When the husband is against the child, how to get pregnant without his knowledge?

What is coitus interruptus

Coitus interruptus is sexual intercourse when a man, just before ejaculation (release of sperm), removes the penis from the vagina. Women think that this process is very easy to control, but this is far from the case. Interruption of sexual intercourse requires a strong volitional effort, a conditioned reflex, which must be subject to the man’s control, without causing negative emotions in him.

It is important to understand that this method is not reliable and does not provide 100% protection against pregnancy. Despite this, a large number of couples use this method of contraception. It’s not clear what caused this choice; it’s probably convenient that you don’t have to run to the pharmacy for other contraceptives and spend money.

Women's tricks

It is believed that it is impossible to force a man to give birth to a child, although there are many cases where the future father, during the long months of carrying the baby by the mother, became so accustomed to his new status that he greeted the newborn with trepidation and delight. But it’s still not worth the risk; it’s better to resort to little feminine tricks that will keep peace in family relationships. A woman will always be smart enough to lead a man to the pregnancy in such a way that he will not be able to suspect any trick in it.

The likelihood of pregnancy during interrupted intercourse

Getting pregnant while practicing interrupted sexual intercourse is quite possible. This often requires no effort.

The fact is that orgasm does not always end with complete ejaculation. There are men in whom a small amount of sperm is released from the seminal vesicles during sexual intercourse, after which it mixes with the mucus that is released from the urethra. It is almost impossible to notice and feel it. If up to 80 million sperm are ejaculated during ejaculation, then in a few drops of seminal fluid there are several thousand of them, and this is quite enough to fertilize the egg.

It is also possible to become pregnant if you have repeated sexual intercourse. After all, after the first act, part of the sperm remains in the urethra, in the area of ​​the head and foreskin of the penis. Men who wash thoroughly after intercourse and empty their bladder do not have to worry about unwanted pregnancy; sperm are washed out with water and excreted in the urine.

Is it possible to get pregnant from pre-seminal fluid?

Pre-seminal fluid is a secretion secreted from the male urethra during arousal and is used as an additional lubricant. This secretion itself does not contain sperm, but they can get there by moving down the urethra or remaining after a previous ejaculation. The presence or absence of sperm in pre-seminal fluid is unpredictable. And if there are still sperm there, then there may be quite a lot of them for the woman to become pregnant, although the probability is less than in the case of ejaculation inside the vagina.

Health effects

Interrupted sexual intercourse is a violation of the physiological process, therefore, with prolonged use, it negatively affects health:

As you can see, there are plenty of disadvantages to this method of contraception. Natural sexual intercourse is much healthier and more enjoyable. Numerous studies confirm the beneficial effects of sperm on a woman’s body, her well-being and mood. The secretion of the glands contained in the ejaculate (sperm) reduces the excess amount of estrogen during menopause, which makes it easier to endure this difficult process.

On what days of the cycle can you get pregnant?

A healthy woman can become pregnant on any day of her menstrual cycle, although the likelihood of fertilization varies greatly depending on the period. In most cases, menstruation and ovulation are interconnected, both cycles often get confused and, importantly, they are independent of each other. That is, there may be a delay in menstruation, but ovulation begins earlier (or vice versa).

In some cases, there is a chance of becoming pregnant if you have unprotected sex even during menstruation, as well as for several days after it. Therefore, trying to calculate the days of ovulation may increase or decrease the likelihood of conception, but does not provide any guarantees. In addition, the lining of the uterus is exposed during menstruation and is especially vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections.

Little tricks or how to “accidentally” get pregnant

When spouses do not agree on the birth of a child or a girl wants to marry a guy, you need to be aware that you may have to raise the baby alone.

If you have thought everything through well and the desire to have children is paramount to you, I’ll tell you what tricks you can use to achieve your goal:

  1. If a man cums on your stomach or thighs during intercourse, try transferring the sperm into the vagina. This can be done with your fingers, but the chances of getting pregnant will be higher if you use a syringe. Seminal fluid must be collected no later than 10 minutes after the end of the act. Fill it into a syringe and insert it into the vagina under pressure so that it gets as close to the cervix as possible. The procedure must be carried out in a lying position with your legs elevated.
  2. Practice multiple sexual intercourse. Don’t limit yourself to just one time, seduce your man, and most importantly, don’t give him the opportunity to take a shower after the first act. In this case, the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.
  3. During sexual intercourse, when you feel that your partner is about to have an orgasm, ask him to continue, accompanying the request with enthusiastic screams. When a man loses his guard trying to please you, squeeze the penis between the vaginal walls. Even if he interrupts sexual intercourse, there is a chance that a few drops of sperm will remain in the woman’s genitals.
  4. Another option is interrupted sexual intercourse at night, for example, and in the morning, if there was no shower the day before, the husband will probably not remember what was what and he can try his luck with another act (sperm from the previous act may be useful during this time)

Another important point is that all these actions must be performed on the day of ovulation and so that the man does not notice it.

  1. “Play on birth control pills.” Tell your husband that your gynecologist has prescribed birth control pills for you. Buy regularly, put it in a visible place and throw the required number of pieces per day into the trash. The husband may eventually relax and it’s all over!

I am sure that my tips will help some of you find the happiness of motherhood. But, of course, it is better to come to this decision mutually. Talk to your man, pay attention to children on the street, tell him what a blessing it is to have a baby and how much you want it. Feedback from women suggests that most men agree to have a child, you just have to wait a little and prepare him psychologically.

If you want to learn even more feminine tricks, not lose your spouse and at the same time become a happy mother, read mamalife24.ru and subscribe to updates. Bye bye!

Why you can’t get pregnant: reasons and predisposing factors

The reasons why you cannot get pregnant can be different; if a couple is diagnosed with infertility, then in 50% the female factor plays a role, in 40% - the male factor, in 10% - incompatibility of the spouses.

One of the reasons why you can’t get pregnant is the lack of ovulation. This may be due to the norm, since the dominant follicle does not mature in every cycle, as well as to various pathological conditions: hormonal imbalances, abnormalities in the development of the reproductive system, genetic diseases and others. In such situations, in addition to problems with conception, other clinical signs are present.

Another reason why you can’t get pregnant is the inability of the egg to enter the uterine cavity. This may be due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, inflammatory diseases of the uterine cavity and appendages, adhesions, etc. In addition, such phenomena can lead to ectopic pregnancy.

The inability of the zygote to implant into the endometrium plays a large role as the reason why it is not possible to get pregnant. Normally, after ovulation, in a healthy woman, special conditions are formed in the endometrium for the successful strengthening of the embryo, but hormonal disorders, inflammatory diseases, infections, developmental abnormalities and other factors can interfere with this. As a result, the fertilized egg is removed along with menstrual blood, which is why it is not possible to get pregnant right away.

In addition to the problems of the female body, male factors can become the reasons why you cannot get pregnant. Male infertility can be caused by disorders of spermatogenesis, pathology of the spermatic duct, hormonal disorders, genetic diseases, trauma, inflammatory diseases, infections, abnormal spermogram parameters and others.

But why can’t you get pregnant if no health problems are identified? The reason may lie in the immunological incompatibility of the spouses, or more precisely in the production of antisperm antibodies (ASAT), present in the cervical mucus and destroying sperm after entering the vagina. It is worth noting that ASAT can be produced already in the circulatory system of a man.

What to do after unprotected sex?

If unprotected sex occurs and there is a fear of an unplanned pregnancy, you can use emergency contraception methods. These are drugs that do not prevent fertilization, but act after the fact - after the possible penetration of the sperm into the egg. Emergency contraception drugs deal a strong blow to a woman’s hormonal levels, causing premature menstruation.

Emergency contraception in the form of pills can take effect no later than 72 hours after unprotected sex. Within 5 days, an intrauterine device can still help, which is installed by a doctor and does not allow the embryo to fixate on the mucous membrane of the uterus. After the fifth day, emergency contraception will not work, and in this case an abortion may be necessary.

Reason No. 2. Long attempts to get pregnant

Long-term infertility treatment is a very complex process from a psychological point of view. And if the doctor says that the problem can only be solved using donor sperm, this often causes serious disputes in the family. And sometimes a woman decides that a child is more important to her than saving the marriage. One of my patients is 42 years old. She has a permanent partner who has a child with his first wife and who is not in the mood for another one. Therefore, the woman turned to us: she wanted to carry out IVF using donor sperm. As a result, the man nevertheless offered to try to conceive on his own, and now, when they did not succeed, the woman came to us: “I am taking all the tests. If he says yes, then we go to IVF together, if not, then I take the donor’s sperm.” When making such a decision, every woman should be aware that relationships are almost always destroyed after using donor sperm.

How likely is a girl to get pregnant with PPA?

According to scientists, PPA is an unreliable method of contraception (its effectiveness is no more than 70%). To more accurately determine the probability of conception when using the PPA method, you should refer to the Pearl index. It measures the number of unplanned pregnancies per 100 couples over a one-year period. Accordingly, the lower the number, the more reliable the method of contraception.

Raymond Pearl is a biologist from England. At the beginning of the 20th century, he conducted research and developed a table of the reliability of a variety of methods of contraception. Over time, it was periodically updated: indicators for new methods were added, data for existing ones were clarified.

Perle index for various contraceptive methods - table

Method namePearl index
Hormone level test5–6
Coitus interruptus4–27
Lactational amenorrhea2–3
Female condom5–25
Uterine cap9–20
Combined oral contraceptives0,1–0,9
Hormonal intrauterine device0,1–0,5
Postcoital contraception1–5

As can be seen from the table, the reliability indicator of the PPA method ranges from 4–27 (for example, it will be much more difficult to get pregnant with a condom). This range is explained by the fact that not all couples have the PPA organized correctly.

The following factors increase the likelihood of pregnancy:

  1. It is difficult for a man, even an experienced one, to fully control the process of ejection of semen.
  2. At the very beginning of intimate contact, the partner secretes a special secretion (it is also called lubricant). It also contains sperm (albeit in small quantities).
  3. If interrupted sexual contact is practiced repeatedly (two or more times in a row), then its reliability decreases even more. After all, the urethra already contains seminal fluid in small quantities, and with repeated proximity it penetrates into the female vagina.
  4. The penis, after being removed from the vagina, is at a close distance from it, and the sperm ends up on the woman’s labia.
  5. PPA occurs during a dangerous period (relative to a woman’s ovulation).

In general, the likelihood of pregnancy with regular use of PPA is quite high.

Let's take a closer look at the most important points.

Even if a man has learned to control the process very well, conception can occur as a result of secretion (or lubricant) entering the female genital tract. This fluid is released at the very beginning of sexual intercourse; its composition resembles sperm (only there are much fewer sperm), but it has a different function - to ensure easy sliding of the penis inside the vagina. Despite the small number of sperm in the pre-seminal fluid, there are quite enough of them for pregnancy to occur sooner or later (provided that both partners are reproductively healthy).

Moreover, many doctors believe that if a couple constantly practices the PPA method for a year and does not become pregnant, this indicates problems in the reproductive system and possible infertility.

The likelihood of conception using the PPA method also depends on the day of the woman’s cycle. The most dangerous period is the day of ovulation itself, 24 hours before it and 48 hours after it. However, in some men, sperm are very active and viable, they can survive in the female genital tract for up to five days (and sometimes up to seven). Therefore, the entire week before ovulation can potentially be considered dangerous. Two days after this process, partners can relax: but provided that the woman’s cycle is always regular and ovulation is confirmed by tests, temperature measurements or the quality of cervical mucus.

On “dangerous” days of the cycle, the probability of conception is highest, and you should not practice PAP during this period

As for the beginning of the cycle (on average, this is the first 10 days from the start of menstruation), this is a relatively safe period in terms of conception. However, all women's bodies are different. And ovulation does not always happen in the middle of the cycle. For example, for some, the first phase (before ovulation) can last 10 days (sometimes even less), and the second (corpus luteum phase) can last 16–18 days, and this is the norm. In this case, you can get pregnant with interrupted intercourse even during menstruation (and many couples mistakenly believe that this is impossible): sperm from the pre-seminal fluid will enter the vagina and by the time of ovulation they will reach the egg.

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