How to properly potty train a child: 7 tips

When to see a doctor

It is extremely difficult to determine that fine line when repeated “peeing” turns into a disease. However, if parents notice that the child urinates too frequently during the day, or involuntary urination at night persists after 3 years, this may indicate a pathology. Under the guise of enuresis, many urological problems are hidden: congenital anomalies of the genitourinary tract, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, functional disorders of urination. Therefore, if a child, despite all attempts to potty train him, continues to have uncontrolled urination (after 3 years of age during the day, after 5 years of age at night), it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The problem of urinary disorders is at the intersection of urology and neurology, and many parents do not know which specialist should show their baby. The examination should begin with a urologist, who will conduct a direct examination of the external genitalia in boys, allowing to exclude diseases such as phimosis, balanoposthitis, hydrocele, undescended testicle (cryptorchidism). In girls, a primary external examination can also be performed by a urologist. If he suspects a pathology in the development of the urinary system, the baby will be referred to an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist.

The urologist will also prescribe standard examinations: general urinalysis, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder with determination of the amount of residual urine. If, as a result, no urological pathology is detected, it will be necessary to show the child to a pediatric neurologist.

Using the toilet is a skill just like crawling, holding an object, walking, or talking. And sooner or later all children learn this. The main thing for parents is to behave competently and confidently. It depends on this how smoothly and painlessly this process will go for everyone.

Top 7 ways

All parents at some point face a problem and don’t know how to teach their child to go potty? The question arises: how to train a baby without coercion, tears and in a short period? There are 7 simple ways that will help parents quickly potty train their child.

  1. Do it like in the picture. Parents know that kids actively repeat everything after adults or their favorite characters. You can use this to your advantage. When the time comes to ditch diapers, buy a good potty for your baby that will be comfortable for your baby. Glue the corresponding images on it. For girls it can be dolls and soft toys, for a boy it can be robots or cars. And decorate the area near the children's toilet with pictures of children sitting on the potty. Explain to your baby regularly: “Watch how Lala does it, and you can do it.” Over time, your child will also want to do the same as the kids in the pictures.
  2. The easy way. There are parents who put their baby's used diaper in the potty. They rely on the guesses of the little one, who, by analogy, will figure out for himself where to do his business. In practice, this method does not work for every child.
  3. Favorite toy. It is best to use a soft toy and use it to show your child how to use the night vase correctly. Feed the bunny together, put him to bed, put him on the potty and tell him that the toy wants to go to the toilet. Soon the baby will understand that he, too, like the bunny, can go to the potty.
  4. Let's do it together. An effective method for stubborn children. You need to place the potty near the toilet, and sit down yourself, and seat the child with the words: “Let's go together.” Children for whom their parents are an authority will happily repeat the actions of an adult. Especially if they are afraid to let their parents go and follow them around. Take advantage of the situation.
  5. Rewards for success. After placing your child on the potty at the right time, thank him for successfully completing the task with candy, a new toy, hugs or affection. Show your baby that you are happy and proud of him. Show your positive emotions. The baby must realize that there is nothing to be afraid of and that you can earn a reward from your parents. This method is especially suitable when you are deciding how to potty train a child at 3 years old.
  6. Grandmother's method. When you place your baby on the night vase, pour water near him. With its murmuring, it is much easier for a child to do what is expected of him. This method will help you quickly teach your child to go to the toilet on his own. You can also say the corresponding sounds out loud.
  7. Find a good place for the potty. If you are concerned about the question of how to potty train a child at 1.5 years old, the place where he is located plays an important role. The baby should have easy access to the toilet. The place for the potty should be permanent so that the child can remember it.

When thinking about how to potty train your child, remember that there is no need to learn new skills while sick or teething.
The child will be capricious. In unusual conditions or in the company of new people, the baby will also be uncomfortable learning something new. We analyzed other mistakes along this path in this article. Now let’s look at a couple of recommendations, the effectiveness of which depends on the age of the baby.

For a child 1.5 years old

How to potty train a child at 1.5 years old? First, make sure he is ready for this. What should you pay attention to?

  1. Physiological changes occur in the child's body. After a night's sleep, as a rule, the baby remains dry. Children are no longer comfortable being wet; they require changing clothes.
  2. A necessary factor is the baby's constant bowel movements.

So, how to potty train a 1.5 year old child? Watch him - the baby will give a sign when he needs to relieve himself. Immediately place it on a night vase. If you managed to do your job correctly, be sure to praise the baby. Don’t be upset and reproach yourself for your mistakes, because there will be many more of them. The tasks of adults during this period are to regularly put the child on the potty, create all the conditions for a comfortable stay in the toilet, and ensure adherence to a clear regime so that bowel movements are regular. A more detailed guide for this increases here.

For a child 2 years old

How to potty train a 2 year old child? If you are thinking about the right age to give up diapers, then two years is exactly the period you need. The baby is already showing activity. The child is guided by the physiological needs of the body - it’s time to get used to the potty. Here, your main assistants during this period will be calmness and approval. Does the baby relieve his natural needs in the indicated place? Praise be to the little one! After a couple of weeks, he will understand that he is doing everything right, and the skill will take hold. You still need to remember the golden rules of how to teach a child to go potty:

  1. Create comfortable conditions for going to the toilet.
  2. Make this procedure more secluded and intimate, without inviting everyone in the household to stare at the miracle.
  3. Wash the pot after each use.
  4. Set the child in a positive mood by creating sound accompaniment.
  5. Lead by example with toys.

Forcing the process will not bring success in this delicate matter. If the child does not want to sit on the potty, do not force him, otherwise disgust will arise. If you still really want to know how to quickly potty train your child, try this method: regularly tell your child why you need to go to the toilet in a certain place, and show that this is the norm of behavior. A more detailed guide for this increases here.

For a child aged 3 years

Remember about age crises.
One- and three-year-olds tend to do the opposite—not what mom says. This shows their independence. Therefore, in the case of a three-year-old child, be prepared to face resistance. But daily and methodical adherence to the recommendations outlined above will help you do everything as needed and answer the question “how to potty train a child at 3 years old.” Sometimes the baby just doesn’t like the potty, in such a situation, buy a new one or take a short break for a couple of weeks, and then start the learning process again. Patience in this process will be much more beneficial than being too persistent.

Don’t forget to potty your baby regularly:

  1. before going for a walk and after;
  2. before the baby goes to bed and after waking up;
  3. before eating and after drinking liquid.

How to properly potty train a child

If you've decided that your baby (and you) are ready for potty training, then go ahead. You can find dozens of methods, methods and tips. Again, focus on your child, try to understand which tactics are right for you.

Preparation before potty training your child

  1. Show your child the place where he actually needs to go to the toilet. And change the diaper only in the bathroom. And change the diaper only in the bathroom. It is necessary to evoke associations in the child: “pee, poop - go to the bathroom.”
  2. Say your actions: “changing the diaper,” “you peed,” and so on.
  3. When purchasing a potty, go with your child. He should like the potty, and in no case scare him away. The baby will especially appreciate a pot with the image of his favorite fairy-tale character.
  4. Show and constantly remind where the potty is.
  5. A clear example is best remembered. Show him or her how to use the potty yourself or with the help of a toy. Alternatively, go to the toilet with him, the child should see and understand the purpose of the toilet in principle.
  6. Potty practice. Teach your child to sit on and get up from the potty. You can use a special ladder-stand for the toilet if you decide to sit your child on the toilet.
  1. Take care of the child's comfort. He should feel comfortable and safe while sitting on the potty or toilet. He should be able to easily reach what he needs (toilet paper, napkins, comics).

How to quickly and correctly potty train a child

And here we come to the most interesting part. Having determined the child’s readiness for the potty, having done all the necessary preparatory work, having gained maximum patience and endurance, we begin the operation “How to teach a child to sit on the potty.”

Potty training tip 1

Out with the diapers. The baby must understand when he is dry and when he is wet. In a diaper, this is difficult to determine for both you and him. Therefore, stock up on new underwear. And in large numbers, because accidents will happen at the initial stage all the time, and you must be prepared.

Potty training tip 2

We do not immediately remove diapers at night. Only after the night diaper remains dry until the morning. Then we remove the diapers, but use waterproof diapers. Make sure your child can go to the toilet easily and safely at night. Use a night light if necessary.

How to teach your child to get up on the potty at night: your actions and your child’s signals

  • The very first thing is to wait until the night diaper is dry a couple of times in a row.
  • Your baby will ask you to remove his night diaper.
  • If a child wakes up at night, he asks to pee.
  • Place the potty by the bed if the toilet is not near the child's room.
  • Explain to your child that the first thing after waking up is to go to the toilet.
  • Keep extra bedding and clean pajamas ready.
  • Be sure to talk to your child that now he is just like an adult, and he needs to go to the toilet even at night.
  • Be patient and never scold your baby for accidents.
Potty training tip 3

Think about your child's clothes. He must be able to take off and put on panties and pants independently. That is, bodysuits are unlikely to be suitable in this situation. In addition, this will be a transition to “adult” clothing. Children like to understand that they are already big, adults like mom and dad.

Potty training tip 4

Start doing everything while sitting. This applies to boys. At first it will be easier for your baby to pee and poop while sitting. In the process, when the baby masters the understanding of where to go to the toilet, you can move on to a standing position. Here again, using a clear example, it is best to show the child how to pee on the toilet correctly. Involve dad, older brother.

Potty training tip 5

Don't scold or shame. Accidents, especially at the beginning of potty training, are bound to happen. Therefore, be patient and stock up on rolls of toilet paper to easily remove traces of the accident. Encourage your child, support him and tell him that he will definitely succeed. Give him the opportunity to clean up the accident and change clothes on his own, of course, resorting to help when necessary.

Potty training tip 6

Mode. Build an approximate routine for your child. That is, if visiting the toilet regularly, it will soon become a habit for the baby. At first, you will feel like you are spending the entire day on the potty with your child. But over time, you will understand exactly when the child needs to go to the toilet, and then the routine will improve.

Potty training tip 7

Let the child decide what to take with him to the potty. We erase “not allowed, not accepted” from our vocabulary. If he feels more comfortable on the potty with his favorite elephant or apple in his hand, well, go ahead. It's his choice! He's the one who goes to do his own thing!

Child's physical readiness

The child’s physical readiness is that he has already mastered the potty well and has learned, independently or with the help of his parents, to take off and put on underwear, sit on and get up from the potty, use toilet paper and wash his hands.
In addition, the child must be able to speak well enough to communicate to his parents about his desire to go to the toilet.

An indicator of physical readiness for the toilet is also the ability to control the bladder and anal muscles.

It usually develops in babies in the second year of life and is characterized by the following factors:

  • regular and predictable bowel function;
  • acts of defecation do not occur at night;
  • the ability to completely empty the bladder and wait a couple of hours before urinating again;
  • The baby's diapers or underwear are often dry after sleep.

Methods, rules, recommendations and techniques for potty training a child

The invention of diapers helped make life easier for mothers. But now the time comes when you have to, as they say, “roll up your sleeves” and be patient. The process of potty training a child is far from the easiest and fastest. Some advice from more experienced mothers will come in handy:

  • Don't insist too much on the potty on the first day, a new strange thing can scare you. Gently and calmly explain to the baby what this object is, first place your favorite toy on it. If the child is used to diapers, then you will have to take them off. Older children will be a good example, because kids often copy the behavior of their brothers and sisters.
  • Kids at this age are already trying to get to know their bodies. Mom’s explanation of why external excretory organs are needed will help to understand why the potty exists. Children are able to feel that being in the described pants is very unpleasant, and “friendship” with a new item will help to avoid this.
  • It is necessary to praise the baby if the potty training goes well. Positive emotions will help reinforce a new skill. If attempts are unsuccessful, do not despair and swear; you need to patiently and affectionately remind the child again about the potty and the opportunity to be dry and clean.
  • You will have to constantly monitor the time and put the baby on the potty after sleep, food, some time of wakefulness, until he himself begins to remind you of the toilet when the urge arises. Under no circumstances should you do this by force, as this may cause the child to develop a persistent aversion to using the toilet. You need to calmly and affectionately offer to go potty.
  • While the skill is being formed, the new item should be where the child is constantly located so that it can be quickly used if necessary. If the potty is, as they say, “at hand,” it is easier for the baby to reach it at the first urge.

If your baby is stubborn and doesn’t want to go to the potty, you should come up with little tricks to make the process more fun. For example: reading a certain book at this time, playing with a selected toy, which will help the child relax and forget about his fears. However, you should not get too carried away with this method, so as not to replace the natural process with a game. Many kids are interested in mechanically flushing the toilet. You can also take advantage of this while developing a potty habit.

There is no need to rush and forcefully plant it on the pot. Excessive efforts can cause a backlash in the baby, and as a protest he will do “his business” anywhere but where he should. In such a situation, the best way out is not to think about the potty for a while. In the meantime, boys should be taught to urinate like an adult, standing like a man, and girls should “run a stream” in a bathtub or basin. After a few days, you can try to return to the potty, but try not to insist, but gently offer to sit down and pee.

Never equate your baby with another child and don’t complain if things don’t work out right away. Each child is individual, and everything will work out if you treat him with love and patience.

An attentive and calm attitude of parents will help the baby quickly understand what they want from him. If he strains, tenses, and blushes, this is a signal to quickly go to the potty. A few successful attempts, and the child will ask to go to his own toilet.

Summarizing all that has been said, we can conclude:

  • quick results are possible if the child has already reached a certain psychological age;
  • It is mandatory to sit on the potty after the child has woken up, and if his clothes are also dry, then the likelihood of quickly developing a new skill increases;
  • You should not toilet train an unhealthy child: a sore stomach, teeth coming out and fever are a reason to postpone training for a while;
  • you cannot induce urination using the sounds of pouring water; the resulting reflex can play a cruel joke on the child in the future;
  • When potty training, you should not immediately give up diapers;
  • If you fail, you cannot scold the child, you need to show more care and patience and everything will work out.

Training methods

Parents need to be extremely patient, since it will not be possible to potty train a one-year-old child in one day. You can make the process easier by following some recommendations:

  • You need to introduce your baby to a new subject slowly, through play. It’s better to explain that this is a very good thing, and if you use it, your panties won’t be wet, and there will be much fewer puddles on the sofa or floor. A good example can be shown with toys by first placing, for example, a favorite bear on a potty, and then a hare;
  • The child needs to be told that walking in wet clothes is unpleasant. The butt will begin to turn red and hurt. To avoid this, you need to go to the potty. It is advisable to place a toilet item in the children's room and squeeze the baby on it after waking up, walking and eating;
  • encouragement is needed. If everything worked out, the child must be praised. Then next time the little one will definitely want to repeat his little success. If an “accident” occurs, there is no need to get upset and scold the baby. It is enough to gently remind him of the existence of a pot in the house, which will not allow his pants to get wet again;
  • the pot should be in a visible and familiar place. If the child sits on it himself and is able to cope with his own affairs, the joy will be great, and the mother’s reaction will make him doubly happy;
  • there is no need to pay excessive attention to the usual process, covering the baby with books and toys, arranging a puppet show. The act of defecation should not be associated with games .

When placing a child on the potty, you cannot hold him against his will until he pees. This will cause resistance, and when the baby is released, he will defecate somewhere else, but not on the treacherous potty. Then it’s better to forget about this subject for a while and try to lure the child in another way. The boy, like an adult, can be asked to pee while standing. For a girl, let a stream flow in the basin. If this helps, you can safely return to the potty, but not so forcefully.

Each person is individual. This must be taken into account when raising children. You can’t compare your baby to your neighbor’s kids the same age who have already learned the tricks of the toilet.

You can get a successful result by taking into account a few tips:

  • You can quickly potty train a child when he is ready psychologically and physically. Parents who are constantly with him can determine this;
  • It is necessary to sit the toddler on the potty after each awakening. If he does not wet himself in bed, then there is a chance that he successfully goes to the potty;
  • if the baby is sick (teething, stomach pain, fever) there is no need to start training;
  • do not scold the baby if he forgot about the potty and wet his pants;
  • It is best to start training in the summer, when it is possible to walk naked for a long time or wear a minimum of clothing;
  • the child’s attention should be fixed not only on the process of emptying, but also on removing clothes, pouring the contents into the toilet, returning the potty to its place;
  • When urinating, do not use the sounds of flowing water. This may have a negative impact on the psyche in the future.

How to potty train in 7 days

Some mothers, wanting to reduce the number of diapers they use and reduce the number of washes, try to quickly train their child to go to the potty. How to properly potty train your child? There is a special method that allows the baby to get used to it in 7 days. It was developed by the famous midwife and author of many child care manuals, Gina Ford. The technique was approved by many women whose children already knew how to take off their pants and understand what they were being told.

  • First day

On the morning of the first day, they remove the baby’s diaper and, offering to go to the toilet, lead him to the potty. The procedure, if the first attempt was unsuccessful, is repeated every 15 minutes until it ends in success. It is advisable to ensure that the child sits on the potty for about 10 minutes, this will be enough for him to have a bowel movement. You can sit next to him and entertain the baby so that he doesn’t jump out of his seat. If you fail to catch the moment, the child begins to resist, it is better not to insist. Patience is required here.

  • Next 2 days

On the second and third days they follow the same principle. You need to watch the child, not letting him forget and relieve himself in his pants. If the seven-day method is chosen, diapers are not worn even for a walk. Before going out, the baby is asked to sit on the potty. And while walking, they ask if he wants to write in order to avoid an unpleasant surprise.

  • Remaining 4 days

Already from the fourth day, parents and the child know approximately when to visit the “toilet friend”. If the child is interested in the game, he needs to be reminded of this and be sure to praise him if he is successful. Mom’s joy will be the impetus for the child’s final mastery of toilet skills.

How to potty train in 3 days

If you don’t push the baby, the process will drag on for a long time. You can potty train your child in 3 days using another proven method. But this does not mean that the baby will never misfire once he gets used to it. Such techniques convey to the child the importance of going to the potty and form the basis of toilet wisdom. For everything to be successful, you need to find out whether he is ready for this.

When assessing the feasibility of a quick training method, you need to focus on the following factors:

  • such techniques are used for children under 2 years of age;
  • the baby is able not to pee for 1-2 hours;
  • The baby poops at approximately the same time.

These criteria indicate the baby’s readiness. But before you start training, you should prepare in advance. They begin to prepare 2-3 weeks before the transition to the planned actions:

  • the child is shown a toilet friend, and every day they are told what it is for;
  • they say that all children go to the potty, and then, like adults, to the toilet - and this is correct;
  • A few days before training, the baby is informed that he will not wear diapers, because he is already big. Instead, he will have panties and in order not to spoil them or get them wet, he needs to pee in the potty. In order to arouse the baby's interest, they buy him a pair of panties with beautiful images.

Once the soil is ready, you can begin the process:

  1. On the first day in the morning, the diaper is not put on, replacing it with the selected panties. A quick training method involves the little one learning to pee on the potty while awake. Nighttime weaning from diapers will take longer. When the child begins to fully control his physical needs and elimination processes.
  2. If the temperature in the room allows, it is better to leave the baby without underwear for the whole day. If not, wear comfortable pants with a loose elastic band. Even after training, some kids may sit on the potty in their underwear, forgetting to take it off. Adults should carefully monitor him and at the first sign, put him on the potty. The child must understand the close connection between the actions performed and the potty. If the parents do not have time to catch him before the need is corrected, the connection will not be recorded in the mind.
  3. Each successful entry into the potty should be marked with joyful emotions and praise. It is better not to focus attention on failures, otherwise negative feelings will be associated with the toilet and training will be delayed. Before going to bed (day or evening), the baby must be offered to sit on the potty.

On the second and third days they do the same. You can go for a walk outside, but leave after the child goes to the toilet. Before going to bed or going for a walk, the baby is scheduled to sit on the potty, not forgetting to praise him after he has completed his business. After such active actions, the child will clearly form the concept of a potty in three days. He will calmly accept the “toilet theme”, and even ask or sit on it on his own. Over time, you will be able to ditch the nighttime diaper.


Some parents are faced with the fact that their child, who regularly went to the potty, suddenly began to skip visits and again wet and dirty the laundry. This can happen at 1.5 or 4 years.

The reasons for this behavior are different:

  1. Stress associated with moving, the birth of a second child, long-distance travel. Children are very conservative and prone to anxiety. Even the simplest changes in life can cause a child to stop doing things that they used to do with joy. This also applies to the pot.
  2. At 3 years old, children experience an age crisis. The child tries to do everything the other way around. This time passes and everything falls into place. Parents need to experience these moments and not worry too much.
  3. Scandals between parents in the presence of a child can negatively affect his psyche, social adaptation and behavior.
  4. During illness, children often do not ask to go to the potty.

The reason for the aversion to toiletries must be identified and eliminated as quickly as possible.

Possible problems

Teaching hygiene skills is not always smooth and easy. It happens that a child experiences fears or anxiety because of a new object in the house. Some children may have health problems that make learning very difficult. It happens that a child perfectly masters the skill of using a night vase, but suddenly refuses to sit on it. If mom or dad insists that the child sit on the potty, a real hysteria may begin.

Possible reasons for this phenomenon.

  • Sometimes a child reacts negatively to any changes in his usual life. Going to kindergarten, moving to a new house, or adding to the family can cause misunderstanding. Outwardly, this may well manifest itself in the form of regression of skills or disagreement with performing usual actions.
  • At the age of 3 years, the child enters a crisis period. The baby may begin to rebel and do everything in defiance of his parents. It is likely that when you ask him to sit on the potty, he will pee in his pants out of spite.
  • A negative family environment, especially scandals between parents, can seriously affect a child. The baby may begin to rebel and behave aggressively, or, on the contrary, withdraw into himself and simply stop reacting to what is happening around him. In both cases, there is a partial or complete loss of skills.
  • Temporary refusal to defecate in a personal toilet may be associated with a routine vaccination, a cold, or painful dental growth.

To solve a problem, it is enough to understand the reasons for its occurrence. Remember that if the source is not eliminated, the regression can be quite serious. You may notice that your child is afraid of the potty, and for no apparent reason. If he cries, breaks out and completely does not want to sit on him, then the parents often have a complete stupor. There are several reasons for this behavior:

  • You started your acquaintance with the night vase too early.
  • You praise little for success and scold for failure.
  • Unpleasant first meeting. For example, you sat your baby on a cold potty, which was also wobbly.
  • Constipation, due to which the baby began to associate the potty with pain.
  • The child may simply be embarrassed to do his business in front of close people and a bunch of relatives.

It's easy to fix the situation. Leave the baby alone for a while, wait until the fears are forgotten a little. Remember that trying to give a crying child a potty can only make the situation worse. Try playing with your baby. Invite him to place his favorite toy on the night vase and try in every possible way to evoke a positive reaction. You can come up with a story for your child about how the potty gets bored and sad when the baby doesn’t come to it. The plot of such a story can be absolutely anything, based on the interests of the baby. An interesting option is to decorate the “night vase” with stickers in the shape of your favorite cartoon characters.

All of the problems described above are psychological in nature, but there are also purely medical factors that interfere with potty training. If you observe involuntary bowel or bladder emptying in a child over 5 years old, you should consult a specialist. A child’s lack of control may be due to the following factors:

  • organ pathology that appeared at the birth of the baby;
  • inflammatory processes in the urinary tract;
  • problems in the nervous system;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • prolonged stress, fears, anxieties.

Getting to know the potty

To successfully master this skill, it is necessary that not only the child, but also the parents are ready. It is necessary that training takes place not from time to time, but constantly. This will take time. You need to find the right time so that the child is in a good mood. It’s good to start in the summer, when the child has minimal clothing. It is most successful to put your child on the potty after sleep, especially if the diaper is dry. If the baby has developed a bowel movement routine, for example, in the morning after breakfast, then you can put the child on the potty at this time.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to show the baby the whole sequence of actions: take off panties, sit on the potty, pee or poop, where to then pour it, wash it, put it on. Of course, the child will not be able to perform these actions on his own yet, but they will interest him.

You should definitely praise your child if he did it right. But it’s not worth scolding for not going where you needed to. Potty should not be associated with negative emotions.

How to potty train your child in a week

Surely every parent tries to do everything to potty train their child as quickly as possible. And this is quite understandable, because you won’t have to spend money on diapers, which will significantly save the family budget. In addition, the number of washes will be significantly reduced. The method of potty training in seven days, which has been tested and approved by a large number of parents, can help in this matter.

If, upon reaching one and a half years of age, the child is not yet potty trained, then thanks to this technique the procedure can be carried out quickly and painlessly for the child’s psyche. This method was developed by American specialist Gina Ford. It is designed for children who already know how to perform simple actions.

First day

Accustoming should begin with removing the diaper after sleep, motivating your action by the fact that the child is already an adult, and adults do not wear diapers and go to the toilet in a designated place. When having a similar conversation with your baby, you need to put him on the potty. To show the need for going to the potty, you need to take the child with you to the toilet so that he can look at the process and understand that not everything is so scary. If the baby is unable to go to the potty, you need to repeat this procedure every 15 minutes, sitting on it for 10 minutes. This period should be enough for the baby to do his business. To prevent your little one from getting up from the potty, you can sit next to him and entertain him in the process. If the baby didn’t go to the potty, but peed in his pants, you don’t need to scold him or despair, you just need to be patient, because you will need it.

The second day is necessary to consolidate the acquired skills. In order for a child to go to the potty regularly, he should be carefully monitored and at the first sign of the desire to go to the toilet, he should be immediately placed on the potty.

The third day

During the third day, you should adhere to the chosen line of behavior. If you have clearly decided to learn to go to the potty, then you cannot wear diapers even during a walk, otherwise the baby will simply get confused. He won't be able to figure out where to go to the diaper or to go potty. Before going out for a walk, the child should be asked to go to the potty, and during the walk you should ask more often if he wants to go to the toilet, thus avoiding unpleasant surprises. If the child wants to go to the toilet outside, at first it is better to take the potty with you, but then it will be enough to go into the bushes with it. After some time, the child will learn to control his bowels and bladder, and will be able to withstand the entire walk without going to the toilet.

From the fourth day, both parents and baby will already clearly know when it is necessary to go to the potty. If your toddler forgot to go to the toilet, he needs to be reminded about it. When a child goes to the potty, he should be praised and sincerely rejoiced; the parents’ positive emotions from this action will help the child quickly learn and consolidate the skill.

Consolidation of skills

Quick potty training does not mean that within a week the little one will go potty smoothly and “accidents” will stop happening. This may not happen, but the child will clearly know what they want from him and soon going to the potty will become a standard action for him. This technique allows not only to develop toilet skills in the baby, but also to make him more disciplined and independent.

After seven days of toilet training, the child will begin to calmly accept the potty, and maybe he will even begin to sit on it on his own or ask his parents to take him. During the training procedure, it is better to dress the child in loose pants without straps or tight elastic bands, so that he can quickly and independently remove them if necessary.

Even if the child does not immediately get used to taking off his pants before sitting on the potty, there is nothing wrong with that. After some time, the baby will remember the sequence of actions and will perform everything perfectly. And in a month you will be able to completely stop wearing diapers, even at night.

Which pot is better to buy

Children's goods stores offer a wide range of potties for boys and girls of any age. For girls they are made in a round shape, for boys they are oval with a small convexity in front, which corresponds to the anatomical structure of the body. You can choose any model - from a classic one to a pot in the shape of animals or cars. Consultants will tell young parents about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular product.

There are several points to consider that even an experienced seller may not be aware of:

  1. Warm material. The product should not be cold. It is unlikely that a baby, accustomed to warm diapers, soft diapers and tender mother’s hands, will like to touch his butt to iron or ceramics. It is advisable to choose plastic models. They are bright, attractive and comfortable, and most importantly, warm. They are easy to wash and disinfect.
  2. Convenience. In such a delicate issue, comfort and the presence of a backrest occupy an equally important place. You can choose an option for your little one that matches its anatomical characteristics. The main thing is that the hole is wide enough and does not dig into the baby’s body.
  3. Sustainability. An unstable toilet item can easily topple along with the child if moved awkwardly. This is fraught with a categorical refusal to sit on it next time.
  4. Mobility. Models with a removable cover can be taken with you on a trip.
  5. Efficiency. Pots with light or musical effects disturb children , distracting them from the main process. They are often perceived as toys rather than necessities.
  6. Quality. A good pot should be smooth, solid and solid. Cracks or sharp protrusions are not acceptable. We must not forget that the contents will need to be regularly poured into the toilet, so a strong, comfortable handle is an important element of the product.

If the pot consists of several parts, you should make sure that they are easily removable and accessible for washing. Otherwise, dirt will accumulate in the corners, and the necessary item will turn into a breeding ground for germs.

How to choose a pot?

Some parents are sure that it is enough to choose a potty with a princess for a girl or with cars for a boy. In fact, the process of choosing a device is quite painstaking and responsible. So, for a girl it is better to have a round pot, and for a boy – an oval one. In the latter case, a device with a separator between the legs will be very useful.

Important nuances of choosing a pot.

Choose a “night vase” made of high-quality plastic. The potty should not be cold when the baby sits on it. This can cause discomfort and negative associations

The child gets used to the touch of a soft “diaper” or diaper, so the contrast will be very noticeable. The convenience of the product is important. The size should be appropriate for the child so that the edges do not press when sitting

Make sure there is a backrest so that the baby can relax while he does his business. Your job is to ensure comfort during potty training. The “night vase” must be stable. A wobbly pot may result in accidental falls. Such an incident will greatly spoil the impression of the potty and may cause complete abandonment of it for a long period.

  • If possible, choose a potty with your child. Offer your child several suitable options and leave him the choice of color, decor, etc.
  • Choose a pot with a lid and a comfortable handle. The first option makes it possible not to remove its contents immediately. The handle will provide convenience for you when washing the product.
  • Make sure that the potty is not perceived by the child as a toy. Do not encourage play with the device in any form. The child must clearly understand the function of this item.

Today you can buy a variety of models of children's potty in stores.

  • Simple. Suitable for children of any age. An ideal option for the first toilet, the absence of decorative elements will help explain to the baby the main function of the new item.
  • With flavoring. The pleasant light aroma from the night vase drowns out the smell of feces and urine. There are times when unpleasant odors repel the baby from the night vase, and this option will help solve the problem.

In the form of a toy. The device can resemble a car, scooter or any other object. Helps to potty train your child in a playful way

Special attention must be paid to ensure that the baby does not perceive the new object as just another toy.

Child toilet seat. This device will help accustom your child to the toilet after using the potty or instead of it.

The seat cover has reliable clamps that allow you to attach it to a toilet of any size and shape.

With music. After the baby has gone to the potty, a pleasant melody begins to play. Such a signal makes it clear that the child can already get up, clean up and continue to do his business. A “night vase” with music will help get rid of anxiety associated with bowel movements.

How to determine that your baby is ready to learn?

It turns out that the age period favorable for potty training is quite vague - from 1 year to 3 years. How to determine that a child is ready both mentally and physically?

1. Most importantly, the baby must be able to express the desire to go to the potty. These are not necessarily words. Facial expressions, gestures, sounds, postures, etc. can be used.

2. Dislike of wet or soiled panties.

3. Understanding of the words “pee-poop” or their folklore variants, knowledge of the corresponding parts of the body and the names of items of clothing.

4. The ability to independently take off your pants or panties.

5. The break between peeing is more than 1.5 hours and there is a relatively stable time for coping with a “big” need.

In addition, psychologists do not recommend starting training during periods of emotional turmoil, such as the birth of a brother or sister, mother going to work, moving, illness, separation from loved ones, etc.

How to teach a child to go to the potty (methods)

There are special methods on how to properly instill in a child the skill of going to the potty. It turns out that this can be done in 3 days and a week. It would seem, how so? Here you are trying to help the child, but he is in no way, either protests, or is capricious, or just out of spite, does his wet business anywhere, but not on the potty.

The methods take all these points into account, but at the same time they can give simply amazing results. The main thing is to do everything correctly, gradually and with love for your baby.

So let's get started. First, let's decide what we have already achieved and what we will strive for. After the baby wakes up, be sure to remove the diaper, offer to sit on the potty and explain that all adults do this. Don't forget to praise and hug your child affectionately. He really needs your encouragement and positive emotions. Remind your child about the potty every 1-1.5 hours, take it with you to the toilet, allow him to flush the toilet, show him where to empty the contents of the potty

And constantly praise! It is very important! You can allow your child to play while sitting on the potty. Sit next to each other and have fun together. He will see a relaxed atmosphere and will no longer be afraid of a subject that was hated until recently. Also remember about comfortable clothes that are easy to take off and put on. If it’s summer outside and the room is warm, you can let your baby run around naked

This makes it even easier and faster for him to learn how to sit on the potty himself. After a couple of days, you will be able to determine the time of your child's urge and plan when to put him on the potty. Avoid diapers during the day. Let your baby learn to distinguish wet from dry. Gradually, you need to stop wearing diapers at night. Better change diapers. Although by this time, the child can already restrain himself at night if he goes to the potty before bedtime. Try to create a familiar environment for your baby. Avoid guests; in front of strangers, the child will become confused, complex and shy. Give him time to acquire this skill - “going to the potty”. Do not undertake repairs, moves, or any loud events during this period. Take your time with kindergarten - do not disrupt your child’s usual way of life. If you see that the child is not feeling well, move this moment to a more appropriate time. Still, nothing will work out yet. The baby will not be able to adjust to the changes. Avoid conflicts with relatives and your spouse. These are negative emotions that have a detrimental effect on children. This way they will never learn to go potty. Remember also that children may suddenly stop asking to go to the potty, even if they have already done it themselves and consciously. This may be some kind of crisis in their little life. You just need to be patient and wait it out. Everything will definitely work out. While walking on the street, offer to “water the grass” for a boy or “let it flow” for a girl. Forget about diapers completely, otherwise all your efforts will be down the drain. It’s better to take spare panties and panties with you. And again - praise, hug, kiss your child!

Love will help you overcome all difficulties in such a difficult matter. Love your children - they are our pride, joy and immeasurable happiness.

What not to do:

  • Keep on the potty for a long time (violence is not the best way to instill “love” for the potty).
  • Buy pots in the shape of animals, etc. (many children refuse to wear them, perceiving them as just another toy).
  • Scold for wet pants (at the age of one and a half years, most children already feel discomfort from them).
  • Attaching too much importance to these procedures, fixing the child’s attention more than necessary (including expressing admiration for his successes too vigorously).
  • Waking your child at night: This can lead to sleep disturbances. 20% of 4-year-olds and 10% of 5-year-olds may need a diaper at night, even if they go potty regularly during the day.
  • It is not recommended to deprive your child of drinks before bedtime. This won't prevent nighttime urination, but it can be harmful.
  • You can’t scold or shame your child for mistakes! Unless, of course, you want to develop a bunch of neuroses and complexes in your child.
  • Don’t panic if your baby shows remarkable interest in the product of his own life (plays with it, studies it, tastes it, etc.), don’t scold him for it. This is absolutely normal, because a small child does not yet have adult prejudices. The kid feels like the author of the product he produced, and he has the feeling “I did it myself,” “I can,” “I can do it.” These are prerequisites for the development of a creative personality, as psychologists say.
  • It is better not to develop a child's conditioned reflex by turning on the water in the bath. There is a chance that a “trained” baby will pee every time he hears the sound of water. For example, if you decide to wash the dishes.
  • Do not believe “well-wishers” who claim that “not everything is all right” with your child if the child has not mastered the technique of using a potty until he is one and a half years old. Believe in yourself and your child.

Potty training your baby step by step

  1. Place the potty you bought in your child’s room and try to clearly explain to the baby what this new item is and why it is needed.
  2. If the baby is not immediately imbued with any good feelings towards what he considers an outlandish thing, just give him time to take a closer look and get used to finding the potty on his territory. If the little one reacted quite kindly to his first toilet device, you can move on to the next stage.
  3. Place your child on the potty for a few minutes 2-3 times during the day. In this case, you do not need to take off your panties (diaper) yet. Just let the baby begin to take the potty for granted. This stage usually takes 7-10 days.
  4. Then you can try to plant the baby without pants (diaper) 2-3 times a day. At the same time, do not try to catch when the baby wants to pee. So you can only scare him. And the child, on the contrary, will try to hold back urination while sitting on the potty. But you are striving for the exact opposite. Therefore, there is no need to rush. Let everything take its course. Allow at least 1-2 weeks for this stage.
  5. During which you can try to more clearly form in the toddler’s mind an idea of ​​the purpose of the potty. How to do it? Every time you take your baby's diaper off, you can defiantly throw it into the potty. You can ask the older child to relieve himself in the potty in front of the younger one. After all, kids very willingly imitate their elders. And this method very often turns out to be the most effective. Do not forget to constantly explain all your actions to your baby. You shouldn’t underestimate the power of words, even if it seems to you that the little one doesn’t understand everything. This will take another 1-2 weeks.
  6. Now you can start putting your child on the potty when it seems to you that he really needs it. For example, after sleep, food, walk. Watch the baby carefully. Usually, when kids want to go to the toilet, they freeze, concentrate, and stop playing. It is at such moments that you can offer your little one a potty. Again, allow 1-2 weeks for this stage.
  7. And only after consistently going through all the stages can you begin to teach your child to independently use the potty, which should always stand in one place and be accessible to the toddler. Explain that now the baby will sit on the potty on his own when he needs to. And rehearse the entire toilet ritual with him until it becomes automatic. Don't skimp on praise and encouragement. After all, for a child they are the most important engine of progress.

Do not scold or punish your child if he is not learning toilet science as quickly as you would like.

Refusal of diapers

New parents are constantly concerned about the question of how long it takes to potty train a child in order to give up expensive diapers? It is much easier not to use them during the day than at night. When the baby is awake, it is easy to catch him and sit him on the potty. When the skill of regularly visiting the toilet or potty is clearly developed, the night diaper will remain almost dry. Then you can be away from him without fear.

To be on the safe side, you should not rush to remove the oilcloth or waterproof diaper from the crib. The baby needs to be woken up twice a night and, sleepy, seated on the potty. Gradually, awakenings are reduced to once. The small organism will become accustomed to this ritual and will begin to control the process of urination during sleep. The child will wake up on his own, feeling the need. The potty should be placed near the bed and the night light should be left on.

Additionally : 3 ways to wean your child off diapers - only actual tips and tricks

At what age should a child be potty trained?

If by training we mean putting a child on a potty and keeping him there until he does his big and small things, then of course 2 years will be better than one year.

The child understands more, the nervous system is more or less mature, and learning should seem to go quickly.

In practice, a paradox arises.

The child is 2 years old, but he does not want to sit on the potty. He tries to find a secret corner and quietly do his business away from his mother. Mom still finds him and curses, screams, and points her finger in the direction of the potty. In the eyes of the child there is complete bewilderment.

Potty training is a broader concept.

It includes:

  • getting to know your body;
  • understanding how and what this body can produce;
  • getting to know all the wonderful derivatives;
  • full development of the genital organs, both external and internal (not visible to the naked eye);
  • the ability to relate certain sensations to what these sensations lead to;
  • the ability to delay the urge for a while in order to have time to run to the potty;
  • relaxation skill when you have already sat on the potty.

Agree that the tasks facing the little man are enormous. They require a lot of preparatory work and cannot be solved in 1 day.

From the first days of life, a child feels discomfort from a full bladder and tries with all his might to signal this to his mother. Crying, arching, twisting of the baby may be signs that the child wants to go to the toilet.

If you ask your mother or grandmother, they will probably tell you that they tried to drop off the child one way or another. Often one of the tasks was to keep diapers clean, because not many people could boast of the luxury of a washing machine, and not many people want to constantly wash dirty diapers and onesies.

Unfortunately, with the emergence and popularization of diapers, the need to drop off a child fades into the background, and few people know about it.

The convenience of diapers deprives us of sensitivity to the needs of our child.

The optimal age for potty training a child is... 3-4 months.


In psychological circles, the age usually referred to is 1.3-1.6 years, but now more and more often you can find the figure - 2 years. The timing of independent efforts to go to the potty is moving to a later time, and this is very sad.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how important it is to develop a child from the cradle, to teach reading from 3 months and to solve mathematical problems from six months. And there is catastrophically little knowledge that potty training begins with... understanding and knowing your body in infancy

Literally from 3 months!

And there is catastrophically little knowledge that potty training begins with... understanding and knowing your body in infancy. Literally from 3 months!

The child must know where his arms, legs, stomach, back, and... genitals are.

He must study their capabilities - and this is a whole complex of actions and conditions that the mother creates.

Another prerequisite is the correct pot. About this in my short video tutorial:

So, at what age should you potty train?

  1. Direct creation of conditions for potty training should begin after the child turns 1 year old.
  2. Creating conditions for learning about your body and preparing for going to the potty should be done from 3 months.

Do you want to understand the topic of calmly potty training your child in detail and right now?

I invite you to a detailed course: How to potty train a child easily and simply? With this knowledge, you will turn your child's potty training into a simple, daily task and will not suffer, irritate or worry about leaving puddles.

When is the best time to introduce your child to the potty?

Children begin to learn new skills easily when they are physically and mentally ready. No sane mother would force a child to crawl or stand on his legs if he is not yet mature for this. Experts also recommend that parents take their time when it comes to the toilet, since it is much easier to potty train a child when he is already 2 years old. If a baby under this age is forcefully placed on an incomprehensible object, making sounds like “piss-piss,” he will not understand anything and will resist. Sometimes children are so intimidated that they start crying at the very sight of a potty.

When to start training? If the child does not need to go to kindergarten soon, the mother can track his behavior. The baby will always give a sign that he wants to go to the toilet. Everyone has their own. One begins to shudder or freeze, the other will strain or grunt. You need to seize such a moment and quickly put him on the potty. If you are on time several times, the baby will begin to understand the true purpose of the potty.

At what age should young mothers be interested in potty training a child? 1.5-2 years is considered optimal.

Before this, children find it difficult to control their needs. The baby does not notice that the bladder and intestines are full. If a neighbor brags that her one-year-old son can already poop in a potty, this does not mean that the problem has been solved on a conscious level. They just plant him there with enviable regularity. The reflex is triggered. If you managed to plant it on time, everything works out, if not, he will shit his pants.

When the child is already able to:

  • squat down and get up without anyone's help;
  • collect various objects from the floor, put them in their places;
  • sit on the potty on your own (even without taking off your panties) or place toys on it;
  • understand well what is being said to him, accept praise from parents, requests and encouragement;
  • say a few words, communicate your desires;
  • stay dry after waking up during the day, do not pee, staying awake for 1.5-2 hours;
  • feel that wet and dirty panties are uncomfortable

Mom can safely begin toilet or potty training.

Important! Each child develops individually. The age at which they switch to the potty after diapers also differs. If a baby pees on the potty at one year old, this is not related to his meaningful habits. He must clearly understand what he is doing, and not follow reflexes.

Potty training a girl and a boy, are there any differences?

⇑ The gender of the child does not matter much when it comes to how to quickly potty train him. The fact that girls 1.5-2 years old learn faster compared to boys is nothing more than a myth. Also, the presence of shyness and withdrawal in children of this age is associated not with their gender, but with their upbringing.

But, since many parents begin to instill muscular and feminine habits in their children from an early age, some differences in behavior and thinking are still observed. As a rule, they appear closer to the age of two. Boys are more active and cheekier than girls, have difficulty concentrating and have problems with perseverance.

Therefore, in order to potty train a boy, you need to interest him. You can buy books in advance that show how animals go to the toilet, just like people do. The boy should have an interest in this process.

️ In order to potty train a girl, you need to leave her alone with her mother so that there is no one else in the room. The environment should be calm, so it is best to close the window, draw the curtains and turn off the TV in advance. In this case, the mother should be shown how to use the potty (for example, pretend that she peed in it herself), and then go about her business, carefully watching the baby.

These rules only work in cases where children aged 1.5-2 years actively display behavioral characteristics characteristic of their gender. But most often, boys and girls are taught the same way. Most children require an intimate environment, the presence of one parent, and the absence of extraneous sounds and distractions.

Choose the right pot
A convenient and safe potty will save you a lot of time and nerves. When choosing, consider the following factors.


Iron pots with rattling lids are, fortunately, a thing of the past. Cold metal has been replaced by plastic that is more pleasant for delicate buttocks.

As a rule, children's toilets are made of polystyrene or polypropylene. Both options are considered environmentally friendly and safe, they are easy to clean and do not absorb odors. But it is better to choose polypropylene: it is not afraid of temperature changes. This means that such a pot can even be washed with boiling water for disinfection.


Classic round pot
Cheap and convenient option. It’s easy to sit on such a potty: this is especially important when the baby is in a hurry. But there is a nuance: a round hole is more suitable for girls. On a classic seat, the child involuntarily cramps his legs. Therefore, it will be difficult for the boy to relieve himself and not splash anything.

Anatomical potty-saddle
Now this is what the young gentleman needs. Having straddled the toilet with an anatomical curve and a protrusion at the front, the boy takes the optimal position for urination: his legs are spread apart, the stream is directed downwards. True, it’s more difficult to sit on such a potty, especially with your pants down. Therefore, at first, the baby cannot do without your help.

Potty chair
The model is similar to a regular highchair with a removable tray. If you like this option, pay attention to the following points:

  • Height. The baby must rest his feet on the floor and not dangle them in the air.
  • No cracks. There should be no gaps between the frame and the removable tray, otherwise the child may painfully pinch his buttocks.
  • Sustainability. Wide legs with anti-slip coating will help protect your fidgety child from falling.

Potty toy
Kids are usually delighted with designs in the shape of a snail, car or minion. But often a child treats a toad or a bear with a hole as a toy, and not as a toilet. He sits on this potty for a long time. And this is fraught with circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs and constipation.

Musical pot
Makes sounds when baby has successfully emptied the bladder or bowel. This is convenient for parents: there is no need to twitch and check whether the baby has coped with the task. But very young children can be frightened by melodies. It is better to buy such a model for an older child if he has already mastered a simpler option.


Sometimes the label indicates the age for which the pot is designed. But to be on the safe side, take your child with you and check whether the height is right for him and whether the hole is too big or small for his buttocks.

Useful elements

  • The lid is a convenient solution in situations where it is not possible to immediately remove the potty (while traveling or if the baby goes to the toilet on his own at night).
  • A pot with a handle is easier to carry.
  • The skirt (a silicone or rubberized footrest at the base) provides reliable grip on the floor. The contents of such a pot will not spill if the child stands up suddenly.
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