Introduction to the diet without harm to the body: is it possible to eat peanuts and butter while breastfeeding and how to eat it correctly?

How to choose and store peanuts correctly?

Before buying peanuts, a nursing woman should familiarize herself with some recommendations:
First, smell the nut. If the smell is rancid or musty, you should not buy such a product. The presence of such an aroma indicates the presence of mold, which may not be visible externally. It is advisable to purchase peanuts in shells. Thus, you can preserve its valuable qualities for a long time

You should pay attention to the surface, which should not have darkened areas or damage that could facilitate the penetration and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. High-quality products are dry, weighty, and have a dull sound when shaken. It is also recommended to pay attention to the packaging, which should contain information about the production date and shelf life. It is better to choose groundnuts labeled “Non-GMO.”

After purchasing, peanuts must be poured into a container with a tight-fitting lid and stored in a cool place. Peel and chop nuts only before eating or preparing any dishes.

How to avoid allergies when eating peanuts?

To avoid an allergic reaction in a baby after eating peanuts, you should familiarize yourself with some recommendations:

  1. First you need to interview close relatives about allergies. If it turns out that at least one person in the family is prone to allergic manifestations, a nursing mother should not experiment with a new product during lactation.
  2. A woman can also do an allergy test. However, such tests are strictly not recommended for children under one year of age.
  3. Before use, groundnuts must be peeled.
  4. In addition, it is recommended to eat roasted peanuts.
  5. Allergists advise a nursing woman to keep a food diary, which should indicate all the dates of introduction of new foods.

We recommend reading: Butter during breastfeeding

If the above conditions are met, you can begin to introduce peanuts, but very carefully, while observing the reaction of the child’s body.

The benefits and harms of nuts during breastfeeding

Every woman during lactation would like to know the benefits and harms of peanuts for nursing mothers. Positive qualities of this product for hepatitis:

  • improvement of the structure of the dermis;
  • increasing the nutritional value of mother's milk;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • stabilization of the central nervous system, elimination of stress and emotional tension;
  • anemia therapy;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body.

The beneficial properties of peanuts are due to the content of a large number of vitamins and mineral compounds (vitamins B, A, C, E, D, manganese, zinc, selenium, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorus). In addition, groundnuts contain vegetable protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Name of useful vitaminsMain action
AImproving the functioning of the organ of vision, renewing the dermis, stimulating hair growth, preventing hair loss.
EWound healing, hormonal restoration, protection against blood clots.
B1Increasing immune properties, regulating metabolic processes, stimulating brain activity, eliminating emotional stress.
CStrengthening the immune system, preventing the development of colds, ensuring hematopoiesis and dermal regeneration, improving mood.
B6Stimulates brain activity, improves memory, stabilizes the level of sugary substances, prevents the development of heart attacks, improves performance.
HRegulation of carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose levels, stabilization of the central nervous system, beneficial effects on the structure of nail plates, hair, ensuring access of oxygen to cells.
B2Improved visual acuity, beneficial effect on the central nervous system.
B5Stabilization of the cardiovascular system, assistance in weight loss, prevention, therapy of colitis, arthritis.
PPImproving skin structure, stabilizing cholesterol levels, ensuring carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
B4Normalization of the functionality of the nervous system, removal of toxic compounds from the body, regulation of fat metabolism.

Despite the impressive list of beneficial qualities of the product, sometimes after eating groundnuts a negative effect can occur - an allergy. When peanuts with their allergenic skins are consumed during lactation, harmful compounds can pass into mother's milk. In this case, the risk of food poisoning increases, and the baby may also experience painful symptoms in the form of:

  • rash;
  • redness of the skin;
  • colic;
  • flatulence;
  • digestive disorders.

If the baby has an individual intolerance to this product, consuming peanuts can not only cause an allergy, but also provoke the development of anaphylactic shock. This condition is considered very serious and can threaten the baby’s life.

Introduction of the product into the diet

It is recommended that a nursing mother try peanuts, starting with a minimum amount. Two hours before feeding, you need to eat 1-2 nuts and monitor the baby throughout the day - this is how long it will take the body to react to peanuts. You should stop eating groundnuts if the following signs are detected within 24 hours:

  • the appearance of red spots on the baby’s body;
  • a pronounced rash all over the body, especially on the cheeks;
  • the appearance of colic and bloating;
  • problems with stool.

In what form will peanuts be useful for a nursing mother?

The largest amount of allergenic substances is contained not in the peanuts themselves, but in their skins - it is imperative to peel off the harmful shell before eating. It is better to eat groundnuts during breastfeeding as part of vegetable salads and main courses, and not as an independent snack. This will allow the beneficial substances to be completely absorbed without causing irritation to the gastric mucosa. Products with the addition of various flavors are strictly taboo, despite their attractive taste.

A snack in a baguette with peanuts will be more useful for a nursing mother than peanuts as an independent dish.


Raw peanuts are dangerous for the average person, and in case of breastfeeding, they are strictly prohibited. Mold develops on groundnuts, causing allergic reactions and intoxication of the body. A small heat treatment - frying in a dry frying pan - can neutralize the effect of microorganisms.


Roasted peanuts are much less likely to cause allergies, and they are absolutely safe for consumption during breastfeeding. It is usually not recommended to include fried foods in a nursing woman’s menu, but this means cooking them in vegetable oil. If you heat groundnuts a little in a non-stick frying pan, it will not become harmful food.


When breastfeeding, it is advisable to reduce salt intake, as it retains fluid in the body, which leads to edema. It is better to avoid salted peanuts during lactation. Additional stress on the kidneys and excretory system in tandem with the high fat content and calorie content of the product is a direct road to deterioration in a woman’s health.

Peanut paste

Peanut butter was invented by Canadian nutritionist Edson - and the delicate creamy dessert has already gained popularity around the world. The paste is made from roasted peanuts, so it is not highly allergenic. However, the calorie content of the product will not allow a woman to quickly return to normal after childbirth.

When buying pasta, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the dessert. The composition should not contain:

  1. Low quality fats (palm oil). This dubious raw material is used to reduce the cost of the final product, and there can be no talk of any benefits to the body.
  2. Artificial preservatives (the most dangerous are E220, E211, E222, E250). It is impossible to do without preservatives in industrial food production, but it is better to choose pasta with natural preservatives. Additives of synthetic origin pose a serious health hazard, especially during breastfeeding.
  3. Synthetic sweeteners (E950, E951, E952, E955). They have a carcinogenic effect on the body and provoke gastrointestinal disorders.

When breastfeeding, you should introduce peanut butter with ½ teaspoon, carefully observing the baby's reaction.

Recipes for dishes with the addition of nuts during lactation

Carrot salad with walnuts

For cooking, you should use boiled carrots and peeled nuts. The kernels are crushed to crumbs and mixed with grated boiled carrots. You can add vegetable oil; it is better to eat in small portions, but several times a day.

Peanut butter

To increase the fat content of mother's milk, eat a dish of nuts, the consistency of which resembles butter. You need to take:

  • dried fruits - 250 grams;
  • the same amount of walnuts;
  • butter - 100 grams.

Grind dried fruits with nuts, mix with butter. If the mother has been feeding the baby for several months and has tried a large number of ingredients, then honey is also added to the dish. The resulting mass can be eaten with a cracker, cracker or bread.

Nut milk

It is better to use walnuts. They are ground, mixed with milk (about 250 ml), and left for several hours. Then they drink it, preferably warm, to increase lactation and the fat content of the mother’s milk. Such a drink can only be taken when neither the mother nor the newborn is allergic to milk protein.

When breastfeeding a young mother, nuts can be used as a one-ingredient dish for dessert or snack, and can also be added to regular meals as an additional ingredient and source of vitamins. But you should not eat them in large quantities; due to their excess in the nursing menu, difficulties with milk may appear. It will be more viscous than with a regular diet and may be more difficult for the baby to get from the breast. Otherwise, a small portion of nuts several times a week will only benefit women’s health and the development of the baby.

Healthy recipes with peanuts for breastfeeding

To get all the benefits of a tasty and aromatic nut, you can make your own peanut butter.

It requires the following products:

  • 200 g peeled nuts;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 3 tsp. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt.

The nuts need to be rinsed with water and blotted with a paper towel. Then dry in the oven for 6-7 minutes at 180 degrees. This will be enough time for them to prepare. When the nuts have cooled, pour them from the baking sheet into a bag, tie them up and shake well. This technique will make it easier to remove the husk. The nuts must be sorted very carefully, all shells removed, and then ground into a homogeneous mass using a blender. Finally, add sugar, salt and butter to the mixture and mix. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Another sweet but tasty product is peanut candy. To prepare them, you need to take:

  • 150 g peanuts;
  • 150 g walnuts;
  • 200 g chocolate;
  • 15 pieces of dried apricots;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame seeds.

Peanuts and walnuts must be dried in the oven at 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes, remove the thin peel. Heat the chocolate in a water bath until it melts. Mix washed and dried dried apricots with nuts and grind in a blender until fine crumbs. Add chocolate, stir. Form sweets from the viscous mass using your hands or a spoon and roll them in sesame seeds. After cooling in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, they are ready to eat.

It is also beneficial to add nuts and dried fruits to porridge. To do this, wash the nuts and dried fruits and pour boiling water over them for a few minutes. Then chop and add to the finished hot porridge. It is very tasty to add groundnuts and dried apricots to rice porridge. Fragrant nuts transform its bland taste.

Peanuts can and should be included in a woman’s diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but only if there is no allergy to it

It is also important to monitor your baby’s reaction to this new product and adhere to the recommended daily dosage of nuts.

The benefits and possible harms of sherbet on a mother’s menu during lactation

Pediatricians allow a nursing mother to eat peanuts starting from the 4th month of breastfeeding. An unfamiliar product should be introduced by consuming 2–3 peeled nuts, and then monitor the baby’s reaction for a couple of days. If an undesirable reaction occurs, you must exclude all nuts and dishes made from them from the menu. You can try again after 1 – 2 months.

If anaphylactic shock develops in a mother or child, you should immediately call emergency help. If the following clinical signs occur, you should also consult a doctor:

  • dizziness;
  • ringing in the ears;
  • fainting;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • acute epigastric pain;
  • lacrimation;
  • skin rash accompanied by itching;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • swelling of the larynx.

You should not try to eliminate the symptoms yourself; self-medication can lead to serious consequences.

To prevent an allergic reaction, it is recommended to take precautions before introducing peanuts during breastfeeding:

  1. Collect information about a possible tendency to allergies from the baby’s relatives, including on the paternal side. If there is a predisposition, it is not advisable for a nursing mother to eat groundnuts during lactation. In addition, it should not be given to a child under 3 years of age.
  2. Do an allergen test. This procedure is allowed to be carried out from 12 months.
  3. Peel peanuts before use.
  4. It is recommended that a breastfeeding woman keep a food diary, the information from which will allow her to understand which product caused a negative reaction (if any).
  5. Observe two- or three-day intervals between the introduction of unfamiliar food.

If the first test of groundnuts was successful, you should not sharply increase the grams. It is advisable to add 1 pc. once every 3–4 days. The permissible daily intake is 10 nuts. Daily use is not recommended.

For the fairer sex themselves during lactation, fried beans are extremely useful, as they help them recover after childbirth, and specifically:

  • strengthen blood vessels, preventing varicose veins;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • help fight postpartum anemia;
  • work well on the psyche, as a result of which the nursing mother always remains calm.

As you can see, in the absence of an allergy to peanuts, its consumption is very beneficial for both mother and child, but in all individual cases it is necessary to take into account certain circumstances and monitor your own child with great attention

How to eat peanuts during lactation?

Peanuts can be eaten only when the child reaches 4 months of age, starting with a few roasted nuts (3 - 4 pieces). At the same time, other products unknown to the child’s body should not be introduced together. After this, throughout the day it is necessary to monitor possible manifestations of the baby’s allergic reaction. In the absence of side effects (redness, skin rashes, watery eyes, soreness, indigestion), a gradual increase in the portion by 2 to 3 nuts is allowed.

It should be taken into account that peanut consumption (no more than 50 g) should be no more than 1 - 2 rubles / week. If the child has an allergy, the introduction of this product should be postponed for 1 month. If such a reaction occurs after repeated administration, complementary feeding should be postponed for another 30 days or discontinued altogether.

During breastfeeding, it is necessary to consume roasted peanuts, so they are better absorbed. The nut should be peeled from the husk, which contains the majority of allergens. In addition, pediatricians do not recommend eating salted peanuts during lactation, which have the ability to retain fluid in the body. Whole or chopped product can be added to various dishes.

Usage rate

When adding peanuts to a nursing mother's menu, you should consider the quantity (as well as its quality) consumed. It is allowed to eat no more than 50 - 100 grams of nuts per day, and during the week the number of days when peanuts were consumed should not exceed two or three.

Remember that if any allergic reaction occurs, you must immediately stop eating the nut, and repeat the possibility of including it in your diet no earlier than a month later.

The main contraindications to eating peanuts during breastfeeding include:

  • Personal intolerance to nuts;
  • Predisposition to allergies;
  • Overweight;
  • Manifestations of diabetes mellitus;
  • Joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • Varicose veins

In relation to the baby, contraindications for the mother to eat peanuts include insufficient weight of the newborn, problems with internal organs, allergic manifestations, lactose and gluten intolerance.

Rules for following a hypoallergenic diet

In addition to foods that are highly likely to cause allergies, there are many less pronounced allergens.

This intermediate category between allergens and hypoallergenic products includes organ meats, potatoes and legumes, green bell peppers, apricots, watermelons, currants and cranberries, biscuits and grain breads.

They need to be introduced into the diet little by little at first, and the child’s reaction should be monitored.

Eat what grows in your area.

Until the baby is 3 months old, the mother should not consume even potential allergens of moderate activity. The rules for expanding the diet of a nursing mother are in many ways similar to the rules for introducing complementary foods. A good habit is to keep a food diary, which reflects the mother’s diet, especially innovations in it, and the baby’s reaction.

You should introduce no more than two new products that can cause allergies per month, waiting 2 weeks for a possible reaction. In terms of allergic reactions, the safest fruits are those growing in your area.

When should you not breastfeed? Doctors prohibit breastfeeding a child after drinking alcohol. You cannot feed until the mother is completely sober, although the critical concentration of alcohol in the milk will be 30 minutes after drinking. Only after the liver has processed the alcohol, after about two hours, can the baby be put to the breast.

Can a nursing mother eat peanuts?

Nuts are everyone’s favorite, tasty and nutritious product. Their variety is great. The most accessible and widespread of them is peanuts. Strictly speaking, it is not even a nut and belongs to the legume family. But in terms of methods of consumption, it is undoubtedly closer to hazelnuts and almonds than to peas and beans. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of peanuts during breastfeeding.



  1. contains a huge amount of useful substances: fats, proteins, vitamins B, A, E, C, D;
  2. improves the condition of the skin, increases its elasticity, thanks to the content of large amounts of vitamins A and E. Most women need this when breastfeeding;
  3. contains a lot of valuable vegetable protein, which is very useful during lactation;
  4. calms, relieves stress, helps cope with nervous overload thanks to the balance of potassium, magnesium and B vitamins;
  5. strengthens blood vessels, increases the elasticity of their walls. Of course, it does not cure varicose veins. But as one of the means of prevention it is quite suitable;
  6. due to the high content of iron and copper, it raises hemoglobin well, which is important for many pregnant and lactating women;
  7. has antioxidant properties. Protects the body from the destructive effects of free radicals and breakdown products.

Why can peanuts be harmful during lactation?

No matter how useful the product is, its use during breastfeeding is always given special consideration. Unfortunately, peanuts are one of the three most allergenic foods. This, of course, does not mean that every person will have a reaction to groundnuts. Most tolerate them well.

Many mothers eat peanuts both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, they enjoy it and improve their health. And neither they nor the kids have any problems.

But according to the observations of allergists, the proportion of people who react to peanuts is large. And even if the mother has eaten it calmly all her life, the child may have an intolerance. Skin rashes or intestinal problems are unpleasant, but not that bad. But peanuts can lead to worse problems, such as anaphylactic shock.

Because of this, during breastfeeding, eating groundnuts must be done with extreme caution.

It must be remembered that a woman not only strains her body with heavy food and does not allow it to recover. Unexcreted breakdown products during lactation pass into breast milk and act on the baby.

The baby may not even be allergic to the product, but a reaction to the mother’s body’s inability to process it correctly.

During breastfeeding, it is advisable not to eat peanuts separately, but to add them to dishes, preferably in salads made from fresh vegetables. This way it is better absorbed and does not cause irritation to the gastric mucosa.

How to protect yourself from allergies?

  • First, you need to collect information about the presence of allergies in relatives, including the child’s father’s line. If it turns out that there are cases of reaction to groundnuts in the family, then a nursing woman should not eat it. And your baby’s introduction to peanuts should be completely postponed, at least until he is three years old.
  • Mom can get an allergy test. But a child is still a different person. A mother’s reaction or lack thereof to a product does not mean that the child will also have one. And children under one year old are not usually tested.
  • Peanut husks are the most allergenic, so nursing mothers must peel them.
  • It is often written that you can eat roasted peanuts rather than raw ones, since allergies to them are much less common. But during breastfeeding, any fried foods are undesirable, so if there is a risk of allergies, it is better to refrain from eating groundnuts altogether.
  • A mother caring for an infant usually has very little free time. But part of it still needs to be spent on a food diary. The dates and times of introduction of all new products must be recorded. This will help you figure out what exactly you are allergic to. And of course, you cannot introduce several new products in one day.

So can a nursing mother eat peanuts? Peanuts can be included in the diet if:

  1. the woman herself does not suffer from allergies;
  2. I ate peanuts little by little during pregnancy, and it did not cause any discomfort;
  3. none of the child’s relatives on both the mother’s and father’s sides are allergic to groundnuts;
  4. The baby is not prone to allergies.

If all these conditions are met, then the mother can eat tasty and healthy nuts during the feeding period. But even in this case, they need to be introduced into the diet carefully, preferably not in the first month after childbirth. And you need to remember that peanuts are a high-calorie product, so you shouldn’t get too carried away with them.

Latest discussions:

The effect of the product on the body of a nursing mother and child

Many Russian pediatricians are skeptical about peanuts, considering them an unacceptable product in the diet of a nursing woman due to its high allergenic status. But the American Academy of Pediatrics takes a loyal position in relation to this product, noting its beneficial effects on the chemical composition and nutritional value of breast milk.

By consuming peanuts, which are rich in natural antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, a nursing mother can speed up the recovery process after childbirth. Most breastfeeding experts allow peanuts in limited quantities and only when roasted .

Before eating, it is recommended to lightly fry the peanuts so that the film separates better.

It is known that in the process of frying and peeling the beans from the red film (which contains aggressive allergens), the harmful properties of the product are practically lost . But even peanuts processed in this way can be consumed no earlier than the baby is 3 months old. In this case, you need to make sure that your closest relatives do not have allergies. If there is the slightest suspicion of a possible allergic reaction, it is prohibited to include the product in the diet.

In order to check for an allergic reaction, you need to do an “allergy test”. In the morning, eat a few nuts (4-5 pieces) and until the evening of the next day, look at the child’s reaction, if there is no redness, abdominal pain, restless sleep, bloating - you can safely introduce peanuts to the nursing mother’s menu, but gradually. In any case, before introducing a new product into the diet of a nursing mother, you need to consult a pediatrician.

A British study found that avoiding peanuts in infancy reduces the risk of a child having a peanut allergy. The American Academy of Pediatrics, in response to ongoing research that does not show a reduction in the risk of atopic disease, has rescinded its recommendations for delaying peanuts in the diet and has found no reason to avoid peanuts during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


Video: doctors’ opinion about the allergenicity of peanuts in Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy”

Benefits for the body

Roasted peanuts without the red shell are the most preferred option for a nursing mother. Most of the beneficial substances contained in the product are preserved during short frying, and allergic components are almost eliminated. Moreover, even roasted peanuts do not contain cholesterol.

Peanuts can be beneficial for mother and baby if consumed correctly and without allergies.

But the calorie content of the product is quite high, so you can only snack on nuts occasionally, and even then in small quantities. Let's list the main beneficial properties of peanuts:

  • Stimulating brain activity. A large amount of B vitamins activates neurons of the nervous system, improves memory and attention.
  • Improvement of hematopoiesis. Iron, magnesium, copper and other trace elements improve blood composition and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Increased mood. Peanuts contain tryptophan, a substance that stimulates the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy). In addition, trace elements help regulate hormone levels and avoid stress and postpartum depression.
  • Acceleration of metabolism. Fiber promotes efficient digestion, and the minerals in the composition improve metabolism.
  • Strengthening the immune system. The rich vitamin and mineral composition provides a general strengthening effect on the body.

Possible negative reactions and contraindications

When consuming peanuts, you need to be careful - the product can cause allergic reactions in infants. Symptoms may include:

  • rash or redness of the skin;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • allergic cough;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • increased infant colic.

Peanuts are one of the most allergenic foods; their use should be approached with caution.
In addition to allergies, peanuts can be harmful to mother and baby for the following reasons:

  1. High fat content. This feature can provoke disorders of the immature digestive system.
  2. Weight gain. Peanuts will negatively affect the mother's figure if she does not observe the measure when consuming nuts. The point is not only the high calorie content of the product, but also its ability to stimulate appetite. The components of peanuts cause active secretion of gastric juice, you want to continue eating beans and it is difficult to limit yourself to a small amount.
  3. Contraindications. It is not advisable to include peanuts in the diet if the mother suffers from varicose veins, arthrosis, arthritis, or gout.

Useful properties during lactation

Groundnuts are a very nutritious and high-calorie product. During breastfeeding, it provides the woman’s body with proteins and fats, minerals and vitamins.

This product has a positive effect on the development of the baby’s body.

Regular consumption of groundnuts:

  • prolongs youth due to antioxidants that destroy free radicals;
  • cares for skin, nails and hair;
  • helps cope with anemia (which often occurs after the birth of a child) due to the presence of copper and iron in the composition;
  • calms the nervous system, eliminates mood swings due to magnesium;
  • provides elasticity to blood vessels;
  • lowers cholesterol levels thanks to phytosterol;
  • prevents vitamin deficiency, lack of macro- and microelements;
  • increases immunity;
  • enhances lactation, increases the fat content and nutritional value of milk.

This nutritious plant product is highly valued by vegetarians. It can be eaten (in reasonable doses) even if you have diabetes. Groundnuts contain B vitamins, carotene, ascorbic acid, tocopherols, and vitamin D. Minerals in this nut include zinc and manganese, iron, copper compounds, phosphorus and calcium. Peanuts also contain fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines.

Benefits and harms for nursing mothers

The benefits of the nut include:

  • Fills the body of a nursing mother with nutrients;
  • With regular inclusion of this nut in the diet, the condition of the skin significantly improves and its elasticity increases. This is especially true during lactation;
  • Due to the large amount of protein in the composition, it has a positive effect on milk production;
  • Allows you to relieve the stress of a woman in labor, normalizes the nervous system of a young mother;
  • Able to strengthen blood vessels;
  • Eliminates iron and copper deficiency, which in turn normalizes hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  • Has natural antioxidant properties.

Despite the positive properties of peanuts, it is better to avoid uncontrolled consumption of peanuts. Especially during breastfeeding. The product is a strong allergen and affects not only the mother, but also the baby.

According to scientific research, if a mother did not have allergic reactions to peanuts before pregnancy, this does not mean that her baby will not have problems after birth. A newborn may experience a rash and digestive tract upset (severe gas formation). The situation is especially dangerous when anaphylactic shock occurs. Therefore, nut consumption during breastfeeding should be limited.

Peanuts are also a fairly heavy food. After childbirth, the body of a nursing mother does not always cope with such a load. As a result, problems arise with internal organs (the liver, kidneys, and stomach suffer). Due to the fact that peanuts are difficult to digest, the unexcreted product also has a negative effect on the child’s body. Therefore, it is recommended to include nuts not in raw form, but as an addition to main courses and salads. In this form, it is better absorbed by the body.

Recipes using nuts

Dr. Komarovsky also gives advice regarding nutrition. If the non-born person does not have allergies, nuts are allowed to season any dishes. We are talking about baked goods and salads, meat and main courses. There are many recommendations regarding products that increase the amount of milk, which are written about in the book by E. Komarovsky. There are many recipes for dishes for nursing mothers that help produce a sufficient amount of milk with the required fat content. More advice from Komarovsky can be found on his website.

Women often have a “chest” question: “How to increase fat content”? This can be done with a walnut drink. They are crushed and filled with milk. Then pour it into a thermos and let it brew for 2 hours. Then you can drink the drink throughout the day. Again, you need to check in advance whether the infant has a protein allergy. In addition to the fact that such a drink has nutritional value, it helps with difficulties with bowel movements in newborns.

A mixture of nuts and carrots helps produce milk, so to speak, stimulate the thoracic region and help with lactic crisis. Grate medium-length carrots, chop walnuts and mix thoroughly. Komarovsky advises reading about each recipe and choosing your own.

To improve lactation in any months when breastfeeding is carried out, you can add a mixture of dry fruits and walnuts. The ingredients are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with one hundred grams of butter. If an infant child does not have a reaction to honey, then it can also be taken as a dressing.

And of course, sweets. Every woman wants something sweet! But candy can also be healthy. So, those who are constantly wondering how to make sure that an infant grows up healthy can be advised to prepare delicious sweets from nuts and dried fruits. It is recommended to soak dry fruits in water, then dry and chop them. Cover the whole nut with dried fruit pulp and roll in the leftover nuts. How much should you eat per day? No more than five candies.

Cookies can be made from two bananas, a couple of spoons of sugar, and some oatmeal. This is how the dough is kneaded. Then raisins and chopped nuts are added to the dough. The cookies are formed, placed on parchment paper and baked until done. Dr. Komarovsky also examines different dishes in his book.

Such recipes for nut dishes will be useful for both mother and infant. The mother will be happy and not hungry, and the infant will be healthy and full of healthy vitamins and microelements.

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How to grow peanuts in the garden?

Every gardener who has planted legumes on their plot at least once knows how to grow peanuts in the garden. The technology of growing beans and peanuts is closely intertwined. Despite the fact that the plant’s homeland is South America, it thrives in the climatic conditions prevailing in Russia.

Selecting a site for planting. Peanuts love warmth, so to plant them you should choose sunny areas where there is no shade during the day.

But it is important to protect the plant from strong winds. Peanuts grow best on chernozem soils, sandy and loamy areas

If the soil is too heavy, it needs to be enriched with sand and humus. Waterlogged soil is not suitable for planting peanuts. Planting material. It is best to choose nuts intended for planting in a specific region. You can buy them in gardening stores, as well as from neighbors in the garden, if they have received a good harvest. As a rule, a rich harvest can be obtained from seeds, but the beans themselves, whole and crushed, are also used for planting. How to prepare the soil for planting. The beds should be processed in the fall. It is best to plant peanuts in areas where cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, tomatoes, and cabbage grew before them. You should not sow peanuts in places where legumes, lentils, beans and peas previously “lived”. The earth needs to be dug up, but not too deep, about the depth of a shovel. You can add organic fertilizers: humus, ash, compost. In the spring, before planting peanuts, the bed should be cleared of weeds and harrowed. The distance between furrows should be at least 70 cm.

Planting a plant. Before planting, the seeds should be sorted. To do this, they are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. You can use saline solution instead of potassium permanganate. A tablespoon of salt is enough for a liter of water. If it was decided to plant peanuts using the seedling method, then peat pots with nutritious soil are best suited for this purpose. The seed must be placed to a depth of no more than 25 mm. You should start planting seedlings in early April. The pots are placed in well-lit areas, for example, on a windowsill. At this time, you need to water the peanuts regularly, but in moderation. Seedlings should be replanted without removing them from the pot. This is done 30 days after planting the seed. If the climate in the region is moderate, then you can keep the seedlings at home for up to 60 days, but no more. A distance of 25 cm should be left between plants.

If it was decided to plant peanuts in open ground, then you should wait until the soil temperature is 14 °C, but no less. Daytime air temperatures should not fall below +18. Seeds should be planted to a depth of 10 cm. 2-3 beans should be planted per hole, since their germination rate is unknown. It is important to protect the beds from birds at first, as they destroy not only the seeds themselves, but also young shoots. Crows, magpies and blackbirds are especially dangerous.

Peanut care. The plant needs to be watered from the moment when multiple shoots appear. The fact is that in May the soil remains moistened with melt water, which is often sufficient for the plant. Young shoots begin to bloom almost immediately. Three weeks after flowering has completed, the bushes should be hilled up. At this time, the formation of underground fruits occurs. During this same period, it is worth taking care of the first feeding. Mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium can be added to the soil. You need to weed the nut until the leaves close. Then each bush will be able to independently cope with the weed, protecting itself from its harmful effects. It is necessary to water the bushes during the summer only if there is severe drought in the area. Watering in late August - early September is not advisable.

Harvest. Harvest storage. In mid-autumn you can start harvesting. Bushes need to be dug out with a shovel. The plant should be shaken slightly to clear it of soil. Then it is turned over and laid out on the ground, roots up. This will allow the peanuts to air dry. Then the bushes are transferred under a canopy or stored in a dry room with good ventilation. It takes 4 days to dry peanuts. When the stem becomes completely dry, the peanuts are dried at room temperature and placed in fabric bags or cardboard boxes in a dry place. To speed up the drying of fruits, you can use an oven, but the temperature in it should not be set above 40 °C.

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Is it possible to eat peanuts while breastfeeding?

You won’t find peanuts among the nuts recommended for nursing mothers, but there is no complete ban on consumption. The presence of vegetable protein in peanut beans allows the doctor to advise women who are breastfeeding to diversify their menu with ground nuts. But, like all legumes, peanuts cause increased gas formation, which is dangerous for the imperfect digestive system of infants. The allergic reaction in children is stronger than in adults, so until three months after the baby is born, it is better to refrain from eating peanuts, especially raw ones.

Peanuts fried in a frying pan without vegetable oil or dried in a microwave are less harmful, since heat treatment reduces the likelihood of negative consequences. But it is forbidden to eat salty food; this product causes edema in a woman and disrupts the functioning of the mother’s and baby’s kidneys when it gets into the milk.

Heat treatment of peanuts in the oven, microwave or frying pan is carried out without adding spices or oils

Why can peanuts be harmful during lactation?

Peanut allergies are not very common, but it is impossible to guarantee that they will not occur in every case. Even if the older child normally perceived some component of mother’s milk, the younger child may have a negative reaction to the same composition.

Before eating peanuts, you need to peel the beans from the reddish-brown husk, which is the main cause of allergies.

Eating groundnuts while breastfeeding is undesirable for the following reasons:

  • full-fat milk is more nutritious, but high fat content in food leads to constipation and colic in infants;
  • nuts are a very heavy food, and undigested residues through milk affect the child, who finds it even more difficult to process food due to the fact that the digestive system is not fully developed;
  • Skin rashes and intestinal disorders are unpleasant, but can be treated. And in rare cases, allergies cause anaphylactic shock - a condition that is difficult to cope with without medical assistance. If help is not provided in the first minutes, the consequences will be irreversible, including death.

Preventing Peanut Allergy

A peanut allergy can be diagnosed by an allergist. To exclude the possibility of its manifestation in the future (both in mother and child), there are several recommendations.

In the past, it was believed that eliminating peanuts from the diet during pregnancy was the best way to prevent the development of a nut allergy, but there was no evidence for this. One study looked at 8,059 pregnant women without allergies who ate peanuts more than five times a month. Allergic reactions occurred less frequently in their children than in children of women who consumed peanuts less than once a month [1]. Conclusion: Mothers should neither increase nor avoid their intake of these nutritious nuts to prevent food allergies in their children [2].

The benefits of walnuts during breastfeeding

It is an undeniable fact that breast milk is the best food for a newborn. So it is laid down by Nature itself that it “adjusts” to the needs of its “consumer”, at the same time it cannot be denied that the quality of “nourishment from the breast” directly depends on the quality of nutrition of the woman herself. And if a new mother eats exclusively fried potatoes, then soon the benefits of breast milk will turn into harm to the baby. That is why the question of nutrition for a nursing mother comes first. What is possible and what is not? What if you really want it? What is absolutely necessary?

For example, take at least an ordinary walnut. Ask 10 breastfeeding mothers whether you can eat it or not while breastfeeding, and you will hear 10 different answers. “It will cause allergies in the baby”, “it will make milk tasty and nutritious”, “it will add unnecessary extra pounds”, “it will cause constipation in the baby”, “it makes the baby swell”, “it increases the amount of milk”, “it makes breast milk more fat”, “it improves the immunity of both mother and baby”, “it provokes lactostasis”, “it improves memory and well-being of both mother and child”... These are the hypothetical answers. However, the interesting thing is that they are all correct. Don't believe me? Then read on.

Walnut is truly a real storehouse of usefulness. It contains iodine, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, and many B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, E, PP, K. And if you still thought that vitamin C is most contained in currants and citrus fruits, then we’ll tell you a big secret: walnuts contain several times more of it. However, only in unripe fruits, and as soon as the nut is fully ripened, the amount of vitamin C decreases slightly. Walnuts are also a source of vegetable proteins; they are a very high-calorie product and contain very few carbohydrates. Thanks to its composition, walnuts improve heart function, strengthen the immune system, protect against radiation, have a diuretic effect, remove toxins, relieve fatigue, prevent depression, improve memory and even help in the fight against mastopathy.

Based on this, the conclusion suggests itself: walnuts are simply necessary for nursing mothers. Those who think so also attribute all the benefits of the nut to its ability to increase lactation. In fact, there is no scientific basis for this statement yet, but walnuts do affect the fat content of milk. Many mothers say that walnuts and milk supply increased, but experts suggest that a psychological attitude is at work here.

At the same time, we must not forget that walnuts are in third position in the ranking of the most allergenic foods. And if a woman is not allergic to nuts, this does not mean that her baby will not have a reaction to the miracle nut.

The answer is obvious: everything is good in moderation. Under no circumstances should you indulge in walnuts (by steaming them in milk and infusing them in a thermos) in order to improve both the quantity and quality of breast milk, but do not give up this “delicacy” completely, for fear of finding allergic spots on your baby’s body.

Doctors agree on one thing: 2-3 walnut kernels a day will only benefit both you and your little one. Just eat fresh nuts, that is, raw, but in no case fried. And also do not forget about the gradual introduction of a “new” product during a crucial period. If today you ate a couple of nuts, and your baby’s condition worsened (he is more restless, he has constipation or colic, red spots appear on his body), then tomorrow give up nuts and watch the baby. All children are different, and each child reacts in its own way to all sorts of delicacies, which a nursing mother is sometimes unable to refuse.

And further. Even if your baby “accepts” nuts without problems, you shouldn’t get carried away. Very fatty milk can disrupt its digestive system, or cause excess weight in the baby, and also cause lactostasis in you (due to the fact that fatty milk becomes very viscous in consistency), and the same excess weight. But if your little one is not gaining weight, then walnuts can improve the situation, as they will enrich the milk with all sorts of nutrients, thereby strengthening the child’s body.

Overeating nuts can lead to inflammation of the tonsils, a rash in the mouth, and this can even cause spasms in the blood vessels of the brain. This product should not be used if you have colitis, psoriasis or eczema.

We hope you will draw the right conclusions for yourself. We wish you good health and good lactation!

Rules for use during breastfeeding

In order to choose good peanuts, it is important to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • information on the packaging about the absence of GMOs in the composition;
  • the surface of the nut must be clean and smooth, without damage;
  • no mold odors;
  • if the peanuts are not peeled, then when shaking the sound should be dull, a ringing knock means that the kernels have dried out due to improper storage;
  • a bright yellow color also indicates that the product is stale.

Often, unscrupulous manufacturers can change the usual composition of peanut butter, adding sweeteners, palm oil and other harmful substances to it.

Therefore, store-bought paste can turn out to be quite a dangerous product if you do not pay attention to it.


Peanuts, in their chemical composition, are rich in vegetable proteins and unsaturated fats; such food creates a large load on the liver and stomach. Therefore, eating fresh nuts in handfuls is not recommended.

The worst digestible foods for the body are salted peanuts and sugar-coated nuts. In addition, salt is not at all recommended for nursing mothers, as it promotes water retention in the body and the appearance of edema and reduces the quantity and quality of breast milk.

It is better to eat oven-roasted nuts by chopping them and adding them to salads or hot dishes. This method will protect the gastrointestinal tract from unwanted disturbances and the product will be absorbed, bringing only benefits to the body.

Experts recommend limiting peanut butter consumption to 20 grams per day. The same goes for nut kernels, the daily norm is 20 grams, which is about 10-15 nuts. This amount is quite enough to provide mother and baby with the necessary nutrients.

It is also important to remember about the high calorie content of peanuts: 100 g of the product contains 570 kcal; consuming it too much can threaten to put on extra pounds. Peanuts are, without a doubt, beneficial for a nursing woman and her baby, subject to certain rules and moderate consumption

When introducing a new product into your diet, you should always treat it with great seriousness and responsibility; it is advisable to obtain recommendations from your doctor

Peanuts are undoubtedly beneficial for a nursing woman and her baby, provided that certain rules are followed and consumption is moderate. When introducing a new product into your diet, you should always treat it with great seriousness and responsibility, and it is advisable to obtain recommendations from your doctor.

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