Everything parents need to know about baby development at 10 months

A ten-month-old baby delights his parents with small successes every day.
He studies the world around him with great curiosity and allows his household to get to know his character.

Each child is individual, and, of course, there cannot be strict standards, but there are approximate parameters that loving parents should pay attention to.

Nutritional Features

Having a balanced diet is one of the most important factors contributing to the proper growth and development of the baby.

At ten months, the baby already feeds on breast milk in smaller quantities.

He enjoys trying complementary foods: seasonal fruits and berries, porridge from healthy cereals, cottage cheese, bakery products, vegetable and fish puree.

In the world of fairy tales

Mom and dad also remain children at heart. They have their favorite fairy tale characters. It is with them that parents often compare their children. For example, a bunny, a cat or Masha from a well-known cartoon. This could be a great theme for a photo shoot. You can rent, buy, or make a costume yourself.

Bunny costume

If you want to make a costume yourself, then you need to try hard. You can only make a headdress, focusing on this. The most suitable ears are sewn onto the hat and you can make any animal or character. But remember that the suit should be comfortable and safe. Do not use wires, sharp objects, etc. Let the baby be in the outfit for only a couple of minutes, but even during this time he should be safe.

Fairytale cat

The hat can also be purchased at a baby clothing store. Or you can knit it yourself.

Knitted bunny costume

Knitted sheriff suit

Dish recipes

Rice porrige


  • ½ cup rice;
  • 2 cups of water;
  • ¼ cup apples, cut into small cubes or slices;
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon;
  • 1/8 teaspoon brown sugar;
  • 50 ml milk.

Directions: Combine all of the above ingredients in a medium saucepan. Heat the mixture on the stove for 30 minutes, add 50 ml of milk to the rice and continue heating for another 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Make sure the consistency remains watery. Serve the porridge warm.

Baked apples


  • 3 or 4 large apples;
  • 60 g raisins;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese.

Preparation: wash the apples and carefully cut out the core. Fill the apples with cottage cheese, raisins and sprinkle them with cinnamon and sugar. Place the fruit in a baking dish after pouring a little water into it.

Bake at 180 degrees for approximately 25 minutes.

Fish puree


  • 1 white fish fillet;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 1 leek;
  • ½ cup water or breast milk.

Preparation: Peel and cut the carrots and leeks. Pour some water into a medium saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add fish, carrots and onions, cover and cook for 20 minutes. Once the ingredients have cooled slightly, transfer them to a blender and blend until smooth, adding liquid until you reach the desired consistency.

Sample menu

At the tenth month of life, the baby’s nutrition may look like this:

  • The first feeding is breast milk or formula.
  • Second feeding - oatmeal with pumpkin; dried fruits compote.
  • Third feeding - meat pudding; mashed potatoes; juice.
  • Fourth feeding – apple mousse; jelly.
  • The fifth feeding is breast milk or kefir.


At the tenth month of the baby’s life, parents note that their child has difficulty going to bed during the day, takes a long time to fall asleep, and the established strict daily routine is constantly disrupted because of this. If your baby behaves this way, then it's time to switch your baby to one nap and put him to bed earlier in the evening.

Nowadays, the manifestation of some nervous disorders is possible; they can be detected by observing how the baby sleeps. If, after a relatively calm day, he shudders and whines in his sleep, contact a neurologist.

As the child becomes more independent, and the mother, freed from daytime breastfeeding by complementary foods, can leave home on her own business, the baby may be capricious before bed and require the presence of parents to lull him to sleep. This is a normal occurrence in ten-month-old children, even those who calmly fell asleep without their parents. For some time you will have to give in to the baby and be there until the child falls asleep.

What should a ten month old baby be able to do?

At the age of 10 months, differences in the development and behavior of babies of different sexes are already noticeable.


Young gentlemen easily climb onto chairs, take things from shelves and love to throw everything around.

They are mobile and independent, they do not want to receive their mother's help.

By this age, the boy’s active socialization begins: he is drawn to other children, actively plays with them, but does not really want to share his toys.

The kid loves to throw different objects and watch them fall.

Boys enjoy playing with small parts, arranging them in a pile and moving them from place to place. The baby has very well developed tenacity of hands. He gets great pleasure from praise: having remembered once what made you laugh, he will repeat his “trick” again and again.


Little ladies love to repeat sounds they hear, so they start talking before boys. Girls are happy to take part in the simplest role-playing games: pretending to feed a doll or talking on the phone. Babies can hold a spoon or cup on their own. They are very attached to their mother, love to hold hands, and are often not interested in playing alone.

Little ones prefer quiet activities: collecting pyramids, winding a spinning top, or leafing through books. At this age, they already know how to sit up on their own and crawl quickly and confidently; sometimes they make their first attempts to stand up and slowly walk, while holding on to their mother or a piece of furniture. Girls are already showing interest in other babies and want to touch them.

Baby's height and weight

Normal indicators*. Child's age – 10 months Lower limit of normal Upper limit of normal
Boys' weight, kg 8,3 10,9
Girls' weight, kg 7,9 10,1
Boys' height, cm 69,1 76,9
Girls' height, cm 69,0 75,3

*Data are indicated according to centile tables of domestic pediatricians

Features of speech

A ten-month-old child no longer communicates by screaming; he is mastering new forms of interaction with others. The baby begins to pronounce a series of identical syllables: “ba-ba”, “cha-cha”, tries to repeat the sounds he hears, while changing the volume of his voice.

He plays with his tongue, splashes with saliva and makes noise at the same time, which gives him great pleasure. The child reacts when he hears his name or when he is asked to hand over an object.

By this age, the baby begins to listen to music, understands the names of individual objects and performs simple actions at the request of an adult, for example, “show me where grandpa is.”

Important! Parents must communicate a lot with the child, because this is how he immerses himself in the language environment, forms a passive vocabulary and develops the speech apparatus. It is necessary to talk to the child using different intonations and pronounce words in a chant manner.

It is also useful to sing songs, play nursery rhymes (“Ladushki”, “Magpie-Crow”, “Baba Sowed Peas”), repeat the names of toys, animals, and the names of fairy tale characters. Over time, the child will learn to show where the bear, bird or fish are in the illustrations.

On our website there are also articles about the development of a child at 5 months, the development of a child at 9 months, the development of a child at 11 months, and the development of a child at 1 year.

How to promote your baby's development: tips for parents

Parents are the main assistants in the development of the child. Here's what you can do to help your child learn different skills by age:

  • play finger painting more often, pay attention to games such as “Magpie-Crow”, opening boxes, throwing a ball, sorting through small objects - all this contributes to the development of sensory skills;
  • provide the baby with safe movement so that he can crawl and learn to walk without fear;
  • walk with your child every day and give him a massage;
  • give the opportunity to learn to eat independently - this way the baby will quickly learn how to handle a spoon and cup;
  • if the baby is already teething, give him solid food to chew on - carrots, cookies, dried apples;
  • teach the baby to collect toys after playing, turning this process into an exciting game;
  • during a walk, visit the playground so that the baby, watching other children, learns to communicate;
  • You can offer your 10-month-old baby felt-tip pens, pencils or play dough, after showing him how to work with all this;
  • Every day, look through books with your baby, read him fairy tales and play nursery rhymes - this way his speech will develop faster;
  • practice infant swimming with your baby to actively develop his motor skills and strengthen his immune system.

Knowing what a child should be able to do at 10 months, parents will be able to react in time if something goes wrong. However, it is worth remembering that each baby is individual, and it is quite possible that he will successfully catch up with some of these norms by the age of one year. When choosing the right development methods, you must take into account the interests of your son or daughter.

Features of care and hygiene

Proper care of a ten-month-old baby is an essential condition for his health and good mood.

Bathing is one of the most important hygienic procedures that must be performed every day.

Boy bathing

It is necessary to wash the baby every time you change the diaper.

Note! Parents should pay attention to the fact that when bathing a boy, it is not recommended to retract the foreskin on the penis.

The skin folds are motionless and if parents try to “move them aside”, the infection will not be long in coming.

Washing the baby is carried out with running warm water, with soft and smooth movements: first they wash the butt, and then direct the stream from the penis to the scrotum. You should carefully wash all the folds and spaces between your fingers and toes.

The boy should be bathed every day before bed. Several times a week you can bathe your child with herbs (chamomile, string). The water temperature should be approximately equal to body temperature - 34 - 36 degrees .

After the procedure, the baby should be gently wetted with a towel and left undressed for 10–15 minutes to take air baths. The optimal room temperature is 22 degrees.

Girl bathing

It is necessary to wash the girl after each bowel movement and during evening bathing. It is best to use simple running water, and ordinary liquid soap as a cosmetic product. The movements when washing are always the same - from the pubis to the butt. This is an extremely important nuance, since otherwise you can introduce feces into the vagina, and this can lead to inflammation.

After bathing, girls should also be patted dry with a towel and allowed to remain naked for about 15 minutes. Skin folds can be treated with gentle hygienic oil.

Note! At 10 months, children spend about 20 minutes in water. Active babies are bored sitting in the bathtub, they rise to their feet and try to walk, holding on to the sides. The range of wash toys is wide; children are happy to take a ball or a duckling into the bath.

Baby care


Babies still drink mother's milk consistently twice a day, in the morning and before bed. During the day - a mix: breastfeeding (up to 4 times) plus complementary feeding.

Artificial children eat formula according to their age twice a day: in the morning and before bed. Fish is added to complementary foods.


A 10-month-old baby still sleeps 15 hours a day: 10 hours at night and 5 hours split into two naps during the day. Kids, like adults, are divided into owls and larks. Mom and Dad will have to adapt.

Psycho-emotional sphere

At 10 months, the baby’s psycho-emotional development is progressing at a rapid pace. Below are the standards indicating the healthy development of a child.

Development test

  • The child must understand and comply with some simple requests.
  • He imitates his parents' facial expressions and the intonations of their voices.
  • The child's emotions are adequate to what is happening around him. If his parents do not comply with his demands, he gets offended and cries.
  • The baby is aware of himself as an individual and seeks the approval of the people around him.
  • The baby should be able to attract attention by using his voice, babbling or using gestures.
  • The baby expresses affection for loved ones, especially highlighting the “favorite adult.”
  • The child develops taste preferences, for example, there are clothes that he wears with particular pleasure.
  • If he follows a daily routine, he gets used to the routine, remembers that after eating there will be a daytime nap, and after an evening swim - a fairy tale.

How to feed a 10 month old baby

The child's food during the day has already been completely replaced with regular foods. The time for complementary feeding gradually passes, and the baby is transferred to the common table. You give breast milk and formula after and before bedtime, as well as after feedings instead of juice or water: 30 - 50 g. A child of 10 months should receive 600 - 700 g of dairy products per day, so breast milk is enough for the first and last feeding or mixtures. During one feeding, the baby eats from 200 to 250 ml.

Now the child needs a large amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats, so the baby’s nutrition should be easily digestible and balanced. Food should be cooked, preferably steamed; fried food should not be given. If your baby has teeth, encourage him to chew: give him small pieces of boiled vegetables (potatoes) or soft fruits (banana, peach). The puree can no longer be ground in a blender, but mashed with a fork. Keep introducing new products.

Approximate day and sleep schedule

The daily routine should be designed in accordance with the biorhythms and needs of the child. Most babies wake up quite early, so the daily routine should be adjusted to the morning awakening time. A ten-month-old baby's daily routine should look something like this:

  • 6.00 - awakening, first feeding, morning hygiene procedures;
  • 10.00 - second feeding, morning sleep;
  • 12.00 - active games, walk;
  • 14.30 - third feeding, reading fairy tales;
  • 16.30 - sleep;
  • 18.00 - fourth feeding, meals, games, bathing;
  • 21.30 - fifth feeding, night sleep.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky has developed a method for determining the level of neuropsychic development of children in the first year of life.

Below are ways to assess the full development of a child at 10 months.

Emotions and social behavior

If there is a player and a box of toys next to the child, then the baby should approach the player, pull out the toys from the box with him and start playing together.

Actions with objects

The child performs learned actions with toys not only independently, but also at the request of an adult.

Speech understanding

When asked to “give,” the child must find and give familiar objects.

Preparatory stages of development of active speech

Imitating an adult, the child repeats after him individual syllables that are not in his babble. The parent pronounces several syllables that are new to the child, and he listens, follows the movement of the speaker’s lips and pronounces these syllables again.

What's new in physical development at 10 months

The child is so active that weight gain begins to decrease compared to previous periods in his life. During the tenth month, the baby gains weight up to 300 - 450 g, and a height of about 1 - 1.5 cm. At 10 months, the child has a body weight of 8.5 - 10 kg (± 1 kg) and a height of 71 - 74 cm (± 3 cm).

Activities with babies

A ten-month-old baby can already play for a long time on his own, but playing with his parents is still an important component of his dynamic development.

Educational games

  • 1. "Tower"

Sit with your child on the floor with children's building blocks. First, build the tower yourself, show your baby how you stack the blocks. Let your child build the next tower, and once it's three blocks or taller, let him knock it over.

  • 2. “Pouring water”

Fill a large plastic container about halfway with water and place several smaller containers next to it. Teach your child to draw water and pour it back and transfer water from a larger cup using the smaller one as a tool. Your baby will also have fun pouring water through the funnel.

  • 3. “Learning to walk”

Place a row of chairs against a wall (preferably in a carpeted room). Help your child stand up and show him how to move while holding onto chairs. Take your baby's favorite toy and place it on the farthest chair, and when the child reaches the toy, help him get it and praise the child. Place another toy on the opposite end and send your baby in the opposite direction.


At the age of 10 months, a child needs the following toys:

  • Sandbox toys.
  • Pyramids of various shapes and sizes.
  • Sounding toys with images of animals that can imitate their voices.
  • Boxes that the baby can wind on his own.
  • Finger paint.
  • Large designers.
  • Dolls with large facial features and body parts so that you can name and show them.

Gymnastics – a set of exercises

Start gymnastics with your hands. Cross your child's arms in different positions: lying, sitting and standing. When finished, massage your baby's hands.

Next, the child should turn on his stomach and perform turns from his back to his stomach (slightly turn his buttocks and pelvis in the direction in which he turns). Lightly massage your baby's belly and back.

To perform the following exercise, take the child by the shins and first bend and straighten them at the knees together, and then alternately. Massage your baby's feet.

Important! In addition to bending and straightening the toddler’s fingers on his own, it is very important to teach him the following actions. Give your child a stick or ball in his hands and let him learn to roll them between his palms.

Another useful action is the ability to tear paper and pinch off small pieces from a piece of plasticine.

Common problems and how to solve them

Poor appetite or even a complete refusal to eat - mothers of a ten-month-old baby often encounter this problem. It can be solved in the following ways:

  1. When you sit a child on your lap, he will want to eat from his mother's plate, but in fact, from his own.
  2. Before eating, take a long walk without snacking, then the child will have a good appetite (and in the evening after bathing).
  3. Be sure to praise and say: “How well you eat, how happy mom is,” smile at the child and show that mom is happy when he eats well.

Another problem for parents is the child’s restless sleep. In order to stop your child from waking at night, you must:

  1. Provide the most comfortable sleeping conditions.
  2. Establish the psychological climate in the family.
  3. Adjust your sleep pattern.
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