Year of life
What is the daily rate of water consumption? First, let’s figure out how much water a child needs per day.
How to get rid of nasal polyps without surgery? At the 1st stage of the disease they overlap
Side lying position Children begin to turn on their side on their own as soon as their position is on
Baby's physiological reflexes When the doctor examines the baby monthly, he, among other things, checks for normal
May 11, 2019 Children under one year old Svetlana Funtova Daily walks in the fresh air have
Why is this happening? Your baby was in a hurry to be born and was born ahead of schedule
Causes Symptoms Age characteristics Diagnosis What to do? Consequences Prevention Sneezing is an unconditioned reflex of the human
Due to physiological characteristics, potty training a child should not begin too early, but
Why does a newborn make sounds during sleep? During sleep, a newborn breathes irregularly and may make sounds.
For a child who cannot yet speak, crying is the only way to communicate his or her