How, why and when to introduce children to classical music

Everyone knows that listening to classical music is useful and necessary. Numerous studies have shown that classical music has a positive effect on the emotional and physical state of a person. It is especially useful for young children. Classical music promotes the mental, spiritual and physical development of the baby.

Pediatricians and psychologists advise turning on music to the child while he is in the womb. The baby begins to hear from the fourth month of pregnancy. He will react differently to sounds. On some melodies it will begin to push and turn over, on others - on the contrary, it will calm down. Let's take a closer look at how classical music affects children.

How does music affect children?

  • Accelerates physical, mental and emotional development;
  • Forms speech and helps with speech defects. For example, with a stutter it is much easier to sing than to speak;
  • Improves memory, stimulates brain function and increases intelligence;
  • Develops creative and musical abilities, trains imagination, spatial thinking and interpretation skills;
  • Teaches concentration and concentration, can improve attentiveness and instill perseverance;
  • Educates and forms musical taste, introduces to world culture, art and aesthetics. Broadens the mind;
  • Improves emotional balance, helps with nervous disorders, strengthens the psyche;
  • Calm music calms and relieves stress, helps you fall asleep and relieves insomnia. Vigorous, on the contrary, fills with energy and tones, improves mood and performance, relieves depression, melancholy and blues;
  • Develops writing and mathematical abilities. The child masters counting and writing faster. Under the influence of classics and music in general, a beautiful and even handwriting is formed;
  • Rhythmic physical exercises accompanied by music improve coordination, strengthen the immune system, muscles and ligaments, and develop clarity of walking and movements. Children are much more willing to study to music;
  • Helps cope with fears and phobias, find friends and socialize. The child grows up confident and sociable, active and optimistic;
  • Develops discipline and responsibility in the child;
  • Playing musical instruments develops fine motor skills of fingers and hands, and teaches you to do several things at once. And playing wind instruments, like singing, strengthens and develops the respiratory system.

Musical tales

In addition to just music (classical or pop), a child needs to listen to musical fairy tales, cartoons in which they sing and play musical instruments. After all, a child learns all the wisdom of life, the whole world through fairy tales, through cartoon characters - they occupy him and bring to his understanding more words than you can imagine. For example, the cartoon “How the Turtle and the Lion Cub Sang a Song” teaches a child friendship, and kids happily repeat the song about how the lion cub “lies in the sun.” No less instructive is “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” which is easily remembered for its poems, and especially for the song of the squirrel, which “gnaws everything on nuts.” Kind songs combined with interesting fairy tales develop a responsive and pleasant personality in a child.

What kind of music should children listen to?

First of all, we will talk about classical music. Let us note that children who listen to classics from childhood easily listen to them later. And if a child is not accustomed to such compositions from the cradle, he is unlikely to be willing to listen to them at an older age. Therefore, we start listening to music from pregnancy and turn on the classics as soon as the newborn is born.

It is noted that children like Mozart, Vivaldi and Beethoven, Chopin and Strauss the most. Choose a composition based on the child’s mood and the effect you want to achieve. After all, one melody lulls you to sleep, while the other, on the contrary, invigorates. In any case, the influence and benefits of a particular composition depend on the temperament and character, mood and developmental characteristics of the child himself. Therefore, we create our own music program for each child.

Do not play noisy, too loud or aggressive music for children. Due to the increased sensitivity of the baby's hearing, he may cry and throw a tantrum. Older children become aggressive, overly energetic and hyperactive. Of course, songs with profanity are prohibited. Even if the baby is still small and does not understand the meaning of words. In the process when a baby learns to speak, he can easily repeat an obscene expression.

Be sure to dilute slow and drawn-out compositions and lyrical ballads with dynamic and cheerful music. Otherwise, the baby will be lethargic during the day. Light and calm music is a good option to play before bed. When you need to wake up and stay awake, choose cheerful and energetic tunes.

Don't forget about children's songs. Simple compositions with light text develop imagination, strengthen memory and teach speaking. With the song it is easy to learn a simple rhyme and new words, and learn to count. It's fun to do exercises, play and draw while listening to children's songs. With the help of a drawing, the baby will be able to express the emotions, thoughts and images that he receives when listening. Read about the benefits of drawing for kids here.

Many children like songs from films and cartoons, fairy tales and musicals. Folk songs and lullabies play an important role in children's development. The latter soothe and lull the baby, help to fall asleep and ensure sound sleep. Folk songs introduce children to culture and traditions.

How to listen to classical music with children?

For the development of a child, classical music is undoubtedly preferable to simple pop melodies.

Of course, simple children's songs will cause joy and delight in the baby. Small children who don’t even know what dance is, hearing any catchy melody, intuitively begin to clap, stomp their feet or dance around. Music encourages children to express their emotions.

Classical music calms and inspires. However, you need to listen to it in moderation. In pursuit of the early development of a child, you should not tire him out by listening to all kinds of melodies and educational materials around the clock.

For infants, 1-2 melodies a day are enough, then the time of listening to classical music gradually increases.

Our collection of classical music for children features truly golden tunes written by some of the most talented composers in history. Give your child a chance to understand the greatness and depth of classical music before you start listening to nursery rhymes with him.

Classical music for children

Classics influence not only the inner mood and taste of a young listener. Scientists have recorded that certain music activates the cerebral cortex in children and enhances their mental abilities. W. A. ​​Mozart and his works will help parents develop children's intelligence using additional stimulants. A variety of compositions will immerse the child in the kingdom of harmony and bring great pleasure from unity with the melody he likes.

How does classic music affect children's health?

Separately, I would like to touch upon the topic of the influence of classical melodies on a child’s health. There is such a thing as music therapy. Scientists have proven that music can cure a person from many diseases. Music therapy is understood as a method in which music is used as a means of normalizing the emotional state, eliminating movement and speech disorders, fears, behavioral deviations, etc. But today there are a lot of children with similar problems, and the culprit is the pace of modern life, which adults try to keep up with, forgetting about the most precious thing - their children. Parents often replace their love and care with computers, tablets and phones. As a result, children become uncommunicative, withdrawn, and have behavior problems. One of the best methods for solving this problem is music therapy, where music is an invaluable assistant.

The benefits of classical music for children

The benefits of classical music have been scientifically proven. Several experiments and studies have been conducted. In one case, a chicken egg was placed next to the speakers and various music was played. The screeching and aggressive sounds of rock and heavy metal made the squirrels curl up.

Studies have shown that plants die when exposed to heavy and aggressive music. More than half of the fish died nine hours after speakers with hard rock music were installed nearby. Under the influence of the classics, plants, on the contrary, grow and flourish.

Classical music develops a child's mental, creative and communication abilities. It is beneficial for the body as a whole. Just 15 minutes of listening to a classical piece is equal in value to an hour of walking in the fresh air.

Classical works activate the brain before an exam, develop the will to win and the desire for self-improvement, and increase academic performance. They develop the musical ear of newborns. In the future, it is easier for children to adapt to new conditions and teams, and it is easier to learn.

Today, the “Mozart Effect” has even been identified, due to which children’s thinking develops faster and more dynamically. This is explained by the specific tonal sound range that has such an effect on the child. Mozart's music is extremely useful for creative people. It gives inspiration, awakens imagination and the desire for excellence, and helps to concentrate.

By the way, it has been noted that classical music has a positive effect on both the child and the mother. Interestingly, some compositions can even improve lactation. Many mothers note that when listening to some authors, the baby begins to breastfeed better.

Not all music is created equal

If the music for your child is chosen correctly, then you will ensure the improvement of your child’s motor coordination, short-term memory, and the formation of a good mood.

But what will happen to a child’s feelings if you play rock or other heavy music for him? Like any living plant or animal, a person reacts to heavy rock with a complete lack of understanding of what is happening. Because of the loud and gloomy performance, plants do not want to grow, cows do not want to give milk, and snowflakes turn into a real disgrace, losing their ideal symmetrical shape. People are part of nature, and the influence of heavy music on a child’s development is also detrimental, because when listening to such rock compositions, a stress hormone is released that can erase information from the brain.

How, when and how much to listen

In this case, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the music will have the opposite negative effect. You can listen to classics every day, but no longer than 15-30 minutes two or three times a day. If kids like the music, you can increase the duration of the sessions.

Place the music source within a distance of one meter from the baby. Don't play tunes loudly. They should sound in the background, at the level of calm conversational speech or even quieter. Listen to the works while eating and breastfeeding, during games, developmental activities, bathing and massage, and physical exercise.

In the morning, before feedings and for active activities, we select cheerful and cheerful, kind and dynamic melodies. An invigorating march is suitable for the day and exercise. In the evening, during quiet games and activities, after meals, during a massage, we listen to soothing, melodic and lyrical works. Play different melodies and compositions by different authors for your kids. And soon the baby will begin to recognize composers.

Do not forget to dilute classical compositions with other music, maintain a balance between musical directions and styles. Select melodies to suit your baby’s mood and physical condition. If you feel discomfort, do not force yourself or your child, change the composition or refuse listening altogether.

If the child resists the chosen music, cries and throws a tantrum, we also change or turn off the music. We do the same if the baby is tired, upset or overexcited. Next, we will look at how different composers influence the development of children.


Music is an integral part of our culture. It accompanies a person throughout his life, allowing him to go through difficult moments and share joy with loved ones, find friends with similar interests and get into a working mood. Music has a positive effect on children, developing their speech and thinking, influencing the development of their creative abilities and the ability for emotional self-regulation. That is why all teachers recommend actively including music lessons and simply listening to music in a child’s life. In addition, joint family music lessons help improve relationships between household members and improve the mood of all family members.

Which composer to choose

Mozart's works are the best classical music for newborns. Many parents note that babies can listen to the melodies of this great composer for hours. Moreover, it is universal. Here you can find calm, cheerful, cheerful and sad music.

The effect of Mozart's music on children is that they become calm and focused. They can play or study independently and are not capricious. Due to the predominance of major notes, Mozart's music carries positive energy. It activates the brain and creates clarity of thoughts, helps with headaches.

Strauss and Chopin stimulate activity and physical activity and increase performance. Waltzes and marches by these composers improve the mood and distract the child from discomfort, for example, when he is suffering from colic, gas, or teething pain. The baby becomes cheerful, cheerful and playful.

Many children like Tchaikovsky It has an invigorating effect and stimulates activity. For example, it helps the child get dressed faster and get ready for a walk. Be sure to let your little one listen to music from the ballet “The Nutcracker” and the piano cycle “The Seasons.” They increase attention. It is easier for the child to concentrate and complete a certain action or task.

Vivaldi is a guarantee of spiritual health and well-being, especially the major parts of “The Four Seasons”. Such compositions improve mood, encourage and tone. Play music while playing or charging.

Beethoven improves the emotional background, relieves tension, calms and strengthens nerve cells. It is suitable for capricious and hysterical children. The gentle and enveloping sounds of Beethoven's sonatas, especially the Moonlight Sonata, are filled with peace and meaning. Find a few sonatas that your little one will like and listen to them periodically.

Schumann and Gluck are composers whose works have a calming effect. They include a clear rhythm and a slow pace, which helps with insomnia and ensures restful and sound sleep. That's why we turn on music before bed or after feeding. Schumann’s “Reverie” and Gluck’s “Melody” are especially suitable.

Bach , as practice shows, is not liked by most children. This is not surprising, because musical works are still too complex for a little one to understand. However, if the child likes Bach, then his music will have a positive impact on the development of memory and logical thinking, abilities in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Mendelssohn instills faith and confidence, increases self-esteem, helps to socialize and adapt. This is an excellent solution for quiet, taciturn and insecure children. “Symphony No. 5” increases concentration and concentration. “Wedding March” has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and normalizes blood pressure. And “Spring Song” will cure headaches.

Article “The influence of music on child development” article

The influence of music on child development

Music surrounding a newly born child becomes part of his world. He does not yet know how to listen to music, feel the rhythm or mood of the melody, but he already perceives and absorbs something. Music, dissolved in space, like sunlight flowing into a baby’s room, penetrates the child’s subconscious. Just like the color of wallpaper in a nursery, it quietly affects the baby’s mood. It’s even strange that, while paying great attention to interior design, the level of illumination in the children’s room, even the texture of toys, we often lose sight of music.

Meanwhile, psychologists have long noticed that different melodies have completely different effects on a child’s mood, and, turning into a constant background, have different effects on the formation of personality. Moreover, experts are unanimous: after children's songs and traditional lullabies, classical music has the most beneficial effect on the child's psyche. Classical melodies have several obvious advantages: harmony, nobility of intonation and an amazing richness of shades - everything that helps a little person who gets used to listening to such music become truly cultured.

Music for a child is an inexhaustible source of harmony, health, development of abilities and mental balance. It is important to choose the right works and start introducing them to your baby as early as possible.

When to start? One of the main channels of human perception is hearing. The child is surrounded by sounds even in the womb - it is believed that the sound of pouring water calms the baby precisely because he listened to something similar before birth. At 2–3 months, the child already reacts to sounds with emotions, and from 7–8 months he tries to imitate what he hears.

From birth, a child willingly listens to quiet melodies and a soft, calm and affectionate timbre of voice. But sharp sounds, noise, and angry speech irritate him. Therefore, you should choose calm, quiet melodies for a newborn, and turn them on in doses.

But does a baby even need music? Maybe it’s too early for him to listen to melodies? Scientists believe that music can and, ideally, should be present in a baby’s life from the moment of conception.

It has been established that from a certain point in intrauterine development, the fetus hears music coming from outside and reacts to it. Moreover, there are suggestions that music affects not only his emotional state, but also mental development.

Meanwhile, modern music, both good and bad, is easier to listen to - it has advantages that are unique to our time: clear rhythm and dynamics. It is not difficult to get used to it. Falling in love with and starting to listen to classical music often requires a learning curve. And the child needs a little help with this. First of all, it is important to decide what kind of music is best to listen to at the very beginning of life. There are some rules:

1. Children under three years old are not recommended to listen to sad, alarming and tragic melodies - even though they are often the most beautiful.

2. Children, as a rule, gravitate towards choosing light, peaceful and optimistic intonations. And they are right! According to psychologists, such music creates a positive mood in children and helps them feel life as a cozy and joyful world.

The most suitable composer for little music lovers is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His work is generally a curious mystery. Numerous studies by psychologists show that Mozart's music, harmonious, bright and exquisitely simple, has a powerful effect on the intellect. By the way, Mozart’s music is beneficial not only for children. What exactly is the secret of Mozart’s melodies is unknown. But it exists. One version comes down to the fact that Mozart, who became a composer at the age of four, transferred a pure child’s perception of reality into his music. Children most like his “Little Night Serenade”, Turkish March, as well as arias from the operas “The Magic Flute”, “Don Giovanni”, “The Marriage of Figaro”.

Another composer whose work will undoubtedly appeal to children is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. For example, fragments from his ballets “The Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, “Swan Lake”, plays from “Children’s Album” and “The Seasons”. All of these works by Tchaikovsky actively involve the listener in their environment, inviting him to either imagine pictures of nature and plunge into the world of ancient seasonal entertainment (“Seasons”), or come up with some stories and make a small musical journey around the world (“Children’s Album” ), or... just dance.

Wonderful melodies can also be found in Johann Sebastian Bach, who created not only stunning tragic pieces, but also the lovely “Joke” (from Suite No. 2) and the divine Aria (Air) from Suite No. 3.

You can also let the kids listen to overtures by G. Rossini and waltzes by Strauss, plays by L. Beethoven, and ancient marches.

Parents can choose the repertoire for their child themselves. The selection criteria should be:

1. live (not electronic) instruments used during recording,

2. beautiful melody,

3. bright mood,

4. the reaction of the child himself.

Music and health

The healing powers of music have been known since the time of Avicenna.

Nowadays it has been proven that some melodies (mostly classical ones):

- have a beneficial effect on the general condition;

- calm, relax, cope with sadness and apathy;

- help normalize heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, reduce pain (for example, children with impaired intestinal motility are good to listen to rhythmic melodies);

- promote concentration on the goal, increase vitality - in case of poor appetite, children are encouraged to listen to music before meals; it is useful to include bravura marches during exercises and active games.

There is a whole direction - music therapy: many diseases and disorders are treated with melodies and singing, including in premature babies, who are most beneficially influenced by Mozart. However, a special influence of the great composer’s music on the mental development of any child has been noticed.

Music and abilities

Numerous studies show that playing music and even just listening to it regularly has a beneficial effect on:

- children's communication abilities,

- development of their memory, imagination, spatial thinking,

- perseverance, determination, independence,

- accuracy, literacy, creativity,

- mastering educational material,

- formation of artistic taste and aesthetic development.

Masaro Ibuku, the creator of innovative concepts for the upbringing and education of young children, in his book “After Three It's Late,” talked about one experiment: he studied children who, thanks to music, developed faster than their peers. Moreover, the children in the experiment only listened to music and did not play musical instruments.

It is clear that music affects the growth of neurons in the brain. But it is also obvious that it is useful to develop children musically, and here a lot depends on the parents.

Music and hearing

According to statistics, only 5% of people have no ear for music. For the remaining 95%, even if it is lacking, it can be developed through exercise. Therefore, instead of trying to determine from a young age whether the baby has hearing, it is worth starting to stimulate its development as early as possible - then the baby’s hearing will soon develop, and a passion for musical studies will manifest itself. And thus it will be possible to avoid the common phenomenon - when there is hearing, but there is no desire to make music.

What kind of music should I listen to?

Of course, we do not urge you to raise your child in “sterile conditions”, strictly determining what he should listen to and what he should not. Having matured, the child will definitely get acquainted with the world's musical heritage, from classics to rock. But for now, the psyche of a small child, due to its fragility and immaturity, needs a very careful choice of musical environment.

Here you will have to take into account the baby’s temperament, his mood, and even the time of day when you play him a CD with a song or melody. What is good for children to listen to?

First of all, the classics. True, not all of them: organ fugues by Bach, minor works by Chopin, “adult” operas are difficult for children to perceive, they can disturb, irritate them, excite them, etc. It is advisable to be attentive to “children’s” adaptations: some of them emasculate the whole sound palette, adding rather monotonous “sounds of nature” instead. It is better to start introducing your child to music not with symphonies, but with simple pieces, for example, by Liszt, Glinka. Children perceive Mozart, Vivaldi, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Haydn, and Schumann well.

It is important for parents to monitor their child’s reaction to a particular work. After all, what one person likes may not be liked by another. Watch your baby carefully: how does he behave during and after listening? What obvious effect did the work have? Did the baby become capricious after listening? Did the music cheer you up or, on the contrary (as you wanted), did it calm the baby down?

It is clear that the more excitable the child, the calmer melodies he should listen to - for example, the second parts of suites and instrumental concerts. And for kids whose activity leaves much to be desired, play melodies at “allegro” tempos and marches. Does this mean that in a house where a child is growing up, any music is excluded except classical music, sounds of nature and selected children's songs? That moms and dads are doomed to give up their favorite jazz, rock or reggae?

Not at all. We are talking about only two important things - the peculiarities of children's perception and the education of musical taste. Even if someone really loves hard rock, you have to admit that there is music that is definitely harmful to the delicate child’s psyche: rock, metal, electronic music, club dance music, melodies with clear, monotonous rhythms. Why not rock?

Because ultra-low and ultra-high frequencies have an extremely negative effect on the entire body. Why not modern pop music? Because the music that the baby hears should be harmonious and proportionate to the life rhythms of the child’s body, and most of today’s “pop,” even performed by “stars,” is dissonant, its rhythms are irregular, and it lacks form. By the way, this also applies to some modern “songs for children” - not all CDs with songs from cartoons should be listened to by children.

Yes, and proven Soviet songs are suitable for older children - from one year old, for example. Do you prefer jazz, rap, Russian rock? Dont be upset! As the baby grows, he can and will need to turn on a wide variety of (but only real!) music. Music can really help in raising and caring for a baby.

It is believed that different works have different effects.

— Calm, relax: flute, violin and piano; sounds of nature - the noise of the forest, the sea, the quiet trills of birds; “Lullaby” by J. Brahms, “Ave Maria” by F. Schubert, “Light of the Moon” by C. Debussy, works by R. Schumann.

- Reduce feelings of anxiety: major works with a low tempo, folk music, folk children's songs, “Mazurka” and “Preludes” by F. Chopin, waltzes by R. Strauss.

- Reduce excitement: “Symphony” by J. Haydn, “Moonlight Sonata” and “Symphony in A minor” by L.V. Beethoven.

— Improve your mood: works by V.A. Mozart, “Minuet” by G. Handel.

— Increase activity: “Sixth Symphony” (part 3) P.I. Tchaikovsky, overture “Edmond” by L.V. Beethoven, “Prelude 1” (opus 28) by F. Chopin, “Hungarian Rhapsody 2” by F. Liszt.

— Reduce pain: “Symphony No. 40” by V.A. Mozart, “Hungarian Rhapsody 1” by F. Liszt, suite “Masquerade” by A. Khachaturian, “Fidelio” by L.V. Beethoven, Oginsky's Polonaise, "Spring Song" by F. Mendelssohn.

— Calm before bed: “Dreams” by R. Schumann, “Melody” by K.V. Gluck, plays by P.I. Tchaikovsky, “Peer Gynt” by E. Grieg.

— Activate mental activity: excerpts from piano sonatas and concertos by V.A. Mozart, Rondo from his “Little Night Serenade”.

— Normalize breathing: Gregorian chants, folk music. However, everyone has their own perception of music. If you don’t like any piece or you see that the baby, listening to it, instead of calming down, on the contrary, is excited, do not turn on this music.

Safety regulations

Music, like any influence on a child, must be dosed - in volume, duration, etc. The younger the child, the calmer the melody should be. The volume should not exceed the volume of spoken language, and the speakers should be placed at a distance of at least 1 meter from the baby. The duration of a music session can be from several minutes to half an hour, and such sessions themselves can be no more than three per day (with the exception of lullabies). It is clear that if the baby responds adequately to a melody or song, does not get tired or is capricious, you will start playing it more often. However, “islands of silence”, when the baby is resting or hears only your voice, are necessary - the baby’s nervous system and brain need pauses.

Live music

Of particular importance for a child is the live singing of his relatives - mother, father, grandmother (and then his own). For a baby, a mother's voice, speaking or singing, is the best soothing voice. By singing lullabies, ditties and nursery rhymes to your baby, you not only develop him musically, but also enter into emotional contact. Whether parents have an ear for music or not, this should not worry them - after all, the very fact of musical communication with the child is important. Feel free to sing to your baby. If you don’t know lullabies, hum calm folk songs, compose songs as you go through life, set poems to music. But still learn a couple of lullabies. Russian lullabies are drawn-out, monotonous, melodious, and any baby falls asleep faster to them. They also develop future speech - the baby hears and remembers the words of his native language - beautiful, polyphonic, different...

Choose musical toys especially carefully. Many of them will not bring any benefit: they are too loud, do not turn off until they play the melody to the end, with sounds produced by a computer that are unnatural for the human ear and brain. The melodies played by electronic entertainment should be pleasant to the ear and not annoying. And let the baby’s communication with them be measured.

A separate topic is toy musical instruments. Most of them are harmful - they do not correspond to the real sound and are out of tune. But real musical instruments suitable for children, especially folk ones - spoons, rattles and maracas with a soft sound, tambourines, triangles, xylophones, etc. - are an excellent solution. With them, unlike musical toys, you can create - tap rhythms, compose your first melodies, repeat sounds after your mother, play along with sounding tunes.

How to make music

In the first half of life, music lessons with the baby, firstly, are of an introductory nature, and secondly, they strengthen the physical health of the baby, having a beneficial effect on his nervous system. From 6 months, you can begin to develop a sense of rhythm in your baby, for example, clapping rhythms with your baby’s palms, waving your arms with him and doing a massage to cheerful children’s melodies.

After a year, we teach the child to distinguish musical instruments. To do this, we choose music where there are periods when one instrument sounds clearly and clearly. Instruments should be simple, with characteristic sounds - a pipe, a bell, etc. Russian folk songs are suitable for classes, especially those adapted for children.

Later, you can also include your own play on these instruments: you invite the child to find out which instrument sounds, and then ask him to find the same one and make a sound.

As the little one grows up, it will be possible to move on to studying genres, the structure of music, etc. - but that’s all later. In the meantime, the main factor of success in a child’s musical development is the parents’ attitude towards music. If you perceive classes as an “obligation” and define the main motive with the word “MUST”, you can form not love, but only aversion to music.

If you and your baby have fun, listen to music together with interest, analyze works at a level accessible to the child, and thereby increase this level, this will become an invaluable contribution to the development of a creative, harmonious personality.

What to do if the parents themselves are not musically educated enough? It is clear that we need to fill in the gaps together with the children. Start small - find in music what you like - it lifts your spirits, makes you happy, or evokes a pleasant melancholy. Just listen to the works and enjoy it. Find other works by the author you like or similar in mood compositions by other writers. Perhaps audiobooks on how to listen to music will help you; by the way, you can listen to them with your children, for example, Alexander Waugh’s audiobook “Classical Music. New perception." So, gradually, step by step, music will enter both your life and the life of your child.

Choosing a musical instrument

In addition, pay attention to the musical instruments on which classical works are performed. It has been noticed that children do not really like the organ. This is a difficult instrument to understand. It can irritate children's delicate hearing and nervous system, which has not yet adapted. That’s why many kids don’t like Bach.

A traditional piano, piano or grand piano creates a stable psyche. And playing keyboard instruments normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, kidneys and genitourinary organs. Piano, violin and flute calm, relieve tension and stress. Harp, violin, cello and other string instruments create sounds that normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and stabilize blood pressure.

Playing wind instruments, including the trumpet, saxophone, flute and double bass, improves breathing and strengthens the organs of the respiratory system, reduces the risk of diseases of the bronchi and lungs, and cleanses the blood vessels. And drums, cymbals and other percussion improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys, heart and blood vessels.

Early listening to classics develops a child’s ear for music, sense of rhythm and creative skills. Many parents, when they note that their child has musical abilities by the age of seven to nine, decide to send their child to a music school.

Secondary music education is extremely useful for children, even if they do not connect their lives with the musical profession.
You will find all the pros and cons of whether you should send your child to a music school at the link Subscribe to our VKontakte group

Should I send my child to a music school?

If at least one of the child’s relatives has a good voice and hearing, then it is quite natural that the child is not deprived of musical abilities. You can verify this by sending your child to a music school. Today it is much more prestigious to teach a child English, rapid reading and writing than to learn music, but music plays an important role in the development of a child’s personality. Perhaps your child will like the choice of instrument that you offer him, or maybe he himself has his eye on a piano or violin. Children often strive to imitate their idols, and if your child’s favorite actor in some movie sits in a black tailcoat at the piano and plays a beautiful melody, then the child may become attracted to this instrument and ask you to teach him to play it.

What will a child receive at a music school? First of all, this is musical literacy, aesthetic taste and the concept of beauty. Few children at an early age understand the true meaning of the works of the classics, but they try their best to convey them to listeners in their own way. The child learns to hear the subtlest changes in music, to understand its nuances and mood, and over time he will learn to hear these changes in human speech - to notice the slightest changes in the mother’s intonation or the teacher’s unnoticeable dissatisfaction. With the help of music, a child learns to communicate with people, to capture the mood of the interlocutor, his emotional state. In addition, the influence of music on a child’s development is undeniable in the development of perseverance, patience, and systematic work.

However, it would be a mistake to think that if you send your child to a music school, he will immediately become diligent and sensual. Many children don’t even last a year in music school because they are bored there, they need to learn a lot of terms they don’t understand, understand them, and repeat the same melodies at home day after day. So if your child resists such teachings, do not scold him, because not everyone grows up to be famous musicians; for many, musical education simply gives another page of variety in life, and nothing more.

At what age should a child be introduced to music?

Psychologists say that babies who were introduced to music before birth begin to speak, write, read, count and adapt to the changing outside world around them much earlier than their peers. And when they grow up, they quickly move up the ranks, building their careers. In addition, they can master foreign languages ​​without any difficulties. It is for this reason that the taste for music should be instilled in the little one in the womb. In order for a child to love listening to music after birth, the mother must sing to him, not embarrassed by the lack of voice and hearing.

Singing also has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy. And after the baby is born, from the very first days it will begin to react to music, considering it something familiar, joyful and pleasant. The baby will smile as soon as he hears his mother sing. And when the child grows up, parents can take advantage of his interest in rustling, rattling and knocking sounds, from time to time giving him some kind of concerts using a rattle or a metal can filled with something loose.

In order for the little one to get used to music and love it, psychologists advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Music for a baby should not become a background sound;
  • Musical oversaturation should not be allowed; everything must be in moderation;
  • The music should be light and melodic; loud sounds will lead to fright, and rhythmic compositions will negatively affect the child’s nervous system, leading to its overstrain.

And, of course, parents should show their love for music by their example by constantly listening to it, because they are the most important authority for the child.

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