First aid kit at sea, list of medications for traveling with a child

Why is it better to take a first aid kit with you on vacation?

It is always calmer and more convenient if the medicines are at hand.
Buying medicines abroad, at first glance, is more convenient - packing is easier, the suitcase is lighter. However, it is better to take a first aid kit with you, especially when a child is traveling with you.

  1. A very limited number of medications are sold without a prescription in many foreign countries (especially Europe). Sometimes even vitamin D requires a prescription from a doctor.
  2. Familiar drugs may have completely different names.
  3. A pharmacy employee may not know or know English poorly, especially Russian.
  4. The instructions for foreign medicines will not be in Russian.
  5. Not all localities have pharmacies, and sometimes their opening hours are very flexible.
  6. There is not always a night pharmacy nearby; sometimes medicine is urgently needed at night.
  7. Parents feel safer if everything they need is in the room.

When packing your first aid kit, check the expiration date of the medications. It is better if the first aid kit is not an ordinary container, but a thermal bag. This ensures that the temperature regime will not be disturbed. Do not forget the instructions for medications - an overdose, especially when treating a child, is very dangerous.

From each group of drugs it is enough to take 1-2 drugs

We have compiled a universal list of a children's first aid kit for a holiday trip. If a child has chronic diseases, it must be supplemented with specialized medications. Not all medicines can be carried in hand luggage, so it is better to pack a first aid kit in a suitcase.

Self-medication is dangerous to health. If your child shows signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is he who will tell you which medications, in what combination and dosage should be taken in a particular case.

To ensure that medical care or lack thereof does not cost too much, read how to choose vacation insurance.

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  • Look for cheap air tickets on aggregators: UniTicket
  • Look for hotels on RoomGuru - this service compares prices across all booking systems, including and .
  • It is better to compare prices for rental cars on EcomonyBookings or Myrentacar

Children's first aid kit for a trip

The child has a tummy ache, a runny nose, redness on the cheeks or vomiting - it’s good if you are at home and there is a pharmacy and a clinic nearby. What if everything happened on the road or on vacation? A children's first aid kit at sea - what you should definitely buy for a baby, and what you should have just in case, recalled first category pediatrician Ekaterina Borisovna Bulavina.

— Ekaterina Borisovna, a trip with a child under one year old on vacation to the sea or just to distant lands is always an exciting event for parents. Is it necessary to take a baby first aid kit when traveling?

- The answer to this question is unequivocal - “yes”. A properly assembled children's first aid kit will save not only your vacation, but sometimes even your life. It is important to have emergency supplies on hand so you don't waste time searching for them in an unfamiliar place.

Before your trip, you should definitely visit a doctor, especially if the child is small and this is his first trip. Only a doctor can determine whether there are contraindications, for example, to flying, and tell you how to cope with motion sickness. But there is no need to take tests before traveling: children are examined within the prescribed time limits, according to the schedule of preventive examinations. It is also important to visit specialists on time to promptly identify any deviations.

— Can a children’s first aid kit for travel be universal, or do you need to take into account the characteristics of the region where you are going on a trip?

— Emergency equipment is universal in any region, and a first aid kit should contain a minimum set of drugs, regardless of where you are. By the way, sunburn remedy is perfect for thermal burns, so even if you go on a trip in winter, it’s worth taking it with you.

— How to store a baby first aid kit for a newborn when traveling?

— A first aid kit for a child should be individual. Under no circumstances should adult medications and medications intended for a child be stored together. In a stressful state, due to inattention, it is easy to mix up the packaging, and the consequences for the baby can be very serious.

It is especially important not to put drugs for high blood pressure, psychotropic, anticonvulsants, sleeping pills, and vasoconstrictor drops in adult concentrations in a child’s medicine cabinet. Of course, you can’t put expired medications either - you need to carefully monitor the expiration dates.

A children's first aid kit on vacation is packaged separately from an adult first aid kit!

— How to properly collect medical supplies - is it necessary to take medicines in boxes or are blisters with instructions sufficient?

— The release form of the drug for newborns and infants is exclusively drops and syrups. Candles are available that do not require refrigeration.

It is always better to take medications in their original packaging with instructions. You cannot store pharmacy supplies and instructions for using medications separately. Unfortunately, parents often confuse medication instructions, names, dosages, and the child suffers. Therefore, everything must be in individual primary packaging, which eliminates the substitution of drugs. Children's medicines will fit compactly in a plastic container for storing medicines. This pharmacy box is divided into sections for easy sorting.

— If you need to take medications on board an airplane, what obstacles might parents encounter?

- Regardless of the destination, you should pay attention to the storage periods of medicines - they all must be current.

Flights within Russia

  • Children's medicines are carried without restrictions, potent drugs - upon presentation of a prescription.
  • You can check in an unlimited amount of medicines in your luggage.
  • There is a limit on any liquids in hand luggage: a child can take a total of no more than 1000 ml of water and medicines in containers up to 100 ml.
  • Potions and syrups cannot be poured into other containers for ease of identification at the airport checkpoint.

Flights abroad

  • Before flying, you should study the rules of the state where you are planning a vacation and the air carrier.
  • There are usually no problems with basic drugs. But if in the country of arrival the medicine is dispensed only by prescription, the customs officer has the right to request a prescription/doctor's prescription.
  • For a prescription drug not from “list A” (specially controlled drugs/substances), a Russian-language prescription is sufficient; for potent drugs, a prescription with a translation into English or the language of the country of arrival is required.
  • For small wholesale (from five pharmaceutical packages) supporting documents may be required.

— What should be in a children's first aid kit? What is a short list of remedies?

- The first aid kit should contain items for providing first aid in critical situations - (injuries, road accidents, acute allergic conditions), wound treatment products, medical instruments and children's medications, including medications for allergies, colds and medications for gastrointestinal problems -intestinal tract (first aid for the gastrointestinal tract).

When choosing medications, you should consult your pediatrician. He will recommend a medicine and calculate the dosage based on the age and weight of the child.

Before traveling with a small child, you should consult with your pediatrician about choosing medications for your personal first aid kit. A properly assembled first aid kit is the key to peace of mind. It must contain a minimum set of means for providing emergency care at the pre-medical stage. At the same time, it is important to study all the drugs included in the first aid kit and be able to use them.

Store medications correctly in original packaging with attached instructions out of the reach of children. In no case should a children's medicine cabinet contain expired medications, medications without labels, packages with unclear names and dosages, or adult medications. There are no harmless drugs, so any drug works for good only if used as prescribed by a doctor and in the correct dosage.

Pediatrician Ekaterina Borisovna Bulavina

*The ideal food for an infant is mother's milk. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. MAMAKO® supports this recommendation. Before introducing new foods into your baby’s diet, consult a specialist.


The form of the antipyretic should be chosen based on the age of the child.
In children, a high temperature can be a sign not only of a viral infection, but also of banal acclimatization. If the thermometer shows above 38.5, it is better to give an antipyretic. Suitable for children:

  • Nurofen.
  • Panadol.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Tsefekon D.
  • Efferalgan.

Study the composition carefully. An antipyretic based on the same substance (ibuprofen or paracetamol) can be taken no more often than once every 6 hours.

Antipyretics are available in three forms - suppositories, syrup, tablets. The suppositories act quickly, do not irritate the stomach, and are ideal for small children. The result from the syrup is felt faster than from tablets, it tastes better, but in children with allergies it can cause an undesirable reaction.

First aid kit for traveling with a child

First aid kit for traveling with a child To make both the trip and your vacation a joy, take care of the first aid kit before departure. Our handout provides examples from which to choose. Discuss the specific drug and its form and dose with your attending physician, because the age and main diagnosis of each child greatly influences the choice of drug.


Suppositories, syrup, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen tablets. They are used when the body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees or above, and in the presence of febrile seizures in the past - when the temperature rises above 37.5. So, this is really the number 1 remedy.

Non-sedating, rapid-acting antihistamines (2 generations)

Cetirizine, Levocetirizine (up to 6 years - drops, from 6 years - tablets), Desloratadine (up to 12 years, syrup) and a form of Fenistil for application to the skin for insect bites. Please note that while traveling, the child will be exposed to new foods and living conditions, which may cause a reaction.

Sunscreen or milk with SPF 50 from the children's line.

If a child has atopic or allergic dermatitis, then not just a children's line, but from a manufacturer of medicinal cosmetics (for example, Bioderma has the Photoderm line, LaRochePose has Antgelios, Uriage has Barjesan).


Activated carbon, Filtrum, Enterosgel. Binds and removes toxic substances from the intestines. Indications: poisoning and acute intestinal infections.

Antiseptic for local use

Chlorhexidine, miramistin, octenisept, furatsillin, brilliant green pencil. They are used topically for minor injuries (wounds, abrasions, cuts, burns, calluses) and for rinsing mucous membranes.

Dressing products

Bandage, bactericidal patch, sterile wipes. Used for minor and serious injuries.

Drugs for the treatment of airway obstruction

If the baby has had laryngotracheitis, croup, obstructive bronchitis or has asthma. You must have with you, and not in your luggage: a portable nebulizer (convenient - a quiet and compact mesh nebulizer with the ability to operate on battery power) and medications for it - Pulmicort or Budenit-Sterineb, Ventolin or Berodual drops, a couple of bottles of saline solution.

Motion sickness remedies – optional

For example, Dramamine, reflexology bracelet, air-sea, cocculin.

Prescribed medications (such as antibiotics).

Make sure you take enough medications prescribed by your doctor and regularly taken on your trip.

Be healthy and enjoy your holiday. You can receive individual consultation and personal recommendations at an appointment with a specialist.

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Nurofen is not only an antipyretic, but also an analgesic.
Many ailments are accompanied by painful sensations - dental problems, burns, bruises, headaches. To get rid of them, you need to eliminate the original cause. A doctor and specialized medications will help with this. To temporarily cope with a child’s pain:

  • Pentalgin.
  • Tempalgin.
  • Bralgin.
  • Spasmalgon.

Holidays far from home are not the time for experiments. Therefore, it is better to use the product that the child has already tried at home. This way you will protect yourself from unwanted side reactions.

Sunscreens and burn medications

Children must use sunscreen at sea.
While it is undesirable for adults to be in direct sunlight, it is contraindicated for children. Especially for kids. It is better to spend the period from 11.00 to 16.00 in the shade. In any case, you should always use sunscreen.

Only special children's sunscreens are used for children.

For children under 3 years of age, even at 25-30 degrees outside, creams, lotions and sprays with a UV filter from 30 to 50 are relevant. Please note that if the drug is stored open for a year, then its degree of protection is reduced by 2 times (for example, instead of 30 becomes 15, which is already not enough for a child). But even with all safety measures, children often get sunburned at sea. In this case, treatment should be started as quickly as possible. The most effective means for treating burns in children:

  • Panthenol.
  • Rescuer.
  • Depanthenol.

Antiallergic drugs

Even the bite of a foreign mosquito can cause a severe allergic reaction.
In another climate zone and another country, antihistamines must be taken. The flowering of unfamiliar plants, a new kitchen with unknown products and seasonings, and local insect bites often cause allergic reactions, and not only in children. Suitable for babies:

  • Suprastin.
  • Fenistil.

For older children:

  • Zyrtec.
  • Zodak.
  • Claritin.
  • Tavigil.

If the allergy is caused by an insect or jellyfish sting, it is necessary to treat the wound with an antihistamine gel (for example, fenistil), and also take tablets or drops.

Medicines for gastrointestinal problems

Sorbents will cleanse the body not only of toxins, but also of allergens.
Unusual food and different composition of water are a common cause of digestive disorders. A children's travel first aid kit must contain sorbents that will help cope with minor gastrointestinal problems and overcome mild poisoning.

Moreover, doctors recommend starting to give children sorbents directly on the first day of travel and taking them for prevention throughout the entire vacation.

Sorbents suitable for children, including up to one year:

  • Enterosgel.
  • Neosmectin.
  • Smecta.
  • Filtrum.

What sorbents to choose for a child
Probiotics that help restore intestinal flora:

  • Linux.
  • Creon.
  • Acipol.
  • Hilak Forte.

For more serious poisoning, enterofuril will help. However, before you start taking it, you should definitely consult with your doctor, at least online.

If problems with the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, it is imperative to restore the water balance in the body. To do this, you should have Regidron in your first aid kit.

Noshpa or Spazmalgon will help eliminate discomfort in the stomach or intestines. If they fail or the pain returns, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. Espumisan will help with bloating, and any laxatives will help with constipation, which often occurs in children from unusual foods.

Antiviral drugs before going to sea: should I take them?

Any medications should be taken according to indications and after consultation with a doctor. You can take antiviral medications both for immediate colds and for prevention. Most of us fly from home to the resort by plane, and as you know, the air circulation system in it is closed. Therefore, often, if one of the passengers is sick, then other people can become infected. Therefore, before and during the trip, it is advisable to use antiviral agents, for example VIFERON Gel. It is applied to the nasal mucosa twice a day every 12 hours.

Antiviral agents

It is better to take those antiviral drugs that have previously helped the child.
At sea, especially in a children's hotel, there are always a lot of children, and with them SARS. In order for the disease to pass as quickly as possible and without complications, the travel first aid kit must contain antiviral agents. For babies under one year of age, it is more convenient to use suppositories or drops; an older child can easily cope with a tablet. Antiviral medicines for children:

  • Grippferon.
  • Viferon.
  • Anaferon.
  • Ergoferon.

All of them stimulate the child’s immunity to cope with the virus, but do not destroy it themselves. Therefore, they are considered the most gentle. If ARVI is accompanied by a sore throat, the child will be helped by:

  • Miromistin (can be taken from birth).
  • Tantum Verde.
  • Hexoral.
  • Lysobacter.
  • Strepsils.

For a runny nose, nasal rinsing preparations are relevant:

  • Aquamaris.
  • Aqualor.
  • Regular saline solution.

And vasoconstrictor drugs:

  • Nazivin.
  • Vibrocil.
  • Snoop.
  • Pinosol.

List of required drugs and products

At the Markushka children's clinic, your pediatrician can help you create the necessary list of medications specifically for your child. But there are still mandatory medical supplies and drugs that should be in the first aid kit for a child, including for infants.

1. At the dacha or at sea in the summer, a child can get a skin burn at any time, so your children's first aid kit should have sunburn cream (for example, Panthenol). It is better to choose a sun protection cream for the skin of young children with a protection factor of 40.

2. When running along the seashore or playing in the country, children run the risk of getting bruises, so we’ll add medicine for wounds and bruises to the child’s travel first aid kit. This could be banal brilliant green, or Troxevasin ointment, or homeopathic Traumeel ointment. In addition, a child’s first aid kit requires an adhesive plaster, which will be useful for calluses and wounds, and will protect the baby from salt water getting into the wound at sea.

3. Due to frequent swimming in water at sea or in the countryside, in windy weather the child’s ears may hurt. In this case, it is better to show it to a doctor, but you should have ear drops (for example, Otipax) in your first aid kit.

4. Spending a lot of time in a pool or river, children’s eyes often begin to become inflamed and sore, so it is necessary to have eye drops in your child’s travel first aid kit. For children, chloramphenicol eye drops are preferable, because they do not cause discomfort to the child when instilled.

5. If a child swallowed sea or dirty water, or there was an “error” in food (drank a lot of soda, ate an unwashed apple), you may encounter the problem of pain or bloating in his abdomen. Therefore, take tablets for diarrhea, heartburn, and bloating (Smecta, activated carbon, phospholugel) in your child’s first aid kit at sea and on the road.

6. Often, abroad or in our region, children try new foods in food or are among plants that are not typical for your city, and then the baby may develop an allergy. Take antihistamines with you (for children, the preferred form of the drug is in the form of drops or syrup, for example Zyrtec).

7. If the baby is overheated in the sun or still catches a cold and gets sick, his temperature may rise. If the temperature rises, you need to show it to a doctor, but your first aid kit should have antipyretic drugs (for example, Nurofen, there is syrup or suppositories for children).

8. Always have in your child’s travel first aid kit medications that may be needed for a cold: for a sore throat - Tantumverde spray, for a cough - Stodal syrup (this drug is suitable for any type of cough), for nasal congestion - Nazivin, antiviral drugs - Ergoferon .

Antiseptics for wounds

It is more convenient to take antiseptics in the form of pencils.
Even if there are a lot of antiseptics in your home medicine cabinet, you can take 1-2 drugs at sea. Children's wounds are treated:

  • Miramistin.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Iodine.
  • Zelenka.
  • Baneocin.

Don't forget to include plasters, cotton wool and bandages.

List of medicines at sea. First aid kit for a vacationer.

When you start packing your bags, planning to spend your vacation on the sea beach, do not forget that in addition to clothes and personal hygiene items, you also need medicine. A properly selected first aid kit will save you and your companions from many unpleasant surprises, especially since in many countries medicines are only available by prescription.

What to take with you?

Your list of medications at sea should contain medications from several groups at once.

You will need drugs of various categories:

What else to take in your first aid kit at sea

An electronic thermometer must be in a travel first aid kit.
A first aid kit must have an electronic thermometer. It is advisable to have a place for eye drops (for conjunctivitis), ear drops (the best option is Otipax), sanitizer and antiseptic wipes. For children under two years of age, be sure to have a gel with you that reduces pain during teething. At sea, with bright sunshine and plenty of vitamin D, children's teeth often begin to actively grow. If you decide to take antibiotics, remember that they should only be taken on the advice of a doctor.

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  4. Find excursions around the world on Tripster and Sputnik8
  5. Buy insurance and not worry about your health at Cherehapa .
  6. Rent a car to see even more interesting places on Rentalcars . Or a bike on BikesBooking .
  7. Book airport transfer Kiwitaxi .
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