How to potty train a child in 3 - 7 days: a review of the best methods from child psychologists

Due to physiological characteristics, potty training a child should not begin too early, but it should not be delayed either.

It is also necessary to remember about the individuality factor: one toddler can calmly sit on a night vase at the age of 9 months, while the other one is not always able to cope with self-care even by the age of three.

Based on the above, you need to find out when and how to potty train your baby. There are many ways to master this skill, but it is better to learn more about the most effective and most natural ones.

About your child’s readiness to use the potty

Probably, the question of when to potty train a child is the most common and pressing question among most modern mothers who want to quickly instill hygienic skills in their baby.

The answer lies in infant physiology. Scientists have proven that from the first days of life until about one year of age, a child does not control the processes of bowel and bladder emptying.

That is, such processes are unconditional and do not require the participation of the cerebral cortex. Consequently, the baby does not feel the filling of the rectal canal and bladder.

The main goal of teaching a child the skills of neatness, to put it simply, is to make an unconditional reaction conditional - that is, to make the processes of urination and defecation volitional and meaningful acts.

Success Factors

The success of transforming an unconditioned reflex into a meaningful action will be determined by three main factors:

  1. A primary role is played by the level of development of organs that are directly involved in ridding the body of metabolic products: the bladder, urinary canal, rectum, abdominal muscles, anal and urethral sphincters.

  2. No less important is the degree of formation of the central nervous system, primarily the cerebral cortex.
  3. Another important condition is the degree of activity of close relatives, that is, their desire to teach the child to go to the toilet.

These three conditions are interconnected and naturally complement each other. Analysis of these factors allows us to draw obvious and extremely important conclusions. Among them:

  • The sooner parents start putting their child on the potty, the more time and effort it will take to teach this skill.
  • The more developed the baby is physiologically, the faster he will begin to pee and poop in the night vase.

Can these factors and findings be ignored? Undoubtedly. However, in this case, potty training a child will be accompanied by various problems, which we will discuss below.

Difficulties of early training

On forums, you often come across comments from patient and active mothers who claim that their children at 10 months (and sometimes almost 5 months) can write after the treasured “pee-pee-pee” sounds and poop after the characteristic grunting “ah-ah” -A".

Such “successes” are explained quite simply. The characteristic sounds made by parents lead to the formation of a reflex in the child: a connection between the sounds “pee-pee-pee” and urination. There is no need to talk about the emergence of a volitional act.

It is not special sound signals that should encourage the baby to go to the potty, but a physiological process that is accompanied by an overflowing bladder or rectum.

Problems with seemingly developed skills can begin at two years of age or a little earlier. The baby, who has already learned to sit on a night vase at 9 or 10 months, suddenly refuses to pee and poop in the same way, actively protesting against being planted.

Experts associate such situations with the physiological maturation of the child. Natural control over the filling of internal organs begins to form, and parents with their “pee-pee-pee” force the baby to empty the still empty bladder.

Thus, parents’ ignorance of how and when to potty train their child often leads to the development of very superficial and unstable neatness skills.

It’s even worse when adults, upset by children’s failures in the form of puddles on the carpet, soiled panties or fear of the potty, begin to “force” the child: they force him to sit on a hygiene device, forbid him to get up early, etc. This cannot be done!

Signs of readiness to learn

Take a close look at your child. Determine the degree of readiness for pottery by the following criteria:

  1. The child is over 18 months old.
  2. He is happy and dry for one and a half to two hours.
  3. Understands what pooping and pooping means.
  4. Cries if he wets himself and puts on his panties.
  5. He knows how to let his mother know that he needs to go to the toilet (he gets nervous, pinches his legs, freezes, pulls her hand, knows how to wait, etc.).
  6. He wants to take off his clothes and put them on himself, and he succeeds.
  7. He knows where his arms, legs, butt are, knows how to show them and name them.
  8. He sits quietly playing a game and watching cartoons for a few minutes.
  9. Fulfills some requests: go, bring, give.
  10. Points to wet panties, expressing dissatisfaction with a grimace.

If your baby belongs to the group of children who can do it all or really want to learn it, then you can start learning toilet literacy. If not, delay the parenting process for a couple of months.

What time should a child be potty trained?

So, based on physiological norms, we can conclude that teaching children the skills of neatness before 12 months is not justified by anything other than the parental desire to quickly get rid of boring diapers. Of course, this desire is understandable.

Don't know how to wean your child off diapers? Be sure to read the most detailed and informative article by a child psychologist, which examines the 3 main methods of weaning and many useful recommendations.

However, the question of at what age to potty train a child remains open. Knowing the main stages of reaction formation associated with teaching potty etiquette will help you answer it. These periods were highlighted by Professor Alexander Kazmin in his work “Diary of a Child’s Development from Birth to Three Years.”

The main stages of developing toilet skills

Approximate timing of skill emergenceSkill Description
14 monthsThe child reacts negatively to wet or dirty pants.
18 monthsReacts to the need to go to the toilet with restless behavior or noises.
22 monthsTries to explain to parents that he wants to pee or poop using all available means - for example, gestures, but not words.
2 years old
  • remains dry and clean for 2-3 hours;
  • Pulls down his pants and panties on his own before sitting on the potty.
2 years 3 or 5 monthsBegins to ask to go potty using words.
3 yearsUnder the guidance of his parents, he copes with bowel and bladder emptying (he takes off his panties, sits on the potty, pulls on his clothes).

Most domestic and foreign pediatricians answer the same question at what age to potty train a child - at 1.5 - 2 years old. It is during this age period that the baby matures physically and psychologically and is ready to acquire full-fledged neatness skills.

It should be understood that the time for the formation of correct conditioned reflexes is strictly individual. Some children already at one year old can consciously handle the potty, while others, even at 3 years old, cannot get used to the night vase.

Help the boy get used to the potty

First, your little one will need to get used to the idea of ​​using a potty. You can help him with this if you tell him that the potty belongs only to him. You can write your baby's name on the potty or let him decorate it with colorful stickers. After such an “acquaintance”, you can try to put the baby on the potty while wearing clothes. After a week of such “plantings”, invite the baby to sit on him with his bare butt. If he starts to protest, there is no need to persuade or force him. This can only lead to resistance on the part of the child and reduce all your efforts to nothing. If your son has a favorite soft toy or toy character, try using them to explain to him how to use the potty. Most children like these games. They are often more effective than words. Some parents even build a small pot on which they place a toy so that it keeps the baby company.

How to properly potty train a small child?

If you decide to start teaching your child toilet etiquette, the recommendations of specialists (including Dr. Komarovsky) will come in handy.

Of course, the following tips and rules apply more to one-and-a-half-year-old or two-year-old children, but they will also help if parents do not know how to potty train a child at 1 year old.

5 main stages:

  1. First of all, show your baby the potty and explain why it is needed. Rubber toys with holes can help. They fill such a teddy bear and baby doll with water and release it into a night vase, telling them that the toy is peeing.
  2. How to teach a child to go potty? At first, the baby is planted after waking up, before and after meals, before falling asleep and during the day and after it, before and after a walk, before going to bed for a night's sleep.
  3. Now you should stop using diapers during the day. This way the child will be able to study his body, find out why the genitals and soft spots are needed. He will also establish the relationship between organs and urination and defecation.
  4. Every time a child succeeds in asking to go to the potty and doing his “wet chores,” he should be praised. But rewards should not come in the form of toys or treats. Enough with the usual words of encouragement.
  5. When a child begins to sit on the potty independently, without reference to the time of day, it means that the final stage of training has arrived. You need to consolidate the result obtained by monitoring the characteristic signs of readiness to go to the toilet - straining and redness of the face.

Small tricks

If you still have no idea how to potty train a one-year-old child, or if an older child has misfires, some small tricks will come to the rescue:

  • The learning process will be simplified if the family has an older child who already knows how to use a potty. In this case, the firstborn will be able to show the younger how to use an unfamiliar device;
  • We potty train your child carefully, without being too zealous. There is no need to keep your baby on the nightstand for more than 5 or 7 minutes. If you force him, he will begin to refuse to even come close to such an unpleasant object;
  • It is necessary to dress the baby very easily and simply. That is why experts advise starting training in the summer, when children wear a minimum amount of clothing. And the things themselves should be without belts, buttons, ties and buckles;
  • The night vase should be placed within the baby’s reach. Then he will be able to relieve himself, and mom will have a reason to celebrate, albeit a small, but victory. The potty can be installed in the nursery, not far from the play area;
  • In order for the child to definitely like the hygiene device, you need to choose it together with the future owner. Go shopping or look for a potty in a chain store, focusing on the preferences of the baby (images of animals, favorite characters);
  • When teaching neatness skills, you can use various books that reveal the meaning of the purpose of the night vase. For example, such works as “Fedya the Bear and the Potty” and “Max and the Potty” are very popular among mothers.

How long will the training take? Everything is purely individual. Some children, especially if they are physiologically ready for bladder and bowel control, can gain the skill in 2 to 3 weeks. Others cope in a few months.

If it seems to the mother that the process is taking too long, and the result is needed right now, you can resort to quick methods.

How to teach a boy to write while standing?

From the user log

25 October 2021, 03:38

I will be glad to everyone who answers. How did you teach your kids to write standing up, hold the wee, shake it off? A little background. Just talk it out))) My son goes to the second junior group in the kindergarten. He is practically the youngest there, but that’s not the point, because some boys knew how to write like a man (according to their mothers) even at a more tender age. A couple of weeks ago, a paramedic sat down with me in the evening and said: “Teach Gena how to hold a pussy, he alone doesn’t know how, the nurses complain that he wets everything around him.” I was a little taken aback, but I promised. I asked my husband, because this is his prerogative, but as always, he doesn’t give a damn. In all the time that has passed, I have never worked out. There are no grandfathers, uncles, or close male friends, that’s a shame))) I talked to my son myself, asked him to write like the boys in kindergarten, but out of habit he plops down on the potty and that’s it))). He has a whole ritual on the potty: he takes toys, finger theater, bottle caps and sits))) And he came up with all this himself, already when he started going to the potty, we never lured him there like that. It also turned out that in this group there are no longer any pots in the garden; the toilets there are low.

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How to potty train a child in 7 days: basic steps

The “Voluntary Baby” system, which was developed by Gina Ford, has helped a considerable number of mothers who do not know how to quickly potty train their child.
This method should be used only if the child is already 18 months old and can perform the simplest actions: take off his pants, understand the requests of adults.

  • first day. After waking up, they get rid of the diaper, explaining to the baby that he has already grown up, so now he will wear panties. Then the child needs to be seated for about ten minutes so that he can pee and poop. If the attempt fails, repeat the process every quarter of an hour. You can sit down next to him and explain to the baby why the skill of neatness is necessary;
  • second day. Now we need to carefully monitor children's behavior so as not to miss a single sign of readiness to go to the toilet. At each such sign, a pot should be offered to consolidate yesterday’s successes;
  • the third day. The behavior tactics remain the same, but in addition you need to get rid of diapers even during a walk, so as not to confuse the child. Before going out, you should do some “wet work,” and on the street, ask more often if the baby wants to pee. You can take a pot with you so as not to go into the bushes;
  • fourth - seventh days . On the fourth day, both the child and you already approximately know at what intervals you should use the potty. And if the baby gets carried away with toys and forgets about the need, you remind him. The child should be praised for every success, because mother’s encouragement is a wonderful incentive for acquiring a skill.

In just a week, according to the author and parents, it is possible to instill hygiene skills in the baby. But even if after 7 days there are “misfires”, you should not despair or, especially, scold the baby. Everything will definitely get better very soon.

Make potty trips a fun activity

Try to be creative in the process of potty training your baby, and then your child will show more interest in it. Pour a few drops of paint into the toilet to get your little one interested. Place a few children's books near the potty for him to "read", or read to him yourself while he does his chores. He might enjoy cutting out shapes from toilet paper and using them as targets as he learns to pee standing up. If, as it seems to you, your son has begun to lose interest in the process, but, nevertheless, things are going well for him, you can try to introduce a reward system. One popular way is to use special stickers and a calendar. Every time your child successfully goes to the toilet, give him a sticker that he must stick on the calendar. There will be more and more stickers, and this will definitely inspire your “hero” to new exploits. If stickers don't excite your little one, you can entice him with an additional reward, such as something tasty or a new toy in exchange for a certain number of stickers, or if he can stay dry for several days in a row. You can find other ideas in our community.

How to potty train a child in 3 days: conditions and rules

In the event that it is necessary to introduce the baby to the potty as quickly as possible (for example, the baby will soon go to kindergarten or go on a trip), parents will find it useful to use emergency methods for teaching children to use the hygienic device.

Of course, in such a short time, not a single child will be able to immediately move from diapers to a potty, but kids will develop a basis for mastering toilet etiquette.

Rules for carrying out the technique

The three-day method will only work if the child is older than one and a half years old, but younger than two years old. In addition, the baby is able to explain in an accessible way that he wants to pee or poop, and strives to quickly get rid of the spoiled diaper.

How to potty train a child in 3 days? First of all, after making sure that the baby is ready for the process, you need to introduce him to the upcoming changes. Such acquaintance begins in advance - about two weeks before active steps.

Preparation consists of several steps:

  • buy a potty (if you don’t already have one), explain to your child every day why this device is needed. You can also give instructions to an adult toilet, telling them that the toilet is the same as a potty, but for adults;
  • tell them 7 days before the event that you will soon have to get rid of diapers, and instead of them panties and a potty will appear. Buy children's underwear for “adult” children. Let the panties be with images of your favorite characters;
  • the mother will need three days in a row to be with the baby all this time. Therefore, you should take Friday or Monday off so that the technique is not interrupted, and enlist the support of your spouse;
  • Since you will have to constantly be with the baby for 3 days, you need to prepare entertainment for him and yourself in advance: cartoons, movies, games, books - everything that will allow you not to get bored and irritated.

As soon as you manage to prepare everything, you should proceed to active actions, carefully following all the recommendations of specialists.

First day

In the morning, as soon as the baby wakes up, the diaper is removed. It is permissible to put the child in shorts or leave him to walk around naked, if, of course, the temperature in the room and the season are conducive to this.

The night vase is placed in the children's room, closer to the baby. By the way, you can give him more liquid: water, milk or juice.

This is necessary so that the child wants to empty the bladder. Or simply place a sippy cup with your favorite drink next to your baby.

Parents carefully watch their child, tracking every sign that he wants to go to the toilet.

Ideally, the baby should notice a clear relationship between the desire to pee and being put on the potty. You can put the child on the night vase every 20 minutes.

It is for such painstaking work that at least two adults are needed. There will be a significant workload on them, since each attempt to urinate must be monitored in order for the connection to become firmly established in the mind.

How to potty train very quickly? Be sure to praise your child for every successful attempt.

Moreover, you should not say faceless phrases like “well done,” but specifically explain why you are praising the child: “Good girl for peeing in the potty.”

Failures, on the contrary, must be ignored without paying any attention to them. Moreover, you should not scold or blame the baby so that he does not develop negative associations associated with the potty.

Before going to bed in the evening, you are allowed to put on a diaper. Let the baby get a good night's sleep before the next day.

Second day

Today you can walk outside with your child without a diaper. Naturally, it is better not to go far from home, so that in case of an unpleasant “embarrassment” you can quickly return to the apartment. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period.

They go outside after the baby has peed and pooped. In the warm season, you can take things with you for changing clothes and a second potty for performing natural needs. After a successful attempt, be sure to praise the child.

The third day

In the last 24 hours, you should add one more walk so that the baby can control the process of bowel and bladder emptying both at home and outside.

Before any routine activity (walk, nap), it is necessary to place the child on a night vase. The same procedure is repeated upon returning home and after waking up.

If you don’t know how to potty train a 2-year-old child in the shortest possible time, a three-day course will come to the rescue. At the end of the technique, children usually respond well to the potty, often even sitting on it on their own.

It is best to do without clothes, but if the room is cool, you need to choose the right things - without buttons, straps, zippers and other fasteners. Otherwise, the child will not be able to quickly remove the underwear and will do a “wet or dirty thing” directly into the panties.

When is it time to teach your baby?

It is worth starting teaching your child this useful skill as early as possible in order to achieve positive results faster and more fully. However, the formation of “adult skills” in children must be preceded by confident use of the potty, as well as control of the bladder and urination reflex. In other words, children must clearly understand that they want to go to the toilet in a small way and they can already be patient for a little while. Plus, they should already be able to walk well and stand confidently on their feet, reaching their height in order to fully urinate in the toilet.

According to psychologists, in order to learn to write while standing, a child must reach a certain emotional maturity. That is, he should begin to feel embarrassed by diapers, they have become uncomfortable for him, and he expresses a desire to do it “like a man.” This indicates that the baby is ready to learn a new toilet skill and will be successful in this.

Potty training in 1 day: is it possible?

The shortest possible course for teaching a child to use a night vase was developed by Nathan Ezrid and Richard Fox. In their opinion, even in 24 hours it is possible to instill neatness skills in a child and “make friends” with the potty.

This method is used if the baby is already 2 years old, he understands speech addressed to him and can communicate according to his age with his parents. You should also enlist the support of all household members, since the mother will have to be with the child all day.

Potty training in 1 day means being provided with some necessary items, including:

  • rubber doll with a hole for demonstrating urination;
  • the pot itself;
  • children's favorite drinks;
  • disposable panties.

The more a child drinks, the more often he has the urge to empty his bladder.
Consequently, the sooner parents will be able to teach the baby to use the potty. Therefore, it is necessary to give your child more fluid. To ensure that nothing distracts your baby from the learning process, you need to be alone in the room with him and limit contact with other household members. Then the baby is shown where the night vase is and taught to pull off and pull on his panties.

Since emptying the bladder involves complete relaxation, in simple words the child is conveyed the idea that he needs to sit quietly on the potty and wait until “the water flows.”

Demonstrate with the example of a rubber doll what you expect from your child. To reinforce instructions, use gestures to show how to sit, relax, and stand up after peeing. Be sure to praise the baby for every successful action, using verbal approval and a hug.

How to properly potty train a child in 1 day? It is important to pay special attention to personal hygiene. After each urination, you need to help the baby pour the contents of the night vase into the toilet and wash your hands with detergent.

Opinions about this technique are mixed. Some mothers recognize its effectiveness, while others note that it is almost impossible to teach a baby to pee and poop in a potty in one day.

Useful tips

For effective toilet training, parents can use some tips and tricks:

  • Follow the regime and system of action. Avoid diapers. Don't stop putting your child on the potty every hour or two, after sleep and meals.
  • Bring the night vase to your child, rather than leading your child to it.
  • Wear simple clothing, without fasteners or zippers. It is important that it is easy to take off and put on.
  • Don't keep your baby on the potty for too long. Five to seven minutes is enough. The night vase should be within sight and reach of the child. In this case, he will be able to sit down and defecate on his own.
  • Let your child choose the first potty.
  • Do not interfere with your baby if he decides to explore his genitals. Let him know how his body works.
  • Make a poster or display to mark the baby's achievements. Glue stars for dry days, give small gifts at the end of the week for being neat.
  • Give praise after every successful process.
  • Don't scold kids for mistakes. This will provoke a negative reaction.
  • If the baby arches his back or yells, do not insist on the process. Let some time pass.
  • Offer to defecate outside in the bushes, take spare clothes for a walk.
  • Tell your baby that walking in dry pants is good, but wearing wet pants is bad and unpleasant.
  • Take a funny photo of your child on the potty. Hang it in your room, let him admire himself, realizing his own adulthood.
  • If there are other children in the family, place them in the toilet with the youngest. Let them share useful experience and set an example.
  • Do not try to form a habit during a period of illness or bad mood.

Potty training a girl and a boy: are there any differences?

Often, even the gender of the child affects the speed and characteristics of learning neatness skills. Many experts and parents point out that little ladies are more obedient and diligent than boys.

Girls try to imitate their mother in everything, so it is somewhat easier for them to understand the principle of the process. And because of their natural perseverance, many babies spend more time on the potty, which significantly increases the likelihood of a successful completion of the event.

However, some girls are extremely shy - which is why they prefer to endure the urge to empty their bladder, which ultimately leads to wet panties.

Young gentlemen are more active, not as diligent and observant as girls, and are more drawn to their fathers. And since dads spend a lot of time at work, the boys will develop the skill a little later. Mommy won’t be able to show you how to pee standing up.

Experts advise taking into account the gender of the child when purchasing a useful device. For little ones, a product with a round hole is more suitable; for a little boy, you should choose a pot with a special recess and a roller that will prevent splashing.

How to potty train a girl? The baby's training is standard. But the process of training a boy is a little different. The young gentleman should first be taught to use the night vase while sitting, since bowel and bladder emptying occur simultaneously at such a young age.

Only after this do they move on to the “male” version. Let dad show it, and then mom will only have to monitor the accuracy of the baby, who at first will be sure to spray everything around. The problem of how to potty train a boy is best solved in a game. This is the ideal way to learn.

Training boys and girls

Gender also matters for the speed of skill formation and its consolidation. Girls learn to potty train faster because of their flexibility, desire to be beautiful, and to imitate their mother in everything. They are attentive, measured, they are not bored sitting on a night vase, listening to their inner sensations.

Sometimes shyness gets in the way of girls. They refuse to sit down without panties in the presence of strangers, other children, and prefer to endure for a long time. This can be easily fixed by creating a secluded environment for the baby.

Boys are hyperactive, active, enthusiastic natures, so it is extremely difficult to keep them in one place. The father should practice writing with the boy, but this is ideal. Mothers have to take on this role themselves. Dads just have to show them later how to pee standing up.

There are no significant differences in the methods of teaching neatness to boys and girls, especially in the first stages.

Later, when future men learn how to pee not in their pants, but in a potty, they need to quickly teach how to do this more carefully so as not to splash the floor. Leave this part for dads.

Choosing a potty for a child

You can understand how to properly accustom your baby to using a night vase if you choose the most suitable hygienic device. Fortunately, children's stores have a variety of potty models.

However, making a choice based solely on the color of the most important accessory is wrong. At such a young age, a child really doesn’t care whether his potty is pink, blue or green.

When purchasing a night vase, parents need to pay attention to several important characteristics:

  1. Anatomical structure. As noted above, girls need to take an accessory with a round notch, and boys - with an oval one. It is also worth giving preference to potties that resemble a saddle, as this will help the baby sit directly on the hygienic device;

  2. Material. Products made from high-quality plastic are an ideal option. First, they are cheaper than ceramic or metal fixtures. Also, the plastic does not cool much in the room, so the child will not feel any discomfort when disembarking;
  3. Stable design. As soon as your baby starts using the potty, it is important to reinforce positive emotions. And so that the child does not fall with the contents of the night vase and does not develop a dislike for it, you need to choose products that stand well on the floor;
  4. No frills. In stores there are products with a variety of effects: sounds and light. Such additional features attract the baby, but he may perceive the potty as a toy, which is not what we want.

Of course, every mother thinks that I can buy the best potty model for my beloved baby.
However, you should not get too carried away; it is better to take a stable, plastic night vase without additional functions. Modern manufacturers of hygiene products for children offer to purchase special underpants or diapers to teach neatness skills. Such “training” products are distinguished by a layer that remains wet and leads to noticeable discomfort.

To become dry and clean, the child tries to remove the uncomfortable diaper and relieve himself in the potty. In this case, it becomes somewhat easier to accustom the baby.

Which pot to choose

The ideal potty is not pink and blue, purchased based on gender, but one that meets the anatomical features of the child’s body structure. You need to select it according to the following characteristics:

  • Form . Boys - oval, girls - round.
  • Presence of a protrusion . Required for boys.
  • Thermal conductivity of the material . A cold pot causes unpleasant emotions, a feeling of disgust towards the procedure. Opt for plastic models.
  • Comfortable seating . The first potty should be suitable for height and butt size. Buy the version with a backrest. The baby will comfortably lean on it at night, early in the morning, peeing half asleep.
  • Sustainability . The safety of the baby is ensured. The edges should be pressed tightly to the floor. Distortions and bends in the frame are typical for defective products.
  • Pot without additional functions . Leave the songs and lighting for musical toys.

Problems when training a baby

Unfortunately, teaching children hygiene skills does not always go smoothly. There is both a regression of skill and all sorts of fears of the potty. In addition, some children, due to health problems, are not able to independently learn to write in a night vase.

One step forward - two steps back

Mothers often note paradoxical situations when a child who knows how to use a potty suddenly refuses to sit on it. And if the parents insist, then he throws a real tantrum. There are several possible reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Any changes in the established way of life, be it adaptation to kindergarten, moving, the birth of a younger brother/sister, can be perceived extremely negatively by the baby. Outwardly, this manifests itself as a refusal of habitual actions and regression of skills. For example, the baby starts peeing in his pants again.

  2. By the age of three, the child enters another crisis period, which is accompanied by rebellion, self-will, and unwillingness to listen to the opinions of adults. It is likely that the baby will begin to do the opposite - for example, refuse to sit on the potty.
  3. Scandals in the family and other domestic troubles that occur before children’s eyes have a negative impact on the child’s behavior. Some children rebel, while others withdraw into themselves. In both cases, skill regression occurs.
  4. If the baby is sick, he is teething, he has been given a routine vaccination, you can observe a temporary refusal to use the potty.

To cope with the difficulties that have arisen, you need to find out the root cause of the reluctance to relieve yourself in a night vase. Once you get rid of the source of the problem, you can move on to retraining.

Fear of the plastic “friend”

Another common situation is an irrational fear of the potty. In such a situation, parents simply cannot get the baby to sit on it, because the child cries, breaks out, and becomes hysterical at the mere sight of a hygiene accessory.

There are several sources of this behavior:

  1. Potty training too early, when the baby is not ready in all respects.
  2. Parents are stingy with praise for their child’s successes and harsh punishment for failures.
  3. Not a very successful introduction to the night vase. For example, a baby was sat on a cold object, which also turned out to be unstable.
  4. Physiological or psychological constipation, in which the baby forms an association: painful sensations when sitting on the potty.
  5. Common childhood shyness or reluctance to defecate and urinate in front of loved ones.

To change the situation, you need to leave the child alone for a while, wait until his fears are forgotten. Those mothers who run after a crying baby with a potty at the ready are wrong. Such short-sighted behavior will only strengthen the child's phobia.

Experts recommend playing out a disturbing situation in game stories. Let the baby place baby dolls, robots, and soft toys on the potty. The main task is to evoke positive emotions directly towards the night vase and sitting on it.

Create fairy tales with a therapeutic focus on a potty theme. In such stories, a kind and sad potty waits for its owner to play with it, and then pee and poop in it. The plot is limited only by parental imagination.

The following technique may also work. Eyes and a smiling mouth made of adhesive paper are glued onto the plastic accessory. You can additionally decorate the pot with figurines depicting your baby’s favorite characters.

Medical factor

Sometimes problems with instilling hygiene skills in a child are associated not with psychological, but with medical factors. If daytime and nighttime involuntary urination occurs after five years, it’s time to consult a doctor.

Uncontrollable urination can be caused by several problems:

  • congenital pathologies of the genitourinary organs;
  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • imperfection of the nervous system;
  • heredity;
  • prolonged stressful situations.

The diagnosis and treatment of enuresis is carried out by two specialists: a urologist and a neurologist. First of all, parents should show the child to a urologist, who will conduct an examination of the external genital organs (the girl may additionally be referred to a pediatric gynecologist).

In addition, the urologist can prescribe laboratory and instrumental tests such as a general urinalysis, ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder. If a urological anomaly is excluded, the child is sent for a consultation with a neurologist.

When can you start training your child?

Children are usually ready for potty training between 18 and 24 months of age. A baby at this age will show signs of readiness, such as showing displeasure when his diapers are dirty and signaling to his parents to change his diapers.

Older children often don't like to poop or pee in front of everyone. If they start going into a separate room or hiding under the table while they poop, they are probably ready to start potty training.

Toilet training takes time and patience. It is recommended to potty train your child when you have enough time. The Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) suggests a baby-centered approach and recommends starting the process only when baby is ready. The following parameters are taken into account in the academic model of habituation.

  1. Physiological maturation : when a child can sit, walk, dress and undress.
  1. External feedback : When your baby can understand and respond to simple instructions.
  1. Internal feedback : when the child develops self-esteem and motivation, the desire to imitate and identify with elders, self-determination and independence.

Every baby reaches the above milestones at different ages. Therefore, it is important to identify various indicators that indicate that a child is ready.

A few conclusions

The question of how to toilet train a child is really relevant. At the end of the article, we have collected the most important recommendations and rules that can help adults facilitate and speed up the process of teaching a child hygiene skills:

  1. It is necessary to take into account the physiological and psychological readiness of children for learning.
  2. The optimal age, according to experts, is from one and a half to two years. Better later than sooner.
  3. You need to prepare for inevitable “misfires” when training a child; you should praise him more often and not pay attention to failures.
  4. You should not insist on emptying the intestines and bladder, or force the baby to push “as hard as he can.”
  5. You can choose either a long-term refusal of diapers or accelerated potty training methods. It all depends on your mood and the characteristics of the child.
  6. It is better to purchase a night vase together with your baby. This way you will show the significance of the event and will be able to quickly “make friends” between the potty and the child.
  7. If it doesn't work the first time, wait. Put the plastic “buddy” on the mezzanine, forget about the problem for a couple of months, and then again unobtrusively try to give up diapers.
  8. If your child is afraid of the potty, wait until the fears have subsided, and only then start getting acquainted with this useful hygiene accessory again.
  9. If you experience uncontrolled urination after 5 years, you should definitely consult a neurologist and urologist.

It should be understood that all the terms presented are quite arbitrary, so parents, first of all, should focus not on average data, the opinions of acquaintances and friends, but on the characteristics of their child.

They will be the ones who will answer the question of how and when to potty train. Well, many pediatricians advise remembering that almost all healthy children of 5 years of age are able to go to the bed or toilet. Therefore, you shouldn’t be too zealous trying to prove something to your girlfriends and acquaintances.

How to teach a boy to write while standing and when to start doing it

They say that as children grow up, so do the problems associated with their upbringing. Thus, at a certain period, certain worries can occupy all the thoughts of young parents, for example, the question of how to teach a boy to write standing up, and at what age to make these attempts.

How to start correctly: sitting or standing

There is no clear answer to this question. Each child is individual, as are the circumstances of his upbringing. However, all experts say that from about 1.5 years of age, a child of any gender should begin potty training.

Usually mothers of boys talk about the problem of urination in an adult way. The vast majority of dads do not attach much importance to whether their sons can pee standing up, they say, “when the time comes, they will learn on their own, men simply cannot relieve themselves any other way.” By the way, this approach is quite justified, as is the fact that not a single baby goes to school in a diaper. That is, everything has its time - children grow up to such things on their own, this is nature.

According to research by a number of family psychologists in England, boys who are brought up in families without a father quickly get used to writing while standing. Moreover, this happens thanks to mothers who immediately teach them to relieve themselves “like grown-ups,” sometimes using the most unusual ways to show the baby how it’s done.

To make it easier for the boy, immediately teach him to pee while standing and poop while sitting

Usually the baby is put on the children's toilet after eating to relieve himself and after 1-1.5 hours so that the little one urinates. The ideal option would be to perform the second operation in a standing position, bringing the potty or its alternative to the boy's urethra. These actions should be accompanied by the characteristic sound “psss-pss”, and the process itself should be called “pi-pi” to make it easier to understand. In this case, a male child will understand that he needs to pee while standing and poop while sitting, and there will be no problem.

But what if the child relieves himself while sitting? First of all, be glad that he is doing it in the potty and not in his panties, and, of course, show some resourcefulness.

Parents often worry that their son cannot urinate while standing. There's no need to make a problem out of it. He will soon realize that he will be more comfortable standing, especially if he sees it a few times like the other boys or his father do.

Benjamin Spock, author of Baby and Child Care

5 ways to teach a boy to write while standing

If a little man pees while sitting, then from the age of 2.5–3 years it is time to retrain him to do it while standing, for which there are several proven methods. Some of them are recommended by specialists (pediatricians, psychologists), while others are the product of the inexhaustible imagination of the people. Both have been tested by more than one generation of parents of boys.

Personal example

Children copy their parents in everything, and this can be used to solve the problem of teaching a boy to relieve himself while standing. If dad does not live with his family, then an example could be a grandfather, older brother, or any representative of the stronger sex who helps raise the toddler.

Children imitate their parents in everything, which will help teach a child to write standing up

Literally going to the toilet with an adult man 3-4 times is enough for a boy to understand that he needs to pee while standing. And then you can choose where to do it: in a potty, glass, toilet or urinal.

Whatever method you choose to teach your child to write while standing, be sure to praise his first successes, kiss him, and say that he’s doing great. Encouragement for a baby is the highest form of emotional recognition at this age.

Another effective way to teach a boy to pee while standing is to frequently remind him to relieve himself. We place bright tall glasses in different places throughout the rooms and periodically (every hour and a half) we draw the baby’s attention to them. But we do it this way: we take the container, take off the little one’s panties, bring the glass and say: “Pssst.” After some time, the baby will understand the order of actions and will carry them out independently.

You can teach a boy to write while standing using special glasses

1–1.5 months after the child learns to do his business while standing, the number of glasses should be reduced, gradually leaving one in the toilet.

On the street

If the training period occurs during the hot season, then nature itself will tell you the solution to the problem. While walking, you can offer your little one to “water the flowers or the grass,” and you will be surprised how after 3-4 such procedures your boy will happily run into the bushes. And if father and son go “on errands” together in nature, then learning will go even faster and easier.

Teach your child that it is forbidden to pee outside in public places, but only in a secluded corner under a tree or bush away from the views of strangers.

In the warm season, it is convenient to teach boys to relieve themselves while standing on the street


Children seem fascinated to watch the transformation of one substance into another, so you can come up with the following: pour multi-colored ice cubes pre-colored with food coloring into a pot and invite the child to get a trickle on them. Usually boys watch with rapture as the liquid in the pot becomes colored, and at the same time they get used to peeing while standing.

Urinal for a child

Another way to teach your child to pee while standing is to purchase a children's urinal, which is a plastic structure with a removable element for collecting urine. It can be attached to the wall with Velcro or self-tapping screws. There is a rotating part inside that starts to move if you hit it with a stream of urine, which kids really like.

A children's urinal is a useful device for teaching your baby to pee while standing

Review of a urinal for a child - video

Important point

Whatever method you choose, there comes a time when you need to be able to relieve yourself in a toilet or urinal.

To make it convenient for your little one to get to the toilet, you need to purchase a special stand, as well as an overlay for the toilet seat.

To do this, firstly, all children's “gadgets” are transferred to the toilet, and secondly, maximum convenience is created for the baby to use the toilet and urinal. That is, special covers for the toilet seat and stands are selected so that the child can easily reach the devices and pee on his own.

It is better to teach your boy to pee standing up from the very moment you decide to give up diapers and go to the potty. But if your baby’s communication with the toilet still occurs in a sitting position, you should not despair: there are several proven ways to correct the situation. Choose what is closest to you, and in a couple of weeks you will be proud to watch your child relieve himself like an adult.

How to teach a child to get up to potty at night

Night writing is the next stage in developing the child’s neatness skills. Start it after you have established the process during the day; the baby sometimes remains dry for ten to sixteen hours in a row.

You need to start waking up at night with the following:

  1. Don't put on a diaper before bed. Place a waterproof diaper on the mattress for protection.
  2. Wake your baby at certain hours at night. For example, four to five hours after falling asleep. It is important not to grab a sleepy child and put him on the potty, but to explain why he woke up.
  3. Motivate your baby, praise him for waking up on his own or asking him to urinate at night.
  4. Talk through night toilet situations during the day. It can be in the form of a game. Wake up and send a doll or a bear to urinate. Let the baby take off their panties himself and praise them for “pee-pee.” You need to have fun playing.
  5. Spend a couple of nights in the same room with your baby.

If the baby wants to pee at night, he will start tossing and turning and moaning. Place your baby on the potty. In a couple of days he will begin to wake up on his own, and not endure it.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, parents should not take any action to prevent the baby from peeing at night. The ability to stay dry always appears on its own as the bladder grows and holds more fluid. He made videos and wrote articles on this topic.

Watch Dr. Komarovsky's program, entirely dedicated to how to teach a child to go potty.

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