What should an 8 month old baby (boy) be able to do?

The pregnancy has long passed 30 weeks. There is very little left. It seems that only recently you joyfully told your loved ones about your pregnancy. And now the time for childbirth is approaching. On the one hand, the previous seven months of pregnancy flew by very quickly, on the other hand, you have come a long way. You have become familiar with your new appearance, your new figure, your belly has become rounder, your gait has become “duck-like”, but so cute! During this period of pregnancy, the bones of the small pelvis soften, this happens so that the fetal head can pass through the pelvic ring with the least effort. By the 36th week of pregnancy, the uterus reaches its highest point - it rises right under the chest, it is quite large and puts pressure on the bladder. This is the reason why you visit the toilet so often. Colostrum is now beginning to be released from the breast in small quantities, preparing the breast for the imminent birth of the baby.

How is mom feeling?

You are entering the penultimate month of pregnancy. Perhaps you have already taken maternity leave and are in full swing preparing for the long-awaited meeting with your child: buying things, choosing a crib, stocking up on diapers and giving instructions on converting a former office into a bedroom for a baby or toddler. These are pleasant chores, and they also help distract you from the unusual sensations and changes in your body that continue to appear. Let's find out what new mom experiences this month of pregnancy.

  • Starting from about the 34th week, the fetus's physical activity will be more focused on flips and somersaults (if it has not yet completely assumed a head-down position) than on sudden movements of the limbs. Soon there will be no room left for such activities.
  • Amniotic fluid reaches its maximum volume. From about the 37th week, when the fetus is considered viable (fully formed and ready for life outside the uterus), the volume of amniotic fluid will begin to decrease, the baby will be able to occupy all the space inside the uterus and its activity will gradually decrease.

Some symptoms, such as feeling tired and dizzy, increase this month, while others may appear for the first time, such as pain in the symphysis pubis.

Behavior during childbirth

If, despite all precautions, labor begins in the 8th month, there is no need to panic, but you should immediately call an ambulance. It is recommended to lie on your side, taking a sedative (motherwort or valerian), as well as 2-3 tablets of No-shpa.

As soon as a pregnant woman with a threat enters the prenatal center, it is determined at what stage the process is. If symptoms indicate that it is no longer possible to stop labor, the woman is sent to the delivery room.

A pregnant woman is given a drip with medicinal solutions to normalize blood circulation in the placenta. If necessary, tablets are also given. Dexamethasone is indicated to calm the baby's pulmonary system.

Obstetricians act quickly, since premature birth occurs more quickly than planned due to the smaller size of the fetus. The expectant mother should help the medical staff with her behavior. If a woman panics too much, the uterus will become toned and complicate childbirth.

The midwife will try to ensure that the baby is born alive and naturally. A prerequisite is a dissection of the perineum in order to reduce the degree of pressure on the bones of the newborn baby. Caesarean section is considered the most extreme method when the life of mother and child is at risk.

How to deal with insomnia and feeling tired

There are many reasons for insomnia during pregnancy: hormonal changes, uncomfortable posture, discomfort due to a large belly, leg cramps, activity of the baby, and strange dreams.

Like many other phenomena, insomnia is a frequent companion to pregnancy: it occurs in almost 80% of expectant mothers.

How to overcome insomnia? Follow simple rules that will help you normalize your sleep.

  • Find a comfortable sleeping position. Doctors recommend sleeping on your left side (this is better for blood circulation). Pillows and a hard mattress will help you get comfortable.
  • Get ready for bed by taking a warm bath.
  • Change the decor in the bedroom - perhaps it is not conducive to sleep enough: bright colors of the interior, light and noise from the street.
  • Ventilate the room more often, turn down the heating.
  • Try aromatherapy. Scents such as lavender, lemon balm, geranium, chamomile are good for calming the nervous system.
  • Use relaxation techniques, meditate, listen to calm, soothing music before bed.
  • Be physically active during the day, play sports, do gymnastics for pregnant women.
  • If you have the opportunity to take a short nap during the day, don't miss it. But remember that long naps during the day will only make the problem worse.
  • If you've tried everything and can't sleep, get up. Read your favorite book, drink a glass of warm milk, eat a cracker.

Reminding yourself that pregnancy does not last forever, that most other women are going through the same condition and experiencing the same emotions, will give you strength and patience.

Fetal development in the last months of pregnancy

In the last months of its intrauterine life, the child is busy preparing for childbirth. He is already almost completely formed, can regulate the temperature of his body, hears sounds and voices coming to him “from outside”, distinguishes between light and darkness. Fetal movements intensify towards the eighth month of pregnancy. Sometimes, by kicking, he may even keep you awake. At the beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby is already less active. But this is only because he is already cramped in his “house”, there is simply nowhere to turn around. During this period of pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat can be easily heard, just lean your ear to your stomach. Now he is beginning to distinguish between the voices of mom and dad, so you can already talk “with your tummy”; it will be easier to establish contact after his birth. The appearance of the baby is almost indistinguishable from the appearance of a newborn. His height is already approaching 50 cm, and sometimes it already outgrows these limits. The weight has now reached three or more kilograms, and small nails have appeared on the toes and hands. In general, the baby is diligently preparing to come into the world. During this period of pregnancy, the mother herself can assess the condition of her child; she just has to listen to how the baby moves. Now the fetus has its own daily routine, rest and activity patterns. But, if the baby suddenly becomes too active, or, conversely, you stop hearing and feeling him, this may indicate that the fetus may be starved of oxygen, or this may be a signal of premature birth. During this period of pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat can be heard not only by the doctor using special devices, but also by the baby’s father if he leans his ear against the pregnant woman’s belly. The heart of a fetus beats twice as fast as that of an adult and can reach 120-140 beats per minute. Now you need to completely rely on your own feelings and focus on your condition, you don’t need to give in to fears, you need to believe that everything will be fine. But this does not mean that you should forget about visiting the doctor. In the last months of pregnancy, it is necessary to do a control ultrasound.

How to reduce pain in the symphysis pubis

If you successfully managed without this in the previous month, then now you have an increased chance of encountering some new sensations in the lower pelvis, in the groin area: tingling, nagging pain, numbness and lumbago that appear or intensify when changing positions and while walking.

  • This is not a pathology, but a normal phenomenon for the last weeks of pregnancy: under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis softens, and the pubic bones begin to diverge slightly - the body is preparing for childbirth. Be patient. To sleep, find a comfortable position, avoid sudden changes in positions, wear a bandage.
  • If the pain is severe and sometimes you even find it difficult to walk, talk to your doctor - for such cases, standard recommendations have been developed that help many pregnant women.

After childbirth, the cartilage in the joints will gradually become denser, the ligaments will become less elastic, and the problems will go away.

Neuropsychomotor development of an eight-month-old child

The motor skills and mental development of a child at 8 months continue to develop and undergo changes. Every day the baby understands adult speech better and better. He is already able to fulfill simple requests, which indicates the correct and comprehensive development of the child. The attachment to mom becomes even stronger than in previous months. The baby endures separations with tears, but when his mother is nearby, he is calm. Some children at this age are quicker to make contact with a stranger if he plays with the child in every possible way and shows friendliness towards him.

What the baby has learned by 8 months:

  • The child learns new objects not only by picking them up and touching them, but at the age of eight months he becomes interested in touching the material, stroking it with his palm or fingers;
  • asks to be held and reaches out to everything that is beyond his reach - closet doors, shelves, windows. When approaching an object, he examines everything with interest, tries to open what is closed, touches everything with his hands;
  • understands if something is forbidden to him, becomes wary and offended by the strict tone;
  • can independently occupy himself with a game for 10-15 minutes, and if he had to take a break, then after a short break he can return to the unfinished activity;
  • the child already experiences feelings of joy and failure; if he cannot achieve something, he becomes upset. From this age, parents need to devote time to supporting the baby, praising him and rejoicing with him in his first successes;
  • The first attempts at manipulation to achieve the desired can begin as early as 8-9 months. Here it is important to carefully but persistently set boundaries - what is possible and what is not;
  • shows interest in other children, strives to establish emotional contact with them: smiles, responds to conversation with a roar, tries to touch or, conversely, is shy and hides behind his mother.
SpeechThe child pays a lot of attention to speech and tries to imitate speech by babbling. He “tells” the story in a singsong voice for a long time and with pleasure, giving the syllables different intonations. Recognizable sound combinations “ma”, “pa”, “ba” appear.
HearingHearing a noise, the child listens and turns his head in its direction. The baby reacts negatively to unpleasant, too loud sounds - scared, crying. Understands simple spoken requests (“give”, “on”, “where?”), also knows the meaning of the words “impossible”, “no”.
VisionThe baby monitors all objects in his field of action. The coordination of movements of the eyeballs is well formed, the child does not squint. Pays attention to unfamiliar objects, is interested in them, and often shows surprise.
EmotionsFrom an adult, a child demands not only attention and affection, but also help in handling objects and toys. For example, a baby throws a toy on the floor and waits for his mother to pick it up, while laughing joyfully. The baby is constantly busy with something, and in his games he attracts an adult to joint activities.
Motor skillsThe baby is able to sit steadily and sit down independently from any position. Gets on all fours and crawls. Actively tries to stand on his feet, holding onto support. Having dropped an object, he can bend down and pick it up, adhering to the support.
A gameRolls the car, throws toys out of the crib or playpen and watches them, disassembles the pyramid. The child’s mental development is growing, he persistently and purposefully pushes away objects, and loves to play with a tumbler. Can stack small objects into large ones. He sorts through soft, rustling books with interest and plays on an educational rug.

How to deal with dizziness

When you have time to lie down and rest, try not to lie on your back, as the blood supply to the uterus is impeded in this position. You may have even noticed that you may feel a little dizzy in this position.

1. This may be due to the fact that the heavy uterus is pressing on the inferior vena cava (located in the abdominal cavity). Thus, there is less blood returning back to the heart, and from it to the brain and other organs, blood pressure drops slightly, and the head begins to feel slightly dizzy. Therefore, it is better to lie on your left side.

1.1. The same position is preferable for sleeping. Pillows between the knees, under the stomach and behind the back will create even more comfort.

2. Other causes of dizziness may include:

2.1. drop in blood sugar levels - due to changes in metabolism;

2.2. low hemoglobin;

2.3. phlebeurysm.

3. The head may begin to feel dizzy in the early stages, mainly due to the weakening and dilation of blood vessels under the influence of pregnancy hormones.

3.1. This is a necessary condition for ensuring normal blood supply to the fetus.

3.2. But this also lowers blood pressure and slows down the flow of blood back into the mother’s body, including its flow to the brain.

As we can see, dizziness is a physiologically normal condition for pregnancy. However, in the later stages, sudden attacks are unsafe for the expectant mother, as they threaten loss of balance and falls. Therefore, you need to treat them carefully and observe the following precautions:

  • do not change your position suddenly, especially do not get up from a sitting or lying position;
  • avoid standing for long periods of time;
  • move if you have to spend part of the day on your feet;
  • do not take hot baths or showers;
  • avoid stuffy rooms;
  • wear loose clothing that does not impede blood circulation;
  • eat more foods containing iron (liver, peas, beans, lentils, nuts, buckwheat, spinach).

If your head is already dizzy, you need to do the following:

  • lie down or sit down, lower your head down;
  • breathe deeply;
  • Unfasten buttons, zippers, and release any pressure from tight clothing;
  • stay close to a source of fresh air.

Baby skills at 8 months: what we can do

An eight-month-old baby is unusually active. By this age, the baby is already sitting quite confidently and can move from one place to another on his own. He actively tries to get up, holding on to something strong. Having gotten used to the vertical position and pushing off from the support, the child will try to maintain his vertical position for a few seconds without it.

What a child can do by the age of 8 months:

  • from a lying position, the baby can sit down on his own, leaning on his hands, and can also lie back from a sitting position;
  • the child turns over in all directions without difficulty, of his own free will;
  • holding on to the side of the crib, he can move along it in small steps. And if you take the baby by the hand, the baby will try to step forward, but only for a few seconds - his muscles are not yet ready for full walking;
  • the baby waves goodbye with his hand “bye-bye”, claps his hands, playing “okay”;
  • at eight months the baby crawls actively and quickly, can move with a small toy/object held in the palm of his hand;
  • The baby holds small objects with two fingers;
  • performs simple actions with toys - rolls a ball, knocks cubes against each other, puts small parts in a sorter, etc.;
  • points at himself in the mirror; some children at this age recognize themselves in photographs;
  • points with a hand (finger) towards an object called an adult (“where is the doll?”, “Show me where the car is”);
  • tries to drink from a cup on his own. Eats small pieces of food (cheese, cottage cheese, cookies). Trying to “feed” his mother;
  • when placed on the potty, he sits with interest and does not resist;
  • recognizes loved ones from his environment (mom, dad) among other adults.

And now a short video review of what a baby can do at 8 months:

How to normalize your heartbeat

Sometimes you may notice that your heart beats faster and faster than usual, or that your heartbeat becomes irregular. Don’t worry, this is not a symptom of some kind of “problem” in your body, but only a consequence of increased blood flow, and its peak occurs precisely in this month - approximately at the 32nd week.

Hormones, especially progesterone, stress and anxiety associated with pregnancy and impending childbirth also play a role in this condition. With the normalization of the volume of blood circulating in your body, these phenomena disappear after childbirth.

Analyzes and examinations

At this stage of pregnancy, you will have to visit the doctor twice for routine examinations and take two urine tests before them. When visiting a doctor, weight and abdominal circumference are measured, the fetal heartbeat is listened to, and the presence of edema is checked. A urine test examines the amount of protein, glucose, leukocytes, and microbes. At the same time, a third planned screening ultrasound is performed. It checks the condition of the fetus - its weight and height, the condition of internal organs and the absence of malformations, and also clarifies the condition of the placenta, uterus and cervix, clarifies the term of the prenatal period and many nuances necessary for childbirth. Also, according to indications, Doppler ultrasound of the fetus and placenta, as well as CTG of the fetus, can be prescribed to determine the condition of the uterus and blood circulation of the fetus, oxygen sufficiency.

What else can be observed in the 8th month

Now the symptoms of pregnancy from the previous month persist:

  • digestive disorders (heartburn, constipation);
  • bleeding gums;
  • frequent trips to the toilet;
  • varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
  • mild urinary incontinence;
  • discharge from the mammary glands and vagina;
  • pain in the back and lower abdomen;
  • increased Braxton Hicks contractions;
  • swelling;
  • headaches and lumbago in the legs;
  • pressure of the uterus on the ribs and diaphragm, shortness of breath.

Sensations and problems of the expectant mother (use the word movements, pulling in the lower abdomen, abdominal pain)

At this stage, the woman is already starting to get tired of her position and her belly, which has literally become huge. It makes it difficult to put on clothes and shoes, makes it difficult to walk and uncomfortable to sleep with. But now the time has come to fully devote your time to the future baby, especially since at this time most women are already on maternity leave. Now the feeling of life in your stomach is changing your outlook and attitude towards life, problems of career, work and everyday trifles fade into the background, everything is aimed at carrying the baby to term and the imminent birth. This is the work of the dominant pregnancy in the brain - it adjusts the woman’s physical body and psyche so that she can carry the pregnancy to term in maximum comfort and convenience and safely give birth to a new person. Hence the tears of tenderness, mood changes, and the special sensitivity of expectant mothers. This is normal, and you shouldn’t completely close yourself off from outside life and plunge headlong into motherhood - lead your usual life and enjoy your position. If this does not cause you inconvenience or poor health, there is practically no need to change your life - you can go for walks, travel (only nearby and strictly with an exchange card in your hands), buy things as a dowry and attend courses for expectant mothers and fathers. The most important thing for you now is your peace of mind and your confidence that everything is fine and there are no problems during pregnancy and your baby’s health. Protect yourself from stress and negative emotions, they can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, and even to the development of premature birth.

The abdomen in this period reaches almost its maximum size, the height of the fundus of the uterus reaches its maximum by the 36th week. After 35 weeks, the uterus can literally push against your ribs, which leads to difficulty breathing. The child weighs almost a kilogram and he needs a place to stay, so the internal organs will be squeezed due to the growth of the uterus. The abdomen can create quite a few problems with sleeping position, walking and everyday issues, but the most important sensations from it are the movements of the fetus. Now it should make itself felt at least 10 times in 12 hours, and it is better that you feel fetal movements every 15-20 minutes. The baby may almost freeze for several hours, stretching slightly in his sleep, or he may actively push and move. You should be concerned if the child is overly active and his movements are sharply painful, or if he is very lethargic and can barely be felt by you. This may indicate intrauterine suffering or hypoxia; it is worth changing position, taking a walk or stretching. If this continues for a long time, you should inform your doctor about this and undergo additional examination. For greater comfort, it is recommended to sleep on the left side - this is the most optimal position for the fetus and blood circulation of the placenta and uterus, and quite comfortable for the mother.

If you are bothered by abdominal pain, especially constant or cramping pain, periodically pulling in the lower abdomen, you should not think that this is normal, especially in combination with uterine tone, painful training contractions and vaginal discharge. You need to immediately call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a hospital; this could be the onset of premature labor or problems with the placenta. The situation is especially serious if there is spotting, bloody discharge from the vagina, and if there is dark cherry or scarlet blood, you need to immediately go to the hospital - placental abruption begins, a fatal complication if help is not provided immediately.

In addition, many discomfort manifestations may be disturbing - many of them require changes in regimen, nutrition, or consultation with a doctor, or even hospital treatment. One of the common complications is edema, which mainly forms on the extremities and can be the beginning of pregnancy nephropathy or gestosis. Particularly dangerous is severe swelling right in the morning, spreading to the face and body, and combined with protein in the urine and increased blood pressure. Immediately to the hospital for preservation and a decision on further management of the pregnancy.

A large uterus puts pressure on the abdominal organs and causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms and sensations, such as nausea, especially with large meals, rare meals or for no reason. This occurs due to the uterus pressing on the walls of the stomach. This is why heartburn can occur, with the acidic contents of the stomach refluxing into the esophagus. You can reduce such sensations if you eat often and in small portions, immediately after eating, stay in an upright or semi-lying position, and rest after eating for at least an hour without bending over. If you are at home, taking the knee-elbow position for 10-15 minutes and relieving the pressure of the uterus on the intestines will help relieve the condition. In this position, the internal organs receive more blood, and food passes through the stomach and into the intestines. With a heavy meal, vomiting may also occur, if it is one-time and without fever or diarrhea, you don’t have to worry too much and reconsider your diet, and if you have the described symptoms, consult a doctor immediately; food poisoning in pregnant women is extremely dangerous.

It is worth monitoring the discharge during this period. Due to changes in hormonal levels, there may be some increase in discharge - it is transparent or slightly whitish, without odor or pathological impurities. Increased discharge, clear as water, with constant wetness of the laundry is a sign of possible leakage of amniotic fluid. It is worth purchasing a test pad for water leakage at a pharmacy or visiting a doctor. If there is leakage of water, hospitalization is immediately necessary and a decision on how to manage the pregnancy further is necessary. Everything with bloody discharge is no less serious, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Also dangerous is discharge with an odor, green, gray, yellowish or any other color, with admixtures of mucus, pus or bubbles. These are signs of genital tract infections that can threaten the baby and pregnancy and require immediate treatment.

Due to the pressure of the uterus, urination increases, which requires frequent trips to the toilet, as well as an increase in such a delicate problem as constipation. It is important to monitor the amount of fluid and fiber in your diet, and move more to make it easier for your intestines to work. Shortness of breath may also be painful when climbing stairs or actively walking due to the uterus compressing the diaphragm and increasing breathing, which has become shallow. Possible bleeding gums, severe sweating, sensations of heat and stuffiness in the room, stuffy ears and nose, numbness of the extremities, especially fingers, increased growth of body hair.

Appointments with the doctor at 8 months

This month you visit the doctor twice, having previously taken general blood and urine tests. At each appointment, the doctor:

  • conducts a survey assessing your well-being;
  • makes an examination for obvious and hidden edema (to avoid the development of such an unfavorable condition as gestosis);
  • measures your weight, blood pressure and pulse, abdominal circumference and fundal height of the uterus;
  • listens to the fetal heartbeat and also determines its position in the uterus.

If this did not happen in the previous month, the doctor can now perform a gynecological examination to examine the condition of the cervix and determine the presentation of the fetus, as well as take tests for flora and infections. At 32–34 weeks you will undergo third trimester screening. It will include: CTG (cardiotocography) and ultrasound (ultrasound) of the fetus, as well as Doppler.

  • CTG is a method of ultrasound examination of fetal cardiac activity, recording the frequency and nature of the heartbeat at rest, movement and during uterine contractions. CTG allows us to identify cases of oxygen starvation (hypoxia), which require observation, and sometimes pharmacological and other medical support. The results of this procedure are not considered as a basis for any medical recommendations in isolation from the data of other studies performed at this time - ultrasound and Doppler.
  • The purpose of ultrasound in the third trimester is to determine the degree of maturity and location of the placenta in the uterus, the amount and condition of amniotic fluid, fetal development, its size and presentation, and the position of the umbilical cord.
  • This month's ultrasound will be accompanied by Doppler ultrasound - an ultrasound examination of blood flow, which is aimed at studying the state of the fetal circulatory system and the vessels of the umbilical cord and placenta.

Based on the results of the third screening, predictions are made regarding the timing and methods of delivery. Some conditions that may be detected during examinations are considered not very favorable for natural delivery, such as placenta previa or breech presentation.

Fears before childbirth

One of the fears at the end of pregnancy is about the position of the baby in the uterus. What unpleasant sensations may worry you now? Heartburn may occur, this is due to the displacement of some internal organs, which creates difficulties for the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. You can help yourself by drinking a little warm milk, or taking a reclining position after eating. Just do not use soda and other similar medications. In the eighth month of pregnancy, you may experience difficulty breathing, especially if it occurs during the hottest period of the year. You need to master special diaphragmatic breathing and spend more time in the fresh air. Do not eat a lot at once, it is better to eat more often and in small portions. A fear at the end of pregnancy may be the question of the position of the baby in the uterus! If a breech or transverse presentation is established, then you will undoubtedly be concerned about whether the baby will have time to turn over before birth. Most babies are positioned in the uterus in a cephalic position, but some babies can lie in a variety of ways. But everything can change literally a week before giving birth. Soon you will feel that breathing has become much easier. This is the first sign that birth is near! This usually happens at 37 weeks of pregnancy. The child descends, the head becomes in the pelvic bone. But, if this has not happened for you at 37 weeks, do not worry, sometimes the baby drops just before birth, and sometimes already during the birth process.

Breech presentation of the fetus

Breech presentation is not in itself an absolute contraindication for natural childbirth, but cephalic presentation is considered more convenient for both the mother, the child, and obstetricians.

By the 32nd week, most babies are already in the correct position in the uterus - upside down (cephalic presentation of the fetus), but in about 5% of them there is a breech presentation, the varieties of which are breech (from half to two thirds of all cases), foot and mixed position.

  • A doctor can determine breech presentation by palpating the abdomen (based on the higher position of the uterine fundus, which is recorded at each doctor’s visit) and vaginal examination. An ultrasound will leave no doubt about the correctness of the obstetrician-gynecologist’s conclusion.
  • The mother can sometimes guess on her own about the position in which the baby is lying: if the main pressure is felt in the area of ​​the ribs, regular kicks fall on the pubic area (with foot presentation), and heartbeat and hiccups are heard above the navel - these are signs that the baby positioned himself head up.
  • Breech presentation is more often observed in the case of first pregnancies, in mothers who themselves occupied a similar position in the mother's womb before their birth, with oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios, some structural features of the uterus, a narrow pelvis of a pregnant woman, and in a number of other cases.
  • The chances that the fetus will choose a head-down position, which is more favorable for birth, remain until the 38th week, and only in the rarest cases does the baby turn over just before birth.

If breech presentation is your case, you still have time to help your baby turn over.

For such situations, a method of external preventive inversion has been developed, which is performed by a highly qualified specialist and only in a hospital setting.

After consulting with your doctor, you can use other available remedies, which sometimes also help.

  • Legs on the wall exercise. Lie on the floor (on a bed if it has a hard mattress) next to the wall, put several pillows under your hips so that your pelvis is higher than your torso, and lift your legs onto the wall. Perform 2 times a day for 5–10 minutes if the baby shows intractability or returns to the previous position upside down.
  • Knee-elbow pose. A universal exercise for pregnant women: in addition to solving the problem we are talking about now, it is also useful for relieving tension from the back and for unloading the internal organs, which usually experience strong pressure from the growing uterus. Perform 2 times a day.
  • Lie alternately on your left and right sides for 5 to 10 minutes. 2 times a day, 3-4 changes of position.
  • Raise and lower the pelvis while lying on the floor, arms extended along the body, knees bent, feet resting on the floor. 10 reps.
  • Talk to the baby (aloud or mentally, it doesn’t matter), asking him to take a head-down position. Let him listen to music by placing headphones on his lower abdomen. Attract his attention with a flashlight, directing the light source down his stomach.

If none of your efforts lead to the expected result, all you have to do is accept the current state of affairs. After all, such a phenomenon as breech presentation is not a pathology, but a variant of the norm that has a strong physiological explanation: the fetus chooses for itself the position that is most acceptable for it in the conditions in which it develops.

When you decide to stop trying, praise yourself: you did everything you could, the rest is in the hands of nature. Natural childbirth with a breech presentation is possible - it is only important that it is carried out in a hospital setting and is attended by highly qualified personnel. Good luck to you!

Approximate daily routine: how a day goes at 8 months

An eight-month-old baby sleeps, spends more time awake, exploring the world around him, and spends less time sleeping every week. If we talk about the duration of sleep, then the general indicator of sleep rest for this age is within 15 hours. At night, the baby can sleep up to 10 hours, and in the daytime, in most cases, two sleeps of 1.5-2 hours remain.

An approximate daily routine for a child at 8 months might look like this:

1 feeding (breast milk/formula)
7:00Morning toilet, hygiene procedures
9:00Light gymnastics
10:002 feeding
10:30Staying awake, playing with mom
11:30Walk + first nap
13:303 feeding
14:00Staying awake, active games, reading
15:00Walk + second nap
17:304 feeding
18:30Period of wakefulness, quiet games
21:005 feeding (breast milk/formula)
Hygiene procedures, preparation for night sleep
Night timeBreastfed babies are latched to the breast 3-5 times;
bottle-fed babies sleep all night and do not wake up to feed.

Pediatricians recommend taking your baby for walks at least twice a day at the age of 8 months. It is better if the first walk falls in the morning (from 11 am to 1 pm), and the second nap is in the afternoon (at 3-6 pm). Some babies continue to sleep in the stroller during walks. But many children no longer sleep the entire time they are outside, preferring to look at everything around them.

How to go on maternity leave

It's time to think about when you should go on maternity leave if you didn't do so at the end of the previous month.

  • Maternity leave is maternity leave issued to all working mothers for a period of at least 70 calendar days before and 70 days after childbirth (140 days in total).
  • The leave period increases to 84 and 110 days, respectively, in the case of multiple pregnancies (194 days in total) and to 86 days after birth in the case of a cesarean section (156 days in total).

Some women, whose work is not associated with hazardous work and difficult working conditions, are interested in whether it is possible to take maternity leave later than the due date. Yes it is possible. The main thing is that there are no medical indications against this. Listen to yourself, talk to your doctor, family and decide how to spend the last weeks before the baby is born. After all, maternity leave is the time given to you to calmly prepare for childbirth, thoughts about which have already firmly settled in the head of the expectant mother.

Mom's diet and weight

During this period, nutrition is not much different from that in previous months; you need a sufficient amount of protein and vitamins with minerals, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. Through proper nutrition, you can maintain a stable weight, avoiding the deposition of excess fat reserves. It is worth giving up eating foods such as fast food, large amounts of sweets and light carbohydrates, fatty, spicy and salty foods, processed foods and much more. You need to eat very little, in small portions, but often. If you eat a large amount of food at once, heartburn and belching, nausea and even vomiting may occur; you should eat small meals and not overeat at night, refusing to eat two to three hours before bedtime. If you want to eat, light snacks of fruits or vegetables, fermented milk drinks and dishes are acceptable. It is not recommended to lie down immediately after eating; you should walk or sit to prevent stomach contents from refluxing into the esophagus and heartburn from developing. It is important to limit the intake of salt and sugar; it tends to retain water in the body. For drinking, you should use non-carbonated drinking or mineral water, herbal teas or infusions, and fruit drinks. You should drink according to thirst, without greatly limiting yourself in drinking, since swelling is almost not related to the amount of fluid you drink, but is related to hormones and metabolism.


During this period, sex is permissible with the consent of the doctor; there is no clear prohibition or permission - everything should proceed from the state of pregnancy and her well-being and desires. If there is no threat of premature birth and the placenta is located normally, there are no prohibitions if there is a desire. But it is worth limiting the intensity of intimacy, choosing optimal positions and abandoning hard forms of sex. When having sex, you should use a condom to avoid infection in the cervical area, and also monitor your well-being after sexual intercourse. Orgasm during intimacy does not affect the child in any way, and positive emotions from sex will only benefit the baby.

Getting knowledge about childbirth

Even if you manage to remain calm in anticipation of upcoming events, it makes sense to study materials on this topic. Signs of the onset of labor and what to do when it appears, stages of labor and behavior during contractions, proper breathing and relaxation techniques - knowledge of these and other key points will significantly reduce the number of fears and the overall level of stress.

  • It is important to know that anxiety and stress can affect the speed of labor and the intensity of pain, and it is much better when the woman is in a more relaxed state. It is known that under stress, the muscles of the body are less supplied with oxygen and, as a result, become less elastic and pliable to signals coming from the brain.
  • Therefore, in classes to prepare for childbirth, much attention is paid to breathing and relaxation techniques.

If you decide not to take a long introductory course for pregnant women, be sure to attend classes that talk in detail about the physiology and psychology of childbirth - after all, there is not much time left for them now.

Let's see what progress your baby has made in his development.

Belly at 8 months pregnant

By the 8th month of pregnancy, you could have gained up to 8-12 kg. Your belly has, of course, increased significantly in size. How much? There are no average standards here, everything is very individual and depends on the number of fetuses, the number of births in the past, the characteristics of the woman’s figure, diet and how gestation proceeds.

The size of the abdomen is affected by pathologies such as oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios. They can be suspected based on measurements of the pregnant woman’s waist and pelvis; the diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound.

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