The origin of yellow discharge in girls of different ages

The birth of a daughter brings extraordinary joy to parents. Now they have an assistant, a friend and a joy. From the very first day they carefully monitor her development and growth. The first smile and the first sounds, a new tooth and firm steps. It’s sad, but in addition to joyful events, the girl is accompanied by various ailments.

Parents get very upset when they see green discharge in girls. Lacking experience and knowledge, they try to get rid of them on their own. What will help you respond correctly to the changes that constantly occur in a child’s body? Accurate information about the nature of vaginal secretions inherent in girls of different ages.

Development of the reproductive system

The development of the reproductive organs in girls is accompanied by natural secretions from the vagina. It represents the result of the work of internal systems, as well as the product of their purification. Biological studies show that vaginal fluid contains the following elements:

  1. Various microorganisms that make up the vaginal microflora.
  2. Spent epithelial cells located inside the vaginal mucosa.
  3. Mucus that comes out of the cervix.
  4. Leukocytes and other blood components.

Parents should not worry if they notice mucous vaginal discharge in their daughter. They should be transparent in appearance or whitish in color. In addition, they do not smell and do not bother the baby. This often occurs in the 2nd week of a child’s life.

Sometimes it happens that blood elements are mixed into the secretion, like menstruation. Along with this, there is swelling of the nipples of the mammary glands, which, when pressed, release a cloudy substance. This is also normal.

Useful information for parents.

At birth, a girl receives high levels of sex hormones from her mother through the placenta or breast milk. The resulting discharge does not need to be treated in any way. It is enough to keep the baby’s body clean.

Starting from the age of one month, the baby, one might say, does not develop sexually. Her hormonal levels do not change while in a state of “rest.” This period lasts up to approximately 7 years, after which a new stage of restructuring begins.

Under the influence of hormones from the reproductive organs, an 11-year-old girl develops vaginal fluids of various types. Over time, they are repeated regularly until the start of the menstrual cycle.

The appearance of yellow discharge in a girl, in some cases, indicates puberty. They are not dangerous if they are not accompanied by an unpleasant odor or change in color.

Tips for girls

The time of change when a child becomes an adult is called transition or puberty (or puberty for short)

What happens at this time can cause you misunderstanding and excitement, but also pride and self-satisfaction

Knowing what is happening to your body will help you cope with yourself more successfully during this time. It will also help to know that sooner or later the same thing happens to all your peers. Although you are not yet ready to become a mother, your body is already beginning to prepare you for this.

Changes in adolescence occur between the ages of 8 and 16, for different girls at different times.

Breast enlargement is the first sign of the onset of adolescence. Often one breast is slightly larger than the other. Sometimes this difference disappears over time, and sometimes it doesn’t. After this, pubic and armpit hair begins to grow.

Rapid growth begins in girls about two years earlier than in boys. Growth does not always occur evenly: legs and arms may extend faster than the body. During adolescence, the body takes on more feminine shapes because the subcutaneous fat layer thickens. The skin becomes oilier and pimples or acne may appear. Sweat with a characteristic odor begins to appear.

The genital organs also change: vagina, uterus, ovaries and reproductive tubes.

You already have all these organs from birth, but they begin to work under the influence of hormones only in adolescence. Hormones play the role of chemical messengers, so to speak, helping different parts of the body work together. For example, pituitary hormones in adolescence give an “order” to the ovaries to produce more female sex hormones, under the influence of which a feminine body shape is formed, breasts and genitals develop, white discharge forms in the vagina, and eggs begin to mature in the ovaries every month and menstruation begins . The female body also produces small amounts of male sex hormones - their effect in women is mainly associated with hair growth and sexuality.

What is menstruation?

Already from birth, thousands of egg rudiments are waiting in the ovaries (there are two of them, one on both sides of the uterus), and later they are no longer formed. Starting from adolescence, each month, usually one egg matures and is released in the ovary. This is called ovulation (occurs approximately 14 days before your next period). The fringed end of the fallopian tube captures the released egg and directs it towards the uterus. By this time (again under the influence of hormones), the inner surface of the uterus (or its mucous membrane) becomes loose in the hope that the egg on its way met the male reproductive cell (sperm), if the woman had sexual intercourse, and was fertilized. If fertilization does not occur (the woman has not had sexual intercourse), then within 24 hours the egg dies, the uterine mucosa “ages” and is released along with blood. This is called menstruation (or menstruation, days, guests, monthly cleansing, etc.) Menstrual blood is dark, has a characteristic odor and does not clot. Menstruation lasts 3-7 days. The lining of the uterus now begins to thicken again to be ready to receive a new mature egg. And it starts all over again!

Menstruation begins between 10 and 16 years of age, with an average of 12 to 13 years of age, and ends at approximately 50 years of age.

The menstrual cycle is the period of time from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next. On average, the duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, but a 21-35 day cycle is completely normal.

Menstruation may be irregular at first, even several months apart. Also, during the formation period, cycles can be anovulatory, that is, the monthly release of an egg does not occur. Cycles become ovulatory and regular for the most part within a few years. It may take a little time until you get used to menstruation and can cope with it.

Changes in the body contribute to new, different sensations and experiences. You may suddenly find yourself comparing yourself to the rest of the world and wonder if you are normal? It may seem to you that all people are looking only at You. The mood jumps up and down, laughter gives way to tears. This is all completely normal and is associated with the action of sex hormones.

Your sexuality makes itself known more and more in your body, thoughts and feelings. Sexual arousal can occur spontaneously, as well as during self-satisfaction and during the first intimate relationship.

How to behave during menstruation?

To feel comfortable during menstruation you can use:

  • sanitary pads - they collect blood that leaves the uterus through the vagina
  • tampons - absorb blood already into the vagina

Pads are available in different lengths, thicknesses and absorbency. The pads are attached to the panties using an adhesive strip, and the “wings” also help keep the pad in place. The pad contains a thin film that prevents blood from staining your underwear. Since the amount of blood released during menstruation changes (in the first days the blood flow is more abundant), purchase pads of different sizes. How often the pads need to be changed depends on the amount of blood released. The gasket must be changed at least every 3-5 hours. There are also special “night” (thicker and longer) pads - after all, blood is released at night.

A tampon is a thick cotton roll with a thin string on the side (for removing the tampon from the vagina). Some tampons come in a cardboard capsule, which makes inserting the tampon easier. If you are just starting to use tampons, then use the smallest ones (mini) first, they are simply easier to insert into the vagina. In order to insert a tampon, you must first find the opening of the vagina (pick up a mirror and look!) If you have not yet had sexual intercourse, the entrance to the vagina is covered by the hymen, or hymen. This is a fold of the mucous membrane that varies in shape (usually crescent-shaped) and size. The hymen does not interfere with the use of tampons because the vaginal opening is large enough even to remove a swollen tampon. Quite rarely, the hymen can be very narrow or without an opening at all - if you suspect this (in adolescence, monthly abdominal pain without menstruation), you should consult a gynecologist. The tampon must be pushed deep enough into the vagina with your finger (with clean hands!). You won't even feel a properly installed tampon. If there is a feeling of discomfort, it means that the tampon is not installed deep enough. You need to change tampons, like pads, depending on the amount of discharge, at least every 3-5 hours.

How will you understand that your first menstruation will begin soon?

About a year before your first menstruation, you may notice that something whitish begins to come out of your vagina - this is leucorrhoea. Most likely, your breasts began to increase in size, and hair appeared in your armpits and pubic area. From the beginning of breast development to the first menstruation, approximately 2-3 years pass. It takes about a year from the start of rapid growth to the start of menstruation. Just before your period, you may feel a little worse than usual (pain in the lower abdomen, worse mood, headache, tight breasts)

What is white discharge, or leucorrhoea?

This is a whitish-yellow discharge, the amount of which is slightly greater during ovulation and just before menstruation. White discharge plays an important role in maintaining a normal vaginal environment. An increase in the amount of discharge or a change in its appearance may be a sign of inflammation, in which case it is necessary to have yourself examined by a gynecologist. There is no need to wash the inside of the vagina and with normal white discharge there is no need to use pads every day.

Is it possible to prepare for your first menstruation?

Since very little blood is released at first, there is no need to fear a “catastrophe” in advance. To prevent possible troubles, carry one pad with you. And don’t be shy if you have to borrow it - the school doctor, teacher or some classmate will probably have one.

How much blood is released during menstruation?

On average, during one 3-4 day menstruation, approximately 80-100 ml of blood is released; for comparison, one glass holds 200 ml. During adolescence, the production of sex hormones is not yet balanced, so menstruation during adolescence can be with a small amount of blood released (“spotting”) or, conversely, with copious amounts of blood. If menstruation occurs with very large amounts of blood, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. For the most part, such heavy bleeding will go away on its own after some time, but sometimes treatment is necessary.

Where and what pads and tampons to buy?

Pharmacies have a wide selection. Which pads and tampons are right for you will be determined by experience when using them. But listen to the advice of an experienced user you trust. There is nothing shameful in this, all women buy them regularly.

How often should you wash during menstruation?

Since blood begins to decompose when it comes into contact with air and microbes and as a result an unpleasant odor appears, it is necessary to regularly wash the genitals during menstruation. Do this, if possible, every time you change a pad, using running water from front to back, and be sure to do this every morning and evening.

Is menstruation painful?

In the first days of menstruation, you may feel a dull pain in the lower abdomen. This is caused by contractions of the uterus as blood is removed from it. The pain can be reduced by lying down with a warm heating pad on your stomach. A paracetamol or ibuprofen tablet may also help. If the pain is severe, seek help from your school doctor, youth counseling center, or women's doctor.

Is it possible to swim and play sports during menstruation?

This usually does not interfere with sports activities. If you still feel unwell, consult a coach or physical education teacher. Before starting active activities (training, dancing), it would be good to change the pad, since during physical activity the bleeding may be more profuse. If you use tampons, you can swim during menstruation.

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation?

From a medical point of view, there is nothing prohibited about this. The decisive factors are the well-being of the partners and the desire for sexual contact. Some people believe that if you have sex during menstruation, you cannot get pregnant, but this is not true at all, 100% not true. Therefore, when having sex during menstruation, you should use a contraceptive, such as a condom, or, even more reliably, birth control pills together in a condom.

What is a menstrual calendar?

It would be wise to mark the days of your menstruation every month in a small pocket calendar or in a mobile phone application, since based on this you can find out the approximate length of your cycle and the likely time of the next menstruation (so that, taking into account possible inconveniences, you can plan, for example, the purchase of pads or trip)

Such a calendar can also be useful when visiting a female doctor.

Can anything affect an already formed menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle (that is, the maturation of the egg) can be influenced by many circumstances. If you have been sick, the amount of blood released may be less and menstruation may be shorter or start later. If you decide to start a weight loss course and lose weight quickly, then menstruation may stop. In order for menstruation to occur, the critical weight is considered to be -48 kg. If you have a stressful study period and you are very worried, then your period may be delayed or may not start at all. The same can happen if you have a heavy workload during sports training or at sports competitions.

What are “dangerous days”? When can you get pregnant?

“Dangerous” days are the period approximately two weeks before the next menstruation, when ovulation occurs and the likelihood of becoming pregnant is greatest. Considering the lifespan of the egg and sperm, respectively, from 24 to 72 hours, there is a chance of getting pregnant on the day of ovulation and for 3-4 days before and after it. You can get pregnant before your first menstruation, since the maturation of the egg occurs before menstruation.

How do you know you are pregnant?

Since the uterine mucosa does not separate after the implantation of the fertilized egg, the expected menstruation does not begin. This may be the first sign of a possible pregnancy. Pregnancy may also be indicated by breast tenderness, nausea and vomiting, changes in appetite, and mood swings.

Pregnancy can be determined using a pregnancy test (the test can be bought at a pharmacy; it detects the pregnancy hormone in the urine), examination and ultrasound examination by a female doctor.

When should you see a antenatal doctor?

  • Menstruation did not begin by age 16 or began before age 8.
  • breast development did not begin by age 13 or began before age 8
  • within 3-4 years after the start of breast development, menstruation does not begin
  • menstruation is very painful, so much so that normal life is disrupted
  • menstruation lasts more than 7 days (and/or is unusually heavy)
  • menstruation more often than every 21 days
  • if the menstrual cycle has already become regular, and the next menstruation does not begin at the expected time and is absent for 3-6 months without an obvious reason
  • there is monthly pain in the lower abdomen without menstruation

Abnormal vaginal secretions in little girls

Discharge of an abnormal nature in newborn babies is often in large quantities. In addition, they are mixed with elements of blood mucus, pus and an unpleasant odor. This also happens during the period of hormonal “sleep”, which lasts on average up to 7-8 years.

A yellow-green discharge indicates inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vaginal wall or the external intimate organs of the baby. The thing is that in newborn girls, the vaginal mucous wall has a delicate structure. If you ignore the rules of cleanliness, allergies or decreased immunity, a yellowish secretion immediately appears. It is accompanied by redness of the vulva, swelling and itching.

Memo for mom.

Yellow vaginal discharge in infants should not be ignored. Since they always indicate infection in children's organs. Timely treatment will protect the child from serious problems in the future.

Yellow discharge and illness

Infectious diseases in children under 5 years of age occur due to an immature reproductive system. During this period, the vagina lacks lactic acid bacteria, which protect the young body. Because of this, pathogenic microbes enter the body and lead to vulvovaginitis. A disturbance in the microflora on the vaginal mucosa causes yellow discharge in the girl. In addition, they are accompanied by swelling and inflammation of the labia.

There are times when, while attending a preschool, a child is diagnosed with worms. Sadly, they provoke inflammatory processes in the vagina. Even a girl who is only 3 years old can suffer from this. Pathogenic microbes enter the vaginal mucous walls from the intestines. This leads to painful sensations in the perineum, especially during sleep.

A serious cause of unexpected discharge is the entry of various objects into the vagina. Children aged 4 or 6 years old can insert household objects into their genitals during various games. Toilet paper, balls, and threads often damage the cervix or vaginal wall. Increased temperature and pain along with discharge are indicators of foreign objects in the genitals.

A 10-year-old girl may develop yellow discharge without an unpleasant odor. Most often they occur as a reaction to detergents. Modern intimate hygiene gels or soaps contain chemical additives that cause allergies. In this case, it would be nice to choose another option for washing the intimate area.

Venereal infection can become a serious problem for a girl. The acquisition of infection sometimes occurs during childbirth from mother to child. In some cases - through everyday means. An indicator of infection is green, foamy discharge.

Why does a 5 year old girl have yellow discharge?

There are certain signs by which you can determine that a child has health problems. If a 5-year-old girl has yellow discharge, should she sound the alarm and take her daughter to the doctor, or is this still normal?

Yellow discharge in a 5-year-old girl is a kind of signal about the possible development of certain diseases. Moms pay attention to their appearance very quickly, since in this case the panties get very dirty. Normally, girls 5 years old should have virtually no vaginal discharge, or it should be quite scanty, transparent, and odorless. When something in the state of the body changes, they become thicker, acquire a yellowish or even grayish, greenish tint and an unpleasant odor.

What could be causing the appearance of discharge? An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after a thorough examination. It includes an external examination of the genital organs, as well as taking a smear and urine test. It is also important to collect anamnesis, as well as assess the general state of health.

The appearance of yellow discharge with a very pungent and unpleasant odor most often indicates the development of bacterial vaginosis. This disease often affects girls aged 10-12 years, but sometimes it also affects preschoolers. It can be triggered by factors such as:

- frequent acute respiratory infections;

- poor nutrition;

- hormonal disorders;

— failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;

- obesity, diabetes.

If, in combination with the appearance of discharge, redness of the child’s external genitalia and itching in this area are observed, we are talking about the development of a disease such as vulvovaginitis.

Vulvovaginitis is caused by pathogens such as streptococcus, E. coli, and staphylococcus. To avoid such problems, you need to thoroughly wash children's underwear and iron them with a hot iron on both sides after drying.

This disease is often diagnosed in girls aged 5-7 years. At this age and before the onset of puberty, there are no lactic acid bacteria in the vagina, which serve as a kind of protection against pathogenic microflora. Combined with a weakened immune system, this creates an ideal environment for microbes to multiply. Vulvovaginitis can also be of viral origin. In this case, very severe pain occurs when urinating.

Vulvovaginitis can develop for a number of reasons, including:

- infection in the vagina;

— exposure to chemicals (incorrectly selected soap);

- mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa.

Girls aged 5 years often study the genitals and cases when a foreign body is found in the vagina are not isolated. Infectious contamination can occur due to helminthic infestations, swimming in dirty ponds, as well as sitting on the floor without underwear, wearing tight panties and not changing them often enough.

What to do if a child has yellow discharge and other unpleasant symptoms? To begin with, you should remember that self-medication in such a situation is absolutely unacceptable. The girl needs to be shown to a doctor as quickly as possible, and if a foreign body is suspected of entering the genital tract, this must be done immediately.

Treatment depends on what diagnosis is made. Typically, specialists prescribe antibiotics to suppress pathogenic microflora. Vitamins may also be recommended to strengthen the immune system.

If yellow discharge appears, you should bathe the girl exclusively in clean water with the addition of medicinal herbs such as chamomile and celandine. It is also useful to take sitz baths 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Yellow vaginal discharge is not normal for a 5 year old girl. This sign may indicate the development of vulvovaginitis or bacterial vaginosis. Both of these conditions require proper treatment. The sooner the child gets help, the better.

First aid from mother

Of course, no one likes it when a child gets sick, especially with gynecological ailments at a young age. But if this happens, the mother is the first to come to the rescue.

First of all, it is important to teach your daughter to wash herself properly after using the toilet. This should be done from front to back to prevent germs from entering the vagina. If you show this regularly, by the age of 9 the child will be able to take care of himself.

It is important to buy high-quality underwear for your daughter, which would not adversely affect the development of the reproductive system.

If you are allergic to detergents, be sure to replace them with suitable ones. If there is a large amount of vaginal secretion, it is advisable to wash the child with potassium permanganate or decoctions of calendula or chamomile. If the procedures do not help, then it’s time to see a doctor.

Girls aged 12 are usually able to seek help themselves. Therefore, sensible and attentive mothers will guide the child in the right direction. Careful monitoring of the formation of the reproductive system will protect the girl from serious diseases in adulthood.

The birth of a daughter is always a pleasant and joyful event. The first tooth, the first step, the first cold, the first fall - each of these events will forever remain in the hearts of passionately loving mothers and fathers. Being inexperienced, young parents are wary of any previously unknown changes that occur in their daughter’s body. For example, the presence of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) in a girl is quite normal, provided that it is transparent or whitish and mucous, as during puberty, or bloody, which is observed in the first week after birth. Normally, discharge from the genital tract should not have an unpleasant odor or cause concern to the child.

As a rule, the appearance of yellow vaginal discharge in a girl, regardless of the child’s age, is very frightening for parents who are trying their best to protect their child from various infections and diseases. Finding out the cause of yellow discharge in a girl is possible only with a comprehensive assessment of the child’s health, collecting anamnesis and conducting certain laboratory tests.

Puberty is a possible reason for the appearance of yellow discharge in a girl.

The appearance of yellowish discharge in a girl does not always indicate a pathological process. In some cases, yellowish discharge from the genital tract is observed in teenage girls who have reached puberty. A cause for concern is discharge that has acquired a grayish or greenish color, has become thicker and has the smell of rotten fish. All these signs indicate the presence of vaginosis, which is most typical for girls aged 11-15 years. Bacterial vaginosis is a condition in which the microflora in the vagina is disrupted. In this case, the cause of the disease may be frequent acute respiratory infections, hormonal imbalance in the body, poor nutrition, poor personal hygiene, metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes), etc.

The girl has yellow discharge. Perhaps it is vulvovaginitis.

As a rule, the appearance of traces of yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor on a girl’s panties indicates an inflammatory process. If such discharge is accompanied by redness of the vaginal mucous membranes, itching and pain when urinating, then we are talking about vulvovaginitis - an infectious and inflammatory disease.

Most often, girls under 8 years of age are affected, which is associated with the characteristics of the vaginal microflora in childhood. At a young age, before the onset of puberty, there are no lactic acid bacteria in the microflora of a girl’s vagina, the main function of which is to protect against infection. The absence of lactobacilli in combination with a weakened immune system or a history of allergies are favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Vulvovaginitis with the appearance of yellow discharge in a girl is usually caused by streptococcus, enterococcus, fungal microorganisms, staphylococcus, and E. coli.

The main reasons for the development of vulvovaginitis and the occurrence of yellow discharge in girls:

1. Infection:

  • getting dirt and infection into the vagina (unwashed hands, sitting on the floor without underwear, swimming in a dirty pond);
  • helminthic infestations, namely pinworms that crawl into the vagina (discharge is accompanied by itching in the perineum and around the anus, which intensifies at night).

2. Exposure to chemicals:

  • severe allergic reaction to soap, cream or shampoo used in daily care.

3. Mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa:

  • inflammation in the vagina, as a result of irritation and diaper rash from swaddling;
  • a foreign body stuck in the vagina, which the child accidentally inserted into the vagina (in this case, the discharge acquires a dark yellow tint and a pronounced unpleasant odor).

The girl has yellow vaginal discharge. What to do?

The first thing to do if a girl has yellow discharge is to visit a pediatric gynecologist. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the disease, conduct all the necessary studies and prescribe effective treatment.

Some sources of information posted on the Internet, if a girl has yellow discharge, strongly recommend waiting a week, in the hope that the symptoms of the disease will disappear on their own. Under no circumstances should this be done! At the first signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances! The use of herbal baths or other home remedies does not eliminate the cause of yellow discharge in girls, but only erases the symptoms of the disease, thereby complicating the diagnostic process.

Depending on the suspected cause of yellow discharge in a girl, the pediatric gynecologist prescribes the appropriate research method:

  • if there is a suspicion of the presence of a foreign object in the vagina, a vaginoscopy is performed;
  • To determine the causative agent of a urogenital infection (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.), its sensitivity to a particular antibiotic, a smear and culture of the vaginal microflora are performed.

The girl has yellow discharge. How to treat?

The treatment plan for vulvovaginitis is determined individually after assessing the results of the studies. Symptomatic therapy includes the use of powders and baths to reduce itching and redness. Elimination of pathogenic microorganisms is carried out by prescribing antibiotic therapy, as well as using special suppositories and ointments for sanitizing the vagina. To prevent a recurrence of the inflammatory process, when girls have yellow discharge, drugs are prescribed to strengthen the immune system, namely, complexes of vitamins and minerals. To restore the vaginal microflora, eubiotics are used - preparations containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

The girl has yellow discharge. How often to visit a pediatric gynecologist?

After the necessary treatment has been prescribed, the frequency of visits to the pediatric gynecologist is as follows:

  • on days 3-7 during treatment;
  • on the 30th day after the end of treatment;
  • Once a year to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Remember, timely diagnosis and subsequent treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital tract in girls will help to avoid serious complications, including chronic inflammatory diseases of the appendages - one of the main causes of female infertility.

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