Games for all-round development, or what to do with a one-year-old child at home

When the baby begins to crawl, walk and actively explore the space around him, mothers begin to think about what to do with their child at home at the age of 1, in order to have time to do at least something around the house. Kids at this age are such fidgets and you need to keep an eye on them, but you also need to cook, tidy up the room, iron and wash. Well, how to deal with all this if the little “tail” tries to get into places it shouldn’t or constantly demands attention? In addition, after a year, when the baby becomes curious, the time comes to start teaching him independence skills.

And where can mommy get all this time? Don't be alarmed. The baby's curiosity will only benefit the parents. Because whatever they give him, whatever they show him, everything will be interesting and entertaining to him.

Classes for a one-year-old child with his mother

One-year-old babies are always on the move: they curiously explore the far corners of the apartment, open cabinet doors, check the contents of drawers, pans and flower pots.

At one year old, babies need someone who will help them make new discoveries and make it safe. Children listen carefully to everything their parents say, and even answer in their own language; they understand a lot. They are happy to support any game suggested by adults. It won’t be difficult for a mother to figure out what to do with her 1-year-old child. He is fascinated by everything: cotton swabs, napkins, boxes with lids, rags, kitchen utensils.

At this age, kids enjoy soap bubbles and musical instruments. They easily remember and repeat the actions with objects that adults do: they imitate how mom blows bubbles, follow dad plucking guitar strings, confidently wield drumsticks, and even make the sounds of music from a pipe.

Children love to observe their actions and the consequences of these actions. They tear up the cotton wool, throw away the clothes they pulled out of the closet, and spill water from the cup. Once you provide a surface that can be decorated with finger paints, you can forget about the problem of how to keep your one-year-old child occupied at home.

Joint activities with the mother contribute to the child’s development in different directions:

  • Speech development;
  • Development of sensory and fine motor skills;
  • Creative development;
  • General development;
  • Development of self-service skills;
  • Physical development.

All classes are held in a playful way and bring only joy.

How to keep your baby busy?

Activities for a 1 year old child are games that are constantly repeated throughout the day. You should not overload your child, trying to diversify their range as much as possible in a short period of time.

It is important for the child to see, comprehend and remember what is offered to him. As soon as he understands the essence of the game, he will definitely get involved in the process, delighting adults with his ingenuity. To do this, on one day you can only feed the dolls, put them to bed, roll them in a stroller, on another day you can hide and find objects or play with a ball. The main thing is to ensure that the child remembers the entire process and understands what they want from him.

At the first stages, you need to choose the simplest “developers” and introduce the child to them as follows:

  1. Only the adult plays, the baby just watches;
  2. all actions are repeated with the child and reinforced several times;
  3. The child is invited to play on his own.

It must be said that for many young mothers these tedious repetitions are a real test, and they do not have the patience and experience to allow the child to delve into the game. An erroneous expectation of a momentary result can play a cruel joke - the baby, on the contrary, will fall into a stupor and simply will not understand what they want from him.

In addition, adults must show genuine interest in the games offered to the child! It is wrong if parents:

  • do not show enthusiasm and do not energize the child with it - in this case, it will not be possible to captivate the baby and achieve any noticeable progress from him in mastering skills;
  • They strive to isolate themselves from the child, teaching him to be independent. A one-year-old child urgently needs communication, joint games with adults - they are his guides, through his parents he learns about the world around him.

A child who is left alone becomes even more attached to his parents and subsequently has problems with socialization - it is difficult to establish communication with peers, and refuses to attend kindergarten.

Therefore, parents at this stage of a child’s life will have to work hard and turn his communication with the world into an amazing, interesting, creative process through play.

Why does a one-year-old child need a regimen?

What is complementary feeding

A daily routine creates a feeling of stability. It’s easier for the mother if she knows what time the child wakes up, when he goes to bed during the day and at night. This helps to wisely distribute and plan time for housework, preparing food for the baby, walks, games and activities with the child.

The daily routine is based on knowledge of the child’s rhythms: when he usually wakes up, when he is alert and ready to play, and when he is hungry or ready to sleep. This knowledge allows you to predict the baby’s desires and respond correctly to his behavior. One-year-old children do not yet know how to communicate their desires, so capricious behavior indicates the need for rest or that it is time to eat.

The routine helps create comfortable conditions for the little one: put them to bed and feed them in such a way as to avoid unwanted behavior. During nap time, mom has the opportunity to decide what to do with her one-year-old baby when he wakes up and prepare for it.

Child looking at a toy

Daily routine has a positive effect on children. Periods of rest and rest are replaced by periods of activity; after outdoor games, walks in the fresh air and meals, children want to sleep. Order and stability create a sense of security; without it, it is more difficult for a child to develop properly.

What to do with a child over 12 years old

Constructor in a minute

Toothpicks will make an excellent construction item that will captivate your child for a long time. All you need is a pack of toothpicks and small plasticine balls to connect the wooden sticks together. Start construction with simple geometric shapes, and then a series of experiments: three-dimensional models of houses, bridges, zodiac signs and much more.

You can get inspired by ideas here:

Picnic at home

If tearing your family away from gadgets and getting them to sit at the table for lunch has become problematic, you can have a picnic on the living room floor. Spread a blanket on the floor. Stock up on a cozy grocery basket to create the ambience. Think about a light menu in advance: drinks, snacks, sandwiches, or what your family loves most. This will definitely make everyone put down their joystick or phone and join the picnic. Who knows, maybe this will become your family tradition.

Time capsule

Invite the children to make a time capsule. Let everyone write parting words for themselves in the future. In addition to a letter, you can put things dear to your heart into the capsule, which, many years later, may also evoke warm memories in you. The main thing is not to forget the capsule if you are going to move. Agree to open the capsule after at least 10 years and hide it in a secluded corner. And one day your children and their children will create the same time capsule, remembering how they once did this with you.


With your growing daughter, you can set up a spa at home. Make masks or wraps with her - this activity will definitely bring you closer to your “difficult” teenager. And if you trust your daughter to do her own manicure, she will be convinced that you treat her like an adult. Of course, at this age it’s nice. In addition, your daughter probably already knows better than you which nail art techniques are currently at the peak of fashion.

Home film studio

Feel like participants in a real movie set. Have fun or cook dinner together and film everything on video. Don't do multiple takes: relax and let everyone be themselves.

Particularly creative families can complicate the task and distribute roles among the household: someone will be a director, someone will be an actor, and someone will be a cameraman. It is quite possible that during filming you will discover that a real screen star is growing up in your family. In addition, in addition to the fun time spent, you will have an invaluable video as a souvenir that you can use to please relatives living far away.

Educational games for one-year-old children

Knitted blanket for a newborn for discharge

Any game that parents can use to entertain children at this age becomes educational. Kids, like sponges, absorb everything new that adults show them. The most effective development is the one that brings pleasure. This is achieved in a playful way. In order to achieve the best result, you need to know how to develop a child at 1 year old, and which games are most suitable for this:

  1. For speech development:
  • games for developing gross motor skills (finger and gesture);
  • games for developing articulation - helping to learn how to blow;
  • reading rhymes and nursery rhymes that help pronounce sounds;
  • mother reading books for children over one year old;
  • listening to songs.
  1. To develop sensorimotor skills:
  • laying out small objects in cells, transferring them from one container to another;
  • games with kinetic sand: pick up sand in a spatula, fill it into a mold, knock on the inverted mold with a spatula;
  • removing medium-sized objects from containers using a spoon or ladle;
  • playing with water, preferably in the bathroom while bathing with toys;
  • building a tower from cubes and a pyramid from rings;
  • pushing objects through a hole;
  • rolling a ball or car down a hill or inclined surface;
  • gurney rides, toys on a string;
  • unwrapping toys hidden in foil;
  • opening and closing jars and boxes.
  1. For creative development:
  • drawing;
  • modeling;
  • working with dough.
  1. For general development:
  • study of sizes, colors, geometric shapes;
  • study of vegetables and fruits, clothing and household items;
  • activities with toy animals or their images in pictures: each animal is named, then the sounds it makes are depicted;
  • studying a car, plane, train and the sounds they make;
  • story games of doctor, cook, builder.
  1. To develop self-care skills:
  • encouraging your baby to drink from a cup,
  • try to eat with a spoon,
  • brush your teeth,
  • get acquainted with the potty.

Additional Information. No matter how much you would like to develop a child, you should not put pressure on him and force him to do something that he does not like. You should switch your attention to another game or something that can be taught to a child per year.

Child playing with blocks

Adult supervised play options

In addition to the basic ideas on what to do with a 1-year-old child, there are options that can also be used, but with minimal participation from mom or dad. Here are a few of them.

  1. Paints. Art has a positive effect on a child's development. Of course, at one year old it will be difficult for a child to use a brush for painting, but he can do it well with his fingers or palms. Take a huge sheet of paper or let him frolic a little on the tiles, which you can then wash without any problems. Finger paints are not dangerous for children (read about how to make finger paints yourself in this article), and the game process will be very vivid and full of emotions. The main thing is to keep an eye on your baby so that he doesn’t start transferring his creativity to furniture and walls.
  2. Bubble. One of the most favorite entertainments of all children. During this activity, they become truly delighted, starting to laugh contagiously and try to catch bubbles with their hands.
  3. Let's roll the ball. It is difficult to keep a one-year-old baby in one place, because he wants to constantly run and jump. If you buy a small rubber ball, you can teach your child to roll it on the floor, kick it and run after it.

There is an option to build a small bowling alley, where instead of pins there will be plastic bottles or inflatable balls. Such entertainment will captivate not only the baby, but also your whole family.

  1. Music books. This, of course, will not distract the baby’s attention for a long time, but it will still occupy it for a while. It would be good if the book was large and cardboard, with bright pictures of characters whose parts could be moved.
  2. Wheeled car. Another salvation for mom when she needs a little time. This is an excellent device that is suitable even for those children who do not yet feel quite confident on their own two feet. Moreover, this type of transport will become useful for several years to come. You can drive the car at home, or take it with you for a walk.
  3. Swedish wall. This is an excellent modern exercise machine for the whole family, the models of which have additional functions and are designed for very young children. Often it includes a rope, a rope ladder, a slide or a swing. Of course, for this type of entertainment you need to supervise the child, but he can easily slide down the slide on his own, where you can place soft pillows or a blanket at the bottom for protection. If you have such a wall, this means that the child will be able to guide you from a very early age. an active lifestyle, and this will have a positive impact on his development and health.
  4. Tent or house. Surely everyone in childhood built small shelters from pillows, blankets and other items that can be easily found at home. Imagine how great it will be to build such a structure for your baby.

It's no secret that one year old children love to play hide and seek and crawl around closed areas (for example, in tunnels on a playground). If you do not want to spend time on this, you have the opportunity to purchase such a house made of fabric and polyethylene in the store.

  1. Inflatable pool. A cool idea to keep your child occupied, especially on hot days. Pour some water and throw a few toys into the pool. If the weather outside is not hot at all, it’s not a problem! The pool can be filled with foam balls .
  2. Modeling. The ideal material for this activity would be salt dough or plasticine mass. First, parents need to show what can be made from it, for example, rolling into rounds or sausages. Next, the child himself will seize the initiative and begin to work independently. This type of activity perfectly develops fine motor skills and has a positive effect on the psychological development of the baby.

  3. Hanging swing. If the spaciousness of the apartment allows you to hang a small swing, for example, in the doorway, the baby will undoubtedly appreciate such an acquisition. Of course, leaving one unattended on a swing is not an option, but if you attach it with a seat belt and look at it from time to time, you can only benefit from this.
  4. Games with plastic bags. Their rustling simply fascinates any child, and he begins to come up with different options for how to play with the bags. Just don’t forget to keep an eye on him so that the baby doesn’t accidentally put the bag on his head.
  5. Interactive easel. An irreplaceable thing, because on one side you can draw on it with special felt-tip pens. On the other hand, play with magnetic toys in the form of different animals, letters or numbers. The only warning is that in the process of getting carried away with his creativity, the child does not start painting the walls and other parts of the apartment.

Educational toys

Gymnastics for a 6 month old baby

Toys for one-year-old children do not have to be bright. They are subject to safety and benefit requirements. Objects, books and toys are selected in accordance with the directions of development:

  1. For speech development:
  • bubble;
  • pipe
  1. For the development of sensory and fine motor skills:
  • kinetic sand;
  • the simplest frames and the largest puzzles;
  • cups of different colors and sizes;
  • cubes, pyramids;
  • sorters;
  • lacing;
  • busy board.
  1. For creative development:
  • Finger paint;
  • plasticine;
  • dough;
  • constructor;
  1. For general development:
  • nesting dolls;
  • balls of different colors;
  • dolls and soft toys in the form of animals;
  • books or pictures made of thick material with realistic images of fruits, vegetables, berries, clothing and household items, types of transport;
  • doctor's play set and a set of construction tools.
  1. To develop self-care skills:
  • play sets of cut vegetables, cutlery and dishes;
  • cup with spout;
  • spoon with curved handle;
  • children's toothbrush with soft bristles;
  • beautiful pot.

Why do we need homework?

You need to find time to work on your speech therapy homework. This is the same as giving an antipyretic for fever. So, the decision has been made: we work with the child at home in addition to sessions with a speech therapist! But how and how much to do? When to include these activities in your child’s routine? Don’t be tormented by these questions: ask them to a speech therapist. He himself will tell you how many minutes a day are enough to perform articulatory gymnastics and when it is best to do it. Typically, homework is designed to be completed within 15-30 minutes.

Interesting ideas for activities at home

There is no need to protect the child from doing household chores. This will help the baby develop faster and raise an assistant to the delight of the parents. It is worth allowing the child:

  • Wipe the table with a cloth. You can moisten a cloth with water, which is usually used to wipe a dining table or children's table, show how to wipe the surface, and give it to the baby. He will happily repeat the actions. Not everything will work out perfectly the first time. The more often parents give the child the opportunity to prove himself by performing simple tasks and praise him, the faster the child will learn to do everything correctly, see the value of his own work, learn to appreciate the work of others and understand that his parents trust him.

Baby helps mom

  • Sweep the floor with a brush. This work is best done in pairs. To do this, it is worth purchasing a children's brush and dustpan set. The baby will watch his parents and try to repeat. The feeling of importance and need will play a role, the child will be glad to participate.
  • Load laundry into the washing machine. Children love to imitate adults: they help carry laundry from the basket to the washing machine or pull clean laundry out of the machine, helping their mother hang it.

New toys

Skating remains the favorite pastime of one-year-olds. It doesn’t matter whether the baby is giving someone a ride or whether the baby is being taken for a ride. A 1-year-old child is no less interested in objects that make music and all kinds of sounds. Yearlings have finally begun to use functional actions, that is, they already understand what a mirror, comb, and spoon are for. Based on this, it is worth choosing toys for your baby.

Rolling stick

There are a great many variations of this toy. Butterflies, helicopters, dogs, balls. The choice is up to the parents. The best option remains a multi-colored cylinder made of plastic rods with a strumming ball inside. It's hard to break, but easy and fun to roll.

Stroller for dolls

This activity is loved not only by girls, but also by boys. They may even fight over the right to own the stroller. It is not necessary to put the doll in the stroller; anyway, it will constantly fall out and roll over.

rocking horse

The time has come when you can buy your baby this exciting toy. At first, skating will be shared with your parents. In the future, the baby will learn to swing himself, which will make his movements more balanced.

Rolling machine

Another favorite activity for the one-year-old. True, it all depends on the child’s temperament and the size of the machine. Some children, as early as one year old, can independently push their feet off the floor and cut circles throughout the apartment. Some require adults to constantly ride them, and here the choice is up to the parents.

Musical toys

A 1-year-old baby is very attracted to various sounds, music, and songs, so musical toys can be excellent helpers in a child’s development. You should not buy toys with a high sound level; this is harmful not only to the baby’s psyche, but also to those around him. It is very important to pay attention to what language the musical dog sings songs or the toy telephone speaks. A competent Russian language is necessary for the harmonious development of a child.


Good old fashioned fun. Manufacturers now offer a wide selection of these educational toys. There are crumbs with Velcro, sets with magnets, and wooden cubes from the Soviet past. You can build high-rise buildings, cars, fences - whatever your imagination allows! While playing, you can easily learn the color and shape of an object.


Both boys and girls play. The main task of adults is to learn to take care of the doll, wash it, comb it, and put it to bed. Simply put, a game of “mother and daughter”. It is also convenient to consolidate knowledge about the location of the eyes, nose, tummy and other parts of the body on the doll.

Active pastime for one-year-old babies

The mental and physical development of children are connected with each other, so at the age of one it is necessary to encourage the baby to move more. Many people already walk and need daily training and exercises to improve the skill. You can start doing simple gymnastics and exercises in the morning. In a couple of months - jump.

It becomes possible to play outdoor games. This could be chasing and hiding behind a closet door or curtains, playing with a ball or with a car, which involves rolling on the floor or a built road. You can throw and catch the ball with your mother, and roll it.

A good activity is to climb up and down the steps of a stepladder under the supervision of an adult. Stacks of books stacked in the form of steps will do. If there is a wall bars, you can work out on it. Sofas, chairs and armchairs can be used to climb on and off.

Note! During active games, adults should always be close to the baby.

What skills to teach?

With the help of educational games, the “one-year-old” learns skills that should correspond to his age and by which the baby’s level of development is determined.

So, thanks to active games, a child per year:

  • learns to walk and run more confidently;
  • knows how to squat;
  • climbs onto low surfaces;
  • jumps;
  • throws and tries to catch the ball.

Educational games encourage children to imitate adults, arouse interest in new objects and toys, and create a desire to examine the toy from the inside.

The child must be taught in a playful way:

  • respond to your name;
  • distinguish body parts and show them both on yourself and on others;
  • recognize family members, distinguish them by name;
  • imitate animal sounds and characteristic signals;
  • understand what adults want from him.

At one and a half years old, thanks to the acquired skills, a child can already hold a mug, distinguish objects around him, understand the meaning of words such as “hot - cold”, “how big I am”, “goodbye”, “sleep”, “walk”, etc. d.

Stand alone games

In addition to playing with the baby, the mother needs free time allocated for doing household chores. It is convenient to do some part of the work while the child is sleeping, but in this case noisy types of work should be excluded. They will have to be put aside while the little one is awake. In order for the baby to give his mother the opportunity to do business, he should be taught to play independently.

You can alternate between independent and joint games. As soon as the baby’s attention is occupied by the toy, the mother should go about her business, while being nearby so that the baby feels her presence.

Of course, it will not be possible to distract a one-year-old child for 3 hours without the participation of another adult, but it is quite possible to organize this for 15-20 minutes.

Child plays with construction set

One year old babies are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything. Things and objects common to adults are perceived completely differently by children. It is worth showing new objects that may interest the child:

  1. Supermarket bags. They are big, they rustle, you can throw them up, you can walk with them, you can put toys in them. If you show how to use the bags, the baby will play with them.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the child does not put the bag on his head - there is a risk of suffocation.

  1. Bulk items: cereals, pasta. The activity is useful because it promotes the development of fine motor skills. Pouring these items into containers, such as pots provided by the mother, will distract the baby. It may all end with these loose objects being scattered throughout the room or even the apartment, but this minor damage to the cleanliness of the house cannot be compared with the benefits of a child playing independently and the development of his fine motor skills, on which the speed of development of thinking, coordination and speech depends.
  2. Roll of toilet paper. Children love tearing soft toilet paper to shreds. It gives them great joy to watch it unwind when they tug at it. When the roll is completely unwound, the child can sit for a long time, wrapped in paper, fingering it and tearing apart what is still intact.
  3. Busyboard. A structure made of boards with hooks, handles, locks, latches, opening doors, wheels, switches, stoppers and other attributes that are usually prohibited keep kids occupied.
  4. Box with old toys. Parents are advised not to buy a lot of toys, but to divide those already purchased into two parts and give them to the child in turn. The child plays with one part of the toys, the other is put into a box and taken out if necessary to keep the little one occupied. It's so exciting to take all the toys out of the box and look at them.

The kid is busy with a busy board

Independent games, or what to do with a 1 year old child

In fact, there are many ways to engage your child in interesting activities, thereby gaining some time to do important things. Let's look at some of the most popular options that you can offer your baby.

  1. A new colorful toy . Surely all children will be happy with such a gift. Of course, this does not mean that you need to buy one toy every day, but sometimes this option is not bad at all. It may be something small, but most importantly it is safe.

You should not buy toys with small parts so that they do not pose a threat. It’s good if it has moving elements - they will definitely interest the baby, and he will play with the new find longer.

Another rescue option is a “miracle box”, which stores old toys that he hasn’t played with for a long time. This option has been tested by many mothers who really need rest or time to do household chores.

  1. Busyboard. Not everyone has heard this strange word, but they definitely know its meaning in practice. Various buttons, locks, handles, laces, ropes, buttons and other similar small details, which are combined together on a special board, and it is called a “busy board,” will help you come up with activities for your child a year. You can purchase the creation in a store or make it yourself. Basically, the toy is aimed not only at distracting the child’s attention, but also at developing his fine motor skills.

You can attach anything there, from an old unnecessary calculator or mobile phone, to a chain from a door or block. The main thing is that all parts are safe.

  1. Help in business . An interesting approach would be not to distract the baby’s attention, but, on the contrary, to involve him in your work process. Not everyone will agree to such an experiment, because some mothers are deeply convinced that the child will only get in the way. But for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready, on the contrary, to teach their children to help their parents from an early age, they will soon be pleasantly surprised.

For example, show your child how to do laundry properly. Place a small basin or bath in a convenient place, after laying an oilcloth there, pour warm water and give some small item to wash. You will be pleasantly surprised with what pleasure your child will begin to wash it. In the meantime, while he is fascinated by the process, you can get down to business. Now the child is in sight, and you are in business.

  1. Bulk items. Bulk items in the form of pasta, cereals, peas, beans, etc. will help entertain a one-year-old baby. (we wrote about how to paint rice in this article) To do this, you can select a small box or bowl in which to put a glass, spoon or other object into which you can collect what is in the vessel (we wrote about painting with semolina in).

  2. Organize your closet . And why not, it’s so exciting and interesting. Let your little one rummage through one of your dresser drawers or a regular bag of clothes. Sometimes it looks so funny that you yourself will tear yourself away from your own affairs. What you wouldn't give to have a hearty laugh when your baby tries on a bra or puts things on haphazardly. And if you also bring a camera, you can get great shots for a family album.
  3. Toilet paper or an old selection of magazines. This is another trick to keep a 1 year old child occupied. Don't be shy and pull out as many old magazines from the closet as possible. While the baby is enthusiastically looking at them, scattering them or tearing them, you can be a little distracted. However, be careful and do not give him newspapers, as there is a chance of hurting your hand or cutting yourself on them.

  4. Cartoons. This is like a lifeline for many mothers, because colorful cartoons can completely captivate a child for a long period of time. Try to select good quality animations, since, unfortunately, nowadays there are many products that do not correspond to the delicate child’s psyche.

It is recommended to control the time allotted for watching cartoons so that the child can play and develop, and not just spend all the time near the TV screen.

By the way, now there are many developmental programs that are aimed at teaching and explaining the elementary properties of objects, for example, understanding the meanings of tall and short, fat and thin, talking about what day and night, spring and autumn are, etc. So, in addition to distraction, the child can simultaneously develop and learn new things.

  1. Talking toy . This is a funny hamster or any other animal that will repeat all the words your baby says. It is very funny and fun to watch a child play with such a toy.
  2. Dancing . Almost all children at a young age love to dance. Try turning on a music channel or radio for your child. If he is in the mood, he will certainly start dancing and jumping to the music.
  3. Games with a plastic bottle . Offer your baby a large five-liter plastic bottle with which he can play to his heart's content. Along with it, give him small toys that fit there. At least for a short time, the baby will certainly be interested in such an activity.
  4. Order . Ask your little one to do something very simple, for example, fetch an item or put a doll to sleep. During the process, the child will be distracted for 10-15 minutes, during which time he can complete simple tasks.

Indicators of proper development

Useful and interesting activities for toddlers will bear fruit if done regularly. Any child will be able to:

  • find a familiar object that mom asks you to bring;
  • distinguish a large toy from a small one and show which is which;
  • build a tower from cubes or cups;
  • disassemble and assemble a pyramid of rings;
  • hide small toys under upside down cups;
  • hide, covering your eyes with your hands;
  • stack construction kit parts on top of each other;
  • show how a car drives, how a doll goes to bed;
  • hold your hand to your ear, imitating your mother talking on the phone;
  • repeat simple words and exclamations heard from adults;
  • try to imitate familiar sounds, for example, a working vacuum cleaner or washing machine.

The development of a child, according to Dr. Komarovsky, always worries parents. Those who devote a sufficient amount of time to their child should not worry at all. Telling, explaining, showing and introducing everything that surrounds us is the best way to develop a child.

The world outside the window

Of course, outdoors opens up limitless space for baby to explore. Every season has its own entertainment.


A universal item that can be used to dig snow, sand, carry it in front of you, drag it behind you, hit puddles and even fight. Of course, the fight is imaginary - with a fence or a post. Helps hyperactive children relieve tension.


Previously, you used them as a means of transport for your baby, now you can try letting him pull the string himself. What if you like it? The same goes for the stroller, lower the handle and let your baby try to push his four-wheeled throne. Together with my mother, this task is completely doable.


If the one-year-old has a calm temperament and has not yet mastered walking in heavy overalls, show him what can be done with snow. How to make a lump, how to break it, throw it. Show that the snow on your palm is melting. Be sure to let your baby touch the snow and explain that it is cold. You can also watch snowflakes and catch them in your mouth - it’s fun!


Perhaps the most joyful activity on the street. There is nothing more fun than stomping your foot in a puddle and getting a portion of heavy cold drops in your face. The main thing in such walks is to be sure that the baby’s feet are not wet and his nose is warm. Rubber boots with woolen socks and waterproof overalls are the best option for such walks. Clothes can always be washed and dried. But the strict “No!” will greatly upset your chick, and instead of joyful laughter you will get a bucket of bitter tears!


It's time to apply that same “No”. The baby can already understand that flowers can only be touched and smelled, but cannot be picked because they hurt. The very fascinating process of how a baby smells a flower. Many children do not inhale air, but, on the contrary, exhale. It turns out that the pollen falls directly on the nose, which greatly amuses both mother and baby.


A magical place where a child can spend hours. All you have to do is give him a dustpan and a bucket. The monotonous pouring of sand from a bucket into the sandbox and back surprisingly captivates the one-year-old. And if mom shows how to make Easter cakes out of wet sand, this will cause great delight in the baby. It is worth noting that the sandbox is a favorable place for mothers themselves, who can calmly discuss pressing problems.


Almost all babies love water. Don't deny them the pleasure of splashing around in the pool. If you live in a city and the weather permits, you can take a bowl of water directly to the sandbox and let your child wet his hands and feet. You can give a bucket and show how to pour and pour out water. It works magically - just like sand.

Motor skills (gross and fine).

1. Do finger gymnastics. 2. Do modeling, drawing, appliqué, and creativity. 3. Play with frame inserts. 4. Learn to unfasten buttons, zippers, buttons (if you are interested and succeed, then fasten them). 5. Fasten - unfasten Velcro (on shoes, jacket, educational toys). 6. Take off socks, hat, gloves, learn to take off and put on other clothes. 7. Pour/pour cereal/water into different vessels, learn to use a funnel, a jug, a teapot from children's dishes, and a watering can for pouring/pouring. 8. Play with stickers. 9. Learn to wash your hands (emphasis on the word “learn”, encourage to learn the skill, but do not force), including turning the tap on and off (if the design of the tap allows this to be done easily), soaping your hands, squeezing liquid soap out of a bottle. 10. Catch round objects (balls, kinder containers) in a dish of water with a spoon or strainer and put them in a dry glass. 11. Catch round objects (balls, kinder containers) from the glass. 12. Beat the soap foam with a whisk (add a few drops of detergent or shampoo to the water). 13. Draw and transfer water using an enema or pipette.

14. Learn to collect water with a sponge and squeeze it out.

15. Crumple the paper (make round lumps) and push the resulting lumps into a bottle or jar with a narrow neck. 16. Make patterns from sticks, pasta, pebbles, beans:

17. Play with clothespins.

18. Play with Cuisenaire sticks and Dienesh blocks.

19. Play with lacing. 20. Play with mosaics, Lego, and other constructors. 21. Closer to the age of three, you can begin to learn to trace by dots (if the child has a desire and the learning process is easy). Trace very simple lines - various paths, straight lines or with a slight bend. 22. Transfer beads and other small objects with tweezers. 23. Select caps for bottles and jars. Unscrew and tighten the caps. 24. Place small objects (for example, buttons, beads) into a narrow cylinder, a narrow hole. 25. Some toys for developing motor skills (independent development in play):

Logical square:


Cut vegetables and fruits:



Various pyramids, inset frames, sorets, etc. are still relevant for the development of fine motor skills.

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