What a child can do at 1 year and 11 months: everything about the correct development of the baby

Children grow quickly, and watching them is not only exciting and interesting, but also useful - you can identify developmental delays in time and eliminate them.

Each age of the baby must correspond to certain skills and successes, so what should a baby be like at 1 year and 11 months?

This will be discussed further.

Important! Parents should understand that each child is individual and not panic if there is a discrepancy with the parameters given below, but if there is a significant difference, they should consult a pediatrician.

What can a baby do?

  • At this age, the child is very mobile , he not only stands well on his feet, but also runs, jumps, spins, and, therefore, often falls. If the baby hears rhythmic music, he dances, waves his arms, and can even sing along.
  • At 1 year and 11 months, a child can build a tower of cubes and throw a ball at a target, which indicates that the baby has learned to control his fingers well.
  • Children at this age may show interest in a bicycle; they press the pedals, but are not yet able to turn them. But the child can already cope with riding a scooter.
  • By this age, the baby can put on socks and pants on his own, and some even manage to cope with simple fasteners on things.
  • The child can now use the potty independently.
  • As a rule, at this time it becomes clear which hand the baby has dominant - right or left.

Reference! Psychologists do not advise retraining a child if he uses his left hand more actively.

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What can the baby do?

  • An eleven-month-old baby is active and moves a lot. A new skill for toddlers is the ability to stand without the help of an adult or holding a support. In addition, the little one is already walking well, holding not two of his mother’s hands, but only one. To get a favorite toy from the floor, the child will no longer fall, but bend down or sit down. Some children have already begun to walk without support.
  • An 11-month-old child manipulates toys skillfully and very deftly. When grasping an object, the baby opens his hand taking into account the size of the object. The toddler can already stack cubes into a small tower, assemble a pyramid, open boxes, and take small objects from the floor or table with two fingers.
  • The child loves music, so he likes various musical toys. Hearing a rhythmic melody, the baby will begin to dance to the beat.
  • The baby is interested in books and spends a long time looking at the illustrations in them.
  • At the mother's request, the child can show parts of the body and perform many actions and movements that he has learned and seen before. For example, a baby rocks a doll, waves goodbye, makes “okay” gestures, takes off his socks, unzips his jacket, finds a toy hidden under a blanket or in a box.
  • The baby's speech becomes more and more emotional and varied. Words consisting of 1-2 syllables appear in it.
  • The child understands well what his mother tells him. He rejoices greatly when he is praised, and also immediately reacts to a stern tone.
  • At 11 months, the baby becomes more and more independent. The baby gradually learns to dress and wash his face, brush his teeth, and eat with a spoon. If the baby needs something, he no longer just cries, but points his finger at the object, shakes his head (affirmative or negative), and also utters simple words.

To check if your 11-month-old baby is developing normally, you need:

  1. Assess whether the child sits well, crawls on all fours and stands on support.
  2. Show your child a lockable box in which to hide the toy in front of the baby. The child should notice that the object has disappeared and try to find it.
  3. Check whether the child can imitate the movements of adults that were previously shown to him. For example, the baby should try to eat with a spoon, comb his hair, and wash his face.
  4. Invite the baby to build a tower of cubes. The baby should already be able to stack 2-3 cubes on top of each other.

Features of the psycho-emotional sphere

  • In a child aged 1 year and 11 months, the psychological sphere continues to actively develop, but this happens a little slower than it was in the first year of life. The duration of wakefulness increases to 4-5 hours.
  • The baby becomes more independent and begins to show his character.
  • Some children are capricious - they purse their lips if they don’t want to brush their teeth or eat food they don’t like, refuse to wash their hair with shampoo, and so on. Parents must learn to negotiate with the child, not shout, but in no case indulge the whims.
  • By this age, the child’s sense of freedom intensifies. A baby may run away from an adult at every opportunity, but if he sees that no one is looking for him and his parents are not in sight, he may feel abandoned and become very frightened.
  • A child of this age in the family is a time when parents must be very patient and understanding, because rebellion and struggle are a natural stage of human development, as a result of which the child develops a habit of the principles of society.

Mental development of a child at 12 months

The child’s socialization continues actively; he is interested in communicating with peers, but sometimes he provokes conflicts. The psychological development of a child at 12 months has made great strides forward; now the baby understands how to communicate with his parents.

Feeling softness and condescension on the part of the mother, the child will play pranks and attempt manipulation.

It becomes more difficult to play with a one-year-old child; he introduces his own rules, which are often unacceptable: throwing sand, breaking toys, pulling animals by the tail.

During this period, the child begins to develop long-term memory. One-year-old children remember some moments of yesterday and can remember what happened several days ago.

Children of this age have a positive attitude towards music, love to listen to it, sing along and dance.

As mentioned earlier, at approximately 1 year the child experiences a transitional moment - the crisis of the 12th month. It is manifested by the following changes:

  • The child becomes difficult to control - he shows stubbornness and disobedience.
  • He actively shows his own independence, refuses help, and when trying to help he gets nervous and screams.
  • The child becomes touchy and whiny, especially when he hears “no”, “no”.
  • Many parents note the contradictory behavior of the child - he refuses help and at the same moment waits for attention.

According to psychologists, the age at which hysterical behavior in an infant is acceptable is 10-12 months. Firstly, the lack of vocabulary does not give the child the opportunity to explain what is bothering him. Secondly, hysteria is a common phenomenon and behavior for a child. At an older age, hysteria is not acceptable and should be stopped immediately.

Speech abilities

A child’s high cognitive interest during this period of life makes him very receptive to any information that comes from adults.

At this time, the inquisitive child asks the question “why.” And an adult must respond correctly to this question and start a friendly and patient dialogue.

By this age, a child’s vocabulary contains about 130-170 words ; the child can combine them to create phrases and sentences.

At this age, you need to read more fairy tales to your child, learn nursery rhymes with him, in order not only to develop the articulatory apparatus, but also to increase his vocabulary.

What can a child do at 1 year and 11 months?

Let's take a closer look at what a little man can be capable of just a month before his second birthday.

  • Speech

A child’s speech begins to actively develop at the age of one and a half years. At the age of one year and 11, he already has a vocabulary sufficient for communication. His vocabulary contains about 200 words, which he successfully puts into small sentences.

At this age, you need to talk to your child as much as possible. At the same time, there is no need to coddle with him, imitating his speech.

On the contrary, when talking to your baby, you need to pronounce every word clearly. Then his speech will quickly become correct and understandable.

It is very useful to read nursery rhymes to your baby and hum little songs. At the age of one year and 11 months, the baby absorbs information like a sponge. He quickly grasps individual phrases and words, successfully repeating them and expanding his vocabulary.

  • Communication skills

Very soon your beloved little person will turn 2 years old. You will have a party and invite other children to it. Does your baby know how to communicate with his peers?

A month before his second birthday, the child should show active curiosity, strive to communicate with his peers, and try to be the first to make contact with them . During this period, a kind of cooperation is observed between children. They try to do some work together, for example, build a house out of cubes.

Unfortunately, disagreements or quarrels can arise between kids. A baby, if one adult is watching several children, may require increased attention and show the makings of a future character.

At one year and eleven, the baby understands when he is approached with a request or remark. At the same time, he reacts to intonation, highlighting dissatisfaction, request or approval in your voice.

Most babies aged one year and 11 months willingly make contact even with unfamiliar people.

  • Physical development

If your child is developing normally, then by the age of one year and 11 months he will already be doing many things.

  • Walks and runs without assistance.
  • Climb and descend stairs, leaning on each step with only one leg when ascending.
  • Repeats dance movements, squats and sways to the music, marches.
  • Bounces on two or one leg, without falling or leaning to one side.
  • Catches the ball and hits it in the indicated direction.
  • Knows how to back away.

By the age of two, the baby should be active, play outdoor games with interest and have good coordination of movements.

The closer the age of two, the more actively children develop curiosity and inquisitiveness. They study everything new and unfamiliar with interest.


Children at this age talk a lot, laugh and are happy when loved ones communicate with them. Motor dexterity and coordination improve.

The main type of activity for a child of 1 year and 11 months is object activity - he gets acquainted with the properties of objects, sensory development develops. The baby learns to move objects in space, as well as to act with objects relative to each other.

Memory also undergoes changes - the child forms memories . At first they arise in a visual situation: a child may see a cup with a broken handle and say that he dropped the cup and it broke, or if the child is asked to go for a walk, he will look for clothes and shoes for a walk.

As for speech skills, up to the age of one and a half, the child learns to understand speech; by the age of two, his vocabulary increases, and his facial expressions and sign language are also enriched. Speech thinking is formed - the child performs actions and denotes them in words.

The child begins to imitate adults - “read the newspaper”, “talk on the phone”, “dress up” and so on.

However, the baby’s need to communicate with adults remains great. That is, his emotional state, activity and intellectual development directly depend on how often adults play and talk with him.

Regime and nutrition for a child

In many families, by the age of two, parents begin to establish a clear daily routine in preparation for attending kindergarten. If the baby already goes to nursery, then the concept of a regime is familiar to him. Getting up, eating and going to bed at the same time has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the child.

At the turn of two years of age, parents move many children to a large bed, since the baby’s bed is already uncomfortable and cramped. Children do not immediately get used to their new furniture; they often ask to go to their parents’ bed and take a long time to fall asleep, as a result of which their sleep patterns may be disrupted. Parents should be patient and read books to their child longer, waiting for him to fall into deep sleep.

The baby's nutrition at 1 year 11 months is, as always, complete and balanced. At this age, children are already familiar with sausages and sausages, which is acceptable by pediatricians if these products are from special baby food. Drinks include black or green tea. If possible, you should add greens to your dishes - dill, parsley, onions. Bread becomes the best friend in baby food.


At this age, the child needs to be fed not only healthy, but also tasty.

Fruits and vegetables must be present in the diet; there is no need to grind them - the baby can already cope with solid food.

Simply boiling broccoli without salt is no longer an option.

Surely your child will like one of the following dishes:

  1. Meatball soup. Add finely chopped potatoes, sautéed onions, onions and carrots to 150 ml of broth and cook until tender. To prepare meatballs you will need a chopped piece of beef, salt, pepper, half an egg. Boil the meatballs, place in the soup before serving, and garnish the dish with herbs.
  2. Banana fritters. Knead the pancake dough using kefir or milk, add crushed banana puree to it, mix well. Bake in vegetable oil. The pancake can be topped with sour cream or honey if the child is not allergic to bee products.

Features of hygiene and care

At 1 year and 11 months, a child can partially take care of his own hygiene - wash his hands before eating or after a walk. But everything else still lies on the shoulders of the parents.

In order for hygiene skills to become established, you need to bathe your child every day, help him brush his teeth, comb his hair, periodically cut his nails and clean his ears. Some procedures, for example, brushing teeth, can be entrusted to the baby, but parents should closely monitor and help the child complete what he started if he cannot cope on his own.

The child needs to have his hair cut regularly, before going to the hairdresser for the first time with the child, you need to play out this situation with him - “cut” a doll or a hare, so the baby will feel more confident in an unfamiliar environment.

What to feed a child: nutrition for a toddler at 1 year and 11 months

The body of a small person is significantly different from the body of an adult, therefore, for normal development and growth, the baby needs an optimally balanced diet appropriate for his age. At the age of 11, the child handles cutlery well and can chew food.

The daily menu must include a variety of foods.

  • Chicken, beef or veal, lean pork . The daily intake of these products is at least 90 grams. Usually the meat is served in the form of steamed cutlets or small and well-stewed pieces. You can give your child sausages or sausages, but only of excellent quality.
  • Fish . Since the baby will not be able to choose the bones on his own, fish dishes need to be prepared from fillets. You can boil or stew the fish with vegetables, or make soup for your baby.
  • Liver . This product is very useful for a small organism, as it contains easily digestible high-quality proteins, mineral salts, glycogen (natural starch) and vitamins. The liver promotes normal digestion, having a beneficial effect on the blood.
  • Milk and dairy products . The baby should consume up to 200 ml of kefir and 600 ml of milk per day (not only in its pure form, but also with milk porridges). In addition, cottage cheese is vital for the baby. If he doesn’t like to eat it in its pure form, bake him delicious cheesecakes or make a cottage cheese casserole, and if he refuses milk, cook cocoa. Give your baby up to 15-20 grams of butter per day.
  • Vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals and promote normal digestion. The best option is to use products collected from your summer cottage. But if you don’t have one, try to buy vegetables and fruits at the market from small Russian sellers who sell products from their own plots. At least there won't be any nitrates there. A child needs 250 grams of vegetables and fruits plus 200 grams of potatoes per day. Don't forget to add greens to vegetable dishes - onions, dill or parsley.
  • Groats . Porridges from various cereal products make up the majority of a child’s diet for one year and 11 months. It is not necessary to cook porridge with milk. You can make a side dish, casserole, meatballs or pancakes from cereals.
  • Eggs . The product contains such beneficial substances as lecithin, cysteine ​​and methionine. A delicious fluffy omelette will be a wonderful breakfast for your baby.
  • Beverages . The store has a huge variety of juices for young children. To these are added regular (but not strong) black or green tea, compotes of dried fruits or fresh berries and jelly.

Teach your child to eat with bread, no matter what kind - wheat or rye. It contains various useful components.

Do not give your baby foods with spicy seasonings. In addition, the child’s food should not be slightly salted.

Day and sleep routine

The correct daily routine for a child aged 1 year and 11 months looks like this:

  • 7.30 — awakening and hygiene procedures;
  • 8.00 – breakfast;
  • 9-10.30 – walk;
  • until 12.00 – creative activities at home;
  • 12.00 – lunch;
  • before 15.00 – sleep;
  • until 16.00 – quiet games at home;
  • 16.00 – afternoon snack;
  • until 18.00 – walk;
  • 18.30 – dinner;
  • until 20.30 – quiet games at home;
  • 20.30 – hygiene procedures;
  • 21.00 – sleep.


Preventive massage is needed not only for children who have pathologies and developmental disabilities, but also for completely healthy babies. But at this time it is difficult to force the baby to lie still, so you need to carry out the massage in a playful way, for example, come up with a fairy tale and carry out the massage in accordance with the actions of the fairy-tale character, or give the baby a toy so that he does the massage at the same time as his parents.

Massaging a child of this age involves the use of the following techniques:

  • stroking;
  • rubbing;
  • kneading;
  • light tapping movements.

Reference! A properly done massage has a positive effect on the respiratory, musculoskeletal, nervous and circulatory systems. In addition, metabolism improves and immunity increases.

Activities with your baby

Developmental activities with the child should be carried out regularly, since at this age the baby’s brain is actively developing, and the child is ready to receive and assimilate information.

You definitely need to read books to your child, and be sure to analyze what you read and answer questions. It is very useful to learn children's poems; it is important to interest the child, so you need to read poems with pauses and emotions.

Of course, it’s too early to teach a child numbers, but of course he should already know some mathematical concepts - few, many, big, scarlet, and so on. You can teach your child to count to three, as well as give the concept of simple geometric shapes.

From this age, you can teach your child to sculpt from plasticine, give him paints and pencils. It is best to buy coloring books with simple drawings, where all the details are large.

To develop fine motor skills, you can do finger gymnastics with your child - as a variant of “Ladushka”, “White-sided Magpie”.

By the age of 1 year and 11 months, a child begins to feel the need to communicate with peers; parents should teach the child how to build relationships correctly, not quarrel, and learn to play together.

By this age, the child will be interested in toys from the following categories:

  • educational – lotto, mosaic, puzzles, paints,
  • educational - toy dishes, Legos, construction sets with large parts,
  • for active games - balls, mini bowling alleys, railways, mini basketball with Velcro,

In addition, the baby will enjoy playing with various talking and musical toys; boys at this age love to play with cars and tool sets; girls will love a dollhouse, an ironing board, dishes, and a toy medical set.

Tips for parents

Children at 1 year and 11 months are already beginning to realize their gender identity, so boys need to explain that it is unacceptable to offend and fight with girls, and girls need to be taught cooking and housekeeping skills - buy a set of children's dishes and teach them how to “cook.”

It is very important at this time to develop the child in many ways; education should be aesthetic, moral, intellectual and physical. If a child does not really like reading, you should not force him to listen to fairy tales; replace them with educational cartoons. If parents insist on books, the child may subsequently develop a persistent reluctance to read.

Parents must understand that a child at this age already has his own temperament.

  • Sanguine people are problem-free children, but at the same time they are cunning and cannot be forced to do what they do not want.
  • Melancholic people are vulnerable children who are prone to taking offense. They should not be shouted at, especially in the presence of other children.
  • Phlegmatic people are slow and sleepy; with such kids you need to constantly engage in joint activities and try to involve them in active games.
  • Cholerics are active and noisy children who can show aggression towards their peers - you cannot physically punish them for this, but you cannot ignore them either.

The main task of parents is to form the character of the baby, which will smooth out the disadvantages of temperament. Only an individual approach will allow you to do this as gently and effectively as possible.

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