“Before pregnancy...Determination of ovulation” (journal “9 months”, No. 4, author obstetrician-gynecologist of the Center for Medical Research, candidate of medical sciences Tomilova M.V.)

Changes in basal temperature during menstruation are one way to determine the moment of ovulation. The measurement technique is used for planning conception, as a natural method of contraception, and for diagnosing anovulatory cycles. After IVF, the basal temperature also changes; embryo transfer causes it to increase. Doctors have different opinions on how to measure it. Some do not advise doing this, since this method provides scant information, and the procedure can cause uterine contractions. Others believe that after IVF it must be measured, as this helps to adjust the dose of hormones in time and predict the onset of pregnancy.

Basal temperature and its measurement

So, you should find out what temperature is basal. It is measured in the anus in the morning, with an error of no more than two hours, after waking up, provided the woman is completely calm (for this purpose, the thermometer is prepared in advance and placed near the bed so that it can be taken with a minimum of movements). It is under these conditions that the readings are not affected by external stimuli. After all, it is impossible to calculate what the basal temperature should be during the day due to the presence of external factors and the activity of the body.

Basal temperature indicators can be influenced by factors such as alcohol consumption, inflammatory processes, sex at night and nervous disorders. To calculate the most favorable days for conception, or the days on which the possibility of getting pregnant is reduced to almost zero, it is enough to distinguish the basal temperature readings at different periods of the menstrual cycle.

Timing of implantation

After ovulation and the meeting of the egg with the sperm, the fertilized zygote begins to move through the fallopian tubes. Its task is to get into the uterus as quickly as possible in order to gain a foothold in the endometrium specially prepared for this. Along the way, the zygote continuously divides and grows. occurs at the blastocyte

Conventionally, we can distinguish between middle, late and early implantation.

  • Early. It is quite rare. Usually, implantation that occurs 6-7 days after ovulation is considered early (or 3 dpp - 4 dpp if we are talking about IVF)
  • Average. 7-10 days pass between fertilization and implantation ( implantation of the embryo after transfer occurs approximately 4-5 days). Doctors say that it takes about 40 hours for morula to penetrate, after which the body begins to produce the hormone hCG in the blood, and the basal temperature . Based on this, the so-called embryonic period of development, which lasts until approximately 8 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Late. Occurs approximately 10 days after fertilization. This is what always gives women at least a faint hope of a possible pregnancy - even when you can hardly expect it anymore.

If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, then you need to be examined to identify the cause of infertility.

What basal temperature is considered normal?

To obtain objective data, it is necessary to maintain a measurement schedule for at least three months. Only then can it be possible to track changes in a woman’s body during the phases of the menstrual cycle. In the first phase of the cycle, BT can be in the range of 36.4 – 37.0 degrees. During the period of egg maturation, the basal temperature rises and can reach 37.3 degrees. After ovulation, the indicators decrease again and gradually approach the indicators of the onset of menstruation, that is, the first phase of the cycle. What basal temperature can signal pregnancy? In the body of a pregnant woman, the basal temperature does not fall after the period of ovulation, but on the contrary, it can rise and remains stably high, therefore, in the case of temperature readings from 36.9 to 37.4, in the presence of a delay in menstruation, there is every reason to believe that pregnancy has occurred.

Violations of the usual basal temperature indicators may indicate the presence of pathologies, inflammatory processes, hormonal imbalance and other problems with a woman’s health. Therefore, keeping a chart of BT readings will not only help calculate the most suitable days for conception and the “safe” period, but will also reveal possible violations at the very beginning of their manifestation. In case of alarming indications, you should consult a gynecologist or endocrinologist, undergo an examination and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

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basal temperature

What should your basal temperature be during and before ovulation?

If the menstrual cycle is regular (28 days), then the schedule can be divided into two parts, which correspond to the follicular and luteal phases. From the moment menstruation begins until it ends, the temperature drops and then remains at 36.3–36.6 degrees. Ovulation occurs 12–14 days before the start of the next menstruation, that is, approximately in the middle of the cycle.

So, if menstruation began on August 1, then the release of the egg is expected from August 13 to 15.

When ovulation occurs, the temperature rises to 37.0–37.3 degrees. Such a sharp temperature jump signals the release of the egg from the follicle. On other days, the temperature may also rise, but one cannot talk about the onset of ovulation if the indicators do not remain at a high level for several days. It should also be taken into account that in some women the temperature when the oocyte is released may, on the contrary, decrease.

Why is basal temperature monitored during ovulation? This data is needed for those who are planning to conceive a child, as well as for those who use a natural method of contraception. If you want pregnancy to occur, intensify your sex life during the release of the egg and a couple of days before. If, on the contrary, you are not yet ready to join the family, then 4-5 days before ovulation and at least 2 days after it, give up unprotected intimacy and use contraception.

Does ovulation occur in my body?

What is ovulation?

Ovulation, the process of the release of an egg from the ovaries, is a necessary condition for pregnancy. Typically, ovulation occurs approximately 36-40 hours after the level of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is necessary for the normal functioning of a woman’s reproductive system, rises. LH stimulates the ovaries to secrete estrogen, and a peak increase in its level, in turn, causes ovulation. Once the egg leaves the ovaries, it is released and travels down the fallopian tubes, where it is fertilized when it meets a sperm.

Why is ovulation important?

Problems with ovulation are a common cause of infertility. For couples who are trying to conceive a child, it is especially important to know when a woman has the best time for possible procreation, so that, taking this information into account, she can plan sexual intercourse correctly. If a woman is trying to find the reason why she cannot get pregnant, the first thing that is useful to know is whether ovulation is occurring in her body.

One of the indicators of regular ovulation is a stable menstrual cycle of 21-35 days, sometimes accompanied by specific intermenstrual pain. However, there are a number of more reliable methods for determining the period favorable for conception. This may include keeping a chart of your basal body temperature, taking urine or blood tests to measure levels of certain hormones, or performing a transvaginal ultrasound.

What tests can you use to check ovulation?

Blood test to measure hormone levels

Elevated levels of LH in the blood make it possible to predict when the follicles (the container in which eggs mature) will mature and be ready for ovulation. However, LH is produced in pulses and in small quantities, so an increase in LH levels cannot always be detected by a blood test or urine test.

Another hormone, estradiol (a type of estrogen hormone), is produced by follicles as they grow, and levels rise rapidly right before ovulation. But it is worth remembering: if a woman uses fertility drugs to stimulate ovulation, the level of estradiol helps monitor the growth of follicles, without being a guideline for determining ovulation.

A week before the start of the menstrual cycle, ovulation is usually indicated by an increased level of progesterone in the blood, which, however, does not allow one to predict the exact timing of its onset.

Urine tests to measure luteinizing hormone (LH) levels

Similar home test kits are sold in pharmacies and show changes in LH levels in women's urine. The LH hormone detected in the urine means that ovulation will occur within 12-24 hours (usually ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the female menstrual cycle). Urine tests for elevated LH levels are performed at least two days before the expected date of ovulation and continue until LH levels rise or for the next 20 days. For women with irregular periods, urine testing should be scheduled according to the earliest and latest possible dates of ovulation.

The probability of detecting ovulation within 5 days of daily tests is 80%, within 10 days - already 95%. Once an increase in LH is detected, there is no longer a need to continue testing in the current cycle. In rare cases, ovulation may not occur despite an increase in LH. If ovulation is not detected for two or more cycles in a row, there may be problems with ovulation, which should be discussed with your doctor.

Some fertility tests check for estrogen in your urine along with LH, but it's best not to rely on these results if you're taking medications to induce ovulation.

Transvaginal ultrasound examination

The egg develops in a part of the ovary called a follicle (a fluid-filled container). As the egg gets ready to ovulate, the follicles become larger. Follicle growth can be seen using ultrasound. This technique uses ultrasound waves to display an image on a monitor using a tampon-like probe that is placed in the vagina. Before ovulation begins, the follicles have thin walls and are filled with fluid. The process of egg release from the ovaries typically occurs when the follicles measure between 1.8 and 2.5 cm. For women taking fertility drugs, an ultrasound procedure may be performed on different days during the menstrual cycle to measure and check each follicle, and then indicate the correct time for intercourse.

Basal body temperature chart

Taking your basal temperature daily can help determine whether ovulation has occurred or not. However, it is worth remembering that using this method it is impossible to accurately predict the time of its onset. Thus, this method allows you to obtain certain information about fertility at home, but keeping a graph of basal temperatures is not always effective enough and does not allow you to plan sexual intercourse in advance.


Determining ovulation may seem like an exhausting and lengthy process, but this stage is a necessary link on the path to the desired pregnancy. It is important that women consult with their healthcare providers to find the ovulation monitoring method that is best for them. If examinations have revealed that a woman does not ovulate or has irregular cycles, the problem can be solved using a number of treatment methods that will significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

IVF, ICSI, IMSI, PIXI, IVF-IVM The most effective methods of treating infertility

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of (24) chromosomes Allows infertility treatment to be carried out as comfortably and safely as possible

Assisted laser hatching Modern equipment

Delayed maternity program Individual approach

Surrogacy It's not scary

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