Sleeping positions during pregnancy. Which position is best for mother and baby?

Correct sleeping position during pregnancy

Women in this position are recommended to sleep on their left or right side . Both options are considered the most suitable sleeping positions during pregnancy. According to obstetricians, this position of the body contributes to the correct flow of physiological processes in the womb. In addition, doctors note that the position on the left side is beneficial for the heart of the pregnant woman and the child itself.

However, there is an opinion that an expectant mother should not sleep on her right side. According to doctors, sleeping in this position disrupts blood flow in the pelvis, which complicates the baby's intrauterine nutrition. However, constantly sleeping in one position - on the left side - is uncomfortable. Therefore, in order not to lie down for everything, at night it is recommended to change your position from the left side to the right, and vice versa.

There are times when the baby in the mother’s belly is located not lengthwise, as usual, but across. In this situation, doctors advise sleeping on the side where the child's head lies . If the ultrasound shows that the baby is positioned with the pelvis down, the woman is also advised to frequently change her position while sleeping.

Recommendations for food and fluid before bed

Many expectant mothers neglect the rules of proper nutrition, and in the last weeks of pregnancy they cannot deny themselves cakes, pies and sweets.
Weight is growing before our eyes, volumes are increasing, and at the same time it is becoming harder to breathe and walk. Try to adhere to healthy eating rules. Excessive overeating in the evening puts a strain on the digestive system, disrupts sleep, and accumulates fat deposits.

Don't overeat at night. Heaviness in the abdomen makes breathing difficult. At night you need to go to bed a little hungry, then a sound sleep is guaranteed.

Recommendations for eating before bed:

  1. Don't overeat at night.
  2. Organize your last meal 2 hours before bedtime.
  3. You can't eat sweets and flour.
  4. The chocolate will be deposited in the fat.
  5. Nuts, dried apricots, prunes are too high in calories for an evening snack.
  6. If you feel hungry, you can eat cottage cheese.
  7. Do not eat fatty, salty foods.
  8. Eliminate spices.

During the day, the volume of liquid consumed by a pregnant woman should not exceed 3 glasses.
Before going to bed, it is best to give up liquids. If you drink a large amount of liquid before going to bed, the bladder puts pressure on the uterus, so the frequent urge to urinate will not give you the opportunity to fully rest.

Recommendations for drinking fluids before bed:

  1. Drink green tea 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Do not drink mineral salt water.
  3. The volume of liquid before bed should be no more than ½ glass.
  4. You can drink a glass of kefir.
  5. A glass of milk with half a teaspoon of honey will help you sleep.
  6. If you have insomnia, drink chamomile tea.
  7. Coffee and black tea disrupt sleep.

Take a walk in the park before going to bed, ventilate the room, choose a comfortable sleeping position - all this together will help you have a good rest. Pregnancy doctors recommend organizing a stable daily routine: going to sleep at the same hours every day, falling asleep on your left side and, if necessary, using accessories for pregnant women.

What position to sleep in a few weeks before giving birth

In the later stages, you can sleep in a reclining position , especially if it is difficult to do this in a horizontal position. A large belly can make sleeping at night uncomfortable for a pregnant woman. Therefore, an alternative in this case is to sleep in a chair or on a bed with pillows placed under your back. Thanks to this position, pressure on the internal organs is reduced, which allows the expectant mother to fall asleep faster.

Before going to bed in a semi-recumbent position, you can put another pillow under your knees if you are going to sleep on the bed. If you have to sleep in a chair, it is better to stretch your legs out on a stable surface, such as a chair or ottoman. This way, your legs won’t become numb while you sleep.

Choosing a suitable position for expectant mothers to rest at night

From the first days a woman becomes pregnant, she needs to completely reconsider her lifestyle. The girl gives up bad habits, physical activity, and changes her diet. The changes also concern the favorite positions in which she sleeps. Due to the expanding belly, the usual position becomes physically uncomfortable and dangerous for the baby. To get enough sleep even late in the day, you need to go to bed correctly.

Until the 12th week, you are allowed to sleep as you like; with the onset of the 7th month of pregnancy, the woman is limited to only resting on her side. To prevent your whole body from hurting the next morning, you need to periodically change your position.

Advice! It is recommended to forget about the habit of sleeping on your stomach, even if it is not yet visible, from the first trimester. This will make it easier for you to adjust during the final term.

Dangerous positions

There are dangerous sleeping positions for pregnant women that are completely excluded. Women who continue to follow their habits increase the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies. You should not lie on your back, especially when the fetus begins to quickly gain weight. The expectant mother will sleep restlessly, and the baby will suffer from oxygen starvation.

If you regularly rest lying on your back or stomach, this will lead to the following consequences:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • breech or transverse presentation;
  • increased activity of the baby, entanglement of the umbilical cord;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness, apnea;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • swelling of the legs, arms, face;
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvis;
  • lower back pain.

It is recommended to monitor your condition and position while resting. But this does not mean that a woman should not sleep, so as not to accidentally harm the baby and herself. As long as the fetus is within the symphysis pubis, it is safe from external pressure. Lying on her stomach from the 22nd week becomes impossible, the pregnant woman is uncomfortable, so she independently refuses this position.

Mid-pregnancy restrictions

In early pregnancy, you are allowed to use familiar positions. The middle of gestation is the most favorable and safe period. At this time, the woman does not experience toxicosis and is less emotional. From 18 to 28 weeks, the fewest complaints about restless sleep are received. While your tummy is small, you can rest for a while on your back.

It is important to know! If you have twins or the placenta is attached to the anterior wall, then already in the middle of pregnancy it is recommended to sleep exclusively on your side. Also, be sure to create comfortable conditions for yourself with pillows, blankets, and a comfortable mattress.

Late bans

In the third trimester, a large belly appears, which makes it difficult for a woman to breathe, walk, sit and sleep. To avoid aggravating the condition and harming the developing fetus, follow these rules:

  1. Don't sleep on your stomach, it's dangerous.
  2. Regular sleeping on the back disrupts the normal course of pregnancy; frequent compression of the lower hollow vessel occurs.
  3. Minimize sleeping on your right side, as the enlarged uterus in this position puts pressure on the kidneys. If a woman was diagnosed with cystitis or pyelonephritis before pregnancy, pressure can trigger a relapse of the disease.

Choosing comfortable and safe sleeping positions during pregnancy in the last months is very difficult. A woman will have to sacrifice her comfort for a short time for the sake of the baby.

Advice! Pay attention to the movements; if they increase in any position, the child may be uncomfortable or there is not enough oxygen.

Sleeping on your left side

The best positions recommended for sleeping and daytime rest during pregnancy are lying on your side, as well as resting with a pillow sandwiched between your legs. From the 36th week you need to lie on the left side more often, since the vena cava runs along the right side of the uterus. Regular compression of the vessel leads to poor circulation.

Sleeping on your left side affects pregnancy in the following ways:

  • sufficient oxygen supply to the fetus;
  • reduction of swelling, normal functioning of the kidneys;
  • reducing the load on the heart;
  • sound and healthy sleep;
  • no pain in the lower back and pelvis.

If the ultrasound showed a transverse presentation of the fetus, the gynecologist should warn you about the peculiarities of sleep. You can’t sleep on the side that your baby’s bottom is on. Therefore, if it is on the left side, the pregnant woman needs to lie on her right side.

The best position for a woman expecting a baby

If a woman is uncomfortable sleeping on her side, you can try resting in a semi-sitting position. Pillows should be placed under your back and head. Thus, the vena cava is not compressed, the uterus does not come into contact with the diaphragm, shortness of breath and snoring disappear.

To relieve swelling and fatigue from your legs, you can place a soft cushion under them while you dream. This position helps reduce the load and therefore prevents the development of varicose veins. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. If you suffer from heartburn, it is recommended to lie on your left side more often. If excessive fetal activity occurs, change position.

Other positions allowed during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the choice of sleeping position is limited by physiological characteristics. If the abdomen is large due to the anterior insertion of the placenta or multiple pregnancy, the most correct position is reclining. Until the third trimester, you can tuck your legs towards your chest. To avoid triggering cramps, do not stretch.

If a woman does not get enough sleep in the listed positions and feels tired, it is necessary to pay attention to other reasons for the development of restless sleep. Relax on a comfortable bed; it is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress and special pillows for pregnant women. When preparing for bed, turn off the lights and TV everywhere, and put your phone on silent mode.

You should not constantly monitor your position while resting, and if the position is incorrect, you should unnecessarily worry about the condition of the baby. Following these rules will allow you to completely relax, which contributes to sound, good sleep.

Sleeping positions during pregnancy: useful tips

If you have trouble sleeping due to an awkward posture, follow these tips.

  • Lie on your back a little . In a side position, lean back a little. This will reduce pressure on the side of your body while you sleep. At the same time, to make the pose comfortable, place a pillow or crumpled blanket under your back.
  • Choose the right mattress . Pregnant women should sleep on a soft or medium-hard mattress. So, you will lie less sideways.
  • Place a pillow between your knees . This relieves the lower back during sleep.
  • Sleep in a curl . Sleeping in this position is very relaxing. We warn you that this sleeping position during pregnancy is comfortable only in the 1st trimester. Later it will be uncomfortable to sleep in this position.

Features of sleep in pregnant women

Pregnant women are advised to pay special attention to their health from the moment they become aware of their interesting situation. Throughout the first trimester, a woman quickly gets tired, a craving for daytime rest appears - all this is the result of increased production of progesterone. The hormone helps prevent miscarriages, so its level cannot be reduced and all that remains is to come to terms with the current situation and listen to the demands of the body.

If, due to the peculiarities of the body structure, a belly did not appear in the first 3 months of pregnancy, then there are no restrictions on sleep. The only recommendation from gynecologists is to sleep on your side if you suffer from toxicosis.

In the second trimester, the fetus is already securely attached, so the level of progesterone decreases and is replaced by estrogen. The body goes into a state of increased activity so that the expectant mother has time to make all the preparations for the birth of the child. The stomach is already expanding, so you have to sleep on your side or back. Many people start placing a pillow at the waist for extra support.

The third trimester is the most difficult in matters of sleep and rest - sharply increasing weight leads to swelling of the limbs, frequent urination, and pain in the lumbar region. It is no longer possible to sleep on your back, since the stomach puts a lot of pressure on the lumbar region. This situation is potentially dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the child. You have to lie on your side to find a somewhat comfortable sleeping position and minimize the risks for yourself and your baby.

What sleeping positions are contraindicated for pregnant women?

Pregnant women are prohibited from sleeping on their stomachs after the 12th week . In this case, excessive pressure on the abdomen will harm the baby. Until the 12th week, you can sleep on your stomach, since in the early stages the fetus is still small and protected by the muscles of the uterus.

the blood supply to the placenta will be disrupted due to pressure on the fetus . And this will lead to oxygen starvation and possible developmental defects in the baby.

The opposite position - lying on your back - is allowed only until the 20th week . In the later stages, sleeping on the back can lower or increase the mother's blood pressure.

If twins or triplets , sleeping on your back or stomach is not recommended after the 12th week of pregnancy. Both sleeping positions during pregnancy in these cases are harmful to both mother and babies.

Also, you should not sleep on your back if the baby's head is very low, especially in the third trimester.

How to sleep in the last months of pregnancy

In the third trimester, the tummy becomes large, more often you want to lie down and take a comfortable position. At this stage, heartburn, nasal congestion, and heavy breathing become a frequent companion of pregnant women. You need to lie down on a high pillow so that the upper body is raised.

What positions are prohibited for sleeping?

It is forbidden to fall asleep on your stomach after 27 weeks.
Firstly, this will be an uncomfortable position in the future, due to the rapidly growing belly. Secondly, the pressure on the child is so strong that it can make negative adjustments to his development. When you lie on your back, blood circulation is impaired, as well as excessive stress on the spine. In this position, the intestines begin to work unstably, which can result in constipation. In order not to harm your body and your developing baby, sleeping on your back and stomach is not recommended.

How many hours is best for sleep?

  1. Adjust your rest and wake schedule.
  2. Sleep at night from 22.00 to 7.00 - this is 9 hours of good rest.
  3. Daytime rest should last 2 hours.
  4. Let your body rest as much as possible.

What poses to choose for comfort

The position in which a woman was used to falling asleep before she was pregnant often becomes uncomfortable in her new state.
In an uncomfortable position, cramps and numbness of the limbs may occur. You have to look for a comfortable position. Recommendations on how to choose a comfortable position:

  • Try lying on your left side.
  • Place several small pillows under your knee, lower back, and under your head.
  • Roll over to the other side when you experience pain in the lower back and hips.
  • Place a large pillow under your back so that your upper torso is well above your legs.

How to improve sleep during pregnancy

The duration of sleep during pregnancy should be at least 8 hours . Or better yet, all 10 hours a day. In addition, women on maternity leave are recommended to sleep during the day. This rest regimen allows you to feel good, which means you can better tolerate pregnancy.

First of all, you should avoid stressful situations . After all, worries about or without reason not only spoil the mother’s nerves, but can also disrupt the development of the baby in the womb.

In addition, pregnant women need to reduce heavy physical activity to a minimum . Otherwise, they will have a bad effect on the child’s health.

To help you relax faster, pregnant women can take a bath or shower . Until the 12th week, for relaxation, you can ask your husband to do a light massage. In the second and third trimesters, it is recommended to replace regular massage with a foot or hand massage.

In the first half of pregnancy, you can make love . In later stages, sex is allowed, but it must be done carefully unless there are contraindications from a doctor.

2 hours before bedtime, you should gradually reduce your activity. In the evening, do not discuss heated topics, do not quarrel with loved ones, do not watch emotional films and spend less time on social networks.

If you sleep during the day but have difficulty falling asleep at night, give up your afternoon nap.

In the first trimester, light exercise can be allowed for good sleep. For example, do water aerobics or gymnastics for pregnant women. Alternatively, just go for a walk 2-3 hours before going to bed.

There is no need to overeat before bed and go to bed hungry. A full or empty stomach does not promote proper sleep.

It is better not to drink a lot of liquid at night. During pregnancy, the bladder becomes compressed, causing women to visit the toilet frequently throughout the day. Therefore, in order not to go “small” at night, it is recommended to consume no more than one glass an hour before bedtime .

If the above tips do not help, consult a somnologist.

General rules

A properly organized day and sleep routine allows the expectant mother to gain strength. After all, changes in hormonal levels, increased blood volume and unnatural arrangement of organs require a lot of energy. In order not to feel constant fatigue and look rested, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

1. Sleep should be at least 8-8.5 hours. Of the total amount, you should allocate 1 hour for daytime sleep.

2. It’s better to fall asleep and wake up at the same time.

3. It is necessary to use comfortable sleepwear made from natural hypoallergenic fabrics.

4. Bed linen should also be made from natural materials.

5. For a pregnant woman, it is correct to sleep in a position that does not compress the stomach and large blood vessels. This will prevent the formation of edema and more serious pathologies.

6. For a comfortable sleep, you should purchase a special pillow that will help distribute weight correctly.

7. During sleep, the air humidity in the room should be at least 50%.

8. Light physical activity will help improve your sleep.

9. For good sleep, you should stop drinking caffeine. Contrary to popular belief, it is found not only in coffee, but also in tea.

10. To remove signs of fatigue and lack of sleep, you need to use natural cosmetics.

11. It is advisable to balance your diet. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime and include easily digestible foods. Just before bed, you can drink a glass of milk.

How to get ready for bed during pregnancy

To avoid feeling sleepy in the morning, prepare for bed properly. To do this, follow the following tips.

  • Air out your bedroom before going to bed . Open the window 15 minutes before bed and leave it there until you go to bed. In summer, the window can be opened all night. Fresh cool air blowing from the street will help you fall asleep faster.
  • Sleep lightly. Don't wear tight pajamas before bed. During pregnancy, it is better to sleep in underwear or without clothes at all. If it's cold, cover yourself with a warm duvet and put on socks. In warm weather, sleep under a light blanket, for example, made from holofiber.
  • Don't drink tea or coffee in the evening . These drinks contain caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system and prevents sleep.
  • Follow the "ritual" . Do activities that put you in the mood for sleep. For example, brush your teeth, take a shower, read a book. The brain perceives these activities as a stimulus to sleep and sets the body up for rest.
  • Immediately lie down on your side . Comfortable sleeping positions during pregnancy will help you fall asleep.

Proper sleep during pregnancy

In order for sleep to bring maximum benefits, you need to understand what is happening in the body of the expectant mother and how to properly organize the whole process:

  • A pregnant woman’s body can fully rest and recover in no less than 8.5-9 hours (1 hour of this time can be allocated for daytime sleep);
  • the room should be ventilated, the air temperature should not exceed 20-22 degrees;
  • before going to bed, it is better to avoid heavy, fatty, spicy foods;
  • long daytime walks in the fresh air contribute to good rest;
  • create your own individual relaxing ritual before bed: take a bath, drink warm milk, turn on soothing music, get ready for sleep, etc. - it should include everything that will help you relax and go to sleep easier.

Pillows for sleeping during pregnancy

Special pillows for pregnant women make it easier for the expectant mother to sleep. Pillows must correspond to the anatomical features of a woman, which means they are selected according to shape and size . Pillows are placed under the back, legs, neck or all together.

Products with the following forms are available for pregnant women.

  • A U-shaped pillow is the most comfortable for pregnant women, since one side supports the back, and the other can be hugged and thrown over your leg.
  • G -shaped pillow - similar to the option described above, but has a special pad for the stomach. In addition, you can sleep on it reclining at any stage of pregnancy.
  • A pillow in the shape of the letter “L ” is a variant of the U-shaped pillow, which is usually not placed under the head, but is located between the legs.
  • Pillow in the shape of a cocktail tube . Unlike other variations, this form is small in size. Used as a cushion that is placed under the head or placed between the knees.
  • C-shaped pillow - supports your back during sleep and relieves stress from the lower back.

For a more comfortable sleep, buy several pillows. In this case, place one pillow under your stomach, hug the other with your knees, and place the third under your lower back.

Pregnant women are better off using down pillows or products with holofiber . These materials can be easily washed and dried quickly. In addition, both fillers do not provoke allergies and do not lose their shape over time.

Additional comfort during pregnancy while sleeping: which pillows will help you sleep

Hormonal changes in the body are accompanied by a desire to sleep, but it is impossible to choose a comfortable position. For a pleasant sleep, pregnant women are offered various accessories in the form of bolsters. Maternity pillows have different shapes: U (horseshoe), C (Bagel), G (letter g). Not everyone understands their role, but it will be an excellent assistant when feeding your baby in the future.

This pillow will add comfort during rest and sleep, because it has a comfortable shape, pleasant to the touch, and hypoallergenic. In addition, the pillow evenly distributes the load on the spine.

Have you tried reclining?

Of course, 19–24 weeks is not enough time to even lie down. But if you just can’t lie down, something always bothers you and creates discomfort, try falling asleep reclining.

Place a pillow under your back, try to ensure that the position is truly “reclining” and not “sitting”. If you lie down incorrectly, your body will immediately “report” to you about this.

In the “reclining” position, you will not have difficulty breathing, the diaphragm will not put pressure on the lungs, and the baby will receive its portion of oxygen and nutrients and will not make any claims to you in the middle of the night.

Why is your baby's position important when choosing a sleeping position?

Pregnant women should visit the doctor regularly. Examinations will help maintain health and identify possible pathologies in the early stages. The doctor will give advice on which sleeping position is suitable after identifying the baby's position.

If a transverse or breech presentation is confirmed, it is usually worth sleeping for a while on the side where the baby's head is located. This will help the baby return to its normal position before birth.

It is impossible to independently identify the incorrect position of the fetus - this must be done by a specialist. He will be the one who will recommend the pose. Do not self-medicate; if you experience discomfort during sleep, contact your doctor as soon as possible. If the child's position is incorrect, the doctor explains what physical exercises should be done and how to sleep better.

Useful tips

Insomnia is a common occurrence in pregnant women. It is provoked by physiological changes in the body. The future mother's worries about how the birth will go or the current condition of the baby also affect sleep. How to speed up the process of falling asleep:

  • Doctors advise taking a walk before bed. Even half an hour is enough to ensure complete rest.
  • No need to eat 3 hours before bedtime. Overeating causes heaviness in the stomach and heartburn, which clearly does not contribute to a good night's rest.
  • Calm, relaxing music or aromatic oils and candles will help you get ready for a good rest.

Doctors also advise ventilating the room before going to bed and not getting carried away with watching TV. A book will also help you relax, the main thing is to choose something more boring.

Why is the supine position prohibited?

Often on thematic forums you can come across the question: “At what age can a pregnant woman sleep on her back?” Doctors advise abandoning this position after 26-28 weeks.

Let's figure out what causes the limitation. The fetus grows, the uterus increases in size and puts more and more pressure on neighboring organs. It especially affects the kidneys, bladder, and intestines. The load on the spine increases significantly, so the expectant mother may complain of lower back pain.

When lying on your back, the pressure on the spine and the blood vessels lying between it and the uterus is especially great. Compressing the vena cava is more dangerous than others. It is through this that blood returns from the legs to the heart. Its squeezing and disruption of blood flow for the body is comparable to heavy blood loss.

This condition is dangerous for both the health of the woman and the fetus. This is why a late pregnant woman should not lie down for a long time, much less sleep on her back.

Symptoms of compression of the vena cava:

  • noise in ears;
  • rapid pulse;
  • flickering black dots before the eyes;
  • attacks of suffocation or shortness of breath;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • perspiration;
  • fainting.

If you lie down during the day and experience several of these symptoms, change your position immediately. In a dream, you are unconscious. It will take longer for your body to send you distress signals. Therefore, from an early date, train yourself to sleep on your side. Many women noted that the baby’s activity and intense kicks helped them change a dangerous position in their sleep.

Also, staying in a position on your back for a long time significantly increases the pressure on the bladder.

This causes not only frequent trips to the toilet, but also stagnation of urine. It is dangerous due to the high risk of developing bladder inflammation.

How dangerous is a mother's position on her back for her baby?

We have found out why resting on your back during pregnancy in the third trimester is dangerous for a woman. Let's figure out what this means for the fetus.

In a woman’s body, when the vena cava is compressed, blood flow is disrupted. The flow of blood into the placenta is significantly reduced. Hypoxia develops. The baby begins to experience an acute lack of oxygen and nutrients.

This condition, especially for a long time, is dangerous, as it leads to pathologies of the fetal nervous system and negatively affects brain development.

How the pregnancy progresses will determine from what week the expectant mother should not sleep on her back. The restriction begins from 12-15 weeks in the case of:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • threats of miscarriage;
  • polyhydramnios.

If the fetus's head is too low, doctors recommend stopping resting on the back from the middle of the second trimester (17-20 weeks).

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