Dried fruit compote: what to cook from - so that it’s beneficial

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Preparing a competent diet for a baby is a very serious topic for young parents. To form it, you need to diligently monitor the baby’s reaction to each new addition to the menu.

Most parents are completely confident that for the first six months of a child’s life there is no need for liquids other than mother’s milk. One can argue about this for a long time. Each human body is individual, so not everyone can do without additional fluids. You may also encounter situations in which it will be difficult without fluid, such as heat or an elevated temperature in a child. Dried fruit compote can help in such moments.


  1. The drink contains many vitamins. It contains more vitamins of group B; it also contains representatives of group A.
  2. The compote also contains mineral components: iron, magnesium, potassium.
  3. The combination of these vitamins and minerals easily helps strengthen the immune system.
  4. By varying the ingredients, you yourself can emphasize or reduce the properties of the compote. For example, a compote based on prunes can help a baby with constipation.
  5. Compote will help quench your thirst in the heat.
  6. Thanks to dried fruits, the baby will receive a dose of glucose to replenish energy.
  7. Compote is also recommended for stomach upsets or vomiting, as it compensates for lost minerals in the body.

The benefits and harms of compote

Frunixes are characterized by a high content of vitamin C and other groups, microelements, organic salts, which strengthens human immunity. They are indispensable for atherosclerosis, liver disease, and prevention of acute respiratory infections. It is recommended to consume compotes from dried fruits in early spring, late autumn and winter, when fresh fruits are running out and the body needs vitamin support.

For children

It is no coincidence that in kindergartens and schools this drink is the traditional third course. How is dried fruit compote beneficial for a child? Light and nutritious, it has a positive effect on digestion and saturates the child’s body with vitamins and microelements.

Fruit decoction is administered to babies from four months. Moreover, it is given without sugar for up to six months and infused for 4-5 hours before use. It is necessary to brew in a ratio of one to ten. If your baby has diarrhea, be sure to add pears to the compote. Prunes, raisins, and apricots are useful for constipation. If a child has a fever, you need to drink plenty of vitamins. The only contraindication is an allergy to any component of the drink.

For pregnant and lactating women

Can a nursing mother drink dried fruit compote? It is possible, but only if certain requirements are met. Any new product consumed by the mother affects the well-being of the baby. Therefore, you should drink a drink made from dried fruits:

  • from apricots, raisins, rose hips, dates and prunes. These are the most useful compotes for mother and child, helping to improve digestion and lactation, positively affecting the nervous system, heart, blood vessels;
  • You can start drinking a decoction of raisins or prunes three weeks after the birth of the baby. Dried apricots and figs should be consumed within a month. Date drink - when the baby is four months old;
  • At the initial stage, you need to take small doses (50 g) of the drink and monitor the child’s well-being. If a negative reaction occurs (rash, bloating), stop drinking this type of drink;
  • compote is prepared only from one type of dry fruits and berries;
  • subsequently, if the child’s reaction is positive, drink 200 ml of the drink before 12 noon;
  • consume vitamin compote every other day.

For various diseases

The benefits of dried fruit compote for the human body are obvious for diseases or their prevention. For example:

  1. Dried apples contain almost the entire spectrum of vitamins A, A, P, C, as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc., and are useful for diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and skin.
  2. Pears consist of 35% sucrose and are rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and folic acid. Compotes made from dried pears successfully remove toxins and waste from the body and improve intestinal function.
  3. Dried apricots are dried apricots without seeds (apricots – with a pit, kaisa – a whole apricot with a pit inside). Rich in potassium, which is necessary for heart patients. Contains retinol, niacin, choline, calcium, phosphorus, iron.
  4. Prunes contain large quantities of vitamin B, which is indispensable for intestinal problems. The decoction kills pathogenic flora and is useful for gastritis and diarrhea.
  5. Dried grapes are represented by raisins with and without seeds. It contains vitamins P, B, C, organic acids and salts. Strengthens the immune system, is used for problems with blood vessels and the nervous system;
  6. Figs have a positive effect on the nervous system, memory, cerebral circulation, and thyroid gland.
  7. Blueberries are used to treat vision and anemia.
  8. Peach relieves the condition of patients with gout and rheumatism, breaks down fats.
  9. If you are overtired, suffer from depression, nervous exhaustion, drink banana compote.
  10. Dried cherries are useful for low hemoglobin.
  11. For colds, you should drink rosehip compote. It contains significantly more vitamin C than lemons.

There are few contraindications for consuming vitamin drinks made from dried fruits:

  • they are high-calorie foods. When drying, the calorie content increases approximately five times. Therefore, those who are prone to obesity should drink only unsweetened compotes;
  • contain a large amount of carbohydrates;
  • if consumed uncontrolled, they become harmful to diabetics and can increase cholesterol levels in the body;
  • if you have an ulcer or pancreatitis, you cannot add apples to the compote, there is a danger of an exacerbation;
  • patients with the gastrointestinal tract should consume prunes with caution;
  • allergic reactions to ingredients.

Each consumer of vitamin cocktails has the opportunity to choose the right composition that will be useful to him.

Dried fruits produced on an industrial scale may have harmful properties, since in order to improve their taste they are treated with chemicals, preservatives, and sugar syrup.

When losing weight

Drinks made from dried apples and pears are good for weight loss due to their pectin and fiber content and a small amount of carbohydrates and sugar. Dried apricots, hawthorn berries, cranberries and cherries cleanse the body, which is also important in this situation. It is recommended to drink a glass of dried cranberry decoction without sugar every morning. The recipe for dietary compote consists of raisins, dried apricots, prunes and cherries in equal parts. Bring the broth to a boil, strain and drink a glass without sugar fifteen minutes before meals.


The downside is that the child is allergic to dried fruit compote. This happens when the compote is made from store-bought products that may have been treated with chemicals.

Also, an allergy in a baby can develop due to individual intolerance to a certain type of dried fruit.


  1. Do not give prune compote when your child has diarrhea.
  2. Dried fruit compote is not given to people with diabetes.
  3. If a child has an intolerance to the ingredients, this leads to allergies.

A selection of the best recipes

There are several options for how to cook dried fruit compote for a child. This can be done in the usual way (i.e. in a saucepan) or in a thermos. You should use high-quality products that are free of foreign debris. Dried fruits are inspected for rot and mold, washed thoroughly, soaked for 10-15 minutes in warm water, and only then begin to cook.

Popular recipes:

  1. put 20 g of dried fruits in a thermos, add 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, pour into a clean container, cool to room temperature. The drink is suitable for children over 3-6 months;
  2. take 5-6 prunes, cut in half. Boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan, put dried fruits in it and cook for 10 minutes. When the drink is infused (this will take half an hour), strain it and cool to room temperature. This compote is given to babies under 1 year of age who are prone to constipation;
  3. mix pear, apple, dried apricots and prunes in equal quantities, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes, then remove from heat and add 1 tsp. fructose. Leave for 1 to 2 hours;
  4. pour 2 tbsp into a thermos. l. dry raisins (dark or white), pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, strain and give to your child. Compote prepared according to this recipe is suitable for children suffering from flatulence - increased gas formation.

Cooking tips:

  1. during boiling, dried fruits greatly increase in volume, so they are taken at the rate of 50 g of raw material per 0.5 liter of water;
  2. The shelf life of the fruit reaches 2 years, but doctors recommend using recently harvested raw materials. If parents are not sure of the quality of purchased products, they can prepare dried fruits themselves, at home;
  3. You can’t use candied fruits, because they contain many additives that can harm the child’s body.

The longer a product is subjected to thermal (heat) treatment, the less valuable substances remain in it. To reduce cooking time, dried fruits need to be cut into 2-4 parts and only then placed in boiling water.

When can you give your child dried fruit compote?

The baby is introduced to this drink from the age of 6 months; it can replace juices. If the child refuses, do not insist; after a while you can try again.

For compote, choose dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, apricots, raisins, black currants, raspberries, dried fruits, but not candied fruits.

Candied fruits are pieces of fruit that are boiled in sugar syrup with the addition of dyes; the benefits of such a product are much less.

For the first 5 days, give your baby only liquid; from the second week, you can introduce a little pulp, pureed in a blender.

For the first compote, those fruits that the baby’s body has already dealt with are suitable - I tried them in the form of puree. Most often these are pears and apples.

From 8 months you can cook compote with prunes, and at 10 months you can offer dried apricots. It is recommended to mix dried fruits after the child has already tried everything separately. The first time, try a teaspoon; if the baby takes the drink well, increase the volume according to age.

The consumption rate is 180 ml per day, from the age of one you can not limit the child, especially with high activity.

How to give a baby compote

  • The first time you can give compote to a baby is at 6-7 months of age. Dilute the drink with boiled water (one part compote – two parts water). Start feeding your baby with a few teaspoons. Then gradually reduce the concentration of water and increase the dosage;
  • Give the drink only warm. Hot juice or compote can burn the intestines, and cold juice will not bring as much benefit as warm juice;
  • For the first two weeks after introducing compote, give drinks from the same fruit. It’s better to start with a dry apple or pear. Then you can add dried apricots, prunes and raisins;
  • It is better to give mixed drinks from several dried fruits to a baby no earlier than 10-11 months. In this case, you need to cook from ingredients that are already included in the diet;
  • When introducing a new product, carefully monitor your baby’s reaction to avoid food allergies. If you experience symptoms of allergy or poisoning, deterioration in health, or digestive problems, immediately eliminate the drink from your diet and contact your pediatrician;
  • If you discover an allergy or poisoning, do not give your child medications without consulting a doctor!;
  • If the reaction is normal, compote can be given to the baby no more than once a day. The maximum daily norm is 180 ml;

  • Choose your dried fruits carefully before cooking. They should be a natural, not too bright color. It is better to take packaged rather than loose products. Better yet, dry fruits at home;
  • Do not buy ready-made compotes and juices, but prepare them yourself. Store-bought products often contain preservative E202 and other harmful substances that are dangerous for an infant;
  • Before cooking, carefully select, wash and soak dried fruits for a while;
  • For each drink, it is better to brew a new compote, so take a small amount of dried fruit for cooking.

Selection of dried fruits

If you do not have the opportunity to prepare food yourself, you will have to use the assortment of markets and stores. High-quality products are the key to the taste and properties of the future compote.

In appearance, dried fruits should be free of defects and mold. Slices of apples and pears should not be too dry. When you see dried apricots that are too bright and shiny, you immediately suspect that they weren’t treated with chemicals to make them look flawless on the counter? This is probably true, the best option is dried apricots, which are not bright in color, but feel hard to the touch.

It is customary to store dried fruits in fabric bags in a ventilated area, so the product will receive more air and will not become moldy.

Cooking recommendations

Despite the fact that dried fruits have many valuable qualities, parents should be careful when choosing ingredients to eliminate the possibility of developing food allergies.

  1. Fruits used for a child should not be overdried. It is important that there is no bitter aftertaste. Ideal are those dried in the open air, rather than artificially prepared in the oven.
  2. It is important to thoroughly rinse dried fruits before preparing compote. It is also worth pouring warm water over the fruits and leaving them for a while so that they swell slightly.
  3. You should not add sugar to this compote. It has its own natural sweetness.
  4. The first sample should be diluted with boiled water so that the compote is less concentrated.
  5. When choosing fruit for compote, inspect it carefully to make sure the quality of the product. For example, if you want to buy dried apricots, make sure that their color is not bright and there are no spots. Brightly colored fruits may indicate treatment with certain chemicals that extend shelf life.
  6. Before adding fruits to the compote, be sure to wash them, remove dried leaves, fallen stalks and any debris.
  7. When cooking, you need to add dried fruits to water that is already boiling.
  8. Considering the fact that during the preparation of compote the size of dried fruits will almost double, the recommended proportion is 0.5 to 2 (dried fruits to water).
  9. It is important to ensure that the compote is not overcooked, otherwise all valuable substances will be lost. Dried apples and pears are boiled for about half an hour, other dried fruits - from 15 to 20 minutes. If you want to add raisins, do it literally a few minutes before the end of cooking.

Parents should understand that adding sugar to an already sweet compote can lead to an increase in hemoglobin, obesity, and contribute to the development of diabetes.

How to cook dried fruit compote for a child

  1. For the crumbs, cook the compote without adding sugar; if you decide to sweeten it, use fructose or cane sugar.
  2. Water must be filtered and purified. Bottled water is suitable for children.
  3. Store the finished compote in the refrigerator, as it may turn sour. The longer it sits in the refrigerator, the more beneficial components are lost.
  4. Before cooking, soak dried fruits in hot water for 15 minutes - this will remove dust and other contaminants.
  5. After turning off the stove, let the compote brew. Leave it covered for 40 minutes.

Composition and calorie content

Depending on what kind of dried fruits or berries you use to prepare the compote, its chemical composition will also change.

But, as a rule, it contains the following elements characteristic of most fruits:

  • vitamins A, PP, B, C;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

The average calorie content of 100 ml of a finished drink prepared without sugar is about 50 kcal. At the same time, it contains no fat, almost no protein, and approximately 15 grams of carbohydrates.

Dried fruit compote for nursing mothers

When breastfeeding, dried fruits are not recommended for the first month after birth. This is because this product may worsen colic in a newborn. Before trying the drink, eat a few pieces of dried fruit; if the baby’s reaction is calm, eat the same amount of the same fruit the next day. After the third day of a positive reaction, you can drink compote.

For a young mother, the weekly norm of dried fruit compote is no more than 700 ml.

Features of use

  1. Before introducing dried fruit compote to your infant, you should consult your pediatrician. In most cases, the optimal age is considered to be four to five months with an artificial type of feeding, six months for children on breastfeeding.
  2. When getting acquainted with such a compote, you need to dilute it with water in a one-to-one ratio.
  3. The first time you need to give literally half a teaspoon in order to monitor the response of the toddler’s body. It is important to exclude negative manifestations. If they are absent, the portion can be gradually increased. It is not recommended to give such a compote to a child prone to allergies. Starting with a small portion, you will gradually increase it to the daily requirement of 180 ml.
  4. When you start getting acquainted with dried fruit compote, for the first 14 days prepare this drink using only one fruit (it is important that the baby is familiar with it before). When introducing new dried fruits into your child’s compote, remember that, for example, a plum weakens, while a pear strengthens. Over time, you will be able to combine several ingredients in one drink. It is advisable to offer mixed compote to a child who is already 10 months old and use already familiar fruits to prepare it.
  5. The drink you give your baby should be warm. Both hot and cold compote are harmful to the baby.
  6. It is not recommended to store the finished drink for more than a day. The child should drink only fresh compote.

My son loves dried fruit compote. The first acquaintance took place at the age of six months. It was a drink made with dried apples. We were lucky; we were sure of the quality of the fruit; it was brought by our grandmother from the village. Today, my child happily drinks this compote, no matter what dried fruits are included in it.


Classic compote


  • drying – 50 grams;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • fructose.

Preparation: Soak apples in hot water for 15 minutes, rinse. Place dried fruits in boiling water. Boil them over low heat for 15 minutes. If necessary, sweeten the compote with fructose, then let it brew for about 40 minutes. Before serving, strain the finished compote through a sieve or cheesecloth.

Mix of dried fruits


  • prunes – 50 grams;
  • dried apricots – 50 grams;
  • apples – 50 grams;
  • raisins – 50 grams;
  • water – 1.5-2 liters;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Preparation: Soak all dried fruits in cold water for an hour, then add them to boiling water. Boil them for 5-7 minutes and add lemon juice; lemon slices can be thrown into the pan. Remove from heat, cool. Strain before serving.

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