Raspberry jam for the winter - how to cook raspberry jam correctly

Jam is a delicious delicacy that is especially pleasant to enjoy during the cold winter season. It is made from different berries and fruits and has different consistency and color. But the right jam will be liquid with fruits or slices that have retained their original shape.

However, due to the high content of sugar and some other components, jam can cause an allergic reaction and other negative consequences. Therefore, you need to be very careful when including such a treat in your child’s diet. Let's figure out at what age you can give your child jam.

Harm of jam

Due to fast and short carbohydrates, jam contributes to a rapid rise in blood sugar, and then an equally rapid fall. Such jumps increase the excitability and irritability of children. Excessive consumption of sweets is addictive, impairs concentration, contributes to excess weight and the development of diabetes.

Sweets are especially dangerous for children's teeth. It negatively affects fragile gums and weak tooth enamel, causing caries. Do not forget that such a product can provoke allergies and diathesis, especially if the composition contains citrus and exotic fruits and brightly colored berries.

Separately, we note store-bought preserves and jams, which are filled with preservatives, flavorings, flavor enhancers, starch and other chemical food additives. This composition leads to digestive disorders and stool disorders, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, causes poisoning, nausea and vomiting.

To avoid such problems, it is important to follow the recommendations on consumption rates and on introducing boiled milk into your baby’s diet. Next, we’ll take a closer look at the age at which children can have jam.

Another "jam"


This is berry or fruit puree boiled with sugar. There is no need to talk about its benefits, but there are recipes that allow you to prepare jam without adding refined sugar. If you make a treat from soft apples of non-acidic varieties (for example, white filling), the product will be tasty and healthy. True, it does not last long.


a variant of jam brewed with a gelling agent (gelatin, pectin), which contains whole berries or pieces of fruit. In terms of sugar content and “healthiness”, confiture is comparable to jam and marmalade.


Unlike jam, jam is strongly boiled down to a jelly-like state. it comes in two types - homogeneous or with pieces of fruit. Thick jam behaves well in baking, so it is used for filling pies, dumplings, and cakes.

Safe sweets

Due to the large amount of sugar, jam is full of fast carbohydrates. They lead to weight gain, disrupt metabolism, and worsen the condition of the cardiovascular system.

It is fraught with intestinal colic and stool upset in both mother and baby. Allergic reactions are possible.

Do not use jam of unknown origin, it may be spoiled or fermented, this threatens to poison the mother and baby.

When buying sweet products in a store, a mother can harm herself and her baby - especially if the baby is not yet three months old. Such delicacies contain harmful dyes, preservatives, flavorings, and the quality of the raw materials is difficult to check. All these substances pass along with breast milk to the baby and can cause the child:

A nursing mother can use homemade jam. This product does not contain artificial preservatives and consists only of fruits and sugar.

Sea buckthorn jam for children

Sea buckthorn contains a huge amount of biologically active substances, so it is used for the prevention and complex treatment of many diseases. This berry saturates the body with useful substances, strengthens the immune system, helps with dermatitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, etc. Sea buckthorn oil accelerates wound healing and disinfects damaged skin.

Sea buckthorn rarely causes allergies, but it should be introduced into the diet with caution. Start with minimal doses, constantly monitoring your baby's reaction. Berries should not be consumed in case of diseases of the hepatobiliary tract (liver, gall bladder and its ducts) and high acidity of the stomach.

Recipe for classic jam with sea buckthorn:

• Add 1 kg of peeled berries to 1.5 kg of sugar, cover and leave. • After the sea buckthorn releases its juice. Place the pan over low heat and cook as you would regular jam.

The finished product is recommended to be consumed in winter and spring to prevent vitamin deficiency. Jam has a lot of useful properties, as well as a pleasant taste and aroma.

At what age should it be given?

In the absence of food allergies, diathesis, diabetes mellitus and digestive problems, natural homemade jam can be given to a child as early as two years old. However, many experts recommend delaying introduction until three years, when the risk of allergy is reduced to a minimum.

For the first time, give your child half a teaspoon of treats and watch the baby’s reaction. If signs of a food allergy or other negative consequences appear, remove the product from the menu and contact your pediatrician. If the baby feels well, jam can be given occasionally, gradually increasing the dosage.

Children under three years old are given up to forty grams of jam per day. After three years, the norm can be increased to 60-80 grams. Nutritionists recommend monitoring your drinking regime. Because when there is a shortage of water, sugar draws fluid from the tissues and disrupts material metabolism.

Try to give only homemade natural jam. If you decide to purchase a product in a store or market, be sure to check the composition and expiration date. Natural sweetness contains only sugar syrup and fruits or berries.

To minimize the risk of an allergic reaction, jam made from citrus and exotic fruits, as well as brightly colored berries such as raspberries and strawberries, is given to children over three years of age. And for the first complementary feeding, apple jam would be a suitable solution. Then you can include pears, apricots and peaches, currants, plums and so on.

Medical opinion

Pediatricians have different opinions regarding how often the berry can be given to children.

Galina Egorova. Raspberries should be included in a child’s diet from late June to mid-July until the end of the berry season. It is during this period that it will bring the most benefit.

Victor Stepanov. This is a serious allergen, especially for younger preschoolers, so complementary feeding should be done extremely carefully, carefully monitoring the child’s reaction.

Ilya Vinogradov. I do not recommend giving raspberries to children under 2 years of age, although they are allowed from 1 year of age. There is a high risk of allergies, so there is no need to start complementary feeding early. Moreover, the berry is not an indispensable product.

Doctor Komarovsky. Raspberries are a wonderful remedy if a child needs to work up a sweat. It really works. But to obtain such an effect, there must be a lot of fluid in the body. There is no need to give only raspberry tea to drink: its excess will lead to blood thickening. Two glasses of water, then one glass of raspberry tea. If the child does not have signs of dehydration, frequent urination, and the mucous membranes are moist, raspberry tea can be used at elevated temperatures without any restrictions.

How to make jam for a child

To make jam, choose only natural and fresh fruits. Unfortunately, today there are many fruits and berries grown with the use of nitrates. In addition, products are pumped with preservatives and other chemicals to maintain freshness longer and give beautiful color and appearance. Among other things, sanitary standards are often not observed during storage and transportation.

Therefore, take fruits from trusted sellers, or better yet, from your own garden beds. Choose fresh fruits and berries without stains or dents, signs of rot or dark spots, and without a putrid odor.

The main principles when preparing dishes for children are minimal cooking and the use of sugar. This will reduce the risk of negative impact and preserve the benefits of the products. To reduce the cooking time, chop the fruits and cook in small portions. In addition, you can add natural pectin, which will preserve the natural color of fruits and berries and preserve vitamins and minerals.

Cook the jam for up to five minutes. Some recipes do not require cooking at all. The fruits can only be candied and crushed, for example, in a blender. This method is optimal for preparing small berries. These are strawberries, currants, sea buckthorn, viburnum, raspberries, blueberries and so on.

You can increase the benefits and improve the composition of jam by using nuts or gelatin. Gelatin is added at the end of preparation in the proportion of twenty grams of the substance per kilogram of fruit. It will make the jam thick and fill it with calcium and potassium, sodium and magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Nuts also go well with the delicacy and are added shortly before the end of the cooking process.

Onion jam for children

A sweet treat made from onions is a great remedy for colds. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates swelling of the respiratory tract, destroys pathogens, and strengthens the immune system. Most often, onion jam is used for wet and dry coughs.

Onion jam for cough recipe for children:

• Grind 500 g of onion in a blender or meat grinder so that the baby does not understand what the dessert is made from and does not refuse it. • Add 400 g of sugar to the onion, add 1 liter of purified water. • Place the pan on the stove, bring to a boil, and then simmer over low heat for 3 hours, stirring constantly. • 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey (if children are not allergic to bee products). • When the jam is ready, remove it from the heat.

Use sweet varieties of vegetables for dessert. If desired, add a little lemon juice and cinnamon to the dish.

Possible negative manifestations

It manifests itself equally when eating fresh berries, jam or compote. It is expressed in the appearance of red spots in the cheeks and neck, the formation of a small red rash under the nose and in the corners of the lips.

Of course, mom won’t give them these, but a 3-4 year old baby can pick them up or pick them up from the ground on their own.

This is a direct path to poisoning. If after eating cherries the temperature rises, diarrhea appears and appetite disappears, provide first aid :

Can strawberry jam be made for children?

Strawberries normalize digestion, improve appetite, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase the body's protective properties, and have a beneficial effect on blood composition. In addition, fresh berries are perfectly absorbed by the child’s body and provide energy.

However, strawberries contain a lot of natural histamine, which provokes an allergic reaction. Eating poorly peeled strawberries increases the likelihood of an intestinal infection. Excessive consumption may cause digestive disorders, flatulence, and abdominal cramps.

The first time a baby is treated to strawberries is when he is 1–2 years old. If after eating ½ berry the baby’s stool is normal and the skin is clean, then the next day he can eat the whole berry.

To make classic strawberry jam

, follow these steps:

• Pour 1 kg of berries with the same amount of sugar, leave to release the juice. • Then place the pan over medium heat and bring to a boil. • Reduce heat and cook the jam for 5 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam. • Then remove the pan, cover, and when it cools down, boil it again for 5 minutes (skim off the foam). • Then the jam is cooled again and boiled for another 5 minutes.

The finished product can be added to tea or used as syrup. Your child will definitely like jelly made from jam.

Jam recipes for children

Apricot or peach

This is an easy and quick recipe that can be prepared without cooking. Peach or apricot jam turns out bright, rich, deliciously aromatic. To prepare, rinse the fruits and leave to dry. Carefully remove the seeds and, if necessary, cut the fruit into halves.

Crush the fruits. To make this quick and easy, choose very soft and ripe fruits. Add half the sugar to the mixture and refrigerate for an hour. After this, add the rest of the sugar, stir and put it in the refrigerator again for an hour.

Stir the cooled mixture until it resembles jam. If necessary, place in the refrigerator again and stir again. Place the finished jam into jars.


We clean the pomegranates and squeeze the juice out of some of the grains. Mix the resulting liquid with sugar and simmer for half an hour. As a result, we get a thick hot syrup, which we pour over the remaining grains and leave for one to two hours. Then cook the mixture for another twenty minutes. This jam can fill the body with vitamins and minerals in the winter.

From cherries or sweet cherries

Wash the fruits, remove the stem and seeds, and set the latter aside. Place the berries in a container and cover with sugar. Leave for a while so that they release the juice. When you have two cups of juice, add the seeds and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After this, cool the broth, strain and pour back into the cherries.

Stir the mixture, put on the fire and bring to a boil. After five minutes, remove from heat and leave for five to six hours. Then boil the mixture again, leave it for several times again and boil a third time. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and cover with a blanket until cool.


Another quick recipe without cooking. Wash the plums, dry them, cut them into halves and remove the pits. Take sterilized dry jars and place the berries cut side down, sprinkling each row with sugar. Close the jars with lids and pasteurize. The result is a plum in its own juice, which will preserve the vitamins and beneficial properties of the fresh product as much as possible.

From orange peels

Do not rush to throw away orange peels after peeling. They will make very tasty and vitamin-rich jam. In winter and the off-season, it will saturate the body with important and valuable elements that are so lacking during the cold season.

Before use, rinse the orange and pour boiling water over it. Divide the peel in the center and carefully remove. Use the zest for its intended purpose, and place the peels in cold water and leave for three to four days. It is important to change the water to fresh water every day.

Finally, transfer the peel to new water and cook after boiling for 1-1.5 hours. If necessary, change the water during the process. When replacing, run cold water over the crusts. After this, strain the peels, put them in a saucepan, add granulated sugar and cook the mixture over low heat until thick and the sugar is completely dissolved.

At the end add citric acid. Once ready, pour the resulting mixture into jars and roll up the lids. From the specified number of ingredients, about half a liter of jam is obtained. And what other sweets you can give to kids, read the link /. Subscribe to our VKontakte group

What is better to give to children - jam, marmalade, marmalade or jelly?


Nostradamus wrote in his “Treatise on the Benefits of Jam” that if you can preserve fruits and berries by boiling jam, then by consuming it you can prolong your youth

In terms of nutritional value and balance of benefits and harms, preserves, preserves, confiture, jelly are the same and differ from each other in the manufacturing process and appearance.

Jam is made from pieces of fruit in sugar syrup so that they retain their shape. Jam - made from pureed fruits and berries - fruit and berry puree. It is slowly boiled with sugar over low heat. The best jam is considered to be apple and plum jam, made from fruits rich in pectin. You can make jam from a mixture of apples with other fruits, melons or pumpkin. Jam is made from pieces of ungrated ripe fruits and berries. Fruit raw materials are quickly boiled into a single mass over high heat, so the pectin is not destroyed, and the product turns out thick. The confiture is dense and transparent, like glass. It is made from the juice of fruits and berries with good gelling properties or with the addition of thickeners. Pieces of fruit are evenly distributed in the confiture. Jelly is prepared in the same way as confiture, but there are no pieces of fruit in it.


An ancient recipe for healthy jam

In ancient and medieval times, jam was made not only from berries, but also from vegetables, herbs and nuts. The Arab alchemist Abuali ibn Sina, known as Avicenna, was the court physician of the sultans and emirs and wrote more than 450 works. One of them contains medicines based on honey syrup with candied fruits. The healing syrup was generously seasoned with spices and flowers. Avicenna prescribed similar jam to all sick people, as well as to improve general well-being and mood. His recipe has survived to this day. It is called “dry” Kyiv jam. It tastes like candied fruit.

Rhubarb in folk medicine

The plant has been used for medicinal purposes for more than 5 thousand years. Main applications:

Vitamin deficiency . Rinse the rhubarb, peel it, dry it with a towel, squeeze the juice out of it, sweeten it with honey to taste (if you are allergic to it, with sugar). Dosage - depending on age, for a 2-year-old child 70 ml of juice per day is enough, dilute with boiled water before use to soften the effects of fruit acids.

Skin diseases . Dry the rhubarb root, grind it in a blender, drink the resulting powder on the tip of a knife up to 4 times a day.

For constipation . Mix dried rhubarb root powder in equal parts with licorice root. Drink before bed with warm boiled water.

For anemia . Take 20 g of rhubarb root, 5 g each of dandelion and celandine roots, pour 1 glass of boiling water, steam for half an hour, strain. Take 50 ml 3 times a day (25–30 ml is enough for a child 2–5 years old).

If you intend to use rhubarb for medicinal purposes, do not forget to consult your pediatrician first: your baby may have other diseases, which could cause the products made from this vegetable to be harmful.


How to make thick raspberry jam with whole berries

I offer you another recipe for thick jam. We will cook it three times. Therefore, the syrup will be thick, but the raspberries will remain intact.


  • Selected berries and crystalline sugar in equal ratio (1:1)


1. We sort and sort the berries well. I always collect it from the garden, so I never wash it. It is quite porous and quickly accumulates water. And to make raspberry jam thick, we don’t need excess moisture.

2. Place some of the berries in a single layer in a saucepan or cooking bowl. Cover with an equal amount of sugar. Top with berries again, then sugar. So until the end of the products.

You can, of course, just mix them together, but we are preparing raspberry jam from whole berries. Therefore, we will not mix.

3. Leave it like this overnight, covering it with gauze on top. In the morning you will notice that the sugar has almost disappeared and syrup has appeared. We put it on the stove. From the moment of boiling, boil for 5 minutes. We will stir very carefully. It's better to just gently shake the basin.

The foam that will be released should not get into the jars. It definitely needs to be removed. But I don’t recommend throwing it away. Once it cools, it will turn into a delicious raspberry mousse - you'll lick your fingers!

4. Now remove from heat and leave until completely cool. We repeat this procedure three times. But after the third cooking there is no need to cool it. This time we will boil it to the desired consistency. You want the syrup to be thick. This is easy to check. Just drop a little onto a plate and cool slightly. Then swipe with a spoon. If both edges do not meet, then you can turn it off.

5. Be sure to sterilize the jars. Any method can be used. For example, in the oven. Boil the lids for a couple of minutes.

6. Divide the jam into jars to the top and seal. Place it upside down on a blanket and cover it on top. When they cool down, we transfer them to the cellar.

Harm of jam

Due to fast and short carbohydrates, jam contributes to a rapid rise in blood sugar, and then an equally rapid fall. Such jumps increase the excitability and irritability of children. Excessive consumption of sweets is addictive, impairs concentration, contributes to excess weight and the development of diabetes.

Sweets are especially dangerous for children's teeth. It negatively affects fragile gums and weak tooth enamel, causing caries. Do not forget that such a product can provoke allergies and diathesis, especially if the composition contains citrus and exotic fruits and brightly colored berries.

Is jam healthy?

A quality product contains only berries, fruits, sugar and water. Cold-processed meat contains many vitamins: ascorbic acid, carotene, riboflavin. There are a lot of mineral salts in this dessert. After processing, the pulp and juice retain organic acids, pectins, dietary fiber, potassium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. The shorter the cooking process, the richer the vitamin and mineral composition of the delicacy.

Raspberry jam is offered to children as a remedy for colds, and blueberry jam is used to strengthen eyesight. Sea buckthorn, black and red currant - to improve immunity. Strawberry helps fight toxins.

The harm of the product is associated with high calorie content, the presence of large amounts of sugar and acids. Abuse of it often causes destruction of tooth enamel, causes digestive disorders, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, increased gas formation, and carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Jam is contraindicated for a child suffering from obesity, diabetes, gallbladder disease, or fungal infections.

A few words about tea and kefir mushrooms

Bee sweetness helps the child absorb calcium and magnesium, thanks to it, children will have healthy bones and teeth.

At first, they are included in the children's menu in small quantities, for example, as part of a sauce or by adding a few mushrooms to the main dish. Over time, you can prepare peeled and well-cooked pieces of mushrooms for your child. In this case, the frequency of consumption of dishes with champignons for a child under 5 years old (for example, 4 years old) is limited to once a week.

In terms of allergies, this treat is a powerful catalyst for various processes. Parents and their healthcare providers should consider whether this is necessary even without their allergies (which may not yet be identified).

Internal content

Fresh raspberry juice is rich in organic acids, vitamins C, K, PP, and carotene. It contains a lot of iron, zinc, sulfur, potassium, manganese and other minerals. The pulp contains soft dietary fiber that stimulates intestinal function.

Eating berries helps strengthen the immune system, avoid anemia, hypovitaminosis, supports metabolic processes, regulates blood composition and heat exchange.

Several ripe raspberries a day relieve heaviness in the stomach, prevent constipation, accelerate the movement of bile through the tributaries, and help digest fatty foods. Magnesium and potassium in berries improve heart function, relieve excessive excitability, and normalize night sleep.

Large amounts of raspberries can be harmful to children. The salicylic acid it contains increases sweating and urination. This is dangerous because it disrupts the water-salt balance, especially in hot weather.

Children with impaired kidney function or high blood clotting should not eat these berries. You should also treat them with caution if you have high acidity of stomach juice. We must also not forget about the high risk of allergies.

Like many highly pigmented foods, raspberries often cause dermatitis or other intolerance symptoms.

At what age should it be given?

In the absence of food allergies, diathesis, diabetes mellitus and digestive problems, natural homemade jam can be given to a child as early as two years old. However, many experts recommend delaying introduction until three years, when the risk of allergy is reduced to a minimum.

For the first time, give your child half a teaspoon of treats and watch the baby’s reaction. If signs of a food allergy or other negative consequences appear, remove the product from the menu and contact your pediatrician. If the baby feels well, jam can be given occasionally, gradually increasing the dosage.

Children under three years old are given up to forty grams of jam per day. After three years, the norm can be increased to 60-80 grams. Nutritionists recommend monitoring your drinking regime. Because when there is a shortage of water, sugar draws fluid from the tissues and disrupts material metabolism.

Try to give only homemade natural jam. If you decide to purchase a product in a store or market, be sure to check the composition and expiration date. Natural sweetness contains only sugar syrup and fruits or berries.

To minimize the risk of an allergic reaction, jam made from citrus and exotic fruits, as well as brightly colored berries such as raspberries and strawberries, is given to children over three years of age. And for the first complementary feeding, apple jam would be a suitable solution. Then you can include pears, apricots and peaches, currants, plums and so on.

Summary of organized educational activities in the senior group “Making delicious jam”

Natalia Dolzhenko

Summary of organized educational activities in the senior group “Making delicious jam”

Correctional educational tasks : expanding children's knowledge about fruits and garden berries, the place where they grow, and what can be done with them. Improving the grammatical structure of speech ( formation of relative adjectives, their coordination with neuter nouns ( jam , its use in the instrumental case)

. Continue to practice children in agreeing numerals and nouns and selecting adjectives.

Correctional and developmental tasks: development of taste sensations , attention, dialogical speech, speech hearing, intonation expressiveness of speech, thinking, memory, creative imagination .

Correctional and educational tasks: development of interaction skills, goodwill.

Equipment: doll Masha, a basket with real fruits, cut pieces of fruits and berries on a plate, items on a separate table (children's dishes, cardboard jars with a slot, images of berries and fruits (from 1 to 5, audio song We cook , we cook jam »


Are there vitamins in the jar?

Many mothers and grandmothers know that sweets are harmful, but homemade jam contains useful substances that a child needs so much in winter! Unfortunately, the truth here is disappointing - there are no vitamins in the classic sweets. Those microdoses that remain after boiling are so small that they can’t even be taken into account. After prolonged heat treatment, only mineral salts, organic acids, fiber and beta-carotene are retained in the jam. But they cannot become the main source of nutrients in baby food, so it would be more honest to leave the place of an occasional dessert behind grandma’s treat. A little more vitamins remain in the five-minute jam, but their share is also not too large. Perhaps the only type of sweet that contains all the beneficial substances from nature, including vitamins, is berries ground with sugar. Only the starting products must be of ideal quality: the fruits must be ripe, clean, without rot or wormholes, the sugar must be white (unrefined brown sugar can give the treat a “burnt” taste). The usefulness of jam can be increased (or rather, reduced the negative effects of glucose) by using fructose instead of regular sugar. But here, too, not everything is so simple. Firstly, it is much more expensive than refined sugar. Secondly, preparations made from it have too sweet a taste, and if you take less fructose, the jam may ferment.

How to make jam for a child

To make jam, choose only natural and fresh fruits. Unfortunately, today there are many fruits and berries grown with the use of nitrates. In addition, products are pumped with preservatives and other chemicals to maintain freshness longer and give beautiful color and appearance. Among other things, sanitary standards are often not observed during storage and transportation.

Therefore, take fruits from trusted sellers, or better yet, from your own garden beds. Choose fresh fruits and berries without stains or dents, signs of rot or dark spots, and without a putrid odor.

The main principles when preparing dishes for children are minimal cooking and the use of sugar. This will reduce the risk of negative impact and preserve the benefits of the products. To reduce the cooking time, chop the fruits and cook in small portions. In addition, you can add natural pectin, which will preserve the natural color of fruits and berries and preserve vitamins and minerals.

Cook the jam for up to five minutes. Some recipes do not require cooking at all. The fruits can only be candied and crushed, for example, in a blender. This method is optimal for preparing small berries. These are strawberries, currants, sea buckthorn, viburnum, raspberries, blueberries and so on.

You can increase the benefits and improve the composition of jam by using nuts or gelatin. Gelatin is added at the end of preparation in the proportion of twenty grams of the substance per kilogram of fruit. It will make the jam thick and fill it with calcium and potassium, sodium and magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Nuts also go well with the delicacy and are added shortly before the end of the cooking process.

Jam does not have to be eaten alone. The treat can be given with tea, ice cream, sandwiches, or added to desserts. By the way, you can make delicious homemade marmalade from jam or jam. Read more about marmalade in a child’s diet here.

Stars about jam


– My grandmother in Derbent makes simply divine jam from rare white cherries and mulberries (the berries are somewhat similar to blackberries). I bring jars of sweets to Moscow, so there is always a sweet treat on our table. I don’t forbid my child (11-year-old son) to eat it. I believe that natural jam, made by the caring hands of a grandmother, can only bring benefits.

Vera Brezhneva

– As a child, I loved jam – I ate it with spoons in unrealistic quantities, but my daughter doesn’t like it. Well, okay, there are already a lot of unhealthy sweets around. I can’t really call it healthy - there are no vitamins in it, they are all digested, and sugar ruins your teeth and figure. The only exception is raspberry jam with its diaphoretic effect. In my opinion, this is the best remedy for colds.

Alexander Mokhov

– My youngest son Makar is only three years old, so we don’t give him store-bought jam - there are probably preservatives, dyes and other chemicals in there. But we are slowly starting to pamper them with homemade delicacies. He was especially hooked on cottage cheese and jam. This is how we prepare the sweetness: puree the berries in a blender and cook them just a little to preserve the vitamins.

Material provided by the magazine “AiF About Kitchen” No. 3

Health benefits of viburnum

Viburnum fruits are widely known as an effective remedy against a number of diseases. They are actively used not only by folk medicine, but also by traditional medicine. The product can replace pharmaceutical drugs, or become an auxiliary element in the main treatment.

Blood pressure and hypertension

A disease such as hypertension takes a long time to develop. Most often, the body begins to give the first alarm signals in childhood. Symptoms manifest themselves in the form of pressure surges during high physical and mental stress.

An increase in blood pressure is accompanied by headache, nosebleeds, irritability, sleep disturbances and increased fatigue.

Such symptoms begin to appear in adolescence or from infancy (if there was a difficult birth). To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is better to use a recipe that involves mixing fresh juice with boiled water and honey. Squeeze the juice out of 200 g of viburnum, then mix it with 100 ml of water and add 1 tsp. honey. Give to the child in the morning after breakfast every day for a month. Then they take a two-week break and repeat the course again.

This drink will help:

Important! In recipes that involve the use of honey, before dissolving it in the liquid, make sure that its temperature does not exceed +40°C. Otherwise, the beneficial components in its composition will be destroyed.


A cold can be accompanied by various symptoms . Depending on them, one of the options for preparing a healing drink is selected, which is used until they disappear completely. Drinking viburnum-based drinks not only helps cure colds, but also prevents relapses, as well as various complications.

Types of drinking for various symptoms of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections):

At a temperature

If a child has a fever, it is necessary to help his body remove toxins faster. Viburnum drink will help with this. Add 50–100 ml of berry juice to a glass of regular tea (taking into account age). Add 1 tsp as a sweetener. honey or sugar. Drinks are given at least 4 times a day.

This approach will ensure faster removal of fluid, and with it, toxins. In addition, viburnum berries stimulate the production of sweat, which helps cool the body when the child has a fever.

Find out more about the medicinal properties of viburnum bark.

For allergies

The use of viburnum-based drinks is advisable as an adjuvant to pharmaceutical drugs if the child is allergic to dust, fur, epithelium and urine of domestic animals . With various manifestations of an allergic nature to plant components, such treatment can cause side effects.

To improve the condition of allergies, 500 g of fruits are ground to a mushy state, mixed 1:1 with honey or sugar. Give 1 tsp in the morning and at lunch. After administration, be sure to offer the child enough water to drink.

Did you know? Only viburnum berries have heart-shaped seeds.

Viburnum berries have been used for many years to treat various diseases in adults and children. The product helps to qualitatively improve immunity, and is also necessary for the normal development and functioning of the child’s body. If the daily norms are observed and contraindications are taken into account, it does not cause any adverse reactions.

Game "Making Jam"

Maria Soldatova

Game "Making Jam"

I would like to share the game we made for the matinee “ Make Jam for Carlson

Goal: consolidate knowledge about berries, fruits and vegetables. Distinguish them. Learn what you can use to make jam and what you can’t .

The children had to make real jam from raspberries , apples and cones, and Carlson made it from carrots and cucumbers. After which the children show Carlson his mistake. A very interesting game is created accompanied by the song from Masha and the Bear “about jam

This is the kind of game we played at the festival. We treated Carlson to this jam

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Jam recipes for children

Apricot or peach

This is an easy and quick recipe that can be prepared without cooking. Peach or apricot jam turns out bright, rich, deliciously aromatic. To prepare, rinse the fruits and leave to dry. Carefully remove the seeds and, if necessary, cut the fruit into halves.

Crush the fruits. To make this quick and easy, choose very soft and ripe fruits. Add half the sugar to the mixture and refrigerate for an hour. After this, add the rest of the sugar, stir and put it in the refrigerator again for an hour.

Stir the cooled mixture until it resembles jam. If necessary, place in the refrigerator again and stir again. Place the finished jam into jars.


We clean the pomegranates and squeeze the juice out of some of the grains. Mix the resulting liquid with sugar and simmer for half an hour. As a result, we get a thick hot syrup, which we pour over the remaining grains and leave for one to two hours. Then cook the mixture for another twenty minutes. This jam can fill the body with vitamins and minerals in the winter.

From cherries or sweet cherries

Wash the fruits, remove the stem and seeds, and set the latter aside. Place the berries in a container and cover with sugar. Leave for a while so that they release the juice. When you have two cups of juice, add the seeds and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After this, cool the broth, strain and pour back into the cherries.

Stir the mixture, put on the fire and bring to a boil. After five minutes, remove from heat and leave for five to six hours. Then boil the mixture again, leave it for several times again and boil a third time. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and cover with a blanket until cool.


Another quick recipe without cooking. Wash the plums, dry them, cut them into halves and remove the pits. Take sterilized dry jars and place the berries cut side down, sprinkling each row with sugar. Close the jars with lids and pasteurize. The result is a plum in its own juice, which will preserve the vitamins and beneficial properties of the fresh product as much as possible.

Cone jam for children

Cone jam contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, phytoncides, and essential oils. This sweetness improves immunity, has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, accelerates the healing of damaged mucous membranes, etc.

Children can try this dessert from 3 years old. At first, the baby is given no more than ½ teaspoon of jam, after which his condition is monitored for 24 hours. If there is no negative reaction, then the dose can be gradually increased to 2 teaspoons per day. According to many mothers, the child eats pine cone jam with pleasure, despite its specific aroma.

Recipe for pine cone jam in a slow cooker:

• Place the peeled cones in a multicooker bowl and fill with cold water (about 2 liters) 2 cm above the level of the cones. • Activate the “Cooking” mode and bring to a boil. • Place the cones in a saucepan, cover and leave for 24 hours. • After the resin appears on the surface, strain the infusion and remove the cones from it. • Add 2 kg of sugar to the infusion, pour it into the slow cooker and cook in the “Simmering” mode for 4 hours.

Ready-made jam can be poured over pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, etc.

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