding, or severe pain, it is recommended to avoid sexual contact.

How to calculate the gestational age by week?

Two methods are widely used to determine the duration of pregnancy: embryonic (counted from the day of conception) and obstetric period (from the first day of menstruation preceding pregnancy).

The following points must be taken into account:

  1. The obstetric period is approximately 2 weeks longer than the embryonic period. This is explained by the fact that ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle, that is, on the 14th day after the first day of the previous menstruation.
  2. Doctors work with the obstetric period - this is what is taken into account when ordering tests, determining the date of birth, and the start of maternity leave.

How to calculate the gestational age by weeks from conception?

The embryonic term is most often used by women. But it cannot be considered absolutely accurate. A woman can know the date of ovulation and sexual intercourse, after which pregnancy occurred. But even in this case, this day cannot be considered the exact date of conception. The fact is that the egg lives for several more days after ovulation, and the sperm that enters the woman’s body can fertilize the egg within 4–5 days. Therefore, there is no guarantee that fertilization occurred exactly on the day of sexual intercourse - it could have happened a day later.

According to this method of calculation, pregnancy lasts 38 weeks.

How to calculate the gestational age by week based on the last menstrual period?

It is the obstetric period that doctors use because it is suitable for most women with a regular cycle of 28–30 days. With this calculation method, the first day of the last menstruation is conventionally considered the first day of pregnancy. The date of the first day of menstruation preceding pregnancy is recorded by the doctor in the exchange card when the woman is registered.

But there are those for whom this method is not suitable. These are women with irregular or long cycles (for example, 35 days instead of the standard 28–30 days). In this case, it is better to rely on the method of calculation from the day of conception.

An obstetric pregnancy lasts 40 weeks.

It is convenient to compare embryonic and obstetric periods and track changes in the body of the expectant mother using a pregnancy calendar by week. Each week is accompanied by a detailed description of the condition of the fetus and woman, a list of necessary tests and studies. For convenience, both periods are indicated: embryonic and obstetric.

Are there other methods to determine the gestational age?

There are other ways to determine the gestational age, but they are less accurate.

  • According to the size of the uterus . In this way, you can set a period of 5–12 weeks. During the examination, the gynecologist examines the condition of the uterus: during pregnancy, it enlarges and becomes softer.
  • Ultrasound . The method is considered accurate until the 10th week, when it is possible to measure the fertilized egg and embryo almost without errors. At this time, the embryos of all women with the same period develop approximately the same. But then the size of the embryo can no longer serve as a guide for determining the timing of pregnancy, since it depends on the nationality, weight of the expectant mother and other factors.
  • HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). HCG levels begin to rise immediately after conception. The maximum concentration of this hormone is reached at 11 weeks.
  • The first movement of the fetus . During the first pregnancy, women feel fetal movements at about 20 weeks, and during subsequent pregnancies - at about 18 weeks. This method is almost never used today due to its low reliability.
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