What does the belly look like during pregnancy with a boy and a girl - what is the difference?

Hello, dear readers!

Today, there are many different methods for determining the sex of a baby who is still growing in the womb. Many women prefer the ultrasound procedure, as this is the most reliable and reliable way to study the characteristics of the developing fetus.

And yet among them there are those who want to maintain the intrigue until the last moment and at the same time test their intuition. To do this, they turn to folk signs and beliefs, which allow them to visually analyze the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy and a girl, the difference between which lies in the shape of the pregnant woman’s figure.

It remains for us to find out how true such a “fortune telling” can be, at what stage it is already possible to find out the gender of the child by external signs and what differences exist between the bellies of a girl and a boy.

Abdominal shape during pregnancy: all causes and influencing factors

Pregnancy is different for every woman. The external signs, configuration, size and parameters of the womb are also different for all women in labor, one might even say unique.

The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy takes on one form or another under the influence of a number of factors, including the structure and weight of the body, individual characteristics of the body and procedures for caring for the pregnant woman throughout the entire period.

In medicine, the bellies of women who are “in position” are divided into categories according to the following configurations:

  • expectant mothers of short stature with a narrow pelvis have an acute abdomen from the time it becomes noticeable until the end of pregnancy;
  • a square shape of the womb is often observed with underdeveloped abdominal muscles, although the forum contains a lot of evidence that such a shape indicates low water or a large fetus;
  • A pear-shaped pelvis is observed in the period before childbirth, when the stomach has already dropped.

You need to sound the alarm if there is an asymmetrical configuration of the womb. In this case, pregnant women note that they have a stomach ache and discomfort in the pelvic area. It is difficult to determine the shape of the belly with the fetus in early pregnancy.

Often it depends on the female build. In thin people, a protruding round belly may appear in the first weeks, while in fat people it will remain small for a long time.

Fetal development calendar during pregnancy with a girl and a boy

Every mother, especially those carrying their first child, is very interested in what is happening in her womb week after week. To do this, you can turn to a special calendar, and its data does not depend on the sex of the fetus. However, some differences in the development of future boys and girls still exist.

  • Pregnancy with a boy often has complications and a sad outcome. Girls have a higher survival rate.
  • Girls grow slower.
  • Boys react more sharply to changes in the mother's diet; in their case, disturbances in the function and structure of the placenta occur more often.
  • At birth, boys are longer and thinner and have a larger head circumference.
  • Girls are usually born somewhat later, weaker and smaller than boys.
PeriodA weekStage of development of the embryo and subsequently the fetus
Embryonic1A woman’s body is preparing for possible fertilization: from 5 to 15 eggs “sit” in the follicles and wait for “release.”
2The “leader” follicle is identified, growing faster than the others. When it ruptures, the egg is sent to the uterus.
3Of the millions of sperm, several hundred are sent to the egg, and only one breaks through its protective layer. The sperm nucleus, which contains the genetic information of the father, merges with the chromosome of the egg, which carries the genetic information of the mother. The egg begins to divide into many cells and implants in the uterus. By the end of the week, the embryo will consist of hundreds of cells.
4All systems of the future organism are laid down, the brain is formed. The size of the embryo is approximately 1.5 mm, which is comparable to a poppy seed. The umbilical cord is formed, the neural tube is formed, as well as the rudiments of the limbs.
5Embryo weight – 0.4 g, size – 2.5 mm. Active development of the neural tube is observed. Blood vessels increase, thanks to which the baby exchanges blood with the mother and receives nutrients from her. Future parts of the brain, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs appear.
6The size of the embryo is 6 mm. Hemispheres are formed in the brain, chambers are formed in the heart. The heart muscle contracts to pump blood out. The formation of the future placenta occurs. The expectant mother's toxicosis increases.
7The size of the embryo is 10-15 cm, half of which is on the head. The upper limbs develop faster than the lower limbs. Hands and fingers are visible on the arms. The “tail” in the pelvic area is still preserved. The body shape is arched. Parts of the face begin to form. The uterus is enlarged. A woman notices an increase in urination.
8The size of the embryo is 20 mm. The eyes already have eyelids, the nose, ears, and mouth are becoming more and more clearly visible. The hemispheres of the brain have been formed, and its parts are now developing. The skin becomes less transparent. The rudiments of hair follicles appear. The baby makes his first movements.
Fetal (the embryo is called a fetus)9Height – up to 31. The reproductive system is being formed. The brain, digestive tract, musculoskeletal system, and liver are actively developing. The head is pressed to the chest and still occupies half of the “height”. Fingers become longer. Signs of toxicosis still persist.
10The fruit grows up to 40 mm. He floats freely in the uterus, pushing off from its walls. Most of the time the baby is in a half-bent state. The “tail” disappears and the buttocks are formed. The fingers separate and the membranes between them disappear. The kidneys begin to produce urine. Bones harden. A diaphragm is formed. For many mothers, toxicosis begins to recede.
11The iris forms in the eyes. The baby periodically “waves” his arms and legs and clenches his fists. Mom may experience bloating, heartburn, and constipation.
12The placenta begins to actively function, protecting the baby and feeding him with all the necessary substances. The intestines begin to “fold.” Leukocytes appear in the blood.
13The height of the fetus is 6.5-8 cm, weight is about 14 g. The rudiments of teeth are visible. The head looks more proportional to the body. The musculoskeletal system is actively developing. The first ultrasound (screening) is performed.
14Height – 9 cm. “Fuzz” appears on the head - colorless hairs. The outlines of the chin and cheeks are already visible. The baby puts his finger in his mouth. A unique skin pattern appears on the fingers. Urine is released into the amniotic fluid. The fetus receives nutrition through the umbilical cord and placenta.
15Height – 10-11 cm, weight – 75 g. Eyebrows and eyelids are clearly visible. The baby imitates breathing movements. Its face and body are covered with vellus hairs.
16Height – 12 cm, weight – 95-105 g. The baby learns to make faces. Skeletal bones harden but remain flexible. In girls, germ cells are laid down.
17Height – 13.5 cm, weight – 145-160 g. Fat forms under the skin. Sweat glands develop.
18Height – 15 cm, weight – 190-200 g. Movements acquire coordination. The baby can already hear.
19Height – 19 cm, weight – 250 g. The body is covered with vernix. The sex glands produce hormones.
20The baby actively flexes his limbs. Ultrasound diagnostics can be used to find out the sex of the child.
21Height – 27 cm, weight – about 320 g. Taste perception improves. The mother clearly feels the baby's movements.
22Height – 29 cm, weight – more than 420 g. The skin loses its transparency, but is still wrinkled and red. There is rapid development of the nervous system.
23Height – 30 cm, weight – 490 g. It is assumed that the baby is already dreaming. Mom may need a bandage.
24Height – 31 cm, weight – 570 g. The lungs produce the substance that is required for the first breath and breathing in the future.
25Height – 33 cm, weight – 650 g. Facial features are formed. Meconium is formed in the intestines - original feces. The mother may experience a lack of iron and, as a result, anemia - anemia.
26Height – 35 cm, weight – about 800 g. The lungs continue to develop. The mother determines the periods of wakefulness and sleep by the active movements of the baby.
27Height – 36 cm, weight – 900 g. Eyelashes, eyebrows, hairs on the head may darken. New hormones begin to be produced. Mom can feel the baby's hiccups.
28The baby is developed enough to survive in the event of a sudden birth. The baby has learned to open his eyes completely.
29Height – 39 cm, weight – at least 1 kg. The baby is getting more and more cramped in the womb. For mom, his pushes can cause not only discomfort, but also pain. Sometimes a pregnant woman begins to experience heartburn.
30The baby is already quite large. Perhaps the number of his movements will be reduced. But if the “lull” lasts for several hours, you need to consult a doctor. The baby continues to actively accumulate subcutaneous fat. His limbs lengthen, and the folds gradually smooth out.
31Height – 40 cm, weight – 1.5 kg. The boy's testicles are about to descend into the scrotum, the girl's clitoris is almost formed. Mom needs to be attentive to high blood pressure and swelling, and tell the doctor about her health in order to avoid complications.
32Height – 42.5 cm, weight – 1.8. The main organs (except the lungs) are fully functioning. The work of the digestive system becomes more complicated. Blood supply is activated.
33Height – 43.5 cm, weight – 2 kg. The baby takes a stable position in the uterus: head down, less often – up, in exceptional cases – across. (However, it is possible that the baby will change position by 37 weeks.)
34The baby's musculoskeletal system is getting stronger, but the bones of the skull remain flexible. The original lubricant thickens.
35Height – 45-46 cm, weight – 2.5 kg. The marigolds are clearly visible. Almost all mothers experience shortness of breath.
36Closer to childbirth, the weight and height of babies becomes more and more varied. Height – up to 48 cm, weight – up to 3 kg. The skin brightens and there are even fewer wrinkles.
37The intestines are preparing for full work. The lungs have matured. The cartilage in the ears and nose has become stronger. The vellus hairs on the body have almost disappeared. The expectant mother begins to experience precursors of labor: the volume of the abdomen decreases, false contractions intensify, and the fundus of the uterus descends. Starting this week, the mucus plug may come off at any time.
38The fetal body functions exactly like that of a newborn. The pregnancy is considered full term.
39The baby gains 25 g daily, his height ranges from 49 to 56 cm. The senses are completely developed. The baby is pressing on the pelvic bones.
40The placenta gradually begins to age, the mother’s body is about to start the birth process. The baby has all the vital reflexes and is ready for birth.

There are many differences between pregnancy between a boy and a girl, but it often happens that all the signs speak in favor of a girl, and a son is born, and vice versa. Therefore, in order to begin thorough preparations for the birth of the baby, especially in terms of clothing, it is better to wait for an ultrasound examination.

And the main thing there is to hear from the doctor that the baby is healthy. And it doesn’t really matter whether it’s a boy or a girl!

Author: Lesinskaya Svetlana

Article design: E. Chaikina

Pregnant with boys: how to visually identify your future son?

Women who refuse to determine the gender of their child using an ultrasound still remain interested for the entire 9 months. They are languishing in anticipation, and in order to somehow decide what color to buy things for the baby, they ask friends and acquaintances how to find out who you are expecting by the appearance of your growing belly.

Each pregnant woman has her own “problems” and methods for determining the sex of the baby in the womb. Experts in the field of gynecology and obstetrics agreed that the difference between the shapes of the bellies of a girl and a boy is quite noticeable.

Let's consider how the womb of a woman who carries a son under her heart is different:

  • vague contours, slightly blurred, making it difficult to trace the changes taking place;
  • navel shifted downward;
  • the extended waist is clearly visible from the back;
  • low belly

Reviews from young mothers who have two children of different sexes confirm that during pregnancy with a girl, the womb was large, round and dense, like an inflated balloon. While waiting for the boy, from the first days when the belly began to grow until the moment of birth, it was neat, small and slightly pointed.

It is important for partners and married couples who will soon become parents to prepare mentally and physically for a new stage in their lives - the birth and raising of a child. You can get useful information from the free lecture “Step-by-step plan for preparing men and women for pregnancy” from obstetrician-gynecologist Irina Viktorovna Zhgareva.

How to understand that there will be a girl: external signs

Those who are impatient to find out the gender of their future offspring begin searching for relevant information on the Internet already in the first weeks of pregnancy. In this regard, the query “who will I give birth to” is one of the most popular in almost all search engines.

The fact that a girl will be born is indicated by a high-growing, rounded belly with smooth contours, outwardly resembling a dense ball or ball. Another sign of a future daughter is indicated by a protruding navel and lateral muscles that hold the belly.

Doctors also recommend paying attention to what the vertical stripe along the abdomen looks like. If it is dark in color, it means it will be a boy. If there is a light, barely noticeable line, it is a girl.

You should not guess who will be born in the first weeks of the term, since the belly is just beginning to form, and its shape may change. The thirtieth week of pregnancy is the very period from which you can begin to analyze the features of the body configuration of a woman who is in an “interesting position.”

Low abdominal position in the second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is marked by a fairly marked tummy, since the muscles and ligaments have already lost their former elasticity. If a woman has a repeat pregnancy, then the belly is more visible and mainly in the lower part. This should not be feared, because a low tummy is a consequence of weakening of the abdominal ligaments, their lost elasticity, and not necessarily a low-lying placenta or fetus. To minimize the problem, all you need to do is use a bandage for pregnant women, which will relieve spinal tension and additional stress on the abdominal muscles.

Guessing the gender of the baby during the second and third pregnancy: how quickly does the belly take shape?

If during the first pregnancy a woman does not yet know how to behave, she is faced with many new processes, sensations, changes and is just learning to determine the sex of the baby visually, then when she decides to have a second child, it will be much easier for her.

During the second pregnancy, the fetus enlarges faster than during the first. This means that it will be possible to find out the baby’s gender earlier, even before the third trimester. The second pregnancy, week 20, already allows us to draw certain conclusions regarding the sex of the baby.

Mothers of two children who have decided on a third toddler will be able to track changes in their shape from the beginning of the second trimester, since the 3rd pregnancy is characterized by rapid growth of the womb.

Pregnancy with a boy and a girl: differences according to ultrasound

A truly reliable way to determine the sex of a child during pregnancy is an ultrasound. But there are many nuances here too. The qualifications of the doctor performing the procedure are important. Also, in the early stages, the probability of accurately determining the sex of the fetus tends to zero, since the genital organs are finally formed only by the thirteenth to fourteenth week. There is a way to measure the angle between the back and the genital tubercle (for a female fetus it is less than 30 degrees, for a male fetus it is more), but it is not a fact that the doctor will be able to use this method to accurately say who you will have. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that during the first screening (carried out from 10 to 12 weeks) you are unlikely to find out who you will be born with.

The second screening, which is done at about 20 weeks, will already be able to clarify this issue. At this time, the doctor will be able to clearly see the fetus's genitals. But here, too, a snag may arise: if the obstinate baby crosses his legs or lets the umbilical cord pass between them, if he turns the wrong way, then you will not know the treasured news. However, it is not recommended to do ultrasound too often just to determine the sex of the child. All that remains is to be patient and wait for the next screening or for the birth. Or try to independently determine the gender using signs - what if it coincides?

What people say: signs of the birth of a daughter and son by appearance

People have collected many superstitions about pregnancy, including who will be born into the family - a son or a daughter.

So, inquisitive women should take note of the following beliefs:

  • if the belly protrudes forward like a cucumber, they will have a boy, and with a belly round like a ball, they will have a girl;
  • if the left side is more visible, it means the birth of a daughter, and the right side, a son;
  • a boy will be born if hairiness appears on the stomach, and the darkened color of the skin on the womb in winter promises the birth of a girl;
  • the stomach pulls below from the baby’s pushes - towards the daughter, above - there will be a son.

Observant expectant mothers, savvy with medical recommendations and folk wisdom, will probably be able to independently determine the gender of their future heir without an ultrasound. In order for the baby to be born strong, a woman needs to monitor her physical and mental health, especially during pregnancy.

The book “How to Preserve Women’s Health,” which can be received as a gift, contains 10 practical tips from Irina Zhgareva, an obstetrician-gynecologist with many years of experience. The manual will be useful to every expectant mother.


Many expectant mothers suffer from an unpleasant scourge - nausea, called toxicosis of pregnancy. This is a frequent companion of the first trimester, which can also appear in the second half of pregnancy. Most often, pregnant women feel sick in the morning, immediately after waking up, but symptoms of nausea can also haunt women throughout the day.

Toxicosis manifests itself differently in everyone, with varying intensity and duration, but there are lucky women who are spared this trouble. However, even in this phenomenon they find signs of pregnancy with a child of one gender or another. There is a widespread belief that pregnancy with a girl is accompanied by stronger and more pronounced toxicosis. In the 90s, scientists even conducted research on this topic, trying to determine the dependence of the sex of the child on the strength of his mother’s toxicosis during pregnancy. Over the course of several years, almost 6 thousand pregnant women suffering from severe nausea were observed. As a result, girls were born to 56% of the interviewed patients, respectively, boys – to 44%. Yes, there is a preponderance towards the female gender, but it is very small.

Of course, one can make the assumption that a pregnant woman suffering from nausea and vomiting will give birth to a baby, but this will not have 100% certainty.

Experts still have not figured out the exact causes of such a phenomenon as toxicosis. The most common theories:

  • the influence of changing hormonal levels, including hCG levels;
  • increased load on the liver;
  • weakened esophageal muscles.

There are supporters of the assumption that nausea is a manifestation of the fear of pregnant women, stress from their new position, or non-acceptance of the unborn baby. However, this is unlikely: often morning nausea and vomiting precedes the woman learning about pregnancy, and accordingly, she cannot yet experience the associated fear and stress. In addition, happy mothers who are looking forward to their children are also affected by toxicosis.

You can learn other signs of pregnancy in the early stages from our material.


Regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, in order to give birth to a healthy child, every woman needs, more than ever, to monitor her health at all stages of pregnancy. Read interesting, detailed and valuable information, study materials, observe yourself and analyze.

In addition, you can always undergo an ultrasound to confirm certain conjectures and guesses. I hope my article will help you. Repost on social networks and invite your friends to read the article. I am sure that you will find the answer to your main question. Be healthy and see you again in the next articles!

Sincerely, Katherine Grimova, mother of a wonderful daughter!

Signs of early pregnancy with a boy

Most women planning a pregnancy want to have a child of one gender more than the other. Often many people lie and say that it doesn’t matter to them. Some are weighed down by the burden of responsibility for the birth of an heir, a continuator of the family. For example, this is very important for Muslims. Others simply like boys better.

A person’s sex is determined at the moment of conception based on the chromosomes that were contained by the first male sperm that fertilized a woman’s egg. From this moment, the embryo of a boy or girl begins to grow.

An expectant mother may try to find out what gender her unborn child is using different methods. Some of them are more accurate, others less, but there is no 100% reliable method. It will be possible to find out exactly who was in the womb only after childbirth, when you can see this with your own eyes. For many, the actual gender of the newborn is still a surprise.

To be more likely to expect a boy, you need to put in some effort. Some believe that the sex of the offspring can be determined using a special diet. Others believe that it is possible to calculate the probability of having a boy using blood renewal techniques, based on the age of the father, depending on the month, year of conception, location of the Moon in some constellation, etc. However, there is a more substantiated scientific approach to this issue, which will be discussed below.

Proven signs of pregnancy with a boy and physiological aspects

It is impossible to 100% program your body to create a boy; fertilization of an egg depends on the sperm (with X or Y chromosomes), which will be the first to complete the mission successfully. At the same time, the chance of having a boy is, on average, always slightly higher than a girl (by 2%).

Spermatozoa with X (female) and Y (male) chromosomes should normally be contained in sperm in equal numbers. However, under the influence of stress, wearing tight underwear, frequent flights, working in hot workshops, smoking, strict vegetarianism, and other reasons, the content of Y chromosomes in a man’s sperm can significantly decrease.

Male sperm are smaller, faster, but less tenacious. They live on average only a day and do not survive in an acidic environment (they prefer an alkaline environment).

The probability of “winning” a sperm with Y chromosomes depends on many factors, in particular:

  • day of conception (if sex took place on the day of ovulation, the likelihood of having a son is maximum);
  • postures (the deeper the penetration into the vagina, the greater the chance for male sperm);
  • orgasm of a woman, douching before sex with a soda solution to create an alkaline environment;
  • whether the spouses abstained from sexual intercourse several days before conception (if yes, the concentration of Y chromosomes increases) subject to frequent sex in other cycles.

Physiological planning for a boy is 70-75% effective if the date of ovulation is accurately determined. To reliably determine its onset time, you can use special tests. Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of a woman's monthly cycle. If the cycle is 28 days, it occurs somewhere on the 14th day. The menstrual cycle begins on the first day of your period.

Based on the above, if sex was not on the day of ovulation or 12 hours after it (while the egg is capable of fertilization), a girl will almost definitely be born, female sperm can live 5-6 days, male sperm only a day, a little more.

There are other ways to plan the conception of a boy, based on calculations (ancient Chinese, Japanese tables, etc.) and folk beliefs. In addition, you can resort to medical planning when, during artificial insemination, sperm of the wrong sex are removed from the sperm.

Signs of pregnancy with a boy, tested in the early stages

When pregnancy occurs, a woman can try to lift the veil of secrecy about the gender of her child in the womb in various ways. Some resort to folk signs, others to medical methods.

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