Pregnancy 5 months: what the belly looks like, sensations, child development and woman’s well-being

Fifth month - determine the period in weeks

This month lasts from 16 to 20 weeks, at the end of which we can say that half of the pregnancy has passed. Usually a pregnant woman is still working at this stage, but she should already think about how to add her next vacation to maternity leave. In the meantime, you have to devote more time to your health, walk more in the fresh air, avoid stressful situations, rest more often, but not lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Find out your gestational age online

Medical examinations

During the entire period of bearing a child, you should carefully monitor your health and do not neglect visiting a doctor. At month 5, it is mandatory to undergo a “standard” set of tests, including blood and urine tests. The gynecologist must listen to the baby’s heartbeat and determine the height and shape of the uterine fundus.

It is possible that at this time the woman will receive a referral for tests to determine the level of hCG, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein. In addition, at 19-22 weeks she will need to undergo a routine ultrasound, which is prescribed by the doctor. All this is necessary in order to determine how the child is developing and eliminate all possible risks of pathologies.

What happens in a woman’s body during the 5th month of pregnancy?

At this stage of the gestational period, the uterus rapidly increases in size. If at the beginning of the month its bottom is not located in the middle of the distance between the navel and the womb, then by the end of the month the upper edge of the uterus is 2 cm above the navel. The navel may protrude above the surface of the abdomen or become somewhat flattened.

Due to the increase in blood volume, a woman may experience physiological anemia. This condition is typical for pregnant women, since the liquid part of the blood (plasma) increases its volume, but the number of red blood cells does not increase. As a result, there are fewer red blood cells per unit volume of blood, which means the amount of hemoglobin decreases. If you do not replenish iron stores, pathological anemia can occur, a more dangerous condition. Determining the level of hemoglobin in the blood is not difficult; it is enough to take tests.

Due to the action of progesterone, which relaxes muscles, ligaments, joints, pain in the lower back can be felt.

Since the musculoskeletal system is rapidly developing in the fetus, a woman may experience a lack of calcium. It is replenished by including fermented milk products, cheese, and cottage cheese in the diet.

If the placenta, which is responsible for the life support of the fetus, is located close to the os of the cervix, a condition occurs that is dangerous for the favorable course of pregnancy - low placentation. This diagnosis is made if the lower edge of the placenta is located closer than 6 cm from the inner edge of the uterus. Closer to childbirth, the placenta can spontaneously take the correct position if the lower part of the uterus seems to “pull up” with the growth of the fetus. The diagnosis can be confirmed using ultrasound.

Mother's feelings

When the 5th month of pregnancy arrives, photos in open clothes and swimsuits fade into the background, as the belly begins to rapidly increase in size, and it becomes almost impossible to hide it. The breasts also noticeably increase in size because colostrum begins to appear in them. During this period, the previous nervousness disappears, the girl begins to feel much better and, in some ways, more confident.

If in the first months the expectant mother is plagued by toxicosis and various disorders, then such discomfort and pain are practically not observed in the 5th month of pregnancy. Among the negative aspects of this period of gestation, it is worth highlighting:

  • possible appearance of pigmentation;
  • unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and dryness due to severe stretching of the skin;
  • temporary decrease in visual acuity due to hormonal imbalances;
  • increase in the amount of vaginal discharge.

In addition, during a pregnancy of 5 months, the back and lower back hurt, which is due to weakening of the femoral-sacral joints. You can avoid such problems by regularly using a special bandage. It is also important to be in an upright position as little as possible; you should avoid wearing high-heeled shoes.

If pain becomes more intense and prolonged during the 5th month of pregnancy, you should contact your doctor. This will help avoid the risk of premature birth, because during this period the fetus has not yet fully formed, and in this case it is unlikely that it will be possible to save his life.

Also during these weeks of pregnancy, a woman may notice swelling in her legs. At this time, it is best to wear loose shoes that will not restrict movement. It is best if it is light, made of genuine leather, with an orthopedic sole.

Fetal development at 5 months

The unborn child is growing rapidly and gaining weight - during the fifth month, its weight will increase from 200 to 500 g, and its height from 20 to 30 cm. The fetal heartbeat is clearly audible, and the doctor determines the child’s condition by its tones.

Calcium reserves from the body of the expectant mother are spent on strengthening and growth of the fetal skeleton, the formation of the rudiments of permanent and milk teeth. The child already has nails on the formed phalanges of the fingers and toes. The layer of subcutaneous tissue grows intensively, allowing after birth to maintain body temperature within specified limits. The composition of the cheese-like lubricant, which protects the skin from the action of amniotic fluid, includes exfoliated epidermal cells.

The large head of the fetus indicates that during this period there is intensive development of the brain and central nervous system. The baby can already control his movements voluntarily; he touches his face, arms and legs, the umbilical cord, and sucks his thumb. Often he makes swallowing movements, swallowing amniotic fluid. The digestive tract of the unborn child is so developed that it is able to separate water and sugar from the amniotic fluid and use it to feed the child. Meconium, the original feces, begins to form in the rectum.

The taste buds of the tongue are so developed that the baby is able to determine the taste of the amniotic fluid he swallows. The fetus already has clearly defined periods of sleep and activity, during which it moves intensively in the uterine cavity. Sometimes a woman clearly feels how he hiccups, making light tapping movements.

The yolk bladder formed after birth transfers the functions of hematopoiesis to the fetal bone marrow, which produces the formation of red blood cells and special fetal hemoglobin. These blood cells stimulate the supply of oxygen to the unborn child, since at this stage he is able to use only 30% of the mother's hemoglobin.

In addition to red blood cells, the child’s own leukocytes appear in the blood, building an immune defense system. It synthesizes interferon and immunoglobulin, which are necessary for reliable functioning of the immune system.

Fifth month of pregnancy

The fifth lunar month of pregnancy is, in a sense, the equator. 20 weeks “before” have already passed, 20 weeks “after” are still ahead. So much has already happened and so much more will happen. Today we will find out what changes await the expectant mother during this period.

Baby in the 5th month of pregnancy

- What kind of baby is at 5 months?

— The fifth month of pregnancy is the 17-20th week. During this period, the baby actively moves inside the uterus, tumbles, and changes body position. Licks the umbilical cord, sucks a finger, knocks on the wall of the uterus with his fist. It is during this period that the mother begins to feel her baby. For those women with their first pregnancy, this occurs by the 20th week, and for those with a repeat pregnancy, by the 18th week. The baby's height is 20 cm and weight is 500 grams.

It is by the end of the 5th month of pregnancy that your baby will resemble a small zucchini in size. During this period, two very important events occur. Firstly, patterns appear on the baby’s fingertips, which will later be called fingerprints. And, secondly, the mother begins to feel her baby. A folk sign says that if you subtract 20 days from this day, you can determine the baby’s date of birth.

5th month of pregnancy

— Tell us how the 5th month of pregnancy proceeds for the expectant mother? What is happening to her body?

— All changes are associated with the fact that the stomach increases, the abdominal cavity decreases, and the pressure on the internal organs increases.

As the uterus becomes larger, it begins to displace internal organs. The vertical axis of the stomach changes to horizontal. Heartburn and nausea appear. The liver also begins to be compressed, which causes bitterness in the mouth. Blood circulation through large vessels is disrupted, this leads to stagnation, and veins in the legs may appear. There may also be stagnation of blood in the pelvis, which can lead to hemorrhoids. As the baby begins to actively grow and needs nutrients, the woman may experience anemia.

— What complaints do you hear from women during this period?

- Dizziness, weakness, malaise, sleep disturbance, bloody discharge from the nose - these are symptoms of anemia. All this is due to the fact that the fetus needs protein, iron and other microelements.

Pregnancy weight

— What weight should mom have by this period?

— Everything is very individual. Depends on her previous weight before pregnancy and body mass index. Usually, by the 2nd trimester, the expectant mother gains 40% of her future weight. If a woman feels well, her blood pressure does not increase, there is no headache, no visual impairment, good urine tests, then her weight is normal.

- So what can be dangerous about excess weight during pregnancy?

— Pathological weight gain can cause a disease such as gestosis. Symptoms: increased blood pressure, increased protein in the urine, swelling.

Physical activity in the 5th month of pregnancy

— Is physical activity allowed during this period?

— If the expectant mother feels well, her tests are good, and according to the results of the ultrasound, everything is also in order, then physical activity is allowed, even recommended.

— Tell us how physical activity can be useful for a future mother?

“It has long been proven that physical exercise is very beneficial for the expectant mother. Firstly, many loads help in labor, secondly, the muscle corset is strengthened, thirdly, swelling in the lower extremities is relieved, fourthly, tension in the sacral region is relieved. The load has a good effect on the condition of the vascular and respiratory systems.

— What program is designed for pregnant women?

- These are medium loads. Pulse 130 - 140 beats per minute. This could be a dance program, Pilates, yoga.

— Classes are not allowed for all pregnant women?

- Yes, not everyone. For example, one of the reasons for prohibiting training is recurrent miscarriages. Before starting classes, we will definitely find out if you have permission from a doctor. And only then do we start physical activity.

Diving during pregnancy. Sports during pregnancy

— If a mother was involved in extreme sports before pregnancy, for example, diving, that is, scuba diving, can she continue to do this?

- Of course not. There are a huge number of sports allowed during pregnancy that can replace any extreme sport.

- List them, please.

— For example, dancing, light jogging in good weather, swimming. The main thing is that there are no large coordination loads.

Stretch marks on the stomach

The expectant mother can maintain her beauty with the help of properly selected cosmetic products. The appearance of stretch marks and stretch marks is due to the fact that there is not enough vitamin E in the body. Because of this, the skin becomes dry and inelastic. Therefore, it is recommended to use products that contain this component in abundance. During this period, it is reasonable to use creams and lotions that are approved during pregnancy. As well as special creams for stretch marks.

Skin pigmentation

Also, many mothers complain about skin pigmentation during pregnancy. This is due to changes in hormonal levels. This disappears with the birth of the baby. Therefore, there is no need to do any serious interventions; a light foundation will fix everything.

Facial care

With the help of a professional cosmetologist, select the right cosmetic facial care product. Here are a few easy rules for choosing any cosmetic product:

  • Fragrance free;
  • No dyes;
  • Free of fragrances and hormones;
  • Be guided by your olfactory sensations;
  • Buy cosmetics in specialized stores, not in the market;
  • Consult with professionals rather than test new products on yourself.

Pregnant woman's mood

— Changes with the expectant mother occur not only externally, but also internally. Tell us, how does mommy feel psychologically in the 5th lunar month of pregnancy?

- Extremely unstable. Unfortunately, even by the 5th month of pregnancy, many women do not realize what they are carrying under their baby’s heart. Therefore, they still have fear and anxiety.

— What are the dominants of pregnancy?

— The presence of a large amount of hormones in a woman’s body during pregnancy leads to her unstable behavior throughout the entire 9 months. Hormones help not only to carry a baby to term, but also to give birth safely.

— How can you describe the psychological state of the expectant mother during the 5th lunar month of pregnancy?

“She can laugh loudly, and literally a minute later also cry loudly.” Again, this is normal. The only thing is that if depressive apathy prevails over a woman’s good, joyful state, then it’s worth making an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist or psychologist. You can't run this.

— How should loved ones behave if the expectant mother’s depression lasts for a long time?

- Of course, it is worth showing tolerance and understanding. Mommy in this state cannot adequately assess the situation. Therefore, only a loving husband can approach this condition with wisdom and help his wife overcome it.

- Who are pregnant dads?

- This is the attitude of a husband towards his wife, when he may also develop a depressive state, and may even develop toxicosis. Dads also worry about mothers and future babies.

— At work or at home, mommy can get constant stress, is it harmful?

— In stressful conditions, any mother should learn to abstract herself from the situation and be able to calm herself down. Proper breathing helps a lot.

— What is distress?

“These are accumulated negative factors in the mother’s body that can affect the condition of both the woman herself and her baby. Distress is much more dangerous than just stress. This is a kind of post-stress state of the mother. It must not be allowed under any circumstances.

Communication with the future baby

— What are the ways to communicate with your future baby?

- There are verbal and non-verbal. It is imperative that not only the mother, but also all relatives communicate with the baby. Read books together, go for walks with the whole family, listen to your favorite music. Of course, you need to communicate with the baby, even while he is in the tummy. If you feel that your baby is not calm, talk to him. Enjoy these moments of communication.

— What is embryonic pedagogy?

— This is teaching the baby during the prenatal period, for example, learning a foreign language. In my opinion, you should just enjoy the pregnancy period: do belly dancing, do yoga.

Feelings at 5 months

The main sensation is the movement of the baby, which pregnant women compare to the fluttering of a butterfly or the splashing of a fish. The optimal period for the appearance of movements in first-time mothers is 18-20 weeks of pregnancy; in women carrying a second and subsequent pregnancies, movements are felt 2-3 weeks earlier.

If a woman feels a lack of oxygen, movements may become more intense. This is explained by the fact that during the active movements of the child, blood from the placenta enters in large volumes, providing an increase in oxygen and nutrients in the fetal blood. If the pregnant woman moves, the baby calms down, his movements lull him to sleep, and he moves less often. During rest, on the contrary, movements become more intense.

Heartburn can become an unpleasant sensation in the fifth month of pregnancy. It occurs due to a change in the position of the stomach and a decrease in intestinal motility. Heartburn occurs when acidic stomach contents back up into the esophagus.

How to avoid heartburn:

  • Eat little and often;
  • Do not bend over or lie down immediately after eating;
  • Drink water, milk, carrot juice;
  • There are seeds and porridge.

If simple remedies do not help, you should, on the recommendation of a doctor, choose antacids that neutralize the acid. You should not use soda as a medicine for heartburn, since, when combined with gastric juice, it can cause inflammation of the esophagus and stomach mucosa.

Itching of the skin of the buttocks, abdomen, and thighs occurs in 20% of pregnant women. It can be caused by the fact that with rapid weight gain, the skin stretches significantly. In this case, anti-itch medications used for allergies should be used. Another cause of itching is irritation of the sciatic nerve by the growing uterus. To reduce pressure on the nerve, you should lie on your side rather than on your back, and do pelvic rotations and tilts before lying down.

At this stage of pregnancy, colostrum, a yellowish translucent liquid, may leak from the pregnant woman’s breasts. This is a natural phenomenon that indicates the breasts are preparing for breastfeeding. You cannot express colostrum, as this procedure can lead to stimulation of the uterus and cause abortion. If colostrum leaks heavily, you need to wear special pads in your bra.

Make friends with your body

You are fulfilling the most important mission by creating a safe home for your unborn child. However, this does not mean that you are always comfortable in your new body. The second trimester is a good time to go shopping or buy online comfortable and beautiful maternity outfits.

Perhaps you are not yet accustomed to unsolicited advice, questions and comments regarding your pregnancy from random passers-by or loved ones, and you do not know how to react. One successful strategy is to thank them, say you'll think about it, and end the conversation.

You may have already shared the news with your work colleagues and are planning maternity leave. In the fifth month of pregnancy, it is worth considering how you will transfer tasks so that by the third trimester there are no unfinished tasks left.

Psychological condition

At this stage, the psyche of most women is quite stable, although absent-mindedness and irritability may be felt. Sometimes a woman worries about not feeling the first fetal movements for a long time, sometimes she worries about getting unfavorable results from a second trimester screening.

If you are concerned about the upcoming birth, you need to attend a pregnancy school, where physical and psychological preparation for this process is carried out. According to the results of medical studies, after such preparation, women are calmer and have fewer complications during childbirth.

Physical exercise

Any girl wants to look good, even when pregnant, and for this you need to regularly take care of yourself and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Sport is a faithful assistant in this matter, but many girls doubt whether it is possible to expose themselves to physical activity during the 5th month of pregnancy.

The truth is that exercise is very beneficial during pregnancy. Thanks to it, a woman will not only be able to maintain her figure in shape, but will even facilitate the process of childbirth by developing the pelvic muscles and training endurance.

However, you shouldn’t mindlessly grab dumbbells, because in this matter it is important to strictly follow the “do no harm” rule. For each week of pregnancy, different loads are allowed; for example, in the 5th month, exercise in the pool can have a beneficial effect on the body. With their help, it will be possible to reduce the load on the lower back and abdomen, relax all muscle groups, reduce the load on the joints, and restore restful sleep.

Belly at 5 months

As the uterus enlarges, most women experience a significantly larger belly. However, some women note that their belly is much smaller than that of pregnant women at the same stage, and the belly is not visible. Most often these are tall women with wide hips, the fullness of which conceals the size of the abdomen. It is possible that overweight women have a significantly larger belly than they would have if they had gained weight within the normal range.

There is a belief that the size of the abdomen is influenced by the location of the egg on the wall of the uterus. If it is located on the front wall, the stomach is more noticeable; on the back wall, its size will not increase soon.

Belly at 5 months pregnant

By 17 weeks, a woman’s figure also changes significantly.
A rounded tummy can no longer be hidden under clothes; the volume of the hips and breasts, as well as the woman’s overall weight, gradually increases. According to average indicators, by midterm a pregnant woman gains from 3 to 5 kg. By the 20th week, according to popular belief, the size and shape of the abdomen already makes it possible to determine the sex of the unborn child. It is believed that if a woman in an interesting position has practically no waist, and her stomach has a rounded shape, similar to a “melon,” then she is pregnant with a girl. And if a pregnant woman’s belly is pointed and looks like a “cucumber,” it means that in four months the family will have a boy.

True, these signs are conditional, since the shape of the abdomen is determined not only by the gender of the child, but also by the structure of the woman’s body - in thin expectant mothers, by the 20th week the stomach is more rounded than in full ones.

Possible problems

Compression of the ureters and bladder by the pregnant uterus disrupts the normal outflow of urine. Its stagnation leads to inflammation of the renal pelvis, when pyelonephritis occurs in pregnant women.

Symptoms of pyelonephritis:

  • Hyperthermia up to +38+40°C;
  • Weakness;
  • Frequent urination accompanied by pain;
  • Lower back pain.

With severe infection, signs of miscarriage may appear - spotting, pain in the lower abdomen. Ultrasound, blood and urine tests will help clarify the diagnosis. Treatment of the disease is carried out in a hospital setting.

If a woman’s body does not have enough calcium, she experiences symptoms of calcium deficiency:

  • Bleeding gums, their increased sensitivity;
  • Cramps in the calves;
  • Pain in the pelvic bones.

To replenish this mineral, the doctor may prescribe mineral complexes: Calcium D3 Nycomed, Calcium-Active, Kalcemin, and will recommend including fermented milk products in the diet more often.

When the placenta blocks the internal opening of the cervical canal, placenta previa occurs. Since its tissue does not have extensibility, with intensive growth of uterine tissue, placental abruption occurs, accompanied by bleeding.

Bleeding occurs spontaneously, spontaneously. It is painless and varies in intensity. Excessive bleeding can threaten the life of mother and baby due to significant blood loss. Even slight bleeding with placenta previa is a good reason for a woman to be hospitalized until the time of birth.

Dangerous symptoms in the fifth month

In what cases do you need urgent consultation with your doctor:

  • spotting of any intensity, severe frequent pain and tension in the lower abdomen is a reason to call an ambulance. Such symptoms may indicate spontaneous abortion, placental abruption;
  • vaginal discharge is foamy, cheesy, greenish or with an earthy tint, an unpleasant odor of the discharge may indicate the development of an infection - an unscheduled urgent visit to the gynecologist is necessary;
  • fever, lower back pain, difficulty and pain in urination are symptoms of pyelonephritis that require immediate medical attention.

Pain and discharge

The most common source of pain is pain in the lower back or side of the abdomen. It can be caused by stretching of the round ligament that supports the uterus and weakening of the femoral-sacral joints. To alleviate her condition, a woman can wear a special bandage that supports her stomach. If the pain is not associated with ligaments and joints, a condition of spontaneous abortion may be present. At this stage of the gestational period, the baby born as a result of premature birth is not yet viable. You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience regular cramping pain accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge to prevent miscarriage.

Leakage of amniotic fluid is another alarming symptom that requires urgent medical attention.

The effect of estrogen at this stage of pregnancy makes the discharge somewhat heavier than usual. They have a white or grayish color and a thick consistency. A change in color to yellow or green, the addition of mucus or an unpleasant odor indicates the onset of an infectious process or a change in hormonal levels. The diagnosis is made based on the results of a smear for urogenital infections.

Mom's well-being

Many women consider the fifth month to be the quietest time of pregnancy. The body has already rebuilt itself, the hormonal levels have returned to normal. Therefore, digestion returned to normal and the nausea went away. In most cases, the psychological state also stabilizes. The woman begins to recognize herself as a mother.

But changes in the body do not stop, the fetus grows, so new symptoms appear. Many of them are not dangerous and occur for natural reasons:

  • slight swelling of the lower extremities;
  • clear vaginal discharge;
  • weak nagging pain in the abdomen;
  • increased dry skin, itching;
  • dark spots;
  • phlebeurysm
  • release of colostrum from the mammary glands;
  • pain in the lower back, legs.

Usually the woman feels well, but swelling and pain in the legs may appear

Heartburn and constipation

At this time, a woman may begin to experience heartburn and indigestion. This is due to the increased size of the uterus, which puts pressure on the stomach, and the production of large amounts of progesterone, which relaxes smooth muscles. Usually this condition appears in the third trimester, but many women become acquainted with it already at this stage.

Heartburn is not severe and appears after overeating or eating fatty or spicy foods. It is easy to get rid of it if you improve your diet and give up junk food. You can relieve unpleasant symptoms and burning sensation with dairy products or still mineral water.

Important! Constipation is often added to heartburn. To prevent their occurrence, you need to introduce more fiber into your diet. Prunes, beets, kefir, and apples help to improve stool. It is also recommended to increase physical activity.

Sometimes a woman suffers from heartburn during this period

Necessary studies at 5 months

In the second half of pregnancy, you may have to visit the antenatal clinic more often - up to 2 times a month.

You should first take a urine test. At your appointment, the doctor will conduct the following tests:

  • Measure height and weight;
  • Measure blood pressure;
  • Assess the shape of the uterus, measure its height;
  • Listen to the fetal heartbeat;
  • Examine the woman to identify edema and varicose veins;
  • If necessary, conduct an examination on a gynecological chair;
  • Take a control smear for vaginal microflora.

At month 5, a routine ultrasound is performed as part of second trimester screening. Its goal is to identify fetal malformations, assess the condition of its internal organs, and conduct biometrics (measurements).

Study parameters:

  • Measuring the length of the femur, the diameter and circumference of the abdomen and head;
  • Assessment of amniotic fluid volume;
  • Structure of the placenta;
  • Condition of the uterine myometrium;
  • Neck length;
  • Sex of the fetus.

With Doppler ultrasound, the doctor examines the blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, placenta, and uterus, obtaining additional data about the course of pregnancy.

Analyzes and examinations

Midterm is an important period of pregnancy. The fetus is actively growing, and the mother’s condition may change every week. Therefore, you will need to go to the doctor for examination more often. Urine and blood tests are required. At each appointment, the doctor measures the woman’s weight, height, and abdominal circumference.

At this time, in addition to ultrasound, Doppler sonography is also performed. This is a diagnostic method that allows you to examine blood flow in the uterus, placenta and in the baby’s body. It helps to detect oxygen deficiency in time and take action. At the 5th month, a biochemical and hormonal blood test is also taken. A so-called triple test is done, which examines:

  • human chorionic gonadotropin level;
  • alpha feto protein;
  • estriol.

The results obtained can only be deciphered by a doctor. It is necessary to take into account the woman’s age, weight, and gestational age. This test helps rule out genetic abnormalities.

At 5 months you need to be examined by a doctor

Ultrasound at 5 months of pregnancy

Between 18 and 22 weeks, the woman has a second ultrasound. Thanks to the increase in the amount of amniotic fluid, it becomes possible to conduct a detailed, more detailed examination. This allows timely detection of pathologies in the development or course of pregnancy. During an ultrasound, attention is paid to several details:

  • the thickness of the occipital bone should not exceed 5 mm;
  • the distance between the eyes indicates normal development of the skull;
  • the skull circumference should be 20 cm;
  • the length of the femur, lower leg, foot is measured - they are approximately the same, 3-4 cm each;
  • the diameter of the abdomen and head from temple to temple determines whether its development corresponds to age;
  • the size of the cerebellum should correspond in length in millimeters to the week of pregnancy;
  • the hands, the number of fingers, whether the child clenches his fists are considered;
  • You can accurately determine the sex of the child.

All these signs make it possible to determine whether there are any anomalies in the development of the fetus and whether it corresponds to its age. But during an ultrasound, attention is also paid to the amount of amniotic fluid, the thickness of the placenta, and the length of the umbilical cord. The location and thickness of the placenta, the condition of the uterus, and the length of its cervix must be assessed.

During an ultrasound examination, abnormalities in the baby's structure can be detected.

Formation of the diet

You should not exceed the permissible rate of weight gain; per month it is no more than 2 kg. To do this, most of a pregnant woman's diet should consist of natural products. You should remove canned foods from your menu. semi-finished products, canned food.

Preference should be given to such a source of protein as lean meat, fish, cheese, cottage cheese. These dairy products, with the addition of fermented baked milk, kefir, and yogurt to the diet, will satisfy the need for calcium. Vegetables and fruits will help replenish the supply of microelements and vitamins; liver, beef, pomegranate and tomato juice, and apples will be sources of hemoglobin.

To strengthen your gums, it is recommended to consume foods with a high content of vitamin C. To avoid gaining weight due to fast carbohydrates, you should not eat a lot of sweets and refined foods.

It is undesirable to consume foods that cause increased gas formation - cabbage, onions, beans and peas, and dishes prepared by frying.

Changes in the body

The 5th month of pregnancy is due to the rapid growth of the uterus, which no longer makes it possible to hide the interesting position from others; in the photo you can see a rounded belly at this stage. In the first trimesters of gestation, the fundus of the uterus is located between the navel and pubis, so the rounding of the abdomen is hardly noticeable.

But already at the beginning of the third trimester, the bottom of the uterus rises several centimeters above the navel, and it can be felt. The navel itself, due to the enlargement of the female reproductive organ, is stretched and smoothed. The volume of circulating blood increases, which provides adequate nutrition necessary for the growth and development of the fetus.

In the second half of the gestational period, women often experience the following symptoms:

  • increased intestinal motility;
  • increased flatulence;
  • heartburn;
  • heavy nasal breathing;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • frequent miction;
  • constipation;
  • the appearance of snoring during night rest.

Some women may not feel such manifestations, but they will appear a little later, when the fetus begins to develop and grow further. Another sign of pregnancy at 5 months is the rounding of female forms (breasts become larger, hips wider).

In addition, other important changes occur in the female body:

  1. Anemia. Due to an increase in the circulating volume of blood in its plasma, the level of hemoglobin decreases, which leads to various forms of anemia (deficiency of iron reserves). When the concentration drops to 110 units or below, the pregnant woman is prescribed iron supplements. If hemoglobin is determined in the borderline range (112-115 units), enhanced monitoring of the plasma condition is carried out. That is why, at every visit to the gynecologist, all expectant mothers undergo a general blood test.

  2. Pain syndrome . As the size of the uterus increases, pressure on the ligaments and lower back increases, which causes pain. As a rule, pain occurs during multiple pregnancies or in multiparous women. Pain in the lumbar region or hips may also appear, this is due to compression of the sciatic nerve. In such cases, light pelvic exercises and quiet rest are indicated.
  3. Bloody discharge from the vagina . Sometimes a similar phenomenon occurs in pregnant women with polyps or low placenta previa. In such situations, urgent qualified assistance is needed.
  4. The appearance of colostrum . At 5 months of age, liquid (colostrum) appears from the nipples of a pregnant woman. This does not always happen; for many, colostrum is released after childbirth in the amount necessary for the newborn.
  5. Itching of the skin . This unpleasant sensation appears in all women, but in each one at different times and with varying intensity. Sometimes the itching is accompanied by a rash. This phenomenon is caused by stretching of the skin, but sometimes liver problems can be the cause.
  6. Pigmentation . At 17 weeks, oxytocin is synthesized in the body in increased amounts. Against this background, pigmentation of the skin occurs on the face and hands, in the axillary area, perineum, external genital organs, and halos around the nipples.

At the 5th month of gestation, a woman really needs a complex of vitamins, especially calcium. It improves the condition of ligaments and joints, allowing the fetus to fully develop.

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