Baby development at 7 months: what should a baby be able to do?

What can a 7 month old baby do?

  • The child can sit down independently and sit confidently without assistance for a long time.
  • The active crawling stage has begun. Basically, the child tries to crawl on his belly, since it is still difficult for him to hold his body, leaning on his arms.
  • In the “lying on his stomach” position, he can easily grab objects with one hand and lean on the other at the same time.
  • The child performs turns and flips in different directions independently and very quickly. His physical activity is the beginning of minor bruises, abrasions and other injuries. Parents should not leave the baby unattended even for a few seconds, as his awkward and uncoordinated movements can lead to falling and crying.
  • The baby can drink from a bottle without the help of adults and regulate this process.
  • The sides of the crib provide reliable support for the baby for long periods of standing or squatting.
  • If you hold the baby by the armpits, he confidently rearranges his legs and actively walks.
  • The child is interested in taking toys and various bright objects in his hands and transferring them from one hand to another.
  • The child can knock the toy, toss it, look at it and taste it.
  • The baby is interested in putting small objects into a large container.
  • Formed vision and hearing allow the child to react even to minor, barely audible sounds or flickering lights. This doesn't mean you need to tiptoe around during your baby's nap. A small calm musical or sound background should be present.
  • The number of teeth at this age depends on many factors, but primarily on heredity. Therefore, some children may have no teeth at all at seven months, while others already have several. This should not be a cause for concern for parents. Teeth will erupt throughout the first year.

Teething is an individual process. For some, it passes unnoticed and painlessly, while for others it occurs with vagaries and pain. Before a tooth appears, mothers may notice the following signs:

  • Copious secretion of saliva.
  • Swelling and inflammation of the gums.
  • The child is constantly putting something in his mouth and biting it.
  • The baby behaves restlessly - touches his face, ears, cheeks, lies down on the pillow.
  • Body temperature can stay at around 37 degrees.

Ideas for a baby photo shoot

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During the photo shoot, the child can be awake or asleep. The main task is to capture the best moments for photos. Don't take one photo, it's better to click 5-10 times and choose the best one by viewing them on the computer screen.

You can place the baby on its back or tummy. The most harmonious position of the embryo will be when the arms and legs are pressed to the body. Try the safe and easy “frog” position, when the baby lies on his stomach with his legs tucked under him and his hands under his cheek. The result will be a very touching photo. And don’t forget about safety, be sure to insure and support your baby.

Swaddling a newborn in a cocoon or placing a newborn in a hammock are popular, but these options require a lot of care and experience, so it’s best to leave them to the professionals.

Try to catch interesting moments and capture them: the baby yawns, accidentally smiles, clenches his tiny fist.

An interesting option would be to conduct a thematic photo shoot. Create fantastic scenery around your child. Here are some interesting ideas:

  • Astrologer;
  • Flying in a dream;
  • Little Princess;
  • Favorite hobby;
  • Flower Child;
  • Little beast;
  • Gnome;
  • Athlete;
  • Bibliophile;
  • Surprise in a suitcase.

Mental development of a baby at 7 months

  • The child babbles, points his finger at a toy, animal or bright object, and understands the meaning of some words.
  • The baby reacts when his name is called.
  • The child is very attached to the adult with whom he spends most of the day. Often parting with this person, even for a short time, causes anxiety, fear and even tears in the child. The baby knows by sight those people who are often in the house, play and talk with him
  • The baby understands well the tone and intonation of the voice, reacts differently to gentle and stern voices, and can understand the mother’s mood and her feelings towards him by gestures and facial expressions.
  • The child shows emotions in the form of hugs or, conversely, pushing the adult away from himself.
  • Speech skills are further developed. The sounds pronounced become more complex, but meaningful. The baby turns towards the named object (for example, “Where is dad?” or “Where is the woman?”) and tries to repeat some syllables.
  • A child can find a toy hidden under a blanket before his eyes. He understands where the object is.
  • The baby is ready to make contact with almost everyone who shows him tenderness and attention.
  • At this stage, the child may use his left hand more than his right. This does not mean that the child is left-handed. It’s just that at the age of seven months, children’s right hemisphere develops more intensively. This phenomenon is inconsistent and it is too early to draw any conclusions.
  • Children at this age react negatively to new, unfamiliar, sharp sounds. You should not turn on a vacuum cleaner, fan, blender or hair dryer near your baby - this can scare your baby.


Image from website:

It is always better to prepare for a photo shoot in advance, and if it is photographing a newborn child, then it is worth considering many nuances. Take safety first. Any position of the baby should first of all be comfortable for him, so as not to injure his fragile body in any way. Always insure the baby, hold him, hiding his hands under the blanket. The main thing is the safety of the newborn, and the hands of the parents caught in the frame can be easily removed from the photo using subsequent processing.

Avoid using flash. After all, bright light can not only frighten the baby, but can also negatively affect his vision. It is best to use natural diffused light coming from a window. Just open the curtains and let the natural light do its thing.

Remember hygiene. Everything that comes into contact with the baby's skin must be clean so as not to harm it. Therefore, take care of skin antiseptics for your hands, the photographer’s hands. Clothing and props should also be thoroughly washed and washed before being used in a photo shoot.

Since your baby will most likely spend most of the time during the shoot without clothes, create a room temperature that is favorable and comfortable for him. The optimal temperature will be a few degrees higher than the temperature at which he is usually in clothes (23-26°C).

Image from:

A worthy and logical continuation of a children's photo shoot would be the creation of a photo book. Photos will not be lost on electronic media among the family archive, but will be able to become part of a modern, high-quality photo album, which is pleasant to pick up and look through among your loved ones. Read on for tips on creating a photo book.

Baby development test 7 months

  • The child must be able to independently roll over from the “lying on his back” position to any other position, be able to sit with a straight back, reach and take a toy.
  • Have your child sit on your lap while sitting at the table. Observe how the baby behaves. Most likely, he will start knocking on the table and tightly grasping its edge, reaching for objects on the table and moving them from place to place.
  • Do not intentionally pay attention to the child, look at his reaction. The baby will cry and attract attention; it is important for him to see your gaze.
  • Strangers should arouse curiosity and interest in the child.
  • Try to cover the face of the baby lying in the crib with a light cloth; he will definitely try to remove it.
  • Give your child a toy at the moment when he already holds an object in each hand. See how he does. Most likely, he will let go of one of the items and take the one that is offered to him.

Please note if:

  • The child does not show the desire to sit and turn into different positions.
  • While at the table, the baby does not knock on it with a toy or hand.
  • There is no expression of emotion, no reaction to sudden or loud sounds.
  • The child does not put toys into his mouth or he simply cannot do it.
  • He has difficulty staying upright.
  • The baby does not react to the movement of objects and people and does not make any babbling sounds.

Photo session mom and baby

Image from the site:
The most harmonious are the shots where the baby is in the arms of his parents. Mom's hugs are filled with boundless love and tenderness. And daddy’s strong hands emphasize the fragility and defenselessness of the tiny person.

It is not at all necessary for your mother to dress up or do her hair for such a photo shoot. On the contrary, a natural casual style of clothing is encouraged here (for example, jeans and a pastel-colored T-shirt or dress made from natural materials), light makeup, clean, loose hair, or in a simple hairstyle. Every woman who has recently become a mother is beautiful, she seems to glow from within. And this positive charge is certainly the best decoration in the photo.

If there are older children in the family, then it is worth involving them in the photo shoot process. You can choose clothes for them in the same style (for example, T-shirts and bodysuits in the same colors or with the same prints).

Baby's nutrition at 7 months

A child of this age should be able to drink from a cup and eat from a spoon. One feeding of breast milk should be replaced with pureed vegetables or viscous porridge. Porridges (rice, buckwheat or corn) intended for baby food already contain butter and milk. They must be cooked strictly following the instructions on the package. You need to gradually add vegetable oil to the vegetable puree, one drop at a time.

The next complementary food should be fruit puree. You need to start with only one fruit, gradually accustoming to others. Babies can be given apples, pears, peaches and plums. The vegetable diet should also be gradually expanded. You can alternately give mashed potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, and cauliflower. Both vegetable and fruit purees, as well as porridge, in the first one and a half to two months should consist of only one component. At the end of the seventh month, try giving your baby an egg yolk and introduce it into the diet twice a week. During teething, you can give your baby baby biscuits.

Approximate diet for breastfeeding

  • 7.00 – breast milk (200 ml)
  • 11.00 – milk porridge with butter (150 g), fruit puree (about 50 g) and compote or juice (30 ml).
  • 15.00 – vegetable puree with vegetable oil and half an egg yolk (150 g), cookies or crackers, compote or milk (30 ml).
  • 19.00 – breast milk (200 ml)
  • 22.00 – breast milk (200 ml).
  • If you start complementary feeding early (from four months), you can introduce chicken, rabbit or veal meat into the diet at this stage. The meat should be ground to a thick puree and given to the baby along with vegetable puree.

Approximate diet for artificial feeding

  • 7.00 – milk mixture (200 ml)
  • 11.00 – one-ingredient porridge with butter (150 g), fruit puree (about 50 g), compote or water (30 ml).
  • 15.00 – vegetable puree with vegetable oil (150 g), meat puree (about 30 g), egg yolk (1/2 part), compote or juice (about 30 ml).
  • 19.00 – milk mixture with cookies or crackers (200 ml).
  • 22.00 – milk mixture (200 ml).

How to photograph babies depending on age

A newborn photo session should always be tailored to the specific child’s age and gender. Taking into account external circumstances, it is necessary to select not only paraphernalia, but also the clothes of the small model.

Initial conditions (child's age)Important Tips
In the maternity hospital (first 3 days of life)Regardless of the gender of the newborn, photographers suggest taking one of the photos in the maternity hospital with a frame in the center of which is the baby’s legs or a hand tightly gripping the mother’s finger. For all other photographs, parents should prepare in advance a thin cotton set for the baby (vest and rompers), as well as a cap or a beautiful headband (for girls). Given the strict rules of maternity hospitals, the only accessory for this type of filming may be a pacifier or bottle. The interior is usually a crib in which mothers bring their baby, or a changing table. If it is objectively difficult to take beautiful shots in the ward (for example, there is an old renovation or there are other women in labor constantly nearby), the newborn is photographed in the mother’s arms against any background, and during further processing the clarity of the background is reduced as much as possible, using special programs they create the necessary background or If there is only a child in the frame, paint everything except him and the mother’s hands in pastel or black.
Also beautiful will be memorable shots from the discharge, which will capture the first reaction of a young father who saw his child wrapped in a snow-white envelope with a bow of the appropriate color (it is not necessary to tie a boy with a blue bow, and a girl with a pink one. The range of modern stores for children allows parents to choose the color of the accessory desired shade. For example, for a baby you can choose a purple or green bow, and for a baby - red or yellow). Parents can stand in front of bouquets of flowers and a large number of balloons.

1 WeekPhoto sessions with a baby aged 1 week are usually carried out at home. Staying in a photo studio with a newborn for at least 2-3 hours (the average duration of a New Bourne style shoot) is difficult not only for the baby himself, but also for the young mother who has not yet recovered from childbirth. Depending on preferences, newly born boys and girls are photographed wearing clothes related to the subject of the shoot (for example, a tutu skirt for a girl or a bow tie for a boy) or naked. Baskets are usually used as accessories; textile printed cocoons; soft toys (placed in the baby’s hands or placed nearby) and a fluffy blanket on which the small model is placed or wrapped in it, leaving only the upper limbs free. The interior in this case will be important only if you plan to take pictures of the newborn in the parents’ arms (it is recommended to stand near a plain light-colored wall, since it is easy to make a background of a uniform texture from it). In all other cases, the child, even if he is in one of the attributes (wrapped in a blanket or lying in a basket), is placed on a piece of cloth, one side of which is attached to the wall, thus forming an angle. This allows you to create natural lighting, place emphasis on a small model and minimize the subsequent artificial alignment of the background by a specialist in the finished photographs.
After 1 weekInfants older than 1 week are usually photographed outside the home. In photo studios specially equipped for filming “New Born”, a comfortable temperature for a newborn is maintained (24-26 degrees Celsius), humidity level (60-70%), and all paraphernalia and equipment are processed by studio staff, and each such “disinfection” is recorded in a special journal with the appropriate mark. Girls for a photo shoot are usually dressed in skirts, dresses, and headbands with flowers, crowns and fluffy bows are attached to their heads. Boys’ “work” wardrobe for filming usually includes bow ties, ties (should not be worn over the head), as well as headbands with plush rabbit ears, teddy bears or wreaths imitating the interweaving of real leaves and grass. Accessories for such photo sessions are most often large-sized textile leaves (used as a blanket for a small model), a semicircular plaster structure resembling a cross-sectional cast of the mother’s belly (the child is placed inside), a large piece of fabric in the color of the child’s clothes (the baby is wrapped in textiles) , creating from its remains a train around a small model) or a tag, which in the maternity hospital is attached to the arms and legs of the baby. The interior for filming is usually standard for all photo studios of this type: a special photo backdrop (at least 1.5 by 2 m in size) in pastel colors and a fluffy blanket or light fabric attached to the floor.

Developmental activities and exercises

  1. Draw the child’s attention to the objects that surround him, talk about them, say words and names out loud several times. Show your baby bright, large pictures of objects, read nursery rhymes and fairy tales aloud. Give your child the opportunity to learn how to turn the pages of a children's book.
  2. Help your baby develop fine motor skills. The child’s memory, attention and, most importantly, speech directly depend on its development.
  3. Teach your child to carry out some actions and your requests independently. For example, throw a ball, lift a car, give a cube. For every correctly performed action, do not forget to praise your child.
  4. Play games with your baby that involve clapping your hands, waving your arms, and pointing at something.
  5. Create situations in which your baby can communicate with or observe other children.
  6. Play games with your child to develop fine motor skills, attention, and memory. Any games that involve your baby's fingers are useful.
  7. Try to protect your child from fears and worries. They can be caused by strangers, new sounds, or lack of attention. Take the baby in your arms more often, show that he is under your protection, he is safe. Introduce him to new people by holding him in your arms.
  8. Crawling is an important stage in a child’s development, which will allow continued physical development, broaden his horizons and provide the opportunity to study surrounding objects. Help your baby learn to crawl, create the necessary conditions for this. The child should have a lot of free space and attention-grabbing toys and various objects. It is equally important what clothes the child is wearing. Nothing should hinder his movements. The manner of crawling at the initial stage is different for all children, but over time the baby will understand that the cross-crawling technique is the most convenient. Everything will come in time.

Try not to stop there. The child is ready for everything new and interesting; he really needs communication and attention. Don't underestimate your little one.

Props for a newborn photo shoot

Typically, photographs of babies are taken on a bed or on a special ottoman, which is covered with a blanket or textured draped fabric. Some photographers use wicker baskets as a crib, or place the baby in a small hammock. Don't limit yourself to standard options, try using any household items as a bed that can accommodate a newborn. Roll up a soft scarf into a cozy nest. Create a crib out of a box or wooden crate and line it with a soft blanket or faux fur. Even a hat can play the role of decoration.

As a background, try to choose soft fabrics, giving preference to pastel shades. Try to match the background with the clothing you choose.

Thematic decorations will help complement the picture. It can be:

  • autumn leaves and pumpkin fruits,
  • flowers,
  • fruits,
  • Christmas decorations,
  • paper garlands,
  • air balloons.

Don't forget to prepare a plush toy for shooting. Photos of children with soft bears or bunnies always turn out full of tenderness. The baby is still so small that the toy will look huge against his background. In the future, it will be fun to look at these cute first photos when the child becomes older and outgrows his plush friend.

Congratulations to parents on their 10th month daughter

Congratulations on your 10th birthday will please and support parents in their everyday worries. A beautiful, non-standard congratulation will fill the soul with harmony and family comfort. Sincere, touching words will open hearts towards light and goodness. Wise, encouraging phrases will become an incentive to active action and energetic decisions.

You are ten months old, dear little one, your eyes glow with happiness, shine brightly.

I wish you the best health, May the coming years only bring you joy!


The little one is ten months old today, Let them sound cheerful laughter, Jokes, songs, jokes.

Let the bunny grow up healthy, Let mom and dad be happy, Let life be rich for wonderful discoveries.


You are ten today... Only ten months so far! You look at the world with interest, sometimes with a little apprehension.

We wish you to develop, cry and scream less, but smile more often and call your mother “mom”.

And, of course, eat a lot, so that in a month or two you can boldly stomp along the road, holding on to mommy with your hand!


Ten months, ten months Moms and dads are spinning in their heads... Congratulations on a joyful event, Very reverent, very sweet!


I congratulate you at 10 months, After all, you are just a stone's throw away from turning one year old. I wish you vigor, health and goodness, of course, do not lose heart.

Slowly let him grow up, Let everything go well all around. Let learning be easy, Let everything glow with warmth.


Ten months to you, Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Smile kindly to everyone, Grow up, but don’t rush!

There will be new friends and a whole cart of toys. Happy birthday to you, have fun, don't be foolish!


All diapers, diapers Are not scary for us at this hour, The child is ten months old, Joyful ecstasy in the soul.

The house is filled with happiness, joy, fun, Kindness is filled, The moment of inspiration is sweet, And warmth lurks in it.

Let there be a lot of health, The child grows in tenderness, The road goes smoothly, It goes around dashingly in life.


10 months of smiles, unbridled fun, Happy birthday, and today our goal will be to wish you health, to grow, laugh, Live in love, care, affection, rejoice, develop, May the world around you be kind to you, welcoming, Future - will be bright, gentle, affectionate and bright, Learn more new things, make mom and dad happy more often, May your days be more amazing and sweeter!

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