Games and exercises for developing memory and attention in children

The difference between drugs to improve memory in children and adult nootropics and brain stimulants is in the increased safety requirements for drugs and dietary supplements to improve brain function in children. Here the fundamental role is played not by the pace of achieving maximum effect, but by the stability and softness of the impact. This condition creates requirements for children's drugs to improve memory and attention, which use natural components of plant origin. And the dosage, regimen and timing of consumption ensure a gradual and smooth activation of the child’s brain.

Why is it important to start exercise at an early age?

If a child has poor memory and attention, it will be difficult for him first to study at school, and then to work if the chosen activity is associated with mental stress. Problems with these cognitive functions are uncommon in childhood; in most cases they are simply not developed enough, which can be easily corrected if you make regular efforts. Without constant work, it will not be possible to correct the situation; the problem will gradually worsen. Measures taken at an early age will help avoid such difficulties.

In childhood, cognitive processes are more active, and the child learns more easily. The older a person gets, the more effort he has to put in to achieve a similar result. Therefore, the earlier classes are started, the greater the effect of them.

It is especially important to start exercises if the child has problems caused by medical or physiological factors.

How to improve memory with nutrition

To summarize, we can say that to improve memory and brain function you need to:

  • completely give up bad habits;
  • review your regular diet, include more foods rich in vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • drink high-quality boiled coffee and replace black tea with green;
  • use vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements that improve brain function: for example, Omega-3 preparations from Herbalife.

Not only polyunsaturated fatty acids will help support higher nervous activity. There are other Herbalife products that are good for the brain:

  • Nightworks. A complex designed specifically for the heart and blood vessels: normalizes blood pressure, maintains vascular tone and normalizes blood circulation.
  • "Schizandra." It has a powerful antioxidant effect and contains a source of selenium, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and helps cleanse the body of free radicals.
  • "Roseguard." A complex based on rosemary and turmeric, which not only supports the body’s natural defenses, having a beneficial effect on nerve cells, but is also a complete antioxidant. In addition, as mentioned above, turmeric has many positive properties.

Of course, you can improve memory and brain function not only in these ways: walk more often in unknown places, watch movies, read books, listen to new music. The more information the brain receives from the outside, the more trained it becomes. This means that his cognitive functions will only develop with age!

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27 October 2021, 18:00

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Types of brain activity in a child

Situations are possible when a child has poor memory only visually; at the same time, children can well perceive the information they hear.

There are several classifications. Based on the duration of information storage, there are 2 types: short-term and long-term. The first is memorization for a short period of time (from a few seconds to several days; then the information is easily and quickly forgotten). The second is memorization for several months, years, sometimes for life; To remember such information, you will need to make more effort, but then it will not be forgotten quickly.

According to the methods of memorization, there are 4 types: figurative (a person remembers what he saw or heard), verbal-logical (saving heard or read phrases in memory), motor (the ability to remember and reproduce a movement) and emotional (storing events that caused strong feelings) .

Memory can be voluntary (a person remembers something on purpose) or involuntary (accidentally remembering something).


Based on the type of information remembered, visual, auditory and motor memory can be distinguished. The visual is responsible for remembering what you see: any images, paintings, human faces. With the help of vision, a person receives most of the information. To test visual perception abilities, children are shown several cards; after a while they must name the objects they saw.

An effective way of development is to let the child look at the picture, then after a few seconds close the image and ask your son or daughter to describe what he saw in as much detail as possible.


A person remembers and reproduces movements. Can repeat an action that he performed before: writing a word, physical exercise. Labor skills and creative abilities are formed.


Since tactile development is closely related to mental processes, special exercises for fine motor skills are performed in many preparatory schools and kindergartens. You can let your child touch small loose objects (cereals, beans, rice, sand), touch surfaces of different properties (rough and smooth, cold and warm, soft and hard). An exercise in which you need to plunge your hand into a dark bag, feel for something there and say what it is is also useful.

Why is it so important to develop memory and attention in schoolchildren?

It is very important, even before the child enters school, to work with him on the development of such important mental functions as memory and attention. If these processes have not fully developed and do not correspond to the student’s age, then this directly affects his academic performance. Which, in turn, directly depends on how accurately and completely the material is absorbed.

The reason for low performance and poor perception may be:

  • Lack of speech development
  • Poor child health
  • Low level of memorization and memory capacity

These and other reasons lead to the child losing faith in his strength and abilities. It seems to him that the problems with studying that arise due to insufficiently developed memory and attention processes are a consequence of something else. For example, a bad teacher or classmates who do not allow you to concentrate. At the same time, if you do not pay due attention to the development of important mental functions, then the situation will only get worse with each academic year.

Methods for developing memory in children

A large number of different techniques have been developed to help develop cognitive function and promote better memorization of information. Two methods received the most positive feedback and recommendations: developed by Glen Doman and the Montessori method.

Glen Doman Method

The method was developed for working with young children with memory impairments. Later it was adapted so that it became possible to work with healthy children. Classes should start at an early age. It is important to rejoice in all the child’s successes, support him and praise him. It is necessary to exercise in a comfortable environment, and complete the lesson before the onset of severe fatigue. The material should be given sequentially, starting with simple lessons and moving on to more difficult ones only when the child is ready for it.

Classes must be regular. It is forbidden to test knowledge, arrange quizzes and tests: this will create unnecessary stress for the child. It is impossible to study when the child is tired, in a bad mood, or for some other reason does not want to continue the lesson.

Montessori method

This method is based on play activities, during which children can improve attentiveness, memory, logical thinking, and imagination. Parents can only play the role of observer; It is prohibited to teach a child anything against his or her wishes. Children choose the desired type of activity independently. The child can independently determine the duration of any lesson. It is important to create conditions in which he will be comfortable studying.

Poems and exercises

Memorizing poetry is useful for absolutely everyone, from those who are just learning to speak to older people whose memory functions are gradually declining. To begin with, you should choose simple and short works, gradually moving on to more complex ones.

Books by Korney Chukovsky

In the process of memorizing poems, children develop speech, enrich it with artistic expressions and expressions, as well as improve diction, intonation and oratorical abilities.

Often parents do not know which poems to teach in order to improve their child’s memory. Moms and dads can be advised to take a collection of any children's author: Korney Chukovsky, Agnia Barto, Samuil Marshak, Sergei Mikhalkov, Eduard Uspensky and learn the works they like, moving from simpler to complex ones.

The exercises are suitable for children who are already attending school and have mastered counting and the alphabet. For training to bring maximum benefit, it must be daily.

Popular memory training exercises:

  1. name 20 words starting with the same letter, numbering them. Example: 1-mother, 2-frost, 3-dream, etc.;
  2. count from 100 to 1 as quickly as possible;
  3. learn 5-10 new words in a foreign language every day;
  4. pronounce words for each letter of the alphabet as quickly as possible. For example, watermelon, banana, grapes;
  5. name 20-30 words starting with one letter.

There is another useful “exercise”. Let mom and dad ask the child to pass on some instructions to each other or other family members. This is a great memory training. For example: “Dad, Mom asked you to bring her clothespins and...”.


An effective exercise that helps improve memory is memorizing poems. First, it is better to choose short poems that will be easy for the child to remember. Gradually their size can be increased. You should exercise regularly.

Retellings will help. First, the parents or teacher reads a text, after which the child needs to be told what he just heard. For older children, the task can be made more complicated: children must answer pre-written questions.

Memorizing images or words helps. It is better to show pictures to younger children. The child must look, remember, and then tell what was shown to him. The more items you can remember, the better.

Drawing from memory will also help. First you should show the image, then remove it and ask the child to draw what he just saw. The more details that can be reproduced, the better.

After reading any book or watching movies, you can ask your child what he liked most, what moments he remembered most strongly. It is useful to ask similar questions after a day at school or kindergarten, classes in a sports section or club: this method will not only help strengthen the child’s memory, but will also help build attachment and healthy communication between children and parents.

An easy way to remember something is to use associations. If a child learns to build associations between objects familiar to him and what he needs to remember, new information will be better consolidated and stored in his memory.

Sports activities are recommended. As the child moves actively, blood circulation will improve and the brain will be better supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

How to improve attention and memory in a child?

To achieve the desired effect, it is important to adhere to an integrated approach.
Games, exercises, and memorizing poems give excellent results, but a child’s life should also include sports, as well as proper nutrition and a normal work and rest schedule. In severe cases, medication may be necessary.

Preschool age

Parents may notice a problem such as poor memory in a child even in kindergarten. Children have difficulty memorizing poetry, cannot master the information presented to them (names of flowers, animals, plants, etc.), and are not able to remember the plot of even the simplest fairy tales.

Preschool is the ideal time to train your child and improve his skills through simple activities.

What do we have to do:

  1. read books and poems together. Learn quatrains by heart. This is one of the simplest, most accessible and effective methods;
  2. ask to tell you how your day went. Questions should gradually become more complex, for example, you need to start with simple ones: “what did you play today?”, “with whom?”, “what did you eat?”. Gradually, the child will tell everything in detail, and in kindergarten or anywhere else he will become more observant. It’s great if mom and baby discuss and analyze everything: nature on a walk, a cartoon they watched, etc.;
  3. It is important to include sports activities in your child’s life - they help the brain work much faster;
  4. It is useful to ask your child to compose a story using given pictures. You need to start with a few, for example: a dog, a bone, a booth, a sun. The more words, the more difficult it is to compose a story. An example of what should happen: “The dog was sitting and gnawing on a bone. The sun came out and it became hot. She went to her booth." Gradually the number of word-pictures needs to be increased.

Comprehensive development is the key to excellent memory, and any type of activity is useful: music, a foreign language, dancing.


When a child begins to attend school, he is literally bombarded with a ton of information—in such a situation, problems with memory and attention occur in half of the students. Difficulties are observed in both boys and girls.

Exercises for memory development for younger schoolchildren are more complex, since it is assumed that the student already knows how to read and write.

How to develop memory in a 7-8 year old child:

  1. take a book, select a page, ask the trainee to cross out all the letters “A” and underline the “K”. This is an excellent workout for developing memory and attentiveness. Letters can be changed every day;
  2. drawing from memory. The adult shows the picture for 30 seconds, then the child must depict what he saw on paper;
  3. write 10 words on a piece of paper and show it to the player. Then the child must reproduce them from memory in a random or specified order (on paper). The second option is more complex;
  4. retelling The parent reads a short story, the child must reproduce it in as much detail as possible;
  5. comparison of lists. They write 10 words on two sheets of paper, three of which appear in both places. First, the child studies the first sheet for 1 minute, then it is replaced with another. The task is to find 3 words that have already been encountered.

Additionally, you can use the following methods:

  • building associations . An adult should ask the child to name as many words as possible that relate to a particular object, event, phenomenon, or other things;
  • Cicero's method, or “Everything has its place . You need to invite the child to remember 10 words. A nursery or any other room serves as an assistant. For example, words: mom, spoon, yogurt, etc. We compose a story: “mom is standing at the stove, in her hands is a huge spoon,” “yogurt is in the refrigerator,” etc. When it is necessary to remember all 10 words, the trainee will simply reproduce in memory where each item belongs.

The main rule when organizing classes with schoolchildren is adherence to the principle of reasonableness. If the child is tired, overloaded with lessons or does not want to exercise now, it is better to postpone mental training.


A good game for children aged 5 to 12 years is Memo cards. You need to turn over a couple of cards; If the pairs come up, the child takes them for himself; if not, he turns them over. The goal is to remove all pairs. The one with the most cards left at the end of the game wins.

For young children, the game “Going to the Market” is suitable. First, one parent shows a list of 10 products to buy and gives the child some time to remember. Then the preschooler goes to the second parent, who plays the role of a salesman. He must name all the products correctly.

Repeating movements is also considered a good way. The youngest children can be shown 1 action each, which they must repeat. The older the child gets, the more movements he must reproduce.

Cleaning is also suitable for developing long-term memory; The method can be used with very young children. Mom or Dad needs to ask where each item should go before putting the item back in its place. You can gradually complicate the task: try to put things away from their places; the child should correct the erring parent.

The child can repeat the patterns. You should lay out a simple figure from pencils or buttons, let the child examine it, and then mix the objects. Children must reproduce what they saw - re-build the picture they saw.

Educational games for children

Game 1 "Pathfinder"

The Pathfinder game develops memory.

The main essence of the game is to remember the tracks of animals and repeat them.

In this game, animal tracks appear on the screen for a few seconds, look carefully and remember in what order the tracks appear. Then you need to show which trace appeared first, and which second. Read the question correctly. If you answered correctly, then you score points and continue to play.

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Game 2 "Diamonds"

The game "Diamonds" develops memory.

The main essence of the game is to remember the order of the figures that light up on the screen and repeat it.

The figures light up on the screen one by one, remember the order in which these figures light up and repeat it. You can do this using the mouse or the cursor on the keyboard. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

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Game 3 "Speed ​​Comparison"

The game "Speed ​​Comparison" develops memory and attention.

The main point of the game is to remember the previous item and compare it with the current one on the screen.

An object is displayed on the screen, you remember it and compare it with the next object, if the object is the same, then answer “yes”, if different objects answer “no”. You can answer using the “yes” and “no” buttons located at the bottom. If you answer incorrectly three times, the game ends. If you answer correctly, you continue to play and score points.

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Game 4 “Complicated high-speed movement”

The game “Complicated high-speed movement” develops memory and attention.

The main point of the game is to remember the previous item and compare it with the current one on the screen.

An object is displayed on the screen, you remember it and compare it with the next object, if the object is the same, then answer “yes”, if the objects are different, answer “no”, if the objects are similar, answer “partially coincides”. This game is designed to increase speed. If you answer incorrectly three times, the game ends. If you answer correctly, you continue to play and gain points.

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Game 5 “Memorize and call”

The game “Memorize and Call” develops memory and attention.

The main point of the game is to remember the numbers in the table and call them in ascending order.

In this game, a table with numbers is given, first the numbers are shown on the screen, you need to remember them, then the numbers are covered. Remember where the smallest number is located and click on this cell, then click on the cell where the next number goes in ascending order. If you answered correctly, then you score points and continue playing.

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Game 6 “Numerical Reach”

The game "Number Span" develops memory and attention.

The main point of the game is to remember the previous number and compare it with the current one on the screen.

In this game, numbers appear on the screen for a few seconds; you need to remember them, then they disappear, and an empty window remains, you need to remember and write in the empty window the numbers that you remembered. If you remember the numbers correctly, you move on and score points, but If you get the numbers wrong three times, the game ends.

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Game 7 “Memory Matrix”

The game "Memory Matrices" develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is to reproduce the position of the shaded figures.

In each round, a playing field consisting of cells is shown, a certain number of cells are filled in, the rest is left free. You need to remember the location of these cells and repeat their position after they have disappeared on the screen. If you mark the cells correctly, then you score points and move on to play.

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Game 8 "BrainFood"

The BrainFood game develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is that in each round a set of elements is shown; you must choose from the set the one that has not yet been selected in previous rounds.

In this game, drinks and food are offered on the screen. You have to choose one thing. In each subsequent round, you must choose a different dish that differs from the previously selected dishes. You need to remember and always choose different dishes and drinks. If you answer correctly, then you gain points and continue to play.

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Game 9 “Super Memory”

The game “Super Memory” develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is that every round a new object appears on the screen; you need to indicate it by clicking on it.

In this game, a round starts and a picture appears on the screen, in the next round another picture appears and the old picture is saved. You only need to click on a new picture, you don’t need to click on old pictures again. If you answer correctly, then you gain points and continue to play.

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Game 10 "Spatial speed comparison"

The game “Spatial Speed ​​Comparison” develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is a series of drawings on the screen; you need to compare them with the previous drawing and answer whether it is repeated or not.

In this game, a figure appears on the screen, you have to remember it, then it disappears and another figure appears. Compare the figure on the screen with the previous figure. You can answer using the “yes” and “no” buttons below. If you answer correctly, you score points and play further.

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Folk remedies that improve memory

Often, problems with remembering are caused by a deficiency of any vitamins. To replenish them and stimulate the development of cognitive function, you can use natural remedies based on medicinal plants and a special diet. Massage will also help: it will ensure better blood flow to the head and improve blood supply to the brain.

Brain massage

Head massage is a technique in which the effect is exerted not only on superficial vessels, but also on those located deeply. Blood pressure is normalized. Thanks to the effect on biologically active points, the general condition improves. It is better if the massage is performed by a specialist, so as not to harm the child’s health through improper influence.

Long-term rinsing of the tongue will also benefit. The duration of the procedure should take from 5 to 10 minutes. When rinsing, excitation processes are activated. Brain activity improves.


To improve memory, a person should eat foods containing large amounts of magnesium, vitamins B and E, and Omega-3 fatty acids. You need to add fatty fish, broccoli, bananas, walnuts, spinach, carrots, and dairy products to your diet. The menu should regularly include dried fruits, baked apples and potatoes, vegetable salads with olive oil dressing, bananas, and nuts. Fresh fruits should be used as snacks. You are allowed to consume 2 shares of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or more.


Fill a 0.5 liter bottle to the top with clover flowers, add vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place for 14 days. Strain, use 1 tbsp. per day. The course of therapy is 3 months, then a break is taken for 3 weeks, after which the drug is taken for another 3 months. The entire course can be repeated after 3 years. The technique will not only strengthen memory, but also lower intracranial pressure.

Fresh pine buds

Buds that appear in early spring are suitable. You should eat a few pieces 2-3 times a day before meals. It will benefit not only children, but also adults, as it has a rejuvenating effect.


To prepare a natural medicine you need to take 1 tbsp. roots of the plant, pour 500 ml of vodka, then leave to infuse in a darkened room for a month. Shake the glass container periodically. You need to drink 1 tbsp. tinctures 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The duration of the course of therapy is 1 month.

Rowan bark

A decoction will bring benefits, which is best consumed in courses 2-3 times a year. 1 tbsp. crushed raw materials are poured into a glass (250 ml) of boiling water, after which it is simmered for 10 minutes over low heat. Then the broth is removed from the stove and allowed to brew for 6 hours. Strain. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 3-4 weeks. It is recommended to carry out in the spring, when a lack of vitamins is especially common; in autumn and winter, during epidemics.


This berry is useful fresh. You can consume it a glass per day. In winter, when there are no fresh berries, you can add 1-2 tsp to porridge, cottage cheese or tea. jam. Frozen berries are also suitable: they retain most of the nutrients.


Ginger tea will be beneficial. To make it, pour several slices of pre-peeled root (weight should be 10 g) with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. You can add a few leaves of lemon balm or mint. Drink 1-2 cups daily. Adding spices to dishes will also benefit.


You need to use 1 tbsp. sage and mint: mix, place in a thermos, pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave to brew overnight. In the morning, filter the drink and take 50 ml 4 times a day before meals.

How to become the owner of a perfect memory

Daily stress does not pass without leaving a trace. They have a direct impact on the thought process when there is too much information, much of which is unnecessary. As a result, a person begins to forget most of the important “little things”, for example, when going shopping, they do not remember what they intended to buy, or whether they turned off the gas in the house when leaving. Forgetfulness cannot be ignored at any age, since the situation will only get worse with age.

Among the available ways to improve memory and brain activity, the following are considered the best:

  • Enrichment of the diet with carbohydrates. The structure of these nutrients is converted into glucose. To replenish the supply of this substance, it is enough to have breakfast with an omelet, a slice of bread baked from whole grains, and also an omelette.
  • Dancing and sports. You don't have to practice for hours. It is enough to perform some exercises to stimulate blood flow to the brain. Scientific studies have shown that people who move actively absorb information 20% faster than those who neglect physical exercise.
  • Typing. The development of memory is well facilitated by texts typed in unusual text, but the effect is not noticeable immediately, but gradually.
  • Search for information. Don't miss the chance to learn more than just fulfill your job responsibilities. This will undoubtedly help stimulate brain activity.
  • Record places in memory. People parking their car in a parking lot can stand next to it for a while and look left or right to remember where the car is.
  • A small amount of quality alcohol. A small portion before dinner helps develop memory well, as it stimulates blood circulation.
  • High-quality teeth cleaning using dental floss. A large number of bacteria remain on the gums during the day from the food consumed during the day. And if you do not get rid of them carefully, they have a bad effect on the functioning of all organs.

These simple and affordable ways to improve memory are quite easy to implement into your life.

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