How COVID-19 affects your ability to conceive a child

There is still more scientific data on the impact of dangerous microflora on the ability to reproduce offspring in relation to men. Cases of inflammation of the testicles of viral origin have been recorded. SARS-CoV-2 was also detected in male seminal fluid. The ACE 2 protein, which facilitates the penetration of the virus into the human cell, is found in large quantities in the testes.

Among women, the age category 37 plus is most susceptible to the negative effects of microorganisms (according to preliminary information). Factors contributing to damage to the reproductive organs are the severity of the disease and excess body weight. In overweight patients after a severe form of Covid, the risk of a decrease in the supply of eggs increases 5 times, compared with young girls who have had a mild or asymptomatic illness.

There has not yet been an increase in gynecological diseases during the pandemic. Their structure remains stable. In the leading position is inflammation of the pelvic organs (per 100,000 - 3,000 cases). In second place are + menstrual cycle disruptions (per 100,000 – 1,300). There are 225 women with infertility per 100 thousand. These are approximate figures, since many girls take COCs, others do not have a sexual life, and still others do not intend to become mothers in the near future. These categories (in the majority) do not know the state of their own fertility. Surely, many of them have reproductive dysfunction.

Today there is no confirmed evidence that coronavirus can be a clear cause of infertility, but it may be an indirect factor.

Viral orchitis in men and a decrease in ovarian reserve in women after infection increases the risk of infertility. Scientists do not exclude the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 may cause infertility, but there is no evidence for this assumption yet.

Conception on the day of ovulation

To answer the question of how calculating ovulation can help you conceive a boy with a 100 percent guarantee and how realistic this really is, let’s give a little scientific information.

The sex of the child does not depend on the day on which conception occurred, but on the combination of the X and Y chromosomes. The egg carries the X chromosome, and the sperm carries either the X or Y chromosome. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome, the couple will have a daughter, and if with a Y chromosome, a son. Y sperm are smaller and more mobile than X chromosome carriers, but the latter live longer.

How does this relate to ovulation?

If sexual intercourse occurs a few days before ovulation, then the majority of sperm with a Y chromosome “will not survive” to meet the egg, that is, X sperm have a greater chance (the likelihood of having a girl is higher).

If intimacy occurs on the day of ovulation, more mobile carriers of the Y chromosome have a greater chance of fertilizing the egg.

It seems that everything in this theory is simple and clear, but there are pitfalls here too:

  • Ovulation is very difficult to determine accurately. To do this, a woman must have a regular menstrual cycle, which is not so common.
  • During ejaculation, more than 39 million sperm are released. It is impossible to calculate which sperm with which chromosome will fertilize the egg. All the above calculations speak only of theoretical probability, but if the probability of an event is not zero, it can happen. This means that even on the day of ovulation, the egg can be fertilized by a “slower” X-sperm.

Orgasm in a woman during intimacy

One of the most popular tips among people on how to get pregnant with a boy the first time is this: a woman needs to experience an orgasm during intimacy.

This theory has a “scientific” explanation. When a partner experiences an orgasm, an alkaline secretion is released into the vagina, which increases the chances of sperm with a Y chromosome to survive and, as a result, the likelihood of conceiving a boy. It should also be taken into account that during orgasm, the vagina actively contracts, which accelerates the movement of sperm.

In reality, everything is a little different. Thus, alkaline secretions increase the chances of survival for all sperm (with X and Y chromosomes), and spasms in the vagina accelerate the movement of all germ cells.

Selecting the day of conception using tables

On social networks, you can often find tables that provide for choosing the gender of your unborn child by date: to find out how to get pregnant with a boy with a 100 percent probability, you only need to decide on the day of conception.

Chinese tables are based on the month of conception: some months of the year are considered female, others - male. If you dream of a son, then in the male months you should increase the number of sexual intercourse, and in the female months, on the contrary, reduce activity and use protection. In some calendars, another variable is introduced - the age of the mother: for example, a 20-year-old woman will give a boy in February, April - August, October - December. But a 30-year-old woman has only two chances - in January and December.

Japanese tables are based on the month of birth of future parents.

If the first two methods can be explained from a scientific point of view, then in this situation there is simply no explanation.

In addition, Chinese calendars should not be relied upon due to the high mortality rates of newborn girls in China. Most Chinese families want to have a son, but the government limits the number of children per family due to rapid population growth. If calendars really worked, much-desired boys would be born into Chinese families right away.

Planning to conceive a boy using “blood renewal”

The method is very simple and affordable. It is based on knowledge of the biological characteristics of the female and male body, namely on what has been reliably established: a woman’s blood is renewed once every three years, and a man’s - every four years.

It is necessary to calculate who has younger blood and who has older blood, it must be calculated according to the principle: divide the mother’s age by 3, and the father’s age by 4, then compare the remainders of the division, and whose remainder is greater, a baby of that gender and wait. Those. The closer the blood age is to the beginning of the renewal period, the greater the likelihood of conceiving a boy.

Example: a woman turned 24 years old in May, a man turned 32 years old in August. The child was conceived in October. Mom's blood age: 24:4=6, remainder = 0+5 = 5 months. Dad's blood age: 32:3 = 10.2, remainder = 2+2 months = 4. His blood is younger, which means a boy will be born.

+ Formula:

The calculation is quite simple: (Age of the child’s father at the time of conception + age of the mother) * 4 / 3 = ...

If the result is a number with a remainder of 2 or without a remainder, then it is a boy.

And if the remainder is 1, then it’s a girl.

Divide in a column, and not using a calculator.

Calculation example:

(24+21) * 4 / 3 = 60 – this is my boy

(32+29) * 4 / 3 = 81 and 1 remaining is a girl

In reality, changes in the timing of blood renewal are influenced by a large number of external factors, which you simply may not remember. This may involve large blood losses and a trip to a donor center. If you have already given birth to a child or had an abortion, this also affects changes in the periods of blood renewal.


By blood type:

Determining the sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents

Knowing your Rh factor, you can try to determine the sex of your unborn child:

Diet for conceiving a boy

Another pseudoscientific way to conceive a boy with a 100 percent guarantee suggests women follow a special diet. It includes foods that are high in potassium and sodium. These are egg whites, rice, semolina, potatoes, sausages, canned cucumbers, fish, legumes, dates, bananas. In addition, food needs to be well salted. But it is recommended to avoid foods high in magnesium and calcium (dairy products, beans, nuts), as they contribute to the conception of a girl.

When listing the diet products, it becomes obvious that this diet is far from balanced: it can easily lead to high blood pressure. In addition, the principle of food diversity is violated: such a set will definitely not provide the expectant mother with the vitamins and minerals that are needed to maintain her health, conceive a child, and normal fetal development.

There is another diet option that suggests eating as much red meat and salty foods as possible (even chips are not prohibited!). This system should under no circumstances be followed: it will only cause harm to the body and, most likely, will reduce the likelihood of pregnancy.

But taking vitamin and mineral complexes will help increase your chances of conceiving. For example, Pregnoton (you can learn more about the product here) includes folic acid, which promotes successful fertilization and is needed from the first days of conception for the proper development of organs, as well as iodine, vitamins and minerals. The drug normalizes the menstrual cycle and endometrial thickness, and doubles the pregnancy rate.

Special food or diets

Compliance with certain nutritional rules and diet will help you conceive a child of your desired gender. This does not mean that you need to neglect the rules of a healthy diet: it is advisable to limit the consumption of some foods, and, on the contrary, give preference to others. For the sake of this goal, you can push your own food preferences into the background for about a month if you intend to conceive and have a boy.

There is an opinion that to conceive a boy, a woman should eat only male food. This includes meat, smoked meats, lard, eggs, and any dishes high in animal proteins and fats.

  1. Meat and sausages of all varieties.
  2. Try to ensure that the diet of both parents is dominated by foods with an increased content of calcium and sodium ions. The easiest way is not to limit yourself in salt, of course, within reason.
  3. Fresh fruits and juices should be included in the diet every day and there are no restrictions on their choice.
  4. Drinking drinks with a high caffeine content also helps to conceive a boy. Moreover, green tea contains more of this substance than brewed natural coffee. One cup in the morning and one cup at lunch is enough.
  5. Try to limit the consumption of fresh milk and dairy products, and give up cocoa for a while. When purchasing mineral water, make sure that the liquid has a reduced calcium content.
  6. You can eat any meat and fish in any form. You should not give up smoked, salted, dried foods. But, as with everything, moderation is needed. Preparing to conceive a boy does not mean that you need to buy all the goodies and eat only meat and fish, forgetting about the need to diversify your menu. When eating fish, remember that we are not talking about seafood. Crabs, shrimp, and shellfish will have to be excluded from the diet.
  7. As for bread and bakery products, restrictions apply only to products based on yeast dough. Cookies and sweets should also be yeast-free and without the use of dairy products during the preparation process.
  8. Cereals and porridges made from them, pasta and rice dishes can be eaten as usual. For vegetables, give preference to potatoes and green beans.
  9. It will be somewhat more difficult for ice cream lovers - it is advisable to completely abandon it. Products with creams, especially milk ones, are also not recommended.

As you can see, it’s difficult to even call these recommendations a diet - each of you can create a diet taking into account your own preferences and even demand some goodies from your spouse.

What positions should you take to conceive a boy?

People believe that if a couple wants to conceive a son, then they need to practice specific sex positions. For example, “man behind.” This position ensures deep penetration and allows sperm with a Y chromosome to reach the egg faster. Another popular option is standing intimacy. The top positions for conceiving a son also include “horsewoman” and “general”. The reason for such sampling is the same - deep penetration. By the way, special positions are also offered after intimacy. To facilitate the movement of sperm, women are advised to lie on their backs afterward, and not immediately jump out of bed. On the Internet you can even find advice to throw your legs on the wall or stand on your head. It is unlikely that such physical exercises will speed up the process, but you can get injured.

The ancient Greeks suggested a position on the right side for conceiving a boy - accordingly, the left side is suitable for couples dreaming of a daughter.

Other options

Of course, the above five are just the tip of the iceberg. You can find many more ways to increase the likelihood of having a boy:

  • If you really want a son, visualize him in detail. This is how a couple subconsciously sets themselves up to conceive a child of a certain gender.
  • Be less nervous - under stress, you are more likely to conceive a girl. In general, the advice is good; stress harms a child of any gender and negatively affects the possibility of pregnancy.
  • Place a “male” object (gun, axe, model car, nail, knife) under the bed. This method is more like magic.
  • Douche with soda. A soda solution will reduce the acidity level of the vagina and create a more comfortable environment for sperm. You need to douche 20 minutes before sexual intercourse. There is, of course, no time for romance here.
  • Eat foods that resemble the shape of the male sexual organ. Bananas and cucumbers will do.
  • Place your hands on the belly of a woman who is pregnant with a boy.
  • Sit on the chair where the woman sat waiting for her son.
  • When having intimacy, lie with your head facing north.
  • Only have sex at night.
  • Arrange intimacy exclusively on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays.
  • For sexual intercourse, choose only odd days of the month.
  • Plan to have a child only with a man whose blood is younger.

As you can see, this section includes folk methods that are more like superstitions or outright absurdity.

Folk methods))

Among the popular ways to conceive a boy, recommendations should be divided into two large groups. The first will include all kinds of advice on traditional medicine. In the second, we can classify those that are based on observations and supposedly magical effects of certain objects and even rituals.

It should be understood that different nations have their own recommendations and advice on ways to conceive a boy. Here the saying is more appropriate than ever: “what is good for a German is bad for a Russian.” Considering that the overwhelming majority of our readers were born and live in Russia, we have selected several signs that exist among the peoples inhabiting our territories.

  1. To conceive a boy, “male objects” should be placed in the bed before sexual intercourse: a knife, a saw, an ax, a stone.
  2. It is impossible to conceive a boy on the days of the new moon and full moon, even if you take special decoctions. And there are quite a lot of such recipes based on the properties of plants and animals. For example, it is believed that if a woman eats foods shaped like a phallus (cucumbers, bananas, etc.), she is guaranteed to become pregnant with a boy.
  3. If a man planning to become the father of a boy has a gun in the house, it is advised to place it under the bed at the time of conception.
  4. If you work in your team, or among your family friends, there is a woman whose ultrasound showed she is pregnant with a boy, you need to put your hands on her stomach. This should be guaranteed to lead to the same result for other couples. But here, rather, the power of faith is at work, and relationships in the team should be friendly. Not every modern girl will allow someone else's hands to touch her belly during pregnancy.
  5. It is believed that if, after a woman who has given birth to a boy goes on maternity leave, you take her chair, then you will also have a little protector.
  6. The bedroom should be cool, the window should be open, you should lie with your head facing north, you should put some “masculine” attribute under the pillow - a toy gun, a car.
  7. Sex at night, not during the day.
  8. Obligatory female orgasm.
  9. Men should wear boxer shorts to reduce scrotal temperature (helps increase fertility).
  10. Marital debt only on odd days of the month and even days of the menstrual cycle.
  11. The initiator of sexual intercourse must be a man.

The most important advice is that if you want a son, you need to strongly believe, imagine and visualize that you have a boy!

By the way, about science

Scientists say that there are no scientifically proven ways to program the sex of an unborn child during natural conception. This can only be done with IVF - for example, when pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is carried out. However, such planning is prohibited in Russia at the legislative level (Law No. 323-FZ, part 4, article 55). There is only one exception - gender selection is possible only in a situation where there is a risk of the baby inheriting diseases that are associated with gender (for example, hemophilia, color blindness, Lesch-Nychen syndrome, anemia).


Calendars and tables

To conceive a boy, people have been using calendars and tables since ancient times. Let's look at some of the most popular and well-known recommendations.

Planning the baby's gender according to the Chinese calendar

The Chinese calendar is a special table. Its vertical row lists the months from January to December, and the horizontal row indicates the age of the woman who wants to become pregnant with a boy. At the intersection of the lines there are the letter designations M or D. If your age and the month in which you plan to conceive coincide with the letter M, there will be the highest probability that you will be able to conceive a boy. According to statistics, in 90% of cases the Chinese method turns out to be reliable.

Japanese baby gender planning chart

To calculate according to the Japanese calendar, we will need two tables. In the first, vertically, months will be entered to select the one in which the woman was born, and vertically, months will be entered in which you can find the date of birth of the father of the unborn child. At their intersection we can see numbers. We need their values ​​for the second table, where they are indicated in the top row. The vertical column indicates the months. The table is divided by two vertical columns, each of which indicates a certain number of stars. The more of them opposite the values ​​that coincide with our data, the higher the probability of conceiving a boy.

In the first column of the table we find the number that coincides with the month of birth of the man, and in the second - the number that coincides with the month of birth of the woman.

For example: The future father was born in September, and the future mother was born in May. The child was conceived in December. It is necessary to determine the gender of the child being carried.

So, in the first table you need to find the number that stands at the vertical intersection of September and the horizontal intersection of May. The resulting figure is 9.

Next, the number 9 needs to be found horizontally in the top very first row. This column is the one we are looking for, in it we are looking for the month of conception of the child, in our example it is December. In the “boy” column there are the most crosses (look opposite December), therefore, according to the Japanese table designed to determine gender, a boy should be born.

These Japanese tables are best used for planning the gender of the future baby, and not for determining the gender, although no one prohibits this. According to this Japanese calendar, for each pair of parents there is only 1 month (2 maximum) in the year in which the probability of conceiving a child of a certain gender is very high.

Eastern sages are convinced that the results of determining the sex of an unborn child using tables are 90% accurate.

Calculation of conception taking into account the moon cycle

This calculation method appeared in Russia. The method is based on the idea that each woman has her own new moon period, coinciding with her critical days. This “inner moon” is taken into account in the calculations. It must be remembered that sexual relations between spouses were generally not welcomed these days.

The most favorable days were those coinciding with the “lunar road” - from 11 to 17 days of the lunar cycle. It is believed that each of these days is favored by one of the 7 Rozhanitsa. According to this calendar, the most favorable days for conceiving a boy are 11, 14 and 16 after the end of the menstrual cycle. From 21 days until the new period of the “full moon” (the time of the menstrual cycle), sex is considered safe and completely fruitless.

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