Why does a child have a lot of wax in dark-colored ears: causes and solutions to the problem

Features of treatment depending on the cause of the symptom

Treatment for excessive wax production depends on what condition your doctor diagnoses and its cause.
He will prescribe rinsing of the ear canal, medications, or refer you to other specialized specialists (allergist, dermatologist, endocrinologist, etc.). Self-medication with folk remedies is not recommended. In young children, cleaning the ear canal on your own can easily damage the eardrum - the consequences can be very serious.

Removing wax plug

Often, when there is excessive wax production, parents use cotton swabs to clean their ears, but this is strictly forbidden. This can easily damage the external auditory canal. When using sticks, the opposite process occurs - sulfur is not removed, but, on the contrary, is pushed deeper and leads to the appearance of even more discharge.

Cleansing takes place in several stages:

  1. if the cork is too dense, softening is necessary with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, petroleum jelly or glycerin;
  2. often, after softening, the plug comes out on its own; if this does not happen, rinsing is required;
  3. after washing, a 3% solution of boric acid is instilled into the ear; for a while, the ear canal must be closed with a cotton swab.

Another way to remove wax plug is to use special drops or solutions (A-Cerumen), which are sold in pharmacies. Modern clinics have new generation devices that carefully and painlessly clean a child’s ear.

Treatment of the disease

For otitis media in children, ear drops (Otipax, Otirelax, Albucid) are used and rinsing with antiseptic agents (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, Miramistin) is carried out. Antibiotics (Flemoxin Solutab) are prescribed based on the child’s condition and only in the presence of a bacterial infection. Each specific case of otitis requires a thorough diagnosis and examination by a pediatric otolaryngologist.

The high temperature (over 38°C) that accompanies ear inflammation must be reduced. In children, Paracetamol, Nurofen, and Ibuprofen are used for this purpose. These drugs will also reduce pain, which is known to be quite intense in ear diseases.

If during examination a foreign body is found in the ear, it should be pulled out. A pediatric otolaryngologist has all the necessary equipment for such cases.

Fungal infections of the ears are treated with antifungal drugs approved for use in childhood. Fluconazole, Itraconazole, and Ketoconazole are often used.

If an allergic reaction or eczema is detected, a pediatric allergist will treat you. He will prescribe antihistamines (Fenistil, Suprastin), vasoconstrictor drops (Otrivin) and indicate the need to eliminate allergens and follow a special diet. Often the allergens are pet hair, dust mites, food, etc.


Treatment of ear diseases accompanied by brown discharge from the ear may include medications, physiotherapy, and sometimes surgical methods. It all depends on the root cause that caused the painful symptoms.

Drug treatment includes:

  • Antibacterial agents. Prescribed for purulent types of otitis.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops. Reduce swelling.
  • Antimycotic agents. Effective against fungal infections.
  • Antihistamines. Prescribed if there is swelling and itching of an allergic nature.
  • Painkillers.

The following physiotherapeutic procedures help in the treatment of diseases:

  • dry heat;
  • electrophoresis;
  • inhalation.

Otolaryngologist: “The color of earwax will tell you everything about your health!” »

Earwax is not just a substance that strangely accumulates in the ear canal from time to time to cleanse and protect the ear canals, it is the most important marker of your health! This idea may seem strange to you, but next time during hygienic cleaning, do not rush to throw away the ear stick, because it can tell a lot about your health...

"So simple!" will tell you what the color of earwax can tell about your health and why this symptom cannot be ignored. Keep your eyes open!


Sulfur is produced by the sulfur glands of the external auditory canal. When dead cells, hairs and other waste products are added to this secretion, earwax is ready! This cunning yellow-brown substance serves to lubricate and clean the ear canals, and also protects the hearing organ from all kinds of bacteria, fungi and other evil spirits.

So what should it be normally, and what type of earwax should you sound the alarm about? Let's figure it out!

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By the way, did you know that cotton swabs are not the best device for cleaning your ears? As it turns out, instead of thoroughly cleaning the ear canal, you only push the wax plugs even deeper, and worse, you can injure the eardrum.

In a word, excessive hygiene with ear sticks makes your ears defenseless against infections that cause inflammation. Most doctors say that it is quite enough to wipe the auricle with a damp cloth from time to time, removing the wax that comes out naturally.

Remember that wax is not a problem as long as it does not accumulate in excessive quantities in the outer ear canal. In this case, you should drop a few drops of oil or hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal to help the secretions leave the ear canal naturally. Be healthy!

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Excess wax in a child's ears

It is believed that a lot of sulfur can be released due to swimming. Warm water causes relaxation not only of the surface of the body itself, but also the fibers of smooth muscles and lymphatic vessels. Blood rushes to the skin of the ear canal.

If a child produces a lot of earwax, the baby will most likely develop earwax plugs. They are formed as a result of improper ear care. Parents, when cleaning their child's ears, use regular cotton swabs without restrictions. Thus, without removing or purifying the sulfur, but, on the contrary, compacting it. Ear wax is also not a cause for concern. If a child complains of tinnitus or congestion, go to see a doctor and he will remove the wax plug safely and painlessly for the baby.

Do not forget that the ear is so that it is independently cleansed of wax while chewing food. Excess wax is pushed into the visible part of the ear, so for proper ear hygiene, it is enough to wipe your ears with a napkin or towel after bathing.

A safe and easy way to clear wax from children's ears is to inject a few drops of hydrogen peroxide twice a day for three days. The baby can tell what's in the ears

Sometimes, at first glance, some functions of the human body seem completely useless. Actually this is not true. The body is a complex mechanism in which everything is interconnected and nothing is superfluous. For example, earwax discharge. It would seem like an everyday and completely unnoticed process, but many would be amazed if they found out how important it is.

The formation of earwax is a normal physiological process that is extremely necessary for the body. Sulfur is secreted by the ceruminal glands, which are located in the ear canal. Under normal conditions, this substance can be removed from the ear on its own during jaw movement, coughing or sneezing.

Earwax is a semi-liquid secretion that accumulates in the ear canal. The auditory canal consists of the part of the outer ear, that is, the part that comes into direct contact with the environment. The canal is covered with thin skin, the thickness of which is no more than 2 mm. It contains the sebaceous and sulfur glands that secrete ear secretions. This substance mixes with dead skin cells, which is how earwax is formed.

Earwax is essential for the health of the ears and the entire body. Because all dust particles, bacteria, including pathogenic ones, spores of pathogenic fungi, viruses - all this ends up in a lump of earwax, which prevents them from penetrating inside.

Why is there wax in the ears?

Ear discharge, or wax, consists of gland secretions, skin particles, sweat and sebum. Their function is to protect the ear canal from dust and dirt, they clean and disinfect the outer ear. Wax prevents water from entering the middle ear. Germs and contaminants enter the ear canal and are expelled back through ear secretions.

Changes in consistency, color, and amount of sulfur depend on the health of the baby. In its normal state, sulfur is dark brown in color and odorless. It comes out of the ears on its own and accumulates at the entrance to the ear canal.

Solutions to the problem

Since the reasons that cause excessive release of wax from a child’s ear can be completely different, the methods for eliminating the problem also differ from each other. The most common cause of the symptom is the formation of wax plugs. For children, it is best to solve this problem by contacting an ENT specialist, since their ear canal is different from that of an adult, and therefore it is much easier to cause damage as a result of inept actions.

To remove wax plugs, children most often undergo ear rinsing. For this, a special Janet syringe is used. With its help, contaminants are washed out into the tray-stand. The procedure can only be carried out by a qualified specialist, since an incorrectly applied flow of water will either not remove the plug or may damage the eardrum.

If you notice that too much discharge has accumulated in the ear, despite regular toileting, an unpleasant odor and other symptoms of inflammation have appeared, you need to consult a pediatrician. If pus flows instead of sulfur, it means that the infection has begun to actively develop. To eliminate it, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal drugs are prescribed. In some cases, antibiotics are required. For drying, use hydrogen peroxide or boron powder. New medications can only be introduced after consulting a doctor.

It is also important to treat a runny nose, because it can provoke disruption of the normal state of the hearing organs. With the chronic development of nasopharyngeal diseases, this is a common occurrence.

If no pathological processes are detected in the ears, you simply need to ensure sufficient hygiene of the hearing organs. For very young children, parents should remove discharge. At school age, responsibility for ear health is partially shifted to the child himself. He needs to explain the intricacies of the procedure for safely cleaning the ear canal. To prevent excessive penetration, it is recommended to use special cotton swabs with a limiter.

You cannot decide spontaneously which treatment is right for your child. Therapy can only be prescribed by a pediatrician or ENT doctor after a thorough examination of the small patient. If the processes that caused the increase in the volume of sulfur secretions are not pathological, there is nothing to worry about. After some time, the situation will normalize on its own. If germs or accumulations of contaminants are detected, appropriate measures should be taken to eliminate them. A competent and comprehensive approach to the problem is a guarantee of a quick recovery for the baby. Therefore, we recommend that you immediately make an appointment with an ENT doctor for a consultation.

Reasons for the lack of wax in the ears

One of the main reasons is blockage of the glands due to various factors: infections, poor ear hygiene. Sometimes the lack of earwax is a genetic feature of the body. In this case, the patient is recommended to lubricate the external ear canal with Vaseline or glycerin ointment. The reason for the absence or small amount of earwax can be a benign or malignant tumor of the skin of the wall of the passage, blocking the ducts of the sebaceous, sulfur, sweat glands, disorders of the metabolic functions of the body.

One of the reasons for the lack of secretion is old age. Over time, the functioning of all glands in the body, including sulfur, weakens or stops completely, so older people suffer from dry ears (especially if they use a hearing aid). In this case, doctors prescribe special moisturizing drops containing saline solution, glycerin and fatty acids - they prevent drying out and injury to the eardrum.

Causes of excess

Sometimes there is much more earwax produced than is necessary. This condition is called hypersecretion. In this case, the patient notes a constant feeling of humidity, wet, greasy spots on the pillowcase and hats. The main causes of hypersecretion:

  1. Chronic dermatitis. The disease is characterized by the presence of spots on the skin of the ear canal. Hypersecretion of sulfur secretion is a symptom of skin disease.
  2. High cholesterol levels. Cholesterol and its acids are a constituent element of sulfur. A significant increase in its content leads to an excess of secretion.
  3. Constant use of headphones, hearing aids, earplugs. The presence of foreign bodies in the auditory tube irritates the nerve endings of the glands, stimulating their secretion and increasing the amount of sulfur.
  4. Severe nervous tension for a long time. Stress stimulates the secretion of all glands in the body.
  5. A lot of earwax sometimes forms in late pregnancy or in a newborn baby.
  6. Poor hygiene, which causes a lot of wax to form in the ears.
  7. Damage to the ear canal.

About wax in a child’s ears: normal and abnormal

The hygiene of your baby’s ears should be given no less attention than other organs and parts of the body. Under normal conditions, wax is released from the ear gradually and in small quantities.

It protects the hearing organ from microorganisms and contaminants, and must be removed in a timely manner, taking all precautions.

Should mom worry if the intensity, character, and appearance of earwax secreted from the ear changes? When do these changes become a reason to visit a doctor?

What is considered normal and how to clean your ears

A healthy ear produces yellowish-brown wax. The amount and nature of discharge depend on physiological characteristics: for one person it may be dry light yellow flakes, for another it may be more viscous dark yellow or brown sulfur.

It is recommended to clean your child’s ears as soon as the ear canal and pinna become dirty. Typically cleaning is done once a week:

  • for hygienic procedures performed on infants, it is necessary to use small twisted wicks of cotton wool (turunda), previously moistened with oil or a solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  • Cleaning the ears of an older child is carried out with special cotton swabs that have a limiter that prevents the instrument from getting deep into the ear - this will protect the hearing organ from accidental injury.

Earwax is removed with careful rotational movements, bending the ear down and slightly back. You should not allow the cleaning object to move forward, so as not to accidentally push the released sulfur into the depths (this can form a cerumen plug) and cause pain to the baby.

Dark color

If the mother notices that noticeably more wax accumulates in the baby’s ears than usual, and its color has darkened (even black), she can assume that a foreign object or dirt once got inside the ear, causing intoxication of the auditory organ.

One-time dark discharge from the ear should not cause concern for parents. Thus, the child’s body, with the help of sulfur, which performs a protective function, gets rid of microorganisms: an insect that accidentally got into the ear or a small foreign object.

A cause for concern is black or dark brown discharge that continues for several days. During a visit to the otolaryngologist, it will most likely become clear that an inflammatory process has begun, and it requires immediate treatment.

Liquid discharge

Parents should also be alerted by the fact that the earwax discharge has become thinner and more intense. At the same time, the baby shows anxiety and often cries, and an older child complains of pain in the ear.

These symptoms indicate the development of otitis, the treatment of which is carried out under the close supervision of a doctor.

Dry sulfur

If earwax has always been viscous and yellow-brown, and then lightens and becomes dry, the mother needs to check the child for skin diseases and allergies. In this case, you will also need to consult a specialist.

Sulfur plug

Earwax is another problem that can occur due to improper ear care, water getting into the ear, or too much wax production.

Signs of its presence:

  • Temporary deafness in one ear. A baby does not respond to sounds and voices when lying on its side with the healthy ear pressed against the pillow, while an older child complains of ear congestion or listens to sounds by turning the ear that is not plugged toward the source.
  • The wax plug can be seen without special devices - just carefully examine the child’s ear canal.

It is not advisable to get rid of earwax plugs on your own, since inept actions can cause severe pain and deeper pushing of the earwax accumulation inside. It is better if an otolaryngologist professionally performs a painless removal procedure using a special instrument or rinsing the ear.

To prevent the formation of wax plugs, you should periodically clean your ears. You should not allow water to get into your ears while swimming. And if water does get inside, it must be removed by tilting the baby’s head and wiping the sink with a cotton wick.

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Cleaning earwax from ears at home

It is recommended to remove the ear plug, especially in a small child, at a doctor's appointment. If this is not possible, you can rinse the plug yourself, following important rules.

We offer several proven and simple ways to remove wax plugs at home.

  • Why is there no wax in the ears and what to do in this case?

Ear drops

The safest way to cleanse children's ears of excess wax is to use a pharmaceutical product from the cerumenolytic group. Experts recommend A-Cerumen drops, approved for use from 6 months of age, and Remo-Vax for children from the first days of life.

Cerumenolytics help soften wax and remove it easily from the ear canal.

Using them is easy to remove the plug from your ear:

  • heat the bottle with liquid in your hands for 2-3 minutes;
  • lay the child on his side;
  • put a few drops into your ear according to the instructions;
  • let it lie quietly for 10-15 minutes;
  • Turn the baby over on the other side so that the medicinal liquid along with the sulfur mass flows out.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, but no more than twice a day.


Various vegetable oils help remove wax in a child. They soften solid sulfur masses and facilitate their removal. It is best to use camphor oil, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. If you don’t have this at home, regular vegetable or olive oil will do as first aid.

Washing is performed in several stages:

  • heat 1 tsp. oil until warm, but never hot;
  • take it into a pipette and drop 2 drops into the stuffy ear;
  • repeat the procedure for 3-5 days until the plug is completely softened.

If, after oil cleansing, wax does not come out of the child’s ear, you should make an appointment with an otolaryngologist. Perhaps the congestion is not due to the plug or it is too large and dense - a medical examination is required.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide or simply peroxide is found in every home. Antiseptic liquid is needed for washing various wounds; it is also useful for removing ear plugs. You will need a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. To avoid allergic reactions, it is recommended to dilute it halfway with pure water.

  • Sulfur plug

Washing is done according to a similar scheme:

  • put the baby on his side;
  • warm the peroxide in your hands to room temperature;
  • drop 3 drops from a pipette into the ear;
  • wait 15 minutes and turn the baby over to the other side.

Hissing and slight congestion in the ear are a completely normal reaction, due to which the wax dissolves.

You shouldn’t get carried away with removing wax plugs in children’s ears with peroxide. Excessive and frequent washing breaks the protective barrier and dries out the mucous membrane of the ear canal.


How to rinse out wax in your ear using garlic? The procedure is quite specific, but effective:

  • peel and wash one small clove of garlic well;
  • crush it to a paste consistency;
  • add 3 drops of camphor or vegetable oil;
  • roll up a thin gauze turunda and soak it in the prepared mixture;
  • gently insert into the ear canal, without pushing far;
  • After 10 minutes, rinse your ear with water and dry with a cotton pad.

Note! Garlic may cause some burning and discomfort, so this method is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.


Furacilin solution is good at removing wax from the ears. This method is still actively used by ENT doctors when washing the ear canal. A regular syringe or a disposable large syringe without a needle will help you remove a plug from your ear at home:

  • buy a bottle of solution at the pharmacy and heat it to room temperature;
  • sit the child on a chair and place a deep bowl under the ear or carry out the procedure in the bathroom;
  • draw the liquid into a syringe and inject it under pressure into the ear canal;
  • repeat rinsing 2-3 times in a row.

Important! Under no circumstances should you insert the tip of a syringe or syringe into your ear - keep it only in close proximity.

A small plug comes out on its own after several procedures. If this does not happen, you need to visit a doctor and have it washed.

A plug of wax in the ear may not show itself for a long time, but this does not mean that it does not need to be removed. Excessive secretion formation and the formation of hard masses inside the ear canal are fraught with the development of:

  • acute otitis;
  • otomycosis;
  • sensorineural hearing loss;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • herpes zoster.

It is necessary to clean children's ears of wax, but this should be done very carefully, especially if there is dry wax in the child's ears and concomitant diseases of the nasopharynx.

An ear plug can be removed at home only if the child does not have other pathologies of the hearing organ, namely an inflammatory process, fungal diseases, dermatitis, or perforation of the membrane.

There is no wax in the ear - causes and symptoms

The absence of earwax in the ear or its insufficient secretion causes serious problems with the condition of the hearing organ. Due to a violation of the basic function, viruses and bacteria can easily enter the human hearing organ, which provoke serious diseases, for example, otitis media.

If there is a problem with lack of sulfur, contact a specialist immediately.

The doctor will first find out the symptoms of the disease. These include:

  • dryness in the outer ear;
  • damage to the skin around the ear;
  • severe itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • partial or complete hearing loss;
  • hearing loss;
  • noise and crackling in the ears.

Next, it is necessary to identify the root cause of inflammation. An accurate understanding of the cause will allow you to more effectively treat the disease. Reasons for the lack of sulfur include:

Pathology of the body. Monitor your ear health from early childhood. Since most cases of ear problems are associated with congenital anomalies.

Lack of hygiene or improper cleaning of earwax

When using ear sticks, deep penetration, or ignoring safety rules, a person can traumatize the internal area, thereby causing this inflammation. In addition, the work of the glands may stop due to injuries of an industrial or domestic nature.

Pay attention to the condition of your ears if you have been diagnosed with otosclerosis. Perhaps the lack of secretion in the ear is associated with this disease; Appearance of a tumor

If the structure of cells changes and tumors or serious inflammation appear, earwax also stops being produced and leads to the process of destruction of cells in the hearing organ. The lack of sulfur is especially often associated with age. In older people, some body functions cease to function;

Adverse habits are also a common cause of ear inflammation. These include smoking and alcohol abuse.

If you notice discharge of an unnatural shade, pay attention to it! The causes of white wax in the ears can be the formation of dangerous tumors

Treatment of ear fungus with traditional folk remedies

Traditional medicine also has a solid arsenal of fighting ear fungi. You should not use these remedies instead of traditional treatment, but traditional medicine can speed up the healing process and reduce the suffering of the patient.

A natural remedy for ear fungus - onion - has the most powerful antifungal effect, the juice of which can be instilled into the patient’s ears. You can add garlic juice to the onion juice. But this remedy should be used for 3-4 days, 2-3 drops per day, preferably before bedtime. With prolonged and more intensive use, onion juice can cause burns to the ear canal. You can relieve itching with apple cider vinegar

Attention! Vinegar does not go into the ear. Soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the skin. You can also bury your ears with freshly squeezed celandine juice.

The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day, 3-4 drops. Remember, celandine is poisonous. Do not let the medicine get into your mouth, eyes, or nose. After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly. Also, this recipe should not be used to treat children.

Chamomile is a well-known plant that has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Chamomile infusion can be used to rinse the sore ear several times a day. To prepare the medicine, pour a tablespoon of chamomile with a glass of boiling water and wait 20 minutes. After the procedure, do not forget to wipe your ears dry with a cotton swab. A decoction of bay leaves and bird cherry leaves has a powerful effect in treating ear fungus in people and relieving itching. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, pour a tablespoon of leaves with a glass of water and let the medicine simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. You can instill the decoction into your ears and wash itchy surfaces.

Deviations from the norm

In principle, wax in a child’s ear performs a very important and positive function—protective. It is thanks to it that the eardrum is reliably protected from all kinds of harmful influences from the outside. However, in large quantities and with certain features in the baby’s condition, sulfur can become an alarm signal for parents:

  • if earlier wax rarely appeared in the child’s ears, but at some point its production increased several times, this may indicate intoxication of the small organism: in this way it will remove pathological, harmful substances;
  • dry wax in a child’s ears most often becomes a symptom of various skin diseases that affect the epidermis of the ear canal - this could be psoriasis, neurodermatitis, some allergic reactions;
  • if liquid wax is found in a child’s ears, it is one of the first harbingers of any inflammation: otitis, for example - in this case, you must definitely show the baby to a doctor to begin timely and correct treatment, so as not to lead to high temperatures;
  • sometimes black wax appears in the child’s ears, and then parents need to observe especially carefully for some time: usually this is a one-time phenomenon due to the fact that dirt has gotten into the baby’s ear and is now coming out of it in this way; however, if this occurs for several (2-3) days, you should consult a doctor to rule out a purulent inflammatory process;
  • the usual dark brown wax in a child’s ears is an indicator of the norm: this is the color of discharge from the ear canal in healthy people, so in this case there is no need to worry about your child.

Most often, dark wax in a child’s ears (but not black) is a kind of indicator of cleanliness, while many mistakenly consider it an indicator of neglect. If you are only confused by the aesthetic factor of this phenomenon, it is enough to clean your baby’s ears just once a week to keep them clean and well-groomed.

Normal or pathological?

If the wax in your baby's ears is brown, there is nothing to worry about. This color is the norm for most healthy people. Dark sulfur is not an indicator of neglect (as many believe), but an indicator of purity. A sharp increase in the volume of discharge may be a sign of poisoning.

Toxic substances are removed from the body through the contents of the ear.
Liquid discharge is a symptom of otitis - an inflammatory process.
As the disease progresses, the child becomes lethargic and restless, and his body temperature rises. If you suspect otitis media, you should contact your pediatrician as soon as possible. Delay is fraught with the development of complications.

Dried sulfur indicates the presence of skin diseases: neurodermatitis, psoriasis, allergic reactions. A doctor can make a diagnosis after a thorough examination. When black sulfur forms, you need to monitor the baby. This phenomenon can occur when dirt gets in (is a one-time occurrence) and in case of purulent inflammation (you should immediately consult a doctor).

Excessive formation of sulfur can lead to compression of the eardrum and a partial decrease in hearing perception, dizziness, vomiting and even convulsions.

Why you can’t remove sulfur completely

Before you start getting nervous, you need to make sure that you really have a lot of earwax coming out of your ears. In most cases, people exaggerate the scale of the problem because they believe that these discharges should not be visible at all. However, this is not true, because sulfur performs very important tasks:

  • cleanses ears of dirt and dust;
  • moisturizes the thin skin of the ear canal;
  • protects against the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.

The body quickly reacts to the lack of important components and begins to produce them at an even greater speed. For an adult, it is quite enough to wash the auricle and the outer part of the ear canal with warm soapy water while taking a shower or bath.

If there is a lot of wax in the ears of an adult and the causes of this condition are known, for example, working in harmful conditions or frequent use of headphones, then it must be cleaned out regularly, and not only when discomfort and other problems occur. This must be done very carefully and correctly:

  1. Do not use sharp objects, pins or hairpins for removal, as they can damage the thin skin lining the ear canal or the eardrum.
  2. Using a cotton swab to remove excess wax is a bad idea. Firstly, this instrument is not sterile. And if used incorrectly, cotton swabs contribute to the formation of plugs and injury to the ear. The cotton wool can come off the hard base and get stuck in the passage, and the stick can injure the ear. It is advisable to use rollers - rollers made of sterile cotton wool, tightly rolled with clean hands.
  3. You should not put a cotton swab or a cotton swab deep inside your ear. The glands that secrete secretions are located near the entrance to the auditory canal. But you can’t get the wax plug out with a cotton swab.
  4. Some people recommend lightly moistening a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide for greater effectiveness. It will remove excess wax without damaging the ear canal.
  5. It is imperative to carry out hygienic procedures not only to clean the ear canal, but also the entire auricle.

Pathological causes

Pathological brown discharge from the ear can be a consequence of:

  • Head or ear injuries. Reddish-brown fluid indicates possible local bleeding.
  • Bullous otitis. It is characterized by the appearance of bloody blisters that burst and turn the sulfur brown.
  • Cholesteatomas. This is a benign neoplasm that affects the middle ear. Damaged vessels in it begin to produce a reddish-brownish liquid.

How to understand that brown discharge from the ear is caused by pathological reasons?

Pathology always has accompanying symptoms that help the doctor clarify the cause of the disease. This:

  • pain, itching in the ear;
  • extraneous noise;
  • hearing loss;
  • temperature increase;
  • edema;
  • dizziness;
  • redness of the auricle and external auditory canal;
  • enlarged cervical lymph nodes.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult an ENT doctor.

How to understand that a sulfur plug has appeared

Diagnosing wax plugs is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Even if there is quite a lot of sulfur, it may not show itself in the form of additional symptoms. Discomfort appears only when the ear canal is completely blocked. Hearing begins to decline. Exposure to water during bathing causes the plug to swell and, as a result, the ability to hear sounds is lost.

Other symptoms of wax plugs in children:

  • noise in ears;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • sensation of fullness in the ears;
  • headache.

Sulfur plugs can negatively affect the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Hearing loss is far from the most dangerous complication for a child.

Diagnosis of wax plugs is made by pediatricians during a visual examination of the patient. The final diagnosis is made by an otolaryngologist. The doctor assesses the stage of the pathology, checks for the presence of other diseases, foreign bodies in the ears, etc.


  • Predisposition to excessive secretion of sulfur.
  • The anatomical features of the structure of the ear canal are narrowness or tortuosity, which interfere with the natural release of wax.
  • Ingress of water during diving, swimming, washing your hair. The wax swells and closes the ear canal.
  • Presence of foreign bodies in the ear.
  • Otitis, eczema, dermatitis, wearing a hearing aid, frequent use of headphones.
  • Excessive cleaning of the external auditory canal from earwax using cotton swabs.
  • Insufficient humidity in the room affects the appearance of hard wax plugs in children.

Removing a traffic jam at home

Removing wax plugs from a child’s ear at home is not difficult if you follow certain recommendations. There are several simple ways to remove tumors that are suitable even for parents who have never encountered such a problem.

Drops for removing blockages

In the pharmacy chain you can buy ear plug drops for children. The most commonly used drug is A-Cerumen. The child is placed on his side, the ear is generously instilled with medicine and left to lie down for several minutes. Then the child is asked to turn over to the other side, and the liquid flows out of the ear, along with the softened plug. The pillow must first be covered with soft cloth or gauze in several layers. Before using drops to dissolve sulfur plugs, you need to carefully read the attached instructions and strictly follow them.

Vegetable oil

To remove traffic jams yourself, you can also use vegetable oil. It is heated in a spoon to a comfortable temperature and instilled into the ear twice a day, 2 drops. The course of such treatment is 5 days, usually during this time the plug becomes soft and comes out of the ear without difficulty. If the tumor does not come out after treatment, it is necessary to show the child to an otolaryngologist. Camphor oil will be more effective, but if you don’t have it on hand, then regular sunflower oil will do.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide in the ear helps children get rid of traffic jams. This medicine is heated in the hand to a comfortable temperature and instilled into the ear canal up to 3 times a day, a few drops. Usually, after a couple of days, the sulfur plug comes out easily.

Garlic compress

It is good at removing plugs from a child’s ear and using a specific compress. This folk method of treatment is considered effective, but not entirely safe, so it is better to consult a doctor. Take half a clove of garlic and grind it to a paste. Mix with three drops of camphor oil. A gauze flagellum is moistened with the resulting composition and inserted into the ear canal. This compress can be kept for no more than 10 minutes. Garlic will cause a strong burning sensation, so the child may be capricious. Afterwards, the flagellum is removed, and the ear is thoroughly washed with a syringe.

Preventing sulfur buildup

If you have encountered this problem once, then in the future you should take actions to prevent the accumulation of sulfur.

Why do wax plugs form in children? Experts believe that wax should come out of the ear naturally. Regular use of cotton swabs to clean the ears at home can provoke an increased secretion of this substance by the body, as well as push it deeper into the ear canal.

The next factor in excessive highlighting is the frequent use of in-ear headphones. If your child likes to listen to music on headphones, then there is reason to think about it. Children who wear hearing aids or have narrow ear canals are also at risk.

To avoid the appearance of wax plugs, you should maintain proper ear hygiene. It is also necessary to visit your pediatrician regularly.

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