What does it look like, how is it different and how long does flowering last in infants?

Let's check muscle tone

Mini test to detect muscle hypertension:

  • Does your baby not stretch his whole body when he wakes up and when you change him after a walk?
  • Are the arms bent at all joints and crossed on the chest, the fists are clenched, and the thumbs are covered on top by the other four?
  • Are your legs pulled up to your tummy all the time?
  • Has your baby held his head almost since birth? This indicates high tone of the occipital muscles. If everything is exactly like this in a newborn, it means that the baby’s muscles are too tight!
  • Place the baby on his back, take him by the wrists and slowly pull him towards you, as if sitting him down. Do the arms resist extension? Can't get them off your chest? The tone is increased!
  • Try to straighten your legs and move them apart. At the same time, they cross each other and don’t want to get a divorce? This means the muscles are too tense.
  • Place your baby on his feet and tilt him forward slightly, encouraging him to take a few steps. The legs should not cross, the toes should not be curled, and he should rest on his full foot.

If not everything goes smoothly, tell your doctor about it!


There are no special manifestations of this phenomenon. And the flowering of newborns is precisely a phenomenon, it is not a disease or pathology. Doctors consider this phenomenon to be an acceptable physiological norm that does not require special treatment. The symptoms in this case are very simple:

  1. The appearance of the rash begins from the moment of birth , and its presence lasts three months. It is at this moment that the baby finally adapts to the outside world, his intestines are populated with beneficial microorganisms, and the digestive system is formed and improved. Excess hormones are removed, hormonal levels are improved.
  2. The rash is localized exclusively on the face , pimples are located very often, all have purulent heads.
  3. The rashes do not itch, do not bother , the child does not lose appetite or sleep, they are noticeable only visually, but do not cause discomfort.


All causes of rashes are in one way or another based on hormonal imbalance.

That is, excess estrogen affects the imperfection of hormonal levels, and additional factors with almost one hundred percent probability will lead to the formation of acne:

  1. Hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands
    . By producing too much subcutaneous fat, the sebaceous glands become inflamed and acne forms. If you do not provide proper care and daily hygiene, and also thoughtlessly use baby creams, you can worsen the situation significantly. Everything is possible here - from chronic suppuration to the addition of a bacterial or fungal infection.
  2. Poor nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding.
    There are foods that are very difficult for a child’s body to accept, for example, fried, smoked, fatty, flour, and sweet foods. Pediatricians prohibit eating them during breastfeeding for good reason. No, of course, they are non-allergic, but they are too difficult to digest, and the baby may have problems.
  3. Lack of proper hygiene
    . It is known that using baby cosmetics when the baby is just born is not recommended, only on the recommendation of a doctor. You should not wipe your face with wet wipes, because the substances they contain can cause increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

Possible complications

Negative consequences from neonatal pustulosis of newborns develop very rarely.

There are only isolated cases of complications, namely:

  • the addition of a bacterial, viral or fungal skin infection;
  • increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees Celsius;
  • the occurrence of itching, scratching;
  • development of an extensive allergic reaction;
  • the appearance of scar formations in the place where the largest number of acne was localized.

Parents who care about the health of their child should study the external signs of the blooming skin of newborns from the photo, and not miss the occurrence of these symptoms.

Neonatal pustulosis is easily confused with other dermatological diseases, so parents are required to constantly monitor, timely visit the pediatrician and strictly follow his instructions. In this case, the duration of epithelial flowering will last no more than 2-3 months, and will manifest itself in small foci.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Why do babies "bloom"?

Experts are inclined to argue that this condition of children is associated with hormones transferred from the mother at the end of pregnancy. These hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands, which is how the rash appears. Gradually, the level of transmitted hormones decreases, the baby’s skin condition returns to normal, and soon the parents receive a ruddy baby with perfect clean skin!

The mother herself can intensify flowering if she does not follow a special diet and hygiene during breastfeeding. In addition to flowering, a child may develop various skin diseases caused by fungi and pathogenic bacteria due to lack of hygiene. If the diet is not maintained, acne appears.

Yet flowering is much more common than skin diseases. Allergies are the second most common and can easily be mistaken for a bloom. If the latter condition does not pose a threat to the life and health of the baby, then the first one needs to be recognized faster and get rid of it. Next, we’ll learn how to distinguish flowering from allergies in infants.

What can the flowering of newborns be confused with?

Signs of flowering are similar to heat rash and an allergic reaction. They differ in some symptoms:

  • Allergies cause itching, discomfort, and redness of the skin. The rashes are localized not only on the face, but also in the groin, chest, and arms of the baby. There are no white inclusions;
  • prickly heat covers the elbows and knees. Pimples look like small red bumps. At the same time, they itch and hurt;
  • flowering does not cause peeling and redness in a newborn on the hips, buttocks, back, nasolabial triangle, arms and legs. Without adequate treatment they will not go away.

Only an experienced specialist can distinguish flowering from other skin diseases. Many of them signal not only external problems, but also internal pathologies, the neglect of which is dangerous for the health of the baby.

In addition, you can read:

  • Acne in a newborn baby.
  • Pimples on the face of newborns.
  • About peeling skin in an infant.

Pathogenesis and frequency of skin rashes

The mechanism of acne in children, as in adults, is the same: most often it is an inflammation of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Flowering of newborns can be noticed at about 2-3 weeks of life, the skin rashes finally disappear by three months. Sometimes such a hormonal rash develops even in the prenatal period, and the baby “blooms” until about 6 months, and in severe manifestations - up to a year.

INTERESTING: The best acne lotion for teenagers

Causes causing flowering and unhealthy formations:

  1. There is a history of acne in infants - changes in the hormonal levels of the mother in labor. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother's estrogen levels increase - this hormone is responsible for the production of subcutaneous fat. In the first days of life, the baby “inherits” the high level of the mother’s hormone.
  2. During breastfeeding, the process of transferring estrogen from mother to baby continues. Mothers should carefully choose only healthy foods and avoid stress. Cortisol is a hormone that enters the body of a nursing woman during periods of excitement and anxiety; it negatively affects metabolism and increases the production of sebum.
  3. Inability of the newborn's sebaceous glands to properly regulate. Excess sebum leads to blockage of the ducts, and a specific rash appears on the baby’s face and neck (we recommend reading: a newborn has a rash on the face). According to Dr. Komarovsky, infant acne disappears without a trace by 3-6 months of a baby’s life. The disease can be first noticed and later diagnosed by specialists when the child turns 1 month old (we recommend reading: child development at 1 month). The photo shows the location of the pustules, their structure, and coloring. Parents are also able to distinguish newborn acne from other pathological skin manifestations in the baby.

Important! Flowering in newborns is a physiological norm, representing the adaptation of the child’s body to new living conditions. If skin rashes, as Komarovsky says in his video school, appear in one-year-old infants and older, they do not belong to the diagnosis of acne

Contact a pediatric dermatologist or allergist to identify the nature, causes and receive adequate treatment for skin rashes

If skin rashes, as Komarovsky says in his video school, appear in one-year-old infants and older, they do not qualify as acne. Contact a pediatric dermatologist or allergist to identify the nature, causes and receive adequate treatment for skin rashes.

Treatment of hormonal rash

As mentioned above, such an anomaly does not pose any harm to the health of the little man. And the child’s body itself, having adjusted and adapted to new living conditions, will begin to slowly remove the hormone estrogen, without any outside intervention. Hormonal rashes do not bother the child, do not cause itching or any discomfort.

But in cases where such a rash is very profuse and does not go away for a long time, the attending physician may recommend appropriate treatment. These are mainly ointments containing ketoconazole.

Flowering in newborns: how to treat?

Only with severe manifestations, flowering in newborns requires treatment, which in this case is prescribed by an experienced endocrinologist or dermatologist (usually an ointment based on ketoconazole is selected).

In the vast majority of all other cases, it is better and more correct to simply wait until the rash disappears on its own: believe me, it does not cause any discomfort to the baby, except that it spoils his photogenicity, but this can be survived. If it seems to you that the rash is bothering the baby, then either it is not a bloom, but still a diathesis, for example, or the appearance of a hormonal rash coincided with the appearance of colic or other problems.

So, the best thing you can do now is leave the child alone. Under no circumstances squeeze out white pimples on the baby’s face or treat them with any ointments, creams, alcohol solutions or other means. All skin care for a newborn during the flowering period comes down to keeping it clean and dry. The maximum that is allowed is treating the rash with a decoction of chamomile or calendula, but with a mandatory preliminary test for the tolerance of these herbs, and also occasionally applying a very thin layer of Bepanthen.

Be sure to follow the rules of hygiene and sterility, maintain cleanliness and humidity in the room where the newborn is located.

Continue to breastfeed your baby, try to eat as healthy and healthy as possible - and soon his intestines and hormonal levels will return to normal.

Be sure to be happy!

Especially for – Elena Semenova

Acne that suddenly appears in a baby in the first month of life often causes parents to panic. In common parlance, such pimples are called neonatal blooms; in pediatrics, the terms are used: acne or neonatal cephalic pustulosis.

Doctors reassure, explaining that this is not a disease, but a consequence of the adaptation (development) of the baby’s hormonal system. If the body is healthy, then everything will return to normal by itself.


There is a concept called neonatal bloom; scientifically speaking, this disease is called neonatal cephalic pustulosis. In all respects, it is very similar to a standard allergy, so it is not easy to find out when a child blooms and when an allergic reaction to some components occurs.

Flowering of newborns: photos, signs and treatment

During flowering, the baby's face is covered with pimples and purulent acne. Inflamed skin takes on a reddish, pink or yellowish tint. The rash may cover the head and neck. Unlike acne, prickly heat manifests itself in the form of small pimples that form in the chest, groin and armpits. Flowering differs from allergic rashes in that during acne the skin is severely inflamed and affected by acne, but the baby is not bothered by itching.

The main symptoms of newborn flowering:

  • the appearance of acne on the face;
  • inflammation and suppuration on the neck, cheeks and head;
  • spots of yellow, whitish, red or pink almost all over the body;
  • the formation of a thin crust on the face as a result of abundant secretion of fat from the sebaceous glands;
  • no itching;
  • The baby feels pain only when wiping the affected areas.

How long flowering lasts in newborns depends on the cause of its occurrence and the characteristics of the baby’s body. In the best case, the rash begins to go away within five to seven days, but may remain for 2-3 months. To speed up the healing process, the mother should normalize her diet, stop taking hormones and medications, and wash her baby daily with clean water and antimicrobial baby products without dyes and salts. Cosmetics with extracts of chamomile, celandine and string are soothing.


To determine the cause of acne, the newborn should be shown to a pediatrician. Additional tests may be ordered for diagnosis. If it is confirmed that the child has bloom, the pediatrician will prescribe effective treatment and tell you how to properly care for inflamed skin.


Skin bloom in newborns is indicated by profuse acne on the face, neck and head. The inflamed areas become red, pink, whitish or yellowish. The baby's face does not itch, but may be affected by purulent acne. If signs of acne are detected, the baby should be taken to the pediatrician. Squeezing out blackheads and smearing your face with greasy ointments is prohibited.

Approximately 20-25% of all babies suffer from a special type of hormonal rash, which is popularly called “baby bloom.” This rash on the face of a child is a completely normal, non-dangerous phenomenon and often does not require any treatment.

But for some reason, many pediatricians not only do not consider it necessary to share this information with new parents, but they themselves are not able to distinguish a hormonal rash in newborns, mistaking it for an allergy and other types of rash. An incorrect diagnosis leads to the fact that the child is simply treated with unnecessary medications, causing great damage to the small organism. That's why every young parent should know what flowering in newborns is and how to survive it correctly.

Treatment options

If a hormonal rash appears in infants, it is recommended to go to an appointment with a pediatrician, who, first of all, will conduct a visual examination of the baby, interview the mother about health procedures, and, if necessary, refer her for tests:

  • CBC (complete blood count);
  • OAM (general urinalysis);
  • blood chemistry.

In case of severe neonatal pustulosis, the doctor prescribes corrective treatment aimed at eliminating the symptoms that bother the child. If the rash does not cause much discomfort, then it is recommended to wait time for the phenomenon to disappear on its own.

A young mother should eat light foods to ease the baby's condition. If serious hormonal disorders develop, it is necessary to take appropriate medications that are acceptable for use during breastfeeding.

In addition, you need:

  1. Wash the baby's face with clean warm water, use baby cosmetics that do not contain harmful chemical components.
  2. Wipe the baby's skin after washing with light touches with a soft cloth. You should not use a towel made of rough material for this.
  3. If the hormonal rash spreads extensively, use medications. It is better to use zinc ointments with an antiseptic effect, which dry out pimples and protect the dermis from the proliferation of microbes.
  4. Wash the child’s body with herbal decoctions (chamomile, chamomile).

It is recommended to regularly take walks in the fresh air, which helps strengthen the body's immune properties.

Flowering in newborns. Features of treatment

As noted earlier, only a pediatrician has the right to prescribe treatment. In most cases, flowering in newborns is a hormonal process that resolves over time and does not require additional intervention.

Parents are prohibited from lubricating pimples with greasy ointments, much less squeezing them out. You can help your baby by frequent, regular washing. After which it is necessary to dry the delicate skin of the baby with soft and jerky movements.

It is extremely important that during the flowering period the baby’s skin remains dry and clean.

In some cases, the pediatrician may prescribe an ointment containing zinc to dry the rash. You should be careful with this category of medications - the surface of the acne should not be overdried. Several times a day, you can wipe the rash with chamomile or a string. You can also use hydrogen peroxide. The latter can be used no more than twice a day. Hydrogen peroxide is applied using point movements using cotton swabs.

As a rule, by the age of three months, flowering in newborns has passed. For many children, it does not last longer than three to five days. Thus, flowering is an individual process that does not bring discomfort to the child, does not cause itching and/or burning. Unpleasant sensations can only occur with active manipulation (for example, rubbing).


During the rash, only the face suffers. These nasty pimples appear on his delicate skin. They are rare, but can also appear on the head. The rash will disappear on its own. It just takes time. For some it takes three weeks, for others it takes three months, or maybe a little more. It all depends on the individual state of the child’s body.

The rash is a medium-sized red pimple that has a purulent head and contains pus inside. Most often they form clusters on the forehead, cheeks and nose.

They can be localized already on the first day after birth or after one to two weeks. When the baby is outraged by something or cries a lot, the rash becomes more noticeable.

A rash on the face does not always indicate flowering. Sometimes the reason lies deeper. These could be cysts if they make the skin swollen. Also, a baby may experience dermatitis, when the epidermis peels and itches. In this case, a dermatologist or allergist will help.

If any rashes are found on the baby’s skin, under no circumstances should you try to get rid of them yourself, by pressing, smearing, or using various folk remedies or medications. It is necessary to immediately show the newborn to a pediatrician. And he will then refer you to a specialist, if necessary.

You can see what flowering looks like in newborns in the following photographs:

How to recognize newborn bloom: symptoms

For those who like to delve into details, we explain: the rash appears due to blockage of the sebaceous glands, which, in turn, is formed under the influence of androgens on the adrenal cortex.

The main reason, as already mentioned, is the adaptation of the hormonal system to conditions other than intrauterine ones.

Indirect factors that provoke and aggravate skin discoloration in newborns:

  • dietary errors of a nursing mother;
  • improper care (using inappropriate cream that is too greasy, ignoring hygiene procedures).

Specific signs of neonatal cephalic pustulosis.

  1. Localization of the rash. As a rule, acne appears on the face (on the forehead, cheeks, wings of the nose), less often on the scalp, and in isolated cases on the chest.

  1. Appearance of the rash. The pustules are unequal in size and resemble a ball (often with a purulent head).
  2. In addition to acne, reddish, yellow, whitish spots “bloom” on damaged areas of the skin.
  3. There are no other signs of illness: the baby is as cheerful as this concept is generally applicable to babies.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how long flowering lasts in newborns. If the toddler is healthy and develops normally, the pimples go away in about 5-7 days. In cases of improper care or non-compliance with the diet by the mother, the situation may drag on for 2-3 weeks. The problem cannot be ignored; ways to solve it must be discussed with the treating pediatrician.

Characteristic signs

This anomaly is recognized by characteristic small pimples, pale red in color, with a whitish or yellowish center.

Such acne can be isolated, or it can be entire lesions. This rash most often occurs on a child’s face, but can also occur on the scalp, shoulders, arms, neck, back, and abdomen. In boys, sometimes blooms even appear on the penis.

This rash can easily be confused with an allergic reaction, which is also quite common in children. To rule out an allergy, it is necessary to carefully review the mother’s diet, whether there are any new food additives or medications.

If there were no prerequisites for allergic rashes, then we can confidently say that this is an infant bloom.

Important point! To distinguish blooms from other dermatitis and diathesis, it is necessary to check acne for peeling. The hormonal rash does not peel off and does not contain even the smallest scales.

Causes of flowering

  • The most common reason is the reaction of a small organism to a new environment.
  • Due to hormonal imbalances. This happens when all the mother’s hormones are not removed from the baby’s body.
  • Excessive work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Failure of parents to comply with hygiene rules. Lubricant produced by the sebaceous glands accumulates on the skin of infants. If it is not washed off on time, it can cause a rash as it clogs the pores.
  • The influence of certain factors, incorrect temperature conditions in the room where the baby is located, diapers or detergents. But such factors can further aggravate this phenomenon if it already exists.

Causes of skin problems

Flowering is caused by hormonal imbalances in the infant body. This occurs due to the active activity of the sebaceous glands, provoked by an increased content of estrogen. It rises sharply in the blood of a pregnant woman in the last trimester. This sex hormone reaches the child during intrauterine development through the umbilical cord and continues to enter the body after birth along with breast milk. The entire time the newborn is freed from excess hormones, his skin will bloom.

Flowering occurs in infants when cortisol gets into the milk. This hormone is released under severe stress. It negatively affects metabolic processes and significantly increases the production of sebum. It is extremely undesirable for young nursing mothers to worry during this period. When you cannot cope with your emotions, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe sedatives allowed during lactation. Most likely, these will be herbal decoctions and teas based on motherwort, hawthorn, and lemon balm.

Another cause of skin discoloration in a child is a violation of hygiene rules. Due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, the skin becomes covered with a thin film of fat. It collects dust and impurities, clogs pores, and becomes a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes. If it is not removed in a timely manner, acne appears.

Doctors note that a woman’s nutrition directly affects the condition of the baby’s skin. Common and seemingly harmless products may contain substances that cause skin discoloration in newborns. Therefore, nursing mothers need to carefully monitor their diet.

Flowering of newborns is considered a physiological process caused by a period of adaptation and cleansing of the baby’s body. It is important not to confuse it with allergic manifestations that require parental and medical attention.

How to treat flowering in newborns

In general, this condition in infants does not require drug treatment. It is considered a hormonal process and goes away on its own. But for very severe manifestations of the rash, treatment is prescribed. This should be done by a dermatologist or endocrinologist after a complete examination of the baby and passing all the necessary tests to exclude the possibility of allergic rashes.

It is advisable to consult a good doctor who knows how to distinguish allergies from flowering in newborns. Doctors usually recommend using drying ointments that contain zinc. They should only be applied to acne so as not to dry out the baby’s delicate skin. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat severe rashes. First, moisten a cotton swab with peroxide, then apply it directly to the pimples.

This procedure can be carried out no more than 1-2 times a day. To improve the condition and prevent it, you can make baths from medicinal herbs.

Chamomile baths help well at the first signs of a rash. To prepare this infusion, you need to pour 30-50 grams of chamomile with boiling water, about 1 liter, and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then strain and add warm water. Use the infusion to wipe your face or bathe.

  • Oak bark baths are very effective for rashes. You should take 50 grams of crushed bark, add water and cook for 2 hours. Use the decoction for bathing.
  • Jojoba oil is considered an excellent remedy for prevention and treatment. It must be applied 1-2 times a day, lubricating the baby’s cheeks. It promotes wound healing and relieves inflammation well.
  • A decoction of the string can be used for very sensitive and delicate skin. Bring the mixture to a boil and let it cool. This decoction is suitable for bathing or wiping the face.

Before making herbal decoctions, you should be aware that it is not recommended to use them for a long time and often, as they can cause allergic reactions.

Parents are primarily interested in the main question: how long does flowering last in newborns? As a rule, with proper care for the baby and following all the doctor’s recommendations, this condition goes away very quickly. Usually, until 3-4 months of the baby’s life, everything passes without a trace. When the body is completely cleansed of mother’s hormones, the skin will return to its former self.

Important! Do not squeeze out acne or treat it with any means without a doctor’s prescription.

Useful tips for parents

Parents need to be patient and wait out this moment. To improve the condition, you should follow some rules in caring for the baby. Today, on the Internet, many parents who have encountered skin discoloration on their newborns’ faces share their advice with others, some even post photos.

Here are some tips to help parents care for their babies:

  • Keep your skin clean and lightly pat dry with a soft towel after washing;
  • Do not treat the rash with solutions containing alcohol;
  • When breastfeeding, the mother must follow a diet;
  • Make sure your child does not scratch himself, as this can damage the pimples;
  • The baby's clothes should be clean and well ironed;
  • Since this phenomenon is hormonal, it is necessary to protect the baby from stressful moments as much as possible;
  • Try to keep the child's skin dry;
  • Monitor the air humidity in the room.

For such rashes, it is strictly forbidden to use iodine, brilliant green, powders and hormonal creams. When flowering in newborns passes, no traces remain on the child’s body. And yet, if parents have seen somewhere a photo of newborns blooming, and the signs coincide, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Children are all different, even if the symptoms are the same, and in order to start treatment, you need to be 100% sure what kind of rash your child has.

Flowering in infants - video from Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what flowering is in newborns. Will give advice to parents on how to properly care for their child during this period.

The newborn’s body undergoes adaptation to a new environment. The parents' task is to carefully monitor the baby. If there are any changes in your baby's skin or the appearance of a rash, you should consult a doctor.

You cannot start treatment on your own - this can be dangerous for the child. When using herbal infusions, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to them. Always maintain a positive attitude, do not panic, do not worry, so as not to transfer negative emotions to the child.

If all the rules are followed, the baby will quickly overcome this period in his life and will be healthy.

Has anyone experienced skin discoloration in infants? What procedures were done?


Of course, not a single rash on the body happens just like that. There must be certain reasons for everything. In the case of red spots in newborns, there are several reasons for the formation. The fact is that the hormone estrogen accumulates in the child’s body, even before he is born, and it is transmitted to the baby from the mother. In addition, after the baby is born and estrogen continues to enter the body through breastfeeding, the amount of this hormone exceeds the amount that an adult lives with. An excess of this hormone occurs, which causes the body to give its own specific reaction to what is happening. This is what explains the appearance of the purulent composition of redness. The body is still in a state where it cannot cope with many external factors, including hormonal levels. He simply does not have enough enzymes that should process and break down all the substances that enter the body.

How does the process of childbirth affect the baby’s nervous system?

Even if childbirth proceeds ideally, it is still stressful for the baby’s nervous system. When passing through the birth canal, the baby's head is strongly compressed, the supply of oxygen to the brain during these hours is intermittent: its level in the blood must drop to critical levels so that after birth the lungs open and the baby takes his first breath.

But the vital activity of nerve cells directly depends on the uninterrupted supply of oxygen to the brain. The Apgar score allows you to judge how much they suffered during childbirth. It is best if the newborn received 8-9 points in the first minute, and by the fifth he increased his score to 10. This indicates that everything is in order with his nervous system!


The examination and compilation of the clinical picture are mainly carried out in the pediatrician’s office.

What does the doctor do:

  1. He asks the mother questions about whether she is violating her diet, how she monitors the baby, what procedures she performs.
  2. He will assess the nature of the rash , ask when the rash appeared and whether it bothers the baby.
  3. If there is a suspicion that acne is infectious, he will prescribe tests or refer you to a dermatologist.


  • general blood test for inflammation;
  • blood chemistry;
  • Analysis of urine.

Treatment and prevention

There is an excellent “calming” for parents: if a child is diagnosed with acne, it will go away on its own, it does not need to be treated. The baby will “outgrow the problem”, the mother will improve her diet and lifestyle. Your baby will delight you with clean, soft, smooth skin 3-4 weeks after identifying the problem with infant acne.

You can do without treatment if you follow certain rules:

  • start with yourself, mommies: we recommend a proper diet, a healthy lifestyle, an optimistic attitude;
  • carefully care for the delicate skin of a newborn - daily bathing in boiled or running water infused with herbs;
  • harden the baby now with sun, air, water;
  • maintain an active motor mode for the baby.

READ ALSO: Bepanten for infants with seborrheic dermatitis on the face

READ ALSO: air baths for newborns

What should you not do?

With the development of neonatal pustulosis, it is strictly not recommended:

  1. Squeeze out purulent contents from pimples. These actions can cause infection of a bacterial nature.
  2. Apply oily cosmetics to the baby's face, which form a film on it. As a result, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted.
  3. Use brilliant green, iodine, alcohol, powders, and antibacterial ointments to treat affected areas of the skin without a pediatrician’s prescription.

You cannot independently give the baby medications, the action of which is aimed at normalizing hormonal levels.

Important! It is necessary to carry out daily hygiene procedures and wet cleaning of the living space.

By adhering to dietary nutrition, monitoring your psycho-emotional state and following all the doctor’s recommendations, you can alleviate the baby’s condition. If any rash appears on the child’s body, you should not try to establish a diagnosis; it is better to seek qualified help from a pediatrician.

What should a mother be wary of after being discharged from the hospital?

The most obvious thing is the baby’s increased excitability: he cries a lot, especially at night, often burps, flinches at the slightest noise, opening his eyes wide and spreading his arms, and when screaming and crying, they and his chin tremble slightly. Here, even without prompting, it is clear to the parents that the baby needs to be shown to a neurologist as soon as possible, but few know that they also need to consult with him and the quiet one who sleeps around the clock - you won’t even be able to feed him!

Drowsiness and lethargy are also a diagnosis, and quite a dangerous one: central nervous system (CNS) depression syndrome. The longer the baby’s brain remains in a depressed state, the more anxious it becomes. Fortunately, many children come out of it on their own in the first weeks of life, going to the other extreme (becoming overly excitable). Such a drastic change in behavior is also a reason for a neurological examination. The doctor will determine what unfavorable factor affected the baby’s central nervous system and how deep a mark it left.

  • Don’t delay visiting a neurologist in the hope that the problems will go away over time. Deviations that are easy to eliminate in the first month become irreversible by the end of the year.
  • If a child shudders in the middle of the night, and in series (2-3 times in a row), immediately show him to a neurologist! This is what petit mal seizures look like. Startling when falling asleep and when waking up does not count.
  • Do not ignore this phenomenon: while awake, the baby opens his eyes wide, so that a stripe of white appears above the iris. Sometimes this is observed in healthy children, but it can be a symptom of increased neuro-reflex excitability or intracranial hypertension.

What is prohibited

Forewarned is forearmed.

In order not to harm the baby, you should use these recommendations:

  1. Under no circumstances should you squeeze pimples . This is fraught with almost immediate introduction of any bacterial infection through damaged skin.
  2. Avoid using greasy creams, oils and lotions on your baby's face. They create an oily film and interfere with the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, which provokes even more breakouts.
  3. brilliant green, iodine, antibacterial ointments (in normal conditions), zinc cream , and alcohol is strictly prohibited .
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