Bellakt: formulas for newborns at an affordable price

Breast milk is the best food for a newborn baby. Its composition is very complex and is not limited to the standard set of nutrients. It contains biologically active substances, many of which the current level of scientific development does not allow to reproduce artificially. By replacing the baby’s natural food with an artificial formula without objective necessity, the mother deprives the child of an invaluable product created by Mother Nature, the like of which humanity has not yet been able to invent.

Sometimes this choice can be a conscious necessity. There are relatively few such cases, and then it is important to understand in detail the huge range of products for baby food in order to make the right decision in favor of that milk formula that will give the baby the maximum possible benefit.

These products include Bellakt baby food, produced since the 70s of the last century in the city of Volkovysk by the Bellakt OJSC enterprise. Since that time, the plant has gone through many changes, and the formulation of infant formula has become modern, meeting advanced knowledge about the composition and properties of mother's milk. Since 2005, the products have been available to Russian consumers.

Types of Bellakt mixtures

Since only mother's milk is a universal nutrition for a baby, the creators of its substitutes tried to take into account the fact that not all children are the same. Therefore, some can get by with a regular adapted milk formula, while for others it may not be suitable for various reasons. In this regard, the Bellakt range for children is quite wide and includes mixtures:

  • For a standard diet. Designed for feeding healthy children, enriched with all vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals (“Bellakt 0-12 Plus”, “Bellakt 0-12”, “Bellakt 6-12”, “Bellakt 0-6”, “Bellakt without palm”) oils 6-12", "Bellakt without palm oil 12+").
  • For an optimal diet. Developed taking into account the age-related needs of the child, they reduce the risk of digestive disorders, help to form a healthy microflora (“Bellakt KM 1,2,3”, “Bellakt Optimum 1,2,3 Plus”).
  • For a capricious tummy. Mainly aimed at normalizing digestive processes by strengthening the immune system, eliminating dysbiosis, reducing the risk of intestinal infections, allergic reactions (“Bellakt KM 1,2,3”, “Bellakt GA 1,2”, “Bellakt Immunis 1,2,3 Plus” ).
  • For a special diet. Prescribed as prescribed by a doctor for children with food allergies, functional digestive disorders, disorders of the production of enzymes that break down disaccharides (“Bellakt GA 1.2”, “Bellakt Low-lactose”, “Bellakt lactose-free”, “Bellakt PR”, “Bellakt SOYA”, “Bellakt SOYA”) Comfort", "Bellakt AR").

In addition, most mixtures are divided by the age of the child (0-6 months and 6-12 months) and only “Bellakt Low-lactose”, “Bellakt lactose-free”, “Bellakt PR”, “Bellakt SOYA”, “Bellakt Comfort”, “Bellakt AR” ", "Bellakt 0-12 Plus", "Bellakt 0-12" do not have such a division, they are used from birth until one year.


Bellakt mixtures are divided into several groups, depending on which children they are intended for:

  • Formulas used to feed a healthy child.
  • Preventive products for feeding children without pathologies.
  • Medicinal mixtures.
  • Artificial milk used for feeding children after 12 months.

Let us consider each of the groups in more detail.

Formulas for a healthy baby

Presented by three products:

  • Bellakt Optimum 1 is a mixture suitable for feeding children from birth to 5-6 months of age. It contains an optimal protein concentration (1.4 per 100 ml of diluted product), of which 60% is whey proteins. Due to the content of alpha-lactoalbumin, nucleotides, vitamin-mineral compounds and prebiotics (FOS and GOS), the mixture provides adequate nutrition for the baby from the first days of life.
  • Bellact Optimum 2 - has a similar composition, however, the product is designed for feeding children from six months of age to one year, so the content of useful components is balanced taking into account the age-related characteristics of the growth and development of the infant. In this mixture, the concentration of proteins is increased to 1.5 per 100 ml, and whey proteins and caseins are present in a ratio of 50:50;
  • Bellakt Optimum 3 is a dry milk drink that can be given to children from one year of age to three years. The product replaces whole cow's milk well and is more easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the mixture is enriched with zinc, selenium, iron and iodine - microelements that are absent in animal milk.

Prophylactic mixtures

Recommended for feeding healthy children in the first year of life as a replacement for mother's milk in its absence or insufficient production:

  • Bellakt Comfort 0-12 – suitable for feeding infants who have functional digestive disorders: colic and increased gas formation. The mixture contains protein, which is in a partially hydrolyzed form, which makes it easier to digest. The carbohydrate components have a reduced lactose content, which contributes to reduced gas production in the intestines.
  • Bellact Immunis is a mixture that the manufacturer presents as a product recommended for use in children with a violation of the biocenotic balance in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to the standard components, baby food contains the most studied strain of microorganisms - Bifidobacterium lactis (BB12), which is classified as “GRAS”, which indicates its unconditional safety. It is the introduction of a probiotic into the composition that allows you to normalize the intestinal microflora. Bellact Immunis is available in three types, depending on the age of the baby.
  • Bellakt KM . This fermented milk mixture comes in three types: 1, 2 and 3, where each number corresponds to the recommended age group. Contains probiotic strains BB12, which, together with the use of starter culture, improves the intestinal biocenosis and reduces the likelihood of developing acute intestinal infections (acute intestinal infections). In addition, the ratio of linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids in the fermented milk product has been changed (7:1).
  • Bellakt GA is a hypoallergenic mixture available in two forms: from 0 to 6 months and from six months to a year. Intended for feeding infants who have a high tendency to develop hypersensitivity reactions, as well as for the treatment of mild degrees of allergic manifestations. The hypoallergenic properties of the product are achieved due to the fact that the proteins in the mixture are in a semi-split form, and this facilitates their absorption. In addition, the product does not contain lactose.

Medicinal mixtures

Used only as prescribed by a doctor:

  • Bellakt NL is a low-lactose product with a reduced carbohydrate component. It is used in babies with secondary lactose deficiency, colic, and also after diarrhea.
  • Bellact AR - an anti-reflux mixture is used for feeding children prone to increased regurgitation and constipation. The effectiveness of the product is achieved by introducing locust bean gum into the thickener.
  • Bellact PRE contains a double amino acid composition, making this mixture more nutritious. Therefore, it is intended for feeding premature babies and babies with underweight.
  • Bellact SOY - proteins are completely represented by soy protein, due to which this mixture can be given to a child with intolerance to cow protein and lactose deficiency (lactose in the composition is replaced by maltodextrin).
  • Bellakt BL is a lactose-free mixture recommended for children with secondary and primary lactose deficiency; it contains maltodextrin.

Baby milk

Suitable as an additional food product for children after one year. The powdered milk drink contains vitamins and inulin. Milk is presented in two types depending on fat content - 15% and 25%.

For children from birth to 6 months

  1. "Bellakt 0-6 months." Ensures infant feeding from the very first days of life. Contains the optimal ratio of whey proteins and casein 60:40, characteristic of mature breast milk, the necessary set of nutrients, including vital minerals, vitamins and nucleotides.
  2. "Bellakt IMMUNIS 1". Recommended for use for children with intestinal dysfunction, the elimination of which is ensured by the presence of prebiotics and probiotics in the product. Thanks to their combined action, healthy intestinal microflora is formed, dysbacteriosis is eliminated, and the immune system is strengthened. This baby food is also interesting because it contains lutein, which protects the retina from UV radiation and has a pronounced antioxidant effect.
  3. "Bellakt OPTIMUM 1 PLUS". Recommended for the development of healthy intestinal microflora due to the presence of prebiotic components. Just like Bellact IMMUNIS contains lutein.
  4. "Bellakt without palm oil 0-6." This baby food was developed taking into account the latest recommendations from experts, and therefore does not contain palm oil. Includes nutrients, minerals, vitamins, nucleotides, prebiotics, lutein.
  5. "Bellakt fermented milk KM 1". Recommended for children with functional digestive disorders, constipation, for the prevention of dysbacteriosis and intestinal infections. The effect is achieved by introducing into the composition probiotics (bifidobacteria) and milk proteins fermented under the influence of lactic acid bacteria. In addition, baby food contains carob gum, which can thicken the formula and have a laxative effect.
  6. "Bellakt hypoallergenic GA 1." Intended for children with a predisposition to milk protein allergies. For this purpose, the whey protein in the mixture is partially hydrolyzed, which causes the bitter taste of the mixture, which is not always liked by children.
  7. "Bellakt Pre". Prescribed by a pediatrician for feeding premature babies and children with low birth weight. The mixture can be either the basis of the diet or complement it, but should be used until the child reaches a weight of 2.5-3.0 kg. A feature of the composition is the increased content of whey protein compared to conventional mixtures and the presence of alpha-lactoalbumin, which has a prebiotic effect. In addition, the mixture includes easily digestible fat (medium chain triglycerides), fatty acids (arachidonic and docosahexaenoic), and prebiotics.

Low-lactose mixture "Bellakt": composition

The composition of the low-lactose mixture is in some ways similar to the others, but in some ways it is different.

The composition is based on skimmed cow's milk . There are also whey proteins in the form of a concentrate; they predominate in the composition - 60% proteins and 40% casein.

Carbohydrate component – ​​maltodextrin 6.5 g per 100 g of ready-made food.

Vegetable oils – palm, rapeseed, corn, coconut.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids (linoleic and alpha-linoleic) as part of a complex of vegetable oils. They are important for the full and comprehensive development of the child’s body; they play a role in the formation of the brain, bones and muscle tissue. The ratio of linoleic and alphalinoleic acids in the diet is 7 to 1, approximately the same ratio recommended by doctors.

Minerals - iron, copper (40g), potassium (66g), zinc, sodium, calcium (54g) and others. The ideal ratio of calcium and phosphorus and zinc to copper plays a special role.

Vitamin complex - C, PP, D, A, K, E, group B, as well as inositol, choline and taurine in equal quantities.

Nucleotides are an important element for nutrition of a growing organism. These organic compounds are mainly called useful for the proper functioning of the child’s intestines, although they are also involved in other processes of the body’s formation.

An interesting question is how much lactose is in a low-lactose mixture?

We gave the answer to this a little higher - “Bellakt NL” contains 1 g of lactose per 100 ml of the finished mixture (in the dry mixture - 7.7 g).

The energy value of the food is 66 kcal.

Fat contains 3.4g, protein 1.5g, carbohydrate component – ​​7.5g.

The osmolality of the Bellakt mixture is 290 mOsm, which is within the normal range.

The composition of the Bellakt NL mixture meets the requirements of international standards.

For children from 6 months to 12 months.

Starting from six months, the child’s nutritional needs change, and the composition of formulas for children from birth to 6 months is no longer able to cover the baby’s increased needs for nutrients and energy. Also, after six months, the child begins to get acquainted with complementary foods for the first time. Therefore, from 6 months, adjustments to the recipe composition of baby food are required, including for children with special nutritional needs. Among the formulas for children from 6 to 12 months: “Bellakt 6-12”, “Bellakt fermented milk KM 2”, “Bellakt OPTIMUM 2 +”, “Bellakt IMMUNIS 2 +”, “Bellakt hypoallergenic GA 2”, “Bellakt without palm oil 6-12".

Advantages and disadvantages of the Bellakt NL mixture

This diet, like all others, has its obvious pros and cons.

Advantages of Bellakt Low Lactose:

  • The vitamins and minerals in its composition (see above) are in ideal proportions and ratios .
  • Presence of nucleotides . Not all baby formulas can boast of this, but Bellakt has them. Nucleotides are also found in breast milk, so their presence in the composition makes the nutrition close to the composition of human milk. Nucleotides play a role in the formation of the intestinal epithelium. By the way, this is where the lactase enzyme is formed, so nucleotides are even more useful for a child with lactase deficiency.
  • PUFA . Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids are essential for the human body, so their presence in baby food is a big plus. However, they are available in the vast majority of brands.
  • Bellakt NL food can be used as food for both infants and artificial children .

One of the disadvantages is the presence of palm oil in the composition.

For children from birth to 12 months

  1. "Bellakt 0-12 months." Provides infant feeding from the first days of life up to a year. The composition in terms of the set of components and the ratio of whey and casein proteins is similar to Bellakt 0-6 months. It differs in caloric content and nutritional value in order to meet the needs of not only a newborn, but also children after six months.
  2. "Bellakt 0-12 PLUS". Provides infant feeding from the first days of life up to a year. There are slight differences in the quantitative composition, but the main thing is the presence of additional components (docosahexaenoic acid, prebiotics (fructo- and oligosaccharides), selenium).
  3. "Bellakt low-lactose (NL)". Prescribed by a pediatrician when the activity of the lactase enzyme decreases to improve digestion, for colic, and also after diarrhea. Lactose content 1 g per 100 g of mixture.
  4. "Bellakt antireflux (AR)." Prescribed by a pediatrician for feeding children prone to regurgitation, colic and constipation. The anti-reflux effect is achieved due to the presence of carob gum in the composition, which turns the mixture in the stomach into a clot, thereby reducing the likelihood of regurgitation. Gum is a natural polysaccharide that is not digested by the body and is excreted unchanged. Another feature of the polysaccharide is a slight laxative effect that prevents constipation.
  5. "Bellakt comfort" The mixture is designed for children with digestive problems. Helps cope with colic and constipation, reduces the risk of allergic reactions due to partially split whey protein, promotes the formation of proper microflora and increases immunity due to the introduction of probiotics.
  6. "Bellakt SOYA". Prescribed by a pediatrician for the purpose of following a special diet for lactose intolerance, allergies to cow's or goat's milk protein. The basis of the mixture is soy protein isolate (concentrate), produced from soybean varieties that have not been modified at the genetic level. Therefore, Bellakt soy does not contain GMOs. Soy protein, enriched with the amino acid methionine, is well absorbed by the body and replaces cow's milk protein traditionally used in baby food.
  7. "Bellakt IMMUNIS". Recommended for use for children with intestinal dysfunction, the elimination of which is ensured by the presence of prebiotics and probiotics in the product. Thanks to their combined action, healthy intestinal microflora is formed, dysbiosis is eliminated, and the immune system is strengthened. This baby food is also interesting because it contains lutein, which protects the retina from UV radiation and has a pronounced antioxidant effect.
  8. "Bellakt lactose-free BL." Prescribed by a pediatrician in order to follow a special diet for lactase deficiency (lack or complete absence of the lactase enzyme, which breaks down lactose).

After 12 months

These products are no longer substitutes for human milk, therefore they are called children's milk drinks. Their main benefit is to balance the child’s diet with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and nucleotides, which the child may not receive due to lack of breastfeeding. Their composition varies depending on the purpose of the mixture. Among the formulas for children over one year old: “Bellakt 12 Plus”, “Bellakt without palm oil 12+”, “Bellakt fermented milk KM 3”, “Bellakt OPTIMUM 3 +”, “Bellakt IMMUNIS 3 +”.


Bellakt formula for feeding young children has a natural composition, which makes it a worthy alternative to breast milk if it is impossible to breastfeed a newborn baby.

The composition of the products varies slightly depending on the type of mixture, but the base always contains the following substances:

  • proteins – whey proteins, caseins or SOY;
  • fats – linoleic and alpha-linolenic fatty acids;
  • carbohydrates – lactose or maltodextrin;
  • dietary fiber – prebiotic components of GOS and FOS;
  • a complete set of minerals and vitamins;
  • nucleotides;
  • lutein;
  • BB12 (Bifidobacterium lactis).

How to choose the best mixture?

There is no doubt that before buying an artificial formula, you need to consult with a pediatrician, who, firstly, will assess the feasibility of such a step, and secondly, will select the one that is best suited for the child, based on his state of health and age. The opinion of a specialist regarding Bellakt baby food for a special diet is especially important, since its use is medicinal in nature and it is impossible to do without clear instructions for use regarding the duration and frequency of administration.

Buy Bellakt mixture in the Obstetrics store

When selecting a mixture, you must follow a number of strict rules.

  1. The mixture must be age appropriate. Each month of a child's development is different from the previous one and entails changes in the child's nutritional needs. Only breast milk can perfectly adapt to all these changes. The composition of milk substitutes is selected in such a way as to provide for the baby, conditionally delimiting his nutritional needs into several stages: from birth to 6 months (number “1”), from 6 to 12 months (number “2”) and after a year (number "3"). There is also a very average food option, which is equally suitable for both newborns and children up to 12 months. Thus, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the digital markings.
  2. The mixture is selected taking into account the baby’s health. For children with special nutritional needs, therapeutic and therapeutic-and-prophylactic mixtures are selected. For the most part, they do not have a clear distinction by age and are suitable for babies from birth to one year. If there is such a division, then the corresponding markings will be applied to the package: “1”, “2”, “3”. Separately, it is necessary to say about mixtures marked “0”. This is the designation for nutrition for premature and low birth weight babies.
  3. If you are buying the mixture for the first time, you should not purchase many packs. It may not be suitable for the child due to individual reactions, and then the money will be wasted. Before purchasing a medicinal mixture, you should pay attention to the recommendations for its use given by the doctor. It can be prescribed either instead of the main diet, or in addition to it, replacing one or more feedings with regular food. In the latter case, you may need a little of it, and there will be extra packs left.
  4. Pay attention to the composition. It is preferable if the product contains a wide range of useful substances. As a rule, such mixtures are more expensive or are labeled “Premium”. It is better if baby food is without palm olein (a fraction of palm oil that is used in baby food), so the likelihood of colic and constipation will be significantly reduced (“Bellakt without palm oil”). If palm oil is still there, then give preference to the modified one. Its structure is as close as possible to the structure of human milk fat. Unfortunately, Bellakt does not have similar products in its assortment.
  5. Check the expiration date. Even if there is little time left before it ends, and the price is quite attractive, do not buy such a product. The fact is that if storage conditions are not met, compositional changes may occur, leading to a decrease in nutritional value, and in rare cases, the suitability of such a mixture for consumption by a child is called into question.
  6. It is better to postpone the first feeding with formula until the morning. This way you can observe the baby’s reaction to a new product and, if necessary (rash, constipation, diarrhea), seek advice from a specialist.

Instructions for use

  1. Before diluting the mixture, wash your hands thoroughly and prepare everything you need.
  2. The bottle must be clean of any remnants of previously prepared product. To do this, wash it well in warm water. It is acceptable to use baby detergent. After this, it is best to sterilize the feeding container to kill harmful bacteria.
  3. Read the instructions on the package. Dosing of the dry mixture is carried out with a measuring spoon included in the box or jar so that there is no slide on top.
  4. To dilute the food, you need boiled warm water with a temperature of 37°C. Higher temperatures are not recommended, as the mixture may be less soluble and some components that are unstable at high temperatures may be destroyed.
  5. First, water is poured into the bottle, and then the mixture is added. This sequence will help avoid the formation of a dense, difficult to dissolve lump at the bottom.
  6. The resulting mixture of water and powder should be shaken well until a homogeneous mass without lumps is formed.
  7. Ready-to-eat baby food should be stored at room temperature for no more than two hours. If the mixture is left after feeding, it should be thrown away, as its reuse is unacceptable.
  8. The box with the powder should be tightly closed.

According to many parents, Bellakt does not dissolve well in water. Even after prolonged stirring, lumps remain. The poor solubility of this product is due to the absence of soy lecithin in the emulsifier. It helps poorly mixing products form an emulsion, so mixtures containing it (“NAN”, “Nestozhen”, “Nutrilon”) mix very quickly with water. Also, this baby food has a specific fishy smell, which is most likely due to the low quality of refining of fish oil, which the manufacturer introduces into the composition to enrich the product with polyunsaturated fatty acids. As a result, the smell of fish remains, but the food does not lose its value for the child.

Video on how to understand that the formula is suitable for a child - the opinion of a pediatrician

How to switch to Bellakt

If previously the child was fed a formula from another manufacturer, then it is necessary to switch to Bellakt gradually, starting with small doses (about 20 ml), supplementing the child with the required amount of the formula familiar to him. You cannot immediately include new baby food in all feedings. It is necessary to start with morning feeding, and the next day give new food not only in the morning feeding, but also in the subsequent feeding, increasing the volume to 30 ml. The complete transition is carried out gradually, it is better if it takes 5 days. At the same time, be sure to monitor the child’s reaction. If the baby is happy, does not show anxiety, has no skin rashes and normal digestion, then the new mixture is suitable.

Video on how to transfer a child to a medicinal formula

“Bellakt” is not inferior to many competitors either in composition or in assortment, so it can be safely recommended for feeding children from birth. If the formula is not suitable for your baby, and the price and everything else suits you, you should consult with your pediatrician and try another food from the Bellakt line. The variety of products will allow you to make the right choice, taking into account the problem at hand.

Features of the Bellakt mixture

Since the seventies of the last century, the production of products used for baby food has been launched at the plant in Volkovysk in Belarus. In the countries of the Soviet Union, Belarusian milk formulas and porridges for infants were very popular among young mothers, because the composition was completely natural.

A few years later, the enterprise was reconstructed under the leadership of a French company and in 1991 the production of a mixture was launched, which is called Bellakt to this day.

The management of the plant is interested in expanding the market, so Bellakt formulas and other baby feeding products are presented in a wide range. On sale you can find cereals, vegetable and fruit purees, canned meat and fish, as well as various types of dairy products that are suitable for feeding babies in the first year of life.

The quality of the Bellakt mixture can be judged not only by the composition indicated on the packaging. The greatest indicator is its recognition by mothers from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. The products do not contain dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other harmful additives, so Bellakt mixtures are not inferior in quality to such world leaders as NAS, Nestozhen, Nutrilak and others, and the price of Belarusian food for children is more affordable.

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